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Note: Page numbers followed by f, or t, indicate materials in figures, or tables, respectively.


AAFS. See American Academy of Forensic Sciences

ABA. See American Bar Association

abuse and neglect, 152

ACA. See Affordable Care Act of 2010

acceptable use case study, 380382

acceptable use policy (AUP), 368372, 402

acceptance, 287, 289291, 297298

access contingency plans, 164

access control standard, 166167

access to education record, 130131

AccessData Certified Examiner (ACE), 425

accidental threats, 12

accountability principle, 44

ACE. See AccessData Certified Examiner

ACPA. See Anti-Cybersquatting Consumer Protection Act

Act of Congress, defined, 67

active data collection, 57

acts of God, 12

actus reus, 320

administrative procedure, 77

Administrative Procedures Act (APA), 208

administrative safeguards, 15, 17t, 162164, 165t

Administrative Simplification provisions, 145

admissible evidence, 426, 439442

advertising for service contracts, 307

adware, 45

affidavit, 264

affiliated party, 99

Affordable Care Act of 2010 (ACA), 145

agency information security programs, 204206

AICPA. See American Institute of Certified Public Accountants

Alabama Court of Appeals, 259

A-I-C triad, 354

ALE. See annualized loss expectancy

algorithms, 232, 430

ALI. See American Law Institute

A&M Records, Inc. v. Napster, 279

amendment of education records, 131

American Academy of Forensic Sciences (AAFS), 431

American Bar Association (ABA), 304, 425

American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA), 190

American Law Institute (ALI), 286

American legal system, 6472, 74

Analyst Conflicts of Interest (Title V), 182

annual notification, 130

annual rate of occurrence (ARO), 398

annualized loss expectancy (ALE), 398

answer, 338

Anti-Cybersquatting Consumer Protection Act (ACPA), 267, 332

anti-harassment policies, 372373, 380

antivirus programs, 422

APA. See Administrative Procedures Act

appeal, 70

appellate jurisdiction, 68, 69

appropriation of likeness or identity tort, 42

architectural works, 268

Arizona law, 238

ARO. See annual rate of occurrence

arraignment, 324

assets, 392394

assigned security responsibility standard, 163

Assumption of Risk defense, 337

attackers, 8, 13, 404

attendance, 129

audit, 8081

audit committee, 195

audit controls standard, 167

Auditor Independence (Title II), 182

AUP. See acceptable use policy

authentication, 377379

authenticity, 300301

authorization, 154155

Authors Guild, 280

Autoliv, 380382

availability, 5, 810


backdoors, 22

backup site options, 411

bad faith, 266, 267

balance, 354

balance sheet, 180

bank examiner, 95

Bank Secrecy Act of 1970, 89

baseline, 310, 361

BC. See business continuity plans

behavioral notes, 130

bench trials, 339

Berne Convention, 271

best evidence rule, 442

beyond a reasonable doubt, 76

BIA. See business impact analysis

Bill of Rights, 65, 118

biometric data, 34

BIS. See Bureau of Industry and Security

blog, 33

board of directors (BOD), 356357, 360, 365, 366

BOD. See board of directors

boilerplate terms, 307

breach activities, 230

breach notification, 232

breach notification laws, 217, 226, 230234

breach notification policy, 217

breach notification provisions, 160161

breach notification regulations, 227234

breach of contract, 292294

Brown v. Board of Education (1954), 78, 79

browsewrap contracts, 305306

burden-of-proof hierarchy, 77f

burdens of proof, 76, 258

Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS), 219

business associate contracts standard, 164

business associates, 147

business associate’s agreement, 307

business continuity (BC) plans, 205, 388, 407412, 412f

business impact analysis (BIA), 409

business personnel, 391

business planning hierarchy, 355f


Cable Communications Policy Act (1984), 40

California Breach Notification Act, 228230

California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), 238

California law, 230, 232, 238239

California Office of Privacy Protection, 41

Cambridge Analytica, 51

capacity online, legal, 297

cardholder data, 107

case law, 38, 73. See also common law

causation, 320

CCE. See Certified Computer Examiner

CCFE. See Certified Computer Forensics Examiner

CCL. See Commerce Control List

CCPA. See California Consumer Privacy Act

CCPA. See California Consumer Privacy Act

censorship, 118

Census Confidentiality law (1952), 3940

central incident response center, 211212

certification under SOX, 187191

Certified Computer Examiner (CCE), 424

Certified Computer Forensics Examiner (CCFE), 424

Certified Forensic Computer Examiner (CFCE), 424

certified public accountants (CPAs), 184

CFAA. See Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA) in 1984

CFCE. See Certified Forensic Computer Examiner

CFPB. See Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

chain of custody, 427

chattels, 344345

checklist test, 413

checksum, 430

C-I-A triad, 5, 5f, 354, 354f

chief information officer (CIO), 357

chief information security officer (CISO), 206, 357

chief technology officer (CTO), 357

Child Online Protection Act (COPA), 120

child privacy, 119

children on the Internet, 116119

Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA), 27t, 115, 124128

Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), 27t, 115, 119124, 297

ChoicePoint data breach, 226227

choreographic works, 268

CIO. See chief information officer

CIPA. See Children’s Internet Protection Act

circuit court, 136

“Circumvention of Technological Protection Measures”, 275

CISO. See chief information security officer

City of Ontario v. Quon, 56

civil law, 238

civil procedure, 75, 338339

claim, 257

clickstream, 4546

clickwrap contracts, 303305

cloud computing, 308309, 308f

CNSS. See Committee on National Security Systems

COBIT. See Control Objectives for Information and related Technology

COBRA. See Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1986

code analysis, 422

code law, 74

Code of Federal Regulations, 218

cold site, 411

collection limitation principle, 43

collection step of investigation, 427429

Colorado law, 232

Commerce Control List (CCL), 219

commerce, use of trademark in, 262

Commission Resources and Authority (Title VI), 182

Committee of Sponsoring Organizations (COSO), 188190

Committee on National Security Systems (CNSS), 213

common law, 4143, 73

communicable diseases, vital statistics and, 151152

communication, information and, 189

communications constitute, 290

Communications Decency Act (1996), 342

communications laws, interception of, 330

comparative negligence defense, 337

compensatory damages, 293, 337

competitive edge, 25

complaint, 338

complete performance, 292

compliance, 8081, 366, 414, 414t

compliance risks, 14

composition of matter, 253

computer crimes. See cyber crimes

computer forensic examiner, 423425

computer forensics, 420422, 422f

Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA) in 1984, 326327, 328t

computer-generated records, 439

Computer Maintenance Competition Assurance Act, 274, 277

Computer Security Act (CSA), 194, 203

computer systems, 421

computer trespass, 318, 329

computer use monitoring, 5455

computer worm, 21

concurrent jurisdiction, 68, 69

conduit defense, 276

conference committee, 66

confidential documents as confetti, 244

confidentiality, 57

conflicts of interest, 195, 392

congress, 65

Congressional Research Service, 235

consent, 433

consent exception, 437

consequential damages, 293

consideration, 291292

Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1986 (COBRA), 144

constitutional law, 3638, 74

consumer, 98

consumer compliance task force, 95

consumer financial information, 87, 90

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), 96

consumer goods, 90

consumer services, 90

content filtering, 125126

contingency planning, 164, 388, 401414, 414t

continuity of operations, 205

continuous monitoring, 390, 401

contract form, 286287

contract law issues, emerging, 307311

contract legality, 288

contract of adhesion, 301

contract repudiation, 294

contract types in cyberspace, 301306

contracting online, 295297

contracting parties, 307

contracting principles, 286294

contracts, 2324, 286, 310, 311

contracts as regulators of behavior, 306307

contracts, role of, 285313

contractual capacity, 287

contractual performance, 292294

contributory negligence defense, 337

control activities, 189

control documentation, 398400

control environment, 189

Control Objectives for Information and related Technology (COBIT), 192

Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Pornography and Marketing (CAN-SPAM) Act, 330331, 346

controls, 15

cookies, 4560

COPA. See Child Online Protection Act

COPPA. See Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act

COPPA Rule, 119121, 123, 124

copyright, 251, 268274

Corporate and Criminal Fraud Accountability (Title VIII), 182

Corporate Fraud and Accountability (Title XI), 182

corporate fraud at Enron, 176179

corporate information privacy issues, 195196

corporate responsibility (Title III), 182

Corporate Tax Returns (Title X), 182

corrective safeguards, 17

COSO. See Committee of Sponsoring Organizations

COSO Framework, 188190

counteroffers, 289

county recorder’s office, 236, 237

court of appeals, 69, 71

“court of last resort”, 69

covered accounts, 103

covered entities, 145146, 147

CPAs. See certified public accountants

credit unions, 93

creditor, 103104

crime reporting, 415

crimes, 319321

criminal history data, 34

criminal law, 238, 318325

criminal laws in cyberspace, 326334

criminal procedure, 7677, 323325

critical business processes, 409, 410

criticism for service contracts, 307

cryptographic key management practices, 242

cryptography, 5

CSA. See Computer Security Act

CTO. See chief technology officer

customer, distinct from consumer, 98

CVS pharmacies, 169

Cyber Monday, 374

cybercrimes, 318, 326, 333334

CyberScope, 206

cyberspace, contracts types in, 301306

cybersquatting, 266267, 332

cyberwar, 203


damages, 292293, 337

data breach law, 217

data centers, 23

data definition and use, 310

data destruction policies, 374375

data disposal regulations, 242244

data privacy, 214

data protection standard, 239241

data protection terms, 310311

data quality principle, 43

data recovery, 411

data recovery firms, 421

data retention policies, 375376

Data Security Standard (DSS), 107108, 109t, 234236

data-specific security and privacy regulations, 234239

data storage devices, 242

data use, 306

Daubert test, 430431

DDoS. See distributed denial of service attack

Deal v. Spears (1992), 53

deceptive trade practices, 96

decision tree, breach notification, 234f

defamation, 42, 341342, 346347

defendant, 324, 337339

deliberate threats, 13

denial of service (DoS) attack, 9, 2223

denial of service (DoS) category, 405

Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), 147, 151, 167, 170

depositor, 92

derivative work, 269

descriptive trademarks, 264

design patents, 253

detective controls, 17

device and media controls standard, 166

dictionary attacks, 378

digital collections, 280

digital evidence, 421, 425431

Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), 274278

digital rights management (DRM), 274

digital signature, 301

Digital Wild West, 250

digitized signature, 301

dilution case, trademark, 266

directory information, 132

disaster, 407

disaster recovery (DR) plans, 388, 407412, 412f

discharged, 292

disciplinary records, 135136

disclosure, 132133, 148, 154155

disclosure controls, 187, 188f

disclosure of education records, 131132

discovery, 152, 325

distinctive trademark, 261, 264

distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack, 22

district courts, 69

diversity of citizenship jurisdiction, 69

dividends, 177

DMCA. See Digital Millennium Copyright Act

docket, 35

doctrine of precedent, 78

document retention under SOX, 185187

documentation of controls, 398400

domain name registrars, 267

DoS. See denial of service attack

DoS. See denial of service category

Dow Chemical Co., 373

DR. See disaster recovery plans

dramatic works, 268

drawings for patent, 256

Driver’s Privacy Protection Act (1994), 40

DRM. See digital rights management

DSS. See Data Security Standard

due process, 75, 323

dumpster diving, 49

duty of due care, 335

duty to mitigate, 293


ECPA. See Electronic Communications Privacy Act 1986

ED. See U.S. Department of Education

EDGAR. See Electronic Data Gathering and Retrieval database

education records, 129, 130132

educational purposes, fair use for, 273

E-Government Act of 2002, 39, 215217

EHR. See electronic health record

Electronic Communications Privacy Act 1986 (ECPA), 39, 330, 432, 436

electronic contracts, 295, 296

electronic data, 340

electronic data collection, 435439

Electronic Data Gathering and Retrieval (EDGAR) database, 196197

electronic discovery, 340

electronic health record (EHR), 156, 161

electronic protected health information (EPHI), 161

electronic record, 296

electronic signature, 301

Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce (E-SIGN) Act, 296

electronically stored information (ESI), 340

email communications, 298

email monitoring, 5354

email via contract formation, 312313

employee environment support, 411

employee privacy rights, 5657

employee training, 390, 401

employee’s personal computer, monitoring, 55

EnCase Certified Examiner (EnCE), 424

EnCE. See EnCase Certified Examiner

encryption, 6

encryption keys, 232, 241, 242, 428429

encryption regulations (states), 239242

encryption requirements, 232, 241

end user license agreement (EULA), 302

enforcement, 300

Enhanced Financial Disclosures (Title IV), 182

Enron, 176179

Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB), 117

E-passport, 47

EPHI. See electronic protected health information

equitable remedy, 293

E-Rate program, 125

ESI. See electronically stored information

ESRB. See Entertainment Software Rating Board

E.U. See The European Union’s

EULA. See end user license agreement

The European Union’s (E.U.), 59

evaluation standard, 164

evidence collection, 432439

evidence silver platter doctrine, 433

examination of a bank, 95

examination step of investigation, 429430

examiner education task force, 95

exculpatory evidence, 439

executive branch, 67

executive management, 392, 398, 401

Executive Order, 212

exigent circumstances, 435

existence, 300

exploits, 11

export control laws, 218219

export control regulations, types of, 218

exposure factor, 395

external attackers, 8


Facebook, 23, 299, 342

facilities recovery, 410

facility access controls standard, 164

FACTA. See Fair and Accurate Credit Transaction Act of 2003

failure to notify penalties, 232233

Fair and Accurate Credit Transaction Act of 2003 (FACTA), 103

Fair Credit Reporting Act of 1970 (FCRA), 99

fair information practice principles, 43

fair use, 272274

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), 27t, 115, 128134

Family Policy Compliance Office (FPCO), 133

FCC. See Federal Communications Commission

FCRA. See Fair Credit Reporting Act of 1970

FDIC. See Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

federal agencies, 79, 80, 90

federal agency employee, 215

federal and state judicial systems, comparison of, 72t

federal banking regulatory agencies, 91t

federal breach notification law, 217, 234

federal circuit, 69

Federal Communications Commission (FCC), 48, 126, 128

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), 91t, 92

Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC), 95

federal funding, 128129

federal government, 6470, 358359

Federal incident response (IR) center, 212

Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS), 207, 242

Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA), 194, 358, 380

Federal Information Security Modernization Act (FISMA), 204213, 391

federal information systems, 214219

Federal Information Systems Management Act, 27t, 414t

federal information technology (IT) systems, 202

federal judiciary, 6870

federal laws, 3840, 234

federal legislation, 235

federal question jurisdiction, 69

federal registration symbol, 261

Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure, 76

Federal Rules of Evidence (FRE), 439

Federal Trade Commission (FTC), 51, 80, 9697, 102, 109110, 116, 119, 124, 135, 169170, 227, 297, 329, 346

Federal Trade Commission Red Flags Rule, 103106, 106t

federalism, 65

fees for service contracts, 306

felonies, 319

FERPA. See Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act

FFIEC. See Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council

Fifth Amendment (U.S. Constitution), 37

filing fees for patent, 256

financial information, 34

financial institutions, 8897

financial reporting, 179181

financial risks, 14

FIPS. See Federal Information Processing Standards

First Amendment (U.S. Constitution), 36, 118

first-party cookies, 45

“first to invent” rule, 252

FISMA. See Federal Information Security Management Act

FISMA. See Federal Information Security Modernization Act

flaming, 341

FOIA. See Freedom of Information Act 1966

forensic duplicate image, 429430

forensic examination ethical principles, 431

Forensic Toolkit, 424

forensics, 421

Form 8-K, 180181

Form 10-K, 180

Form 10-Q, 180

form contracts, 286287

form of acceptance, 289291

form of offer, 288289, 297299

Fourth Amendment (U.S. Constitution), 37, 432435

FPCO. See Family Policy Compliance Office

FRE. See Federal Rules of Evidence

Free Enterprise Fund, 186

Freedom of Information Act 1966 (FOIA), 35, 38

fruit of the poisonous tree doctrine, 439

FTC. See Federal Trade Commission

full interruption test, 414

futures contract, 178


GAAP. See generally accepted accounting principles

GAIT. See “Guide to the Assessment of IT Risk”

GAO. See Government Accountability Office

GAO high-risk web site, 359

Gartner, Inc., 309

GCFA. See GIAC Certified Forensic Analyst

GDPR. See General Data Protection Regulation

GDPR. See General Data Protection Regulation

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), 59

generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP), 178, 185

Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008, 145

genetic testing, 145

GIAC. See Global Information Assurance Certification

GIAC Certified Forensic Analyst (GCFA), 424

Gideon v. Wainwright (1963), 325

GIF. See Graphics Interchange Format

GLBA. See Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act

GLBA. See Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act Safeguards Rule

Global Information Assurance Certification (GIAC), 336

global positioning system (GPS) technology, 4849

good faith, 262

Government Accountability Office (GAO), 359

GPS. See global positioning system technology

Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA), 26, 27t, 97103, 196, 231, 307, 376, 414t

Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA) Safeguards Rule, 240, 243

grand jury, 324

Graphics Interchange Format (GIF), 46

Griswold v. Connecticut (1965), 37

group health plans, 143, 146

“Guide to the Assessment of IT Risk” (GAIT), 190, 192193

guidelines, 362363


Hammer v. (2005), 341

harassment, 344, 372373

harmful content, 118

hash, 430

HathiTrust, 280

health information, 34, 141143

Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act (HITECH), 144, 147, 156

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), 26, 27t, 143170, 196, 217, 231, 307, 375, 414t

health plan, 146

healthcare, 140141, 145, 147

healthcare operations, 149150

healthcare provider, 146

hearsay rule, 441

HHS. See Department of Health and Human Services

high-impact system controls, 211t

high-level policies, 360

high security category, 210

HIPAA. See Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act

Hippocratic Oath, 141

HITECH. See Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act

hot site, 411

human resources personnel, 392

human threats, 12

hung jury, 325


IACIS. See International Association of Computer Investigative Specialists

ICANN. See Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers

ICFR. See internal controls over financial reporting

identification number, 34

identification of children, 117

identity theft, 49, 81, 87, 329

Identity Theft Prevention Program, 104

IEC. See International Electrotechnical Commission

IFRS. See International Financial Reporting Standards

IG. See inspector general

IIED. See intentional infliction of emotional distress

illegal contract, 288

“I Love You” worm, 369

IM. See instant messaging

implementation specifications, 162168

import control laws, 218219

improper use category, 405

inadmissible evidence, 426

inadvertent disclosures, 158

incident, 211212, 402, 403

incident handlers, 404

incident reporter, 404

incident response (IR), 205, 388, 402407, 407f

incidental disclosures, 158

incomplete performance, 292

inculpatory evidence, 439

independent directors, 195

Indiana law, 232

indictment, 324

individual participation principle, 44

individual rights under the Privacy Rule, 155156

industry sector, 23

information, 5, 324

information access management standard, 163

information needs, 355356

information security, 327, 35, 8182

information security governance (ISG), 353382, 358t

information security governance (ISG) documents, 359367

information security management (ISM), 357, 358t

information security managers, 392

information security policies, 363380

information security professionals, 183

information security program, 101, 240

information security terms, contracts, 309311

information sharing, 50

information sharing task force, 95

information theft, 329330

informed consent, 154

infringement of copyright, 271272, 276277

infringement of patent, 257258

infringement of trademarks, 265266

initial hearing, 324

injunction, 45

inspector general (IG), 206, 207

Inspector General Act of 1978, 207

instant messaging (IM), 298

integrity, 5, 78

integrity controls standard, 167

intellectual property (IP), 250251, 377

intentional infliction of emotional distress (IIED), 343344

intentional torts, 337338

interception of communications laws, 330

internal attackers, 13

internal controls over financial reporting (ICFR), 188, 190

internal controls under SOX, 188191, 188f, 190t

International Association of Computer Investigative Specialists (IACIS), 423

International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), 18, 193194, 358

International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), 185

International Information Systems Security Certification Consortium (ISC), 2, 336

International Organization for Standardization (ISO), 18, 193194, 358

International Organization on Computer Evidence (IOCE), 423, 431

international patents, 255

international privacy laws, 59

International Traffic in Arms Regulation (ITAR), 218

Internet browsers, 46

Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), 267

Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3), 326

Internet defamation, 341

Internet e-commerce, 261

Internet of Things (IoT), 250

Internet safety policy, 127

Internet Service Provider Liability for Torts, 342343

Internet service providers (ISPs), 33, 126, 274, 276, 343, 436

Interstate Communications Act, 333

Interstate Stalking and Prevention Act, 333

intoxicated person, 288

intrusion, 329

inventions, 253256, 260

inventory search, 435

investigation category, 405

investigative process, 426431

IOCE. See International Organization on Computer Evidence

IoT. See Internet of Things

IP. See intellectual property

IP interest, 251

IR. See Federal incident response center

IR. See incident response

ISC. See International Information Systems Security Certification Consortium

ISG. See information security governance

ISG. See information security governance documents

ISM. See information security management

ISO. See International Organization for Standardization

ISPs. See Internet service providers

IT. See federal information technology systems

IT operations, 411

IT personnel, 392

ITAR. See International Traffic in Arms Regulation


job lock, 143

judicial branch, 67

judicial review, 70

jurisdiction, 67, 295, 321323


Katz v. United States (1967), 37

keys, 242

keystroke loggers, 21, 45

Kundra, Vivek, 202


landmark court decision, 78

Lanham Act, 261

law enforcement, 229

laws, 23, 27t, 7377, 414t

least privilege, 16

legal capacity online, 297

legal duties, 23

legal entities, 251

legal ownership, 250251

legal requirements, contract, 311

legalese vs. plain language, 364

legislative branch, 6567

legislative history, 237

libel, 341

Library of Congress, 275

license, 269, 302

likelihood, 394398. See also exposure factor

limited data set, 153154

limited jurisdiction, 68

liquidated damages, 293

literary works, 268

loathsome diseases, 342

Locard’s exchange principle, 423

logic bombs, 2122

logical safeguards. See technical safeguards

“long arm jurisdiction” tests, 343

“Love Bug” worm, 369

low-impact system controls, 211t

low security category, 210


machine, 252

machine-readable privacy policy, 216217

Mail Privacy Statute (1971), 40

mailbox rule, 290

Mala in se, 319

Mala prohibita, 319

malicious code category, 405

malicious information security acts, 332333

malware, 2021, 369

mantrap, 16, 16f

manufactured products, 252253

MAO. See maximum acceptable outage

Massachusetts data protection laws, 239241

material change, 159

material term, 290

maximum acceptable outage (MAO), 410

maximum tolerable downtime (MTD), 410

media analysis, 422

medical identity theft, 140141

meeting of the minds, 291

Melissa virus, 333

mens rea, 320

merchant, 107108

methodology, 192193

MIB Group, Inc., 142

military uses, 420

Miller test, 119

minimum necessary rule, 155

Minnesota Credit Union Network, 236

Minnesota law, 235

Minnesota Plastic Card Security Act, 236

minor child, 148

mirror image rule, 289

mirrored site, 411

misdemeanors, 319

mobile devices, 370, 422

Model Privacy Notice Form, 100101f

moderate-impact controls, 211t

moderate security category, 210

monitoring, 189, 390

Morris worm, 20, 21, 326, 333

motion picture and audiovisual works, 268

MTD. See maximum tolerable downtime

musical works, 268

mutual agreement, 291

MyDoom computer worm, 22


NASA v. Nelson (2011), 38

National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws (NCCUSL), 286, 296

National Credit Union Administration (NCUA), 91t, 9394

National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund (NCUSIF), 93

National Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Center (NCCIC), 212

National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), 18, 25, 194, 204, 207211, 213, 242, 380

National Institutes of Health (NIH), 202

national security information, 2526

national security systems (NSSs), 204, 212213

National Vulnerability Database (NVD), 13

natural threats, 12

NCCIC. See National Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Center

NCCUSL. See National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws

NCUA. See National Credit Union Administration

NCUSIF. See National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund

Nebraska, 71

need to know, 15

negligence torts, 335337

negotiation process, 289

network analysis, 422

network banner, 437

networking equipment, 421

Nevada law, 236, 237, 241242

New York Court of Appeals, 71

New York law, 244

New York State data disposal law, 243244

NIH. See National Institutes of Health

NIST. See National Institute of Standards and Technology

nolo contendere, 324

nominal damages, 293

non-breaching parties, 293

nonaffiliated party, 99

nonprofit organization, 195

nonpublic personal information (NPI), 9798

nonrepudiation, 294, 300301

“notice and takedown” letter, 277

Notice of Privacy Practices, 159

NPI. See nonpublic personal information

NSSs. See national security systems

NVD. See National Vulnerability Database


oath for patent, 256

Obama, Barack, 201

objection, 441

obscene material, 118

obscenity, 118119

OCC. See Office of the Comptroller of the Currency

OCR. See Office for Civil Rights

OCTAVE. See Operationally Critical Threat, Asset, and Vulnerability Evaluation

OECD. See Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development

OFAC. See Office of Foreign Assets Control

off-duty computer monitoring, 55

offer, 288289

offeree, 288291

offeror, 288

Office for Civil Rights (OCR), 168, 169

Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC), 219

Office of Management and Budget (OMB), 204, 206, 210, 213

Office of Personnel Management (OPM), 219220

Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), 91t, 94

Official Gazette, 263

Ohio law, 230

Ohio Public Records Act, 135

OMB. See Office of Management and Budget

omission, 335

online bank websites, 90

online contracts, 295297

Online Copyright Infringement Liability Limitation Act, 274, 276277

online data gathering, 51

online profiling, 46

online service provider (OSP), 276

openness principle, 44

operational incident response team, 404

operational planning, 355

operational risks, 14

Operationally Critical Threat, Asset, and Vulnerability Evaluation (OCTAVE), 399

operator contact information, 121

OPM. See Office of Personnel Management

opt-out, 99, 150

Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), 43

organizational governance, 24

organizations uses, 420421

original jurisdiction, 68

OSP. See online service provider

outsourcing, 2324

oversight, 191192

ownership, legal, 250251


Palsgraf v. Long Island Railroad (1928), 336

pantomimes, 268

parallel test, 413

parental consent, 117, 122123

parental controls, 117

parental rights, 122

Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property (1883), 255

passive data collection, 58

passwords, 15, 377379, 428429

patch, 10

Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT), 255

patent prosecution, 256

patent troll, 257

patentable, 253, 256f

patents, 252259

patient information directory, 150

payment, 117, 149150

Payment Card Industry (PCI), 234236

Payment Card Industry (PCI) Standards, 27t, 106109, 109t, 414t

payment in arrears, 104

Payne v. Tennessee (1991), 78

PCAOB. See Public Company Accounting Oversight Board

PCI. See Payment Card Industry

PCI. See Payment Card Industry Standards

PCT. See Patent Cooperation Treaty

Pen Register and Trap and Trace Statute, 330, 438439

pen register devices, 438

people-based privacy concerns, 4951

persistent data, 430

person, 251

personal health record (PHR), 161

personal identifying information, 243

personal information, 4, 227, 228232

personal jurisdiction, 321322

personal property interest, 251

personally identifiable information (PII), 39, 129, 131, 132, 133

person/entity authentication standard, 167

PHI. See protected health information

phishing, 2021, 49, 330331

PHR. See personal health record

physical and environmental threats, 12

physical safeguards, 16, 17t, 164166, 166t

PIAs. See privacy impact assessments

pictorial, graphic, and sculptural works, 268

PII. See personally identifiable information

piracy, 271

plain language vs. legalese, 364

plain view doctrine, 434

plaintiff, 334, 335, 336, 337338

plant patents, 253

Plant Variety Protection Act, 254

Plastic Card Security Act, 236

plea, 324

pleadings, 35

Plessy v. Ferguson (1896), 78

policies, 24, 360361

policy development process, 363367, 367f

poor man’s copyright, 270

pop-up advertisements, 45

portrayal in false light privacy tort, 42

potential loss, 394398

potential sources, 421

Powers Report, 179

PR. See public relations

precedent, 7879

preemption, 66

preexisting condition, 143, 144, 145

preponderance of evidence, 76

presentation step of investigation, 430431

preservation step of investigation, 426427

Pretexting Rule, 102103

preventive controls, safeguards, 17

primary handler, 404

“Principal Register”, 262, 264

prior art, 254

prior consideration, 292

privacy, 3235, 8182

Privacy Act (1974), 39, 214215

privacy concerns, 4951

privacy impact assessments (PIAs), 39, 216218

privacy law, 3644

privacy notices, 157

privacy policies laws, 58

privacy policy, 119, 121

privacy protection, information systems, 5759

Privacy Rule, 9899, 100f, 101f, 147161, 149, 150, 154155

privacy torts, 4243, 345

privacy violations, 345

private cause of action, 160, 233234

private entities, 432

privately held company, 177

pro se, 312

probative evidence, 440

ProCD Inc. v. Zeidenberg (1996), 304

procedural law, 75

procedures, 361362

process, 253, 260

productivity, 369, 374

profit and loss statement, 181

property interest, 250

prosecutor, 76, 324

prospectus, 182

protected health information (PHI), 147149, 150, 153154, 155156, 161

protective sweep exception, 435

provider exception, 437438

proxy servers, 125127

P3P, 216217

Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB), 182, 183185

public company vs. private company, 177

public disclosure of private facts privacy tort, 4243

public domain, 269

public employees, 56

public health, 162

public records and privacy, 35

public relations (PR), 415416

punitive damages, 293, 337

purpose specification principle, 43


qualitative risk analysis, 396, 399t

quantitative risk analysis, 398, 399t


RA. See risk assessment

Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), 47

ransomware, 21

real property interest, 251

realized risk, 390391

reasonable information security professional, 336

reasonable person standard, 42, 334

records, 185187, 214, 243, 439

recovery criticality, 409

Red Flags Rule, 27t, 81, 103106, 106t

regulatory authorities, 7980

regulatory requirements, 311, 356

remedial actions, 205

remedies for copyright, 271272

remedies for patent, 257258

remedies for trademark, 265266

remedy, 292

reports task force, 95

representations and warranties for service contracts, 307

repudiation, 294

reputational risks, 14

residual risk, 14

Restatement (Second) of the Law of Torts, 343

retaliation, 373

RFID. See Radio Frequency Identification

right to sue in federal court, 261

risk acceptance, 15, 400

risk analysis, 163

risk assessment (RA), 189, 205, 390400, 414t

risk avoidance, 14, 400

risk level matrix, 397t

risk level outcomes, 398t

risk management (RM), 356, 387, 389401, 390f

risk management framework (RMF), 208, 209f

risk mitigation, 14, 400

risk response, 390, 400

risk transfer, 15, 400

risks, 1415

RM. See risk management

RMF. See risk management framework

Robinson v. California (1962), 320


SaaS. See Software as a Service model

safe harbor, 229

safeguards, 1517, 17t, 162168

Safeguards Rule, 99102, 109110

sanctions, 373

SANS Institute, 360

Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX), 27t, 181192, 194195, 391, 414t

scans, probes, and attempted access category, 405

SDN. See specially designated nationals

seal program, 44

search, 432

search engine, 33

search incident to lawful arrest, 435

search warrants, 432435

SEC. See Securities and Exchange Commission

seclusion privacy tort, intrusion into, 41

Second. See Restatement (Second) of the Law of Torts

secondary handlers, 404

secondary meaning, 264

securities, 177

Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), 98, 177, 191192

security awareness and training standard, 163, 205, 379380, 401

security breaches, 4849

security category, 210

security controls, 205, 210

security failures, 356

security incident procedures standard, 163164

security management process standard, 163

security of social networking sites, 5051

security-related certification, 336

Security Rule, 159, 161168

security safeguards principle, 43

seizure, 433

self-representation, 325

separation of duties principle, 10, 407

service contracts, 306

service of process, 338

service provider, 102

service provider liability, 279

servicemark, 259

settlement agreement, 110

shoulder surfing, 6, 18, 49

shrinkwrap contracts, 303

silver platter doctrine, 433

simulation test, 413

single loss expectancy (SLE), 395

single point of failure, 9

slack space, 427

slander, 341

SLE. See single loss expectancy

small public company, 182

Smith v. Maryland (1979), 38

social engineering, 67, 19, 49. See also pretexting

social networking sites, 5051, 299

Social Security numbers (SSNs), 32, 34, 40, 49, 202, 206, 236238

Software as a Service (SaaS) model, 308

SORN. See system of records notice

sound recordings, 268

SOX. See Sarbanes-Oxley Act

spam, 330331

spear phishing, 20

special publications (SPs), 207

specially designated nationals (SDN), 219

specific performance, 293

specification for patent, 256

SPs. See special publications

spyware, 21, 4445

SSNs. See Social Security numbers

stakeholders, 365

standard transaction, 147

standards, 361

Stare decisis, 78

state breach notification acts, 27t

state government, 7072

state laws, 4041, 169, 329, 375, 376

Statute of Frauds, 287

statute of limitations, 313, 338

statutory damages, 272

statutory law. See code law

storage devices, 421

stored communication exception, 53

Strassheim v. Daily, 322

strategic planning, 355

strategic risks, 14

strict liability, 257

strict liability torts, 334

strong trademarks, 264

Strunk v. United States (1973), 325

student, 129

student records, 133

students data, state laws protecting, 134

Studies and Reports (Title VII), 182

subject matter jurisdiction, 321

subject matter law. See substantive law

subordinate plans, 205

substantial performance, 292

substantive criminal law, 319

substantive law, 75

sunshine laws, 35

supervision task force, 95

“Supplemental Register”, 262, 264

supplies recovery, 410

Supremacy Clause, 71

Supreme Court, 70

surveillance systems task force, 95

system of records notice (SORN), 215

system/service risks, 14


tabletop test, 413

tabletop walk-through test, 413

tactical planning, 355

target department store, 110111

targeted advertising, 46

targeted phishing scams, 20

technical safeguards, 1516, 17t, 166167, 167t

technically feasible standard, 240

technological and operational threats, 12

technology-based privacy concerns, 4448

technology protection measure (TPM), 125126, 128, 274275

telephone and voicemail monitoring, 5253

Telephone Harassment Act, 333

telephone monitoring, 5253

Tenth Amendment, 70

termination and breach of service contracts, 307

terms in contract, 307

terms of service agreement, 302

terms of use agreement, 302

testing and evaluation, agency’s information security program, 205

text messaging, 298

theft of information, 329330

Third Amendment (U.S. Constitution), 36

third-party, 122

third-party company, 126

third-party cookies, 45

thisisyourdigitallife, 51

threats, 1214, 392394, 394t

thrifts, 94

Title II. See Auditor Independence

Title III. See corporate responsibility

Title IV. See Enhanced Financial Disclosures

Title IX. See White-Collar Crime Penalty Enhancements

Title V. See Analyst Conflicts of Interest

Title VI. See Commission Resources and Authority

Title VII. See Studies and Reports

Title VIII. See Corporate and Criminal Fraud Accountability

Title X. See Corporate Tax Returns

Title XI. See Corporate Fraud and Accountability

TM symbol, 262

top-level domain, 266

tort, 41

tort law, 334339

tort law actions in cyberspace, 341345

tortfeasor, 334

tortious conduct, 334

tort of outrage. See intentional infliction of emotional distress

TPM. See technology protection measure

trade secret, 258259, 278279

trademark, 251, 259266

trademark registration, 261, 263264

traditional contracts, 295

training employees, 401

transitory communications safe harbor, 276

transmission security standard, 167

Transportation Security Administration (TSA), 7

trap and trace devices, 438

trap-door. See backdoors

treatment activities, 150

treble damages, 243

trespass torts, 344345

trespasser exception, 438

triage, 404

trial court objections, 441

Trojan horse, 21

TSA. See Transportation Security Administration

Twitter, 299


UCC. See Uniform Commercial Code

UDRP. See Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy

UETA. See Uniform Electronic Transactions Act

unauthorized access category, 405

unconscionable contracts, 288

unfair trade practices, 96

unicameral legislature, 71

Uniform Commercial Code (UCC), 286, 294

Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP), 267

Uniform Electronic Transactions Act (UETA), 295, 296, 300

uniform resource locator (URL), 266

United States v. Barrows (2007), 55

United States v. White (1971), 38

unreasonable government search and seizure, 432

updates of service contracts, 307

URL. See uniform resource locator

U.S. Attorneys, 323

U.S. Census Bureau, 32, 39

U.S. Congress, 6566

U.S. Constitution, 3637, 65, 235, 318

U.S. Copyright Office, 272, 277

U.S. Courts of Appeals, 69

U.S. Department of Commerce, 219

U.S. Department of Education (ED), 128, 133, 135136

U.S. Department of Justice, 216, 331, 333

U.S. Department of State, 218

U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), 244

U.S. federal court system, 70f

U.S. Federal Reserve System (the Fed), 9192, 91t, 92f

U.S. National Security Information, 2526

U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), 252265

U.S. state court system, 72f

U.S. Supreme Court, 3738, 67, 68t, 78, 118, 119, 124, 135

U.S. v. Jones (2012), 48

U.S.A. PATRIOT Act (2001), 436

use, 148

use, as defined in service contracts, 306

use limitation principle, 43

user credentials, 378

user input, 117

USPTO. See U.S. Patent and Trademark Office

utility patents, 253254


VA. See U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs

Vessel Hull Design Protection Act, 274

Veterans Affairs Information Security Act of 2006, 245

victim, 404

video surveillance monitoring, 5556

viruses, 20

Visa and Mastercard, 111

vital statistics and communicable diseases, 151152

voice mail monitoring, 5253

voicemail monitoring, 5253

volatile data, 430

voluntary agreements, 4344

voluntary organizations, 26

vulnerabilities, 1012, 11f, 392394, 394t


walk-through test, 413

warm site, 411

Washington State personal data disposal law, 242243

weak trademarks, 264

Web beacon, 4546

Web bug, 46

WFH. See work made for hire

Whalen v. Roe (1977), 38

whaling, 20

Wheaten v. Peters (1834), 37

White-Collar Crime Penalty Enhancements (Title IX), 182

window of vulnerability, 11

WIPO. See World Intellectual Property Organization

wireless technology, 47

Wiretap Act (1968, amended), 39, 330, 437438

work made for hire (WFH), 269

workforce security standard, 163

workplace harassment, 372

workplace monitoring, 52, 5657

workplace privacy, 5157, 373374

workstation security standard, 165166

workstation use standard, 165

World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), 255, 267, 274

World Wide Web (WWW), 250

writ of certiorari, 69

write blockers, 429

wrongful conduct, type of, 319

WWW. See World Wide Web


zero-day vulnerability, 12

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