Dynamic SQL and the caching effect

As mentioned earlier, PL/pgSQL caches execution plans. This is quite good if the generated plan is expected to be static. For example, the following statement is expected to use an index scan because of selectivity. In this case, caching the plan saves some time and thus increases performance:

SELECT * FROM account WHERE account_id =<INT>

In other scenarios, however, this is not true. For example, let's assume we have an index on the advertisement_date column and we would like to get the number of advertisements since a certain date, as follows:

SELECT count (*) FROM car_portal_app.advertisement WHERE advertisement_date >= <certain_date>;

In the preceding query, the entries from the advertisement table can be fetched from the hard disk either by using the index scan or using the sequential scan based on selectivity, which depends on the provided certain_date value. Caching the execution plan of such a query will cause serious problems; thus, writing the function as follows is not a good idea:


CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION car_portal_app.get_advertisement_count (some_date timestamptz ) RETURNS BIGINT AS $$
RETURN (SELECT count (*) FROM car_portal_app.advertisement WHERE advertisement_date >=some_date)::bigint;
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

To solve the caching issue, one could rewrite the previous function either using the SQL language function or by using the PL/pgSQL execute command, as follows:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION car_portal_app.get_advertisement_count (some_date timestamptz ) RETURNS BIGINT AS $$
count BIGINT;
EXECUTE 'SELECT count (*) FROM car_portal_app.advertisement WHERE advertisement_date >= $1' USING some_date INTO count;
RETURN count;
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
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