Data table

There are different ways we can show the data. Showing it in rows and columns is an efficient way of getting a quick overview. You might, however, need to sort the data by column to quickly zoom in on the interesting data. Also, the amount of data might be so great that it needs to be shown in parts, by page. Angular Material addresses these issues by offering the following components:

  • Table: This lays out the data in rows and columns, with headers
  • Sort table: This allows you to sort your data
  • Paginator: This allows you to slice up your data in pages while allowing you to navigate between pages

It should be said that in most cases when trying to add a table to your app, it is expected that a table can be sorted and that the data can be paged so as not to completely overwhelm the user. Let's therefore have a look at how to achieve all of this step by step.

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