Reading data

Let's look at the read case. The following code will read the data from a property in our database:

let stream$ = this.angulatFireDatabase.object('/book').valueChanges();

As it is a stream, this means that we can get the data in one of two ways:

  • Using the async pipe, which displays the observable as is, in the template 
  • Grabbing the data from the subscribe() method and assigning it to a property on your class

If we do the first scenario, it will look something like this:

template: `
<div *ngIf="$book | async; let book;">
{{ ( book | async )?.title }}
export class Component {
book$: Observable<Book>;
constructor(private angularFireDatabase: AngularFireDatabase) {$ = this.angularFireDatabase
private mapBook(obj): Book {
return new Book(obj);

class Book {
constructor(title: string) { }

It is worth highlighting how we ask for the path in the database and transform the result with the .map() operator: = this.angularFireDatabase

In the template, we use the async pipe and an expression to show the title of our Book entity when it has been resolved:

<div *ngIf="book$ | async; let book">
{{ book.title }}

If we do the second scenario, it will look something like this in code:

template: `
{{ book.title }}
export class BookComponent {

constructor(private angularFireDatabase: AngularFireDatabase) {
.map(mapBook).subscribe( data => = data );

mapBook(obj): Book {
return new Book(obj);

class Book {
constructor(title:string) {}

This will take away a little of the typing, but you now must remember to unsubscribe to your stream; this has not been added in the previous example. When possible, use the async pipe.

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