
THERE IS ALWAYS A LONG LIST OF PEOPLE TO THANK and credit when anything special is accomplished, as well there should be. Leadership is not a solo performance, nor is writing about it.

First, we once again acknowledge and give thanks to the many people who have been with us through scores of leadership projects, programs, and publications over the past three decades. We devoted nearly four pages to mentioning their names in the acknowledgment section of The Leadership Challenge (6th edition) and continue to carry a deep debt of gratitude for all the gracious support and encouragement we’ve received.

Second, we want to single out and recognize a number of special people who made significant contributions to this book: Prashnath Asuri, Evan Cree Gee, Lillas Marie Hatala, Barry Johansen, Cheryl Johnson, Nicholas Lopez, Donna Perry, Lori Ann Roth, Todd Sutherland, and Halley Sutton.

A very special thanks to our colleagues at Berrett-Koehler, who supported us throughout the process of writing, editing, and producing Leadership in Higher Education. Foremost is Steve Piersanti, our editor and the person who signed our first book contract more than 30 years ago. Steve championed this book, and we are grateful to him for his wise advice and counsel. We sincerely appreciate the care, attention, and professionalism of Courtney Schonfeld, Berrett-Koehler’s senior manager of production and audio; Valerie Caldwell, associate director of design and production; and Mike Crowley, associate director of sales and marketing. Elizabeth von Radics applied her editorial services and mastery of the language to strengthen the readability of this work. And through his design craftsmanship and artistic sensibilities, Gary Palmatier of Ideas and Images created the appealing look and feel of the interior pages.

Finally, here’s to every faculty member, university staffer, and college administrator who contributed directly or indirectly to whatever we know, and have learned, about leading in higher-education settings and situations. You were there for us when we experimented, when we tried and succeeded, and when we missed the mark and needed to try again. Whatever we learned and accomplished, we couldn’t have done it alone. Many thanks.

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