

A-76 initiative (U.S. government agency)

Action. See Taking action

Adams, John Quincy

After-action reviews (AARs): benefits of commercial sector use of; conducted by the U.S. military; learning from your success by using

Agreement: characteristics of authentic; confirming alignment for; leadership conversations to assess depth of; reaching alignment through conversations

Ali, Muhammad

Alice in Wonderland (Carroll)

Alignment: characteristics of authentic; confirming a reached; leadership conversations to assess depth of; reached through conversations

American Association for Cancer Research

American Cancer Society

Angelou, Maya

“Annual Report to the Nation on the Status of Cancer, 1975–2000” (NIH-NCI)

Apple Macintosh

Appreciation: creating a culture of; HR surveys on the importance of; recognition through tangible tokens of; of results, people, and behaviors that produced the result

Argyris, Chris

Asking one more questions

Assumptions: discovering instead of making; typically made by executives



Baby boomers

Baruch, Bernard

Baseline conversations: about priorities; about relationships; description of; on performance standards; suggestions when the usual routines do not work

Behaviors: indicating a sincere search for the third alternative; “Ladder of Inference” on; reinforced through stories of success


Brainstorming: description of; techniques used for better

Building relationships: benefits of; creating resources by; CXO leadership conversations on; embracing differences for; getting started on the right foot for; progression of; ten ways to practice great leadership for. See also Conversations to build relationships; Relationships


C-suite. See CXO leaders

Calendar: how organization position impacts your; setting priorities items on your

Capital investment

Caring standard

Carroll, Lewis

Celebrating: both small and big successes; making work fun through; people

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Change: attitudes toward; being willing to change your mind about; challenges related to making a; compassionate leaders helping employees to adjust with; drivers of; effective implementation of; failure of forced; innovation for; leadership as the essence of; leadership decision to make a; open-door policy to identify emerging; organizational ability to response to; recognized as the natural order; staying ahead of. See also Conversations to make decisions; Conversations to take action

Change attitudes/styles: being willing to change your; fence-sitters; traditionalists; trailblazers

Change drivers: global relationships; intense competition; large investors; learn to recognize; ubiquitous communication

Chief executive officers (CEOs): as the leader at the top; mistake of not mentoring their CXO leaders; personal action plan guidelines for; planning for CXO to succeed; realizing that they don’t have all the answers

Chief financial officer (CFO)

Chief human capital officer (CHCO)

Chief operating officer (COO)

Chief technology officer (CTO)

Closed-ended questions

Coaches: internal vs. external; resources on survey instruments and leadership

Coaching: confidentiality of; conversations for peer; developing others through; employees who are uncoachable; of managers; overcoming development obstacles through. See also Mentoring

Coaching questions

Comfort zones

Command-and-control leadership style: abandoning the traditional; tunnel view of the

Communication: email; how change is driven by ubiquitous; how relationships are impacted by ineffective; joint responsibility for mutual; leader ability to effectively; listening component of; silence used as; transparency in

Compensation: how appreciation and recognition function as; monetary vs. intangible

Competition: change driven by intense; using long-term view of; traditional view of

Confidence: differentiating decisiveness from; how leader decision-making increases team

Confidentiality of coaching

Conflict: clashing personality styles and; learning constructive use of; promoting teamwork by preventing

Conflict resolution: accepting only win-win solutions for; embracing diversity and differences for; emotional intelligence required for; questions to diffuse explosive situations for

Conscious competence

Conscious incompetence

Consensus: characteristics of authentic; confirming alignment for; leadership conversations to assess depth of; reaching alignment through conversations

Conversations to build relationships: authenticity component of; CXO leaders and their; description and functions of; embracing differences through; executive leaders and their; first-line managers and their; getting started on the right foot; handling uncomfortable situations through; holding the right conversations at the right time; how organizational culture can be changed through; how to conduct; listening component of; manager of managers and their; maturity levels for managers and leaders in; open discussion of strengths and shadows; ten ways to practice great; transparency component of; virtuous cycle contribution by. See also Building relationships; Relationships

Conversations to develop others: baseline; blending management and leadership mindsets critical for; building versus buying talent; coaching managers and; cultivating a mindset for; CXO leaders and their; delivering feedback as part of; description and functions of; examining a bottom-to-top succession strategy through; executive leaders and their; feedback; first-line managers and their; how to conduct; leader responsibility for; leader role in removing obstacles to; manager of managers and their; maturity levels for managers and leaders in; obstacles to; recognition through; starting with the right people for; suggestions when routine conversations don’t work; ten ways to practice great leadership in; virtuous cycle contributions by. See also Developing others; Mentoring; Succession planning

Conversations to make decisions: assessing amount of consensus through; curiosity creating opportunities through; CXO leaders and their; description and functions of; to develop judgment; executive leaders and their; facilitating necessary change through; finding the third alternative through; first-line managers and their; four techniques used to improve; group decision making through; how to conduct; manager of managers and their; maturity levels for managers and leaders in; promoting teamwork through; realizing that no one has all the answers; ten ways to practice leadership in; as two-way street; to understand how decisions are made; virtuous cycle contributions by. See also Change; Decision making

Conversations to take action: about specific actions; allowing goals to evolve through; CXO leaders and their; description and functions of; discovering instead of making assumptions that stifle; examining the importance of; executive leaders and their; first-line managers and their; guiding people to deliver value through; how to conduct; manager of managers and their; maturity levels for managers and leaders in; the meaning of silence during; planning as an essential; to prevent the plan-results gap; putting leadership influence into action through; requesting action versus demanding action; ten ways to practice leadership in; virtuous cycle contributions by. See also Change; Taking action

Covey, Stephen

Crisis realm of judgment

Cross-mentoring conversations

Culture of appreciation

Culture of success

Curiosity: escaping the “knowing trap” through; how opportunities are created through; pushing the boundaries through. See also Questions

CXO leaders: CEO mistake of not mentoring their; conversations with their boss; conversations with their high potentials; conversations with their peers; description and types of; developing others to unlock their own potential; maturity level of; organizational roles of; personal action plan guidelines for; relationship-building skills of; setting priorities considerations for; structured decision making by; succession planning for. See also Leaders


De Pree, Max

Decision making: assessing the consensus for; being willing to change your mind; CXO leadership conversations on; engaging your team’s knowledge in process of; executive leaders conversations on; finding the third alternative for; first-line managers conversations on; group; how introverts and extroverts can compliment; for inaction or action; making decisions decisively; management mindset vs. leadership mindset for; managers of manager conversations on; National Response Plan delaying critical Hurricane Katrina; perfect-solutions quagmire that derail; problem solving versus; quantitative and intuition-based approaches to; structured; understanding process of; whether to change or not to change; why knowledge is irrelevant to. See also Conversations to make decisions; Judgment

Decisive decision making

Decisive moments realm of judgment

Demanding more

Developing others: conversations by executive leaders on; cultivating a mindset for; first-line managers conversations on; managers of managers conversations on; obstacles to; succession planning for; ten way to practice great leadership for. See also Conversations to develop others; Mentoring

Development obstacles: assessing if you function as a; identifying the skill or behavior; learning how to remove; mentoring to help overcome; providing coaching to overcome; providing training to overcome

Digital collaboration

Direct communication standard

Diversity: encouraging inclusion and; making it work for you; open your mind to accept; post-9/11 era challenges for; understanding the positives of

Downsizing employees

Drucker, Peter


Economy. See Global economy

Edison, Thomas

Eisenhower, Dwight D.

“Either-or” thinking

Electronic media communication: change driven by ubiquitous; lack of emotion in; relationship issues of

Embracing differences: encourage diversity and inclusion for; making diversity work by; open your mind for; understanding the positives of diversity

Emotional intelligence. See also Feelings; People skills

Employees: criteria for high potential; downsizing; knowledge worker; recognition of; safeguarding post-9/11 era; succession planning to first-line manager from individual; “survivor’s guilt” by. See also High-potential executives; Teams

Entitlement spectrum

Executive leaders: conversations with their boss by; conversations with their high potentials; conversations with their peers; organizational role of; personal action plan guidelines for. See also High-potential executives

Experience vs. judgment debate

Expert potential

Experts conversations

Explorative questions

External coaches

Extrovert leaders



Failure: after-action reviews (AARs) to examine; conversations about success and; how it can lead to success; organizations that punish

Feedback: after-action reviews (AARs); assessing consensus for decision making through; being accessible to receive; building a culture of; developing leadership by delivering; focusing on strengths through; impact, context, observations, next steps required for; lack of performance; leadership assessment; making it a common event; three-phase process for giving effective; 360-degree interviews

Feedback conversations: about achieving goals; about timeliness; about underperformance; description and function of; making them a common event; suggestions when the usual routines do not work; when roles get turned upside down; with your boss

Feedback culture

Feedback phases: phase 1–preparation; phase 2–delivering the feedback; phase 3–follow-up

Feelings: acknowledging how others monitor your; authenticity of; being aware of people’s; how transparency enables positive; mood swings and; understanding the importance of. See also Emotional intelligence

Fence-sitters change style

The Fifth Discipline (Senge)

Financial system downturn (2008–2010)

First-line managers: conversations with their boss; conversations with their high potentials; conversations with their peers; description of; maturity levels for; organizational role of; personal action plan guidelines for; relationship-building skills of; structured decision making by; succession planning from individual contributor to; succession planning to manager of mangers from

Follow-on questions

Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)


Gandhi, Mahatma

General Electric

Generational mindset: harnessing the differences in; leadership conversations impacted by biases of

Generations X, Y, and Z: baby boomer mindset vs. that of the; learning to harness the mindset of the

Global economy: challenge of inspiring people during turbulent; change driven by relationships in the; downsizing challenges due to poor; financial system decline (2008–2010) of the; knowing the leadership rules of the; understanding the new rules of today’s

Goals: baseline conversations about priorities and; as context for action; definition of; feedback conversations about achieving; feedback conversations about underperformance of; how to approach discussing; open your mind to different approaches to achieving; organizational; setting big; setting performance standards for achieving; strategic planning allowing evolution of; understanding there are many ways to achieve the same. See also Performance; Priorities; Recognition



Great leader qualities: ability to grow their people; beliefs of great leaders; effective communication; how great leaders treat others; transformational changes

Great leaders: making the decision to become a; qualities and beliefs of; transformational changes experienced by

Group decision making

Growth potential


High-potential challenges: it is never too late to become a leader; of leading other high potentials; questions to ask yourself about being a leader

High-potential executives: assessing potential of; building versus buying; challenge to motive pursuit of shared goals; coaching; costs of failing to recognize and appreciate; criteria for; CXO conversations with their; delivering feedback to; demanding more from your; description of; developing leadership skills in; don’t miss signs of trouble in; envisioning workforce of the future using; executive leader conversations with their; expert, growth, and promotion potential assessment of; first-line managers conversations with their; giving feedback to their boss; growing the judgment gene in; leadership conversations between CXO leaders and their; manager of manager conversations with their; maturity level of; mentoring; mistake of not mentoring and developing; perfect-solutions quagmire grabbing some; recognition of; relationship-building skills of; starting with the right people for developing; structured decision making by; who are uncoachable. See also Employees; Executive leaders; Leaders

Honesty: establishing standard of; value of open conversations with

Human resources (HR): developing leadership skills role of; internal coach from; post-9/11 era challenges for; surveys on resignation of employees feeling unappreciated; understanding the unique focus of. See also Organizations

Hurricane Katrina (2005)


Idea linking

Idea pyramids

Inclusion: encouraging; making diversity work through; post-9/11 era challenges for

Industrial Age

Information: asking the one additional question required for needed; how learning organizations fill the gaps in; “Ladder of Inference” on; listening component of receiving; sharing the plan; silence that allows absorption of new; transparency in

Innovation: encouraging team; how leaders facilitate; silence used to inspire optimism and

Integrity value

Internet-based relationships

Introvert leaders

“Irrelevant” knowledge


Jobs, Steve

Judgment: chicken-and-egg debate over experience and; cultivating; five realms of; four steps required for good; keystone; understood as a process. See also Decision making

Judgment gene: benefits of having a; growing in high potentials


Kaizen sessions

Kenney, John F.

Keystone judgments

King, Martin Luther, Jr.

The “knowing trap”

Knowledge: engaging your team’s; as irrelevant to decision making; learning organization committed to increasing

Knowledge workers: curiosity of; increasing demand for


Kotter, John


“Ladder of Inference”

Leaders: being aware of strengths and shadows; being open to feedback from subordinates; executive; it is never too late to become a; leading in stressful times; post-9/11 era challenges for; qualities of great leaders; questions to ask yourself about being a; realizing that they don’t have all the answers; removing obstacles in the way of your people; role and responsibility for developing others; sets an example for timeliness; study on extrovert vs. introvert. See also CXO leaders; High-potential executives

Leadership: command-and-control style of; developing high potential’s; as the essence of change; during stressful and turbulent times; ten ways to practice effective conversations on

Leadership assessment: description and function of the; taking and reviewing your

Leadership conversation perspectives: 1: idea exchange; 2: understanding what others say; 3: exploring possibilities

Leadership conversation standards: being caring; being direct; being honest; being open

Leadership conversation tips: ten ways to build relationships; ten ways to develop others; ten ways to practice making decisions; ten ways to practice taking action

Leadership conversations: alignment created through effective; blending mindsets, perspectives, and four types of; creating virtuous cycle; by CXO leaders with their boss, peers, high potentials; by executive leaders with their boss, peers, and high potentials; with experts; by first-line managers with their boss, peers, and high potentials; four types of; generational biases that can impact; harnessing the differences in generational mindsets for; John F. Kennedy example of; by managers of managers with their boss, peers, and high potentials; the meaning of silence during; public forum; special-interest; standards for; ten ways to practice leadership in effective; three perspectives in; von Eschenbach example of; your personal action plan for

Leadership conversations model: creating your personal action plan using the; positive outcomes of

Leadership conversations types: creating virtuous cycle using the; introduction to building relationships; introduction to developing others; introduction to making decisions; introduction to taking action; maturity levels for managers and leaders within each. See also specific conversation type

Leadership Conversations workshop

Leadership ladder: four categories of leaders on the; maturity levels for managers and leaders on; relationship-building skills of the; tactics to move up the. See also Promotions

Leadership mindset: asking questions as part of the; comparing management and; cultivating a developing others; decision making using the; effective decisions as heart of; envisioning workforce of the future as; generational biases for; innovation as inherent in the; leadership conversations blending management and; organizations operating in a

Leadership relationships: feedback conversations when roles are changed in; tentative and targeted relationships as future; trust relationships as primary

Leadership rules: be clear about your values; building relationships by following the; compete vigorously–but with a long-term view; importance of knowing the; no more command and control; pay it forward; people skills trump technical skills; think “yes-and” not “either-or”

Leadership skills: assessing potential of high potentials for; developing in high potentials; five attributes changing after each promotion; ten ways to practice effective conversations on

Leadership survey instruments

LEAN manufacturing strategies

Learning: after-action reviews (AARs) conducted for; comfort zones vs. zones for

Learning organization

Learning zones


Lehman Brothers bankruptcy (2008)

Leveraging strengths


Lippmann, Walter

Listening: find out what people are thinking by; importance of; recognition by constructive

Lombardi, Vince

Loyalty-building questions


Making assumptions

Making decisions. See Decision making

Management mindset: answering questions as part of the; comparing leadership and; cultivating a developing others>; decision making using the; focused on getting things done; generational biases for; leadership conversations blending leadership and; organizations operating in a; problem solving as part of the

Management relationships: tentative and targeted relationships as future; transactional relationships as primary

Managers: coaching; context for taking action by; first-line; manager of managers; structured decision making by

Managers of managers: context for action by; conversations with their boss; conversations with their high potentials; conversations with their peers; description of; maturity level of; organizational role of; personal action plan guidelines for; relationship-building skills of; structured decision making by; succession planning from first-line managers to; succession planning to executive leader from

Mead, Margaret

Mental models

Mentoring: assessing potential before; CEO mistake of not providing CXO; conversations for cross-; CXO leadership conversations for developing others; delivering feedback as part of; demanding more from your high potentials during; developing leadership skills in high potentials; don’t miss signs of trouble when; importance of providing high potentials with; to overcome development obstacles; succession planning. See also Coaching; Conversation to develop others; Developing others

Mentors: description of; internal versus external

Midcourse corrections

Minimizing turnover

Mission: definition of; organizational

Mission statement

Mood swings

Motivation: challenge of inspiring during turbulent times; great leader ability to inspire; of leaders to take action

Multimedia recognition


NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration)

NASCAR driving decisions

Networking: benefits of; costs of nonexistent relationships; identifying target relationships for. See also Peers; Relationships; Stakeholders

New York Yankees


Objectives. See Goals

Obsolescence planning

Obstacles. See Development obstacles

Open-door policy

Open-ended questions

Open your mind

Opportunities: focusing on; how curiosity creates; planning conversations as

Organizational culture: building a feedback; creating culture of appreciation; creating culture of success; elements and evaluation of; how the legends shape

Organizational roles: CXO leaders; executive leaders; first-line managers; manager of managers

Organizational values: definition of; examples of; how changing relationships changes

Organizations: benefits of after-action reviews (AARs) used by; how failure is punished by many; learning; the legends in your; minimizing turnover in your; operating in a leadership mindset vs. management mindset; post-9/11 era challenges for. See also Human resources (HR)


PARC research group (Xerox)

Patriot Act

Patton, George S.

Pay-it-forward investment

Peers: conversations for coaching and cross-mentoring; CXO conversations with their; executive leader conversations with their; first-line managers conversations with their; managers of managers conversations with their. See also Networking

People realm of judgment

People skills: how command-and-control leadership style are contrary to; leadership is about connecting through; technical skills trumped by. See also Emotional intelligence

People strategy

“Pep talk”


Performance: assessing external factors affecting; demanding more; lack of feedback on; personality styles which may impact; uncoachable employees and. See also Goals; Recognition; Success

Performance standards: baseline conversations about; feedback conversations about underperformance of; leadership conversation setting values and

Pershing, John J.

Personal action plan: considering issues for your own; guide to taking leadership assessment as part of your; guidelines for specific managers and leaders; leadership coaches and survey instruments for your; resources available to help develop your; your personal leadership plan component of; your personal management plan component of the

Personal mastery

Personal responsibility value

Personality styles

Pilot training story

Plan-results gap

Planning. See Strategic planning


post-9/11 era

Priorities: baseline conversations about; how learning organizations adapt to shifting; judgment regarding resource application to; leadership example for timeliness in achieving; making teamwork a; setting expectations for. See also Goals

Problem solving: asking the one additional question required for; decision making versus; how curiosity helps with; as part of the management mindset; perfect-solutions quagmire that derail

Professional development. See Developing others conversations

Promotions: assessing potential for; baseline conversations to have following; five leadership attributes changing after each; leadership skills required for each new; relationship between your team’s effectiveness and your; selecting the wrong people for. See also Leadership ladder

Public forum conversations


Questions: building loyalty through; curiosity creating opportunities through; the difference made by just one more question; different types of; to diffuse explosive situations; management mindset vs. leadership mindset on; realizing that no one has all the answers; remembering there are two directions for. See also Curiosity


Recognition: balancing the cost of lack of; celebrating even small successes with; celebrating people element of; creating culture of appreciation and; multimedia; of results, people, and behaviors that produced the result; as reward for success; simplify the process of; tangible tokens of appreciation. See also Goals; Performance

Relationship-building skills: developing unconscious competence in; importance of utilizing your; strengths and shadows impacting; summary of leadership ladder

Relationship progression: illustrated diagram of; target relationships; tentative relationships; transactional relationships; trusted relationships

Relationships: baseline conversation on; change driven by global; changes following each promotion; costs of nonexistent; framing the conversation to fit strength of the; how command-and-control leadership style erodes; how effective communication impacts; how introverts and extroverts can compliment the; how organizational culture can be changed by; identifying target; increasing importance of; Internet-based; leadership is about connecting and aligning; multimedia; staying in touch. See also Building relationships; Conversations to build relationships; Networking; Stakeholders

Resources: building relationships in order to increase; as context for action; judgment on capacity of organization; judgment regarding prioritized application of; as realm of judgment


Responsibilities: CXO leaders roles and; effective communication as mutual; executive leaders roles and; first-line managers roles and; manager of managers roles and

Robbins, Anthony

Rogers, Will

Roosevelt, Theodore

Rules. See Leadership rules


Schwab, Charles

Senge, Peter

Sense of entitlement

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People (Covey)

Shadows: being aware of your; recognizing the; strengths and their companion

Shared visions

Shaw, George Bernard


Socratic questions

Special-interest leadership conversations

Stakeholders: costs of nonexistent relationships with; planning conversations as opportunity for; stay in touch with your. See also Networking; Relationships

Staying in touch


Strategic planning: as context for action; as an essential conversation; guiding people to deliver value through; holding conversations for; for obsolescence; for people; plan-results gap avoided through effective; understanding that goals evolve with; understanding the importance of; your personal action plan. See also Taking action

Strategic plans: making midcourse corrections to; making sure everyone knows the; your personal action plan for conversations; your personal leadership plan; your personal management plan

Strategy realm of judgment

Strengths: being aware of the shadow companions of; being aware of your; focusing on the

Stressful times: challenges related to downsizing; of the financial system decline (2008–2010); leading and inspiring during; post-9/11 era challenges

Structured decision making

Success: after-action reviews (AARs) to examine; as context for action; conversations about failure and; creating an atmosphere of; creating culture of; how failure can lead to; learning zones for; letting go of perfection to achieve; recognition and appreciation of; sustaining; teamwork as essential for. See also Performance

Succession planning: building versus buying strategy for; CXO leadership conversations for developing others and; deciding depth of the; entering the C-suite; examining a bottom-to-top strategy for; expert, growth, and promotion potential considered in; from first-line manager to manager of managers; from individual contributor to first-line manager; from manager of managers to executive leaders; as great leadership practice; starting with the right people. See also Conversations to develop others

“Survivor’s guilt”

Systems thinking


Taking action: careful selection and timing of; the choice between inaction or; the context for; conversations about specific; CXO leadership conversations on; don’t make assumptions about; examining what motivates leaders into; executive leader conversations on; first-line managers conversations on; how silence can drive; to influence post-9/11 era challenges; “Ladder of Inference” on; leadership creating a bias for organizational; manager of managers conversations on; plan-results gap and; requesting versus demanding; your personal action plan for. See also Conversations to take action; Strategic planning

Talent. See High-potential executives

Tannen, Deborah

Target relationships

Teams: encouraging innovation by; engaging the knowledge of your; group decision making by; how leader decision-making increases confidence of; how learning organizations build; leadership and vision required for successful; promotions through facilitating effectiveness of. See also Employees

Teamwork: as essential for success; improving poor; making a priority of; making decision conversations that promote; team learning as

Tentative relationships

The third alternative: behaviors indicating a sincere search for; making decision conversations to discover the; understanding that it’s not about winning; understanding that there is always a

360-degree interviews

Traditionalists change style

Trailblazers change style

Training: different forms of; how learning organizations facilitate; providing your people with

Transactional relationships

Transparency: after-action reviews (AARs) benefit of; challenges to achieving; examples of

Trust: how transparency creates; transactional relationship and role of; trusted relationships built on; as value

Trusted relationships


Ubiquitous communications

Uncoachable employees

Uncomfortable situations: constructive reactions to; importance of listening during

Unconscious incompetence: Conscious Competency Model of; for developing relationships

Unconscious incompetency

U.S. military: after-action reviews (AARs) conducted by the; pilot training story on failure and success in

U.S. Postal Service


Values: be clear about your; organizational; trust as

Vision: as context for action; how conversations facilitate success of; organizational; organizational failures due to lack of; recognition and acknowledgment of; required for successful teams; shared personal visions with organization; strategic planning for moving toward organizational

von Braun, Wernher

von Eschenbach, Andrew


Walton, Sam

Welch, Jack

Win-win relationships value

Win-win solutions

Winkler, Henry

Work ethics biases




“Yes-and” thinking

Your personal leadership plan

Your personal management plan


Ziglar, Zig

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