
Book Description

Conversation techniques and tools that can help strong managers become great leaders

Often the very same skills and traits that enable rising stars to achieve success "tenacity, aggressiveness, self-confidence" become liabilities when promoted into a leadership track. While managers' conversations are generally transactional and centered on the task at hand, leaders must focus on people, asking great questions and aligning them with the vision for the future. Leadership mindsets and skills can be developed, and Leadership Conversations provides practical guidance for connecting with others in ways that transform each interaction into an opportunity for organizational and personal growth.

  • Identifies four types of conversation every leader must master: building relationships, making decisions, taking action, and developing others

  • Provides an action plan for boosting your personal leadership potential, as well for developing leadership skills in others

  • Draws on the authors' rich experience coaching and working with leaders at a wide range of organizations, including NASA, the U.S. Navy, intelligence agencies, Boeing, Gillette, Bausch & Lomb, and Georgetown University

Leadership Conversations is required reading for both high-potential managers looking to make it to the next level and leaders looking to develop their people.

Table of Contents

  1. Cover
  2. More Praise for Leadership Conversations
  3. Title page
  4. Copyright page
  5. Dedication
  6. Preface: Are You Having Leadership Conversations?
    1. High Potentials Don’t Know What They Don’t Know
    2. The Challenge of Moving Up
    3. Leadership Conversations—The Book
    4. My Leadership Conversations—The Website
    1. CHAPTER 1 Do You Really Want to Be a Leader?
      1. How Great Leaders Treat Others
      2. Great Leaders Communicate Effectively
      3. Great Leaders Grow Their People
      4. What Great Leaders Believe
      5. Same Playing Field but a Whole New Game—Twice
      6. It’s Never Too Late
    2. CHAPTER 2 What Blend of Management and Leadership Mindsets Is Best?
      1. Conversations Make the Difference
      2. Effective Conversations Create Alignment
      3. Your Generation Influences Your Mindset
      4. Harnessing Generational Mindset Differences
    3. CHAPTER 3 Have You Had Leadership Conversations Today?
      1. A Virtuous Cycle of Leadership Conversations
      2. Three Perspectives in Leadership Conversations
      3. Blending Two Mindsets, Four Types of Conversation, and Three Perspectives
      4. Standards for Leadership Conversations
    4. CHAPTER 4 Where Do You Stand on the Leadership Ladder?
    1. CHAPTER 5 Learn the New Rules
      1. Knowing the Leadership Rules
      2. The Common Thread
    2. CHAPTER 6 Your Relationships Define You
      1. Essential Relationship-Building Skills
      2. Multimedia Relationships
      3. The Increasing Importance of Relationships
      4. Not Having a Relationship Can Be Costly
    3. CHAPTER 7 Know Your Strengths and Their Shadows
      1. Each Strength Has a Companion Shadow
      2. Getting Started on the Right Foot
      3. Developing Unconscious Competence in Relationships
      4. Recognizing the Shadows
      5. Focus on Strengths
    4. CHAPTER 8 People Aren’t Machines
      1. People Have Feelings
      2. The Legends in Your Organization
      3. The Elements of Culture
      4. Changing Relationships Changes the Culture
    5. CHAPTER 9 Don’t Let Them Assume They Know What You’re Thinking
      1. You Are Always under a Microscope
      2. Listening
      3. Transparency
      4. Authenticity
      5. Having the Right Conversations
    6. CHAPTER 10 Embrace Differences
      1. Open Your Mind
      2. Encourage Diversity and Inclusion
      3. Make Diversity Work
    1. CHAPTER 11 The Battle for Talent
      1. Build Versus Buy
      2. Start with the Right People
      3. Your Responsibility to Develop Others
      4. How Deep Should Succession Planning Go?
    2. CHAPTER 12 The Challenge of Leading Other High Potentials
      1. Assessing Potential
      2. Developing Leadership Skills in High Potentials
      3. Demand More from Your High Potentials
      4. Don’t Miss the Signs of Trouble
      5. Delivering Feedback
      6. Three-Phase Process for Giving Effective Feedback
      7. Building a Feedback Culture
    3. CHAPTER 13 Conversations You Must Have
      1. Baseline Conversations to Set Expectations
      2. Baseline Conversations about Performance Standards
      3. Baseline Conversations about Relationships
      4. Baseline Conversations about Priorities
      5. Feedback Conversations about Achieving Goals
      6. Feedback Conversations When Roles Get Turned Upside Down
      7. Feedback Conversations about Underperformance
      8. Feedback Conversations about Timeliness
      9. Feedback Conversations with Your Boss
      10. When Routine Conversations Do Not Work
    4. CHAPTER 14 What Gets in Your People’s Way?
      1. Are You an Obstacle?
      2. Removing Obstacles That Get in Your People’s Way
      3. Your Role as a Leader
      4. Coaching Managers
    5. CHAPTER 15 Recognition—Making It All Worthwhile
      1. Multimedia Recognition
      2. Recognition Is Inexpensive—Lack of Recognition Can Be Costly
      3. Recognize Behaviors as Well as Results
      4. Celebrate Even Small Successes
      5. Celebrate People
    1. CHAPTER 16 Develop Your Judgment Gene
      1. Five Realms of Judgment
      2. Judgment Is a Process, Not an Event
      3. Keystone Judgments
      4. How Decisions Are Made
      5. Problem Solving Versus Decision Making
      6. Make Decisions Decisively
      7. Growing the Judgment Gene in High Potentials
    2. CHAPTER 17 What You Know Is Irrelevant
      1. Engaging Your Team’s Knowledge
      2. Benefits of a Learning Organization
      3. Group Decision Making
      4. How Much Consensus Do You Really Have?
      5. Finding the Third Alternative
      6. What If a Third Alternative Does Not Exist?
      7. Promoting Teamwork
      8. It’s Not About Winning
    3. CHAPTER 18 Be Curious—Ask Great Questions
      1. Curiosity Pushes the Boundaries
      2. Curiosity Creates Opportunities
      3. Focus on Opportunities
      4. Even Great Leaders Don’t Have All the Answers
      5. Managers Answer Questions—Leaders Ask Them
      6. Questions Go Both Ways
    4. CHAPTER 19 If You Can’t Change, Retire
      1. Staying Ahead of Change
      2. What is Driving Change?
      3. To Change or Not to Change
      4. Working with Different Change Styles
    1. CHAPTER 20 Moving Smoothly into Action
      1. What Motivates Leaders?
      2. Action or Inaction—It’s a Choice
      3. The Context for Action
      4. An All-Star Team Isn’t Enough
      5. The Plan-Results Gap
    2. CHAPTER 21 Planning Successful Actions
      1. Planning Is an Essential Conversation
      2. Guiding People to Deliver Value
      3. In Theory, Goals are Fixed—In Reality, They Evolve
      4. Tell Everyone What the Plan Says
      5. Making Midcourse Corrections
    3. CHAPTER 22 When Things Change
      1. Change Is the Natural Order
      2. Leadership: The Essence of Change
      3. Forced Change Doesn’t Work
      4. Conversations About Specific Actions
      5. Don’t Assume—Discover
    4. CHAPTER 23 Lessons from Success and Failure
      1. The Comfort Zone Versus the Learning Zone
      2. Conversations About Success and Failure
      3. After-Action Reviews in the Commercial Sector
      4. Let Go of Perfection
    5. CHAPTER 24 Inspiring People in Turbulent Times
      1. The Meaning of Silence
      2. Requesting Action Versus Demanding Action
      3. Putting Leadership Influence Into Action
      4. When Your Team Is Effective, You Become Promotable
      5. Leading in Stressful Times
    1. CHAPTER 25 Conversations at the Top
      1. The CXO Leader’s Role
      2. Conversations by CXO Leaders with Their Boss
      3. Conversations by CXO Leaders with Their Peers
      4. Conversations by CXO Leaders with Their High Potentials
    2. CHAPTER 26 Conversations for Executive Leaders
      1. The Executive Leader’s Role
      2. Conversations by Executive Leaders with Their Boss
      3. Conversations by Executive Leaders with Their Peers
      4. Conversations by Executive Leaders with Their High Potentials
    3. CHAPTER 27 Conversations for Managers of Managers
      1. The Manager of Manager’s Role
      2. Conversations by Managers of Managers with Their Boss
      3. Conversations by Managers of Managers with Their Peers
      4. Conversations by Managers of Managers with Their High Potentials
    4. CHAPTER 28 Conversations for First-Line Managers
      1. The First-Line Manager’s Role
      2. Conversations by First-Line Managers with Their Boss
      3. Conversations by First-Line Managers with Their Peers
      4. Conversations by First-Line Managers with Their High Potentials
    5. CHAPTER 29 Your Personal Action Plan
      1. Guide to Taking the Leadership Assessment
      2. What Comes Next?
      3. Leadership Coaches and Survey Instruments
  13. Bibliography
  14. Acknowledgments
  15. About the Authors
  16. Index