Chapter 2. Predictable Demands

The foundation of successful application deployment, management, and coexistence on a shared cloud environment is dependent on identifying and declaring the application resource requirements and runtime dependencies. This Predictable Demands pattern is about how you should declare application requirements, whether they are hard runtime dependencies or resource requirements. Declaring your requirements is essential for Kubernetes to find the right place for your application within the cluster.


Kubernetes can manage applications written in different programming languages as long as the application can be run in a container. However, different languages have different resource requirements. Typically, a compiled language runs faster and often requires less memory compared to just-in-time runtimes or interpreted languages. Considering that many modern programming languages in the same category have similar resource requirements, from a resource consumption point of view, more important aspects are the domain, the business logic of an application, and the actual implementation details.

It is difficult to predict the amount of resources a container may need to function optimally, and it is the developer who knows the resource expectations of a service implementation (discovered through testing). Some services have a fixed CPU and memory consumption profile, and some are spiky. Some services need persistent storage to store data; some legacy services require a fixed port number on the host system to work correctly. Defining all these application characteristics and passing them to the managing platform is a fundamental prerequisite for cloud-native applications.

Besides resource requirements, application runtimes also have dependencies on platform-managed capabilities like data storage or application configuration.


Knowing the runtime requirements for a container is important mainly for two reasons. First, with all the runtime dependencies defined and resource demands envisaged, Kubernetes can make intelligent decisions for where to place a container on the cluster for most efficient hardware utilization. In an environment with shared resources among a large number of processes with different priorities, the only way for a successful coexistence is to know the demands of every process in advance. However, intelligent placement is only one side of the coin.

The second reason container resource profiles are essential is capacity planning. Based on the particular service demands and the total number of services, we can do some capacity planning for the different environments and come up with the most cost-effective host profiles to satisfy the entire cluster demand. Service resource profiles and capacity planning go hand-to-hand for successful cluster management in the long term.

Let’s have a look first at how to declare runtime dependencies before we dive into resource profiles.

Runtime Dependencies

One of the most common runtime dependencies is file storage for saving application state. Container filesystems are ephemeral and lost when a container is shut down. Kubernetes offers volume as a Pod-level storage utility that survives container restarts.

The most straightforward type of volume is emptyDir, which lives as long as the Pod lives and when the Pod is removed, its content is also lost. The volume needs to be backed by some other kind of storage mechanism to have a volume that survives Pod restarts. If your application needs to read or write files to such long-lived storage, you have to declare that dependency explicitly in the container definition using volumes, as shown in Example 2-1.

Example 2-1. Dependency on a PersistentVolume
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: random-generator
  - image: k8spatterns/random-generator:1.0
    name: random-generator
    - mountPath: "/logs"
      name: log-volume
  - name: log-volume
    persistentVolumeClaim:                 1
      claimName: random-generator-log

Dependency of a PVC to be present and bound

The scheduler evaluates the kind of volume a Pod requires, which affects where the Pod gets placed. If the Pod needs a volume that is not provided by any node on the cluster, the Pod is not scheduled at all. Volumes are an example of a runtime dependency that affects what kind of infrastructure a Pod can run and whether the Pod can be scheduled at all.

A similar dependency happens when you ask Kubernetes to expose a container port on a specific port on the host system through hostPort. The usage of a hostPort creates another runtime dependency on the nodes and limits where a Pod can be scheduled. hostPort reserves the port on each node in the cluster and limit to maximum one Pod scheduled per node. Because of port conflicts, you can scale to as many Pods as there are nodes in the Kubernetes cluster.

A different type of dependency is configurations. Almost every application needs some configuration information and the recommended solution offered by Kubernetes is through ConfigMaps. Your services need to have a strategy for consuming settings—either through environment variables or the filesystem. In either case, this introduces a runtime dependency of your container to the named ConfigMaps. If not all of the expected ConfigMaps are created, the containers are scheduled on a node, but they do not start up. ConfigMaps and Secrets are explained in more details in Chapter 19, Configuration Resource, and Example 2-2 shows how these resources are used as runtime dependencies.

Example 2-2. Dependency on a ConfigMap
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: random-generator
  - image: k8spatterns/random-generator:1.0
    name: random-generator
    - name: PATTERN
        configMapKeyRef:                   1
          name: random-generator-config
          key: pattern

Dependency of a ConfigMap to be present

A similar concept to ConfigMaps are Secrets, which offer a slightly more secure way of distributing environment-specific configurations to a container.1 The way to consume a Secret is the same as it is for ConfigMap consumption, and it introduces the same kind of dependency from a container to a namespace.

While the creation of ConfigMap and Secret objects are simple admin tasks we have to perform, cluster nodes provide storage and port numbers. Some of these dependencies limit where a Pod gets scheduled (if anywhere at all), and other dependencies may prevent the Pod from starting up. When designing your containerized applications with such dependencies, always consider the runtime constraints they will create later.

Resource Profiles

Specifying container dependencies such as ConfigMap, Secret, and volumes is straightforward. We need some more thinking and experimentation for figuring out the resources requirements of a container. Compute resources in the context of Kubernetes are defined as something that can be requested by, allocated to, and consumed from a container. The resources are categorized as compressible (i.e., can be throttled, such as CPU, or network bandwidth) and incompressible (i.e., cannot be throttled, such as memory).

Making the distinction between compressible and incompressible resources is important. If your containers consume too many compressible resources such as CPU, they are throttled, but if they use too many incompressible resources (such as memory), they are killed (as there is no other way to ask an application to release allocated memory).

Based on the nature and the implementation details of your application, you have to specify the minimum amount of resources that are needed (called requests) and the maximum amount it can grow up to (the limits). Every container definition can specify the amount of CPU and memory it needs in the form of a request and limit. At a high level, the concept of requests/limits is similar to soft/hard limits. For example, similarly, we define heap size for a Java application by using the -Xms and -Xmx command-line options.

The requests amount (but not limits) is used by the scheduler when placing Pods to nodes. For a given Pod, the scheduler considers only nodes that still have enough capacity to accommodate the Pod and all of its containers by summing up the requested resource amounts. In that sense, the requests field of each container affects where a Pod can be scheduled or not. Example 2-3 shows how such limits are specified for a Pod.

Example 2-3. Resource limits
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: random-generator
  - image: k8spatterns/random-generator:1.0
    name: random-generator
      requests:                         1
        cpu: 100m
        memory: 100Mi
      limits:                           2
        cpu: 200m
        memory: 200Mi

Initial resource request for CPU and memory


Upper limit until we want our application to grow at max

Depending on whether you specify the requests, the limits, or both, the platform offers a different kind of Quality of Service (QoS).


Pod that does not have any requests and limits set for its containers. Such a Pod is considered as the lowest priority and is killed first when the node where the Pod is placed runs out of incompressible resources.


Pod that has requests and limits defined, but they are not equal (and limits is larger than requests as expected). Such a Pod has minimal resource guarantees, but is also willing to consume more resources up to its limit when available. When the node is under incompressible resource pressure, these Pods are likely to be killed if no Best-Effort Pods remain.


Pod that has an equal amount of request and limit resources. These are the highest-priority Pods and guaranteed not to be killed before Best-Effort and Burstable Pods.

So the resource characteristics you define or omit for the containers have a direct impact on its QoS and define the relative importance of the Pod in the event of resource starvation. Define your Pod resource requirements with this consequence in mind.

Pod Priority

We explained how container resource declarations also define Pods’ QoS and affect the order in which the Kubelet kills the container in a Pod in case of resource starvation. Another related feature that is still in beta at the time of this writing is Pod Priority and Preemption. Pod priority allows indicating the importance of a Pod relative to other Pods, which affects the order in which Pods are scheduled. Let’s see that in action in Example 2-4.

Example 2-4. Pod priority
kind: PriorityClass
  name: high-priority                1
value: 1000                       2
globalDefault: false
description: This is a very high priority Pod class
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: random-generator
    env: random-generator
  - image: k8spatterns/random-generator:1.0
    name: random-generator
  priorityClassName: high-priority   3

The name of the priority class object


The priority value of the object


The priority class to use with this Pod, as defined in PriorityClass resource

We created a PriorityClass, a non-namespaced object for defining an integer-based priority. Our PriorityClass is named high-priority and has a priority of 1,000. Now we can assign this priority to Pods by its name as priorityClassName: high-priority. PriorityClass is a mechanism for indicating the importance of Pods relative to each other, where the higher value indicates more important Pods.

When the Pod Priority feature is enabled, it affects the order in which the scheduler places Pods on nodes. First, the priority admission controller uses the priorityClassName field to populate the priority value for new Pods. When multiple Pods are waiting to be placed, the scheduler sorts the queue of pending Pods by highest priority first. Any pending Pod is picked before any other pending Pod with lower priority in the scheduling queue, and if there are no constraints preventing it from scheduling, the Pod gets scheduled.

Here comes the critical part. If there are no nodes with enough capacity to place a Pod, the scheduler can preempt (remove) lower-priority Pods from nodes to free up resources and place Pods with higher priority. As a result, the higher-priority Pod might be scheduled sooner than Pods with a lower priority if all other scheduling requirements are met. This algorithm effectively enables cluster administrators to control which Pods are more critical workloads and place them first by allowing the scheduler to evict Pods with lower priority to make room on a worker node for higher-priority Pods. If a Pod cannot be scheduled, the scheduler continues with the placement of other lower-priority Pods.

Pod QoS (discussed previously) and Pod priority are two orthogonal features that are not connected and have only a little overlap. QoS is used primarily by the Kubelet to preserve node stability when available compute resources are low. The Kubelet first considers QoS and then PriorityClass of Pods before eviction. On the other hand, the scheduler eviction logic ignores the QoS of Pods entirely when choosing preemption targets. The scheduler attempts to pick a set of Pods with the lowest priority possible that satisfies the needs of higher-priority Pods waiting to be placed.

When Pods have a priority specified, it can have an undesired effect on other Pods that are evicted. For example, while a Pod’s graceful termination policies are respected, the PodDisruptionBudget as discussed in Chapter 10, Singleton Service is not guaranteed, which could break a lower-priority clustered application that relies on a quorum of Pods.

Another concern is a malicious or uninformed user who creates Pods with the highest possible priority and evicts all other Pods. To prevent that, ResourceQuota has been extended to support PriorityClass, and larger priority numbers are reserved for critical system Pods that should not usually be preempted or evicted.

In conclusion, Pod priorities should be used with caution because user-specified numerical priorities that guide the scheduler and Kubelet about which Pods to place or to kill are subject to gaming by users. Any change could affect many Pods, and could prevent the platform from delivering predictable service-level agreements.

Project Resources

Kubernetes is a self-service platform that enables developers to run applications as they see suitable on the designated isolated environments. However, working in a shared multitenanted platform also requires the presence of specific boundaries and control units to prevent some users from consuming all the resources of the platform. One such tool is ResourceQuota, which provides constraints for limiting the aggregated resource consumption in a namespace. With ResourceQuotas, the cluster administrators can limit the total sum of computing resources (CPU, memory) and storage consumed. It can also limit the total number of objects (such as ConfigMaps, Secrets, Pods, or Services) created in a namespace.

Another useful tool in this area is LimitRange, which allows setting resource usage limits for each type of resource. In addition to specifying the minimum and maximum permitted amounts for different resource types and the default values for these resources, it also allows you to control the ratio between the requests and limits, also known as the overcommit level. Table 2-1 gives an example how the possible values for requests and limits can be chosen.

Table 2-1. Limit and request ranges
Type Resource Min Max Default limit Default request Lim/req ratio















LimitRanges are useful for controlling the container resource profiles so that there are no containers that require more resources than a cluster node can provide. It can also prevent cluster users from creating containers that consume a large number of resources, making the nodes not allocatable for other containers. Considering that the requests (and not limits) are the primary container characteristic the scheduler uses for placing, LimitRequestRatio allows you to control how much difference there is between the requests and limits of containers. Having a big combined gap between requests and limits increases the chances for overcommitting on the node and may degrade application performance when many containers simultaneously require more resources than originally requested.

Capacity Planning

Considering that containers may have different resource profiles in different environments, and a varied number of instances, it is evident that capacity planning for a multipurpose environment is not straightforward. For example, for best hardware utilization, on a nonproduction cluster, you may have mainly Best-Effort and Burstable containers. In such a dynamic environment, many containers are starting up and shutting down at the same time, and even if a container gets killed by the platform during resource starvation, it is not fatal. On the production cluster where we want things to be more stable and predictable, the containers may be mainly of the Guaranteed type and some Burstable. If a container gets killed, that is most likely a sign that the capacity of the cluster should be increased.

Table 2-2 presents a few services with CPU and memory demands.

Table 2-2. Capacity planning example
Pod CPU request CPU limit Memory request Memory limit Instances































Of course, in a real-life scenario, the more likely reason you are using a platform such as Kubernetes would be because there are many more services to manage, some of which are about to retire, and some are still at the design and development phase. Even if it is a continually moving target, based on a similar approach as described previously, we can calculate the total amount of resources needed for all the services per environment.

Keep in mind that in the different environments there are also a different number of containers, and you may even need to leave some room for autoscaling, build jobs, infrastructure containers, and more. Based on this information and the infrastructure provider, you can choose the most cost-effective compute instances that provide the required resources.


Containers are useful not only for process isolation and as a packaging format. With identified resource profiles, they are also the building blocks for successful capacity planning. Perform some early tests to discover the resource needs for each container and use that information as a base for future capacity planning and prediction.

However, more importantly, resource profiles are the way an application communicates with Kubernetes to assist in scheduling and managing decisions. If your application doesn’t provide any requests or limits, all Kubernetes can do is treat your containers as opaque boxes that are dropped when the cluster gets full. So it is more or less mandatory for every application to think about and provide these resource declarations.

Now that you know how to size our applications, in Chapter 3, Declarative Deployment, you will learn multiple strategies to get our applications installed and updated on Kubernetes.

1 We talk more about Secret security in Chapter 19, Configuration Resource.

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