About This Book

What Does This Book Cover?

This book shows how to get started using the JMP scripting language (JSL) and explains the fundamental concepts needed to make the most of JSL.  It also provides a rich source of example scripts for those who need to accomplish a specific task with scripting. As a bonus, information about helpful tools and advanced concepts has been added to this, the second edition.

Is This Book for You?

If you want to automate JMP analyses that you perform on a regular basis, want to know more about customizing your JMP reports, or need a good source for example scripts, this book is for you.

What Are the Prerequisites for This Book?

This book assumes that you have experience using JMP interactively and are familiar with the JMP menus and toolbars.

What Is the Scope of This Book?

If you do not know anything about JSL and need a quick start, the first three chapters of this book show you how to capture scripts that JMP generates and pull these scripts together into a cohesive program.

From there, a discussion of the fundamental concepts of JSL is provided to help you understand more about the language. Advanced scripting concepts and some useful tools follow to complete section 1. 

If you do know a bit about scripting and seek examples of performing specific tasks, the second section of this book provides diverse example scripts.  We hope you find this section of the book to be a good reference resource as you continue learning JSL.

If you are looking for complete and comprehensive treatment of JSL syntax, we recommend that you consult the Scripting Index, Scripting Guide, and JSL Syntax Reference, which are accessed from the Help menu within JMP software.

What’s New in This Edition?

Instructions and examples have been updated, using the new and improved features of JMP software and JSL. Three new chapters about JSL fundamentals, advanced concepts, and helpful tools have been added.

How This Book Is Organized

This book is divided into two main parts.  The first section is an introduction to JSL, showing how to use JMP to capture scripts and how to make modifications to combine scripts.  This section also contains chapters on advanced scripting concepts, as well as introductions to helpful tools for scripting tasks.  The second section of this book contains well over 50 example scripts for common scripting tasks. These scripts can be downloaded from the SAS Press website and modified by users for their specific needs.

Typographical Conventions Used in This Book

The following typographic conventions are used in this book:

regular                    is used for most text.

italic                       is used for emphasis and object references within text.

bold                      identifies JMP menu and dialog choices and JSL functions.
                             Choices such as Help
About JMP mean you select Help, and then select
                           About JMP.

//                          identifies comments within the code.

/* */                     delimits lengthy comments within the code.

image shown here

Interspersed in the chapters are helpful hints, which are denoted with the shaded gray background and the chair icon. So, when you see the chair icon, hold onto your seat because something important is noted here.

Software Used to Develop the Book’s Content

JMP PRO 14.1.0 for Windows was used to develop the scripts and create the screen shots for this book.  All scripts were tested using JMP PRO 14.1 for both Windows and Macintosh operating systems. 

If you are using a Macintosh operating system, you might find that menu items are different from those described in the book. For example, on Windows you would access the log by selecting the View menu.  However, on Macintosh you would access the log by selecting the Window menu.  We recommend reviewing the JMP 14 Menu Card and Quick Reference to find the Macintosh equivalent menu and shortcut items.  These PDF files are found by selecting Help Books Menu Card and Help Books Quick Reference.

Example Code and Data

You can access the example code and data for this book by linking to the author pages here: support.sas.com/murphrey



Morgan, J. 2010. “Expression Handling Functions: Part 1, Unraveling the Expr( ), NameExpr( ), Eval( ),…Conundrum.” JMPer Cable, A Technical Communication for JMP Users 26 (Winter 2010): 15-19.

SAS Institute Inc. 2018. JMP® 14 Scripting Guide. Cary, NC: SAS Institute Inc.

SAS Institute Inc. 2018. JMP® 14 JSL Syntax Reference. Cary, NC: SAS Institute Inc.

Utlaut, T., G. Morgan, and K. Anderson. 2018. JSL Companion: Applications of the JMP® Scripting Language, Second Edition. Cary, NC: SAS Institute Inc.

The Scripting Guide and JSL Syntax Reference can be found in the Book section of Help in JMP software installations.  They are also available as PDF documents on the JMP website at https://www.jmp.com/en_us/support/jmp-documentation.html.

About the Authors

Wendy Murphrey is a Sr. Principal Technical Support Analyst in the Technical Support Division of SAS Institute, Inc. A JMP user since 2000, she researches and responds to customer questions and problems, writes sample JSL scripts and JMP add-ins, and is an active member of the JMP User Community–all to help customers make the most of their JMP software investment. As team lead, Wendy is a mentor for junior members in the Technical Support Division.  Although technical support is her primary focus, Wendy wears many hats at SAS, including serving on the team that developed the JMP Scripting Certification. She received her BS in Business Administration from Meredith College in Raleigh, North Carolina.



Rosemary Lucas is a Database Specialist in the College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences (CVMBS) at Colorado State University, providing database and survey support for the CVMBS College Office. Prior to moving to Colorado, she worked as a Technical Support Analyst in the Technical Support Division, supporting JMP and JMP Genomics, and then later as a JMP Development Tester in the JMP Division at SAS Institute, Inc.  A JMP user since 1999, Rosemary received her Master of Microbial Biotechnology degree from North Carolina State University and is a member of the American Statistical Association.

Learn more about these authors by visiting their author pages at support.sas.com/murphrey and support.sas.com/lucas. There you can download free book excerpts, access example code and data, read the latest reviews, get updates, and more.

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