

About this Book



Section 1

Introduction to JSL

Chapter 1: Make JMP Work for You


Capturing Scripts from Your Analyses

Capturing Scripts from Imported Data

Capturing Scripts from Data Manipulations

Creating a Combined Script


Chapter 2: Stitching It Together


Stitching Saved Scripts Together

Combining Summary Data with an Analysis

Combining Data Import, Summary, and Two Analyses


Chapter 3: The Double Layer Cake


Folding Back the Layers of the Results

The Analysis Layer

The Report Layer


Chapter 4: JSL Language Foundations


Fundamental Concepts

Data Structures


Name Resolution

Conditional Logic



Chapter 5: Close Your Eyes and Jump!


The Script Editor

Resources Available at Your Fingertips

What to Do in Times of Trouble


Chapter 6: The Dashboard and Application Builders


Combine Windows, the Dashboard Builder, and the Application Builder


Chapter 7: Advanced Topics


Building Custom Dialogs

Navigating Reports Programmatically

Expression Handling

Defensive Programming Strategies



Section 2

Jump On!

Chapter 8: Rows, Columns, and Tables

Question 8.1: I can manipulate a data table interactively, such as by selecting and deleting rows, by adding new columns, and so on. How can I get JMP to produce the script for these actions?

Question 8.2: How can I select rows where more than one condition is true? How can I select rows where at least one of the specified conditions is true?

Question 8.3: There are already rows selected in my data table.  How can I select additional rows without deselecting any of the currently selected rows?

Question 8.4: How can I select from the currently selected rows?

Question 8.5: How can I perform a Select Where on numeric datetime values?

Question 8.6: How can I determine the number of selected, excluded, or hidden rows in a data table?

Question 8.7:  I am attempting to select some rows, and then create a subset data table. When no rows are selected, all the rows are included in the subset data table. How can I create a subset only if there were rows selected?

Question 8.8: How can I determine the number of selected columns in a table? How can I get a list of the selected columns?    201

Question 8.9: I want to delete all the character columns in a data table. How can I do this?

Question 8.10: Are there any JSL commands for recoding data, as in Cols Recode?

Question 8.11: I have a set of values that I want to use as the control limits for a data table column. How can I use these values to create the Control Limits column property?

Question 8.12: How can a character column containing datetime values be converted to a numeric column of JMP date values using a script?

Question 8.13: I can replace all the missing numeric values in a table with zeros interactively by performing Edit Search Find and Replace. How can I do the same procedure using scripting?

Question 8.14:  How can I delete the formula from every column in my data table?

Question 8.15:  How can I use a variable in a new column with a formula?

Question 8.16: How can I add multiple columns with formulas in a loop?  I want one new column for each continuous column that calculates the mean by a grouping column

Question 8.17: How can I get a list of all open data tables?

Question 8.18: How can I open and concatenate multiple files that have the same format?

Question 8.19: I have imported several files and performed some data cleanup.  How can I concatenate all the open tables without knowing exactly how many tables are open?

Chapter 9: Dialog Windows

Question 9.1: How can I prompt the user to select columns to be used in an analysis?

Question 9.2: How can I stop a script if a user clicks the Cancel button in a dialog window?

Question 9.3: How can I prompt the user to select a file in a specific directory? I want to display only those files of a specific type, such as text

Question 9.4: Can a wildcard character be used to open several data tables that contain specific characters in the filename?    228

Question 9.5: How can I can prompt the user for information, and then use that value in the SQL string for extracting data from a database?

Question 9.6: How can I prompt the user to select starting and ending dates, as well as a title to be used in a report?. 232

Question 9.7: How can I populate a Combo Box based upon what a user selects in another Combo Box, and then generate a subset table that meets the selection criteria?

Question 9.8: How can I use Column Switcher to affect multiple graphs in the same window?

Question 9.9: Is it possible to show or hide a display box based upon a user’s prior selection in the same window?

Question 9.10: Why does the Excel Wizard open when I import data from my New Window?

Question 9.11:  When I try to limit the columns shown in a Col List Box to numeric, no columns appear.  Why?

Chapter 10: Analyses

Question 10.1:  How can I save the Parameter Estimates table from my Bivariate analysis into a new data table?

Question 10.2: How can I save the Parameter Estimates table from my Bivariate analysis into a new data table when I am using a By variable?

Question 10.3: I am using the Neural platform and need to add the Prediction Profiler to the Neural report.  How can I do this?  252

Question 10.4: How do I use global variables for limit values in a Control Chart script?

Question 10.5: For a control chart, how do I request that JMP open and use a table of saved limits rather than those limits calculated at run time?

Question 10.6: How do you save limits from the Control Chart analysis into the column property?

Question 10.7:  How do you save limits from the Control Chart analysis into a new table?

Question 10.8: How can I use spec limits that are stored in a separate data table?

Question 10.9: I have many variables in my data table and want to perform a Stepwise regression analysis, and then run my new model. How do I script this?

Question 10.10:  I need to close the Fit Model dialog window. How do I reference it?

Question 10.11:  How can I use a list in place of the Fit Model effects?

Question 10.12: How do I save X number of principal components of my multivariate analysis to the data table? I also want to include the eigenvectors in my report and save them into a new data table

Question 10.13:  How can I save the Mahalanobis outlier, Jackknife distances, and  T-square values of the outlier analysis to the data table?

Chapter 11: Graph Components

Question 11.1:  How do I replace the default axis label with a different label in Graph Builder?

Question 11.2:  The font size, type, style, and color of the axis labels need to be changed in my report. How do I accomplish this?

Question 11.3: How do I specify a different font for the tick labels on my graph?

Question 11.4:  The tick labels on an axis need to be rotated and formatted to two decimal places. How is this done?. 280

Question 11.5: How can I specify the order of values on an axis?

Question 11.6: How do I add a reference line on any graph?

Question 11.7:  How can I remove a reference line?

Question 11.8: How do I add annotations to my graph using a script?

Question 11.9:  I have a spec limits table with columns holding limits for each process variable. I want to plot these limits on Oneway plots. How can I do this?

Question 11.10: How can I get consistent legend colors when using a local data filter with Graph Builder?

Chapter 12: Reports and Journals

Question 12.1: At the top of my report, there is a text string that begins “Where…”. How can I remove this information from my report and instead show it in the top OutlineBox?

Question 12.2: How can I use a variable in a Where statement so that the window title and Where text show the actual variable values rather than the variable name?

Question 12.3: How can I arrange my report so that I have two graphs per row?

Question 12.4:  How can I get a handle to the journal window so that I can save it?

Question 12.5:  How can I change the name of the journal window?

Question 12.6: How do I insert the contents of a data table into a journal, under a specific OutlineBox?

Question 12.7: I need to save my report as a .jrp file in my script.  How is this done?

Question 12.8: How can I use a map as a filter?

Question 12.9: How do I create a tabbed report?

Question 12.10: My graph has a local data filter.  How can I save both components as one interactive HTML file?




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