Chapter 8. Working with Java Collections

This chapter introduces Java’s interpretation of fundamental data structures, known as the Java Collections. These abstractions are core to many (if not most) programming types, and form an essential part of any programmers basic toolkit. Accordingly, this is one of the most important chapters of the entire book, and provides a toolkit that is essential to virtually all Java programmers.

In this chapter, we will introduce the fundamental interfaces and the type hierarchy, show how to use them, and discuss aspects of their overall design. Both the “classic” approach to handling the Collections and the newer approach (using the Streams API and the lambda expressions functionality introduced in Java 8) will be covered.

Introduction to Collections API

The Java Collections are a set of generic interfaces that describe the most common forms of data structure. Java ships with several implementations of each of the classic data structures, and because the types are represented as interfaces, it is very possible for development teams to develop their own, specialized implementations of the interfaces for use in their own projects.

The Java Collections define two fundamental types of data structures. A Collection is a grouping of objects, while a Map is a set of mappings, or associations, between objects. The basic layout of the Java Collections is shown in Figure 8-1.

Within this basic description, a Set is a type of Collection with no duplicates, and a List is a Collection in which the elements are ordered (but may contain duplicates).

JN6 0801
Figure 8-1. Collections classes and inheritance

SortedSet and SortedMap are specialized sets and maps that maintain their elements in a sorted order.

Collection, Set, List, Map, SortedSet, and SortedMap are all interfaces, but the java.util package also defines various concrete implementations, such as lists based on arrays and linked lists, and maps and sets based on hash tables or binary trees. Other important interfaces are Iterator and Iterable, which allow you to loop through the objects in a collection, as we will see later on.

The Collection Interface

Collection<E> is a parameterized interface that represents a generalized grouping of objects of type E. Methods are defined for adding and removing objects from the group, testing an object for membership in the group, and iterating through all elements in the group. Additional methods return the elements of the group as an array and return the size of the collection.

The grouping within a Collection may or may not allow duplicate elements and may or may not impose an ordering on the elements.

The Java Collections Framework provides Collection because it defines the features common to all common forms of data structure. The JDK ships Set, List, and Queue as subinterfaces of Collection. The following code illustrates the operations you can perform on Collection objects:

// Create some collections to work with.
Collection<String> c = new HashSet<>();  // An empty set

// We'll see these utility methods later Be aware that there are 
// some subtleties to watch out for when using them
Collection<String> d = Arrays.asList("one", "two");
Collection<String> e = Collections.singleton("three");

// Add elements to a collection. These methods return true 
// if the collection changes, which is useful with Sets that 
// don't allow duplicates.
c.add("zero");           // Add a single element
c.addAll(d);             // Add all of the elements in d

// Copy a collection: most implementations have a copy constructor
Collection<String> copy = new ArrayList<String>(c);

// Remove elements from a collection.
// All but clear return true if the collection changes.
c.remove("zero");        // Remove a single element
c.removeAll(e);          // Remove a collection of elements
c.retainAll(d);          // Remove all elements that are not in e
c.clear();               // Remove all elements from the collection

// Querying collection size
boolean b = c.isEmpty(); // c is now empty, so true
int s = c.size();        // Size of c is now 0.

// Restore collection from the copy we made

// Test membership in the collection. Membership is based on the equals
// method, not the == operator.
b = c.contains("zero");  // true
b = c.containsAll(d);    // true

// Most Collection implementations have a useful toString()  method

// Obtain an array of collection elements.  If the iterator guarantees
// an order, this array has the same order. The array is a copy, not a
// reference to an internal data structure.
Object[] elements = c.toArray();

// If we want the elements in a String[], we must pass one in
String[] strings = c.toArray(new String[c.size()]);

// Or we can pass an empty String[] just to specify the type and
// the toArray method will allocate an array for us
strings = c.toArray(new String[0]);

Remember that you can use any of the methods shown here with any Set, List, or Queue. These subinterfaces may impose membership restrictions or ordering constraints on the elements of the collection but still provide the same basic methods.

Methods such as add(), remove(), clear(), and retainAll() that alter the collection were conceived of as optional parts of the API. Unfortunately, they were specified a long time ago, when the received wisdom was to indicate the absence of an optional method by throwing UnsupportedOperationException. Accordingly, some implementations (notably read-only forms) may throw this unchecked exception.

Collection, Map, and their subinterfaces do not extend the Cloneable or Serializable interfaces. All of the collection and map implementation classes provided in the Java Collections Framework, however, do implement these interfaces.

Some collection implementations place restrictions on the elements that they can contain. An implementation might prohibit null as an element, for example. And EnumSet restricts membership to the values of a specified enumerated type.

Attempting to add a prohibited element to a collection always throws an unchecked exception such as NullPointerException or ClassCastException. Checking whether a collection contains a prohibited element may also throw such an exception, or it may simply return false.

The Set Interface

A set is a collection of objects that does not allow duplicates: it may not contain two references to the same object, two references to null, or references to two objects a and b such that a.equals(b). Most general-purpose Set implementations impose no ordering on the elements of the set, but ordered sets are not prohibited (see SortedSet and LinkedHashSet). Sets are further distinguished from ordered collections like lists by the general expectation that they have an efficient contains method that runs in constant or logarithmic time.

Set defines no additional methods beyond those defined by Collection but places additional restrictions on those methods. The add() and addAll() methods of a Set are required to enforce the no-duplicates rules: they may not add an element to the Set if the set already contains that element. Recall that the add() and addAll() methods defined by the Collection interface return true if the call resulted in a change to the collection and false if it did not. This return value is relevant for Set objects because the no-duplicates restriction means that adding an element does not always result in a change to the set.

Table 8-1 lists the implementations of the Set interface and summarizes their internal representation, ordering characteristics, member restrictions, and the performance of the basic add(), remove(), and contains operations as well as iteration performance. You can read more about each class in the reference section. Note that CopyOnWriteArraySet is in the java.util.concurrent package; all the other implementations are part of java.util. Also note that java.util.BitSet is not a Set implementation. This legacy class is useful as a compact and efficient list of boolean values but is not part of the Java Collections Framework.

Table 8-1. Set implementations
Class Internal representation Since Element order Member restric-tions Basic opera-tions Iteration perfor-mance Notes








Best general-purpose implementation.


Linked hashtable


Insertion order




Preserves insertion order.


Bit fields


Enum declaration

Enum values



Holds non-null enum values only.


Red-black tree


Sorted ascending




Comparable elements or Comparator.




Insertion order




Threadsafe without synchronized methods.

The TreeSet implementation uses a red-black tree data structure to maintain a set that is iterated in ascending order according to the natural ordering of Comparable objects or according to an ordering specified by a Comparator object. TreeSet actually implements the SortedSet interface, which is a subinterface of Set.

The SortedSet interface offers several interesting methods that take advantage of its sorted nature. The following code illustrates:

public static void testSortedSet(String[] args) {
    // Create a SortedSet
    SortedSet<String> s = new TreeSet<>(Arrays.asList(args));

    // Iterate set: elements are automatically sorted
    for (String word : s) {

    // Special elements
    String first = s.first();  // First element
    String last = s.last();    // Last element

    // all elements but first
    SortedSet<String> tail = s.tailSet(first + ''); 

    // all elements but last
    SortedSet<String> head = s.headSet(last);       

    SortedSet<String> middle = s.subSet(first+'', last);
The addition of characters is needed because the tailSet() and related methods use the successor of an element, which for strings is the string value with a NULL character (ASCII code 0) appended.

The List Interface

A List is an ordered collection of objects. Each element of a list has a position in the list, and the List interface defines methods to query or set the element at a particular position, or index. In this respect, a List is like an array whose size changes as needed to accommodate the number of elements it contains. Unlike sets, lists allow duplicate elements.

In addition to its index-based get() and set() methods, the List interface defines methods to add or remove an element at a particular index and also defines methods to return the index of the first or last occurrence of a particular value in the list. The add() and remove() methods inherited from Collection are defined to append to the list and to remove the first occurrence of the specified value from the list. The inherited addAll() appends all elements in the specified collection to the end of the list, and another version inserts the elements at a specified index. The retainAll() and removeAll() methods behave as they do for any Collection, retaining or removing multiple occurrences of the same value, if needed.

The List interface does not define methods that operate on a range of list indexes. Instead, it defines a single subList() method that returns a List object that represents just the specified range of the original list. The sublist is backed by the parent list, and any changes made to the sublist are immediately visible in the parent list. Examples of subList() and the other basic List manipulation methods are shown here:

// Create lists to work with
List<String> l = new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList(args));
List<String> words = Arrays.asList("hello", "world");

// Querying and setting elements by index
String first = l.get(0);             // First element of list
String last = l.get(l.size -1);     // Last element of list
l.set(0, last);                      // The last shall be first

// Adding and inserting elements.  add  can append or insert
l.add(first);       // Append the first word at end of list
l.add(0, first);    // Insert first at the start of the list again
l.addAll(words);    // Append a collection at the end of the list
l.addAll(1, words); // Insert collection after first word

// Sublists: backed by the original list
List<String> sub = l.subList(1,3);  // second and third elements
sub.set(0, "hi");                   // modifies 2nd element of l
// Sublists can restrict operations to a subrange of backing list
String s = Collections.min(l.subList(0,4));
// Independent copies of a sublist don't affect the parent list.
List<String> subcopy = new ArrayList<String>(l.subList(1,3));

// Searching lists
int p = l.indexOf(last);  // Where does the last word appear?
p = l.lastIndexOf(last);  // Search backward

// Print the index of all occurrences of last in l.  Note subList
int n = l.size();
p = 0;
do {
    // Get a view of the list that includes only the elements we
    // haven't searched yet.
    List<String> list = l.subList(p, n);
    int q = list.indexOf(last);
    if (q == -1) break;
    System.out.printf("Found '%s' at index %d%n", last, p+q);
    p += q+1;
} while(p < n);

// Removing elements from a list
l.remove(last);         // Remove first occurrence of the element
l.remove(0);            // Remove element at specified index
l.subList(0,2).clear(); // Remove a range of elements using subList
l.retainAll(words);     // Remove all but elements in words
l.removeAll(words);     // Remove all occurrences of elements in words
l.clear();              // Remove everything

Foreach loops and iteration

One very important way of working with collections is to process each element in turn, an approach known as iteration. This is an older way of looking at data structures, but is still very useful (especially for small collections of data) and is easy to understand. This approach fits naturally with the for loop, as shown in this bit of code, and is easiest to illustrate using a List:

ListCollection<String> c = new ArrayList<String>();
// ... add some Strings to c

for(String word : c) {

The sense of the code should be clear—it takes the elements of c one at a time and uses them as a variable in the loop body. More formally, it iterates through the elements of an array or collection (or any object that implements java.lang.Iterable). On each iteration it assigns an element of the array or Iterable object to the loop variable you declare and then executes the loop body, which typically uses the loop variable to operate on the element. No loop counter or Iterator object is involved; the foreach loop performs the iteration automatically, and you need not concern yourself with correct initialization or termination of the loop.

This type of for loop is often referred to as a foreach loop. Let’s see how it works. The following bit of code shows a rewritten (and equivalent) for loop, with the methods actually shown:

// Iteration with a for loop
for(Iterator<String> i = c.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {

The Iterator object, i, is produced from the collection, and used to step through the collection one item at a time. It can also be used with while loops:

//Iterate through collection elements with a while loop.
//Some implementations (such as lists) guarantee an order of iteration
//Others make no guarantees.
Iterator<String> iterator() = c.iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {

Here are some more things you should know about the syntax of the foreach loop:

  • As noted earlier, expression must be either an array or an object that implements the java.lang.Iterable interface. This type must be known at compile time so that the compiler can generate appropriate looping code.

  • The type of the array or Iterable elements must be assignment-compatible with the type of the variable declared in the declaration. If you use an Iterable object that is not parameterized with an element type, the variable must be declared as an Object.

  • The declaration usually consists of just a type and a variable name, but it may include a final modifier and any appropriate annotations (see Chapter 4). Using final prevents the loop variable from taking on any value other than the array or collection element the loop assigns it and serves to emphasize that the array or collection cannot be altered through the loop variable.

  • The loop variable of the foreach loop must be declared as part of the loop, with both a type and a variable name. You cannot use a variable declared outside the loop as you can with the for loop.

To understand in detail how the foreach loop works with collections, we need to consider two interfaces, java.util.Iterator and java.lang.Iterable:

public interface Iterator<E> {
     boolean hasNext();
     E next();
     void remove();

Iterator defines a way to iterate through the elements of a collection or other data structure. It works like this: while there are more elements in the collection (hasNext() returns true), call next to obtain the next element of the collection. Ordered collections, such as lists, typically have iterators that guarantee that they’ll return elements in order. Unordered collections like Set simply guarantee that repeated calls to next() return all elements of the set without omissions or duplications but do not specify an ordering.

The next() method of Iterator performs two functions—it advances through the collection and also returns the old head value of the collection. This combination of operations can cause problems when programming in an immutable style, as it fundamentally mutates the collection.

The Iterable interface  was introduced to make the foreach loop work. A class implements this interface in order to advertise that it is able to provide an Iterator to anyone interested:

public interface Iterable<E> {
     java.util.Iterator<E> iterator();

If an object is Iterable<E>, that means that that it has an iterator() method that returns an Iterator<E>, which has a next() method that returns an object of type E.

Note that if you use the foreach loop with an Iterable<E>, the loop variable must be of type E or a superclass or interface.

For example, to iterate through the elements of a List<String>, the variable must be declared String or its superclass Object, or one of the interfaces it implements: CharSequence, Comparable, or Serializable.

Random access to Lists

A general expectation of List implementations is that they can be efficiently iterated, typically in time proportional to the size of the list. Lists do not all provide efficient random access to the elements at any index, however. Sequential-access lists, such as the LinkedList class, provide efficient insertion and deletion operations at the expense of random-access performance. Implementations that provide efficient random access implement the RandomAccess marker interface, and you can test for this interface with instanceof if you need to ensure efficient list manipulations:

// Arbitrary list we're passed to manipulate
List<?> l = ...;

// Ensure we can do efficient random access.  If not, use a copy 
// constructor to make a random-access copy of the list before 
// manipulating it.
if (!(l instanceof RandomAccess)) l = new ArrayList<?>(l);

The Iterator returned by the iterator() method of a List iterates the list elements in the order that they occur in the list. List implements Iterable, and lists can be iterated with a foreach loop just as any other collection can.

To iterate just a portion of a list, you can use the subList() method to create a sublist view:

List<String> words = ...;  // Get a list to iterate

// Iterate just all elements of the list but the first
for(String word : words.subList(1, words.size ))

Table 8-2 summarizes the five general-purpose List implementations in the Java platform. Vector and Stack are legacy implementations and should not be used. CopyOnWriteArrayList is part of the java.util.concurrent package and is only really suitable for multithreaded use cases.

Table 8-2. List implementations
Class Representation Since Random access Notes





Best all-around implementation.


Double-linked list



Efficient insertion and deletion.





Threadsafe; fast traversal, slow modification.





Legacy class; synchronized methods. Do not use.





Extends Vector; adds push(), pop(), peek(). Legacy; use Deque instead.

The Map Interface

A map is a set of key objects and a mapping from each member of that set to a value object. The Map interface defines an API for defining and querying mappings. Map is part of the Java Collections Framework, but it does not extend the Collection interface, so a Map is a little-c collection, not a big-C Collection. Map is a parameterized type with two type variables. Type variable K represents the type of keys held by the map, and type variable V represents the type of the values that the keys are mapped to. A mapping from String keys to Integer values, for example, can be represented with a Map<String,Integer>.

The most important Map methods are put(), which defines a key/value pair in the map, get(), which queries the value associated with a specified key, and remove(), which removes the specified key and its associated value from the map. The general performance expectation for Map implementations is that these three basic methods are quite efficient: they should usually run in constant time and certainly no worse than in logarithmic time.

An important feature of Map is its support for “collection views.” A Map is not a Collection, but its keys can be viewed as a Set, its values can be viewed as a Collection, and its mappings can be viewed as a Set of Map.Entry objects. (Map.Entry is a nested interface defined within Map: it simply represents a single key/value pair.)

The following sample code shows the get(), put(), remove(), and other methods of a Map and also demonstrates some common uses of the collection views of a Map:

// New, empty map
Map<String,Integer> m = new HashMap();  

// Immutable Map containing a single key-value pair
Map<String,Integer> singleton = Collections.singletonMap("test", -1);

// Note this rarely used syntax to explicitly specify the parameter
// types of the generic emptyMap method. The returned map is immutable
Map<String,Integer> empty = Collections.<String,Integer>emptyMap();

// Populate the map using the put method to define mappings 
// from array elements to the index at which each element appears
String[] words = { "this", "is", "a", "test" };
for(int i = 0; i < words.length; i++) {
    m.put(words[i], i);  // Note autoboxing of int to Integer

// Each key must map to a single value. But keys may map to the 
// same value
for(int i = 0; i < words.length; i++) {
    m.put(words[i].toUpperCase(), i);

// The putAll() method copies mappings from another Map

// Query the mappings with the get()  method
for(int i = 0; i < words.length; i++) {
    if (m.get(words[i]) != i) throw new AssertionError();

// Key and value membership testing
m.containsKey(words[0]);        // true
m.containsValue(words.length);  // false

// Map keys, values, and entries can be viewed as collections
Set<String> keys = m.keySet();
Collection<Integer> values = m.values();
Set<Map.Entry<String,Integer>> entries = m.entrySet();

// The Map and its collection views typically have useful 
// toString  methods
System.out.printf("Map: %s%nKeys: %s%nValues: %s%nEntries: %s%n",
                  m, keys, values, entries);

// These collections can be iterated.
// Most maps have an undefined iteration order (but see SortedMap)
for(String key : m.keySet()) System.out.println(key);
for(Integer value: m.values()) System.out.println(value);

// The Map.Entry<K,V> type represents a single key/value pair in a map
for(Map.Entry<String,Integer> pair : m.entrySet()) {
    // Print out mappings
    System.out.printf("'%s' ==> %d%n", pair.getKey(), pair.getValue());
    // And increment the value of each Entry
    pair.setValue(pair.getValue() + 1);

// Removing mappings
m.put("testing", null);   // Mapping to null can "erase" a mapping:
m.get("testing");         // Returns null
m.containsKey("testing"); // Returns true: mapping still exists
m.remove("testing");      // Deletes the mapping altogether
m.get("testing");         // Still returns null
m.containsKey("testing"); // Now returns false.

// Deletions may also be made via the collection views of a map.
// Additions to the map may not be made this way, however.
m.keySet().remove(words[0]);  // Same as m.remove(words[0]);

// Removes one mapping to the value 2 - usually inefficient and of 
// limited use
// Remove all mappings to 4
// Keep only mappings to 2 & 3
m.values().retainAll(Arrays.asList(2, 3));      

// Deletions can also be done via iterators
Iterator<Map.Entry<String,Integer>> iter = m.entrySet().iterator();
while(iter.hasNext()) {
    Map.Entry<String,Integer> e =;
    if (e.getValue() == 2) iter.remove();

// Find values that appear in both of two maps.  In general, addAll() 
// and retainAll() with keySet() and values() allow union and 
// intersection
Set<Integer> v = new HashSet<Integer>(m.values());

// Miscellaneous methods
m.clear();                // Deletes all mappings
m.size();                 // Returns number of mappings: currently 0
m.isEmpty();              // Returns true
m.equals(empty);          // true: Maps implementations override equals

The Map interface includes a variety of general-purpose and special-purpose implementations, which are summarized in Table 8-3. As always, complete details are in the JDK’s documentation and javadoc. All classes in Table 8-3 are in the java.util package except ConcurrentHashMap and ConcurrentSkipListMap, which are part of java.util.concurrent.

Table 8-3. Map implementations
Class Representation Since null keys null values Notes






General-purpose implementation.






General-purpose threadsafe implementation; see ConcurrentMap interface.






Specialized threadsafe implementation; see ConcurrentNavigableMap interface.






Keys are instances of an enum.


Hashtable plus list




Preserves insertion or access order.


Red-black tree




Sorts by key value. Operations are O(log(n)). See SortedMap interface.






Compares with == instead of equals().






Doesn’t prevent garbage collection of keys.






Legacy class; synchronized methods. Do not use.






Extends Hashtable with String methods.

The ConcurrentHashMap and ConcurrentSkipListMap classes of the java.util.concurrent package implement the ConcurrentMap interface of the same package. ConcurrentMap extends Map and defines some additional atomic operations that are important in multithreaded programming. For example, the putIfAbsent method is like put() but adds the key/value pair to the map only if the key is not already mapped.

TreeMap implements the SortedMap interface, which extends Map to add methods that take advantage of the sorted nature of the map. SortedMap is quite similar to the SortedSet interface. The firstKey() and lastKey() methods return the first and last keys in the keySet(). And headMap(), tailMap(), and subMap() return a restricted range of the original map.

The Queue and BlockingQueue Interfaces

A queue is an ordered collection  of elements with methods for extracting elements, in order, from the head of the queue. Queue implementations are commonly based on insertion order as in first-in, first-out (FIFO) queues or last-in, first-out (LIFO) queues.

LIFO queues are also known as stacks, and Java provides a Stack class, but its use is strongly discouraged—instead implementations of the Deque interface should be used.

Other orderings are also possible: a priority queue orders its elements according to an external Comparator object, or according to the natural ordering of Comparable elements. Unlike a Set, Queue implementations typically allow duplicate elements. Unlike List, the Queue interface does not define methods for manipulating queue elements at arbitrary positions. Only the element at the head of the queue is available for examination. It is common for Queue implementations to have a fixed capacity: when a queue is full, it is not possible to add more elements. Similarly, when a queue is empty, it is not possible to remove any more elements. Because full and empty conditions are a normal part of many queue-based algorithms, the Queue interface defines methods that signal these conditions with return values rather than by throwing exceptions. Specifically, the peek() and poll() methods return null to indicate that the queue is empty. For this reason, most Queue implementations do not allow null elements.

A blocking queue is a type of queue that defines  blocking put() and take() methods. The put() method adds an element to the queue, waiting, if necessary, until there is space in the queue for the element. And the take() method removes an element from the head of the queue, waiting, if necessary, until there is an element to remove. Blocking queues are an important part of many multithreaded algorithms, and the BlockingQueue interface (which extends Queue) is defined as part of the java.util.concurrent package.

Queues are not nearly as commonly used as sets, lists, and maps, except perhaps in certain multithreaded programming styles. In lieu of example code here, we’ll try to clarify the different possible queue insertion and removal operations.

Adding elements to queues


This Collection method simply adds an element in the normal way. In bounded queues, this method may throw an exception if the queue is full.


This Queue method is like add() but returns false instead of throwing an exception if the element cannot be added because a bounded queue is full.

BlockingQueue defines a timeout version of offer() that waits up to a specified amount of time for space to become available in a full queue. Like the basic version of the method, it returns true if the element was inserted and false otherwise.


This BlockingQueue method blocks: if the element cannot be inserted because the queue is full, put() waits until some other thread removes an element from the queue, and space becomes available for the new element.

Removing elements from queues


In addition to the Collection.remove() method, which removes a specified element from the queue, the Queue interface defines a no-argument version of remove() that removes and returns the element at the head of the queue. If the queue is empty, this method throws a NoSuchElementException.


This Queue method removes and returns the element at the head of the queue, like remove() does but returns null if the queue is empty instead of throwing an exception.

BlockingQueue defines a timeout version of poll() that waits up to a specified amount of time for an element to be added to an empty queue.


This BlockingQueue method removes and returns the element at the head of the queue. If the queue is empty, it blocks until some other thread adds an element to the queue.


This BlockingQueue method removes all available elements from the queue and adds them to a specified Collection. It does not block to wait for elements to be added to the queue. A variant of the method accepts a maximum number of elements to drain.


In this context, querying refers to examining the element at the head without removing it from the queue.


This Queue method returns the element at the head of the queue but does not remove that element from the queue. If the queue is empty, it throws NoSuchElementException.


This Queue method is like element but returns null if the queue is empty.

When using queues, it is usually a good idea to pick one particular style of how to deal with a failure. For example, if you want operations to block until they succeed, then choose put() and take(). If you want to examine the return code of a method to see if the queue operation suceeded, then offer() and poll() are an appropriate choice.

The LinkedList class also implements Queue. It provides unbounded FIFO ordering, and insertion and removal operations require constant time. LinkedList allows null elements, although their use is discouraged when the list is being used as a queue.

There are two other Queue implementations in the java.util package. PriorityQueue orders its elements according to a Comparator or orders Comparable elements according to the order defined by their compareTo() methods. The head of a PriorityQueue is always the smallest element according to the defined ordering. Finally, ArrayDeque is a double-ended queue implementation. It is often used when a stack implementation is needed.

The java.util.concurrent package also contains a number of BlockingQueue implementations, which are designed for use in multithreaded programing style; advanced versions that can remove the need for synchronized methods are available.

Utility Methods

The java.util.Collections class is home to quite a few static utility methods designed for use with collections. One important group of these methods are the collection wrapper methods: they return a special-purpose collection wrapped around a collection you specify. The purpose of the wrapper collection is to wrap additional functionality around a collection that does not provide it itself. Wrappers exist to provide thread-safety, write-protection, and runtime type checking. Wrapper collections are always backed by the original collection, which means that the methods of the wrapper simply dispatch to the equivalent methods of the wrapped collection. This means that changes made to the collection through the wrapper are visible through the wrapped collection and vice versa.

The first set of wrapper methods provides threadsafe wrappers around collections. Except for the legacy classes Vector and Hashtable, the collection implementations in java.util do not have synchronized methods and are not protected against concurrent access by multiple threads. If you need threadsafe collections and don’t mind the additional overhead of synchronization, create them with code like this:

List<String> list = 
    Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList<String>());
Set<Integer> set = 
    Collections.synchronizedSet(new HashSet<Integer>());
Map<String,Integer> map =
    Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<String,Integer>());

A second set of wrapper methods provides collection objects through which the underlying collection cannot be modified. They return a read-only view of a collection: any attempt to change the content of the collection results in an UnsupportedOperationException. These wrappers are useful when you must pass a collection to a method that must not be allowed to modify or mutate the content of the collection in any way:

List<Integer> primes = new ArrayList<Integer>();
List<Integer> readonly = Collections.unmodifiableList(primes);
// We can modify the list through primes
primes.addAll(Arrays.asList(2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19));
// But we can't modify through the read-only wrapper
readonly.add(23);  // UnsupportedOperationException

The java.util.Collections class also defines methods to operate on collections. Some of the most notable are methods to sort and search the elements of collections:

// list must be sorted first
int pos = Collections.binarySearch(list, "key"); 

Here are some other interesting Collections methods:

// Copy list2 into list1, overwriting list1
Collections.copy(list1, list2); 
// Fill list with Object o
Collections.fill(list, o);      
// Find the largest element in Collection c
// Find the smallest element in Collection c

Collections.reverse(list);      // Reverse list
Collections.shuffle(list);      // Mix up list

It is a good idea to familiarize yourself fully with the utility methods in Collections and Arrays as they can save you from writing your own implementation of a common task.

Special-case collections

In addition to its wrapper methods, the java.util.Collections class also defines utility methods for creating immutable collection instances that contain a single element and other methods for creating empty collections. singleton(), singletonList(), and singletonMap() return immutable Set, List, and Map objects that contain a single specified object or a single key/value pair. These methods are useful when you need to pass a single object to a method that expects a collection.

The Collections class also includes methods that return empty collections. If you are writing a method that returns a collection, it is usually best to handle the no-values-to-return case by returning an empty collection instead of a special-case value like null:

Set<Integer> si = Collections.emptySet();
List<String> ss = Collections.emptyList();
Map<String,Integer> m = Collections.emptyMap();

Finally, nCopies() returns an immutable List that contains a specified number of copies of a single specified object:

List<Integer> tenzeros = Collections.nCopies(10, 0);

Arrays and Helper Methods

Arrays of objects and collections serve similar purposes. It is possible to convert from one to the other:

String[] a ={ "this", "is", "a", "test" };  // An array
// View array as an ungrowable list
List<String> l = Arrays.asList(a);          
// Make a growable copy of the view
List<String> m = new ArrayList<String>(l);  

// asList() is a varargs method so we can do this, too:
Set<Character> abc = new HashSet<Character>(Arrays.asList('a', 'b', 'c'));

// Collection defines the toArray  method.  The no-args version creates
// an Object[] array, copies collection elements to it and returns it
// Get set elements as an array
Object[] members = set.toArray();         
// Get list elements as an array
Object[] items = list.toArray();          
// Get map key objects as an array
Object[] keys = map.keySet().toArray();   
// Get map value objects as an array
Object[] values = map.values().toArray(); 

// If you want the return value to be something other than Object[], 
// pass in an array of the appropriate type. If the array is not 
// big enough, another one of the same type will be allocated.  
// If the array is too big, the collection elements copied to it 
// will be null-filled
String[] c = l.toArray(new String[0]);

In addition, there are a number of useful helper methods for working with Java’s arrays, which are included here for completeness.

The java.lang.System class defines an arraycopy() method that is useful for copying specified elements in one array to a specified position in a second array. The second array must be the same type as the first, and it can even be the same array:

char[] text = "Now is the time".toCharArray();
char[] copy = new char[100];
// Copy 10 characters from element 4 of text into copy, 
// starting at copy[0]
System.arraycopy(text, 4, copy, 0, 10);

// Move some of the text to later elements, making room for insertions
System.arraycopy(copy, 3, copy, 6, 7);

There are also a number of useful static methods defined on the Arrays class:

int[] intarray = new int[] { 10, 5, 7, -3 }; // An array of integers
Arrays.sort(intarray);                       // Sort it in place
// Value 7 is found at index 2
int pos = Arrays.binarySearch(intarray, 7);  
// Not found: negative return value
pos = Arrays.binarySearch(intarray, 12);     

// Arrays of objects can be sorted and searched too
String[] strarray = new String[] { "now", "is", "the", "time" };
Arrays.sort(strarray);   // sorted to: { "is", "now", "the", "time" }

// Arrays.equals  compares all elements of two arrays
String[] clone = (String[]) strarray.clone();
boolean b1 = Arrays.equals(strarray, clone);  // Yes, they're equal

// Arrays.fill  initializes array elements
// An empty array; elements set to 0
byte[] data = new byte[100];          
// Set them all to -1
Arrays.fill(data, (byte) -1);         
// Set elements 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 to -2
Arrays.fill(data, 5, 10, (byte) -2);

Arrays can be treated and manipulated as objects in Java. Given an arbitrary object o, you can use code such as the following to find out if the object is an array and, if so, what type of array it is:

Class type = o.getClass();
if (type.isArray()) {
  Class elementType = type.getComponentType();

Lambda Expressions in the Java Collections

One of the major reasons for introducing lambda expressions in Java 8 was to facilitate the overhaul of the Collections API to allow more modern programming styles to be used by Java developers. Until the release of Java 8, the handling of data structures in Java looked a little bit dated. Many languages now support a programming style that allows collections to be treated as a whole, rather than requiring them to be broken apart and iterated over.

In fact, many Java developers had taken to using alternative data structures libraries to achieve some of the expressivity and productivity that they felt was lacking in the Collections API. The key to upgrading the APIs was to introduce new methods that would accept lambda expressions as parameters—to define what needed to be done, rather than precisely how.

The desire to add new methods to existing interfaces was directly responsible for the new language feature referred to as default methods (see “Default Methods” for more details). Without this new mechanism, older implementations of the Collections interfaces would fail to compile under Java 8, and would fail to link if loaded into a Java 8 runtime.

In this section, we will give a basic introduction to the use of lambda expressions in the Java Collections. For a fuller treatment, see Java 8 Lambdas by Richard Warburton (O’Reilly).

Functional Approaches

The approach that Java 8 wished to enable was derived from functional programming languages and styles. We met some of these key patterns in “Method References”—let’s reintroduce them and look at some examples of each.


The idiom applies a piece of code (that returns either true or false) to each element in a collection, and builds up a new collection consisting of those elements that “passed the test" (i.e., the bit of code returned true when applied to the element).

For example, let’s look at some code to work with a collection of cats and pick out the tigers:

String[] input = {"tiger", "cat", "TIGER", "Tiger", "leopard"};
List<String> cats = Arrays.asList(input);
String search = "tiger";
String tigers =
                    .filter(s -> s.equalsIgnoreCase(search))
                    .collect(Collectors.joining(", "));

The key piece is the call to filter(), which takes a lambda expression. The lambda takes in a string, and returns a Boolean value. This is applied over the whole collection cats, and a new collection is created, which only contains tigers (however they were capitalized).

The filter() method takes in an instance of the Predicate interface, from the new package java.util.function. This is a functional interface, with only a single nondefault method, and so is a perfect fit for a lambda expression.

Note the final call to collect(); this is an essential part of the API and is used to “gather up” the results at the end of the lambda operations. We’ll discuss it in more detail in the next section.

Predicate has some other very useful default methods, such as for constructing combined predicates by using logic operations. For example, if the tigers want to admit leopards into their group, this can be represented by using the or() method:

Predicate<String> p = s -> s.equalsIgnoreCase(search);
Predicate<String> combined = p.or(s -> s.equals("leopard"));
String pride =
                   .collect(Collectors.joining(", "));

Note that the Predicate<String> object p must be explicitly created, so that the defaulted or() method can be called on it and the second lambda expression (which will also be automatically converted to a Predicate<String>) passed to it.


The map idiom in Java 8 makes use of a new interface Function<T, R> in the package java.util.function. Like Predicate<T>, this is a functional interface, and so only has one nondefaulted method, apply(). The map idiom is about transforming a collection of one type in a collection of a potentially different type. This shows up in the API as the fact that Function<T, R> has two separate type parameters. The name of the type parameter R indicates that this represents the return type of the function.

Let’s look at a code example that uses map():

List<Integer> namesLength =


The map and filter idioms are used to create one collection from another. In languages that are strongly functional, this would be combined with requiring that the original collection was not affected by the body of the lambda as it touched each element. In computer science terms, this means that the lambda body should be “side-effect free.”

In Java, of course, we often need to deal with mutable data, so the new Collections API provides a way to mutate elements as the collection is traversed—the forEach() method. This takes an argument of type Consumer<T>, that is a functional interface that is expected to operate by side effects (although whether it actually mutates the data or not is of lesser importance). This means that the signature of lambdas that can be converted to Consumer<T> is (T t) → void. Let’s look at a quick example of forEach():

List<String> pets =
  Arrays.asList("dog", "cat", "fish", "iguana", "ferret");;

In this example, we are simply printing out each member of the collection. However, we’re doing so by using a special kind of method reference as a lambda expression. This type of method reference is called a bound method reference, as it involves a specific object (in this case, the object System.out, which is a static public field of System). This is equivalent to the lambda expression:

s -> System.out.println(s);

This is of course eligible for conversion to an instance of a type that implements Consumer<? super String> as required by the method signature.

Nothing prevents a map() or filter() call from mutating elements. It is only a convention that they must not, but it’s one that every Java programmer should adhere to.

There’s one final functional technique that we should look at before we move on. This is the practice of aggregating a collection down to a single value, and it’s the subject of our next section.


Let’s look at the reduce() method. This implements the reduce idiom, which is really a family of similar and related operations, some referred to as fold, or aggregation operations.

In Java 8, reduce() takes two arguments. These are the initial value, which is often called the identity (or zero), and a function to apply step by step. This function is of type BinaryOperator<T>, which is another functional interface that takes in two arguments of the same type, and returns another value of that type. This second argument to reduce() is a two-argument lambda. reduce() is defined in the javadoc like this:

T reduce(T identity, BinaryOperator<T> aggregator);

The easy way to think about the second argument to reduce() is that it creates a “running total” as it runs over the stream. It starts by combining the identity with the first element of the stream to produce the first result, then combines that result with the second element of the stream, and so on.

It can help to imagine that the implementation of reduce() works a bit like this:

public T reduce(T identity, BinaryOperator<T> aggregator) {
    T runningTotal = identity;
    for (T element : myStream) {
        runningTotal = aggregator.apply(runningTotal, element);

    return result;
In practice, implementations of reduce() can be more sophisticated than these, and can even execute in parallel if the data structure and operations are amenable to this.

Let’s look at a quick example of a reduce() and calculate the sum of some primes:

double sumPrimes = ((double)Stream.of(2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23)
       .reduce(0, (x, y) -> {return x + y;}));
System.out.println("Sum of some primes: " + sumPrimes);

In all of the examples we’ve met in this section, you may have noticed the presence of a stream() method call on the List instance. This is part of the evolution of the Collections—it was originally chosen partly out of necessity, but has proved to be an excellent abstraction. Let’s move on to discuss the Streams API in more detail.

The Streams API

The issue that caused the library  designers to introduce the Streams API was the large number of implementations of the core collections interfaces present in the wild. As these implementations predate Java 8 and lambdas, they would not have any of the methods corresponding to the new functional operations. Worse still, as method names such as map() and filter() have never been part of the interface of the Collections, implementations may already have methods with those names.

To work around this problem, a new abstraction called a Stream was introduced—the idea being that a Stream object can be generated from a collection object via the stream() method. This Stream object, being new and under the control of the library designers, is then guaranteed to be free of method name collisions. This then mitigates the risk of clash, as only implementations that contained a stream() method would be affected.

A Stream object plays a similar role to an Iterator in the new approach to collections code. The overall idea is for the developer to build up a sequence (or “pipeline”) of operations (such as map, filter, or reduce) that need to be applied to the collection as a whole. The actual content of the operations will usually be expressed by using a lambda expression for each operation.

At the end of the pipeline, the results need to be gathered up, or “materialized” back into an actual collection again. This is done either by using a Collector or by finishing the pipeline with a “terminal method” such as reduce() that returns an actual value, rather than another stream. Overall, the new approach to collections looks like this:

        stream()   filter()   map()   collect()
Collection -> Stream -> Stream -> Stream -> Collection

The Stream class behaves as a sequence of elements that are accessed one at a time (although there are some types of streams that support parallel access and can be used to process larger collections in a naturally multithreaded way). In a similar way to an Iterator, the Stream is used to take each item in turn.

As is usual for generic classes in Java, Stream is parameterized by a reference type. However, in many cases, we actually want streams of primitive types, especially ints and doubles. We cannot have Stream<int>, so instead in there are special (nongeneric) classes such as IntStream and DoubleStream. These are known as primitive specializations of the Stream class and have APIs that are very similar to the general Stream methods, except that they use primitives where appropriate.

For example, in the reduce() example, we’re actually using primitive specialization over most of the pipeline.

Lazy evaluation

In fact, streams are more general than iterators (or even collections), as streams do not manage storage for data. In earlier versions of Java, there was always a presumption that all of the elements of a collection existed (usually in memory). It was possible to work around this in a limited way by insisting on the use of iterators everywhere, and by having the iterators construct elements on the fly. However, this was neither very convenient or that common.

By contrast, streams are an abstraction for managing data, rather than being concerned with the details of storage. This makes it possible to handle more subtle data structures than just finite collections. For example, infinite streams can easily be represented by the Stream interface, and can be used as a way to, for example, handle the set of all square numbers. Let’s see how we could accomplish this using a Stream:

public class SquareGenerator implements IntSupplier {
    private int current = 1;

    public synchronized int getAsInt() {
        int thisResult = current * current;
        return thisResult;

IntStream squares = IntStream.generate(new SquareGenerator());
PrimitiveIterator.OfInt stepThrough = squares.iterator();
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
System.out.println("First iterator done...");

// We can go on as long as we like...
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {

One significant consequence of modeling the infinite stream is that methods like collect() won’t work. This is because we can’t materialize the whole stream to a collection (we would run out of memory before we created the infinite amount of objects we would need). Instead, we must adopt a model in which we pull the elements out of the stream as we need them. Essentially, we need a bit of code that returns the next element as we demand it. The key technique that is used to accomplish this is lazy evaluation. This essentially means that values are not necessarily computed until they are needed.

Lazy evaluation is a big change for Java, as until JDK 8 the value of an expression was always computed as soon as it was assigned to a variable (or passed into a method). This familiar model, where values are computed immediately, is called “eager evaluation” and it is the default behavior for evaluation of expressions in most mainstream programming languages.

Fortunately, lazy evaluation is largely a burden that falls on the library writer, not the developer, and for the most part when using the Streams API, Java developers don’t need to think closely about lazy evaluation. Let’s finish off our discussion of streams by looking at an extended code example using reduce(), and calculate the average word length in some Shakespeare quotes:

String[] billyQuotes = {"For Brutus is an honourable man",
  "Give me your hands if we be friends and Robin shall restore amends",
  "Misery acquaints a man with strange bedfellows"};
List<String> quotes = Arrays.asList(billyQuotes);

// Create a temporary collection for our words
List<String> words =
        .flatMap(line -> Stream.of(line.split(" +")));
long wordCount = words.size();

// The cast to double is only needed to prevent Java from using 
// integer division
double aveLength = ((double)
        .reduce(0, (x, y) -> {return x + y;})) / wordCount;
System.out.println("Average word length: " + aveLength);

In this example, we’ve introduced the flatMap() method. In our example, it takes in a single string, line, and returns a stream of strings, which is obtained by splitting up the line into its component words. These are then “flattened” so that all the sub-streams from each string are just combined into a single stream.

This has the effect of splitting up each quote into its component words, and making one superstream out of them. We count the words by creating the object words, essentially “pausing” halfway through the stream pipeline, and rematerializing into a collection to get the number of words before resuming our stream operations.

Once we’ve done that, we can proceed with the reduce, and add up the length of all the words, before dividing by the number of words that we have, across the quotes. Remember that streams are a lazy abstraction, so to perform an eager operation (like getting the size of a collection that backs a stream) we have to rematerialize the collection.

Streams utility default methods

Java 8 takes the opportunity to introduce a number of new methods to the Java Collections libraries. Now that the language supports default methods, it is possible to add new methods to the Collections without breaking backward compatibility.

Some of these methods are “scaffolding methods” for the Streams abstraction. These include methods  such as Collection::stream, Collection::parallelStream, and Collection::spliterator (which has specialized forms List::spliterator and Set::spliterator).

Others are “missing methods,” such as Map::remove and Map::replace. This also includes the List::sort method, that is defined in List like this:

// Essentially just forwards to the helper method in Collections
public default void sort(Comparator<? super E> c) {
    Collections.<E>sort(this, c);

Also in the missing methods is Map::putIfAbsent, which has been adopted from the ConcurrentMap interface in java.util.concurrent.

Another missing method worth noting is Map::getOrDefault, which allows the programmer to avoid a lot of tedious null checks, by providing a value that should be returned if the key is not found.

The remaining methods provide additional functional techniques using the interfaces of java.util.function:


This method takes a Predicate and iterates internally over the collection, removing any elements that satisfy the predicate object.


The single argument to this method is a lambda expression that takes two arguments (one of the key’s type and one of the value’s type) and returns void. This is converted to an instance of BiConsumer and is applied to each key-value pair in the map.


Takes a key and a lambda expression that maps the key type to the value type. If the specified key (first parameter) is not present in the map, then, computes a default value by using the lambda expression and puts it in the map.

(See also Map::computeIfPresent, Map::compute, and Map::merge.)


In this chapter, we’ve met the Java Collections libraries, and seen how to start working with Java’s implementations of fundamental and classic data structures. We’ve met the general Collection interface, as well as List, Set, and Map. We’ve seen the original, iterative way of handling collections, and also introduced the new Java 8 style, based on ideas from fundamental programming. Finally, we’ve met the Streams API and seen how the new approach is more general, and is able to express more subtle programming concepts than the classic approach.

Let’s move on. In the next chapter, we’ll continue looking at data, and common tasks like text processing, handling numeric data, and Java 8’s new date and time libraries.

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