Chapter 3. Object-Oriented Programming in Java

Now that we’ve covered fundamental Java syntax, we are ready to begin object-oriented programming in Java. All Java programs use objects, and the type of an object is defined by its class or interface. Every Java program is defined as a class, and nontrivial programs include a number of classes and interface definitions. This chapter explains how to define new classes and how to do object-oriented programming with them. We also introduce the concept of an interface, but a full discussion of interfaces and Java’s type system is deferred until Chapter 4.

If you have experience with OO programming, however, be careful. The term “object-oriented” has different meanings in different languages. Don’t assume that Java works the same way as your favorite OO language. (This is particularly true for C++ or Python programmers).

This is a fairly lengthy chapter, so let’s begin with an overview and some definitions.

Overview of Classes

Classes are the most fundamental structural element of all Java programs. You cannot write Java code without defining a class. All Java statements appear within classes, and all methods are implemented within classes.

Basic OO Definitions

Here are a couple important definitions:


A class is a collection of data fields that hold values and methods that operate on those values. A class defines a new reference type, such as the Point type defined in Chapter 2.

The Point class defines a type that is the set of all possible two-dimensional points.


An object is an instance of a class.

A Point object is a value of that type: it represents a single two-dimensional point.

Objects are often created by instantiating a class with the new keyword and a constructor invocation, as shown here:

Point p = new Point(1.0, 2.0);

Constructors are covered later in this chapter in “Creating and Initializing Objects”.

A class definition consists of a signature and a body. The class signature defines the name of the class and may also specify other important information. The body of a class is a set of members enclosed in curly braces. The members of a class usually include fields and methods, and may also include constructors, initializers, and nested types.

Members can be static or nonstatic. A static member belongs to the class itself while a nonstatic member is associated with the instances of a class (see “Fields and Methods”).

There are four very common kinds of members—class fields, class methods, instance fields, and instance methods. The majority of work done with Java involves interacting with these kinds of members.

The signature of a class may declare that the class extends another class. The extended class is known as the superclass and the extension is known as the subclass. A subclass inherits the members of its superclass and may declare new members or override inherited methods with new implementations.

The members of a class may have access modifiers public, protected, or private.5 These modifiers specify their visibility and accessibility to clients and to subclasses. This allows classes to control access to members that are not part of their public API. This ability to hide members enables an object-oriented design technique known as data encapsulation, which we discuss in “Data Hiding and Encapsulation”.

Other Reference Types

The signature of a class may also declare that the class implements one or more interfaces. An interface is a reference type similar to a class that defines method signatures but does not usually include method bodies to implement the methods.

However, from Java 8 onward, interfaces may use the keyword default to indicate that a method specified in the interface is optional. If a method is optional, the interface file must include a default implementation (hence the choice of keyword) which will be used by all implementing classes that do not provide an implementation of the optional method.

A class that implements an interface is required to provide bodies for the interface’s nondefault methods. Instances of a class that implement an interface are also instances of the interface type.

Classes and interfaces are the most important of the five fundamental reference types defined by Java. Arrays, enumerated types (or “enums”), and annotation types (usually just called “annotations”) are the other three. Arrays are covered in Chapter 2. Enums are a specialized kind of class and annotations are a specialized kind of interface—both are discussed later in Chapter 4, along with a full discussion of interfaces.

Class Definition Syntax

At its simplest level, a class definition consists of the keyword class followed by the name of the class and a set of class members within curly braces. The class keyword may be preceded by modifier keywords and annotations. If the class extends another class, the class name is followed by the extends keyword and the name of the class being extended. If the class implements one or more interfaces, then the class name or the extends clause is followed by the implements keyword and a comma-separated list of interface names. For example:

public class Integer extends Number implements Serializable, Comparable {
    // class members go here

A generic class may also have type parameters and wildcards as part of its definition (see Chapter 4).

Class declarations may include modifier keywords. In addition to the access control modifiers (public, protected, etc.), these include:


An abstract class is one whose implementation is incomplete and cannot be instantiated. Any class with one or more abstract methods must be declared abstract. Abstract classes are discussed in “Abstract Classes and Methods”.


The final modifier specifies that the class may not be extended. A class cannot be declared to be both abstract and final.


If a class is declared strictfp, all its methods behave as if they were declared strictfp. This modifier is extremely rarely used.

Fields and Methods

A class can be viewed as a collection of data (also referred to as state) and code to operate on that state. The data is stored in fields, and the code is organized into methods.

This section covers fields and methods, the two most important kinds of class members. Fields and methods come in two distinct types: class members (also known as static members) are associated with the class itself, while instance members are associated with individual instances of the class (i.e., with objects). This gives us four kinds of members:

  • Class fields

  • Class methods

  • Instance fields

  • Instance methods

The simple class definition for the class Circle, shown in Example 3-1, contains all four types of members.

Example 3-1. A simple class and its members
public class Circle {
  // A class field
  public static final double PI= 3.14159;     // A useful constant

  // A class method: just compute a value based on the arguments
  public static double radiansToDegrees(double radians) {
    return radians * 180 / PI;

  // An instance field
  public double r;                  // The radius of the circle

  // Two instance methods: they operate on the instance fields of an object
  public double area() {            // Compute the area of the circle
    return PI * r * r;

  public double circumference() {   // Compute the circumference 
                                    // of the circle
    return 2 * PI * r;

It is not normally good practice to have a public field r—instead, it would be much more usual to have a private field r and a method radius() to provide access to it. The reason for this will be explained later, in “Data Hiding and Encapsulation”. For now, we use a public field simply to give examples of how to work with instance fields.

The following sections explain all four common kinds of members. First, we cover the declaration syntax for fields. (The syntax for declaring methods is covered later in this chapter in “Data Hiding and Encapsulation”.)

Field Declaration Syntax

Field declaration syntax is much like the syntax for declaring local variables (see Chapter 2) except that field definitions may also include modifiers. The simplest field declaration consists of the field type followed by the field name. The type may be preceded by zero or more modifier keywords or annotations, and the name may be followed by an equals sign and initializer expression that provides the initial value of the field. If two or more fields share the same type and modifiers, the type may be followed by a comma-separated list of field names and initializers. Here are some valid field declarations:

int x = 1;
private String name;
public static final int DAYS_PER_WEEK = 7;
String[] daynames = new String[DAYS_PER_WEEK];
private int a = 17, b = 37, c = 53;

Field modifiers are comprised of zero or more of the following keywords:

public, protected, private

These access modifiers specify whether and where a field can be used outside of the class that defines it.


If present, this modifier specifies that the field is associated with the defining class itself rather than with each instance of the class.


This modifier specifies that once the field has been initialized, its value may never be changed. Fields that are both static and final are compile-time constants that javac may inline. final fields can also be used to create classes whose instances are immutable.


This modifier specifies that a field is not part of the persistent state of an object and that it need not be serialized along with the rest of the object.


This modifier indicates that the field has extra semantics for concurrent use by two or more threads. The volatile modifier says that the value of a field must always be read from and flushed to main memory, and that it may not be cached by a thread (in a register or CPU cache). See Chapter 6 for more details.

Class Fields

A class field is associated with the class in which it is defined rather than with an instance of the class. The following line declares a class field:

public static final double PI = 3.14159;

This line declares a field of type double named PI and assigns it a value of 3.14159.

The static modifier says that the field is a class field. Class fields are sometimes called static fields because of this static modifier. The final modifier says that the value of the field does not change. Because the field PI represents a constant, we declare it final so that it cannot be changed. It is a convention in Java (and many other languages) that constants are named with capital letters, which is why our field is named PI, not pi. Defining constants like this is a common use for class fields, meaning that the static and final modifiers are often used together. Not all class fields are constants, however. In other words, a field can be declared static without being declared final.

The use of public static fields that are not final is almost never a good practice—as multiple threads could update the field and cause behavior that is extremely hard to debug.

A public static field is essentially a global variable. The names of class fields are qualified by the unique names of the classes that contain them, however. Thus, Java does not suffer from the name collisions that can affect other languages when different modules of code define global variables with the same name.

The key point to understand about a static field is that there is only a single copy of it. This field is associated with the class itself, not with instances of the class. If you look at the various methods of the Circle class, you’ll see that they use this field. From inside the Circle class, the field can be referred to simply as PI. Outside the class, however, both class and field names are required to uniquely specify the field. Methods that are not part of Circle access this field as Circle.PI.

Class Methods

As with class fields, class methods are declared with the static modifier:

public static double radiansToDegrees(double rads) { 
  return rads * 180 / PI;

This line declares a class method named radiansToDegrees(). It has a single parameter of type double and returns a double value.

Like class fields, class methods are associated with a class, rather than with an object. When invoking a class method from code that exists outside the class, you must specify both the name of the class and the method. For example:

// How many degrees is 2.0 radians?
double d = Circle.radiansToDegrees(2.0);

If you want to invoke a class method from inside the class in which it is defined, you don’t have to specify the class name. You can also shorten the amount of typing required via the use of a static import (as discussed in Chapter 2).

Note that the body of our Circle.radiansToDegrees( ) method uses the class field PI. A class method can use any class fields and class methods of its own class (or of any other class).

A class method cannot use any instance fields or instance methods because class methods are not associated with an instance of the class. In other words, although the radiansToDegrees() method is defined in the Circle class, it cannot use the instance part of any Circle objects.

One way to think about this is that in any instance, we always have a this reference to the current object. But class methods are not associated with a specific instance, so have no this reference, and no access to instance fields.

As we discussed earlier, a class field is essentially a global variable. In a similar way, a class method is a global method, or global function. Although radiansToDegrees() does not operate on Circle objects, it is defined within the Circle class because it is a utility method that is sometimes useful when working with circles, and so it makes sense to package it along with the other functionality of the Circle class.

Instance Fields

Any field declared without the static modifier is an instance field:

public double r;    // The radius of the circle

Instance fields are associated with instances of the class, so every Circle object we create has its own copy of the double field r. In our example, r represents the radius of a specific circle. Each Circle object can have a radius independent of all other Circle objects.

Inside a class definition, instance fields are referred to by name alone. You can see an example of this if you look at the method body of the circumference() instance method. In code outside the class, the name of an instance method must be prefixed with a reference to the object that contains it. For example, if the variable c holds a reference to a Circle object, we use the expression c.r to refer to the radius of that circle:

Circle c = new Circle(); // Create a Circle object; store a ref in c
c.r = 2.0;               // Assign a value to its instance field r
Circle d = new Circle(); // Create a different Circle object
d.r = c.r * 2;           // Make this one twice as big

Instance fields are key to object-oriented programming. Instance fields hold the state of an object; the values of those fields make one object distinct from another.

Instance Methods

An instance method operates on a specific instance of a class (an object), and any method not declared with the static keyword is automatically an instance method.

Instance methods are the feature that makes object-oriented programming start to get interesting. The Circle class defined in Example 3-1 contains two instance methods, area() and circumference(), that compute and return the area and circumference of the circle represented by a given Circle object.

To use an instance method from outside the class in which it is defined, we must prefix it with a reference to the instance that is to be operated on. For example:

// Create a Circle object; store in variable c
Circle c = new Circle();   
c.r = 2.0;                 // Set an instance field of the object
double a = c.area();       // Invoke an instance method of the object
This is why it is called object-oriented programming; the object is the focus here, not the function call.

From within an instance method, we naturally have access to all the instance fields that belong to the object the method was called on. Recall that an object is often best considered to be a bundle containing state (represented as the fields of the object), and behavior (the methods to act on that state).

All instance methods are implemented using an implicit parameter not shown in the method signature. The implicit argument is named this; it holds a reference to the object through which the method is invoked. In our example, that object is a Circle.

The bodies of the area() and circumference() methods both use the class field PI. We saw earlier that class methods can use only class fields and class methods, not instance fields or methods. Instance methods are not restricted in this way: they can use any member of a class, whether it is declared static or not.

How the this Reference Works

The implicit this parameter is not shown in method signatures because it is usually not needed; whenever a Java method accesses the instance fields in its class, it is implicit that it is accessing fields in the object referred to by the this parameter. The same is true when an instance method invokes another instance method in the same class—it’s taken that this means “call the instance method on the current object.”

However, you can use the this keyword explicitly when you want to make it clear that a method is accessing its own fields and/or methods. For example, we can rewrite the area() method to use this explicitly to refer to instance fields:

public double area() { return Circle.PI * this.r * this.r; }

This code also uses the class name explicitly to refer to class field PI. In a method this simple, it is not normally necessary to be quite so explicit. In more complicated cases, however, you may sometimes find that it increases the clarity of your code to use an explicit this where it is not strictly required.

In some cases, the this keyword is required, however. For example, when a method parameter or local variable in a method has the same name as one of the fields of the class, you must use this to refer to the field, because the field name used alone refers to the method parameter or local variable.

For example, we can add the following method to the Circle class:

public void setRadius(double r) {
  this.r = r;      // Assign the argument (r) to the field (this.r)
                   // Note that we cannot just say r = r

Some developers will deliberately choose the names of their method arguments in such a way that they don’t clash with field names, so the use of this can largely be avoided.

Finally, note that while instance methods can use the this keyword, class methods cannot. This is because class methods are not associated with individual objects.

Creating and Initializing Objects

Now that we’ve covered fields and methods, let’s move on to other important members of a class. In particular, we’ll look at constructors—these are class members whose job is to initialize the fields of a class as new instances of the class are created.

Take another look at how we’ve been creating Circle objects:

Circle c = new Circle();

This can easily be read as the creation of a new instance of Circle, by calling something that looks a bit like a method. In fact, Circle() is an example of a constructor. This is a member of a class that has the same name as the class, and has a body, like a method.

Here’s how a constructor works. The new operator indicates that we need to create a new instance of the class. First of all, memory is allocated to hold the new object instance. Then, the constructor body is called, with any arguments that have been specified. The constructor uses these arguments to do whatever initialization of the new object is necessary.

Every class in Java has at least one constructor, and their purpose is to perform any necessary initialization for a new object. Because we didn’t explicitly define a constructor for our Circle class in Example 3-1, the javac compiler automatically gave us a constructor (called the default constructor) that takes no arguments and performs no special initialization.

Defining a Constructor

There is some obvious initialization we could do for our circle objects, so let’s define a constructor. Example 3-2 shows a new definition for Circle that contains a constructor that lets us specify the radius of a new Circle object. We’ve also taken the opportunity to make the field r protected (to prevent access to it from arbitary objects).

Example 3-2. A constructor for the Circle class
public class Circle {
    public static final double PI = 3.14159;  // A constant
    // An instance field that holds the radius of the circle
    protected double r;   

    // The constructor: initialize the radius field
    public Circle(double r) { this.r = r; }

    // The instance methods: compute values based on the radius
    public double circumference() { return 2 * PI * r; }
    public double area() { return PI * r*r; }
    public double radius() { return r; }

When we relied on the default constructor supplied by the compiler, we had to write code like this to initialize the radius explicitly:

Circle c = new Circle();
c.r = 0.25;

With the new constructor, the initialization becomes part of the object creation step:

Circle c = new Circle(0.25);

Here are some basic facts regarding naming, declaring, and writing constructors:

  • The constructor name is always the same as the class name.

  • A constructor is declared without a return type, not even void.

  • The body of a constructor is initializing the object. You can think of this as setting up the contents of the this reference

  • A constructor may not return this or any other value.

Defining Multiple Constructors

Sometimes you want to initialize an object in a number of different ways, depending on what is most convenient in a particular circumstance. For example, we might want to initialize the radius of a circle to a specified value or a reasonable default value. Here’s how we can define two constructors for Circle:

public Circle() { r = 1.0; }
public Circle(double r) { this.r = r; }

Because our Circle class has only a single instance field, we can’t initialize it too many ways, of course. But in more complex classes, it is often convenient to define a variety of constructors.

It is perfectly legal to define multiple constructors for a class, as long as each constructor has a different parameter list. The compiler determines which constructor you wish to use based on the number and type of arguments you supply. This ability to define multiple constructors is analogous to method overloading.

Invoking One Constructor from Another

A specialized use of the this keyword arises when a class has multiple constructors; it can be used from a constructor to invoke one of the other constructors of the same class. In other words, we can rewrite the two previous Circle constructors as follows:

// This is the basic constructor: initialize the radius
public Circle(double r) { this.r = r; }
// This constructor uses this() to invoke the constructor above
public Circle() { this(1.0); }

This is a useful technique when a number of constructors share a significant amount of initialization code, as it avoids repetition of that code. In more complex cases, where the constructors do a lot more initialization, this can be a very useful technique.

There is an important restriction on using this(): it can appear only as the first statement in a constructor—but the call may be followed by any additional initialization a particular constructor needs to perform. The reason for this restriction involves the automatic invocation of superclass constructors, which we’ll explore later in this chapter.

Field Defaults and Initializers

The fields of a class do not necessarily require initialization. If their initial values are not specified, the fields are automatically initialized to the default value false, u0000, 0, 0.0, or null, depending on their type (see Table 2-1 for more details). These default values are specified by the Java language specification and apply to both instance fields and class fields.

If the default field value is not appropriate for your field, you can instead explicitly provide a different initial value. For example:

public static final double PI = 3.14159;
public double r = 1.0;
Field declarations are not part of any method. Instead, the Java compiler generates initialization code for the field automatically and puts it into all the constructors for the class. The initialization code is inserted into a constructor in the order in which it appears in the source code, which means that a field initializer can use the initial values of any fields declared before it.

Consider the following code excerpt, which shows a constructor and two instance fields of a hypothetical class:

public class SampleClass {
  public int len = 10;
  public int[] table = new int[len];

  public SampleClass() {
    for(int i = 0; i < len; i++) table[i] = i;

  // The rest of the class is omitted...

In this case, the code generated by javac for the constructor is actually equivalent to the following:

public SampleClass() {
  len = 10;
  table = new int[len];
  for(int i = 0; i < len; i++) table[i] = i;

If a constructor begins with a this() call to another constructor, the field initialization code does not appear in the first constructor. Instead, the initialization is handled in the constructor invoked by the this() call.

So, if instance fields are initialized in constructor, where are class fields initialized? These fields are associated with the class, even if no instances of the class are ever created. This means they need to be initialized even before a constructor is called.

To support this, javac generates a class initialization method automatically for every class. Class fields are initialized in the body of this method, which is invoked exactly once before the class is first used (often when the class is first loaded by the Java VM.)

As with instance field initialization, class field initialization expressions are inserted into the class initialization method in the order in which they appear in the source code. This means that the initialization expression for a class field can use the class fields declared before it. The class initialization method is an internal method that is hidden from Java programmers. In the class file, it bears the name <clinit> (and this method could be seen by, for example, examining the class file with javap—see Chapter 13 for more details on how to use javap to do this).

Initializer blocks

So far, we’ve seen that objects can be initialized through the initialization expressions for their fields and by arbitrary code in their constructors. A class has a class initialization method, which is like a constructor, but we cannot explicitly define the body of this method as we can for a constructor. Java does allow us to write arbitrary code for the initialization of class fields, however, with a construct known as a static initializer. A static initializer is simply the keyword static followed by a block of code in curly braces. A static initializer can appear in a class definition anywhere a field or method definition can appear. For example, consider the following code that performs some nontrivial initialization for two class fields:

// We can draw the outline of a circle using trigonometric functions
// Trigonometry is slow, though, so we precompute a bunch of values
public class TrigCircle {
  // Here are our static lookup tables and their own initializers
  private static final int NUMPTS = 500;
  private static double sines[] = new double[NUMPTS];
  private static double cosines[] = new double[NUMPTS];

  // Here's a static initializer that fills in the arrays
  static {
    double x = 0.0;
    double delta_x = (Circle.PI/2)/(NUMPTS-1);
    for(int i = 0, x = 0.0; i < NUMPTS; i++, x += delta_x) {
      sines[i] = Math.sin(x);
      cosines[i] = Math.cos(x);
  // The rest of the class is omitted...

A class can have any number of static initializers. The body of each initializer block is incorporated into the class initialization method, along with any static field initialization expressions. A static initializer is like a class method in that it cannot use the this keyword or any instance fields or instance methods of the class.

Classes are also allowed to have instance initializers. An instance initializer is like a static initializer, except that it initializes an object, not a class. A class can have any number of instance initializers, and they can appear anywhere a field or method definition can appear. The body of each instance initializer is inserted at the beginning of every constructor for the class, along with any field initialization expressions. An instance initializer looks just like a static initializer, except that it doesn’t use the static keyword. In other words, an instance initializer is just a block of arbitrary Java code that appears within curly braces.

Instance initializers can initialize arrays or other fields that require complex initialization. They are sometimes useful because they locate the initialization code right next to the field, instead of separating into a constructor. For example:

private static final int NUMPTS = 100;
private int[] data = new int[NUMPTS];
{ for(int i = 0; i < NUMPTS; i++) data[i] = i; }

In practice, however, this use of instance initializers is fairly rare.

Subclasses and Inheritance

The Circle defined earlier is a simple class that distinguishes circle objects only by their radii. Suppose, instead, that we want to represent circles that have both a size and a position. For example, a circle of radius 1.0 centered at point 0,0 in the Cartesian plane is different from the circle of radius 1.0 centered at point 1,2. To do this, we need a new class, which we’ll call PlaneCircle.

We’d like to add the ability to represent the position of a circle without losing any of the existing functionality of the Circle class. This is done by defining PlaneCircle as a subclass of Circle so that PlaneCircle inherits the fields and methods of its superclass, Circle. The ability to add functionality to a class by subclassing, or extending, is central to the object-oriented programming paradigm.

Extending a Class

In Example 3-3, we show how we can implement PlaneCircle as a subclass of the Circle class.

Example 3-3. Extending the Circle class
public class PlaneCircle extends Circle {
  // We automatically inherit the fields and methods of Circle,
  // so we only have to put the new stuff here.
  // New instance fields that store the center point of the circle
  private final double cx, cy;

  // A new constructor to initialize the new fields
  // It uses a special syntax to invoke the Circle() constructor
  public PlaneCircle(double r, double x, double y) {
    super(r);       // Invoke the constructor of the superclass, Circle() = x;    // Initialize the instance field cx = y;    // Initialize the instance field cy

  public double getCentreX() {
    return cx;

  public double getCentreY() {
    return cy;

  // The area() and circumference() methods are inherited from Circle
  // A new instance method that checks whether a point is inside the circle
  // Note that it uses the inherited instance field r
  public boolean isInside(double x, double y) {
    double dx = x - cx, dy = y - cy;             // Distance from center
    double distance = Math.sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy);  // Pythagorean theorem
    return (distance < r);                       // Returns true or false

Note the use of the keyword extends in the first line of Example 3-3. This keyword tells Java that PlaneCircle extends, or subclasses, Circle, meaning that it inherits the fields and methods of that class.

There are several different ways to express the idea that our new object type has the characteristics of a Circle as well as having a position. This is probably the simplest, but is not always the most suitable, especially in larger systems.

The definition of the isInside() method shows field inheritance; this method uses the field r (defined by the Circle class) as if it were defined right in PlaneCircle itself. PlaneCircle also inherits the methods of Circle. Therefore, if we have a PlaneCircle object referenced by variable pc, we can say:

double ratio = pc.circumference() / pc.area();

This works just as if the area() and circumference() methods were defined in PlaneCircle itself.

Another feature of subclassing is that every PlaneCircle object is also a perfectly legal Circle object. If pc refers to a PlaneCircle object, we can assign it to a Circle variable and forget all about its extra positioning capabilities:

// Unit circle at the origin
PlaneCircle pc = new PlaneCircle(1.0, 0.0, 0.0);  
Circle c = pc;     // Assigned to a Circle variable without casting

This assignment of a PlaneCircle object to a Circle variable can be done without a cast. As we discussed in Chapter 2 a conversion like this is always legal. The value held in the Circle variable c is still a valid PlaneCircle object, but the compiler cannot know this for sure, so it doesn’t allow us to do the opposite (narrowing) conversion without a cast:

// Narrowing conversions require a cast (and a runtime check by the VM)
PlaneCircle pc2 = (PlaneCircle) c;
boolean origininside = ((PlaneCircle) c).isInside(0.0, 0.0);

This distinction is covered in more detail in “Lambda Expressions”, where we talk about the distinction between the compile and runtime type of an object.

Final classes

When a class is declared with the final modifier, it means that it cannot be extended or subclassed. java.lang.String is an example of a final class. Declaring a class final prevents unwanted extensions to the class: if you invoke a method on a String object, you know that the method is the one defined by the String class itself, even if the String is passed to you from some unknown outside source.

Superclasses, Object, and the Class Hierarchy

In our example, PlaneCircle is a subclass of Circle. We can also say that Circle is the superclass of PlaneCircle. The superclass of a class is specified in its extends clause:

public class PlaneCircle extends Circle { ... }

Every class you define has a superclass. If you do not specify the superclass with an extends clause, the superclass is the class java.lang.Object. The Object class is special for a couple of reasons:

  • It is the only class in Java that does not have a superclass.

  • All Java classes inherit the methods of Object.

Because every class (except Object) has a superclass, classes in Java form a class hierarchy, which can be represented as a tree with Object at its root.

Object has no superclass, but every other class has exactly one superclass. A subclass cannot extend more than one superclass. See Chapter 4 for more information on how to achieve a similar result.

Figure 3-1 shows a partial class hierarchy diagram that includes our Circle and PlaneCircle classes, as well as some of the standard classes from the Java API.

JN6 0301
Figure 3-1. A class hierarchy diagram

Subclass Constructors

Look again at the PlaneCircle() constructor from Example 3-3:

public PlaneCircle(double r, double x, double y) {
  super(r);       // Invoke the constructor of the superclass, Circle() = x;    // Initialize the instance field cx = y;    // Initialize the instance field cy

Although this constructor explicitly initializes the cx and cy fields newly defined by PlaneCircle, it relies on the superclass Circle() constructor to initialize the inherited fields of the class. To invoke the superclass constructor, our constructor calls super().

super is a reserved word in Java. One of its uses is to invoke the constructor of a superclass from within a subclass constructor. This use is analogous to the use of this() to invoke one constructor of a class from within another constructor of the same class. Invoking a constructor using super() is subject to the same restrictions as is using this() :

  • super() can be used in this way only within a constructor.

  • The call to the superclass constructor must appear as the first statement within the constructor, even before local variable declarations.

The arguments passed to super() must match the parameters of the superclass constructor. If the superclass defines more than one constructor, super() can be used to invoke any one of them, depending on the arguments passed.

Constructor Chaining and the Default Constructor

Java guarantees that the constructor of a class is called whenever an instance of that class is created. It also guarantees that the constructor is called whenever an instance of any subclass is created. In order to guarantee this second point, Java must ensure that every constructor calls its superclass constructor.

Thus, if the first statement in a constructor does not explicitly invoke another constructor with this() or super(), the javac compiler inserts the call super() (i.e., it calls the superclass constructor with no arguments). If the superclass does not have a visible constructor that takes no arguments, this implicit invocation causes a compilation error.

Consider what happens when we create a new instance of the PlaneCircle class.

  • First, the PlaneCircle constructor is invoked.

  • This constructor explicitly calls super(r) to invoke a Circle constructor.

  • That Circle() constructor implicitly calls super() to invoke the constructor of its superclass, Object (Object only has one constructor).

  • At this point, we’ve reached the top of the hierarchy and constructors start to run.

  • The body of the Object constructor runs first.

  • When it returns, the body of the Circle() constructor runs.

  • Finally, when the call to super(r) returns, the remaining statements of the PlaneCircle() constructor are executed.

What all this means is that constructor calls are chained; any time an object is created, a sequence of constructors is invoked, from subclass to superclass on up to Object at the root of the class hierarchy. Because a superclass constructor is always invoked as the first statement of its subclass constructor, the body of the Object constructor always runs first, followed by the constructor of its subclass and on down the class hierarchy to the class that is being instantiated.

Whenever a constructor is invoked, it can count on the fields of its superclass to be initialized by the time the constructor starts to run.

The default constructor

There is one missing piece in the previous description of constructor chaining. If a constructor does not invoke a superclass constructor, Java does so implicitly. But what if a class is declared without a constructor? In this case, Java implicitly adds a constructor to the class. This default constructor does nothing but invoke the superclass constructor.

For example, if we don’t declare a constructor for the PlaneCircle class, Java implicitly inserts this constructor:

public PlaneCircle() { super(); }

If the superclass, Circle, doesn’t declare a no-argument constructor, the super() call in this automatically inserted default constructor for PlaneCircle() causes a compilation error. In general, if a class does not define a no-argument constructor, all its subclasses must define constructors that explicitly invoke the superclass constructor with the necessary arguments.

If a class does not declare any constructors, it is given a no-argument constructor by default. Classes declared public are given public constructors. All other classes are given a default constructor that is declared without any visibility modifier: such a constructor has default visibility. (The notion of visibility is explained later in this chapter.)

If you are creating a public class that should not be publicly instantiated, you should declare at least one non-public constructor to prevent the insertion of a default public constructor. Classes that should never be instantiated (such as java.lang.Math or java.lang.System) should define a private constructor. Such a constructor can never be invoked from outside of the class, but it prevents the automatic insertion of the default constructor.

Hiding Superclass Fields

For the sake of example, imagine that our PlaneCircle class needs to know the distance between the center of the circle and the origin (0,0). We can add another instance field to hold this value:

public double r;

Adding the following line to the constructor computes the value of the field:

this.r = Math.sqrt(cx*cx + cy*cy);  // Pythagorean theorem

But wait; this new field r has the same name as the radius field r in the Circle superclass. When this happens, we say that the field r of PlaneCircle hides the field r of Circle. (This is a contrived example, of course: the new field should really be called distanceFromOrigin).

In code that you write, you should avoid declaring fields with names that hide superclass fields. It is almost always a sign of bad code.

With this new definition of PlaneCircle, the expressions r and this.r both refer to the field of PlaneCircle. How, then, can we refer to the field r of Circle that holds the radius of the circle? A special syntax for this uses the super keyword:

r        // Refers to the PlaneCircle field
this.r   // Refers to the PlaneCircle field
super.r  // Refers to the Circle field

Another way to refer to a hidden field is to cast this (or any instance of the class) to the appropriate superclass and then access the field:

((Circle) this).r   // Refers to field r of the Circle class

This casting technique is particularly useful when you need to refer to a hidden field defined in a class that is not the immediate superclass. Suppose, for example, that classes A, B, and C all define a field named x and that C is a subclass of B, which is a subclass of A. Then, in the methods of class C, you can refer to these different fields as follows:

x                // Field x in class C
this.x           // Field x in class C
super.x          // Field x in class B
((B)this).x      // Field x in class B
((A)this).x      // Field x in class A
super.super.x    // Illegal; does not refer to x in class A
You cannot refer to a hidden field x in the superclass of a superclass with super.super.x. This is not legal syntax.

Similarly, if you have an instance c of class C, you can refer to the three fields named x like this:

c.x              // Field x of class C
((B)c).x         // Field x of class B
((A)c).x         // Field x of class A

So far, we’ve been discussing instance fields. Class fields can also be hidden. You can use the same super syntax to refer to the hidden value of the field, but this is never necessary, as you can always refer to a class field by prepending the name of the desired class. Suppose, for example, that the implementer of PlaneCircle decides that the Circle.PI field does not express to enough decimal places. She can define her own class field PI:

public static final double PI = 3.14159265358979323846;

Now code in PlaneCircle can use this more accurate value with the expressions PI or PlaneCircle.PI. It can also refer to the old, less accurate value with the expressions super.PI and Circle.PI. However, the area() and circumference() methods inherited by PlaneCircle are defined in the Circle class, so they use the value Circle.PI, even though that value is hidden now by PlaneCircle.PI.

Overriding Superclass Methods

When a class defines an instance method using the same name, return type, and parameters as a method in its superclass, that method overrides the method of the superclass. When the method is invoked for an object of the class, it is the new definition of the method that is called, not the old definition from the superclass.

The return type of the overriding method may be a subclass of the return type of the original method (instead of being exactly the same type). This is known as a covariant return.

Method overriding is an important and useful technique in object-oriented programming. PlaneCircle does not override either of the methods defined by Circle, but suppose we define another subclass of Circle, named Ellipse.

It is important for Ellipse to override the area() and circumference() methods of Circle in this case, because the formulas used to compute the area and circumference of a circle do not work for ellipses.

The upcoming discussion of method overriding considers only instance methods. Class methods behave quite differently, and they cannot be overridden. Just like fields, class methods can be hidden by a subclass but not overridden. As noted earlier in this chapter, it is good programming style to always prefix a class method invocation with the name of the class in which it is defined. If you consider the class name part of the class method name, the two methods have different names, so nothing is actually hidden at all.

Before we go any further with the discussion of method overriding, you should understand the difference between method overriding and method overloading. As we discussed in Chapter 2, method overloading refers to the practice of defining multiple methods (in the same class) that have the same name but different parameter lists. This is very different from method overriding, so don’t get them confused.

Overriding is not hiding

Although Java treats the fields and methods of a class analogously in many ways, method overriding is not like field hiding at all. You can refer to hidden fields simply by casting an object to an instance of the appropriate superclass, but you cannot invoke overridden instance methods with this technique. The following code illustrates this crucial difference:

class A {                          // Define a class named A
  int i = 1;                       // An instance field
  int f() { return i; }            // An instance method
  static char g() { return 'A'; }  // A class method

class B extends A {                // Define a subclass of A
  int i = 2;                       // Hides field i in class A
  int f() { return -i; }           // Overrides method f in class A
  static char g() { return 'B'; }  // Hides class method g() in class A

public class OverrideTest {
  public static void main(String args[]) {
    B b = new B();               // Creates a new object of type B
    System.out.println(b.i);     // Refers to B.i; prints 2
    System.out.println(b.f());   // Refers to B.f(); prints -2
    System.out.println(b.g());   // Refers to B.g(); prints B
    System.out.println(B.g());   // A better way to invoke B.g()

    A a = (A) b;                 // Casts b to an instance of class A
    System.out.println(a.i);     // Now refers to A.i; prints 1
    System.out.println(a.f());   // Still refers to B.f(); prints -2
    System.out.println(a.g());   // Refers to A.g(); prints A
    System.out.println(A.g());   // A better way to invoke A.g()

While this difference between method overriding and field hiding may seem surprising at first, a little thought makes the purpose clear.

Suppose we are manipulating a bunch of Circle and Ellipse objects. To keep track of the circles and ellipses, we store them in an array of type Circle[]. We can do this because Ellipse is a subclass of Circle, so all Ellipse objects are legal Circle objects.

When we loop through the elements of this array, we don’t have to know or care whether the element is actually a Circle or an Ellipse. What we do care about very much, however, is that the correct value is computed when we invoke the area() method of any element of the array. In other words, we don’t want to use the formula for the area of a circle when the object is actually an ellipse!

All we really want is for the objects we’re computing the areas of to “do the right thing”—the Circle objects to use their definition of how to compute their own area, and the Ellipse objects to use the definition that is correct for them.

Seen in this context, it is not surprising at all that method overriding is handled differently by Java than is field hiding.

Virtual method lookup

If we have a Circle[] array that holds Circle and Ellipse objects, how does the compiler know whether to call the area() method of the Circle class or the Ellipse class for any given item in the array? In fact, the source code compiler cannot know this at compilation time.

Instead, javac creates bytecode that uses virtual method lookup at runtime. When the interpreter runs the code, it looks up the appropriate area() method to call for each of the objects in the array. That is, when the interpreter interprets the expression o.area(), it checks the actual runtime type of the object referred to by the variable o and then finds the area() method that is appropriate for that type.

Some other languages (such as C# or C++) do not do virtual lookup by default and instead have a virtual keyword that programmers must explicitly use if they want to allow subclasses to be able to override a method.

The JVM does not simply use the area() method that is associated with the static type of the variable o, as that would not allow method overriding to work in the way detailed earlier. Virtual method lookup is the default for Java instance methods. See Chapter 4 for more details about compile-time and runtime type and how this affects virtual method lookup.

Invoking an overridden method

We’ve seen the important differences between method overriding and field hiding. Nevertheless, the Java syntax for invoking an overridden method is quite similar to the syntax for accessing a hidden field: both use the super keyword. The following code illustrates:

class A {
  int i = 1;            // An instance field hidden by subclass B
  int f() { return i; } // An instance method overridden by subclass B

class B extends A {
  int i;                    // This field hides i in A
  int f() {                 // This method overrides f() in A
    i = super.i + 1;        // It can retrieve A.i like this
    return super.f() + i;   // It can invoke A.f() like this

Recall that when you use super to refer to a hidden field, it is the same as casting this to the superclass type and accessing the field through that. Using super to invoke an overridden method, however, is not the same as casting the this reference. In other words, in the previous code, the expression super.f() is not the same as ((A)this).f().

When the interpreter invokes an instance method with the super syntax, a modified form of virtual method lookup is performed. The first step, as in regular virtual method lookup, is to determine the actual class of the object through which the method is invoked. Normally, the runtime search for an appropriate method definition would begin with this class. When a method is invoked with the super syntax, however, the search begins at the superclass of the class. If the superclass implements the method directly, that version of the method is invoked. If the superclass inherits the method, the inherited version of the method is invoked.

Note that the super keyword invokes the most immediately overridden version of a method. Suppose class A has a subclass B that has a subclass C and that all three classes define the same method f(). The method C.f() can invoke the method B.f(), which it overrides directly, with super.f(). But there is no way for C.f() to invoke A.f() directly: super.super.f() is not legal Java syntax. Of course, if C.f() invokes B.f(), it is reasonable to suppose that B.f() might also invoke A.f().

This kind of chaining is relatively common when working with overridden methods: it is a way of augmenting the behavior of a method without replacing the method entirely.

Don’t confuse the use of super to invoke an overridden method with the super() method call used in a constructor to invoke a superclass constructor. Although they both use the same keyword, these are two entirely different syntaxes. In particular, you can use super to invoke an overridden method anywhere in the overriding class while you can use super() only to invoke a superclass constructor as the very first statement of a constructor.

It is also important to remember that super can be used only to invoke an overridden method from within the class that overrides it. Given a reference to an Ellipse object e, there is no way for a program that uses e to invoke the area() method defined by the Circle class on e.

Data Hiding and Encapsulation

We started this chapter by describing a class as a collection of data and methods. One of the most important object-oriented techniques we haven’t discussed so far is hiding the data within the class and making it available only through the methods. This technique is known as encapsulation because it seals the data (and internal methods) safely inside the “capsule” of the class, where it can be accessed only by trusted users (i.e., the methods of the class).

Why would you want to do this? The most important reason is to hide the internal implementation details of your class. If you prevent programmers from relying on those details, you can safely modify the implementation without worrying that you will break existing code that uses the class.

You should always encapsulate your code. It is almost always impossible to reason through and ensure the correctness of code that hasn’t been well-encapsulated, especially in multithreaded environments (and essentially all Java programs are multithreaded).

Another reason for encapsulation is to protect your class against accidental or willful stupidity. A class often contains a number of interdependent fields that must be in a consistent state. If you allow a programmer (including yourself) to manipulate those fields directly, he may change one field without changing important related fields, leaving the class in an inconsistent state. If instead he has to call a method to change the field, that method can be sure to do everything necessary to keep the state consistent. Similarly, if a class defines certain methods for internal use only, hiding these methods prevents users of the class from calling them.

Here’s another way to think about encapsulation: when all the data for a class is hidden, the methods define the only possible operations that can be performed on objects of that class.

Once you have carefully tested and debugged your methods, you can be confident that the class will work as expected. On the other hand, if all the fields of the class can be directly manipulated, the number of possibilities you have to test becomes unmanageable.

This idea can be carried to a very powerful conclusion, as we will see in “Safe Java Programming” when we discuss the safety of Java programs (which differs from the concept of type safety of the Java programming language).

Other, secondary, reasons to hide fields and methods of a class include:

  • Internal fields and methods that are visible outside the class just clutter up the API. Keeping visible fields to a minimum keeps your class tidy and therefore easier to use and understand.

  • If a method is visible to the users of your class, you have to document it. Save yourself time and effort by hiding it instead.

Access Control

Java defines access control rules that can restrict members of a class from being used outside the class. In a number of examples in this chapter, you’ve seen the public modifier used in field and method declarations. This public keyword, along with protected and private (and one other, special one) are access control modifiers; they specify the access rules for the field or method.

Access to packages

Access control on a per-package basis is not directly part of the Java language. Instead, access control is usually done at the level of classes and members of classes.

A package that has been loaded is always accessible to code defined within the same package. Whether it is accessible to code from other packages depends on the way the package is deployed on the host system. When the class files that comprise a package are stored in a directory, for example, a user must have read access to the directory and the files within it in order to have access to the package.

Access to classes

By default, top-level classes are accessible within the package in which they are defined. However, if a top-level class is declared public, it is accessible everywhere.

In Chapter 4, we’ll meet nested classes. These are classes that can be defined as members of other classes. Because these inner classes are members of a class, they also obey the member access-control rules.

Access to members

The members of a class are always accessible within the body of the class. By default, members are also accessible throughout the package in which the class is defined. This default level of access is often called package access. It is only one of four possible levels of access. The other three levels are defined by the public, protected, and private modifiers. Here is some example code that uses these modifiers:

public class Laundromat {    // People can use this class.
  private Laundry[] dirty;   // They cannot use this internal field,
  public void wash() { ... } // but they can use these public methods
  public void dry() { ... }  // to manipulate the internal field.
  // A subclass might want to tweak this field
  protected int temperature; 

These access rules apply to members of a class:

  • All the fields and methods of a class can always be used within the body of the class itself.

  • If a member of a class is declared with the public modifier, it means that the member is accessible anywhere the containing class is accessible. This is the least restrictive type of access control.

  • If a member of a class is declared private, the member is never accessible, except within the class itself. This is the most restrictive type of access control.

  • If a member of a class is declared protected, it is accessible to all classes within the package (the same as the default package accessibility) and also accessible within the body of any subclass of the class, regardless of the package in which that subclass is defined.

  • If a member of a class is not declared with any of these modifiers, it has default access (sometimes called package access) and it is accessible to code within all classes that are defined in the same package but inaccessible outside of the package.

Default access is more restrictive than protected—as default access does not allow access by subclasses outside the package.

protected access requires more elaboration. Suppose class A declares a protected field x and is extended by a class B, which is defined in a different package (this last point is important). Class B inherits the protected field x, and its code can access that field in the current instance of B or in any other instances of B that the code can refer to. This does not mean, however, that the code of class B can start reading the protected fields of arbitrary instances of A.

Let’s look at this language detail in code. Here’s the definition for A:

package javanut6.ch03;

public class A {
    protected final String name;

    public A(String named) {
        name = named;

    public String getName() {
        return name;

Here’s the definition for B:

package javanut6.ch03.different;

import javanut6.ch03.A;

public class B extends A {

    public B(String named) {

    public String getName() {
        return "B: " + name;
Java packages do not “nest,” so javanut6.ch03.different is just a different package than javanut6.ch03; it is not contained inside it or related to it in any way.

However, if we try to add this new method to B, we will get a compilation error, because instances of B do not have access to arbitary instances of A:

    public String examine(A a) {
        return "B sees: " +;

If we change the method to this:

    public String examine(B b) {
        return "B sees another B: " +;

then the compiler is happy, because instances of the same exact type can always see each other’s protected fields. Of course, if B was in the same package as A then any instance of B could read any protected field of any instance of A because protected fields are visible to every class in the same package.

Access control and inheritance

The Java specification states that:

  • A subclass inherits all the instance fields and instance methods of its superclass accessible to it.

  • If the subclass is defined in the same package as the superclass, it inherits all non-private instance fields and methods.

  • If the subclass is defined in a different package, it inherits all protected and public instance fields and methods.

  • private fields and methods are never inherited; neither are class fields or class methods.

  • Constructors are not inherited (instead, they are chained, as described earlier in this chapter).

However, some programmers are confused by the statement that a subclass does not inherit the inaccessible fields and methods of its superclass. It could be taken to imply that when you create an instance of a subclass, no memory is allocated for any private fields defined by the superclass. This is not the intent of the statement, however.

Every instance of a subclass does, in fact, include a complete instance of the superclass within it, including all inaccessible fields and methods.

This existence of potentially inaccessible members seems to be in conflict with the statement that the members of a class are always accessible within the body of the class. To clear up this confusion, we define “inherited members” to mean those superclass members that are accessible.

Then the correct statement about member accessibility is: “All inherited members and all members defined in this class are accessible.” An alternative way of saying this is:

  • A class inherits all instance fields and instance methods (but not constructors) of its superclass.

  • The body of a class can always access all the fields and methods it declares itself. It can also access the accessible fields and members it inherits from its superclass.

Member access summary

We summarize the member access rules in Table 3-1.

Table 3-1. Class member accessibility
  Member visibility      
Accessible to Public Protected Default Private

Defining class





Class in same package





Subclass in different package





Nonsubclass different package

Yes No No No

Here are some simple rules of thumb for using visibility modifiers:

  • Use public only for methods and constants that form part of the public API of the class. The only acceptable usage of public fields is for constants or immutable objects, and they must be also declared final.

  • Use protected for fields and methods that aren’t required by most programmers using the class but that may be of interest to anyone creating a subclass as part of a different package.

protected members are technically part of the exported API of a class. They must be documented and cannot be changed without potentially breaking code that relies on them.
  • Use the default package visibility for fields and methods that are internal implementation details but are used by cooperating classes in the same package.

  • Use private for fields and methods that are used only inside the class and should be hidden everywhere else.

If you are not sure whether to use protected, package, or private accessibility, start with private. If this is overly restrictive, you can always relax the access restrictions slightly (or provide accessor methods, in the case of fields).

This is especially important when designing APIs because increasing access restrictions is not a backward-compatible change and can break code that relies on access to those members.

Data Accessor Methods

In the Circle example, we declared the circle radius to be a public field. The Circle class is one in which it may well be reasonable to keep that field publicly accessible; it is a simple enough class, with no dependencies between its fields. On the other hand, our current implementation of the class allows a Circle object to have a negative radius, and circles with negative radii should simply not exist. As long as the radius is stored in a public field, however, any programmer can set the field to any value she wants, no matter how unreasonable. The only solution is to restrict the programmer’s direct access to the field and define public methods that provide indirect access to the field. Providing public methods to read and write a field is not the same as making the field itself public. The crucial difference is that methods can perform error checking.

We might, for example, want to prevent Circle objects with negative radii—these are obviously not sensible, but our current implementation does not prohibit this. In Example 3-4, we show how we might change the definition of Circle to prevent this.

This version of Circle declares the r field to be protected and defines accessor methods named getRadius() and setRadius() to read and write the field value while enforcing the restriction on negative radius values. Because the r field is protected, it is directly (and more efficiently) accessible to subclasses.

Example 3-4. The Circle class using data hiding and encapsulation
package shapes;           // Specify a package for the class

public class Circle {     // The class is still public
  // This is a generally useful constant, so we keep it public
  public static final double PI = 3.14159;

  protected double r;     // Radius is hidden but visible to subclasses

  // A method to enforce the restriction on the radius
  // This is an implementation detail that may be of interest to subclasses
  protected void checkRadius(double radius) {
    if (radius < 0.0)
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("radius may not be negative.");

  // The non-default constructor
  public Circle(double r) {
    this.r = r;

  // Public data accessor methods
  public double getRadius() { return r; }
  public void setRadius(double r) {
    this.r = r;

  // Methods to operate on the instance field
  public double area() { return PI * r * r; }
  public double circumference() { return 2 * PI * r; }

We have defined the Circle class within a package named shapes. Because r is protected, any other classes in the shapes package have direct access to that field and can set it however they like. The assumption here is that all classes within the shapes package were written by the same author or a closely cooperating group of authors and that the classes all trust each other not to abuse their privileged level of access to each other’s implementation details.

Finally, the code that enforces the restriction against negative radius values is itself placed within a protected method, checkRadius(). Although users of the Circle class cannot call this method, subclasses of the class can call it and even override it if they want to change the restrictions on the radius.

It is a common convention in Java that data accessor methods begin with the prefixes “get” and “set.” But if the field being accessed is of type boolean, the get() method may be replaced with an equivalent method that begins with “is.” For example, the accessor method for a boolean field named readable is typically called isReadable() instead of getReadable().

Abstract Classes and Methods

In Example 3-4, we declared our Circle class to be part of a package named shapes. Suppose we plan to implement a number of shape classes: Rectangle, Square, Ellipse, Triangle, and so on. We can give these shape classes our two basic area() and circumference() methods. Now, to make it easy to work with an array of shapes, it would be helpful if all our shape classes had a common superclass, Shape. If we structure our class hierarchy this way, every shape object, regardless of the actual type of shape it represents, can be assigned to variables, fields, or array elements of type Shape. We want the Shape class to encapsulate whatever features all our shapes have in common (e.g., the area() and circumference() methods). But our generic Shape class doesn’t represent any real kind of shape, so it cannot define useful implementations of the methods. Java handles this situation with abstract methods.

Java lets us define a method without implementing it by declaring the method with the abstract modifier. An abstract method has no body; it simply has a signature definition followed by a semicolon.6 Here are the rules about abstract methods and the abstract classes that contain them:

  • Any class with an abstract method is automatically abstract itself and must be declared as such. To fail to do so is a compilation error.

  • An abstract class cannot be instantiated.

  • A subclass of an abstract class can be instantiated only if it overrides each of the abstract methods of its superclass and provides an implementation (i.e., a method body) for all of them. Such a class is often called a concrete subclass, to emphasize the fact that it is not abstract.

  • If a subclass of an abstract class does not implement all the abstract methods it inherits, that subclass is itself abstract and must be declared as such.

  • static, private, and final methods cannot be abstract, because these types of methods cannot be overridden by a subclass. Similarly, a final class cannot contain any abstract methods.

  • A class can be declared abstract even if it does not actually have any abstract methods. Declaring such a class abstract indicates that the implementation is somehow incomplete and is meant to serve as a superclass for one or more subclasses that complete the implementation. Such a class cannot be instantiated.

The Classloader class that we will meet in Chapter 11 is a good example of an abstract class that does not have any abstract methods.

Let’s look at an example of how these rules work. If we define the Shape class to have abstract area() and circumference() methods, any subclass of Shape is required to provide implementations of these methods so that it can be instantiated. In other words, every Shape object is guaranteed to have implementations of these methods defined. Example 3-5 shows how this might work. It defines an abstract Shape class and two concrete subclasses of it.

Example 3-5. An abstract class and concrete subclasses
public abstract class Shape {
  public abstract double area();            // Abstract methods: note
  public abstract double circumference();   // semicolon instead of body.

class Circle extends Shape {
  public static final double PI = 3.14159265358979323846;
  protected double r;                              // Instance data
  public Circle(double r) { this.r = r; }          // Constructor
  public double getRadius() { return r; }          // Accessor
  public double area() { return PI*r*r; }          // Implementations of
  public double circumference() { return 2*PI*r; } // abstract methods.

class Rectangle extends Shape {
  protected double w, h;                               // Instance data
  public Rectangle(double w, double h) {               // Constructor
    this.w = w;  this.h = h;
  public double getWidth() { return w; }               // Accessor method
  public double getHeight() { return h; }              // Another accessor
  public double area() { return w*h; }                 // Implementation of
  public double circumference() { return 2*(w + h); }  // abstract methods

Each abstract method in Shape has a semicolon right after its parentheses. They have no curly braces, and no method body is defined. Using the classes defined in Example 3-5, we can now write code such as:

Shape[] shapes = new Shape[3];        // Create an array to hold shapes
shapes[0] = new Circle(2.0);          // Fill in the array
shapes[1] = new Rectangle(1.0, 3.0);
shapes[2] = new Rectangle(4.0, 2.0);

double totalArea = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < shapes.length; i++)
    totalArea += shapes[i].area();   // Compute the area of the shapes

Notice two important points here:

  • Subclasses of Shape can be assigned to elements of an array of Shape. No cast is necessary. This is another example of a widening reference type conversion (discussed in Chapter 2).

  • You can invoke the area() and circumference() methods for any Shape object, even though the Shape class does not define a body for these methods. When you do this, the method to be invoked is found using virtual method lookup, which means that the area of a circle is computed using the method defined by Circle, and the area of a rectangle is computed using the method defined by Rectangle.

Reference Type Conversions

Objects can be converted between different reference types. As with primitive types, reference type conversions can be widening conversions (allowed automatically by the compiler) or narrowing conversions that require a cast (and possibly a runtime check). In order to understand reference type conversions, you need to understand that reference types form a hierarchy, usually called the class hierarchy.

Every Java reference type extends some other type, known as its superclass. A type inherits the fields and methods of its superclass and then defines its own additional fields and methods. A special class named Object serves as the root of the class hierarchy in Java. All Java classes extend Object directly or indirectly. The Object class defines a number of special methods that are inherited (or overridden) by all objects.

The predefined String class and the Point class we discussed earlier in this chapter both extend Object. Thus, we can say that all String objects are also Object objects. We can also say that all Point objects are Object objects. The opposite is not true, however. We cannot say that every Object is a String because, as we’ve just seen, some Object objects are Point objects.

With this simple understanding of the class hierarchy, we can define the rules of reference type conversion:

  • An object cannot be converted to an unrelated type. The Java compiler does not allow you to convert a String to a Point, for example, even if you use a cast operator.

  • An object can be converted to the type of its superclass or of any ancestor class. This is a widening conversion, so no cast is required. For example, a String value can be assigned to a variable of type Object or passed to a method where an Object parameter is expected.

No conversion is actually performed; the object is simply treated as if it were an instance of the superclass. This is sometimes referred to as the Liskov substitution principle, after Barbara Liskov, the computer scientist who first explicitly formulated it.
  • An object can be converted to the type of a subclass, but this is a narrowing conversion and requires a cast. The Java compiler provisionally allows this kind of conversion, but the Java interpreter checks at runtime to make sure it is valid. Only cast an object to the type of a subclass if you are sure, based on the logic of your program, that the object is actually an instance of the subclass. If it is not, the interpreter throws a ClassCastException. For example, if we assign a String object to a variable of type Object, we can later cast the value of that variable back to type String:

    Object o = "string";    // Widening conversion from String 
                            // to Object Later in the program...
    String s = (String) o;  // Narrowing conversion from Object 
                            // to String

Arrays are objects and follow some conversion rules of their own. First, any array can be converted to an Object value through a widening conversion. A narrowing conversion with a cast can convert such an object value back to an array. Here’s an example:

// Widening conversion from array to Object
Object o = new int[] {1,2,3};
// Later in the program...

int[] a = (int[]) o;      // Narrowing conversion back to array type

In addition to converting an array to an object, an array can be converted to another type of array if the “base types” of the two arrays are reference types that can themselves be converted. For example:

// Here is an array of strings.
String[] strings = new String[] { "hi", "there" };
// A widening conversion to CharSequence[] is allowed because String
// can be widened to CharSequence
CharSequence[] sequences = strings;
// The narrowing conversion back to String[] requires a cast.
strings = (String[]) sequences;
// This is an array of arrays of strings
String[][] s = new String[][] { strings };
// It cannot be converted to CharSequence[] because String[] cannot be
// converted to CharSequence: the number of dimensions don't match

sequences = s;  // This line will not compile
// s can be converted to Object or Object[], because all array types
// (including String[] and String[][]) can be converted to Object.
Object[] objects = s;

Note that these array conversion rules apply only to arrays of objects and arrays of arrays. An array of primitive type cannot be converted to any other array type, even if the primitive base types can be converted:

// Can't convert int[] to double[] even though 
// int can be widened to double
// This line causes a compilation error
double[] data = new int[] {1,2,3};  
// This line is legal, however, because int[] can be converted to Object
Object[] objects = new int[][] {{1,2},{3,4}};

Modifier Summary

As we’ve seen, classes, interfaces, and their members can be declared with one or more modifiers—keywords such as public, static, and final. Let’s conclude this chapter by listing the Java modifiers, explaining what types of Java constructs they can modify, and explaining what they do. Table 3-2 has the details; you can also refer back to “Overview of Classes” and “Field Declaration Syntax” as well as “Method Modifiers”.

Table 3-2. Java modifiers
Modifier Used on Meaning



The class cannot be instantiated and may contain unimplemented methods.



All interfaces are abstract. The modifier is optional in interface declarations.



No body is provided for the method; it is provided by a subclass. The signature is followed by a semicolon. The enclosing class must also be abstract.



Implementation of this interface method is optional. The interface provides a default implementation for classes that elect not to implement it. See Chapter 4 for more details.



The class cannot be subclassed.



The method cannot be overridden.



The field cannot have its value changed. static final fields are compile-time constants.



A local variable, method parameter, or exception parameter cannot have its value changed.



The method is implemented in some platform-dependent way (often in C). No body is provided; the signature is followed by a semicolon.

<None> (package)


A non-public class is accessible only in its package.



A non-public interface is accessible only in its package.



A member that is not private, protected, or public has package visibility and is accessible only within its package.



The member  is accessible only within the class that defines it.



The member is accessible only within the package in which it is defined and within subclasses.



The class is accessible anywhere its package is.



The interface is accessible anywhere its package is.



The member is accessible anywhere its class is.



All methods of the class are implicitly strictfp.



All floating-point computation done by the method must be performed in a way that strictly conforms to the IEEE 754 standard. In particular, all values, including intermediate results, must be expressed as IEEE float or double values and cannot take advantage of any extra precision or range offered by native platform floating-point formats or hardware. This modifier is extremely rarely used.



An inner class declared static is a top-level class, not associated with a member of the containing class. See Chapter 4 for more details.



A static method is a class method. It is not passed an implicit this object reference. It can be invoked through the class name.



A static field is a class field. There is only one instance of the field, regardless of the number of class instances created. It can be accessed through the class name.



The initializer is run when the class is loaded rather than when an instance is created.



The method makes nonatomic modifications to the class or instance, so care must be taken to ensure that two threads cannot modify the class or instance at the same time. For a static method, a lock for the class is acquired before executing the method. For a non-static method, a lock for the specific object instance is acquired. See Chapter 5 for more details.



The field is not part of the persistent state of the object and should not be serialized with the object. Used with object serialization; see



The field can be accessed by unsynchronized threads, so certain optimizations must not be performed on it. This modifier can sometimes be used as an alternative to synchronized. See Chapter 5 for more details.

5 There is also the default, aka package, visibility that we will meet later.

6 An abstract method in Java is something like a pure virtual function in C++ (i.e., a virtual function that is declared = 0). In C++, a class that contains a pure virtual function is called an abstract class and cannot be instantiated. The same is true of Java classes that contain abstract methods.

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