
A more complex and comprehensive interface that provides many additional methods is ExecutorService. This is an enriched version of Executor. Java comes with a fully-fledged implementation of ExecutorService, named ThreadPoolExecutor. This is a thread pool that can be instantiated with a bunch of arguments, as follows:

int corePoolSize,
int maximumPoolSize,
long keepAliveTime,
TimeUnit unit,
BlockingQueue<Runnable> workQueue,
ThreadFactory threadFactory,
RejectedExecutionHandler handler)

Here is a short description of each of the arguments instantiated in the preceding code:

  • corePoolSize: The number of threads to keep in the pool, even if they are idle (unless allowCoreThreadTimeOut is set)
  • maximumPoolSize: The maximum number of allowed threads
  • keepAliveTime: When this time has elapsed, the idle threads will be removed from the pool (these are idle threads that exceed corePoolSize)
  • unit: The time unit for the keepAliveTime argument
  • workQueue: A queue for holding the instances of Runnable (only the Runnable tasks submitted by the execute() method) before they are executed
  • threadFactory: This factory is used when the executor creates a new thread
  • handler: When ThreadPoolExecutor cannot execute a Runnable due to saturation, this is when the thread bounds and queue capacities are full (for example, workQueue has a fixed size and maximumPoolSize is set as well)—it gives the control and decision to this handler

In order to optimize the pool size, we need to collect the following information:

  • Number of CPUs (Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors())
  • Target CPU utilization (in range, [0, 1])
  • Wait time (W)
  • Compute time (C)

The following formula helps us to determine the optimal size of the pool:

Number of threads 
= Number of CPUs * Target CPU utilization * (1 + W/C)
As a rule of thumb, for compute-intensive tasks (usually small tasks), it can be a good idea to benchmark the thread pool with the number of threads equal with to number of processors or number of processors + 1 (to prevent potential pauses). For time-consuming and blocking tasks (for example, I/O), a larger pool is better since threads will not be available for scheduling at a high rate. Also, pay attention to interferences with other pools (for example, database connections pools, and socket connection pools).

Let's see an example of ThreadPoolExecutor:

public class SimpleThreadPoolExecutor implements Runnable {

private final int taskId;

public SimpleThreadPoolExecutor(int taskId) {
this.taskId = taskId;

public void run() {
System.out.println("Executing task " + taskId
+ " via " + Thread.currentThread().getName());

public static void main(String[] args) {

BlockingQueue<Runnable> queue = new LinkedBlockingQueue<>(5);
final AtomicInteger counter = new AtomicInteger();

ThreadFactory threadFactory = (Runnable r) -> {
System.out.println("Creating a new Cool-Thread-"
+ counter.incrementAndGet());

return new Thread(r, "Cool-Thread-" + counter.get());

RejectedExecutionHandler rejectedHandler
= (Runnable r, ThreadPoolExecutor executor) -> {
if (r instanceof SimpleThreadPoolExecutor) {
SimpleThreadPoolExecutor task=(SimpleThreadPoolExecutor) r;
System.out.println("Rejecting task " + task.taskId);

ThreadPoolExecutor executor = new ThreadPoolExecutor(10, 20, 1,
TimeUnit.SECONDS, queue, threadFactory, rejectedHandler);

for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) {
executor.execute(new SimpleThreadPoolExecutor(i));


The main() method fires 50 instances of Runnable. Each Runnable sleeps for two seconds and prints a message. The work queue is limited to five instances of  Runnable—the core threads to 10, the maximum number of threads to 20, and the idle timeout to one second. A possible output will look as follows:

Creating a new Cool-Thread-1
Creating a new Cool-Thread-20
Rejecting task 25
Rejecting task 49
Executing task 22 via Cool-Thread-18
Executing task 12 via Cool-Thread-2
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