20. Concatenating the same string n times

Before JDK 11, a solution could be quickly provided via StringBuilder, as follows:

public static String concatRepeat(String str, int n) {

StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(str.length() * n);

for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {

return sb.toString();

Starting with JDK 11, the solution relies on the String.repeat(int count) method. This method returns a string resulting from concatenating this string count times. Behind the scenes, this method uses System.arraycopy(), which makes this very fast:

String result = "hello".repeat(5);

Other solutions that can fit well in different scenarios are listed as follows:

  • Following is a String.join()-based solution:
String result = String.join("", Collections.nCopies(5, TEXT));
  • Following is a Stream.generate()-based solution:
String result = Stream.generate(() -> TEXT)
  • Following is a String.format()-based solution:
String result = String.format("%0" + 5 + "d", 0)
.replace("0", TEXT);
  • Following is a char[] based solution:
String result = new String(new char[5]).replace("", TEXT);
For third-party library support, please consider Apache Commons Lang, StringUtils.repeat(), and Guava, Strings.repeat().

To check whether a string is a sequence of the same substring, rely on the following method:

public static boolean hasOnlySubstrings(String str) {

StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

for (int i = 0; i < str.length() / 2; i++) {
String resultStr = str.replaceAll(sb.toString(), "");
if (resultStr.length() == 0) {
return true;

return false;

The solution loops half of the given string and progressively replaces it with "", a substring build, by appending the original string in StringBuilder, character by character. If these replacements result in an empty string, it means that the given string is a sequence of the same substring.

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