
Page numbers in italics refer to figures.


  1. A&E 116

  2. act outs 121, 132

  3. action scenes 1047; cause and effect 1056; crossing the line 110; ear candy 1067; eye candy 106; follow the ball 1045; geography 106; slow motion 105

  4. actor grooming 57

  5. AD see assistant director (AD)

  6. additional editor 13, 31

  7. ADR see automatic dialog replacement (ADR)

  8. After Effects 15, 26, 147

  9. air 66, 70, 101

  10. Alpert, Craig 117

  11. Altman, Robert 77

  12. alts 12, 74, 227

  13. Amend, Kate 160; developing cut 163; making first cut 161, 162; viewing material 157, 160

  14. Andrew, Mark: career path 21517; cutting approaches 1889; finding story 179, 180; music 169; narration 168; working as team 183

  15. Anido, Vince 183

  16. assistant director (AD) 227

  17. assistant editor: becoming editor 4; as career 4; co-editor credit 301; as first commitment 21; recognizing safe environment 303; venue crossover 5; workload of 25; see also editor

  18. Aubrey, David 116

  19. audio layback 227

  20. automatic dialog replacement (ADR) 78, 188, 227

  21. Avakian, Aram 115

  22. Avid software 15


  1. back nine 227

  2. back twelve 227

  3. background (BG) 25, 78; as Band-aid® 75, 77; defined 227; removing 150; telephone conversations 110

  4. backplate 227

  5. Baker, Nancy 117

  6. Bank, Mira 117

  7. Barnes, Paul 117

  8. Bartholomew, Ann 117

  9. Benson, Lillian 117, 162

  10. BG see background (BG)

  11. blocking 52

  12. Blush, Douglas 117

  13. Bonnefoy, Mathilde 117

  14. broadcast standards 227, 232

  15. B-roll 123, 124, 125, 146, 227

  16. budgeting 1617

  17. Buff, Conrad 4

  18. bumpers 121, 227

  19. burn-in 151, 227

  20. Burns, Ken 117, 131


  1. cable television 6, 116, 147, 171

  2. cadence: dialog 73, 76, 83; frame rules and 65, 66; as melody 64; meter and 723; music and 83; opening credits 99

  3. Cahn, Dann 40

  4. calibrate 227

  5. call sheets 2278

  6. Calomay, A. J. 30

  7. Capra, Frank 116

  8. career assessment 319; current status 910; editing tools 1516; editor choice 1415; emotions assessment 1314; finances 8, 1617; focusing on goals 13; limiting internet use 11; pace preference 8; personality 10; planning career path 910; project choice 10; reevaluating regularly 1819; venue choice 59; volunteering 9, 12; work ethic 10

  9. Cassidy, Jay 117

  10. cause and effect: action scenes 102, 1056; for cutting pattern 701; pre-lapping 74; projectile rule 66

  11. characters: breakdown 43, 445; emotional changes 70; position 70

  12. chase cassette 228

  13. cheat sheet 228

  14. checking blacks 228

  15. Chew, Richard 22, 23

  16. chyrons 92, 93; background choice 96; frame placement 96; placing 956, 97; reality television 190; scripted documentaries 1356; simplicity for 97; story and 956

  17. Cicarelli, Betty 117

  18. cinema-verité 117, 228

  19. cleaning tracks 134, 1501, 172, 228

  20. click track 64, 73, 108

  21. Clifford, Graeme 40

  22. clone 228

  23. Coates, Annie 87

  24. Cohen, Steve 74

  25. cold open see teaser

  26. comedy: 50-50 shot 103; punchline 1034; rules for cutting 1034; transitions 94

  27. commercials 6, 9, 54, 121

  28. continuity 668, 160, 228

  29. Cook, Pat 173

  30. courtroom scenes 1078

  31. cover sheets 228

  32. cues 13942; classifying 124; end of act 81; ending 834; features 82, 834; first cut 60; key questions for 823; levels 84; mixing 845; nonscripted documentaries 16970; overscoring 845; setting tone with 129; starting 823; television 82, 834; temping with approved 26; see also music

  33. cycles of motion 57, 65, 87


  1. dancing 69

  2. DAT see digital audio tape (DAT)

  3. default settings 228

  4. Despres, Eli B. 117

  5. DI see digital intermediate (DI)

  6. dialog: cadence 73, 76, 83; character 43; consonants 75; courtroom scenes 108; crossing the line 11011; editor 78; as melody 64, 83; music and 27, 81, 834; pace of 723; post-lapping 70, 74; pre-lapping 48, 56, 64, 73, 74; question timing 65; removing 712; sound effects and 256; speech blends 75; syncopated time 745; telephone conversations 10910; unwritten 57, 70, 106

  7. digital audio tape (DAT) 228

  8. digital intermediate (DI) 3, 228

  9. discontinuity 667, 70, 75

  10. Discovery Channel 116

  11. Dittrick, Michael 77

  12. documentaries 6, 7, 8; compilation films 11617; defined 115; editing as labor intensive 191; history of 11516; mockumentaries 117; newsreels 116; popularity of 117; propaganda films 116; reality television 11718; skills needed for 11920; as storytelling 11819; television 11516, 121; theatrical 117; ways to cut 190; see also nonscripted documentaries; reality television; scripted documentaries

  13. Donahue, Tom 116

  14. Doppler sound 75, 76

  15. Dropbox 156

  16. duplicates 27, 29, 101, 102, 228


  1. ear candy 1067

  2. edit decision list (EDL) 229

  3. editing: action scenes 1047; actor grooming 57; air on A and B sides 66, 70; Bandaids® 757; blocking scenes 52; cadence 64, 723; car commercials as good example 54; cause and effect 66, 701, 74, 1056; character juggling 567; choosing takes 712; chyrons 92; collaborating with director 158, 159, 163, 1656; comedy 1034; continuity 668; contributing to workload 2530; courtroom scenes 1078; coverage of scenes 52, 53; crossing the line 11011; custody of eyes 534; cutting on beat 76; cycle of motion 57, 87; dancing 69; defending cuts 29, 148; digital 60; director’s breadcrumbs 513; dirty frames 57; discontinuity 667; empty frames 57, 66, 72; for excellence 912; experimenting with footage 18; eye candy 501, 87; eye contact 701; follow the ball 68, 1045; headless hands 58; jump cuts 857; layering 556, 74; lifts 889; Main Title 97100; master 4950; matching 667; meter 723; mismatch work arounds 67; montage 69; network cut 147, 148; notes on 24, 26, 29, 148, 149; 180° rule 110; one-eye rule 72; opening and closing scenes 512; opening credit sequence 97100; overmatching 68; owning every cut 589; polishing cut 5961; position of characters 70; post-lapping sound 735; pre-lapping sound 48, 56, 64, 735; producer’s cut 147, 148; projectile 66, 70, 74; recaps 1002; Rule of Thirds 54; scene cutting practice 289; scenes for cutting practice 289; script breakdowns 429; silence 56; sound track 523; splices 53; sports sequences 68; studying editor’s work 18; telephone conversation scenes 69, 70, 10910; ten o’clock rule 545, 68; timing of questions 65; tools 1516; transitions 925; venue screen size and 55

  4. editor: act-cutting 181; additional 13, 31; ADR 78; assistant 4, 5, 21, 25, 303; choosing 1415; communicating goal to become 234; credit 1415, 2930, 98; departure as opportunity 31; dialog 78; foley 78; lead 181; as mentor 13, 14, 36; mirroring style of 24; preferences 229; researching 14; responsibility to protect everyone 712; role in nonscripted documentaries 154; sharing credit 301; sound effects 78; story 178; as storyteller 11112; studying work of 18; support of 13, 14; tease 181

  5. editor’s cut 26, 12933, 147, 164

  6. EDL see edit decision list (EDL)

  7. 8-frame rule 40, 63, 65, 74

  8. Eisenberg, Daniel 117

  9. Electronically Traded Fund (ETF) 17

  10. Engfeher, Kurt 117

  11. Estevez, Emilio 52

  12. ETF see Electronically Traded Fund (ETF)

  13. event 229

  14. eye candy 501; action scenes 106; courtroom scenes 108; defined 50; explosions 68; as key to successful jump cutting 87; soundbites over 101


  1. features 8; blockbuster 67; cues 82, 834; independent 6, 7, 8, 33; length 86; master 49; montages 146; music 789, 82, 834; opening credits 99100; plan for moving up 1213; scores 26; sound effects 778; tools 1516; visual effects 26

  2. 50-50 shot 103

  3. Final Cut Pro 15

  4. finances 1617; budgeting 1617; credit cards 16; expenses 16; investments 17; IRA contributions 16; savings account 8, 17

  5. Finton, Greg 155; collaborating with director 165; developing cut 163, 164; making first cut 161; viewing material 157, 158

  6. first assistant 4, 11, 13

  7. Fleder, Gary 87

  8. Flexfile 229

  9. follow the ball 68; action scenes 1045

  10. format 229

  11. 4-frame rule 65

  12. frame rules: 8-frame 40, 63, 74; 4-frame 65; 10-frame 65, 66; 12-frame 65, 66; 2-frame 645

  13. frames: dirty 57; empty 57, 66, 72; rules 40, 54, 656

  14. frankenbite technique 1345

  15. Fricke, Ron 116

  16. Friedberg, Diana 111, 116


  1. gag reels 12, 28, 1023

  2. Galloway, James 65

  3. Georgiva, Stela 117

  4. Gersh, Sharyn Tylk 77

  5. Golden Ratio 54

  6. Goldenberg, William 2056

  7. GoPro camera 188

  8. Gorham, Chris 30

  9. Greene, Danford B. 77

  10. Grierson, John 115

  11. Grossman, Ali 116

  12. Groth, Jeff 117

  13. group clips 107, 188, 189, 229

  14. Guggenheim, Davis 117, 155


  1. Hamerow, Eleanor 173

  2. Hanser, David 173

  3. Hays, Lora 117

  4. HBO 116

  5. Heath, John 64

  6. Heim, Alan 1957

  7. Helfrich, Mark 21012

  8. Hess, Walter 115

  9. Hirshon, Sue ‘Spyke’ 116

  10. Hollander, David 80

  11. Hornbeck, William 116

  12. Hoy, Maysie 2015


  1. IAP see Individual Account Plan (IAP)

  2. IMDb 14

  3. Individual Account Plan (IAP) 17

  4. Individual Retirement Account (IRA) 16, 17

  5. internet 11, 118, 147

  6. interviews 127, 1345, 177

  7. IRA see Individual Retirement Account (IRA)

  8. Isaacs, Bud 67


  1. Jackson, Mick 41, 56, 86; telephone

  2. conversation scenes 110; transitions 93

  3. Jordan, Jeanne 117

  4. jump cuts 857; defined 229; enhancing comedy with 87; problems fixed by 867; scenes for 856


  1. Kahn, Michael 158

  2. Kelley, David E. 55, 86, 93

  3. Kenneally, Carole 4

  4. Kinnard, Christian 117

  5. Klauber, Kevin 117

  6. Klein, Gene 84

  7. Kleinerman, Isaac 115

  8. Koehler, Bonnie 213

  9. Korty, John 22, 23

  10. Kurpanek, Carsten 30, 2202


  1. Lampson, Mary 117

  2. layback see audio layback

  3. layering 556, 74, 141, 146

  4. leaving 356; for career opportunity 35; frequency 35; giving notice 35; venue change 35; for worthy mentor 36

  5. licensing 100, 137, 171, 229

  6. lifts 43, 889; breakdown 48; defined 229; middle of scene 89; transitions 889

  7. Light, Debra 116

  8. Liman, Doug 334

  9. lined script 51, 230

  10. LinkedIn 36

  11. Livingston, Victor 116

  12. locked cut 137, 138, 151, 230

  13. Lombardi, Julie Bob 117

  14. Lombardo, Lou: cause and effect 66, 105; 8-frame rule 40; importance of sound 77; matching 67

  15. looping see automatic dialog replacement (ADR)

  16. Lorentz, Pare 115

  17. Lovejoy, Ray 31

  18. lower third titles 1356

  19. Lyon, William A. 116


  1. Magidson, Mark 116

  2. Main Title (MT) 978, 100, 126

  3. Make the Cut: A Guide to Being an Assistant Editor in Film and Television (Coleman and Friedberg) 3, 9

  4. Malkames, Marlise: career path 21415; finding story 179, 180; working as team 182

  5. Mann, Delbert 67

  6. Markey, Mary Jo 1979

  7. Martin, Pam 20810

  8. master 4950; defined 230; features 49; final edited 231; orienting audience 50, 58; television 49; viewing 49; when to use 49

  9. matchback 230

  10. matching 667, 71; see also overmatching

  11. McCoy, Ray 107

  12. Menke, Sally 158

  13. meter 723

  14. Mirrione, Stephen 334, 87

  15. mixdown 144, 230

  16. mockumentaries 117

  17. monologs 108

  18. montage 69, 131, 145

  19. Moore, Michael 117

  20. Motion Picture Editors Guild (MPEG) 5, 17, 35

  21. multi-layered tracking 15

  22. Murch, Walter 22

  23. music (MX) 10, 25, 7985; action scenes 107; archiving scores 79; audience 79; as Band-aid® 76; codes 230; composers 141; composing score 85; cues 81, 824, 13942, 16970; end of act cues 81; features 789; generation gaps 79; marking cut points 80; naming tracks 812; nonscripted documentaries 156, 16971; overscoring 845; play-on 801; public domain 171; scores 267, 79, 801; scripted documentaries 126, 132, 13842; sliding 232; spotting 60, 139, 141, 169, 230; television 79; temp tracks 82; terminology 139; tone 230; see also cues; needle drops

  24. music videos 6, 76

  25. MX see music (MX)


  1. narration 121, 14950, 1669; see also voice-over

  2. National Geographic Society 115, 116

  3. needle drops 27; defined 230; finale 142; instrumental vs. lyric 107; long 140; Main Title 100; naming 82; play-on 81; script breakdown and 48; scripted documentaries 138, 140, 142; when to add 60, 77, 78; see also music (MX)

  4. Nelson, Tyler 21920

  5. network cut 147, 148

  6. networking 56, 17; letter writing 36; social media 36; word of mouth 36

  7. nonscripted documentaries 6, 7, 8; collaborating with director 158, 159, 163, 1656; developing cut 1635; digital cameras 154; editor’s role 154; finding story 1545, 15861; first cut 1613; footage choices 1567; mixing 1713; music 156, 16971; narration 1669; post-production duties 1723; refining cut 171; sound effects 156; starting point for 1556; timeline 128, 157, 160, 167; treatment 1534; viewing material 1568; see also documentaries; reality television; scripted documentaries

  8. notes: asking for 26; director 58, 119, 135; editing 24, 26, 323; network 148, 149, 180, 181; producer 12, 278, 323, 180, 181; reality television 180, 181; on recaps 27, 101, 102; scripted documentaries 148, 149; tone meeting 47


  1. OC see opening credits (OC)

  2. 180° rule 110

  3. one-eye rule 72

  4. online process 119, 137, 148, 14951, 231

  5. opening credits (OC) 28, 97, 98100

  6. Oser, Jean 115

  7. Ott, Thomas 117

  8. output: defined 231; editor’s cut 26, 169, 172; network cut 148

  9. overmatching 68; see also matching


  1. paper cut 419, 231

  2. Pennebaker, D. A. 117

  3. Photoshop 15, 26, 147

  4. pick-up shot 52, 177, 231

  5. Pilko Cans 188

  6. pilot and 12 231

  7. playback 231

  8. Plisco, Sabrina 21213

  9. Pontell, Jonathan 55, 72

  10. popping the tracks 231

  11. pop-up text messages 97

  12. post production assistant (PPA) 7, 8, 13

  13. post-lapping 735, 231

  14. PPA see post production assistant (PPA)

  15. pre-lapping 735; courtroom scenes 1078; defined 231; dialog 48, 56, 64, 73, 74; telephone conversation scenes 109

  16. Premier software 15

  17. Preston, Tim 116

  18. Priess, Don 116

  19. producer’s cut 147, 148

  20. projectile rule 66, 70

  21. public domain 171, 231


  1. QuickTime 81, 151, 172, 2312


  1. radio cut 121, 128, 129

  2. reality television 6, 8, 11718; appeal of 176; assistants 190; audio tracks 185, 187; challenges of 1778; chyrons 190; competition shows 176; confessionals 189; cutting approaches 18890; examples 1756; finding story 17881; history of 1756; pick-up interviews 177; recreations of events 1767; resistance to term 177; small cameras 188; stacking 1848, 186, 187; stringouts 1789, 189; titles 190; viewing material 18990; working as team 1814; see also documentaries; nonscripted documentaries; television

  3. recaps 12, 278, 1002

  4. record side 232

  5. Refoua, John 312

  6. Reidy, Tricia 117

  7. Rennert, Sharon 179, 189

  8. resolution 126, 136, 138, 148, 232

  9. Richman, Woody 117

  10. Riefenstahl, Leni 116

  11. Roberts, Kim 117

  12. Rosenfield, Jason: developing cut 164; making first cut 162; music 169; viewing material 157

  13. Rubell, Paul 2078

  14. Rule of Thirds 54

  15. run-outs 232


  1. savings account 8, 17

  2. Schoonmaker, Thelma 42

  3. scores 267, 60; archiving 79; composing 85; overscoring 845; play-on 801; temp 233

  4. Scott, Charles 117

  5. scratch track 128, 130, 149, 167, 168, 232

  6. script breakdowns 419; character breakdown 43, 445; envisioning scenes 42; lift breakdown 48; music 47; pre-lapping dialog 48; before recap 1001; stock footage 478; story breakdown 43, 46, 46; thematic breakdown 47, 478; tone meeting notes and 47; transition breakdown 945

  7. scripted documentaries 6, 7, 8; B-roll 123, 124, 125, 146; clean-up tasks 1501; completing cuts 1479; creating assembly 1278; creative tips for 1447; dramatizations 126, 131; editor’s cut 12933, 147; emotional impact 129; first cut 1289; form of script 1224; format 121; graphics 1267; interviews 127, 1345; locking show 151; lower third titles 1356; Main Title 1267; montages 131; music 126, 132, 13843; narration 121, 14950; network cut 147, 148; organizing media 1257; pointers 1323; producer’s cut 147, 148; radio cut 121, 128; sample layout 1234; sound effects 126, 132, 1434, 1501; stand-alone production vs. series part 122; still images 126, 130, 1368; stock footage 1368; style consistency 131; tease 130; time codes 1234, 125, 127, 128, 149; transcript of interviews 121; transitions 146; viewing all material 1245; visual effects 132; voice-overs 134; writing process 120; see also documentaries; nonscripted documentaries

  8. ScriptSync 156

  9. Seward, Chris 117

  10. SFX see sound effects (SFX)

  11. Shaw, Bruce 117

  12. shoe leather 86, 88

  13. shooting schedules 153, 232

  14. Silk, Lawrence 115

  15. sliding music 232

  16. slow motion (slo-mo) 50, 105

  17. social media 36, 118

  18. soft-scripted 176, 232

  19. software: After Effects 15, 26, 147; Avid 15; Photoshop 15, 26, 147; Premier 15

  20. Sommers, Meridith 29

  21. sound effects: dialog and 256

  22. sound effects (SFX) 10, 25; action scenes 1067; as Band-aid® 757; bridging A side to B side 77; clean-up tasks 1501; features 778; first cut 60; library 78; nonscripted documentaries 156; post-lapping 735; pre-lapping 48, 56, 64, 735; rule of thumb for 77; scripted documentaries 126, 132, 1424; spotting 230

  23. soundscape 778

  24. source side 232

  25. Spielberg, Steven 158

  26. sports sequences 68, 1045

  27. spotting 60, 139, 141, 169, 230, 232

  28. stabilization 15, 26

  29. stacking 1848, 186, 187

  30. stand-alone show 232

  31. standards and practices 232

  32. Steinkamp, William 87

  33. Stewart, Doug 22

  34. stock shots: choosing 54; defined 2323; script breakdown and 41, 48; for transitions 69, 88, 93, 94

  35. strike 233

  36. stringouts 1789, 189, 231, 233

  37. striping 233

  38. subclip 127, 189, 233

  39. subtitles 92, 95, 967, 188, 233

  40. Swietlik, Dan 117


  1. Tanzer, Shoshanah 2234

  2. Tarantino, Quentin 158

  3. teaser 97, 121, 130

  4. tech support 233

  5. technology 17; camera 117; documentaries 116; editing tools 1516; media-share 178; staying current with 17, 147, 156

  6. techs 233

  7. telecine 233

  8. telephone conversation scenes 69, 70, 10910

  9. telephone filter effect 109

  10. Teletron 233

  11. television: bumpers 227; director 121; documentaries 11516, 121; ending cues 845; episodic 128, 132, 151, 184; length 86; long-form 151, 160; Main Title 978, 100; master 49; moving up in 1112, 15, 32; opening credits 99, 100; opportunities for volunteering 12; pace of 7, 42; play-on 801; recaps 27, 1002; scores 26, 801; scripted 6, 8; standards and practices 232; timing 55; tools 1516; unscripted 8; visual effects 26; see also reality television

  12. temp track 79, 82, 141, 142, 156, 167

  13. ten o’clock rule 545, 68

  14. 10-frame rule 65, 66

  15. Teschner, Peter 117

  16. Thomas, James 117

  17. time codes: defined 233; drop frame 228; non-drop frame 230; scripted documentaries 1234, 125, 127, 128, 149

  18. timeline 125; alt music 27; defined 233; narration 128; nonscripted documentaries 128, 157, 160, 167; scratch track 167; stacking on 1845

  19. timings: audio track as guide 130; defined 233; final shooting 138; frames 65; layered 56; music 149; narration 14950, 168; screen size and 55; telephone conversations 109

  20. titles 978, 100, 126, 1356, 190, 233

  21. tone meeting 47, 48, 1223

  22. trades 233

  23. transitions 925; breakdown 945; comedy 94; dialog 93; lifts and 889; script and 93; scripted documentaries 146; seamless 923; tricks for 94

  24. trim mode 234

  25. Tronick, Michael 199201

  26. 12-frame rule 65, 66

  27. 2-frame rule 645


  1. unions 5, 6, 7, 8

  2. user settings 234


  1. VAM see video assembled master (VAM)

  2. venues 59; see also specific types

  3. VFX see visual effects (VFX)

  4. Via, Hunter 21719

  5. video assembled master (VAM) 234

  6. visual effects (VFX) 10; as assistant editor responsibility 26; defined 234; features 7; scripted 132; scripted documentaries 132; temp 15; volunteering for 12, 25; wipe 94

  7. voice-over (VO) 134, 1667, 168, 234; see also narration

  8. volunteering 9, 12, 2530


  1. walla 25, 75, 77, 78, 110

  2. Walpole, Alton 116

  3. Warner, Jeffrey M. 117

  4. webisodes 10, 12, 30

  5. Werner, Ken 173

  6. WeTransfer 156

  7. wild line 234

  8. wipes 50, 94, 100, 111

  9. Wise, Pam: making first cut 161; music 169; viewing material 160

  10. Wyler, William 116


  1. YouTube 118


  1. Zeldes, Jason 117

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