
We hope you have enjoyed this book and are eager to begin applying our guidelines. Remember that rules are made to be broken. We have written them down to help jump •start your approach to editing a scene. Many thanks go to so many of our mentors and the inspiring filmmakers with whom we have had the pleasure of working.

In Jump•Cut, as in our first book, Make the Cut, we refer to people in the masculine. Please know that our reference includes both genders.

We would like to thank our publisher for their continuing support.

We have a special place in our hearts for all the intern applicants and incoming assistant editors who have participated in our internship program, and for all the editors and assistant editors who have helped to guide them in their careers. It took an entire village to make this program work. We cannot thank you enough for all that you have given in time and wisdom. A special shout out to Jenni McCormick and the entire ACE office for their continuing support necessary to keep this program alive. You have been amazing.

A great big thank you to all our editing colleagues in Hollywood who gave of their time and so kindly participated in panel discussions and shared their experiences. Their many words of wisdom are highly valued. To assistant editors Derek Fawaz, Stephanie Coats and David Kozlowski, we appreciate your time and efforts in creating transcripts. Thank you Fred Beahm for coordinating this team.

We must thank you, faithful readers, for taking the time to listen to us and for having faith in what we have shared with you.

Now go cut.

LJC and DF

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