The Role of Emerging Technologies in Smart Healthcare

Masooma Zehra Syeda1, Dur‐e‐hassan Syeda2, and Himanshi Babbar3

1 Division of Nano & Information Technology, Center for Imaging Media Research, KIST(Korea Institute of Science and Technology), Seoul, Republic of Korea

2 Department of Software Engineering, Mehran University of Engineering and Technology, Jamshoro, Sindh, Pakistan

3 Chitkara University Institute of Engineering and Technology, Chitkara University, Punjab, India

1.1 Introduction

Environmental pollution is an important factor that affects the health of every age group. Health improvement is an urgent need to improve quality of life. Owing to the advancements in computation and communication technologies, the healthcare sector has benefited handsomely from the available tools and applications [1]. Healthcare‐related actors (doctors, facilitators, practitioners, researchers, and strategic planners) are striving to address the challenges faced by the current healthcare system by continuously struggling with the healthcare system performance. Till date, a plethora of smart tools pertaining to electronic healthcare are used. It is important to note that the healthcare enhancements enable a positive change to become smart healthcare. Sufficient access to healthcare is related to an increment in life expectancy of about 2.0–2.5 years in men and women at age of 65 as reported in China [2]. Many of the research directions at the emergence of data analytics, wireless communication, information security, intelligent networks, and AI‐equipped methods that provide early diagnosis, prevention, and constant treatment of health conditions. These new technologies and techniques are visualized as the basic elements of modern healthcare. Gunther Eysenbach indicated that healthcare is to be improved worldwide and locally with the utilization of information and communication technology [2]. The deliverance of smart healthcare depends on groups of instructed caregivers and emerging technology mediums. Healthcare systems that are routinely used nowadays were not long ago just a vision beyond our technological frontier. Therefore, the emergence of technology and digital systems (consisting of many heterogeneous sensors and computing devices) has created a chance to transform traditional healthcare systems with Internet‐based systems to harness the benefits of cutting‐edge technologies. Smart healthcare leverages these new emerging technologies to transform the traditional medical measures. The patient will experience better care, and they are fundamentally changing how medical decisions and treatments are rendered. Technology is playing a significant role in the vital fields of medicine and targets the services of smart healthcare in three different sectors: clinical institutions, regional health institutes, and individual family members. These entities are interconnected through applications that consist of virtual assistance, smart health centers, patient diagnosis, and patient treatment. Deloitte indicated that technologies such as nanotechnology, genomics, blockchain, augmented reality (AR), additive manufacturing, robotics, and cognitive computing made medical care less expensive and more versatile for caretakers and patients. The report also indicated that new devices (both handheld and wearable) make it possible to collect the patients’ data remotely in an efficient way [3].

The evolution of these technologies has opened new opportunities and possibilities in the field of healthcare. Armando observed the adoption of smart healthcare monitoring devices in India and pointed out that the cost varies according to the features and design of the device. Despite this it is investigated how these devices can have a remarkable effect in developing countries that have reduced treatment cost and patient time at the same level [5].

The rising trend of remote healthcare allows for a timelier administration of treatment for patients at their homes, significantly reducing the cost of intervention as well as improving the quality of care with personalized technologies. The patients can decide whether or not to further consult healthcare professionals. The automated computational readings of smart devices refer consultation of a physician to seek emotional support and inpatient care. For personalized care, patients may also use applications to detect a correspondence between the condition and medication interactions to make the decisions on how to improve their health. Furthermore, for more in‐depth testing, patients may also decide to use home kits or personalized genomic services. Smart healthcare technology consists of different components such as sensors, smart pills, smart surgeries, wearables, and registration devices. Remote technologies may help healthcare professionals to provide fast and better care.

Technologies such as cloud computing, artificial intelligence (AI), 3D printing, Internet of Things (IoT), 5G, and blockchain revolutionized our physical world by doing a digital replacement of real‐world objects with virtual ones. In this chapter, we discuss the role of emergent technologies (such as AI and blockchain), their usage, and applications in smart healthcare. AI is leveraged to make predictions based on the learned patterns and experience of the machines. 5G is another emerging technology, which is currently in its commercialization phase. Similarly, blockchain, a distributed ledger, is used for data and transaction transparency as well as immutability. Once the data has been recorded in the blockchain, it becomes immutable. Shou [1] indicated that the problems of existing smart healthcare are not only dependent on technological advancement but also a joint venture of doctors, patients, and health institutions related to cost reduction, management of diagnostics and data, which improves patients’ feedback. Yin et al. [6] discuss implantable and wearable medical devices that gather physical signals from anywhere and anytime, which are based on IoT and machine learning. The world is facing numerous health crises in case of surgeries, treatments, and ever‐increasing demands of medicines, but all of these crises will be tackled by the emergence of smart care technologies in the health sector.

1.2 Emerging Technologies in Smart Healthcare

Several technologies are revolutionizing the field of healthcare, from the process of diagnosis until final treatment. At this stage, the role of technology is becoming prominent. The Working Party on Biotechnology, Nanotechnology, and Converging Technologies (BNCT) recommends policies for managing emerging technologies for health innovation, converging technologies, and norms of good governance of healthcare [9]. To get healthy it is necessary to receive better results, and there should be an association between patient and doctor for healthier treatments. Treating patients is itself a task, and this task would be done properly by a quality collaboration of patients and healthcare professionals. Misha described a methodological review over the healthcare transformation that showed how computational methods and simulation made a base for evolution in healthcare by facilitating physiological measurement to detect organic systems [7]. Information technology is a world‐class example in this field together with biomedical equipment to establish the keystone of smart healthcare.

OECD (Organisation for Economic Co‐operation and Development) countries Science and Technology Scoreboard [8].

Figure 1.1 is a science, technology, and innovation scoreboard in the field of research and development with continuous evolution and enhances data visualization tools. The graph is derived from the OECD (Organisation for Economic Co‐operation and Development) database, indicates technological advancement from 2005 to 2019 in China, the European Union, Japan, Korea, and OECD countries, and it indicates Korea became more diverse from 2005 to 2019. The scoreboard contained the indicator of gross domestic expenditure on research and development as a percentage of GDP (Gross Domestic Product) for the countries mentioned in the graph.

Graph depicts OECD countries, science and technology.

Figure 1.1 OECD countries, science and technology.

1.2.1 Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Healthcare

AI holds great sovereignty in the field of computer technology and is spreading its autonomy among many sectors of the world. One of the main sectors influenced by AI is healthcare as it digitizes human life at a vast level from the life of a single individual to several people’s lives. AI is having a great impact on economical, societal, and industrial domains through healthcare and medicine. Some of the roles we define in this chapter such as AI can anticipate the current heart rate of an individual using big data machine learning and expert systems. Another benefit anticipated is that it has made medical care less costly and more available. AI has made it simple for doctors, nurses, and hospital staff to do complex jobs in a very short time and in an efficient manner.

Going through the important medical questions, AI techniques can compile healthcare information from big data sources, which helps in proper decision‐making converting these several pen‐and‐paper‐based processes into a digitized form to make computer software more intelligent and autonomous. AI and machine learning are accelerating the cadence of healthcare very quickly. AI aims to recast the medical industry and bring about certain strategies that were unattainable in real scenarios. AI helps analyze and identify patterns in ambiguous datasets more quickly and efficiently. On the other hand, machine learning makes use of learning algorithms to extract attributes from the incoming data (input data is the patients’ attributes such as gender, medical history, genetic expression, age, analytical imaging, and symptoms). The OECD AI Principles are the first such principles signed up to by governments. Beyond OECD members, other countries including Argentina, Brazil, Costa Rica, Malta, Peru, Romania, and Ukraine have already adhered to the AI Principles, with further adherents welcomed.

The role of AI is to make computers more beneficial in overcoming healthcare challenges. Various chronic diseases such as diabetes, Alzheimer’s, several types of cancers including colon and breast cancer, and cardiovascular diseases are diagnosed early just due to AI.

The recommendation indicates five complementary values‐based principles for the responsible management of trustworthy AI:

  • AI increases inclusive growth, sustainable development, and well‐being.
  • AI systems are configured in a way that allows them to act as appropriate safeguards—for example, enabling human intervention where necessary—to ensure smart home gadgets for better living.
  • There should be responsible disclosure around AI systems to ensure that people understand AI‐based outcomes and can challenge them.
  • AI systems must function in a robust, secure, and safe way throughout their life cycles, and potential risks should be continually assessed and managed.
  • Organizations and individuals developing, deploying, or operating AI systems should be held accountable for their proper functioning in line with the above principles [12]. We could not imagine our world now without AI.

1.2.2 Internet of Things (IoT) in Smart Healthcare

The term “Things” in IoT in healthcare refers to the network of physical healthcare objects, meaning digital emergent technologies that connect the offline world through the Internet following some standard rules. Healthcare services are interconnected via smart sensors and devices. IoT has been conceived as one of the best solutions to face healthcare challenges and has therefore grabbed the attention of present research. It is supporting remote health monitoring making doctors capable of seeing their patients remotely and supervise them accordingly. IoT is using wireless sensor networks to communicate with doctors and outdoor patients for monitoring. Patients are having several smart types of equipment such as blood glucose monitors, pulse oximeters, blood pressure monitors, pedometers, and weighing scales [17]. With the help of these sensors, patients’ important data such as health history, biometric data, treatment history, patient reports, symptoms, and outcome measures that is needed to predict the fitness and future medical care is shared with the doctors. Therefore, it is providing great opportunities to utilize and adopt different monitoring methods for patient caretakers and medical staff. Its benefits cannot be neglected, as remote healthcare is beneficial for critical and noncritical patients as well. It has reduced the burden on hospitals from preventing day‐by‐day increase cases. IoT has also played a significant role in providing healthcare to patients living in rural areas that don’t have adequate access to it. For elder people who are at their homes for a longer period and are unable to make checkups, IoT has also emerged as a convenient resource for them. IoT systems are becoming expedient contributors in the healthcare industry [Impaired patients can be assisted by medical professionals without any waste of time by electronic communication by pointing toward various letters on their device and personal computers so they can call or even ask easily.

A famous term used in describing healthcare services provided through the IoT is “Telerehabilitation” and corresponds to the less expensive but the finest service. Regardless of any geographical barriers, it is the best solution for those patients who physically cannot attend the clinics and hospitals. It is most beneficial for older people because of its workability and cost effectiveness for managing their lifestyle and daily routine for doing therapy at home. A survey suggests that primary healthcare costs can be reduced up to 80 percent through telemedicine; this is one of the goals of WHO [18].

In the context of remote monitoring, smart devices allow us to change any rehabilitation tool in IoT devices. Parameters of human health such as body mass, body fat, or mass index can be measured by those devices connected to remote computers via Bluetooth by utilizing bioelectric impedance analysis () and carrying out periodic analyses of collected data. IoT is also playing a crucial role in cloud‐based intelligent healthcare services that keep a real‐time check on chronic diseases such as cancer. Health‐related data is stored in cloud repositories for future use. The newly emerged infrastructure of cloud computing can be accessed by anyone and anywhere at any time. It has empowered medical professionals to provide the best analysis and assistance for the treatment of disease. It uses principal component analysis (PCA) for characteristic evaluation and the KNN algorithm to monitor patients’ health statistics. KNN has a good performance to identify specific diseases, a most valuable and universally accessible healthcare service provided by IoT.

1.2.3 Blockchain in Smart Healthcare

Blockchain is like a powerful synergist to secure healthcare records by providing data integrity and alleviating many challenges in the health sector realm. By attaining, analyzing, and transferring medical information at different levels, blockchain is introduced by researchers to improve the medical field and even aid researchers to unlock genetic codes. Better care, early response of care takers, and timely medicines would be possible if the healthcare system shifted toward electronic and smart gadgets. Effective e‐health systems with quick response contain super‐quality services and privacy for patients. Blockchain makes us able to interact within untrusted circumstances while keeping privacy and security and enabling a reduced cost [19]. To manage electronic records of patients, blockchain has uncountable opportunities. The traditional system is more rapidly catching the advanced technology, making it more convenient and easier to use for doctors and patients both to maintain the privacy and uprightness of the healthcare system using a blockchain framework named Smart Healthcare System (SHS). Due to its transparency, blockchain has extended to many healthcare domains. Data in the form of blocks is related via cryptographic methods and a decentralized database is then shared between all the peers so that anyone can view and access it. Each block is having its unique ID. These IDs, or hashes, are being generated for every incoming block containing new content, and each block carries the hash of every block that follows (hence the name blockchain). Blockchain is also beneficial for the insurance companies and pharmaceutical industry by keeping their records secure and safe. The data once kept in the block remains part of it for further research and diagnosis and make it possible to track the availability of medicines and medical equipment [20].

1.2.4 3‐Dimensional (3D) in Smart Healthcare

3D printing is a manufacturing technology that can physically design a model by fusing or decomposing materials such as resin, plastics, metal, carbon fiber, nitinol, paper, graphite, powder, and many different products. This method is also referred to as additive manufacturing (AM), rapid prototyping, or solid freeform fabrication. It can produce an object of any shape and size as visualize by a computer drawing file. It constructs the object layer by layer by injecting the material with the help of a printhead, a nozzle, or other various printing technologies. It first builds the basic object model along an x‐y plane and then subsequently starts building it along the z‐axis vertically. These instructions are being followed by a CAD file. 3D printers adopt the step‐by‐step instructions and deposit the material layer by layer, which results in a real‐time object model, and this model is being equipped with scaling, mudding, or painting if required.

Due to life‐changing innovations in 3D printing, most industries have started adopting its techniques because of its wonderful results. The healthcare industry has also been greatly affected by 3D printing because its emergence has overcome some challenges that not long ago seemed unsurmountable. Let us discuss some revolutionary changes that 3D printing has enabled in the healthcare sector. According to a survey, almost 6 percent of healthcare professionals have adopted this technology while the rest of them are in the process of adopting it. The most appealing 3D printing laboratory was found in New South Wales, and several skilled workers were hired to provide the services in the lab. They provide patients with such operational products that helps them to fulfill difficult tasks. The surgical tools and devices printed can help patients to improve their anatomy.

3D printing technologies that have been used in healthcare include orthotics prosthetics, implants, and preoperational models. 3D printing design models have specific customers whom they help to perform their activities in a better way. It can reduce patient visits to a hospital and can build such a difficult model that cannot be obtained by any other method. It uses materials such as polypropylene whose mechanical properties make the final product light in weight and easy to hold for patients.

1.2.5 Fifth Generation (5G) in Smart Healthcare

The emerging technologies discussed before having contributed a great part in smart medication, telemedicine, and to provide remote assistance to the patients. Another smart technology named 5G is currently one of the fastest growing industries. 5G is proposed by researchers and experts to continue to assist and monitor patients in several diseases. Smartly designed gadgets and sensors collect information from a number of resources and provide guidance to anyone from anywhere to assist them in taking the right medication in the right manner so that the mistakes can be prevented to use medicines as well as to reduce the cost of treatments and medicines [21].

5G is the upcoming generation of today’s 4G network, so 5G can deliver the speedy, extensible network having the larger volume. Instead of providing the fastest Internet connection, the healthcare industry is also getting benefit due to 5G's reliable connectivity for heavy medical devices with increased spectrum, greater capacity, more users as compared to previous LTE networks. 5G can technically provide a low latency of 1 ms, as compared to the previous 20 ms latency. It is good enough to strengthen medical sensors and devices, medical equipment, and video streaming, which may be helpful in telemedicine, teleconsultation, and remote surgery with clean streaming and detailed information deliverance. 5G has also overcome the data transfer issues faced in high‐latency networks with stable high speed. 5G provides a greater number of facilities as compared to 4G in smart diabetes detection. It can provide the following five benefits to the patients as well as paramedical staff.

  • Profitability: It makes users aware of a pre‐diabetic condition if there is one and provides them with a healthy way of life, which can save their expenditures on treatment and medicines For older people who are long‐term patients and unable to attend doctors, it provides tele‐treatment.
  • Convenience: 5G does not discomfort the patient as it supports smart‐clothing glucose monitoring. Another instance is that healthcare providers are extending their duties outside the hospital through real‐time video conferencing.
  • Personification: 5G uses several machine learning algorithms and different computing techniques for the prevention of diabetes. Depending on patients’ health records, 5G generates a personalized treatment for e patient.
  • Durability: 5G supports efficient sharing of useful information between doctors and patients and friends and family to change the mental condition of patients so that they can feel self‐motivated and produce good changes in their environment and be prepared for a better future treatment.
  • Elegance: With its intellectual characteristics toward patient health and resources, it can detect diabetes sooner and prevent its causes.

1.3 Realization of SHC through Emerging Technologies (Applications)

1.3.1 Applications of AI

Early detection of healthcare conditions, smart diagnosis, telemedicine, and discovery of several treatments are possible due to the emergence of AI. AI in healthcare produces an advantage in care and quality services. Smart healthcare is a supreme platform for AI applications and systems, where the health industry depends on information and logic to improve the patient’s state. There has been a fantastic improvement in the collection of data containing genetic, environmental, mental, and behavioral information. If we use AI in our daily healthcare routine, then it will not only improve our health condition, but it will also recognize the detection and upcoming illness occurring in our body. Some of the important facts of health where AI goes revolutionize this sector with its full zoom. Fei Jiang illustrates the analytical techniques of AI in healthcare either structured in modern deep learning and neural networks or unstructured in terms of natural language processing (NLP). AI uses algorithms to take structures from the bulk of healthcare data and target them to assist in the clinic. This paper mentions the future of AI and surveys its application for managing the healthcare system [4]. Patient Care Improvement

Patient care in terms of clinical and in home–based settings have both been greatly enhanced by AI. In the healthcare sector AI plays the role of a backbone for developing and improving patient care in predictive analytics and decision support systems. OECD hosted a Global Partnership on AI (GPAI) that directs the route of AI to behave responsibly in respecting patients’ rights by bridging the gap between experts from academia, civilians, stakeholders, and industry by proper implementation of theory and practice [13, 14]. Precision medicine can take part in improving patient health by recruiting complex datasets from a variety of complex situations, for example, health records, morphological data, and psychological reactions. AI‐enhanced technologies can point out dangerous conditions or encourage emotional health. These technologies are more beneficial for older people and people having special abnormalities. Maintaining Health Records

Medical practice has become transformed due to computerized patient healthcare charts. Electronic health record (EHR) systems are increasingly adopted in many developed countries; they also establish mobile health to allow mobile services in support with the usage of medicines for daily health routine checkups. EHR systems diminish errors of medication and improve coordination of care. The data extracted from EHR systems for statistics and research give support to many countries to achieve the goal for a high‐level achievement. Healthcare still captures the data in devices and is separately analyzed. Interoperability is a basic challenge that must be known about the full future of EHRs. One of the articles described the situation of young man, Roger, who came to the hospital in emergency grumbling with nausea and belly pain. This article showed 55 doctors to identify the usability of EHRs. These digital versions of paper charts are used by caretakers to record patients’ history, lab tests, early diagnosed prescriptions, disease background, and so forth, for medication doctor transfer in the EHR system and the search contained 500‐mg dosage of Tylenol because Roger was 26 years old. The doctor selected the appropriate option and prescribed the medication dose [16]. Availability of data is a basic element of EHR implementation, and EHR makes a perfect match for machine learning for fueling the data science operations. Machine learning is a remarkable milestone for fundamentals of EHR for example, data mining, NLP for document searching, transcription of report generation, data visualization, privatization and data, and predictive analysis. Thus we can say without AI we cannot imagine the medical world today.

1.3.2 Applications of IoT

IoT made the profession of healthcare more vigilantly connected with a survivor. Chronic diseases are increasing very fast and the population is aging, so there is a deep necessity of connectivity with pocket devices that can be easily accessible for both patients and doctors. Most people have a scarce situation to fight with the basics of healthcare but emerging technology at least IoT can ensure access to healthcare accessories easily and help to reach your doorstep. IoT has a significant role in healthcare innovations; according to statistical projections the use of healthcare devices is anticipated to increase to about 25.8 million units by 2025 [18]. From many types of research, IoT for healthcare in the context of remote patient monitoring for the care of the patient through sensor usage by gathering and inspecting the data and sending inspected patients’ information remote to the hospitals and care organization allows for prescribed quick action [11]. Sensors, digital assistance, and radio frequency identification tags (RFID) are made pervasive to collect on‐time data and help to make quick decisions. Controlling and monitoring play an important role for the implementation of IoT [10]. Glucose Monitoring

Diabetes is now becoming a common disease in developing countries due to unhealthy environments and food processing; older people is especially affected so they must watch their glucose levels to avoid any bad situation. IoT introduces a glucose monitoring system for continuous surveillance. Diabetes patients would have devices equipped with sensors embedded below their dermis. The sensor in the device sends continuous signals toward the personal gadget when glucose level is too low and stores history for them too. In this way, the patient will intelligently know when the circumstances are at risk due to the shortage of glucose in the present scenario as well as in the future. Monitoring Heart Rate

Devices can detect the heart rates; these devices are used by patients. High blood pressure would be diagnosed by this wearable device. The heart rate is continuously recorded by the patient’s device that can be sensed with the connection of a patient’s body. Healthcare providers will have an approach to monitoring the patient’s heart rate whenever they will need to do a check‐up. The examined heart rate provided the data, which will be useful for further treatment and diagnosis. In the same way, the wearable devices can notify the health care professionals when the patient suffers strokes, arrhythmias, and heart attacks. In this dangerous situation, the healthcare staff will be on full alert and will be able to dispatch the ambulances in a very timely manner, which can save a patient’s life. Smart Inhalers

These IoT inhalers are intelligent with advanced digital features, linked with an application in a smartphone or some gadget that transmits information about what patients need to do to handle this condition. When a patient is experiencing an asthma attack, the transmitted instructions are sent toward the caregivers for them to provide care on time. Some of the inhalers contain sensors that can sense the polluted environment and regions that have high pollen; the sensors help to send a message for the reminder to check the technology of inhaler. They all are equipped smartly to trace how often an inhaler is to be used so the patient does not require to keep records. One of the main facts about these smart inhalers is that they remind victims when to take their medication.

1.3.3 Application of Blockchain

Blockchain has a broad extent of applications and usages in the field of healthcare. The secure relocation of patients’ information keeps health records and management of medical grant chains, all of them due to facilitation of ledger technology. It also helps the researchers to unlatch genetic code. In September 2015, a World Economic Forum report was delivered, which surveyed that 58 percent of respondents said 10 percent of all globe domestic products will be stocked by blockchain technology by the year 2025 [19]. Nichol described Healthbank, Swedish based on health system transactions in the blockchain. Their aim is to introduce a unique way of sharing data and securing personal data. For future endeavors the patient health information (for example, blood pressure, heartbeat rate, eating habits, and sleeping pattern) would be fetched from healthcare applications, career appointments all of which be safely stored in the health bank blockchain [15]. Stability of Patients’ Data

In healthcare, nowadays the foremost data of healthcare is used for retaining the security and safety, which is considered as the eminent application of blockchain. Keeping data sealed is a valuable issue in the health sector. Blockchain presents a stable, secure, decentralized, and transparent log of patients’ data and becomes a widespread security application in this field. From complex and secure code it can conceal the user’s identity privately from massive codes that enable the maturity of sensitivity. The decentralized nature of blockchain presents the same information to doctors, nurses, paramedic staff, and also patients quickly and securely. Mettler described one of the Netherland‐based security organization partners with the Estonia government, who implemented Guardtime, to facilitate the framework of blockchain to authenticate the patients’ identity [21]. Distant Patient Monitoring

Distant patient monitoring is itself a technology that authorizes the status of the patient outside of traditional clinic systems e.g. In separate regions or homes which may need to increase the patient's care and reduce the phenomenal cost. In this case, blockchain plays a vital role for monitoring. In distant patients monitoring the caregiver staff would be able to know the status of the patient, the medical record is collected through smart devices and IoT networks. For cache, allotment, and rectify the medical information Blockchain playing an important role in all of these tasks. Ray described the connectivity of IoT with blockchain for retrieving, sharing, and storing electronic health information in the form of data flow architecture [21]. Distant patient monitoring becomes valuable for the elderly patient and disabled patients because they can take quick steps to save their lives. Many kinds of research show that blockchain is the key factor to save the patient data securely and manageable, in this context Ichikawa illustrated cognitive therapy for the disease of insomnia for patients monitoring by adopting a hyper ledger fabric architecture. Blockchain Prevents Costly Mistakes

Blockchain can provide a single platform for saving and continuously updating health records for private and on‐time retrieval by authorized users. By circumventing miscommunication among several healthcare professionals contained in the knowledge of patients, prevented by many mistakes, faster diagnosis and mediation become possible, as well as personalized care for every patient. Medical professionals cost the healthcare sector whenever miscommunication has occurred. The time taken to access the patients’ data irritates caretakers and delays in the care of the patient. Blockchain dispenses a cure for all this time taken and costly errors.

1.3.4 Applications of 3D Printing

3D printing is used to create new cells and tissues for active regenerative processes. 3D printing is a relatively expanded, unique, smart method of producing that established various applications in defense, aerospace, dentistry, organs fabrication, and in many other areas. In this section we discuss the revolutionary effect of 3D bioprinting in healthcare. Assistance obtained by application of 3D printing in medicine does not only include personalized medical products and equipment but also high productivity, cost effectiveness, design moralization, and increased collaboration. The application of 3D printing is going to be mainstream. Hearing Aids

In this sphere, the efforts were originated by Belgium‐based organization Materialize [22], in collaboration with production of Swiss hearing aids. Phil Reeves discusses the 3D printing revolution; more than 10 000 000 3D printed hearing assistance devices are currently used worldwide. There are many more that are in use today. Nowadays 3D printing, which includes scanning, modeling, and printing, takes less than a day. 3D Printing in Rejuvenate Medicine and Fight with Covid‐19 Pandemic

In this neoteric era the creation of tissues from fluffy biomaterial such as biomimetic polymers and living cells has been the most remarkable technological advancement in this field. Since the early 2000s, simple organs such as the bladder have been embedded into the patient. Moreover, various difficulties need to be resolved for intricate organs such as the liver, heart, and brain to be 3D‐printed and then placed into a patient’s body. The rapid action of Covid‐19 has placed great stress on medical systems all over the world, with stipulation of censorious medical kits and equipment. Manufacturers have responded to supply medical gadgets for hospitals. Carbon and 3D systems have started to be used for manufacturing open‐source PPE for health staff workers worldwide.

1.4 Conclusion

In this chapter, the deployment of the framework for healthcare in IoT distinguishes the applications from the physical infrastructure; therefore, we suggest to develop the platform for healthcare with the different emerging technologies. We have thereby discussed the technologies benefitting and challenges on how IoT, 3D printing, AI, and blockchain can help healthcare organizations to enhance the reliability and accessibility of services and various benefits and challenges faced so that Wi‐Fi networks are widely used in the healthcare industry.

Author Biography

Masooma Zehra Syeda, received her master’s degree in Human Computer Interaction & Robotics from Korea Institute of Science and Technology, South Korea in 2017. She has been worked for Indus university Karachi. Her Current research interest includes Human Computer Interaction, Artificial Intelligence, social content services, User interface, Tangible media technology and web content technology.

Dur‐e‐hassan Syeda currently pursuing the bachelor’s degree in Software Engineering from Mehran University of Science and Technology Pakistan. Her current research includes Artificial intelligence, machine learning and emotion intelligence.

Himanshi Babbar is Assistant Professor‐ Research in Computer Applications, working in Chitkara University, Rajpura, Punjab, India. She has 2 years of teaching experience, CGC, Landran, Mohali, Punjab. She had Completed MCA (Master’s in Computer Applications) from Chitkara University, Punjab Campus and currently Pursuing a Ph.D. in Computer Applications from Chitkara University, Punjab Campus. Her area of research is Software Defined Networking, Load Balancing and Internet of Things. She has attended six national conferences, published many papers in National and International Journals and filed 8 patents.


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