
The current paradigm shift is bringing about a new era of meaning, connection and agility that affects the societal, ecological, political, economic and technological environment. Now more than ever, the classic rationality approach is showing its limitations and the intuition approach seems a possible complementary approach. Intuition can make it easier to move on to this new era and provide collective, connective and individual help.

Initially, what motivated this work was contradictory research on intuition. The goal was to demonstrate scientifically that intuition does not exist, that it results from random coincidences and therefore that it could not be proved. Scientific, literary and practical studies and lines of thought led us over the course of more than 7 years to research the existence of connections between these fields, such as acoustics and medicine, which on a basic level were unrelated.

The results of our research have shown that intuition was an actual and unexplainable phenomenon, and because of determination, perseverance and scientific insight, we can demonstrate that intuition does indeed exist and that it takes different shapes.

The original assumption that intuition was a random phenomenon was therefore false and its non-existence could still be proved. Step by step, we have accepted its “unscientific” existence and then, experiment after experiment, we have established an approach associated with exercises whose goal is to accept to feel and develop one’s intuition. After extensive studies and several experiments involving different audiences in France and abroad, we have discovered the connections that account for the phenomenon of intuition as vibratory, observable and reproducible. Based on this observation and the significant change in the way we dealt with intuition, we then attempted to convey and teach intuition. After a series of experiments, we have been able to establish a way of approaching intuition whose goal is to allow anyone to feel and employ it. Everyone can intuit, even those who still think they cannot. Intuition is definitely not reserved for the so-called “more sensitive” individuals.

In this respect, we wish to thank the individuals who attended our seminars and courses on intuition, which we organized in France and Asia in the sphere of higher education and in companies.

This work is intended for anyone who wishes to discover, develop or amplify his or her intuition, creativity and innovation ability. The triad of intuition, creativity and innovation will be developed from a human and methodological perspective, revealing the rich connections between these three fields.

Based on the scientific foundations of intuition, and in particular on cymatics, we put forward a method that makes it possible to feel the perceptible signs of one’s intuition. The exercises included in this method allow us to mix our rationality with our intuition by listening to music, kinesthesia and paying attention to our own body, among other things. The exercises lead us, on the one hand, to understand the phenomenon of intuition and, on the other hand, to change our attitude toward the phenomena that science can or cannot explain. If a phenomenon cannot be explained, it is perhaps due to a lack of measuring tools, physical models or mathematical theories.

This work puts forward a series of exercises whose goal is to minimize the opposition and lessen the obstacles involved in our relation to intuition. The awareness reached due to the recommended videos, breathing and feeling exercises, as well as exercises involving body language in music allows us to dig deeper and affects personal changes in the long term. The blocks or barriers to intuition mainly manifest themselves as fears and beliefs that must be rejected to be able to intuit.

This objective resulted from the question we asked: how can the creativity and innovation of students, engineering students and business executives be improved? Thus, we carried out experiments in different educational and research environments, such as the ISTIA Innovation, the University of Angers, Cholet and Saumur, and schools like the Arts et Métiers ParisTech in Paris, AUDENCIA, the ECP in Paris, the CESI in Saint-Nazaire and the INSA in Rennes.

We observed through these experiments that some individuals substantially developed their creative abilities and filed for patents, whereas others mastered creative techniques without, however, being able to reach concrete results. The difference in creative potential depended on the individuals’ profile and their way of receiving and implementing creative approaches.

Let us compare human beings to a car. This is an interesting metaphor. A car will be faster and sturdier, and it will perform better, if we improve and optimize its engine power, the aerodynamism of its body, the rigidity of its chassis and the grip of its tires, the speed remaining constant. This holds true regardless of the car model. On the other hand, this does not work systematically for human beings, as human factors are much more complex than mechanical parameters. Therefore, we decided to work on the human factor in creative processes and we developed new methods that allow everyone to be truly creative.

In the context of our research, we tested some levers to make individuals more creative in their thinking and behaviors because of the “hybridizations” between creativity, intuition and innovation, and we can now present our results in this work.

However, intuition is a complex and thorny subject, questioned by the scientific community to which we belong. A phenomenon that does not follow the observer’s independent observation, measurement and modeling steps cannot be reproduced for now. What cannot be reproduced each time is excluded from a scientific outline, where experiments must be reproducible regardless of the observers. Thanks to cymatics, we will explain the causal and vibratory phenomenon of intuition.

Our passion for teaching has always led us to explore different ways of passing down knowledge; today, neuroscience gives us the opportunity of testing new innovative pedagogical approaches.

With a scientific and pedagogical background, we have attempted to dig deeper than disciplines and things. We have developed our analysis starting with mechanical engineering in fields such as new product design, technological watch, Internet watch, creativity and innovation to end up today focusing on the concept of intuition. We were always firmly convinced that we would find more effective, efficient and rapid solutions. This led us to ask ourselves questions from different points of view in order to explore new avenues.

Thus, our quest for knowledge led us to co-write works on fields such as information searches on the Internet, cybertechnologies in companies, business intelligence on the Internet, web creativity, innovation in the age of networks, etc. [CHE 98, COR 06, RIC 03, SAM 98, SAM 99, SAM 00, SAM 02, SAM 07, SAM 14a]. Now, with this work, we wish to share the results of our experimental research and provide a way for everyone to be able to intuit.

The first four chapters of this work make it possible to understand, explore and release intuition. Based on theoretical, neuroscientific and acoustic foundations, we will explore intuition by referring to philosophers (Socrates) and scientists (Einstein, Poincaré), and by relying on recent theories about intuition. After explaining the causal and vibratory phenomenon of intuition, we will explore how intuition is felt. If this feeling is still not perceivable, we will explain how the blocking phenomena operate and we will put forward exercises aimed at removing these barriers so that intuition can be felt. Once this is possible, we will be led to explore and develop our new intelligence.

Chapter 5 reveals the connections between the creative process and intuition with, among other things, usable creative sources and the avenues and approaches employed to become more creative because of a method based on the human sphere. The exercises will make it possible to master a new intuitive creativity.

Chapter 6 develops the “seven-I’s” model, which constitutes the foundation for an innovative and collaborative method drawing on inspiration, imagination, intelligence, insouciance, intuition, illusion and the invisible.

Chapter 7 points out the role of intuition for business executives and managers and how they can put it to good use in relation to their position.

Even if this work is scientific, it has a practical vocation; as it is interactive, it requires being connected to the Internet. The theoretical contributions explain the phenomena, the videos presented help us become more aware, and the exercises lead us to release, explore and practice intuition. This work calls on many of our senses and develops our views and beliefs on intuition.

Once intuition is truly felt, it will become a new ally and provide precious aid in our daily choices.

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