
About 13 years ago, I worked on a film executive produced by Heidi Wall, cofounder of Flash Forward Institute, a series of programs dedicated to fostering successful careers in the entertainment industry. I had never heard of Flash Forward until I met Heidi, but once the film was over, she invited me to one of their seminars. The audience was packed that evening, and Heidi’s business partner, Suzanne Lyons, started the event by addressing the audience. I was immediately captivated – not just with what she had to say but with her passion, sense of humor, and personality. All I kept thinking about was how much I wanted to meet and get to know this woman. I wanted some of whatever it was she had. So the very next day, I asked Heidi if she’d introduce me to Suzanne. She did, and we arranged to meet for breakfast and have been friends ever since. Even after all this time, I am continuously awed by her accomplishments and have achieved more in my own career in part because of the confidence and motivation she inspires in me.

Suzanne is a force of nature. Her joy at being in this industry is infectious, and her positive energy is magnetic. She’s not only a skilled producer but also a fabulous teacher/coach/mentor/role model who has devoted years to inspiring and helping tens of thousands succeed in our very competitive and challenging business. She’s incredibly generous about sharing her wealth of knowledge with others, and this new book is no exception.

Throughout my career, I’ve often come across people who decide to make low-budget movies without doing their homework. They jump directly into the deep end before even knowing if they can navigate the waters. They may survive the journey and complete their films, but the experience is often a bumpy one. And it’s not uncommon for them to squander valuable time and money along the way. If producing is what you want to do, understand what you’re walking into, exactly what to expect, and what’s expected of you before you start. And know that you don’t have to do it the hard way. This book will propel you over that learning curve and take the mystery out of the entire process – one step at a time.

Indie Film Producing is the equivalent of an entire course in one book, and it’s presented in an easy-to-understand, conversational tone. As you read it, you’ll feel as if a friend is explaining what you need to know (my friend, actually, who – lucky for us – injects her passion and infectious personality into her writing). And you’ll be a better producer because of it. Not only that, but you’ll impress the hell out of all those you’re working with.

Enjoy the book, savor the exciting experience of producing your own film, and – as Suzanne would tell you – don’t forget to have fun along the way!

Eve Honthaner

Production Management Professional

Author: The Complete Film Production Handbook (4th Edition) and Hollywood Drive

Instructor: USC School of Cinematic Arts Summer Program

Founder: Film Industry Network (FIN) 2000–2008

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