


Chapter 1 Getting Ready to Produce

The Time Was Right

The Landscape is Changing

A Step-By-Step Approach

Wearing Two Hats: Business and Creative

The Business of Film Producing

Chapter 2 Timeline for Séance

Timeline for the Film, Séance

September/October 2005: Optioned Screenplay

November/December 2005: Business Plan and PPM

January 2006: Opened an LLC

January/February/March: Funding the Film

March: Finalized Details

April: Soft Prep – Four Weeks

April: Casting

May 1: Preproduction Begins – Three Weeks

May 21: Principal Photography – Two Weeks

June 5–September 29: Postproduction

October: Prepared for Market

November 1–8: Attended the American Film Market

November 9–December 15: Delivery

Chapter 3 The Script: Option and Development

Time to do the Paperwork

Research and Read Option Agreements

What’s Needed in an Option/Purchase Agreement

Option Period

Payment and Back End


Certificate of Authorship and Short-Form Assignment

Script Development

Table Read

Director’s Notes

Chapter 4 Creating Your Business Plan


Table of Contents


Investor Proposal

Why $7,500? Here are Four Good Reasons

Let’s Start with Delivery

Operating Costs

Executive Producer Fee


Extra Bonus


Project Objective

The Marketplace

Film Comparisons

Company Summary and Team


Revenue Scenario

Newspaper Articles

Section 181

Mission Statement

Your One-Sheet Poster

PPM/Operating Agreement/Subscription Agreement

Chapter 5 Setting Up Your LLC and Opening Your Bank Account

Opening Your LLC: You Can Do It!

Where Do I Open My LLC?

Wait Until You’re Ready

Step # 1: Clear The Name

Step # 2: Articles of Organization

Step # 3: Getting Your EIN Number

Certificates and Seal

Opening Your Bank Account

Wait Until You’re Ready to Open Your Account

Open two Accounts

What Type of Checkbook Should You Order?

Making Deposits: Details

Get Your Visa or Mastercard Now

The Checks and Visa Are in Your Name Only!

Check Request Form

Payroll Company or Not?

Chapter 6 Sales Presentation and Finding Investors



Booking the Venue

Getting the Word Out


Setting up the Room

Your Assistants Represent Your Company

It’s Showtime: Welcome Everyone

Purpose of the Evening

Outline for the Evening

It’s Your Time to Shine: Have Fun!

Introduce Yourself

Your Company Introduction

Launching Windchill Films: Why this Film? Why This Budget?

The Director’s Vision

Introduce Your Team

Your Offering

What’s in It for Me, The Investor?

Question and Answer Session


Mock Sales Presentation

A Promise Is Not a Check

Additional Perks

Tips to Getting Investors

Be Prepared

Be Innovative

Let’s Get Visual

Chapter 7 Soft Prep

What Is Soft Prep?

Get Sag Signatory Number

Table Read

Location Scouting

List Your Film in the Trades

Inform Your Investors

Chapter 8 The Casting Process

Part 1: Preparation

Casting Director – Or Not

Guild Actors – Or Not

Guild Deposit

Breakdown Services

Plan Casting Process With Your Director

Part 2: Scheduling

Scheduling Auditions

How to Schedule

How Much Time to Allow for Auditions

Book Your Readers

Choosing the Sides

Typed Sign-In Sheets

Part 3: Auditions and Callbacks


Lunch Break and Atmosphere

Scheduling Callbacks


Chemistry Callbacks

Final Decisions

Part 4: Deal Memos


Chapter 9 Preproduction

Producer versus Line Producer

Producer’s Focus

Line Producer’s Focus

A Look at the Producer’s Job

The Making-of Producer and Stills Photographer

Still Photography and Making-of Cast Schedule

Proposed Questions for Cast for the Making-of Feature

Your Editor

Your Director of Photography

Your Director

Table Read With Your Keys

Cast Table Read and Wardrobe Fitting

Product Placement

Update Investors

Keep the Actors and their Agents Informed

Chapter 10 Principal Photography

Now the Fun begins

Know How to Read Your Call Sheets, Day Out of Days, and Shooting Schedule

Shooting Schedule


Video Village

Know Your Script

Your Editor

Staying on Time: Your 1st AD

Writing Checks

Stills and Press Release


Putting out Fires

Planning Your Wrap Party

Going the Extra Mile

Children and Animals


Interviews for Postproduction Positions


Chapter 11 Wrap-Up and Postproduction

Wrap Party

Line Producer’s Wrap-Up

Editor’s Assembly

Copyright Transfer

Film Website

Hiring for Postproduction Positions

Director’s Cut

Audience Testing

Pick-Up Day

Lock Picture

Sales Agents and First Round of Festivals

Music Score, Sound Designing, Color Correction, Spotting, and ADR

Additional Songs

Front-Roll Credits (Main Titles)

End-Roll Credits

Making Of


Chapter 12 Delivery and Sales Agents

Put The Horse Before The Cart

Mistakes can be Expensive

The Cost of Delivery

Items to Watch For

Sales Agent Or Not?

The Tables are Turning

Problems With the Old Model


Changes are Happening

Your Deal with a Sales Agent: Do Your Research!



Get a Copy of Each Territory Deal

Keep the Number of Years Low and Get Back-End Deals

Money Goes Into Your Bank Account

Have Them Check With You if the Amount Is Below the Estimate

Which Territory Sold?

Do They Have an E&O Umbrella?

Get a Box Of Dvds

If They are Doing Your Domestic Sale, be at That Meeting

Exit Clause

Chapter 13 Distribution Alternatives and Film Exposure: Guest Interviews

Chapter 14 You’ve Delivered … Now What?

A Whole New World


Communicate With Your Sales Agent

Attending Markets

Promoting Your Domestic Sale

Inform Investors Along The Way

Sag Residuals

Accounting and Taxes

Closing Your LLC

Final Notes

Be Sure To Get A Mentor (Or Two)

Surround Yourself With Winners

Keep Your Eye On The Prize

Appendix 1 Filmmakers Website Resource Guide

Appendix 2 Books: Some of My Favorites



PLEASE NOTE: I am not an attorney. The deal memos and information in this book should not be construed as legal advice. Please use your own council for anything contractual and anything pertaining to an LLC.

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