
  • A
  • accountability, 200–201, 213
    • policies, 131
  • advancement, keys, 89
  • advertising, location, 75–76
  • affinity
    • bias, elimination, 62
    • discovery, 26
  • affinity groups, 11
    • creation, 3–4
  • African Americans, hiring, 52
  • AI. See artificial intelligence
  • algorithmic attrition, 181–182
  • algorithmic fairness, 183–184
  • Amazon, Leadership Principles, 180
  • Ambady, Nalini, 43
  • Andersen, Kurt, 193
  • “Angry Black person,” perception, 175
  • anti-harassment policy, statement/visibility, 165, 176
  • applicants, visibility, 75
  • artificial intelligence (AI), 179, 209
  • Asch, Solomon, 82
  • audits
    • evaluations, 171
    • pay gap audit, 123–129
    • usage, 115–116, 119
  • B
  • badges, first names (usage), 165, 176
  • Bank of America, trainings, 10
  • baseball, bias, 33–34
  • Baumeister, Roy, 44
  • Beane, Billy, 33–34, 37, 205
  • behavioral design, impact, 40–41
  • behavioral design techniques, usage, 44–45
  • behavioral indicators, 83
  • behavioral interview questions, development, 83
  • behaviors, moral license, 23–24
  • belonging, sense, 163–164
  • Benioff, Marc, 129–130
  • Bernard, Stephen, 33
  • bias, 41–42, 76–78
    • action, 180–181
    • audit evaluations, 171
    • demographic characteristics, relationship, 58
    • disruption, 42–44
    • elite bias, 72
    • encoded bias, 182–183
    • example, 33–35
    • hiring process, debiasing, 77
    • impact, reduction, 85
    • infiltration, 109–110
    • interviewing/scoring process, debiasing, 80–82
    • job description, debiasing, 68–69
    • perception, 18
    • presence, 109
    • racial bias, 71–72, 167
    • responses, 76–77
    • role, 31–32
    • stumbling blocks, 27
    • systemic bias, 39
    • unconscious bias, 10, 12
  • biased sorting, 180
  • binary restrooms, usage, 166
  • Black Americans/white Americans, negotiation frequency (contrast), 21
  • Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic (BAME), term (usage), 47
  • Black Census Project, 189
  • Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC), term (usage), 46–47
  •, 76
  • blacklist/blacklisting, term (replacement), 71, 167
  • Black Lives Matter movement, momentum, 7, 8, 89, 141, 169
  • Blackness, toleration (reduction), 42
  • Black people, prejudice (University of Toronto study), 24
  • Blendoor, usage, 189
  • blind résumé reviews, usage, 154
  • blind reviews, 76–78
  • Blindspot (Banaji/Greenwald), 17
  • Bohnet, Iris, 151, 163
  • brain teaser questions, 81
  • brown bag session/lunch, term (replacement), 71
  • Brown, Jerry, 150
  • BSW Wealth, workplace setup (customization), 199
  • buffer, coders/hackers, 68–69
  • Burke, Tarana, 6
  • business
    • levels, representations, 152
    • outcomes, performance (connection), 114, 171
  • busyness, productivity proxy, 112
  • C
  • cakewalk, term (replacement), 71, 167
  • Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ), 7
  • Capitol Hill Organized Protest (CHOP), 7
  • career, launch, 4–5
  • Carney, Ray, 205
  • Castilla, Emilio J., 33
  • “casual conversation” interruption problem, navigation, 161, 175
  • Catalyst, surveys, 90–91
  • central tendency, measure (selection), 125, 172
  • Chamorro-Premuzic, Tomas, 145
  • Chang, Ange, 68
  • change management, 47
  • CHAZ, 7
  • Checklist Manifesto, The (Gawande), 45
  • checklists, usage, 45–46
  • CHOP, 7
  • Civil Rights Act (1964), Title VII (impact), 10
  • client
    • delivery processes, enhancement, 113
    • focus, usage, 113
  • CMS, employment denial, 42
  • Coates, John, 36–37
  • Code Fellows, 76
  • code of conduct, 6
  • cognitive strengths, assessments, 79
  • collective intelligence (CI) scores, 35
  • collective, power, 33–34
  • communication
    • ability, 59
    • fostering, 83
  • companies, inequitable policy cessation (demands), 29
  • competencies
    • assessment, 79–80
    • crafting, 148
    • maturity levels, 113
    • quantification, 113, 171
  • competency-based hiring questions, development, 82–83
  • confidence-competence trap, 145–146
  • constructive feedback, 93, 112, 169
  • Coqual surveys, 42, 97
  • corporate boards, minimum representation (Norway), 149
  • corporate performance evaluation, 110
  • correctness, question, 5
  • course elements, constancy, 107
  • COVID-19 crisis/pandemic
    • lessons, 16
    • women
      • jobs, loss, 172–173
      • layoffs, 8
  • creativity, embracing, 103
  • Crenshaw, Kimberlé, 51–52
  • Criado Perez, Caroline, 41, 164
  • criteria, 112–115
    • development, 113
  • critical mass, 151–153
  • critical race theory, 200–201
  • C-suite roles, Black women (percentage), 21
  • cultural levers, 13, 42–44, 48, 63, 166, 207
    • behavioral design techniques usage, 44–45
  • customer base, representation, 152
  • D
  • data
  • decision making
    • amygdala, impact, 17
    • assistance, 113
    • driving, 58
    • unconscious mind, impact, 61
  • Deep Work (Newport), 112–113
  • DeGraffenreid, Emma, 52
  • Delivery Performance (Tesla), 12–13
  • depletion effect, 44
  • Development as Freedom (Sen), 203
  • discrimination lawsuit, 119
  • diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI)
    • binary perception, 15
    • business leader perception, 8–9
    • charity, contrast, 200
    • choice, 199, 212
    • data-driven strategy, 16
    • demand, 28–30
      • evolution, 62
    • emotion, reduction, 48
    • evaluation and reevaluation, intersectional lens (usage), 198–199
    • evaluation and reporting policy, 196
    • goals, 119
    • Groundhog Day, analogy, 204
    • HR ownership, absence, 198, 212
    • knowledge, 48, 52
    • mindset, symptoms, 53
    • philosophy, 8
    • principles, 193, 210–213
    • programming, 3
    • recruitment goals, meeting, 43
    • reliance, 12
    • solution, affinity groups (usage), 26
  • strategies, 9, 47
    • communication, 199–201
    • creation, 194–197
    • expectations, 197, 211
    • implementation, 197–199
    • long-term planning, 197, 211
  • diversity initiatives
    • “best person for the job” objection, 31–32
    • promise, business imperative, 4
  • diversity referrals, bonus (consideration), 119
  • diversity training
    • cessation, 10–11
    • moral licensing, 22–24
  • domestic violence leave, 138
  • E
  • Effron, Daniel, 22–23
  • elite bias, 72
  • employees
    • desires, 196–197
    • feedback, 93–94
      • surveys, 57
    • groupings
      • controls, selection, 124
      • selection, 123
    • identification, group meetings (usage), 153
    • leave
      • keep-in-touch plan, development, 139–140
      • promotions, accessibility, 140
    • metrics, meaningful, 112–113
    • participation, 141–142
    • PTSD, 139
    • resource groups, 26
    • self-evaluations, 115
    • talkativeness, Yale study, 146
    • threats, protection, 138
    • underestimation, cost, 30
  • employees of color
    • impact, 9, 91
  • encoded bias, 182–183
  • English fluency, term (replacement), 72
  • Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) funds, impact, 29–30
  • equity
    • equality, contrast, 122–123
    • lens, usage, 186–189
    • strategy, documentation/distribution, 131
  • equity-centered workplaces, building, 209
  • equity trim tabs, 12–13
  • eSkill Talent Assessments, 87
  • ethnic minorities, application completion, 77
  • evaluations
    • audit, 115–116
    • candidates, evaluation, 58, 86
    • corporate performance evaluation, 110
    • employee self-evaluations, 115
    • high performers evaluation, 110
    • indicators, upstream evaluation, 60
    • performance evaluation, 103, 109–111
    • policy design evaluation, 64
    • policy, impact (evaluation), 59–60
    • post-evaluation/pre-evaluation, 115–116
    • skills, interviewer evaluation, 82–83
    • Student Evaluations of Teaching (SET), 106–107, 109
    • women, performance evaluation, 110
  • Evia Events, transparency, 199
  • Evil Geniuses (Andersen), 193
  • exclusion, cost, 30
  • expectations, exceeding, 103, 170
  • experience, age proxy (usage), 124
  • extraversion, role, 80
  • F
  • fairness standards, 183–184
  • Fair Pay Workplace, certification (creation), 123
  • family, 133, 172–174
  • fathers, median leave (Pew survey), 137
  • feedback, 93, 104
    • constructive, 93, 112, 169
    • gathering, 63
    • open-ended, space, 154
    • solicitation, 153–154
    • system, 94
    • usefulness, 93–94
  • Felix, Allyson, 133–134
  • female representation, quotas (US hostility), 149
  • Fitzpatrick, T.J., 179
  • Floyd, George (murder), 7
  • Fortinet, diversity reports, 29
  • Fuller, Buckminster, 11
  • G
  • Gapjumpers, usage, 189
  • Gaskell, Harry, 182–184, 190
  • Gawande, Atul, 45–46, 48
  • Gee, Laura, 75
  • Geena Davis Institute, 18
  • GEN
    • Certification, 12–13, 49, 74
    • color-coded availability system, 161–162, 175
    • national workplace experience survey, 25, 30, 53, 58, 89, 98, 136
    • tests review, 86–88
    • University of Washington, partnership, 44
    • volunteerism, 27
  • gender balance, 69–71
  • gender-balanced workforce, 18
  • gender checkboxes, movement, 43
  • gender-coded terms, 69
  • gender diversity, cognitive diversity (correlation), 36
  • gender mainstreaming, 158
  • gender-neutral job titles, 71
  • gender-neutral restrooms, usage, 166, 176
  • General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), data usage, 190
  • Gillibrand, Kirsten, 122
  • GitHub data sets, absence, 184
  • goals, 94
    • orientation, 93
  • Goldin, Claudia, 74
  • Google Scholar, impact of h-index, 112
  • Google, women (turnover), 54
  • Goucher, Kara, 133–134
  • Grote, Dick, 121
  • groups, absence in data, 184–185
  • groupthink, impact, 35–36
  • H
  • hacker, role, 68
  • Hall, Brian S., 31
  • halo effect, 82
  • Hamilton, Arlan, 9
  • harassment
    • charge, EEOC collections, 30
    • complaints, 95
  • harm, acknowledgment, 201, 213
  • Harvard Implicit Association Test, 17, 22
  • Harvard Physician's Health Study, 39
  • healthcare workers, identity (protection), 165, 176
  • Healy, Bernadine, 40
  • Highest Paid Person's Opinion (HiPPO) effect, 168
    • activation, 85
    • countering, 85–86
  • high performers evaluation, 110
  • h-index, 112–115
  • hiring
    • process, debiasing, 77
    • rubrics, usage, 118–119
  • Hirst, Alison, 159–160
  • homophily, phenomenon, 76
  • How to Be Good at Performance Appraisals (Grote), 121
  • hybrid work models, usage, 141–142
  • I
  • identities, intersection, 52
  • impact (evaluation)
    • equity lens, usage, 186–189, 209
    • example, 187f
  • inclusion, 51, 63
    • approach, 36–37
    • initiatives, company investment, 5
  • inclusive accommodations/architecture, 47–48
  • inclusive hours/food choices, 100
  • inclusive office design trend, 159–161
  • inclusive recruiting, 67, 167
  • inclusive workspaces, blueprints, 157
  • indicators, upstream evaluation, 60
  • intentions, 61
    • extension, 14–15
    • results, contrast, 8
  • intersectionality, 63
  • intersectional lens, usage, 129, 198–199
  • intersectional perspectives
    • collection, 56–57
    • regathering, 60
  • interview
    • completion, 85–86
    • process, 85
    • questions, 80–82
    • reward, 119–120
    • scheduling, 84, 168
    • structured interview process, 154
    • unstructured interviews, 79, 119–120
  • interviewer effect, 185–186
  • interviewing/scoring process, debiasing, 80–82, 168
  • introverts/extraverts, contrast, 146
  • Invisible Women (Criado Perez), 41, 164
  • J
  • job advertisements
    • gendered wording, 70
    • masculine-coded language, female perception, 69
    • qualifications, 69–74
    • specificity, 70
  • job candidates
    • evaluation, 58, 86
    • interviewer/interviewee demographic pairing, 185
    • merits, debating, 86
    • negotiation, chance (offer), 120
    • promotion selection, reason (sharing), 155
  • job description
    • debiasing, 68–69
    • gender-coded terms, 69
    • phrases, racial bias, 71–72
    • revisiting, 147–148, 174
    • unconscious bias, 69
    • visibility, 74–76
    • words, usage, 185
  • jobs
    • gender-neutral job titles, 71
    • offers, 119–121
    • salary range, 171
    • self-description, 74
  • Jones, Chastity, 42
  • K
  • keep-in-touch plan
    • development, 139–140
    • phases, 140
  • key performance indicator (KPI)
    • importance, 142
    • inclusion, 101
    • tracking, 92, 169
    • upstream evaluation, 119
  • knowledge workers, metrics, 112-113
  • Koch, Christina, 41
  • Koul, Anirudh, 183
  • Krause, Heather, 184, 185, 187, 190
  • Krawcheck, Sallie, 35–36
  • L
  • lag indicators, 60
  • leaders
    • access, 91
    • burnout, 92
    • identification, 153–154
    • male leaders, leave taking, 136–137
    • review, lead time (providing), 154
    • targets, relationship, 148–150
  • leadership
    • experience, 72
    • groups, critical mass, 156
    • material, 143, 174–175
    • needs, 147–148
  • lead time, providing, 154
  • Lean In (Sandberg), 19
  • leaning in
    • advice, 9
    • DEI solution, consequences, 20
    • double bind, 20–21
    • prescription, 11
  • leave, 195
    • amount, determination, 137
    • destigmatization, 139–140, 173
    • family leave, 136
    • keep-in-touch plan, development, 139–140
    • non-parent leave, 137–139
    • paid leave, 136–137
    • policies, extension, 199
    • providing, 139
  • LEED certification, 13
  • Lewis, Carl, 134
  • LGBTQ, Generation Z identification (proportion), 28
  • Library of Missing Datasets, The (Onuoha), 184
  • LinkedIn
    • advertising, location, 75–76
    • homophily, 76
    • transferable skills recognition, 73
  • Lipman, Joanne, 40
  • M
  • machine learning, 180–181
  • Madden, Janice Fanning, 116
  • majority rule, avoidance, 55–56
  • male-default job titles, 71
  • male leaders, leave taking, 136–137
  • mandatory arbitration, 29
  • Markon Solutions
    • certification, 205–206
    • inclusive leadership strategy, 152–153, 199
  • masculine-coded language, female perception, 69
  • masculine traits, overpromotion, 145
  • maternity leave, 136, 173
  • maturity levels, 113
  • McClain, Anne C., 41
  • media, gender study, 18
  • meetings, 92–94
  • men, feedback, 111
  • mentees
    • career vision, mentor development, 96
    • inventory, 92
    • meeting, 92–94
    • mentors, matching, 91–92, 95–96, 169
    • underestimation, 94
  • mentoring, 95–96
    • backgrounds, differences, 96
    • post-#MeToo, 94–95
    • relationships, Catalyst tracking, 90–91
    • transparency/visibility, 95
  • mentors, 90–91
    • inventory, 92
    • meetings, structuring, 92–94
  • mentorship, 169–170
    • matching program, usage, 91–92
    • seniority gap, closing, 169
    • sponsorship, relationship, 96
  • merit-based hiring, 79, 168
  • meritocracy
    • myth, 30–31
    • paradox, 32–33
  • #MeToo, 6, 8
    • mentoring, 94–95
  • Milano, Alyssa, 6
  • minorities, margin existence, 52–53
  • Minority Ethnic Group, term (usage), 47
  • missing data sets, 184–185, 210
  • Modern Racism Scale, 23
  • mommy track, 135–136
  • Montaño, Alysia, 133–134
  • moral licenses/licensing, 22–24, 62
  • Morgan Stanley, trainings, 10
  • “Most Inclusive Workplaces” lists, problems, 9–10
  • mutual fund sector, management teams (data tracking), 150
  • N
  • Neale, Margaret, 29
  • negotiation, social risks, 120
  • networking
    • events, scheduling, 170
    • success, 100–101
  • networks, advertising, 76
  • Newport, Cal, 112
  • Nia Impact Capital
    • assets, leverage, 29
    • leave policies, extension, 199
  • nondisclosure agreements (NDAs), breaking, 133
  • non-parents, leave (requirement), 137–139
  • nursing rooms, providing, 162–163, 175
  • O
  • office housework, 114, 171
  • “official retirement age,” 193
  • onboarding/orientation meeting, 94, 173
  • “One and Done” rule, 150–151
  • O'Neil, Cathy, 181, 184
  • one-on-ones
  • ongoing education, 195
  • on-the-job violence, 165
  • Onuoha, Mimi, 184–185
  • open box, 111–112, 170–171
  • open-ended questions, 57
  • open-ended responses, space, 57
  • open floor plan (Silicon Valley), usage, 159–160
  • open office space
    • option, movable partitions (usage), 162
    • reimagining, 161–163
  • opportunities, 98–99
  • oriental, term (replacement), 72
  • P
  • paid leave, 136–137
  • Paid Sick Leave Act, 138
  • Panchyati Raj Act, 148
  • Pandit, Vikram, 35–36
  • Pao, Ellen (discrimination lawsuit), 119–121
  • participatory pause, invocation, 153–154
  • paths of least resistance
    • charting, 44–45
    • creation, cultural levers (impact), 45
    • preparation, 58–59
  • pay
    • communication, consulting, 130–132, 172
    • data, analysis, 125
      • intersectional lens, usage, 129
    • decisions, self-evaluations (separation), 121
    • discussions, 131
    • equity, 132, 195
      • metrics/reporting commitment, 131
      • strategy, documentation/distribution, 131
    • pay-for-performance schemes, 32–33
    • physiology, 117, 171–172
    • raise negotiation, consequences, 20
    • rubrics
      • development/sharing, 132
      • usage, 118–119
  • pay gap
    • analyses, results (communication), 131
    • audit, 123–129
    • closing, 117–118
    • defining, 122–123
    • discovery, reaction, 129–130
    • identification/analysis, 125, 126f–128f, 129
    • inequality, 172
  • payscale, employee study, 130
  • peer approval, biased dynamics, 32
  • peer review studies, 87
  • people of color
    • negotiations, social risks, 119
    • term, usage, 46
  • performance
    • business outcomes, connection, 114, 171
    • measurement, criteria, 112–115
    • progress, connection, 114, 171
    • reviews, open box (closure), 111–112
    • support bias, 116, 171
    • US Women's National Soccer Team, 122–123
  • performance evaluation, 103, 170–171, 195
    • bias, infiltration, 109–110
    • review, 110–111
    • usage, 124
    • value, salvage, 111
  • personality
  • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), male design, 41
  • physical workplace concept, change, 193
  • physical workspaces, male accommodation, 62–63
  • PI Behavioral Assessment, 86–87
  • PI Cognitive Assessment, 87
  • pipeline-dependent targets, 152
  • pipeline problem, 32
  • policy
    • impact, evaluation, 59–60
    • implementation, 58–59, 63
  • policy design, 56–57
    • collaboration, 57
    • evaluation, 64
  • post-evaluation, job candidate, 115–116
  • prayer rooms, providing, 162, 175
  • pre-evaluation, job candidate, 115–116
  • prejudice, behaviors (test), 23
  • pre-leave (keep-in-touch program phase), 140
  • private spaces, providing, 162, 175
  • procurement policy, 195
  • pro-diversity trainings/messaging, white male reactions, 24–25
  • professional development, 89, 169, 195
  • professors, rating, 104–109, 104f–108f
  • progress, performance (connection), 114
  • promotion, 195
    • decisions, self-evaluations (separation), 121
    • opportunity, 154
  • promotion-oriented focuses, 81
  • Pronovost, Peter, 45–46
  • protected categories (PC), data filtration, 125
  • protégés, 89, 169
    • selection, Center for Talent Innovation report, 91
    • PTSD, employees, 139
  • Q
  • Queen Bee syndrome, 151
  • questions
    • competency-based hiring questions, development, 82–83
    • orientation, difference, 81
    • wording/order/weighting, decisions, 84
  • quiet/focus rooms, usage, 163, 175
  • quotas, US hostility, 149
  • R
  • race checkboxes, movement, 43
  • racial bias, 71–72, 167
  • racial discrimination settlements, 10
  • Racism at Work (Gaskell), 182
  • raise negotiation, consequences, 20
  • randomized control trials (RCT), 187, 188f
  •, student usage, 104
  • Rebel Ideas: The Power of Diverse Thinking (Syed), 37
  • recruiting strategy (creation), retention strategy (inclusion), 195–196, 211
  • red-yellow-green (GEN color-coded availability system), 161–162, 175
  • referral, 118–119
    • bonuses, offering, 119
    • impact, understanding (Payscale survey), 118
    • treatment, avoidance, 118–119
  • regression analysis, 125, 129
  • regulatory focuses, term (APA usage), 80–81
  • Remote Employee Experience Index, 140–141
  • remote work, 140–142, 195
  • study, 81
  • résumés
    • downgrading, AI, 181
    • HR Daily Advisor study, 77
    • reviewers, demographic reviewers, 185
  • restrooms, gender-neutral/binary, 166
  • retention strategy, usage, 195–196, 211
  • revenue, generation, 122
  • risk taking, valuation, 180
  • Robbins, Cindy, 129
  • Roberts, Tony, 184
  • role modeling effects, 164
  • role models
    • importance, 163–164
    • visibility, increase, 164
  • S
  • Sadasivan, Sunil, 68
  • salary
    • expectations, 120–121
    • negotiations, ban, 119–120
    • range, stating, 120, 171
  • Salary History Bans (SHB), implementation, 120–121
  • Sandberg, Sheryl, 19
  • sandwich generation, 138, 173
  • scheduling, respect, 100
  • Schmidt, Benjamin M., 104
  • Schultz, Howard, 21–22
  • Schwabenland, Christina, 159
  • Seka, Leyla, 129
  • self-belief, 44
  • self-criticism, 146
  • self-description, 74
  • self-evaluations, pay/promotion decisions (separation), 121
  • self-nomination, biased dynamics, 32
  • Sen, Amartya, 203
  • seniority gap, 90, 169
  • senior leaders
    • attendance, requirement, 101
    • demands, 92–93
  • SET. See Student Evaluations of Teaching
  • Shawahin, Lamise, 57
  • she-cession, 135–136, 173
  • Shih, Margaret, 43
  • shine theory, 19
  • Situation, Task, Action, Result (STAR), 168
  • skills
    • feedback, absence, 111
    • identification, 72–73
    • interviewer evaluation, 82–83
    • transferable skills, expansion/statement, 73–74
  • Smith, Dave, 130
  • sober socializing, 100, 170
  • social capital, increase, 182
  • Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), applicant interaction, 68, 73
  • sponsees
    • benefits, 97
    • selection, 97–98
    • sponsor check, 99
  • sponsorship, 169–170
    • application, 97–98
    • revenue, 122
  • Starbucks, black men (arrest), 21–22
  • stereotype dispersion, 151
  • stockbrokers, compensation, 116
  • structured interview process, 154
  • Student Evaluations of Teaching (SET)
    • bias, presence, 109
    • factors, 109
    • results, 106–107
    • summaries, meta-analysis, 108–109
  • Syed, Matthew, 37
  • systemic bias, 39
    • shift, 62–63
  • T
  • Take 2 test, 139
  • targets
    • communication, 152–153, 175
    • leaders, relationship, 148–150
    • numbers, selection rationale, 152, 174
    • setting, 151–153, 174
  • teaching sessions, 103–104
  • team performance, perception, 34–35
  • teamwork, 111
  • TechCrunch Disrupt, Q&A interactions, 80
  • technical competencies, assessment, 83
  • Tesla
    • Delivery Performance, 12–13
    • mandatory arbitration, Nia Impact Capital challenge, 29
  • test-takers, penalization (avoidance), 87–88
  • Textio, gender-coded word study, 69
  • thin-slicing, 55–56
  • Thorndike, Edward, 82
  • Time's Up, founding, 6
  • tipping, advice, 166, 176
  • total compensation, measurement, 129
  • Trailblazer (Benioff), 129
  • trainings
    • attendance, underestimated (relationship), 24–25
    • focus, 99
    • trap, 21–22
  • transferable skills, expansion/statement, 73–74
  • transition safety nets, pre-planning, 194, 210
  • transparency, 190–191
    • criteria, principles, 147–148
    • importance, 146–148
    • increase, 130
  • transphobic violence, combatting, 176
  • trickle-down exclusion, costs, 54–55
  • trim tab
    • approach, 13–16
    • usage, 11–12
  • U
  • unconscious bias, 12, 42, 69
    • trainings, 10
  • unconscious self-defense system, 17
  • underestimated
    • application encouragement, 155, 175
    • overautomation, avoidance, 194
    • promotion, biased outcomes, 32
    • resignation, culture (impact), 30
    • term, usage, 9
    • trainings attendance, 24–25
  • United States Institute for Peace, 18
  • unstructured interviews, 79
    • reward, 119–120
  • US Women's National Soccer Team (WNT), equal pay campaign, 122–123
  • V
  • variance explained, term (usage), 124
  • vendor policy, 195
  • venture capital funding, gender gap, 80
  • violence, on the job, 165
  • VMWare, 111–112
  • W
  • We All Count, 185–186, 189
  • Weapons of Math Destruction (O'Neil), 181
  • WerkLabs study, 73
  • What Does It Mean to Be an Effective Leader? (CEO panel), 6
  • What Works (Bohnet), 151, 163
  • white men, senior leader access, 91–92
  • Why Do So Many Incompetent Men Become Leaders? (Chamorro-Premuzic), 145
  • Willpower (Baumeister), 44
  • Winners Effect, 36
  • women
    • advocacy, 97
    • coding acceptance rates, 31
    • competition aversion, 75
    • design exclusions, 41
    • feedback, 110–111
    • harassment, 164
    • heart disease, impact, 39
    • intersectional perspectives, 56–57
    • negotiations, social risks, 119
    • nudging, 154–155
    • pay raise negotiation, consequences, 20
    • performance evaluation, 110, 170
    • privacy, need (absence), 160
    • risk aversion, 75
    • turnover, addressing (Google), 54
    • vulnerability, 160
    • work punishment, displaying emotion, 160
  • Women in Digital (community), 76
  • Women's Equal Pay Day, 52–53
  • Woolley, Anita Williams, 34–35
  • Worcester Polytechnic Institute research, 100–101
  • words, gender-coded, 69
  • work
    • future, 28
    • hybrid work models, usage, 141–142
    • keep-in-touch program phase, 140
    • policies, determination, 141, 174
    • remote work, 140–142
    • return, 161–163
    • tracking/rewarding, 114–115
  • workplace
    • bias, 41–42
    • burden, reduction, 48
    • creation, 40
    • data, absence, 184–185
    • design (cultural lever), 166
    • diversity, 62
    • equity, focus, 117–118
    • meritocracy, pay-for-performance schemes (usage), 32–33
    • safety, 164–166
    • women, reintegration after leave, 137
  • workspace
    • inclusive workspaces, blueprints, 157
    • physical workspaces, male accommodation, 62–63
  • Z
  • zero pay discrepancy, Starbucks, 125
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