Cluster configuration

Configure your cluster nodes. Node types define the VM sizes, the number of VMs, and their properties. Your cluster can have more than one node type, but the primary node type (the first one that you define on the portal) must have at least five VMs, as this is the node type where Service Fabric system services are placed. Do not configure PlacementProperties because a default placement property of NodeTypeName is added automatically:

Service Fabric cluster configuration: Node Configuration Blade

For configuring your cluster, you need to perform the following steps:

  1. Choose a name for your node type (1 to 12 characters containing only letters and numbers).
  2. The minimum size of VMs for the primary node type is driven by the durability tier you choose for the cluster. The default for the durability tier is Bronze.



  1. Select the VM size and pricing tier. D-series VMs have SSD drives and are highly recommended for stateful applications. Do not use any VM SKU that has partial cores or has less than 7 GB of available disk capacity.
  2. The minimum number of VMs for the primary node type is driven by the reliability tier you choose. The default for the reliability tier is Silver.
  3. Choose the number of VMs for the node type. You can scale up or down the number of VMs in a node type later on, but on the primary node type, the minimum is driven by the reliability level that you have chosen. Other node types can have a minimum of one VM.
  4. Configure custom endpoints. This field allows you to enter a comma separated list of ports that you want to expose through the Azure load balancer to the public Internet for your applications. For example, if you plan to deploy a web application to your cluster, enter 80 here to allow traffic on port 80 into your cluster.
  5. Configure cluster diagnostics. By default, diagnostics are enabled on your cluster to assist with troubleshooting issues. If you want to disable Diagnostics, change the status toggle to Off. Turning off diagnostics is not recommended.
  6. Select the Fabric upgrades mode you want set your cluster to. Select Automatic, if you want the system to automatically pick up the latest available version and try to upgrade your cluster to it. Set the mode to Manual, if you want to choose a supported version.
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