ABB Infosystems, 41, 125

Abegglen, James, 36, 219n

Abela, 136

Accountability in management of ideas, 20, 103104

Adams, Scott, 93, 208

Air France, 6668

Alertness to problems and opportunities, improvement of, 186193

Alignment of elements in organizations, mixed messages in, 111114, 116

American Airlines, 123, 137, 142143, 170172, 180, 186187

Argyris, Chris, 39, 220n

Attention to detail, importance of, 33, 37, 187188

Attitudes of employees, ideas affecting, 198201

Awareness of new opportunities, 2425


Bad ideas as opportunities for teaching, 101, 117

Benchmarking as spur for ideas, 185186

BIC Corporation, 2, 70, 132133, 201204

Big ideas attractiveness of, 13, 2930

exploited by small ones, 43

generated by small ones, 4652

Blair, Tony, 16

Boardman, John, 7, 111, 140, 204

Boardroom Inc., 6, 19, 2122, 85, 9698, 123, 125, 127128, 130, 140, 199

Boiled Frog Syndrome, 191192, 221n

Bonuses for rewards, 8586, 8889

Buhagiar, Marion, 219n, 221n

Built to Last, 185


Cantelmo, Thomas, 186187

Carlson, Edward, 72

Change and need for further changes, 190193, 194

problems and opportunities in, 40

Chuck E. Cheese, 186

Cloetta, 190191

Collective reward systems, 8788

Collins, Jim, 185

Comparative idea data from U.S. and Japan, 61

Competing against Time, 34, 219n

Complexity management, 3638

Coolman and Coolman, 159160

Cooper, Robert, 181

Corporate culture related to idea systems, 27, 114, 187218

Crandall, Robert, 123, 187

Creativity: Beyond the Myth of Genius, 220

Crosby, Philip, 209, 210

Cultures of organizations related to idea systems, 27, 114, 187218

Cummins Engine facility, 152

Customer complaints as sources of ideas, 181182

Customer service, small ideas in, 3033

Customers for Life, 186

Cycle-time reduction, 3436, 182183


da Vinci, Leonardo, 187188, 189

Dana Corporation, 7, 19, 3738, 4346, 85, 88, 98, 103, 125, 129, 130, 134135, 137, 139, 205

Danisco, 161162, 183184

Defense Finance and Accounting Service, 6365, 126, 129

Denny, William, 93

Details, attention to, importance of, 33, 37, 187188

Deutsche Post, 34, 5, 17, 190

Development of ideas, from awareness of problems or opportunities, 3, 9, 170173

Disneyworld, 186

Domino’s Pizza, 185

Dresser Industries, 125, 130

Drucker, Peter, 9698

DUBAL, 7, 110111, 140, 204205


Edelston, Martin, 9698, 123, 127128, 219n, 221n

Educational opportunities for employees, 183185

Employee Involvement Association, 198

Employees awareness of problems or opportunities, 3, 9, 2425, 170173, 194

broadening perspectives of, 180186, 196

idea activators for, 173179

ideas expected from, 9699, 115

ongoing learning and development, 183185

relations with management, 201204

rotation of, 180, 195

Error Cause Removal (ECR) philosophy, 212

Error-proofing training program, 174

European Quality Award, 7, 213

Evaluation of ideas, 127130

24/72 policy in, 129, 212


Fairness in rewards, 7078

Feedback on ideas, importance of, 130131

The Fifth Discipline, 38, 220n

5S training program, 174

Focusing on problems or opportunities, 2324, 149168

guerrilla tactics in, 167168

theme choices in, 159164

40 Years, 20 Million Ideas, 10

Fraud, reward-related, 8184


Gelb, Michael, 187, 189, 221n

Good Shepherd Services, 4, 25, 175179, 181, 213217

Gore, Al, 27

Granite Rock, 185

Grapevine Canyon Ranch, 3033, 5051, 6970, 86, 130, 135, 164165, 198201

Guerrilla tactics for encouraging small ideas, 58

in focusing on problems or opportunities, 167168

for getting more and better ideas, 195196

for starting idea processes, 146147

for management of ideas, 117118

for reward systems, 9091


Hanson, John K., 2324, 151152

Hayek, Friedrich, 9, 157, 219n

Helplessness, learned, 205208

Hertzke, Bruce, 107109, 139

“Historical and Critical Analysis of Employee Suggestion Systems in American Industry,” 221n

Honda, 189

Hout, Thomas, 34, 219n

How to Think Like Leonardo da Vinci, 187, 221n


Idea activators, 25, 173179

approaches in, 180186, 195196

Idea systems affecting corporate cultures, 27, 114, 187218

characteristics of, 119147

commitment to, 121123

ease of submitting ideas in, 124127

encouragement in, 121124, 144

evaluation process in, 127130, 144

feedback in, 130131, 144

getting more and better ideas in, 169196

guerrilla tactics in, 58, 9091, 117118, 146147, 167168, 195196

implementation of, 131135, 145

performance monitored in, 141143, 145

promotion of, 123124

recognition and celebration in, 137141, 145

reviews for additional potential in, 135137, 145

submission process in, 124127, 144

Idemitsu Kosan, 84, 125, 136

Identification of needs, importance of, 2324, 150151

IDEO, 190

Implementation of ideas, management of, 131135

Institutional memory, 39

Interpersonal relations, ideas affecting, 204205

I-Power system, 219n, 221n


Jagga, Krishan, 7175, 220n

Japan, idea data in, 37, 61, 219n, 220n

at Toyota, 10

Job rotation, effects of, 180

Johnson Controls, 103, 188

Journals or notebooks for recording ideas, 189


Kacey Fine Furniture, 86, 162164

Kaisha: The Japanese Corporation, 36, 219n

Kehoe, Mary Ann, 213214

Kelleher, Herb, 154

Kerr, Steven, 17, 60, 220n

Knowledge and development of ideas, 177, 194

types of, 9

Kobayashi, Koji, 180

Kohn, Alfie, 59, 220n

Kraft foods, 189


Larson, Gary, 93

LaSalle Bank, 4, 125, 130, 149151, 152, 157158

Learned helplessness, 205208

Learning curve, concept of, 39

Learning opportunities for employees, 183185

organizational, 3842

Lefresne, Jean-François, 6668

Lewis, Marvin, 73

Lisec, James, 7175, 220n–221n


MacDonald’s, 186

MacMillin Corporation, 35

Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award, 7, 26, 27, 37, 213

Malone, Tom, 110, 209, 211213

Management of ideas accountability in, 20, 103104

and characteristics of good idea systems, 119147

focusing in, 149168

by middle managers, 104107, 115

by senior leaders, 107111, 115

by supervisors, 99104, 115

Managers, rotation of, 180

Massachusetts Department of Correction, 4

Memory, institutional, 39

Metrics to monitor performance of idea systems, 141142

Middle managers, roles in managing ideas, 104107, 115

Milliken & Company, 67, 21, 4243, 84, 9899, 110, 122, 124, 125, 129, 137, 208213

Milliken, Roger, 6, 110, 209213

Minnix, William L., 216217

Misalignment of elements in organizations, effects of, 111114

“Modernizing Government” study, 16, 219n

Monrovia nursery, 4648

Moran, Chris, 170172, 180, 190

Morcott, Southwood, 98

Motivations for offering ideas, 6366


National Association of Suggestion Systems, 37, 198, 219n, 220n

National Cash Register, 197

National Report on Japanese Kaizen Teian Systems, 219n, 220n

NEC company, 180

Nightline, 190

Notebooks or journals for recording ideas, 189


“On the Folly of Rewarding A, While Hoping for B,” 17, 60, 220n

Opportunities in change, 40

employee awareness of, 3, 9, 2425, 170173, 194

improving alertness to, 186193

invisibility of, 173, 175

knowledge and understanding needed for, 177, 194

for organizational learning, 3842

Opportunity for Improvement (OFI) system, 4243, 212213

Organizational Learning, 39, 220n


Patterson, John, 197

Poka-yoke, 174

Porras, Jerry, 185

Preston, Philip, 203

Problems and opportunities in change, 40

employee awareness of, 3, 9, 170173, 194

improving alertness to, 186193

invisibility of, 173, 175

knowledge and understanding needed for, 177, 194

Processing of ideas as central to work, 1921

cost of, 21

effective management of, 2122

Productivity as measure in bonus system, 88

Punch, Wayne, 212213

Punished by Rewards, 59, 220n


Quality Is Free, 209

Quality of ideas as measure in bonus system, 88

Quantifiability of ideas, 69

Quick changeovers, 174175


Rampey, John, 210

Reading groups, effectiveness of, 184185

Recognizing ideas, importance of, 137141

Recording observations and ideas, 189, 195

Replication of ideas, strategies in, 136137

Research needed in formulating ideas, 190

Resistance to ideas, 104106, 114, 117

Rewards, 5991

based on aggregate measures, 8687

bonuses for, 8586, 8889

causing unethical behavior, 7881

collective systems for, 8788

creating useful synergies, 85, 8788

fairness of, 7078

guerrilla tactics for, 9091

invisible costs of, 6684

leading to fraud, 8184

measurement problem with, 1718, 6670

problems with, 1519

Rewards, continued resentment toward, 18, 7576

systems that work, 8489

Richer, Julian, 56, 220n

Richer Sounds, 6, 56

Robinson, Alan, 62

Rockefeller, John D., 5354, 220n

Rogers, Jennie, 35

Rotation of employees, 180, 195


Samson, Art, 6366, 126, 129

SAS airline, 181

Schön, Donald, 39, 220n

Schroeder, Hermann, 190

Schultz, Ed, 205, 208

Searle, Eve, 31, 199201

Senge, Peter, 38, 220n

Sewell, Carl, 186

Sewell Motors, 186

Simms, Mike, 25, 26

Small Business Baldrige Award, 185

Small ideas attention to detail in, 33, 37

complexity management, 3638

cumulative impact of, 5354, 135136

and excellence in customer service, 3033

and excellence in responsiveness, 3436

guerrilla tactics for, 58

importance of, 1215, 2958

multiple uses of, 4950

patterns in, 5152

and rapid organizational learning, 38

as sources of big ones, 4652

as sustainable competitive advantage, 4246, 136

Sneed, Juliette, 150, 152

Sources of ideas in customer complaints, 181182

in employee awareness of problems and opportunities, 3, 9, 2425, 170173, 194

small ideas as sources of big ones, 4653

Southwest Airlines, 154

Soviet Union, 78

ST Microelectronics, 7

Stages in completion of ideas, 74

Stalin, Josef, 78

Stalk, George, 34, 36, 219n

Standard Oil, 53

Sterne, Lucas Frederick, 221

Stilwell, John, 72

Straight from the CEO, 221n

Suggestion boxes, 21, 9394, 132, 197198

Supervisors, roles in managing ideas, 99104, 115

Support provided to develop ideas, 125127

Swedish Institute for Suggestion Systems, 5556


Taylor, Frederick, 8, 9495, 221n

Team ideas, effectiveness of, 143

Tempest, Harry, 150151, 152, 157158

Thompson, Tommy, 216217

Tichy, Charlie, 132, 202

Time-saving ideas, cycle-time reduction in, 3436, 182183

Total productive maintenance, and overall operational effectiveness, 175

Toyota, 1011, 25, 109110, 129, 138, 173175, 221n

TQM initiative, 27

Training programs as idea activators, 173179, 195

Trophée d’Innovation, 66

Trust and respect in employee-management relations, 2627, 201204


Unethical behavior caused by rewards, 7881

United Airlines, 17, 7175, 220n221n


Vidette Times, Indiana, 14

Volvo, 126127


Wainwright, Don, 26, 28, 110

Wainwright industries, 19 , 2527, 85, 95, 125, 129, 139, 165166

Weisberg, Robert W., 220n

Wildavsky, Aaron, 173, 175, 194

Williams, Dick, 132, 202203

Winnebago Industries, 5, 2324, 4041, 107109, 139, 151152

Winning at New Products, 181

Winter, Ray, 2, 201204


Yasuda, Yuzo, 10

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