
Acknowledge words or statements usage, 54

American with Disabilities Act (ADA), 102

Angry/emotional customers, 110-111

Appearance, personal, 17-18

Arguments with customers avoidance, 53-54

Articulation, 32

Attitudes. See Projecting positive service image

Autodialers, 157

Automatic call distribution (ACD) systems, 8, 58, 61

Automatic number identification (ANI), 58-59, 60

Beliefs definition, 80-81

Billing support, 7

Break taking, 122, 136

Brevity, 64

Business acumen, 6

Call center

competencies required for, 5-6

definition, 1-2

functions of, 4

job titles, typical, 4-5

number of, 3

representative competencies, 5-6

roles and responsibilities of, 1-12

services, typical, 7-8

staffing, 4-5

technology, typical, 8-9

trends affecting, 2-4

Call telephony integration (CTI), 59

Calls management software, 59

Caring for customers, 46-47

Cold calls timing, 66

Collections, 7

Communicating positively with yourself and others, 22-23

Communicating with others, 27-40

customer encounters preparation, 36

environment, 29

exercise for measuring, 28

fax, 68-69

feedback, 30, 31

Internet/e-mail, 70-71

interpersonal communication importance, 27-28

interpersonal communication skills, 30-36

making customer feel welcome, 37

negative messages, 23

noise, 29, 30

nonverbal and vocal cues and trust, 78

paraphrase customer’s messages, 37

rapport building with customers, 38

recap of, 39

review questions for, 40

simple language usage, 38

strategies, 36-39

style, 17

taking ownership of customer situation, 38

telephone, 62-68, 78

through technology, 62-71

tone, 17

two-way communication model, 28-30

verbal content, 35-36

verbal skills, 31-35

Competencies of call center representative, 5-6

Complaining customers, 109-110, 143

Complaint resolution, 7

Complying with the law, 153-159

Federal Communication Commission’s 900-Number Rule, 155

Federal Trade Commission’s Mail or Telephone Merchandise Trade Regulation Rule, 155

Federal Trade Commission’s Telemarketing Sales Rule, 155-156

recap of, 158

regulating entities, 155

regulations need, 153-154

regulatory guidelines, 155-157

as resource, 97

review questions for, 159

Telephone Consumer Protection Act of 191 (TCPA), 156-157

Conflict resolution, 6

Controlling your stress level. See Stress level, controlling your

Cross-selling, 6, 8

Customer contact centers. See Call centers

Customer encounters preparation, 36

Customer service representatives (CSRs). See also Call centers

definition, xxi-xxii

factors leading to dissatisfaction, 144-145


analyzing problems or issues of, 92-93

angry/emotional, 110-111

argument avoidance with, 53-54

building rapport with, 38

complaining, 109-110, 143

encounters preparation, 36

with disabilities, 102-106

factors that can lead to dissatisfaction by, 146

feeling of welcome for, 37

identifying problems or issues of, 91, 92

indecisive, 108-109

interrupting, 50, 65

language differences, 106-107

meeting expectations of, 148-150

noncomplaining, 77

paraphrasing message of, 37, 53

recognizing your, 13-14

as resource, 97

taking ownership for situation of, 38

talkative, 107-108

Customers with disabilities, 102-106

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), 102

hearing impairments, 103-104

referring to, 102-103

speaking impairments, 105-106

telecommunications device for the deaf (TDD), 60

teletypewriter (TTY), 60

Decision making. See Problem solving and decision making

Disabilities. See Customers with disabilities

Disorganization as time robber, 118


due to customer factors, 146

due to CSR factors, 144-145

due to organizational factors, 145-146

Diversity managing, 6

Document/order processing, 7

E-commerce, 58, 78

E-mail, 59

communicating effectively with, 70-71

management/response systems, 8-9

replying to, 79

Emotional/angry customers, 110-111

Emotions, 52, 95, 132

Empathy, 45-46

Enthusiasm, display of, 17

Enunciation, 32

Environmental strategies and stress, 134-135

Erlang and his Erlang C formula, A.K., 2

Ethical behavior role, 85

External customers, 14

Facsimile (fax), 59, 68-70

communicating effectively with, 68-69

complaint resolution by, 7

on demand, 7, 9

graphics and, 69

Facts and figures usage, 84-85

Federal Communication Commission’s 900-Number Rule, 155

Federal Trade Commission’s Mail or Telephone Merchandise Trade Regulation Rule, 155

Federal Trade Commission’s Telemarketing Sales Rule, 155-156

Feedback, 30, 31

heeding, 61

tips for providing, 45

Frequently asked questions (FAQs) system, 7


setting personal, 20

setting realistic, 135-136

Handling difficult customer situations, 101-113

angry/emotional customers, 110-111

complaining customers, 109-110

customers with disabilities, 102-106

indecisive customers, 108-109

language differences, 106-017

opportunities for service excellence, 101

recap of, 112

review questions for, 113

talkative customers, 107-108

Hearing impaired customer, 103-104

Hearing versus listening, 44

Help desk/technical support, 8

Image. See Projecting positive service image

Indecisive customers, 108-109

Inflection of your voice, 32

Information overload, 51

Information-sharing networks creation, 20

Inquiry service, 7

Interactive Voice Response (IVR), 7, 9, 59, 60, 131

Interactive Web chat, 9

Internal customers, 14

Internet Callback systems, 9, 59

Internet telephony, 59

Interpersonal communication, 6

importance of, 27-28

skills, 30-36

Interruptions and customers, 50, 65

Jargon, 52

Job titles of call center employees, 4-5

Knowledge and skills, 17

Language differences, 106-107

Law compliance. See Complying with the law

Listening skills enhancement, 41-56

acknowledgment words or

statements usage, 54

actively listen, 64

argument avoidance with customers, 53-54

caring, 46-47

characteristics of effective listening, 45-49

emotions, 52

empathy, 45-46

feedback providing tips, 45

hearing versus listening, 44

importance of, 41-43

information overload, 51

interruptions, 50

listening process, 44-45

noisy environments, 51

notetaking, accurate, 54

open-mindedness, 49

paraphrase what customers said, 53

patience, 47-48

percentage of what you actually hear, 42

pitfalls, 49-53

preconceived ideas, 50

process of listening, 44-45

pseudo-listening, 49

questions, ask appropriate, 54

recap of, 55

responsiveness, 48

review questions for, 56

self-assessment exercise, 43

semantics, 52

sincerity, 47, 82

strategies, 53-54

trust building strategies, 81-82

Managing your time rather than letting it manage you, 6, 115-125

multitask, 6, 115-116, 117

recap of, 124

review questions for, 125

time robbers, 116, 117-121

workload, 121-123

Measuring productivity and performance, 61-62

Media blending, 59-60

Mistakes, recovery from. See Recovering from mistakes (yours and your customer’s)

Multitask need, 6, 115-116, 117

Negative messages, 23

Negotiating effectively, 6

Noisy environments, 29, 30, 51

Notetaking, accurate, 54

Online Information Fulfillment systems, 9, 59, 131

Open-mindedness, 49

Order/document processing, 7

Organizational factors that can lead to dissatisfaction, 145-146

Organizing information and data, 6

Outbound (predictive) dialing system, 60

Over-achieving, 118

Paraphrasing what customer said, 37, 53

Patience, 47-48

Peer coaching, 6

Personal appearance, 17-18

Pitch of your voice, 31

Planning poorly by others as time robber, 119

Preconceived ideas, 50

Preparing to deliver quality service, 13-25

communicating positively with yourself and others, 22-23

external customers, 14

internal customers, 14

positive image strategies, 16-18

projecting positive image, 15-22

recap of, 24

recognizing your customers, 13-14

review questions for, 25

self-empowerment, 18-22

Prioritize tasks, 121-122

Problem solving and decision making, 6, 89-100

alternatives for, 93-94

analyze problem or issue, 92-93

definition of problem solving, 91

evaluate alternatives, 94

factors in decision making, 95-96

identify alternatives, 93

identify problem or issue, 91, 92

identifying resources, 97-98

importance of sound decision making, 95-96

make a decision, 94-95

model, problem-solving, 91-95

recap of, 99

review questions for, 100

role in problem solving, your, 89-91

skills development exercise, 90-91

techniques to gain insight for, 90

Procrastination as time robber, 118

Productivity and performance measuring, 61-62

Professionalism, 16

Projecting positive service image, 15-22

communication style, 17

create information-sharing networks, 20

display of enthusiasm, 17

knowledge and skills, 17

personal appearance, 17-18

personal goals setting, 20

positive self-esteem building, 20-22

professionalism, 16

respect for others, 17

self-empowerment, 18-22

strategies, 16-18

time allocation, 17

vocal cues, 31-32

work to build trust, 18-19

Pseudo-listening, 49

Quality service delivery. See Preparing to deliver quality service

Questioning skills, 33-35

asking appropriate questions, 54

close-end questions, 33-34

exercise for creation of open-ended questions, 34-35

for identifying customer

problem or issues, 91, 92

negative leading questions, 35

open-ended questions, 33, 34-35, 92

Rate of speech, 32

Recognizing your customers, 13-14

Recovering from mistakes (yours and your customer’s), 141-152

causes of service breakdown, common, 143-147

dissatisfaction due to CSR factors, 144-145

dissatisfaction due to customer factors, 146

dissatisfaction due to organizational factors, 145-146

expectations of customer, meeting, 148-150

need for service recovery, 141-143

noncomplaints from customers reasons, 142

recap of, 151

recovering from service breakdowns, 147-150

review questions for, 152

Regulating entities, 155

Regulations, need for, 153-154

Resources, identifying, 97-98

Respect for others, 17

Responsiveness, 48

Retaliation avoidance, 135

Roles and responsibilities of call center staff, 1-12. See also Call center

Self-discipline lack, 118

Self-empowerment strategies, 18-22

information-sharing networks creation, 20

personal goals setting, 20

self-esteem building, 20-22

trust building, 18-19

Self-esteem building, 20-22

Semantics, 52

Service breakdown

causes, 143-147

recovery from, 147-150

Service levels measurement, 61

Service recovery need, 141-143

Services of call centers, typical, 7-8

Sincerity, 47, 82

Slang, 64


call managements, 59

workforce management, 61

Spam, 70

Speakerphones usage, 65

Speaking impaired customers, 105-106

Speech. See Verbal skills

Staffing of call centers, 4-5

Stress level, controlling your, 6, 127-139

brain and stress, 130

causes, 131

cost of stress to organizations, 127

definition of stress, 128

distress, 128-129

environment strategies, 134-135

eustress, 129

fight or flight syndrome, 129-131

identify stressors, 135

impact of stress, 127-128

indicators of stress, long-term, 132-133

look of stress, 128-129

personal strategies, 135-137

reactions to stress, immediate, 132

recap of, 138

recognizing negative stress symptoms, 132-133

review questions for, 139

strategies, 133-137

technology and, 131

workaholic test, 137

Talk time measurement, 61

Talkative customers, 107-108

TARP, 76, 142


prioritizing, 121-122

reducing repetitive types, 135

Teaming with others, 6

Technical literacy, 6

Technical support/help desk, 8

Technology failure as time robber, 120

Technology usage effectively, 6, 57-73

automatic call distribution (ACD) systems, 8, 58

automatic number identification (AM), 58-59

call center technology, 8-9, 57-61

call management software, 59

call telephony integration (CTI), 59

communicating through, 62-71

e-mail/Internet, 59, 70-71

e-mail management/response systems, 8-9

facsimile (fax), 59, 68-70

fax-on-demand, 7, 9

Interactive Voice Response (IVR) systems, 9, 59

interactive Web chat, 9

Internet Callback systems, 9, 59

Internet/e-mail, 59, 70-71

Internet telephony, 59

measuring productivity and performance, 61-62

media blending, 59-60

online information fulfillment systems, 9, 59

outbound (predictive) dialing system, 60

recap of, 72

review questions for, 73

screen “pop ups,” 60

telephone, 62-69

teletypewriter or text telephone (TTY), 60, 104

video, 60

voice mail, 9

voice recognition, 60-61

voice response unit (VRU), 59

workforce management systems (WFMS), 61

Telemarketing/teleservices, 7-8

Telephone, communicating effectively with, 62-68

acknowledging customer messages, 65

brevity, 64

greeting, 67

guidelines, general, 64-65

with hearing impaired customer, 103, 104

incoming calls, 67-68

interrupting customer, 65

language clarity, 64

leaving voice mail messages, 68

listen actively, 64

outgoing calls, 66

outgoing voice mail messages, 66-67

pausing, 65

responding to messages in timely fashion, 65

slang, 64

smile, 64, 67

speakerphones usage, 65

technology quiz for, 63

vocal cues, 64

Telephone Consumer Protection Act of 1991 (TCPA), 156-157

Teletypewriter or text telephone (TTY), 60, 104

Time allocation, 17

Time management. See Managing your time rather than letting it manage you

Time robbers, 116, 118-121

external, 119-121

internal, 116, 118-119

Toll free numbers, 2, 8

Tone of your voice, 17

Trends affecting call centers, 2-4

Trust building with others, 75-87

basis of trust, 75-76

definition of trust, 75-77

ethical behavior role, 85

exercise for, 19

facts and figures usage, 84-85

impact of values and beliefs on trust, 79-81

importance of trust, 78-79

listen to customer, 81-82

nonverbal and vocal cues, 78

recap of, 86

remain unbiased, 83

review questions for, 87

sincerity, 82

strategies, 81-85

truthfulness, 83-85

work to, 18-19

Two-way communication model, 28-30

Values definition, 80

Verbal content, 35-36

Verbal skills, 31-35

checking your speech exercise, 32

closed-end questions, 33-34

enunciation, 32

inflection, 32

open-ended questions, 33, 34-35

questioning skills, 33-35

rate of speech, 32

pitch, 31

vocal cues, 31-32, 64, 78 |

volume, 32

Video, 60

Visitors as time robber, 120

Vocabulary options, 35

Voice mail, 9

leaving messages, 68

outgoing messages, 66-67

responding to, 65

Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), 59

Voice recognition, 60-61

Voice Response Unit (VRU), 59, 131

Volume of your voice, 32

Workaholic avoidance, 136-137

Workforce Management Systems (WFMS), 61

Workload management, 121-123

Workspace improving to reduce stress, 134

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