Joint Terrorism Task Forces (JITTFs), 186–188, 191, 307, 546

Journal of Law and Economics, 121

JRA (Japanese Red Army), 282, 284

JRIES (Joint Regional Information Exchange System), 199

JUA (Jamiat ul-Ansar), 578

JUD (Jamaat-ud-Dawa), 580

Judiciary Act of 1789, 213

Jundallah, 569–570

Kadir, Abdul, 543

Kahane, Meir, 315, 585

Kahane Chai, 585–586

Kamikaze pilots, 339

Kashmiri, Ilyas, 546

Kata’ib Hizballah (KH), 575–576

Kelling, George L., 121, 163

Kelly, Raymond W., 181

Kenya embassy bombing (1998), 38

Kerr, Paul K., 523–524

KH (Kata’ib Hizballah), 575–576

Khalil, Fazlur Rehman, 578

Khameini, Ali, 574

Khan, A. Q., 361

Khan, Masoud, 539

Khan, Raja Lahrasib, 546

Khobar Towers bombing (1996), 300

Khomeini, Ayatollah, 296, 574, 595

Kidnappings, 261, 333, 574

King, Rodney, 30

Kinghoffer, Leon, 283

KKK (Ku Klux Klan), 8, 310, 314

Krar, William, 319

Krueger, Alan B., 270

Krugel, Earl, 231, 248

Ku Klux Klan (KKK), 8, 15, 310, 314

Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), 591–592, 605

La Guardia Airport bombing (1975), 281–282, 336

Labor Appropriation Act of 1924, 20

Lackawanna Six, 538

Landslides and debris flows, 381–383

Lashkar-e-Tayyiba (LeT), xiii–340, 539, 580–581

Lashkar-i-Jhangvi (LJ), 570–571

Law Enforcement Online, 178, 200

LAX bomber, 41–42

LAX shooting, 2002, xiv

Layered defense, 130

Layered security principle, 490–491

Leaderless resistance, 327

Leadership, 326–327, 328

Leave-behind bombs, 336

Left-wing extremists, 312

Legals, 327

Legionella, 355

Leiter, Michael E., 279

Lemorin, Lyglenson, 542

LeT (Lashkar-e-Tayyiba), xiii–340, 539, 580–581

Letter bombs, 337

Lewis, Bernard, 294–295

LFIG (Libyan Islamic Fighting Group), 571

Liability, 474

Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), 267–269, 275, 282, 290, 339, 592–593

al-Libi, Abu al-Faraj, 571

Libya, 25, 296, 571

Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG), 571

Lidle, Cory, 513

Lincoln, Abraham, 6

Liquid explosives plot, 2006, 542

Little Rock shooting, 2009, xiv, 544

LJ (Lashkar-i-Jhangvi), 570–571

Local government, 104–107

Logic bomb, 521

Lone offender, 318

Lone wolves, 273

Long, William (“Andy”), 544

Long War, 60–61, 77–78

Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA), 607

Los Angeles riots (1992), 113

Los Angeles ticket counter shooting, 2002, 538

LRA (Lord’s Resistance Army), 607

LTTE (Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam), 267–269, 275, 282, 290, 339, 592–593

Los Macheteros, 312

Madrid train bombings (2004), 136–137

Maginot Line, 490

Malicious software, 520–521

Manifest screening, 511

MANPADS (Man-portable air defense systems), 326, 333–335

Man-portable air defense systems (MANPADS), 326, 333–335

Marine Corps, U.S., 216, 221, 266

Marine Security Operations Centers (MSOCSs), 501

Maritime and Transportation Security Act, 507

Maritime Domain Awareness (MDA), 502–503

Maritime Infrastructure Recovery, 504

Maritime Operational Threat Response Plan (MOTR), 91, 502

Maritime security, 63, 410–411, 499–507

Maritime Transportation Security Act, 63

Maritime Transportation Security Act (MTSA), 410–411

Markle, John, 9

Martinez, Antonio, 548

Marxism, 588–589, 595, 598

Mass destruction, 261, 276–277

Mass emergencies. See Disasters and mass emergencies

Mass Migration Response Plan, 242

Mazloum, Zand Wassim, 541

McFarland, James, 9

McKevitt, Michael (“Mickey”), 590

McKinley, William, 8

McVeigh, Timothy, 182, 273, 311, 325, 330

MDA (Maritime Domain Awareness), 502–503

Media, 455

Medical care, 468–469

Medical Reserve Corps, 241, 479

Medunjanin, Adis, 545

Mehanna, Tarek, 545–546

MEK (Mujahadin-e Khalq Organization), 595–597

Merida Initiative, 76

Merryman, John, 6

Meshaal, Khalid, 605

Meth labs, 346

Metzger, Tom, 309

Mexican cartels, xv, 75–76, 495

Mexico border, 495–499

Middle East Partnership Initiative, 131

Military conflict theories, 119–120

Militia Act of 1792, 213

Militia movement, 314

Milligan, Lambdin, 7

Minimanual of the Urban Guerrilla, 325

Missing Persons File, 198

Mitigation, 238–239

Mohamed, Ali, 325

Mohamed, Hesham, 538

Mohammed, Fazul Abdullah, 561

Mohammed, Khalid Sheikh, 537, 538, 542–543

Mohamud, Mohamed Osman, 191–192, 548

Monkeywrenching, 317

Montana Freemen, 314

Morgan, J. P., 14

Moro, Aldo, 333

Moro rebels, 274–275

Moroccan Islamic Combatant Group (GICM), 572

Morocco, 290, 572

Mosed, Shafal, 538

MOTR (Maritime Operational Threat Response Plan), 91, 502

Moussaoui, Zacarias, 44, 192

MSN, 478

MSOCs (Marine Security Operations Centers), 501

MTSA (Maritime Transportation Security Act), 410–411

Mubarak, Hosni, 564

Mud people, 313

Mueller, Robert S., 19, 68

Mughniyah, Imad, 266, 297–298

Muhammad, Abdulhakim, 544

Muhlhausen, David, 498

Mujahadin-e Khalq Organization (MEK), 595–597

Mujahidh, Walli, 549

Mumbai, India terrorist attacks (2008), 162

al-Munawar, Muhammad Ahmed, 582

Munich Olympics (1972), 265, 333

Musharraf, Pervez, 579

Muslim Brotherhood, 583

Muslims, 38, 291–294, 583. See also Sunni Muslims

Mutual aid, 439

Nabhan, Saleh Ali Saleh, 561

Naim, Muhammad, 568

Napolitano, Janet, 88, 147

Narco-terrorism, 280, 286–288, 601–603

Nasrallah, Hassan, 301

Nassour, Aziz, 40

National Academy of Sciences, 159

National Alliance, 319

National Animal Health Reserve Corps, 392

National Capabilities Analysis Database, 150

National Clandestine Service, 172

National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC), 90, 168, 170, 184–185, 260

National Criminal Information Center (NCIC), 195, 198

National Critical Infrastructure Protection Plan, 418

National Cyber Security Division (NCSD), 528

National Disaster Medical System, 241

National Emergencies Act, 240

National Emergency Training Center (NETC), 200

National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), 432

National Flood Risk Management Program, 382

National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA), 90, 157–158, 173

National Governors Association, 218–220

National Guard, 216, 217, 226, 377, 379–384, 390, 393, 487

National Incident Management System (NIMS), 233, 240, 244, 254

command and management, 245–246

communications and information management, 247

ongoing maintenance, 247

preparedness, 246

resource management, 246–247

supporting technologies, 247

National Infrastructure Advisory Council (NIAC), 404–407

National Infrastructure Protection Plan (NIPP), 408

National Intelligence Coordination Center, 168

National Intelligence Council (NIC), 169

National Intelligence Estimates (NIEs), 149

National Intelligence Program (NIP), 168

National Interagency Fire Center, 384

National Law Enforcement Telecommunications System, 178, 199

National Liberation Army (ELN), 601–602

National Medical Disaster System (NMDS), 484

National nurse response team (NNRT), 485

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), 215, 377, 380, 398

National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan, 242

National Operations Center, 244

National Park Service, 384

National pharmacist response teams (NPRTs), 485

National preparedness, 17

National Protection and Programs Directorate, 187

National Reconnaissance Office, 90, 173

National Response Framework (NRF), 233, 241–244, 254, 474

National Response Plan (NRP), 241–242

National Review, 121

National Security Act of 1947, 21, 76, 86, 111

National Security Agency (NSA), 90, 157, 170, 173, 527

National Security Council (NCS), 77, 125, 135

mission and members, 86

strategy and policy, 87

National Security Letters, 162, 186

National security strategy, xv, 3–5, 57–58, 84, 109

adequacy, 133–134

analytical tools, 139–144

assessing, 127–134

of Bush, George W., 126, 129

crafting, 126

framework, 126

fundamentals, 127

GAO and, 127–128

layered defense, 130

Obama, 126

offense versus defense, 129

planning, 137–139

Reagan, 126

strategic management, 134–139

sufficient, 133

war of ideas, 171–173

what and why of, 122–126

National Strategy for Homeland Security, 260

National Terrorism Advisory System (NTAS), 98–99, 134–135, 449–450

National Voluntary Organizations Active in Disasters (NVOAD), 474, 479

National Weather Service, 378, 383, 398, 439, 452–453

Native Americans, 4

NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization), 61–62, 130, 222, 573, 599

Natural security, 444

Navy, U.S., 216, 221

Nazi chemical attack, 18

Nazi Low Riders, 314

NBC (nuclear, biological, chemical), 28

NCIC (National Criminal Information Center), 195, 198

NCS. See National Security Council

NCSD (National Cyber Security Division), 528

NCTC (National Counterterrorism Center), 90, 168, 170, 184–185, 260

Near enemies, 298

Need to know, 166

Needs assessment, 467–468

Neo-Confederates, 314

Neo-Nazi National Alliance, 313

Net assessment, 143–144

NETC (National Emergency Training Center), 200

Netcentric warfare, 528

New Black Panther Party for Self-Defense, 312

New normalcy, 84

New World Order, 314

New York City blackouts (1965), 116

New York City Emergency Operations Center, 236

New York City Police Department, 155–156, 160, 540

New York Times, 157, 565

NFPA (National Fire Protection Association), 432

NGA (National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency), 90, 157–158, 173

NGOs (Nongovernmental organizations), 62, 474, 478

NIAC (National Infrastructure Advisory Council), 404–407

NIC (National Intelligence Council), 169

NIEs (National Intelligence Estimates), 149

Nigeria, 290, 521

Nigerian scam, 521

NIMS. See National Incident Management System

911 systems, 454–455

9/11 Commission (National Commission on Terrorist Attacks), 49–50, 250–252

9/11 Commission Recommendations Act, 77

9/11/2001 attacks, xiii, xvii, 24

American public response, 70–71

damages, 52, 54

disaster preparedness lessons, 49–50

emergency responders, xx, 50

health and environmental consequences, 46

hijackers, 39, 43–44, 203, 206–207, 270

human costs, 44–46

meaning of, 35–52

national response and aftermath, 55–78

paving way for, 26

plot undetected, 114, 182

preventing, 31

private sector response, 70

short and long term costs, 47–48

state and local government response, 69–70

unprecedented danger, 3–4

workers in aftermath, 396

NIPP (National Infrastructure Protection Plan), 408

Nixon, Richard, 595

NMDS (National Medical Disaster System), 484

NNRT (National nurse response team), 485

No FEAR (Notification and Federal Employee Antidiscrimination and Retaliation Act), 176

NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration), 215, 377, 380, 398

Noncombatants, 260–261

Nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), 62, 474, 478

North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD), 102, 222–223, 501

North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 61, 77, 130, 222, 573, 599

North Korea, 85, 271, 283–284, 381, 505, 529, 605, 607–608

Northern Command (NORTHCOM), 67, 101–102, 224–225, 230, 231

Notification and Federal Employee Antidiscrimination and Retaliation Act (No FEAR), 176

November 26 (Mumbai’s day of terror), xiii

NPRTs (National pharmacist response teams), 485

NRF (National Response Framework), 233, 241–244, 254, 474

NRP (National Response Plan), 241–242

NSA (National Security Agency), 90, 157, 170, 173, 527

NTAS (National Terrorism Advisory System), 98–99, 134–135, 449–450

Nth country experiment, 362–363

Nuclear, biological, chemical (NBC) materials, 28

Nuclear reactors, 425–426

Nuclear smuggling, 361–362

Nuclear weapons, 360–364, 367

Nunn-Lugar-Domenici Domestic Preparedness Initiative, 28

Nur, Abdel, 543

NVOAD (National Voluntary Organizations Active in Disasters), 474, 479

Obama, Barack, 77, 87, 88, 126, 529

Obama administration, 529

Observation, Orientation, Decision, Action (OODA loop), 119

Occupational Safety and Health Act, 434

Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), 433–434

Odierno, Ray, 576

Office of Bombing Prevention, 150

Office of Homeland Security, 63–64, 67–71

Office of Intelligence and Analysis, 169

Office of Management and Budget (OMB), 87–88

Office of Naval Intelligence, 17, 19

Oil spills, 29, 136, 233, 254, 371

Oklahoma City Federal Building bombing (1995), 28, 31, 70, 273, 311, 325, 330, 338, 364, 365, 417

OMB (Office of Management and Budget), 87–88

OODA loop (Observation, Orientation, Decision, Action), 119

Open Source Center, 160

Open source intelligence, 159–160, 177

Operation Enduring Freedom, 567

Operation Gatekeeper, 23

Operation Hold the Line, 23

Operation Iraqi Freedom, 61

Operation Jump Start, 497

Operation Noble Eagle, 222, 487

Operation Rio Grande, 496

Operational security, 328–329

Operations research, 141

Operations security (OPSEC), 167

Organized crime, 14, 183, 204. See also Transnational crime

OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration), 433–434

Other than Mexican (OTM), 495

Othman el-Hindi, Marwan, 541

OTM (Other than Mexican), 495

Outsider attacks, 520

Overclassification, 166

Pacific Command (PACOM), 224

Pacific Northwest Economic Region (PNWER), 484

PACOM (Pacific Command), 224

Padilla, Jose, 537–538

Pahlaviwith, Mohammad Reza, 595

Pakistan, 271, 302, 339, 547, 555, 570, 572–573, 577–581

Palestine, 24, 265, 276, 281–283, 289, 298–299, 576, 581–588, 605

Palestine Liberation Front-Abu Abbas Faction, 586–587

Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), 24, 265, 281, 282, 289, 298–299

Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ), 283, 289, 576, 605, 607

Palestinian Islamic Jihad-Shaqaqi Faction, 587

Palestinian terrorism, 265

Pan Am Flight 183, 25, 338

Pan-Arabism, 38

Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Act of 2006, 103

Pandemics, 15–17, 103, 385–389

Panetta, Leon, 517

Pape, Robert A., 275

Parliament, 213

Passenger Name Record (PNR), 511

Patterson Gregory Vernon, 540

Paul, Christopher, 544

Payen, Laguerre, 544

PCPA (People’s Committee against Police Atrocities), 597

PDD (Presidential Decision Directive), 112–113, 133, 404, 412, 424, 432, 474, 527

Pearl, Daniel, 333, 543

Peña Soltren, Luis Armando, 604

Pentagon, xvii, 20, 28, 44, 50, 56, 69, 84, 101, 330, 527, 529, 543, 555

People’s Committee against Police Atrocities (PCPA), 597

Personal protective equipment (PPE), 207

Peru, 600–601

Petri dishes of terrorism, 290

Pets Evacuation and Transportation Standards Act of 2006, 476

PFLP (Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine), 276, 283, 576, 587–588, 605

PFLP-GC (Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command), 588, 605

PFO, 248, 249

Phanor, Stanley Grant, 542

Pharming, 521–522

Phishing, 521–522

Physical security, 444

Pierce, William, 273, 311, 313, 319, 325, 327, 339

PIJ (Palestinian Islamic Jihad), 283, 289, 576, 605, 607

Pinkerton, Alan, 8

PKK (Kurdistan Workers’ Party), 591–592, 605

Planning. See also Attack planning and execution; specific plans

al-Qaida, 41

community-based, 467

disaster scenarios, 372

FEMA, 138, 253

FRP, 241–243

homeland security, 137–39, 137–139

national security strategy, 137–139

private sector preparedness, 435–442

public, personal, and family preparedness, 458–466

PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization), 24, 181, 265, 282, 289, 298–299

Plutonium, 360–361

PNR (Passenger Name Record), 511

PNWER (Pacific Northwest Economic Region), 484

Political correctness, xvii

Political oppression, 270–271

Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), 276, 283, 576, 587–588, 605

Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command (PFLP-GC), 588, 605

Port security, 410–411, 504–505

Posse Comitatus Act of 1878, 8, 113, 214–215, 240, 529

Postal Service, 19, 424

Postal system and shipping, 424

Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), 45

PPE (Personal protective equipment), 207

Prabhakaran, Velupillai, 267–268

Preemption, 57–60

Premadasa, Ranasinghe, 592

Preparedness. See specific topics

Presidential Decision Directive (PDD), 112–113, 133, 404, 412, 424, 432, 474, 527

Printer bomb, 511, 531

Private sector preparedness

definitions and standards, 432

federal requirements, 433–435

information technology continuity and recovery, 445

new world of disorder, 430–431

overview, 429

physical security, 444

planning, 435–442

supply chain security, 443–444

Usama effect, 432

voluntary, 432–433

Private Sector Preparedness Coordinating Council, 432–433

Private security agencies, 8–9

“Problem of Social Cost,” 121

Prohibition, 14, 20–21

Pro-life movement, 311, 315

Proliferation Security Initiative (PSI), 501

Proto-military-industrial complex, 9

Protozoan infestation, 355

PSI (Proliferation Security Initiative), 501

PS-Prep (Voluntary Private Sector Preparedness Accreditation and Certification Program), 433

PSTN (Public switched telephone network), 421

Psychological warfare, 340–341

PTSD (Posttraumatic stress disorder), 45

Public, personal, and family preparedness

antiterrorism measures, 456–458

challenge, 448–449

community response, 466–468

indications of terrorist attack, 468–469

overview, 447

planning principles, 458–466

risk communication, 449–456, 467

Public choice theories, 120–122

Public Company Accounting Reform and Investor Protection Act of 2002 (Sarbanes-Oxley), 434

Public Health Security and Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response Act, 63, 415

Public Health Service, 16

Public Health Service Act, 240, 476

Public switched telephone network (PSTN), 421

Puerto Rican liberationists, 24

Pushpackages, 253

Qadhafi, Muammar, 284, 299, 571

QF (Quds Force), 283

Quadrennial Homeland Security Review Report, 85, 88–89, 110, 227–229, 403

Quds Force (QF), 283

Racism, 38

Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO), 190

Radicalization, 306–307. See also Self-radicalization

Radiological weapons, 357–360

al-Rahayyal, Muhammad Abdullah Khalil Hussain, 582

Raids, 6, 9, 15, 95, 341, 605

Rajaei, Mohammad-Ali, 596

Rajneeshee cult, 353, 415

RAND Corp., 142

Ready Campaign, 71

Reagan, Ronald, 25, 126, 266, 297, 300

Real Irish Republican Army (RIRA), 590–591

Realism, 118


domestic counterterrorism, 208

emergency management, 239

Maritime Infrastructure Recovery, 504

private sector preparedness, 445

Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976, 434

response, 208

Red Cross, 11, 73–74, 439, 458–461, 464, 474, 479

Red Scare, 9, 12

Red teaming, 144, 154

Regional Information Sharing System (RISS), 178, 199–200

Reid, Richard, 183, 537

Religious extremists, 315

Religious groups, 481

Republic of Texas, 314

Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976, 434


disasters, 26–28

emergency, xx, 106–107

First responders, 28

Hurricane Katrina, 141, 217

9/11/2001 attacks, xx, 50

protecting, 207

Response, 63, 91, 226, 230, 387–389, 415, 479, 485, 502. See also National Response Framework; Volunteer response

community, 466–468

to contemporary terrorism, 56–61

domestic counterterrorism, 206–208

emergency management, 235–236, 239, 247

FBI, 29

Federal Radiological Emergency Response Plan, 242

front-loaded, 377

government-sponsored volunteer, 484–486

grassroots, 472–473

Hurricane Andrew, 73–74

Hurricane Katrina, 102–103, 112, 211, 225, 235

incident response annexes, 245

Maritime Operational Threat Response Plan, 91

Mass Migration Response Plan, 242

9/11/2001 attacks, 55–78, 69–70, 70–71

protecting scene, 207–208

public, personal, and family preparedness, 466–468

Public Health Security and Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response Act, 63, 415

recognizing attack, 206

recovery, 208

reporting incident and initiating command systems, 207

securing scene, 207

state territorial, local, tribal, 247

terrorism, 56–61

Ressam, Ahmed, 29, 42

Restoration Act, 240

Revenue Service, 10

Revolutionary Armed Forces of Columbia, 268

Revolutionary Organization 17 November (17N), 597

Revolutionary People’s Liberation Party/Front, 598–599

Revolutionary Struggle (RS), 598

Reynolds, Michael C., 541

Rhode, David, 565

Rice, Condoleezza, 267

Richter scale, 373–374

RICO (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act), 190

Ridge, Tom, 64, 76, 83

Right-wing extremists, 313–315

Riots, 20, 113, 396–397

RIRA (Real Irish Republican Army), 590–591

Risk assessment, 141, 436–437, 443–444

Risk communication, 449–456, 467

Risk mitigation, 141

RISS (Regional Information Sharing System), 178, 199–200

Robberies, 194, 204, 311, 341, 590

Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, 29

Rockefeller, John, 14

Rocket attacks, 341, 558, 562, 576, 582, 583, 584

Rockwood, Nadia Piroska Maria, 547

Rockwood, Paul G., Jr., 547

Rodríguez Llerena, Otto René, 604

Rollins, John, 287–288, 523–524

Rosen, Seth, 287–288

Rossmiller, Shannen, 541

Rowe, James Nicholas, 594

Royal Canadian Mounted Police, 501

Royer, Randall Todd, 539

RS (Revolutionary Struggle), 598

Rubin, Irv, 315

Rudman, Warren, 41

Russia, 270, 285, 290, 353, 364, 518, 523, 563, 568, 593–594

Sabotage, 12, 14, 332, 519

Sadequee, Ehsanul Islam, 541

Safe Third Country Agreement, 494

SAFECOM program, 249

SAFETY Act (Support Anti-terrorism by Fostering Effective Technologies Act of 2002), 439

Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), 501

Salat (daily prayer), 291

Salfiyya, 293–294

Salvation Army, 73

Samana, Hammad Riaz, 540

SAMs (Surface-to-air missiles), 333

San Francisco earthquake (1906), 10–11, 113

SARA (Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986), 434

Sarbanes-Oxley (Public Company Accounting Reform and Investor Protection Act of 2002), 434

Saudi Arabia, 298–300

Sawm (fasting), 292

SBI Net (Secure Border Initiative), 76

SCADA (Supervisory control and data acquisition), 416, 418–419, 522, 524, 532

Scenario-based planning, 142–143

SCI (Secret/sensitive compartmentalized information), 165

Science, 120

SDFs (State defense forces), 486–488

SE (Sect of Revolutionaries), 599–600

Seattle Military Entrance Processing Station plot, 2011, 549

Second Gulf War, 61

Secret Internet Protocol Router Network (SIPRNet), 179

Secret Service, 99, 169, 171

Secretary of defense, 220

Secret/sensitive compartmentalized information (SCI), 165

Sect of Revolutionaries (SE), 599–600

Sector-specific agencies, 4–8

Secure Border Initiative (SBI Net), 76

Secure Borders, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Reform Act of 2007, 75–76

Security, 4. See also Cybersecurity; Department of Homeland Security; Domain security; Homeland security; Immigration and border security; National Security Act of 1947; National Security Agency; National Security Council; National security strategy; Port security; Transportation Security Administration; specific topics

al-Qaida, 43

aviation, 63, 508

biosecurity, 392

Border Enforcement Security Task Forces, 497

budgets, 5

Central Security Service, 157

classification and clearances, 165–166

during Cold War, 109

Container Security Initiative, 507

Customs Air Security Officers Program, 24

domestic, 85–86

Enhanced Border Security and Visa Entry Reform Act, 63

Federal Information Security Management Act, 528

Foreign Investment and National Security Act of 2007, 408

International Ship and Port Facility Security, 501

layered security principle, 490–491

maritime, 63, 410–411, 499–507

National Security Letters, 162, 186

natural, 444

operational, 328–329

OPSEC, 167

physical, 444

preparations, 167

private security agencies, 8–9

Proliferation Security Initiative, 501

Public Health Security and Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response Act, 63, 415

supply-chain, 443–444

United Nations Security Council, 62, 130, 577

Sedition Act of 1918, 12–13

Self-radicalization, 273–274, 318, 519

September 11, 2001. See 9/11/2001 attacks

September 11 Fund, 45

17N (Revolutionary Organization 17 November), 597

Severe storms and cold weather, 393–394

SEVP (Student and Exchange Visitor Program), 499

Al-Shabaab, 560–561

SHAC (Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty), 317–318

Shadow war, 24–28

Shah of Iran, 296

Shahada (affirming faith), 291

Shahzad Faisal, xiv, 183, 547

Shareef, Derrick, 542

Sharia, 292, 556

Sharon, Ariel, 585

Shelfware, 138

Shelters, 464–465

Shiites, 38, 293, 296–298, 300, 302, 573–577. See also Hizballah

Shining Path, 600–601

Shukrijumah, Adnan, 545

SIGINT (Signals intelligence), 156–157

Signals intelligence (SIGINT), 156–157

Sinn Fein, 590

SIPRNet (Secret Internet Protocol Router Network), 179

Siraj, Shahawar Matin, 540

Skinheads, 314

Skyjackings, 24

Smadi, Hosam Maher Husein, 545

Small boat terrorism, 505–506

Small Business Act, 240

Smith, Benjamin, 308

Sniping, 341

Social distancing, 386, 419

Social networking, xvi, 450–452. See also Facebook; Twitter

Social Security Act of 1935, 476

Society of Visiting Nurses, 16

SOLAS (Safety of Life at Sea), 501

Sons of the Gestapo, 332

South Bay Police Chiefs Advisory Group, 197

SOUTHCOM (Southern Command), 223

Southern Baptist Disaster Relief, 481

Southern Command (SOUTHCOM), 223

Sovereign citizen movement, 313

Soviet Union, 22, 24, 33, 52, 61, 265, 270, 325–326

Space weather, 397–399

Spamming, 520

Spanish-American War, 5

Spear phishing, 521

Special needs, 465–466

Special weapons and tactics (SWAT), 206, 397

Specific hazards approach, 237

Stafford Act, 214, 217, 240, 476

Stansell, Keith, 602

State defense forces (SDFs), 486–488. See also National Guard

State Department, 19, 174–175, 253, 499

TIPOFF database, 68, 101

State duty, 216

State government, 104–107

Stealware, 521

Steel mill strikes, Homestead, Pennsylvania (1892), 9

Stephens, Darrel W., 193–196

Steuneberg, Frank, 9

Sting, 186

Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty (SHAC), 317–318

Strategic management, 134–139

Strategic National Stockpile, 241, 253

Structural collapse, 395–396

Student and Exchange Visitor Program (SEVP), 499

Stuxnet attack, 518, 523–524

Sudan, 37–39, 283–284, 551, 606–607

Suggestions for Protection of Industrial Facilities, 18

Suicide attacks, 339–340

Suicide bombers, 266

Suicide terrorism, 274–276

Sulfur mustard gas, 345

Sunata, Abdullah, 568

Sunni extremists, 551–573

Sunni Muslims, 38, 293, 296, 298–299, 300, 302

Sunset provision, 450

Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 (SARA), 434

Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA), 416, 418–419, 522, 524, 532

Supply chain security, 443–444

Support agencies, 99–100, 172–173, 220–221, 244–245, 390, 392, 475–477

Support Anti-terrorism by Fostering Effective Technologies Act of 2002 (SAFETY Act), 439

Support operations, 171, 188, 198, 215–217, 223, 225, 230–231, 329

Supporting technologies, 247, 249–250, 252, 439, 484

Supreme Court, 10

Surface-to-air missiles (SAMs), 333

Surratt, Donald T., 539

Suspicious packages, 457

Sustainability, 474

SWAT (Special weapons and tactics), 206, 397

Swine flu, 27

Synagogue terror plot, 2009, 544

Syria, 25, 283–284, 297, 361, 546, 551, 575, 582, 604–606

Taher, Yasein, 538

Taliban, 40, 58, 280, 287, 564

Taney, Roger B., 6

Target value assessment, 413

Targeted violence, 396–397

Team B exercise, 154

Technical Escort Unit, 226–227

Technical intelligence, 158–159

Teddy bear bombs, 338

Tehran embassy siege, 296

Tehrik-E Taliban Pakistan (TTP), 302, 339, 547, 555, 570, 572–573

Tenet, George, 344

Terrorism, 491. See also al-Qaida; Attack planning and execution; Bioterrorism; Ecoterrorism; Extremism; International and transnational terrorism; Narco-terrorism; Terrorist groups

bin Ladin on, 262, 266–267

central elements, 261–262

in cyberspace, 524–525

disrupting and interdicting, 203

distributed, 273

domestic, 8

drive for mass destruction, 276–277

emergence of modern, 264–265

extremism compared to, 308–309

FBI definition, 261

front lines, 182–183

historical definition, 260

Iranian-backed, 266, 283–284, 576–577

Islamist, 294–303

overview, 259

Palestinian, 265

petri dishes, 290

plague of, 25

reasons for, 263–269

response to contemporary, 56–61

right-wing, 313

small boat, 505–506

State Department definition, 260–261

suicide, 274–276

tactics working, 264

transnational, xiv

U.S. government definitions, 260–261

war on, 110, 123

Terrorism Information and Prevention System (TIPS), 71

Terrorism plots, foiled from 9/11 to 2011, 537–549

Terrorism Risk Insurance Act (TRIA), 439

Terrorism Tax, 47–48

Terrorism Threat Integration Center (TTIC), 68

Terrorist groups, 260, 266. See also specific terrorist groups

defined, 271

demographics, 271–272

modernization, cultural conflict, religion, 271

political oppression and, 270–271

poverty and ignorance among, 270

profiles, 551–608

psychology, 272

selection, indoctrination, control, 272–273

self-radicalization, 273–274

strife and, 269–270

types of, 268–274

Terrorist operations

ambushes, 332

antiaircraft missiles, 333–335

bombings, 336–339

hijackings, 336

hoaxes, 340, 455

hostage taking, 333

kidnappings, 261, 333, 574

psychological warfare, 340–341

sabotage, 12, 14, 332, 519

sieges, 340

suicide attacks, 339–340

Terrorist organization

categories, 328

cells, 327

leadership, 326–327

operational security, 328–329

Terrorist Screening Center (TSC), 68, 149, 170, 198

Terrorist Surveillance Program, 157

Terrorist Watch List, 96, 122, 140, 149, 511

Theohary, Catherine, 523–524

Theory of phenomenon, 117

Theory of practice, 117

Third Amendment, 213

Threat assessment, 413

311 systems, 454

TIA (Total Information Awareness), 161

Tiller, George, 311

Times Square attack, 2010, xiv

Times Square bomb (2012), 366

al-Timimi, Ali, 539

TIPOFF database, 68, 101

TIPS (Terrorism Information and Prevention System), 71

Title 10 forces, 217, 220–221

Title 32 status, 216, 226

Tokyo subway bombing (1995), 28, 344

Top, Noordin Mohammad, 569

Top officials (TOPOFF), 235

Tornadoes, 378–379

Total Information Awareness (TIA), 161

Toxic Substances Control Act, 434

“The Tragedy of the Commons,” 120–121

Training, 15, 30, 40, 46, 90, 94, 102, 117, 137, 167, 179, 188–189, 197–200. See also Planning

Transnational crime, 285–286, 492

Transnational terrorism. See International and transnational terrorism

Transport Canada, 501

Transportation, 422–423

Transportation Safety Administration, 542

Transportation Security Administration (TSA), 67, 96–97, 158, 169, 171, 508–514

Transportation Worker Identification Credential (TWIC), 410, 507, 511

Treasury Department, 10

Trend analysis, 143

TRIA (Terrorism Risk Insurance Act), 439

Trojan horse, 520

Truck bombs, 358

Truman, Harry, 310

TSA (Transportation Security Administration), 67, 171, 508–514

TSC (Terrorist Screening Center), 68, 149, 198


as disasters and mass emergencies, 379–380

fake warnings, 451

Hawaii, 1946, 380

Japan earthquake and tsunami, 2011, xv, 115–116, 137, 419

Tsunamographs, 380

TTIC (Terrorism Threat Integration Center), 68

TTP (Tehrik-E Taliban Pakistan), 302, 339, 547, 555, 570, 572–573

Turk, Hikmet, 599

Turkey, 39, 132, 290, 299, 591–592, 597, 599, 605

al-Turki, Wadoud Muhammad Hafiz, 582

The Turner Diaries (Pierce), 273, 311, 313, 319, 325, 327, 339

TWIC (Transportation Worker Identification Credential), 410, 507, 511

Twitter, 371, 450–452, 468

UAVs (Unmanned aerial vehicles), 354

UFF (United Freedom Front), 310

Umarov, Doku, 563

Unabomber, 337

Unidentified Persons File, 198

United Airlines Flight 93, xvii

United Freedom Front (UFF), 310

United Nations Security Council, 62, 130, 577

United Self-Defense Forces of Colombia (AUC), 602–603

United States. See specific topics

United States v. Hammoud, 191

Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), 354

UPS, 484

Uranium, 360–361

Urban Search and Rescue, 72, 485

Urban searches, 379

U.S. Code (USC), 90

U.S. Government Interagency Domestic Terrorism Concept of Operations Plan, 242

U.S.-Canada Smart Border Declaration, 494

US Department of Agriculture (USDA), 384, 392, 415

USA Freedom Corps, 71

USA PATRIOT ACT, 63–66, 162, 175–176, 261

Usama effect, 432

USC (U.S. Code), 90

USDA (US Department of Agriculture), 384, 392, 415

Use of force, 129–130

USS Cole suicide attack (2000), 38, 299, 339, 506

USS Lexington, 17

USS The Sullivans attack (2000), 506

US-VISIT program, 498

Uzbekistan, 38, 567–568

Vahidi, Ahmad, 576

VBIEDs (Vehicle-borne improvised explosive devices), 338, 558, 559, 590, 608

Venezuela, 284

Veterinary medical assistance teams (VMATS), 484

Victim Compensation Fund, 46

Vietnam War, 310

Violent Gang and Terrorist Offender’s File, 68, 198

Virginia jihad network, 539

Virtual community, 472

Visa Waiver Program (VWP), 90, 494

VMATs (Veterinary medical assistance teams), 484

Volcanic eruptions, 382–383

Voluntary Private Sector Preparedness Accreditation and Certification Program (PS-Prep), 433

Volunteer response

business support, 484

FBCOs, 480–484

government-sponsored, 484–486

grassroots, 472–473

Hurricane Katrina lessons, 477–479

issues, 473–474

national network, 474–477

overview, 471

SDFs, 486–488

von Clausewitz, Carl, 119, 269

von der Goltz, Horst, 14

Vulnerability assessment, 413–414

VWP (Visa Waiver Program), 90, 494

Waagner, Clayton, 315

Wahhabism, 293–294

Wall Street Journal, 333, 543

Walmart, 477, 484

Wannabes, 273

Wanted Persons File, 198

WAR (White Aryan Resistance), 309

War of 1812, 5

War of ideas, 171–173

War on terrorism, 110, 123

War Relocation Authority, 20

Washington, George, 280

Washington, Levar Haley, 540

Wassenaar Arrangement, 365


in critical infrastructure, 417

in disaster supply kits, 459, 461

stockpiling, 459

Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD), 50, 52, 63, 162, 542, 545, 608

biological, 350–356

characteristics, 157

chemical, 344–350

creating, 277

domestic terrorism and, 319–320

first responders, 28

high-yield explosives, 364–366

nuclear, 360–364

nuclear weapons, 367

overview, 343

radiological, 356–360

range of attacks, 206, 207

Weather Underground Organization (WUO), 310

Web sites, 319, 459, 478, 482, 522, 525, 544

What Is a Disaster?”, 370

Whiskey Rebellion, 5, 7

White Aryan Resistance (WAR), 309

White Slave Traffic Act (the Mann Act), 9

WHO (World Health Organization), 387–389

Wicked problems, 140

WikiLeaks, 114, 518

Williams, David, 544

Williams, Onta, 544

Wilson, James Q., 121

Wilson, Woodrow, 16

Wiretapping, 157

WMD. See Weapons of Mass Destruction

World Church of the Creator, 308

World Health Organization (WHO), 387–389

World Trade Center attack, New York (1993), 28, 35, 205, 330, 338, 364, 366

World Trade Center cough, 46

World Trade Organization (WTO), 312

World War I, 12–17

World War II, 17–21

WTO (World Trade Organization), 312

WUO (Weather Underground Organization), 310

Wyler, Liana Sun, 287–288

Yong Ki Kwon, 539

Younis, Awais, 548

Yu Kikumura, 25, 284

Zakat (giving alms), 291–292

Zazi, Mohammed Wali, 545

Zazi, Najibullah, 187, 545, 555

Zero-day attacks, 526

Zetas, 288

Zionist Occupation Government (ZOG), 311

Zombie, 521

Zoot Suit Riots, 20

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