Chapter 3. Profiling Server Performance

The three most common performance-related requests we receive in our consulting practice are to find out whether a server is doing all of its work optimally, to find out why a specific query is not executing quickly enough, and to troubleshoot mysterious intermittent incidents, which users commonly call “stalls,” “pileups,” or “freezes.” This chapter is a direct response to those three types of requests. We’ll show you tools and techniques to help you speed up a server’s overall workload, speed up a single query, or troubleshoot and solve a problem when it’s hard to observe, and you don’t know what causes it or even how it manifests.

This might seem like a tall order, but it turns out that a simple method can show you the signal within the noise. That method is to focus on measuring what the server spends its time doing, and the technique that supports this is called profiling. In this chapter, we’ll show you how to measure systems and generate profiles, and we’ll show you how to profile your whole stack, from the application to the database server to individual queries.

But you must empty your cup before you can fill it, so let’s dispel a few common misconceptions about performance first. This gets a bit dense, so stay with us and we’ll explain it all with examples later.

Introduction to Performance Optimization

Ask 10 people to define performance and you’ll probably get 10 different answers, filled with terms such as “queries per second,” “CPU utilization,” “scalability,” and so on. This is fine for most purposes, because people understand performance differently in different contexts, but we will use a formal definition in this chapter. Our definition is that performance is measured by the time required to complete a task. In other words, performance is response time. This is a very important principle. We measure performance by tasks and time, not by resources. A database server’s purpose is to execute SQL statements, so the tasks we care about are queries or statements—the bread-and-butter SELECT, UPDATE, INSERT, and so on.[22] A database server’s performance is measured by query response time, and the unit of measurement is time per query.

Now for another rhetorical question: what is optimization? We’ll return to this later, but for now let’s agree that performance optimization is the practice of reducing response time as much as possible[23] for a given workload.

We find that many people are very confused about this. If you think performance optimization requires you to reduce CPU utilization, for example, you’re thinking about reducing resource consumption. But this is a trap. Resources are there to be consumed. Sometimes making things faster requires that you increase resource consumption. We’ve upgraded many times from an old version of MySQL with an ancient version of InnoDB, and witnessed a dramatic increase in CPU utilization as a result. This is usually nothing to be concerned about. It usually means that the newer version of InnoDB is spending more time doing useful work and less time fighting with itself. Looking at query response time is the best way to know whether the upgrade was an improvement. Sometimes an upgrade introduces a bug such as not using an index, which can also manifest as increased CPU utilization. CPU utilization is a symptom, not a goal, and it’s best to measure the goal, or you could get derailed.

Similarly, if you thought that performance optimization was about improving queries per second, then you were thinking about throughput optimization. Increased throughput can be considered as a side effect of performance optimization.[24] Optimizing queries makes it possible for the server to execute more queries per second, because each one requires less time to execute when the server is optimized. (The unit of throughput is queries per time, which is the inverse of our definition of performance.)

So if the goal is to reduce response time, we need to understand why the server requires a certain amount of time to respond to a query, and reduce or eliminate whatever unnecessary work it’s doing to achieve the result. In other words, we need to measure where the time goes. This leads to our second important principle of optimization: you cannot reliably optimize what you cannot measure. Your first job is therefore to measure where time is spent.

We’ve observed that many people, when trying to optimize something, spend the bulk of their time changing things and very little time measuring. In contrast, we aim to spend most of our time—perhaps upwards of 90%—measuring where the response time is spent. If we don’t find the answer, we might not have measured correctly or completely. When we gather complete and properly scoped measurements about server activity, performance problems usually can’t hide, and the solution often becomes trivially obvious. Measuring can be a challenge, however, and it can also be hard to know what to do with the results once you have them—measuring where the time is spent is not the same thing as understanding why the time is spent.

We mentioned proper scoping, but what does that mean? A properly scoped measurement is one that measures only the activity you want to optimize. There are two common ways that you can capture something irrelevant:

  • You can begin and end your measurements at the wrong time.

  • You can measure things in aggregate instead of specifically targeting the activity itself.

For example, a common mistake is to observe a slow query, and then look at the whole server’s behavior to try to find what’s wrong. If the query is slow, then it’s best to measure the query, not the whole server. And it’s best to measure from the beginning of the query to the end, not before or after.

The time required to execute a task is spent either executing, or waiting. The best way to reduce the time required to execute is to identify and measure the subtasks, and then do one or more of the following: eliminate subtasks completely, make them happen less often, or make them happen more efficiently. Reducing waiting is a more complex exercise, because waiting can be caused by “collateral damage” from other activities on the system, and thus there can be interaction between the task and other tasks that might be contending for access to resources such as the disk or CPU. And you might need to use different techniques or tools, depending on whether the time is spent executing or waiting.

In the preceding paragraph we said that you need to identify and optimize subtasks. But that’s an oversimplification. Infrequent or short subtasks might contribute so little to overall response time that it’s not worth your time to optimize them. How do you determine which tasks to target for optimization? This is why profiling was invented.

Optimization Through Profiling

Once you have learned and practiced the response time–oriented method of performance optimization, you’ll find yourself profiling systems over and over.

Profiling is the primary means of measuring and analyzing where time is consumed. Profiling entails two steps: measuring tasks and the time elapsed, and aggregating and sorting the results so that the important tasks bubble to the top.

Profiling tools all work in pretty much the same way. When a task begins, they start a timer, and when it ends, they stop the timer and subtract the start time from the end time to derive the response time. Most tools also record the task’s parent. The resulting data can be used to construct call graphs, but more importantly for our purpose, similar tasks can be grouped together and summed up. It can be helpful to do sophisticated statistical analysis on the tasks that were grouped into one, but at a minimum, you need to know how many tasks were grouped together, and the sum of their response times. The profile report accomplishes this. A profile report consists of a table of tasks, one line per task. Each line shows a name, the number of times the task executed, the total time consumed, the average time per execution, and what portion of the whole this task consumed. The profile report should be sorted in order of total time consumed, descending.

To make this clearer, let’s look at a real profile of an entire server’s workload, which shows the types of queries that the server spends its time executing. This is a top-level view of where the response time goes; we’ll show others later. The following is from Percona Toolkit’s pt-query-digest tool, which is the successor to Maatkit’s mk-query-digest. We’ve simplified it slightly and included only the first few types of queries, to remove distractions:

Rank Response time    Calls R/Call Item
==== ================ ===== ====== =======
   1 11256.3618 68.1% 78069 0.1442 SELECT InvitesNew
   2  2029.4730 12.3% 14415 0.1408 SELECT StatusUpdate
   3  1345.3445  8.1%  3520 0.3822 SHOW STATUS

We’ve shown only the first few lines in the profile, ranked in order of total response time consumption, with the minimal set of columns that a profile ought to have. Each row shows the response time as a total and as a percent of the overall total, the number of times the query executed, the average response time per query, and an abstraction of the query. This profile makes it clear how expensive each of these types of queries is, relative to each other as well as to the whole. In this case, tasks are queries, which is probably the most common way that you’ll profile MySQL.

We will actually discuss two kinds of profiling: execution-time profiling and wait analysis. Execution-time profiling shows which tasks consume the most time, whereas wait analysis shows where tasks get stuck or blocked the most.

When tasks are slow because they’re consuming too many resources and are spending most of their time executing, they won’t spend much time waiting, and wait analysis will not be useful. The reverse is true, too: when tasks are waiting all the time and not consuming any resources, measuring where they spend time executing won’t be very helpful. If you’re not sure which kind of time consumption is the problem, you might need to do both. We’ll show some examples of that later.

In practice, when execution-time profiling shows that a task is responsible for a lot of elapsed time, you might be able to drill into it and find that some of the “execution time” is spent waiting, at some lower level. For example, our simplified profile above shows that a lot of time is consumed by a SELECT against the InvitesNew table, but at a lower level, that time might be spent waiting for I/O to complete.

Before you can profile a system, you need to be able to measure it, and that often requires instrumentation. An instrumented system has measurement points where data is captured, and some way to make the data available for collection. Systems that are well-instrumented are rather uncommon. Most systems are not built with a lot of instrumentation points, and those that are often provide only counts of activities, and no way to measure how much time those activities took. MySQL is an example of this, at least until version 5.5 when the first version of the Performance Schema introduced a few time-based measurement points.[25] Versions 5.1 and earlier of MySQL had practically no time-based measurement points; most of the data you could get about the server’s operation was in the form of SHOW STATUS counters, which simply count how many times activities occur. That’s the main reason we ended up creating Percona Server, which has offered detailed query-level instrumentation since version 5.0.

Fortunately, even though our ideal performance optimization technique works best with great instrumentation, you can still make progress even with imperfectly instrumented systems. It’s often possible to measure the systems externally, or, failing that, to make educated guesses based on knowledge of the system and the best information available to you. However, when you do so, just be conscious that you’re operating on potentially flawed data, and your guesses are not guaranteed to be correct. This is a risk that you usually take when you observe systems that aren’t perfectly transparent.

For example, in Percona Server 5.0, the slow query log can reveal a few of the most important causes of poor performance, such as waiting for disk I/O or row-level locks. If the log shows 9.6 seconds of disk I/O wait for a 10-second query, it’s not important to find out where the remaining 4% of the response time went. The disk I/O is clearly the most important problem.

Interpreting the Profile

The profile shows you the most important tasks first, but what it doesn’t show you can be just as important. Refer to the example profile we showed earlier. Unfortunately, there’s a lot that it conceals, because all it shows is ranks, sums, and averages. Here’s what’s missing:

Worthwhile queries

The profile doesn’t automatically show you which queries are worth your time to optimize. This brings us back to the meaning of optimization. If you read Cary Millsap’s book, you’ll get a lot more on this topic, but we’ll repeat two salient points. First, some tasks aren’t worth optimizing because they contribute such a small portion of response time overall. Because of Amdahl’s Law, a query that consumes only 5% of total response time can contribute only 5% to overall speedup, no matter how much faster you make it. Second, if it costs you a thousand dollars to optimize a task and the business ends up making no additional money as a result, you just deoptimized the business by a thousand dollars. Thus, optimization should halt when the cost of improvement outweighs the benefit.


Tasks might need to be optimized even if they don’t sort to the top of the profile. If an occasional task is very slow, it might be unacceptable to users, even though it doesn’t happen often enough to constitute a significant portion of overall response time.

Unknown unknowns[26]

A good profiling tool will show you the “lost time,” if possible. Lost time is the amount of wall-clock time not accounted in the tasks measured. For example, if you measure the process’s overall CPU time as 10 seconds, but your profile of subtasks adds up to 9.7 seconds, there are 300 milliseconds of lost time. This can be an indication that you’re not measuring everything, or it could just be unavoidable due to rounding errors and the cost of measurement itself. You should pay attention to this, if the tool shows it. You might be missing something important. If the profile doesn’t show this, you should try to be conscious of its absence and include it in your mental (or real) notes about what information you’re missing. Our example profile doesn’t show lost time; that’s just a limitation of the tool we used.

Buried details

The profile doesn’t show anything about the distribution of the response times. Averages are dangerous because they hide information from you, and the average isn’t a good indication of the whole. Peter often likes to say that the average temperature of patients in the hospital isn’t important.[27]What if item #1 in the profile we showed earlier had instead been composed of two queries with one-second response times, and 12,771 queries with response times in the tens of microseconds? There’s no way to know from what we’re given. In order to make the best decisions about where to concentrate your efforts, you need more information about the 12,773 queries that got packed into that single line in the profile. It’s especially helpful to have more information on the response times, such as histograms, percentiles, the standard deviation, and the index of dispersion.

Good tools can help you by automatically showing you some of these things. In fact, pt-query-digest includes many of these details in its profile, and in the detailed report that follows the profile. We simplified so that we could focus the example on the important basics: sorting the most expensive tasks to the top. We’ll show examples of a richer and more useful profile report later in this chapter.

Another very important thing that’s missing from our example profile is the ability to analyze interactions at a higher layer in the stack. When we’re looking solely at queries in the server, we don’t really have the ability to link together related queries and understand whether they were all part of the same user interaction. We have tunnel vision, so to speak, and we can’t zoom out and profile at the level of transactions or page views. There are some ways to solve this problem, such as tagging queries with special comments indicating where they originated and then aggregating at that level. Or you can add instrumentation and profiling capabilities at the application layer, which is the subject of our next section.

Profiling Your Application

You can profile pretty much anything that consumes time, and this includes your application. In fact, profiling your application is generally easier than profiling your database server, and much more rewarding. Although we’ve started by showing a profile of a MySQL server’s queries for the purposes of illustration, it’s better to try to measure and profile from the top down.[28] This lets you trace tasks as they flow through the system from the user to the servers and back. It’s often true that the database server is to blame for performance problems, but it’s the application’s fault at least as often. Bottlenecks can also be caused by any of the following:

  • External resources, such as calls to web services or search engines

  • Operations that require processing large amounts of data in the application, such as parsing big XML files

  • Expensive operations in tight loops, such as abusing regular expressions

  • Badly optimized algorithms, such as naïve search algorithms to find items in lists

Fortunately, it’s easy to figure out whether MySQL is the problem. You just need an application profiling tool. (As a bonus, once you have it in place, it can help developers write efficient code from the start.)

We recommend that you include profiling code in every new project you start. It might be hard to inject profiling code into an existing application, but it’s easy to include it in new applications.

A few years ago, when we wrote the second edition of this book, good prefabricated tools for profiling applications in production weren’t all that readily available for the popular web programming languages and frameworks, so we showed you a code example of baking your own in a simple but effective way. Today we’re glad to say that great tools are available and all you have to do is open the box and start improving performance.

First and foremost, we want to tout the benefits of a software-as-a-service product called New Relic. We aren’t paid to praise it, and we normally don’t endorse specific companies or products, but this is a great tool. If you can possibly use it, you should. Our customers who use New Relic are able to solve their problems without our help much more often, and they can sometimes use it to identify problems correctly even when they can’t find the solution. New Relic plugs into your application, profiles it, and sends the data back to a web-based dashboard that makes it easy to take a response time–oriented approach to application performance. You end up doing the right thing without having to think about it. And New Relic instruments a lot of the user experience, from the web browser to the application code to the database and other external calls.

What’s great about tools like New Relic is that they let you instrument your code in production, all the time—not just in development, and not just sometimes. This is an important point because many profiling tools, or the instrumentation they need to function, can be so expensive that people are afraid to run them in production. You need to instrument in production because you’ll discover things about your system’s performance that you won’t find in development or staging environments. If your chosen tools are really too expensive to run all the time, try to at least run them on one application server in the cluster, or instrument just a fraction of executions, as mentioned in the sidebar .

Instrumenting PHP Applications

If you can’t use New Relic, there are other good options. For PHP in particular, there are several tools that can help you do profile your application. One of them is xhprof (, which Facebook developed for its own use and open sourced in 2009. It has a lot of advanced features, but for our purposes, the primary things to mention are that it’s easy to install and use, it’s lightweight and built for scale so it can run in production all the time even on a very large installation, and it generates a sensible profile of function calls sorted by time consumption. In addition to xhprof, there are low-level profiling tools such as xdebug, Valgrind, and cachegrind to help you inspect your code in various ways.[29] Some of these tools are not suitable for production use because of their verbosity and high overhead, but can be great to use in your development environment.

The other PHP profiling tool we’ll discuss is one that we wrote ourselves, based partially on the code and principles we introduced in the second edition of this book. It is called instrumentation-for-php (IfP), and it’s hosted on Google Code at It doesn’t instrument PHP itself as thoroughly as xhprof does, but it instruments database calls more thoroughly, and thus it’s an extremely valuable way to profile your application’s database usage when you don’t have much access to or control over the database, which is often the case. IfP is a singleton class that provides counters and timers, so it’s also easy to put into production without requiring access to your PHP configuration, which again is the norm for a lot of developers.

IfP doesn’t profile all of your PHP functions automatically—just the most important ones. You have to start and stop custom counters manually when you identify things that you want to profile, for example. But it times the whole page execution automatically, and it makes it easy to instrument database and memcached calls automatically, so you don’t have to start and stop counters explicitly for those important items. This means that you can profile three very valuable things in a jiffy: the application at the level of requests (page views), database queries, and cache queries. It also exports the counters and timers to the Apache environment, so you can get Apache to write the results out to the log. This is an easy and very lightweight way to store the results for later analysis. IfP doesn’t store any other data on your systems, so there’s no need for additional system administrator involvement.

To use it, you simply call start_request() at the very start of the page execution. Ideally, this should be the first thing your application does:


This registers a shutdown function, so you don’t have to do anything further at the end of the execution.

IfP adds comments to your SQL queries automatically. This makes it possible to analyze the application quite flexibly by looking at the database server’s query log, and it also makes it easy to know what’s really going on when you look at SHOW PROCESSLIST and see some abusive query running in MySQL. If you’re like most people, you’ll have a hard time tracking down the source of a bad query, especially if it’s a query that was cobbled together through string concatenation and so forth, so you can’t just search for it in the source code. This solves that problem. It tells you which application host sent the query, even if you’re using a proxy or a load balancer. It tells you which application user is responsible, and you can find the page request, source code function, and line number, as well as key-value pairs for all of the counters you’ve created. Here’s an example:

-- File: index.php Line: 118 Function: fullCachePage request_id: ABC session_id: XYZ

How you instrument the calls to MySQL depends on which interface you use to connect to MySQL. If you’re using the object-oriented mysqli interface, it’s a one-line change: just replace the call to the mysqli constructor with a call to the automatically instrumented mysqli_x constructor instead. This constructor is a subclass provided by IfP, with instrumentation and query rewrites baked in. If you’re not using the object-oriented interface, or you’re using some other database access layer, you might need to rewrite a little bit of code. Hopefully you don’t have database calls scattered haphazardly throughout your code, but if you do, you can use an integrated development environment (IDE) such as Eclipse to help you refactor it easily. Centralizing your database access code is a very good practice, for many reasons.

Analyzing the results is easy. The pt-query-digest tool from Percona Toolkit has functionality to extract the embedded name-value pairs from the query comments, so you can simply log the queries with the MySQL log file and process the log file. And you can use mod_log_config with Apache to set up custom logging with environment variables exported by IfP, along with the %D macro to capture request times in microseconds.

You can load the Apache log into a MySQL database with LOAD DATA INFILE and examine it with SQL queries easily. There is a PDF slideshow on the IfP website that gives examples of how to do all of these things and more, with sample queries and command-line arguments.

If you’re resisting adding instrumentation to your application, or if you feel too busy, consider that it might be much easier than you think. The effort invested will pay you back many times over in time savings and performance improvements. There’s no substitute for application instrumentation. Use New Relic, xhprof, IfP, or any of a number of other solutions for various application languages and environments; this is not a wheel you need to reinvent.

Profiling MySQL Queries

There are two broad approaches to profiling queries, which address two of the questions we mentioned in this chapter’s introduction. You can profile a whole server, in terms of which queries contribute the most to its load. (If you’ve started at the top with application-level profiling, you might already know which queries need attention.) Then, once you’ve targeted specific queries for optimization, you can drill down to profiling them individually, measuring which subtasks contribute the most to their response times.

Profiling a Server’s Workload

The server-wide approach is worthwhile because it can help you to audit a server for inefficient queries. Identifying and fixing these “bad” queries can help you improve the application’s performance overall, as well as target specific trouble spots. You can reduce the overall load on the server, thus making all queries faster by reducing contention for shared resources (“collateral benefit”). Reducing load on the server can help you delay or avoid upgrades or other more costly measures, and you can discover and address poor user experiences, such as outliers.

MySQL is getting more instrumentation with each new release, and if the current trend is a reliable indicator, it will soon have world-class support for measuring most important aspects of its performance. But in terms of profiling queries and finding the most expensive ones, we don’t really need all that sophistication. The tool we need the most has been there for a long time. It’s the so-called slow query log.

Capturing MySQL’s queries to a log

In MySQL, the slow query log was originally meant to capture just “slow” queries, but for profiling, we need it to log all queries. And we need high-resolution response times, not the one-second granularity that was available in MySQL 5.0 and earlier. Fortunately, those old limitations are a thing of the past. In MySQL 5.1 and newer versions, the slow query log is enhanced so that you can set the long_query_time server variable to zero, capturing all queries, and the query response time is available with microsecond resolution. If you are using Percona Server, this functionality is available in version 5.0, and Percona Server adds a great deal more control over the log’s contents and capturing queries.

The slow query log is the lowest-overhead, highest-fidelity way to measure query execution times in current versions of MySQL. If you’re worried about the additional I/O it might cause, put your mind at ease. We benchmarked it, and on I/O-bound workloads, the overhead is negligible. (It’s actually more noticeable on CPU-bound workloads.) A more valid concern is filling up your disk. Make sure that you have log rotation set up for the slow query log, if you leave it on all the time. Or, just don’t enable it all the time; leave it disabled, and turn it on only for a period of time to gather a workload sample.

MySQL has another type of query log, called the “general log,” but it’s not much use for analyzing and profiling a server. The queries are logged as they arrive at the server, so the log has no information on response times or the query execution plan. MySQL 5.1 and later also support logging queries to tables, but that too is a nonstarter for most purposes. The performance impact is huge, and although MySQL 5.1 prints query times with microsecond precision in the slow query log, it reverts to one-second granularity for logging slow queries to a table. That’s not very helpful.

Percona Server logs significantly more details to the slow query log than MySQL does. There is valuable information on the query execution plan, locking, I/O activity, and much more. These additional bits of data were added slowly over time, as we faced different optimization scenarios that demanded more details about how queries actually executed and where they spent their time. We also made it much easier to administer. For example, we added the ability to control every connection’s long_query_time threshold globally, so you can make them start or stop logging their queries when the application uses a connection pool or persistent connections and you can’t reset their session-level variables. All in all, it is a lightweight and full-featured way to profile a server and optimize its queries.

Sometimes you don’t want to log queries on the server, or you can’t for some reason, such as not having access to the server. We encountered these same limitations, so we developed two alternative techniques and programmed them both into Percona Toolkit’s pt-query-digest tool. The first tactic is watching SHOW FULL PROCESSLIST repeatedly with the --processlist option, noting when queries first appear and when they disappear. This is a sufficiently accurate method for some purposes, but it can’t capture all queries. Very short-lived queries can sneak in and finish before the tool can observe them.

The second technique is capturing TCP network traffic and inspecting it, then decoding the MySQL client/server protocol. You can use tcpdump to save the traffic to disk, then use pt-query-digest with the --type=tpcdump option to decode and analyze the queries. This is a much higher-precision technique, and it can capture all queries. It even works with advanced protocol features such as the binary protocol used to create and execute server-side prepared statements, and the compressed protocol. You can also use MySQL Proxy with a logging script, but in practice we rarely do this.

Analyzing the query log

We suggest that at least every now and then you should use the slow query log to capture all queries executing on your server, and analyze them. Log the queries for some representative period of time, such as an hour during your peak traffic time. If your workload is very homogeneous, a minute or less might even be enough to find bad queries that need to be optimized.

Don’t just open up the log and start looking at it directly—it’s a waste of time and money. Generate a profile first, and if you need to, then you can go look at specific samples in the log. It’s best to work from a high-level view down to the low level, or you could de-optimize the business, as mentioned earlier.

Generating a profile from the slow query log requires a good log analysis tool. We suggest pt-query-digest, which is arguably the most powerful tool available for MySQL query log analysis. It supports a large variety of functionality, including the ability to save query reports to a database and track changes in workload over time.

By default, you simply execute it and pass it the slow query log file as an argument, and it just does the right thing. It prints out a profile of the queries in the log, and then selects “important” classes of queries and prints out a detailed report on each one. The report has dozens of little niceties to make your life easier. We continue to develop this tool actively, so you should read the documentation for the most recent version to learn about its current functionality.

We’ll give you a brief tour of the report pt-query-digest prints out, beginning with the profile. Here is an uncensored version of the profile we showed earlier in this chapter:

# Profile
# Rank Query ID           Response time    Calls R/Call V/M   Item
# ==== ================== ================ ===== ====== ===== =======
#    1 0xBFCF8E3F293F6466 11256.3618 68.1% 78069 0.1442  0.21 SELECT InvitesNew?
#    2 0x620B8CAB2B1C76EC  2029.4730 12.3% 14415 0.1408  0.21 SELECT StatusUpdate?
#    3 0xB90978440CC11CC7  1345.3445  8.1%  3520 0.3822  0.00 SHOW STATUS
#    4 0xCB73D6B5B031B4CF  1341.6432  8.1%  3509 0.3823  0.00 SHOW STATUS
# MISC 0xMISC               560.7556  3.4% 23930 0.0234   0.0 <17 ITEMS>

There’s a little more detail here than we saw previously. First, each query has an ID, which is a hash of its “fingerprint.” A fingerprint is the normalized, canonical version of the query with literal values removed, whitespace collapsed, and everything lowercased (notice that queries 3 and 4 appear to be the same, but they have different fingerprints). The tool also merges tables with similar names into a canonical form. The question mark at the end of the InvitesNew table name signifies that there is a shard identifier appended to the table name, and the tool has removed that so that queries against tables with a similar purpose are aggregated together. This report is from a heavily sharded Facebook application.

Another bit of extra detail here is the variance-to-mean ratio, in the V/M column. This is also known as the index of dispersion. Queries with a higher index of dispersion have a more variable execution-time profile, and highly variable queries are generally good candidates for optimization. If you specify the --explain option to pt-query-digest, it will also add a column with a short representation of the query’s EXPLAIN plan—sort of a “geek code” for the query. This, in combination with the V/M column, makes it a snap to see which queries are bad and potentially easy to optimize.

Finally, there’s an additional line at the bottom, showing the presence of 17 other types of queries that the tool didn’t consider important enough to report individually, and a summary of the statistics for all of them. You can use options such as --limit and --outliers to make the tool show more details instead of collapsing unimportant queries into this final line. By default, the tool prints out queries that are either in the top 10 time consumers overall, or whose execution time was over a one-second threshold too many times. Both of these limits are configurable.

Following the profile, the tool prints out a detailed report on each type of query. You can match the query reports to the profile by looking for the query ID or the rank. Here’s the report for the #1 ranked query, the “worst” one:

# Query 1: 24.28 QPS, 3.50x concurrency, ID 0xBFCF8E3F293F6466 at byte 5590079
# This item is included in the report because it matches --limit.
# Scores: V/M = 0.21
# Query_time sparkline: | _^_.^_ |
# Time range: 2008-09-13 21:51:55 to 22:45:30
# Attribute    pct   total     min     max     avg     95%  stddev  median
# ============ === ======= ======= ======= ======= ======= ======= =======
# Count         63   78069
# Exec time     68  11256s    37us      1s   144ms   501ms   175ms    68ms
# Lock time     85    134s       0   650ms     2ms   176us    20ms    57us
# Rows sent      8  70.18k       0       1    0.92    0.99    0.27    0.99
# Rows examine   8  70.84k       0       3    0.93    0.99    0.28    0.99
# Query size    84  10.43M     135     141  140.13  136.99    0.10  136.99
# String:
# Databases    production
# Hosts
# Users        fbappuser
# Query_time distribution
#   1us
#  10us  #
# 100us  ####################################################
#   1ms  ###
#  10ms  ################
# 100ms  ################################################################
#    1s  #
#  10s+
# Tables
#    SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM `production ` LIKE'InvitesNew82'G
#    SHOW CREATE TABLE `production `.`InvitesNew82'G
SELECT InviteId, InviterIdentifier FROM InvitesNew82 WHERE (InviteSetId = 87041469)
AND (InviteeIdentifier = 1138714082) LIMIT 1G

The report contains a variety of metadata at the top, including how often the query executes, its average concurrency, and the byte offset where the worst-performing instance of the query was found in the log file. There is a tabular printout of the numeric metadata, including statistics such as the standard deviation.[30]

This is followed by a histogram of the response times. Interestingly, you can see that this query has a double-peak histogram, under Query_time distribution. It usually executes in the hundreds of milliseconds, but there’s also a significant spike of queries that execute about three orders of magnitude faster. If this log were from Percona Server, we’d have a richer set of attributes in the query log, so we’d be able to slice and dice the queries to determine why that happens. Perhaps those are queries against specific values that are disproportionately common, so a different index is used, or perhaps they’re query cache hits, for example. This sort of double-peak histogram shape is not unusual in real systems, especially for simple queries, which will usually have only a few alternative execution paths.

Finally, the report detail section ends with little helper snippets to make it easy for you to copy and paste commands into a terminal and examine the schema and status of the tables mentioned, and an EXPLAIN-ready sample query. The sample contains all of the literals and isn’t “fingerprinted,” so it’s a real query. It’s actually the instance of this query that had the worst execution time in our example.

After you choose the queries you want to optimize, you can use this report to examine the query execution very quickly. We use this tool constantly, and we’ve spent a lot of time tweaking it to be as efficient and helpful as possible. We definitely recommend that you get comfortable with it. MySQL might gain more sophisticated built-in instrumentation and profiling in the future, but at the time of writing, logging queries with the slow query log or tcpdump and running the resulting log through pt-query-digest is about as good as you can get.

Profiling a Single Query

After you’ve identified a single query to optimize, you can drill into it and determine why it takes as much time as it does, and how to optimize it. The actual techniques for optimizing queries are covered in later chapters in this book, along with the background necessary to support those techniques. Our purpose here is simply to show you how to measure what the query does and how long each part of that takes. Knowing this helps you decide which optimization techniques to use.

Unfortunately, most of the instrumentation in MySQL isn’t very helpful for profiling queries. This is changing, but at the time of writing, most production servers don’t have the newest profiling features. So for practical purposes, we’re pretty much limited to SHOW STATUS, SHOW PROFILE, and examining individual entries in the slow query log (if you have Percona Server—standard MySQL doesn’t have any additional information in the log). We’ll demonstrate all three techniques for a single query and show you what you can learn about the query execution from each.


The SHOW PROFILE command is a community contribution from Jeremy Cole that’s included in MySQL 5.1 and newer, and some versions of MySQL 5.0. It is the only real query profiling tool available in a GA release of MySQL at the time of writing. It is disabled by default, but can be enabled for the duration of a session (connection) simply by setting a server variable:

mysql> SET profiling = 1;

After this, whenever you issue a statement to the server, it will measure the elapsed time and a few other types of data whenever the query changes from one execution state to another. The feature actually has quite a bit of functionality, and was designed to have more, but it will probably be replaced or superseded by the Performance Schema in a future release. Regardless, the most useful functionality of this feature is to generate a profile of the work the server did during statement execution.

Every time you issue a query to the server, it records the profiling information in a temporary table and assigns the statement an integer identifier, starting with 1. Here’s an example of profiling a view included with the Sakila sample database:[31]

mysql> SELECT * FROM sakila.nicer_but_slower_film_list;
[query results omitted]
997 rows in set (0.17 sec)

The query returned 997 rows in about a sixth of a second. Let’s see what SHOW PROFILES (note the plural) knows about this query:

| Query_ID | Duration   | Query                                           |
|        1 | 0.16767900 | SELECT * FROM sakila.nicer_but_slower_film_list |

The first thing you’ll notice is that it shows the query’s response time with higher precision, which is nice. Two decimal places of precision, as shown in the MySQL client, often isn’t enough when you’re working on fast queries. Now let’s look at the profile for this query:

| Status               | Duration |
| starting             | 0.000082 |
| Opening tables       | 0.000459 |
| System lock          | 0.000010 |
| Table lock           | 0.000020 |
| checking permissions | 0.000005 |
| checking permissions | 0.000004 |
| checking permissions | 0.000003 |
| checking permissions | 0.000004 |
| checking permissions | 0.000560 |
| optimizing           | 0.000054 |
| statistics           | 0.000174 |
| preparing            | 0.000059 |
| Creating tmp table   | 0.000463 |
| executing            | 0.000006 |
| Copying to tmp table | 0.090623 |
| Sorting result       | 0.011555 |
| Sending data         | 0.045931 |
| removing tmp table   | 0.004782 |
| Sending data         | 0.000011 |
| init                 | 0.000022 |
| optimizing           | 0.000005 |
| statistics           | 0.000013 |
| preparing            | 0.000008 |
| executing            | 0.000004 |
| Sending data         | 0.010832 |
| end                  | 0.000008 |
| query end            | 0.000003 |
| freeing items        | 0.000017 |
| removing tmp table   | 0.000010 |
| freeing items        | 0.000042 |
| removing tmp table   | 0.001098 |
| closing tables       | 0.000013 |
| logging slow query   | 0.000003 |
| logging slow query   | 0.000789 |
| cleaning up          | 0.000007 |

The profile allows you to follow through every step of the query’s execution and see how long it took. You’ll notice that it’s a bit hard to scan this output and see where most of the time was spent. It is sorted in chronological order, but we don’t really care about the order in which the steps happened—we just care how much time they took, so we know what was costly. Unfortunately, you can’t sort the output of the command with an ORDER BY. Let’s switch from using the SHOW PROFILE command to querying the corresponding INFORMATION_SCHEMA table, and format to look like the profiles we’re used to seeing:

mysql> SET @query_id = 1;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

    ->    ROUND(
    ->       100 * SUM(DURATION) /
    ->          (SELECT SUM(DURATION)
    ->           WHERE QUERY_ID = @query_id
    ->       ), 2) AS Pct_R,
    ->    COUNT(*) AS Calls,
    ->    SUM(DURATION) / COUNT(*) AS "R/Call"
    -> WHERE QUERY_ID = @query_id
    -> ORDER BY Total_R DESC;
| STATE                | Total_R  | Pct_R | Calls | R/Call       |
| Copying to tmp table | 0.090623 | 54.05 |     1 | 0.0906230000 |
| Sending data         | 0.056774 | 33.86 |     3 | 0.0189246667 |
| Sorting result       | 0.011555 |  6.89 |     1 | 0.0115550000 |
| removing tmp table   | 0.005890 |  3.51 |     3 | 0.0019633333 |
| logging slow query   | 0.000792 |  0.47 |     2 | 0.0003960000 |
| checking permissions | 0.000576 |  0.34 |     5 | 0.0001152000 |
| Creating tmp table   | 0.000463 |  0.28 |     1 | 0.0004630000 |
| Opening tables       | 0.000459 |  0.27 |     1 | 0.0004590000 |
| statistics           | 0.000187 |  0.11 |     2 | 0.0000935000 |
| starting             | 0.000082 |  0.05 |     1 | 0.0000820000 |
| preparing            | 0.000067 |  0.04 |     2 | 0.0000335000 |
| freeing items        | 0.000059 |  0.04 |     2 | 0.0000295000 |
| optimizing           | 0.000059 |  0.04 |     2 | 0.0000295000 |
| init                 | 0.000022 |  0.01 |     1 | 0.0000220000 |
| Table lock           | 0.000020 |  0.01 |     1 | 0.0000200000 |
| closing tables       | 0.000013 |  0.01 |     1 | 0.0000130000 |
| System lock          | 0.000010 |  0.01 |     1 | 0.0000100000 |
| executing            | 0.000010 |  0.01 |     2 | 0.0000050000 |
| end                  | 0.000008 |  0.00 |     1 | 0.0000080000 |
| cleaning up          | 0.000007 |  0.00 |     1 | 0.0000070000 |
| query end            | 0.000003 |  0.00 |     1 | 0.0000030000 |

Much better! Now we can see that the reason this query took so long was that it spent over half its time copying data into a temporary table. We might need to look into rewriting this query so it doesn’t use a temporary table, or perhaps do it more efficiently. The next biggest time consumer, “Sending data,” is really kind of a catch-all state that could represent any number of different server activities, including searching for matching rows in a join and so on. It’s hard to say whether we’ll be able to shave any time off this. Notice that “Sorting result” takes up a very small portion of the time, not enough to be worth optimizing. This is rather typical, which is why we encourage people not to spend time on “tuning the sort buffers” and similar activities.

As usual, although the profile helps us identify what types of activity contribute the most to the elapsed time, it doesn’t tell us why. To find out why it took so much time to copy data into the temporary table, we’d have to drill down into that state and produce a profile of the subtasks it executed.


MySQL’s SHOW STATUS command returns a variety of counters. There is a server-wide global scope for the counters, as well as a session scope that is specific to your own connection. The Queries counter, for example, starts at zero in your session and increases every time you issue a query. If you execute SHOW GLOBAL STATUS (note the addition of the GLOBAL keyword), you’ll see a server-wide count of queries the server has issued since it was started. The scope of each counter varies—counters that don’t have a session-level scope still appear in SHOW STATUS, masquerading as session counters—and this can be confusing. It’s something to keep in mind as you use this command. As we discussed earlier, gathering properly scoped measurements is key. If you’re trying to optimize something that you can observe occurring in your specific connection to the server, measurements that are being polluted by server-wide activity are not helpful. The MySQL manual has a great reference to all of the variables and whether they have session or global scope.

SHOW STATUS can be a helpful tool, but it isn’t really profiling.[32] Most of the results from SHOW STATUS are just counters. They tell you how often various activities took place, such as reads from an index, but they tell you nothing about how much time was consumed. There is only one counter in SHOW STATUS that shows time consumed by an operation (Innodb_row_lock_time), and it has only global scope, so you can’t use it to examine only the work you’ve done in your session.

Still, although SHOW STATUS doesn’t provide timings, it can be helpful to look at it after you execute a query and examine the values for a few of the counters. You can form a guess about which types of expensive operations took place and how likely they were to contribute to the query time. The most important counters are the handler counters and the temporary file and table counters. We explain these in more detail in Appendix B. Here’s an example of resetting the session status counters to zero, selecting from the same view we used in the previous section, and then looking at the counters:

mysql> SELECT * FROM sakila.nicer_but_slower_film_list;
[query results omitted]
mysql> SHOW STATUS WHERE Variable_name LIKE 'Handler%'
          OR Variable_name LIKE 'Created%';
| Variable_name              | Value |
| Created_tmp_disk_tables    | 2     |
| Created_tmp_files          | 0     |
| Created_tmp_tables         | 3     |
| Handler_commit             | 1     |
| Handler_delete             | 0     |
| Handler_discover           | 0     |
| Handler_prepare            | 0     |
| Handler_read_first         | 1     |
| Handler_read_key           | 7483  |
| Handler_read_next          | 6462  |
| Handler_read_prev          | 0     |
| Handler_read_rnd           | 5462  |
| Handler_read_rnd_next      | 6478  |
| Handler_rollback           | 0     |
| Handler_savepoint          | 0     |
| Handler_savepoint_rollback | 0     |
| Handler_update             | 0     |
| Handler_write              | 6459  |

It looks like the query used three temporary tables—two of them on disk—and did a lot of unindexed reads (Handler_read_rnd_next). If we didn’t know anything about the view we just accessed, we might guess that the query is perhaps doing a join without an index, possibly because of a subquery that created temporary tables and then made it the right-hand input to a join. Temporary tables created to hold the results of subqueries don’t have indexes, so this seems plausible.

When you use this technique, be aware that SHOW STATUS itself creates a temporary table, and accesses this table with handler operations, so the numbers you see in the output are actually impacted by SHOW STATUS. This varies between server versions. Given what we already know about the query’s execution from SHOW PROFILES, it looks like the count of temporary tables might be overstated by 2.

It’s worth noting that you can probably discover most of the same information by looking at an EXPLAIN plan for this query. But EXPLAIN is an estimate of what the server thinks it will do, and looking at the status counters is a measurement of what it actually did. EXPLAIN won’t tell you whether a temporary table was created on disk, for example, which is slower than in memory. There’s more on EXPLAIN in Appendix D.

Using the slow query log

What does the enhanced slow query log in Percona Server reveal about this query? Here’s what it captured from the very same execution of the query that we demonstrated in the section on SHOW PROFILE:

# Time: 110905 17:03:18
# User@Host: root[root] @ localhost []
# Thread_id: 7  Schema: sakila  Last_errno: 0  Killed: 0
# Query_time: 0.166872  Lock_time: 0.000552  Rows_sent: 997  Rows_examined: 24861
  Rows_affected: 0  Rows_read: 997
# Bytes_sent: 216528  Tmp_tables: 3  Tmp_disk_tables: 2  Tmp_table_sizes: 11627188
# InnoDB_trx_id: 191E
# QC_Hit: No  Full_scan: Yes  Full_join: No  Tmp_table: Yes  Tmp_table_on_disk: Yes
# Filesort: Yes  Filesort_on_disk: No  Merge_passes: 0
#   InnoDB_IO_r_ops: 0  InnoDB_IO_r_bytes: 0  InnoDB_IO_r_wait: 0.000000
#   InnoDB_rec_lock_wait: 0.000000  InnoDB_queue_wait: 0.000000
#   InnoDB_pages_distinct: 20
# PROFILE_VALUES ... Copying to tmp table: 0.090623... [omitted]
SET timestamp=1315256598;
SELECT * FROM sakila.nicer_but_slower_film_list;

It looks like the query did create three temp tables after all, which was somewhat hidden from view in SHOW PROFILE (perhaps due to a subtlety in the way the server executed the query). Two of the temp tables were on disk. And we’re shortening the output here for readability, but toward the end, the SHOW PROFILE data for this query is actually written to the log, so you can even log that level of detail in Percona Server.

As you can see, this highly verbose slow query log entry contains just about everything you can see in SHOW PROFILE and SHOW STATUS, and then some. This makes the log a very useful place to look for more detail when you find a “bad” query with pt-query-digest. When you’re looking at a report from pt-query-digest, you’ll see a header line such as the following:

# Query 1: 0 QPS, 0x concurrency, ID 0xEE758C5E0D7EADEE at byte 3214 _____

You can use the byte offset from the header to zoom right into that section of the log, like this:

tail -c +3214 /path/to/query.log | head -n100

And presto, you can look at all the details. By the way, pt-query-digest understands all the added name-value pairs in the Percona Server slow query log format, and automatically prints out a much more detailed report as a result.

Using the Performance Schema

At the time of writing, the Performance Schema tables introduced in MySQL 5.5 don’t support query-level profiling. The Performance Schema is rather new and in rapid development, with much more functionality in the works for future releases. However, even MySQL 5.5’s initial functionality can reveal interesting information. For example, here’s a query that shows the top causes of waiting in the system:

mysql> SELECT event_name, count_star, sum_timer_wait
    -> FROM events_waits_summary_global_by_event_name
    -> ORDER BY sum_timer_wait DESC LIMIT 5;
| event_name                             | count_star | sum_timer_wait   |
| innodb_log_file                        | 205438     | 2552133070220355 |
| Query_cache::COND_cache_status_changed | 8405302    | 2259497326493034 |
| Query_cache::structure_guard_mutex     | 55769435   |  361568224932147 |
| innodb_data_file                       | 62423      |  347302500600411 |
| dict_table_stats                       | 15330162   |   53005067680923 |

There are a few of things that limit the Performance Schema’s use as a general-purpose profiling tool at present. First, it doesn’t yet provide the level of detail on query execution stages and timing that we’ve been showing with existing tools. Second, it hasn’t been “in the wild” for all that long, and the implementation has more overhead at present than many conservative users are comfortable with. (There is reason to believe this will be fixed soon.)

Finally, it’s sometimes too complex and low-level to be accessible to most users in its raw form. The features implemented so far are mostly targeted toward the things we need to measure when modifying MySQL source code to improve the server’s performance. This includes things like waits and mutexes. Some of the features in MySQL 5.5 are valuable to power users as opposed to server developers, but those still need some frontend tool development to make it convenient to use them and interpret the results. Right now the state of the art is writing complex queries against a large variety of metadata tables with lots and lots of columns. It’s a pretty intimidating amount of instrumentation to navigate and understand.

When the Performance Schema gets more functionality in MySQL 5.6 and beyond, and there are nice tools to use it, it’s going to be awesome. And it’s really nice that Oracle is implementing it as tables accessible through SQL so that users can consume the data in whatever manner is most useful to them. For the time being, though, it’s not quite a workable replacement for the slow query log or other tools that can help us immediately see how to improve server and query performance.

Using the Profile for Optimization

So you’ve got a profile of your server or your query—what do you do with it? A good profile usually makes the problem obvious, but the solution might not be (although it often is). At this point, especially when optimizing queries, you need to rely on a lot of knowledge about the server and how it executes queries. The profile, or as much of one as you can gather, points you in the right direction and gives you a basis for using further tools, such as EXPLAIN, to apply your knowledge and measure the results. That’s a topic for future chapters, but at least you have the right starting point.

In general, although a profile with complete measurements ought to make determining the problem trivial, we can’t always measure perfectly because the systems we’re trying to measure don’t support it. In the example we’ve been looking at, we suspect that temporary tables and unindexed reads are contributing most of the response time to the query, but we can’t prove it. Sometimes problems are hard to solve because you might not have measured everything you need, or your measurements might be badly scoped. You might be measuring server-wide activity instead of looking specifically at what you’re trying to optimize, for example, or you might be looking at measurements that count from a point in time before your query started to execute, rather than the instant the query began.

There’s another possibility. Suppose you analyze your slow query log and find a simple query that took an unreasonably long time to execute a handful of times, although it ran quickly thousands of other times. You run the query again, and it is lightning fast, as it should be. You use EXPLAIN, and it is using an index correctly. You even try similar queries with different values in the WHERE clause to ensure you aren’t just seeing cache hits, and they run quickly. Nothing seems to be wrong with this query. What gives?

If you have only the standard MySQL slow query log, with no execution plan or detailed timing information, you are limited to the knowledge that the query ran badly at the point that it was logged—you can’t see why that was. Perhaps something else was consuming resources on the system, such as a backup, or perhaps some kind of locking or contention blocked the query’s progress. Intermittent problems are a special case that we’ll cover in the next section.

Diagnosing Intermittent Problems

Intermittent problems such as occasional server stalls or slow queries can be frustrating to diagnose, and the most egregious wastes of time we’ve seen have been results of phantom problems that happen only when you’re not looking, or aren’t reliably reproducible. We’ve seen people spend literally months fighting with such problems. In the process, some of them reverted to a trial-and-error troubleshooting approach, and sometimes made things dramatically worse by trying to change things such as server settings at random, hoping to stumble upon something that would help.

Try to avoid trial and error if you can. Trial-and-error troubleshooting is risky, because the results can be bad, and it can be frustrating and inefficient. If you can’t figure out what the problem is, you might not be measuring correctly, you might be measuring in the wrong place, or you might not know the necessary tools to use. (Or the tools might not exist—we’ve developed a number of tools specifically to address the lack of transparency in various system components, from the operating system to MySQL itself.)

To illustrate the importance of trying to avoid trial and error, here are some sample resolutions we’ve found to some of the intermittent database performance problems we’ve been called in to solve:

  • The application was executing curl to fetch exchange rate quotes from an external service, which was running very slowly at times.

  • Important cache entries were expiring from memcached, causing the application to flood MySQL with requests to regenerate the cached items.

  • DNS lookups were timing out randomly.

  • The query cache was freezing MySQL periodically due to mutex contention or inefficient internal algorithms for deleting cached queries.

  • InnoDB scalability limitations were causing query plan optimization to take too long when concurrency was over some threshold.

As you can see, some of these problems were in the database, and some of them weren’t. Only by beginning at the place where the misbehavior could be observed and working through the resources it used, measuring as completely as possible, can you avoid hunting in the wrong place for problems that don’t exist there.

We’ll stop lecturing you now, and explain the approach and tools we use for solving intermittent problems.

Single-Query Versus Server-Wide Problems

Do you have any evidence of the problem? If so, try to determine whether the problem is with a single isolated query, or if it’s server-wide. This is important to point you in the right direction. If everything on the server is suffering, and then everything is okay again, then any given query that’s slow isn’t likely to be the problem. Most of the slow queries are likely to be victims of some other problem instead. On the other hand, if the server is running nicely as a whole and a single query is slow for some reason, you have to look more closely at that query.

Server-wide problems are fairly common. As more powerful hardware has become available in the last several years, with 16-core and bigger servers becoming the norm, MySQL’s scalability limitations on SMP systems have become more noticeable. Most of these problems are in older versions, which are unfortunately still widely used in production. MySQL still has some scalability problems even in newer versions, but they are much less serious, and much less frequently encountered, because they’re edge cases. This is good news and bad news: good because you’re much less likely to hit them, and bad because they require more knowledge of MySQL internals to diagnose. It also means that a lot of problems can be solved by simply upgrading MySQL.[33]

How do you determine whether the problem is server-wide or isolated to a single query? If the problem occurs repeatedly enough that you can observe it in action, or run a script overnight and look at the results the next day, there are three easy techniques that can make it obvious in most cases. We’ll cover those next.


The essence of this technique is to capture samples of SHOW GLOBAL STATUS at high frequency, such as once per second, and when the problem manifests, look for “spikes” or “notches” in counters such as Threads_running, Threads_connected, Questions, and Queries. This is a simple method that anyone can use (no special privileges are required) without impacting the server, so it’s a great way to learn more about the nature of the problem without a big investment of time. Here’s a sample command and output:

$ mysqladmin ext -i1 | awk '
    /Threads_running/{printf "%5d %5d %5d
", q, tc, $4}'
2147483647   136     7
  798   136     7
  767   134     9
  828   134     7
  683   134     7
  784   135     7
  614   134     7
  108   134    24
  187   134    31
  179   134    28
 1179   134     7
 1151   134     7
 1240   135     7
 1000   135     7

The command captures samples of SHOW GLOBAL STATUS every second and pipes those into an awk script that prints out queries per second, Threads_connected, and Threads_running (number of queries currently executing). These three tend to be very sensitive to server-wide stalls. What usually happens is that, depending on the nature of the problem and how the application connects to MySQL, queries per second will drop and at least one of the other two will spike. Here the application is probably using a connection pool, so there’s no spike of connected threads, but there’s a clear bump in in-progress queries at the same time that the queries per second value drops to a fraction of its normal level.

What could explain this behavior? It’s risky to guess, but in practice we’ve seen two common cases. One is some kind of internal bottleneck in the server, causing new queries to begin executing but to pile up against some lock that the older queries are waiting to acquire. This type of lock usually puts back-pressure on the application servers and causes some queueing there, too. The other common case we’ve seen is a spike of heavy queries such as those that can happen with a badly handled memcached expiration.

At one line per second, you can easily let this run for hours or days and make a quick plot to see if there are any areas with aberrations. If a problem is truly intermittent, you can let it run as long as needed and then refer back to the output when you notice the problem. In most cases this output will show the problem clearly.


With this method, you capture samples of SHOW PROCESSLIST and look for lots of threads that are in unusual states or have some other unusual characteristic. For example, it’s rather rare for queries to stay in the “statistics” state for very long, because this is the phase of query optimization where the server determines the best join order—normally very fast. Likewise, it’s rare to see a lot of threads reporting the user as “Unauthenticated user,” because this is a state that happens in the middle of the connection handshake when the client specifies the user it’s trying to use to log in.

Vertical output with the G terminator is very helpful for working with SHOW PROCESSLIST, because it puts each column of each row of the output onto its own line, making it easy to do a little sort|uniq|sort incantation that helps you view the count of unique values in any desired column easily:

$ mysql -e 'SHOW PROCESSLISTG' | grep State: | sort | uniq -c | sort -rn
    744   State:
     67   State: Sending data
     36   State: freeing items
      8   State: NULL
      6   State: end
      4   State: Updating
      4   State: cleaning up
      2   State: update
      1   State: Sorting result
      1   State: logging slow query

Just change the grep pattern if you want to examine a different column. The State column is a good one for a lot of cases. Here we can see that there are an awful lot of threads in states that are part of the end of query execution: “freeing items,” “end,” “cleaning up,” and “logging slow query.” In fact, in many samples on the server from which this output came, this pattern or a similar one occurred. The most characteristic and reliable indicator of a problem was a high number of queries in the “freeing items” state.

You don’t have to use command-line techniques to find problems like this. You can query the PROCESSLIST table in the INFORMATION_SCHEMA if your server is new enough, or use innotop with a fast refresh rate and watch the screen for an unusual buildup of queries. The example we just showed was of a server with InnoDB internal contention and flushing problems, but it can be far more mundane than that. The classic example would be a lot of queries in the “Locked” state. That’s the unlovable trademark of MyISAM with its table-level locking, which quickly escalates into server-wide pileups when there’s enough write activity on the tables.

Using query logging

To find problems in the query log, turn on the slow query log and set long_query_time to 0 globally, and make sure that all of the connections see the new setting. You might have to recycle connections so they pick up the new global value, or use Percona Server’s feature to force it to take effect instantly without disrupting existing connections.

If you can’t enable the slow query log to capture all queries for some reason, use tcpdump and pt-query-digest to emulate it. Look for periods in the log where the throughput drops suddenly. Queries are sent to the slow query log at completion time, so pileups typically result in a sudden drop of completions, until the culprit finishes and releases the resource that’s blocking the other queries. The other queries will then complete. What’s helpful about this characteristic behavior is that it lets you blame the first query that completes after a drop in throughput. (Sometimes it’s not quite the first query; other queries might be running unaffected while some are blocked, so this isn’t completely reliable.)

Again, good tools can help with this. You can’t be looking through hundreds of gigabytes of queries by hand. Here’s a one-liner that relies on MySQL’s pattern of writing the current time to the log when the clock advances one second:

$ awk '/^# Time:/{print $3, $4, c;c=0}/^# User/{c++}' slow-query.log
080913 21:52:17 51
080913 21:52:18 29
080913 21:52:19 34
080913 21:52:20 33
080913 21:52:21 38
080913 21:52:22 15
080913 21:52:23 47
080913 21:52:24 96
080913 21:52:25 6
080913 21:52:26 66
080913 21:52:27 37
080913 21:52:28 59

There was a drop in throughput in that output, which was interestingly also preceded by a rush of queries completing. Without looking into the log around these timestamps it’s hard to say what happened, but it’s possible that the spike is related to the drop immediately afterward. In any case, it’s clear that something odd happened in this server, and digging into the log around the timestamps in question could be very fruitful. (When we looked into this log, we found that the spike was due to connections being disconnected. Perhaps an application server was being restarted. Not everything is a MySQL problem.)

Making sense of the findings

Nothing beats visualization of the data. We’ve shown only small examples here, but in reality many of these techniques can result in thousands of lines of output. Get comfortable with gnuplot or R or another graphing tool of your choice. You can use them to plot things in a jiffy—much faster than a spreadsheet—and you can instantly zoom in on aberrations in a plot that you’ll have a hard time seeing in a scrolling terminal, even if you think you’re pretty good at Matrix-watching.[34]

We suggest trying the first two approaches—SHOW STATUS and SHOW PROCESSLIST—initially, because they’re cheap and can be done interactively with nothing more than a little bit of shell scripting or running queries repeatedly. Analyzing the slow query log is much more disruptive and harder to do, and often shows what looks like funny patterns that disappear as you look closer. We’ve found that it’s easy to imagine patterns where there are none.

When you find an aberration, what does it mean? It usually means that queries are queueing somewhere, or there’s a flood or spike of a particular kind of query. Now the task is to find out why.

Capturing Diagnostic Data

When an intermittent problem strikes, it’s important to measure everything you possibly can, preferably for only the duration of the problem. If you do this right, you will gather a ton of diagnostic data. The data you don’t collect often seems to be the data you really need to diagnose the problem.

To get started, you need two things:

  1. A reliable and real-time “trigger”—a way to know when the problem happens

  2. A tool to gather the diagnostic data

The diagnostic trigger

The trigger is very important to get right. It’s the foundation for capturing the data when the problem happens. There are two common problems that cause this to go sideways: false positives and false negatives. If you have a false positive, you’ll gather diagnostic data when nothing’s wrong, and you’ll waste time and get frustrated. False negatives will result in missed opportunities and more wasted time and frustration. Spend a little extra time making sure that your trigger indicates for sure that the problem is happening, if you need to. It’s worth it.

What is a good criterion for a trigger? As shown in our examples, Threads_running tends to be very sensitive to problems, but pretty stable when nothing is wrong. A spike of unusual thread states in SHOW PROCESSLIST is another good indicator. But there can be many more ways to observe the problem, including specific output in SHOW INNODB STATUS, a spike in the server’s load average, and so on. The key is to express this as something that you can compare to a definite threshold. This usually means a count. A count of threads running, a count of threads in “freeing items” state, and so on works well. The -c option to grep is your friend when looking at thread states:

$ mysql -e 'SHOW PROCESSLISTG' | grep -c "State: freeing items"

Pick a threshold that’s high enough that you won’t hit it during normal operation, but not so high that you won’t capture the problem in action. Beware, too, of setting the threshold too high to catch the problem when it begins. Problems that escalate tend to cause cascades of other problems, and if you capture diagnostic information after things have really gone down the toilet, you’ll likely have a harder time isolating the original cause. You want to collect your data when things are clearly circling the drain, if possible, but before the loud flushing sound deafens you. For example, spikes in Threads_connected can go insanely high—we’ve seen it escalate from 100 to 5000 or more in the space of a couple minutes. You could clearly use 4999 as the threshold, but why wait for things to get that bad? If the application doesn’t open more than 150 connections when it’s healthy, start collecting at 200 or 300.

Referring back to our earlier example of Threads_running, it looks like the normal concurrency is less than 10. But 10 is not a good threshold—it is way too likely to produce false positives, and 15 isn’t far enough away to definitely be out of the normal range of behavior either. There could be a mini-pileup at 15, but it’s quite possible that it could not quite cross the tipping point, and the problem could clear right up before getting bad enough to be clearly diagnosable. We’d suggest setting 20 as the threshold in that example.

You probably also want to capture the problem as soon as it is clearly happening, but only after waiting briefly to ensure that it’s not a false positive or short-term spike. So, our final trigger would be this: watch the status variables once per second, and if Threads_running exceeds 20 for more than 5 seconds, start gathering diagnostic data. (By the way, our example showed the problem going away after three seconds. That’s a bit contrived to keep the example brief. A three-second problem is not likely to be easily diagnosable, and most problems we’ve seen last a bit longer.)

Now you need to set up some kind of tool to watch the server and take action when the trigger condition occurs. You could script this yourself, but we’ve saved you the trouble. There’s a tool called pt-stalk in Percona Toolkit that is custom-built just for this. It has a lot of nice features whose necessity we’ve learned of through the school of hard knocks. For example, it looks at how much disk space is free, so it won’t fill up your disk with the data it collects and crash your server. Not that we’ve ever done that, you understand!

The pt-stalk tool is really simple to use. You can configure the variable to watch, the threshold, the frequency of checks, and so forth. It supports a lot more fanciness than that if needed, but that’s all you need to do for our example. Read the user’s manual that comes with it before you use it. It relies on another tool for actually collecting the data, which we’ll discuss next.

What kinds of data should you collect?

Now that you have determined a diagnostic trigger, you can use it to fire some process to collect data. But what kind of data should you collect? The answer, as mentioned previously, is everything you possibly can—but for only a reasonable amount of time. Gather operating system stats, CPU usage, disk utilization and free space, samples of ps output, memory usage, and everything you can from within MySQL, such as samples of SHOW STATUS, SHOW PROCESSLIST, and SHOW INNODB STATUS. You’ll need all of these things, and probably more, to diagnose problems.

Execution time is spent doing work or waiting, as you’ll recall. When an unknown problem happens, there are two types of causes, broadly speaking. The server could be doing a lot of work—consuming a lot of CPU cycles—or it could be stuck waiting for resources to become free. You need two different approaches to gather the diagnostic data to identify the causes of each of these types of problems: a profile when the system is doing too much work, and wait analysis when the system is doing too much waiting. But how do you know which of these to focus on when the problem is unknown? You don’t, so it’s best to collect data for both.

The primary profiling tool we rely on for server internals on GNU/Linux (as opposed to queries server-wide) is oprofile. We’ll show examples of this a bit later. You can also profile the server’s system calls with strace, but we have found this to be riskier on production systems. More on that later, too. For capturing queries to profile, we like to use tcpdump. It’s hard to turn the slow query log on and off reliably at a moment’s notice on most versions of MySQL, but you can get a pretty good simulation of it from TCP traffic. Besides, the traffic is useful for lots of other kinds of analysis.

For wait analysis, we often use GDB stack traces.[35] Threads that are stuck in a particular spot inside of MySQL for a long time tend to have the same stack trace. The procedure is to start gdb, attach it to the mysqld process, and dump stack traces for all threads. You can then use some short scripts to aggregate common stack traces together and do the sort|uniq|sort magic to show which ones are most common. We’ll show how to use the pt-pmp tool for this a bit later.

You can also do wait analysis with data such as snapshots of SHOW PROCESSLIST and SHOW INNODB STATUS by observing thread and transaction states. None of these approaches is perfectly foolproof, but in practice they work often enough to be very helpful.

Gathering all of this data sounds like a lot of work! You probably anticipated this already, but we’ve built a tool to do this for you too. It’s called pt-collect, and it’s also part of Percona Toolkit. It’s intended to be executed from pt-stalk. It needs to be run as root in order to gather most of the important data. By default, it will collect data for 30 seconds and then exit. This is usually enough to diagnose most problems, but not so much that it causes problems when there’s a false positive.

The tool is easy to download and doesn’t need any configuration—all of the configuration goes into pt-stalk. You will want to ensure that gdb and oprofile are installed on your server, and enable those in the pt-stalk configuration. You also need to ensure that mysqld has debug symbols.[36] When the trigger condition occurs, the tool will gather a pretty complete set of data. It will create timestamped files in a specified directory. At the time of writing, it’s rather oriented toward GNU/Linux and will need tweaking on other operating systems, but it’s still a good place to start.

Interpreting the data

If you’ve set up your trigger condition correctly and let pt-stalk run long enough to catch the problem in action a few times, you’ll end up with a lot of data to sift through. What’s the most useful place to start? We suggest looking at just a few things, with two purposes in mind. First, check that the problem really did occur, because if you have many samples to examine, you won’t want to spend your time on false positives. Second, see if something obvious jumps out at you.


It’s very helpful to capture samples of how the server looks when it’s behaving well, not just when it’s in trouble. This will help you determine whether a particular sample, or even a portion of a sample, is abnormal or not. For example, when you’re looking at the states of queries in the process list, you can answer questions such as “Is it normal for a lot of queries to be sorting their results?”

The most fruitful things to look at are usually query or transaction behavior, and server internals behavior. Query or transaction behavior shows you whether the problem was caused by the way the server is being used: badly written SQL, bad indexing, bad logical database design, and so on. You can see what the users are doing to the server by looking at places where queries and transactions appear: in the logged TCP traffic, in the SHOW PROCESSLIST output, and so on. Server internals behavior tells you whether the server is buggy or has built-in performance or scalability problems. You can see this in some of the same places, but also in oprofile and gdb output. This takes more experience to interpret.

If you don’t know how to interpret what’s wrong, you can tarball the directory full of collected data and submit it to a support provider for analysis. Any competent MySQL support professional will be able to interpret the data and tell you what it means. And they’ll love you for sending such detailed data to peruse. You might also want to send the output of two other tools in Percona Toolkit: pt-mysql-summary and pt-summary. These show status and configuration snapshots of your MySQL instance and the operating system and hardware, respectively.

Percona Toolkit includes a tool designed to help you look through lots of samples of collected data quickly. It’s called pt-sift, and it helps you navigate between samples, shows a summary of each sample, and lets you drill down into particular bits of the data if desired. It can save a lot of keystrokes.

We showed some examples of status counters and thread states earlier. We’ll finish out this chapter by showing some examples of output from oprofile and gdb. Here’s an oprofile report from a server that was having trouble. Can you find the problem?

samples  %        image name   app name     symbol  name
893793   31.1273  /no-vmlinux  /no-vmlinux  (no symbols)
325733   11.3440  mysqld       mysqld       Query_cache::free_memory_block()
117732    4.1001  libc         libc         (no symbols)
102349    3.5644  mysqld       mysqld       my_hash_sort_bin
 76977    2.6808  mysqld       mysqld       MYSQLparse()
 71599    2.4935  libpthread   libpthread   pthread_mutex_trylock
 52203    1.8180  mysqld       mysqld       read_view_open_now
 46516    1.6200  mysqld       mysqld       Query_cache::invalidate_query_block_list()
 42153    1.4680  mysqld       mysqld       Query_cache::write_result_data()
 37359    1.3011  mysqld       mysqld       MYSQLlex()
 35917    1.2508  libpthread   libpthread   __pthread_mutex_unlock_usercnt
 34248    1.1927  mysqld       mysqld       __intel_new_memcpy

If you said “the query cache,” you were right. This server’s query cache was causing far too much work and slowing everything down. This had happened overnight, a factor of 50 slowdown, with no other changes to the system. Disabling the query cache returned the server to its normal performance. This is an example of when server internals are relatively straightforward to interpret.

Another important tool for bottleneck analysis is wait analysis using stack traces from gdb. A single thread’s stack trace normally looks like the following, which we’ve formatted a bit for printing:

Thread 992 (Thread 0x7f6ee0111910 (LWP 31510)):
#0  0x0000003be560b2f9 in pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 () from /
#1  0x00007f6ee14f0965 in os_event_wait_low () at os/os0sync.c:396
#2  0x00007f6ee1531507 in srv_conc_enter_innodb () at srv/srv0srv.c:1185
#3  0x00007f6ee14c906a in innodb_srv_conc_enter_innodb () at handler/
#4  ha_innodb::index_read () at handler/
#5  0x00000000006538c5 in ?? ()
#6  0x0000000000658029 in sub_select() ()
#7  0x0000000000658e25 in ?? ()
#8  0x00000000006677c0 in JOIN::exec() ()
#9  0x000000000066944a in mysql_select() ()
#10 0x0000000000669ea4 in handle_select() ()
#11 0x00000000005ff89a in ?? ()
#12 0x0000000000601c5e in mysql_execute_command() ()
#13 0x000000000060701c in mysql_parse() ()
#14 0x000000000060829a in dispatch_command() ()
#15 0x0000000000608b8a in do_command(THD*) ()
#16 0x00000000005fbd1d in handle_one_connection ()
#17 0x0000003be560686a in start_thread () from /lib64/
#18 0x0000003be4ede3bd in clone () from /lib64/
#19 0x0000000000000000 in ?? ()

The stack reads from the bottom up; that is, the thread is currently executing inside of the pthread_cond_wait function, which was called from os_event_wait_low. Reading down the trace, it looks like this thread was trying to enter the InnoDB kernel (srv_conc_enter_innodb), but got put on an internal queue (os_event_wait_low) because more than innodb_thread_concurrency threads were already inside the kernel. The real value of stack traces is aggregating lots of them together, however. This is a technique that Domas Mituzas, a former MySQL support engineer, made popular with his “poor man’s profiler” tool. He currently works at Facebook, and he and others there have developed a wide variety of tools for gathering and analyzing stack traces. You can find out more about what’s available at

We have an implementation of the poor man’s profiler in Percona Toolkit, called pt-pmp. It’s a shell and awk program that collapses similar stack traces together and does the usual sort|uniq|sort to show the most common ones first. Here’s what the full set of stack traces looks like after crunching it down to its essence. We’re going to use the -l 5 option to truncate the stack traces after five levels so that we don’t get so many traces with common tops but different bottoms, which would prevent them from aggregating together and showing where things are really waiting:

$ pt-pmp -l 5 stacktraces.txt
    507 pthread_cond_wait,one_thread_per_connection_end,handle_one_connection,
    398 pthread_cond_wait,os_event_wait_low,srv_conc_enter_innodb,
     83 pthread_cond_wait,os_event_wait_low,sync_array_wait_event,mutex_spin_wait,
     10 pthread_cond_wait,os_event_wait_low,os_aio_simulated_handle,fil_aio_wait,
      7 pthread_cond_wait,os_event_wait_low,srv_conc_enter_innodb,
      5 pthread_cond_wait,os_event_wait_low,sync_array_wait_event,rw_lock_s_lock_spin,
      1 sigwait,signal_hand,start_thread,clone,??
      1 select,os_thread_sleep,srv_lock_timeout_and_monitor_thread,start_thread,clone
      1 select,os_thread_sleep,srv_error_monitor_thread,start_thread,clone
      1 select,handle_connections_sockets,main
      1 read,vio_read_buff,::??,my_net_read,cli_safe_read
      1 pthread_cond_wait,os_event_wait_low,sync_array_wait_event,rw_lock_x_lock_low,
      1 pthread_cond_wait,MYSQL_BIN_LOG::wait_for_update,mysql_binlog_send,
      1 fsync,os_file_fsync,os_file_flush,fil_flush,log_write_up_to

The first line is the characteristic signature of an idle thread in MySQL, so you can ignore that. The second line is the most interesting one: it shows that a lot of threads are waiting to enter the InnoDB kernel but are blocked. The third line shows many threads waiting on some mutex, but we can’t see which one because we have truncated the deeper levels of the stack trace. If it is important to know which mutex that is, we would need to re run the tool with a larger value for the -l option. In general, the stack traces show that lots of things are waiting for their turn inside InnoDB, but why? That isn’t clear at all. To find out, we probably need to look elsewhere.

As the preceding stack trace and oprofile reports show, these types of analysis are not always useful to those who aren’t experts with MySQL and InnoDB source code, and you should ask for help from someone else if you get stuck.

Now let’s move on to a server whose problems don’t show up on either a profile or wait analysis, and need to be diagnosed differently.

A Case Study in Diagnostics

In this section we’ll step you through the process of diagnosing a real customer’s intermittent performance problem. This case study is likely to get into unfamiliar territory unless you’re an expert with MySQL, InnoDB, and GNU/Linux. However, the specifics we’ll discuss are not the point. Try to look for the method within the madness: read this section with an eye toward the assumptions and guesses we make, the reasoning-based and measurement-based approaches we take, and so on. We are delving into a specific and detailed case simply to illustrate generalities.

Before beginning to solve a problem at someone else’s request, it’s good to try to clear up two things, preferably taking notes to help avoid forgetting or omitting anything:

  1. First, what’s the problem? Try to be clear on that. It’s surprisingly easy to go hunting for the wrong problem. In this case, the customer complained that once every day or two, the server rejected connections with a max_connections error. It lasted from a few seconds to a few minutes, and was highly sporadic.

  2. Next, what has been done to try to fix it? In this case, the customer did not attempt to resolve the issue at all. This was extremely helpful, because few things are as hard to understand as another person’s description of the exact sequence of events, changes they made, and effects thereof. This is especially true when they call in desperation after a couple of sleepless nights and caffeine-filled days. A server that has been subjected to unknown changes, with unknown effects, is much harder to troubleshoot, especially if you’re under time pressure.

With that behind us, let’s get started. It’s a good idea not only to try to understand how the server behaves, but also to take an inventory of the server’s status, configuration, software, and hardware. We did so with the pt-summary and pt-mysql-summary tools. Briefly, this server had 16 CPU cores, 12 GB of RAM, and a total of 900 MB of data, all in InnoDB, on a solid-state drive. The server was running GNU/Linux with MySQL 5.1.37 and the InnoDB plugin version 1.0.4. We’d worked with this customer previously on other unexpected performance problems, and we knew the systems. The database was never the problem in the past; it had always been bad application behavior. We took a look at the server and found nothing obviously wrong at a glance. The queries weren’t perfect, but they were still running in less than 10 ms most of the time. So we confirmed that the server was fine under normal circumstances. (This is important to do; many problems that are noticed only sporadically are actually symptoms of chronic problems, such as failed hard drives in RAID arrays.)


This case study might be a little tedious. We’ll “play dumb” to show all of the diagnostic data, explain everything we see in detail, and follow several potential trains of thought to completion. In reality, we don’t take such a frustratingly slow approach to every problem, and we’re not trying to say that you should, either.

We installed our diagnostic toolkit and set it to trigger on Threads_connected, which was normally less than 15 but increased to several hundred during these problems. We’ll present a sample of the data we collected as a result, but we’ll hold our commentary until later. See if you can drink from the fire hose and pick out items that are likely to be important:

  • The query activity ranged from 1,000 to 10,000 queries per second, with many of them being “garbage” commands such as pinging the server to see if it was alive. Most of the rest were SELECT commands—from 300 to 2,000 per second—and there were a very small number of UPDATE commands (about 5 per second).

  • There were basically two distinct types of queries in SHOW PROCESSLIST, varying only in the values in the WHERE clauses. Here are the query states, summarized:

    $ grep State: processlist.txt | sort | uniq -c | sort -rn
        161   State: Copying to tmp table
        156   State: Sorting result
        136   State: statistics
         50   State: Sending data
         24   State: NULL
         13   State:
          7   State: freeing items
          7   State: cleaning up
          1   State: storing result in query cache
          1   State: end
  • Most queries were doing index scans or range scans—no full-table scans or cross joins.

  • There were between 20 and 100 sorts per second, with between 1,000 and 12,000 rows sorted per second.

  • There were between 12 and 90 temporary tables created per second, with about 3 to 5 of them on disk.

  • There was no problem with table locking or the query cache.

  • In SHOW INNODB STATUS, we observed that the main thread state was “flushing buffer pool pages,” but there were only a few dozen dirty pages to flush (Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_dirty), there was practically no change in Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_flushed, and the difference between the log sequence number and the last checkpoint was very small. The InnoDB buffer pool wasn’t even close to being full; it was much bigger than the data size. Most threads were waiting in the InnoDB queue: “12 queries inside InnoDB, 495 queries in queue.”

  • We captured iostat output for 30 seconds, one sample per second. This showed that there was essentially no read activity at all on the disks, but writes went through the roof, and average I/O wait times and queue length were extremely high. Here is the first bit of the output, simplified to fit on the page without wrapping:

     r/s    w/s rsec/s    wsec/s avgqu-sz  await svctm  %util
    1.00 500.00   8.00  86216.00     5.05  11.95  0.59  29.40
    0.00 451.00   0.00 206248.00   123.25 238.00  1.90  85.90
    0.00 565.00   0.00 269792.00   143.80 245.43  1.77 100.00
    0.00 649.00   0.00 309248.00   143.01 231.30  1.54 100.10
    0.00 589.00   0.00 281784.00   142.58 232.15  1.70 100.00
    0.00 384.00   0.00 162008.00    71.80 238.39  1.73  66.60
    0.00  14.00   0.00    400.00     0.01   0.93  0.36   0.50
    0.00  13.00   0.00    248.00     0.01   0.92  0.23   0.30
    0.00  13.00   0.00    408.00     0.01   0.92  0.23   0.30
  • The output of vmstat confirmed what we saw in iostat and showed that the CPUs were basically idle except for some I/O wait during the spike of writes (ranging up to 9% wait).

Is your brain full yet? This can happen quickly when you dig into a system in detail and you don’t have (or you try to ignore) any preconceived notions, so you end up looking at everything. Most of what you’ll look at is either completely normal, or shows the effects of the problem but doesn’t indicate the source of the problem. Although at this point we have some good guesses about the cause of the problem, we’ll keep going by looking at the oprofile report, and we’ll begin to add commentary and interpretation as we throw more data at you:

samples   %        image name      app name        symbol name
 473653   63.5323  no-vmlinux      no-vmlinux      /no-vmlinux
  95164   12.7646  mysqld          mysqld          /usr/libexec/mysqld
  53107    7.1234  memcpy
  13698    1.8373    build_template()
  13059    1.7516    btr_search_guess_on_hash
  11724    1.5726    row_sel_store_mysql_rec
   8872    1.1900    rec_init_offsets_comp_ordinary
   7577    1.0163    row_search_for_mysql
   6030    0.8088    rec_get_offsets_func
   5268    0.7066    cmp_dtuple_rec_with_match

It’s not at all obvious what most of these symbols represent, and most of the time is lumped together in the kernel[37] and in a generic mysqld symbol that doesn’t tell us anything.[38] Don’t get distracted by all of the symbols. Look at the percentage of time they contributed: regardless of what they do, they’re burning so little time that you can be sure they’re not the problem. This is an example of a problem that isn’t going to yield results from this type of profile analysis. We are looking at the wrong data. When you see something like the previous sample, move along and look at other data to see if there’s a more obvious pointer to the cause.

At this point, if you’re interested in the wait analysis from gdb stack traces, please refer to the end of the preceding section. The sample we showed there is from the system we’re currently diagnosing. If you recall, the bulk of stack traces were simply waiting to enter the InnoDB kernel, which corresponds to “12 queries inside InnoDB, 495 queries in queue” in the output from SHOW INNODB STATUS.

Do you see anything that points conclusively to a specific problem? We didn’t; we saw possible symptoms of many different problems, and at least two potential causes of the problem based on intuition and experience. But we also saw something that didn’t make sense. If you look at the iostat output again, in the wsec/s column you can see that for about six seconds, the server is writing hundreds of megabytes of data per second to the disks. Each sector is 512 bytes, so those samples show up to 150 MB of writes per second at times. Yet the entire database is only 900 MB, and the workload is mostly SELECT queries. How can this happen?

When you examine a system, try to ask yourself whether there are any things like this that simply don’t add up, and investigate them further. Try to follow each train of thought to its conclusion, and try not to get sidetracked on too many tangents, or you could forget about a promising possibility. Write down little notes and cross them off to help ensure that you’ve dotted all the Ts.[39]

At this point, we could jump right to a conclusion, and it would be wrong. We see from the main thread state that InnoDB is trying to flush dirty pages, which generally doesn’t appear in the status output unless flushing is delayed. We know that this version of InnoDB is prone to the “furious flushing” problem, also called a checkpoint stall. This is what happens when InnoDB doesn’t spread flushing out evenly over time, and it suddenly decides to force a checkpoint (flush a lot of data) to make up for that. This can cause serious blocking inside InnoDB, making everything queue and wait to enter the kernel, and thus pile up at the layers above InnoDB in the server. We showed an example in Chapter 2 of the periodic drops in performance that can happen when there is furious flushing. Many of this server’s symptoms are similar to what happens during a forced checkpoint, but it’s not the problem in this case. You can prove that in many ways, perhaps most easily by looking at the SHOW STATUS counters and tracking the change in the Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_flushed counter, which, as we mentioned earlier, was not increasing much. In addition, we noted that the buffer pool doesn’t have much dirty data to flush anyway—certainly not hundreds of megabytes. This is not surprising, because the workload on this server is almost entirely SELECT queries. We can therefore conclude that instead of blaming the problem on InnoDB flushing, we should blame InnoDB’s flushing delay on the problem. It is a symptom—an effect—not a cause. The underlying problem is causing the disks to become saturated that InnoDB isn’t having any luck getting its I/O tasks done. So we can eliminate this as a possible cause, and cross off one of our intuition-based ideas.

Distinguishing cause from effect can be hard sometimes, and it can be tempting to just skip the investigation and jump to the diagnosis when a problem looks familiar. It is good to avoid taking shortcuts, but it’s equally important to pay attention to your intuition. If something looks familiar, it is prudent to spend a little time measuring the necessary and sufficient conditions to prove whether that’s the problem. This can save a lot of time you’d otherwise spend looking through other data about the system and its performance. Just try not to jump to conclusions based on a gut feeling that “I’ve seen this before, and I am sure it’s the same thing.” Gather some evidence, if you can—especially evidence that could disprove your gut feeling.

The next step was to try to figure out what was causing the server’s I/O usage to be so strange. We call your attention to the reasoning we used earlier: “The server writes hundreds of megabytes to disk for many seconds, but the database is only 900 MB. How can this happen?” Notice the implicit assumption that the database is doing the writing? What evidence did we have that it’s the database? Try to catch yourself when you think unsubstantiated thoughts, and when something doesn’t make sense, ask if you’re assuming something. If you can, measure and remove the doubt.

We saw two possibilities: either the database was causing the I/O—and if we could find the source of that, we thought that it was likely that we’d find the cause of the problem—or, the database wasn’t doing all that I/O, but rather something else was, and the lack of I/O resources could have been impacting the database. We’re stating that very carefully to avoid another implicit assumption: just because the disks are busy doesn’t guarantee that MySQL will suffer. Remember, this server basically has a read-only in-memory workload, so it is quite possible to imagine that the disks could stop responding for a long time without causing serious problems.

If you’re following our reasoning, you might see that we need to go back and gut-check another assumption. We can see that the disk device was behaving badly, as evidenced by the high wait times. A solid-state drive shouldn’t take a quarter of a second per I/O on average. And indeed, we can see that iostat claimed the drive itself was responding quickly, but things were taking a long time to get through the block device queue to the drive. Remember that this is only what iostat claims; it could be wrong.

After working through the diagnostic data to reach this point, the next task was obvious: measure what was causing the I/O. Unfortunately, this was infeasible on the version of GNU/Linux the customer was using. We could have made an educated guess with some work, but we wanted to explore other options first. As a proxy, we could have measured how much I/O was coming from MySQL, but again, in this version of MySQL that wasn’t really feasible due to lack of instrumentation.

Instead, we opted to try to observe MySQL’s I/O, based on what we know about how it uses the disk. In general, MySQL writes only data, logs, sort files, and temporary tables to disk. We eliminated data and logs from consideration, based on the status counters and other information we discussed earlier. Now, suppose MySQL were to suddenly write a bunch of data to disk temporary tables or sort files. How could we observe this? Two easy ways are to watch the amount of free space on the disk, or to look at the server’s open filehandles with the lsof command. We did both, and the results were convincing enough to satisfy us. Here’s what df -h showed every second during the same incident we’ve been studying:

Filesystem  Size  Used  Avail  Use%  Mounted  on
/dev/sda3   58G   20G   36G    36%   /
/dev/sda3   58G   20G   36G    36%   /
/dev/sda3   58G   19G   36G    35%   /
/dev/sda3   58G   19G   36G    35%   /
/dev/sda3   58G   19G   36G    35%   /
/dev/sda3   58G   19G   36G    35%   /
/dev/sda3   58G   18G   37G    33%   /
/dev/sda3   58G   18G   37G    33%   /
/dev/sda3   58G   18G   37G    33%   /

And here’s the data from lsof, which for some reason we gathered only once per five seconds. We’re simply summing the sizes of all of the files mysqld has open in /tmp, and printing out the total for each timestamped sample in the file:

$ awk '
  /mysqld.*tmp/ {
    total += $7;
  /^Sun Mar 28/ && total {
    printf "%s %7.2f MB
", $4, total/1024/1024;
    total = 0;
  }' lsof.txt
18:34:38 1655.21 MB
18:34:43    1.88 MB
18:34:48    1.88 MB
18:34:53    1.88 MB
18:34:58    1.88 MB

Based on this data, it looks like MySQL is writing about 1.5 GB of data to temporary tables in the beginning phases of the incident, and this matches what we found in the SHOW PROCESSLIST states (“Copying to tmp table”). The evidence points to a storm of bad queries all at once saturating the disk. The most common cause of this we’ve seen (this is our intuition at work) is a cache stampede, when cached items expire all at once from memcached and many instances of the application try to repopulate the cache simultaneously. We showed samples of the queries to the developers and discussed their purpose. Indeed, it turned out that simultaneous cache expiration was the cause (confirming our intuition). In addition to the developers addressing the problem at the application level, we were able to help them modify the queries so they didn’t use temporary tables on disk. Either one of these fixes might have prevented the problem, but it was much better to do both than just one.

Now, we’d like to apply a little hindsight to explain some questions you might have had as we went along (we certainly critiqued our own approach as we reviewed it for this chapter):

Why didn’t we just optimize the slow queries to begin with?

Because the problem wasn’t slow queries, it was “too many connections” errors. Sure, it’s logical to see that long-running queries cause things to stack up and the connection count to climb. But so can dozens of other things. In the absence of finding a good reason for why things are going wrong, it’s all too tempting to fall back to looking for slow queries or other general things that look like they could be improved.[41] But this goes badly more often than it goes well. If you took your car to the mechanic and complained about an unfamiliar noise, and then got slapped with a bill for balancing the tires and changing the transmission fluid because the mechanic couldn’t figure out the real problem and went looking for other things to do, wouldn’t you be annoyed?

But isn’t it a red flag that the queries were running slowly with a bad EXPLAIN?

They were indeed—during the incidents. Was that a cause or an effect? It wasn’t obvious until we dug into things more deeply. And remember, the queries seemed to be running well enough in normal circumstances. Just because a query does a filesort with a temporary table doesn’t mean it is a problem. Getting rid of filesorts and temporary tables is a catch-all, “best practice” type of tactic.

Generic “best practices” reviews have their place, but they are seldom the solution to highly specific problems. The problem could easily have been misconfiguration, for example. We’ve seen many cases where someone tried to fix a misconfigured server with tactics such as optimizing queries, which was ultimately a waste of time and just prolonged the damage caused by the real problem.

If cached items were being regenerated many times, wouldn’t there be multiple identical queries?

Yes, and this is something we did not investigate at the time. Multiple threads regenerating the same cached item would indeed cause many completely identical queries. (This is different from having multiple queries of the same general type, which might differ in a parameter to the WHERE clause, for example.) Noticing this could have stimulated our intuition and directed us to the solution more quickly.

There were hundreds of SELECT queries per second, but only five UPDATEs. What’s to say that these five weren’t really heavy queries?

They could indeed have been responsible for a lot of load on the server. We didn’t show the actual queries because it would clutter things too much, but it’s a valid point that the absolute number of each type of query isn’t necessarily meaningful.

Isn’t the “proof” about the origin of the I/O storms still pretty weak?

Yes, it is. There could be many explanations for why a small database would write a huge amount of data to disk, or why the disk’s free space decreased quickly. This is something that’s ultimately pretty hard to measure (though not impossible) on the versions of MySQL and GNU/Linux in question. Although it’s possible to play devil’s advocate and come up with lots of scenarios, we chose to balance the cost and potential benefit by pursuing what seemed like the most promising leads first. The harder it is to measure and be certain, the higher the cost/benefit ratio climbs, and the more willing we are to accept uncertainty.

We said “the database was never the problem in the past.” Wasn’t that a bias?

Yes, that was a bias. If you caught it, great—if not, well, then hopefully it serves as a useful illustration that we all have biases.

We’d like to finish this troubleshooting case study by pointing out that this issue probably could have been solved (or prevented) without our involvement by using an application profiling tool such as New Relic.

Other Profiling Tools

We’ve shown a variety of ways to profile MySQL, the operating system, and queries. We’ve demonstrated those that we think you’ll find most useful, and of course, we’ll show more tools and techniques for inspecting and measuring systems throughout this book. But wait, there’s more!

Using the USER_STATISTICS Tables

Percona Server and MariaDB include additional INFORMATION_SCHEMA tables for object-level usage statistics. These were originally created at Google. They are extremely useful for finding out how much or little the various parts of your server are actually used. In a large enterprise, where the DBAs are responsible for managing the databases and have little control over the developers, they can be vital for measuring and auditing database activity and enforcing usage policies. They’re similarly useful for multitenant applications such as shared hosting environments. When you’re hunting for performance problems, on the other hand, they can be great for helping you figure out who’s spending the most time in the database or what tables and indexes are most or least used. Here are the tables:

| Tables_in_information_schema (%_STATISTICS) |
| CLIENT_STATISTICS                           |
| INDEX_STATISTICS                            |
| TABLE_STATISTICS                            |
| THREAD_STATISTICS                           |
| USER_STATISTICS                             |

We don’t have space for examples of all the queries you can perform against these tables, but a couple of bullet points won’t hurt:

  • You can find the most-used and least-used tables and indexes, by reads, updates, or both.

  • You can find unused indexes, which are candidates for removal.

  • You can look at the CONNECTED_TIME versus the BUSY_TIME of the replication user to see whether replication will likely have a hard time keeping up soon.

In MySQL 5.6, the Performance Schema adds tables that serve purposes similar to the aforementioned tables.

Using strace

The strace tool intercepts system calls. There are several ways you can use it. One is to time the system calls and print out a profile:

$ strace -cfp $(pidof mysqld)
Process 12648 attached with 17 threads - interrupt to quit
^CProcess 12648 detached
% time     seconds  usecs/call     calls    errors syscall
------ ----------- ----------- --------- --------- ----------------
 73.51    0.608908       13839        44           select
 24.38    0.201969       20197        10           futex
  0.76    0.006313           1     11233         3 read
  0.60    0.004999         625         8           unlink
  0.48    0.003969          22       180           write
  0.23    0.001870          11       178           pread64
  0.04    0.000304           0      5538           _llseek
[some lines omitted for brevity]
------ ----------- ----------- --------- --------- ----------------
100.00    0.828375                 17834        46 total

In this way, it’s a bit like oprofile. However, oprofile will profile the internal symbols of the program, not just the system calls. In addition, strace uses a different technique for intercepting the calls, which is a bit more unpredictable and adds a lot of overhead. And strace measures wall-clock time, whereas oprofile measures where the CPU cycles are spent. As an example, strace will show when I/O waits are a problem because it measures from the beginning of a system call such as read or pread64 to the end of the call, but oprofile usually won’t because the I/O system call doesn’t actually do any CPU work—it just waits for the I/O to complete.

We use oprofile only when necessary, because it can have strange side effects on a big multithreaded process like mysqld, and while strace is attached, mysqld will run so slowly that it’s pretty much unusable for a production workload. Still, it can be extremely useful in some circumstances, and there is a tool in Percona Toolkit called pt-ioprofile that uses strace to generate a true profile of I/O activity. This has been helpful in proving or disproving some hard-to-measure cases that we couldn’t bring to a close otherwise. (If the server had been running MySQL 5.6, we’d have been able to do this with the Performance Schema instead.)


This chapter lays the foundation of thought processes and techniques you’ll need to succeed in performance optimization. The right mental approach is the key to unlocking the full potential of your systems and applying the knowledge you’ll gain in the rest of this book. Here are some of the fundamentals we tried to illustrate:

  • We think that the most useful way to define performance is in terms of response time.

  • You cannot reliably improve what you cannot measure, so performance improvement works best with high-quality, well-scoped, complete measurements of response time.

  • The best place to start measuring is the application, not the database. If there is a problem in the lower layers, such as the database, good measurements will make it obvious.

  • Most systems are impossible to measure completely, and measurements are always wrong. But you can usually work around the limitations and get a good outcome anyway, if you acknowledge the imperfection and uncertainty of the process you use.

  • Thorough measurements produce way too much data to analyze, so you need a profile. This is the best tool to help you bubble important things to the top so you can decide where to start.

  • A profile is a summary, which obscures and discards details. It also usually doesn’t show you what’s missing. It’s unwise to take a profile at face value.

  • There are two kinds of time consumption: working and waiting. Many profiling tools can only measure work done, so wait analysis is sometimes an important supplement, especially when CPU usage is low but things still aren’t getting done.

  • Optimization is not the same thing as improvement. Stop working when further improvement is not worth the cost.

  • Pay attention to your intuition, but try to use it to direct your analysis, not to decide on changes to the system. Base your decisions on data, not gut feeling, as much as possible.

The overall approach we showed to solving performance problems is to first clarify the question, then choose the appropriate technique to answer it. If you’re trying to see if you can improve the server’s performance overall, a good way to start is to log all the queries and produce a system-wide profile with pt-query-digest. If you’re hunting for bad queries you might not know about, logging and profiling will also help. Look for top time consumers, queries that are causing a bad user experience, and queries that are highly variable or have strange response-time histograms. When you find “bad” queries, drill into them by looking at the detailed report from pt-query-digest, using SHOW PROFILE, and using other tools such as EXPLAIN.

If the queries are performing badly for no discernible reason, you might be experiencing sporadic server-wide problems. To find out, you can measure and plot the server’s status counters at a fine level of detail. If this reveals a problem, use the same data to formulate a reliable trigger condition, so you can capture a burst of detailed diagnostic data. Invest as much time and care as necessary to find a good trigger condition that avoids false positives and false negatives. If you capture the problem in action but you still don’t understand the cause, gather more data, or ask for help.

You’re working with systems you can’t measure fully, but they’re just state machines, so if you are careful, logical, and persistent, you will usually get results. Try not to confuse effects with causes, and try not to make changes until you have identified the problem.

The theoretically pure approach of top-down profiling and exhaustive measurement is the ideal toward which we aspire, but we often have to deal with real systems. Real systems are complex and inadequately instrumented, so we do the best we can with what we have. Tools such as pt-query-digest and the MySQL Enterprise Monitor’s query analyzer aren’t perfect, and often won’t show conclusive proof of a problem’s cause. But they are good enough to get the job done much of the time.

[22] We don’t distinguish between queries and statements, DDL and DML, and so on. If you send a command to the server, no matter what it is, you just care about how quickly it executes. We tend to use “query” as a catch-all phrase for any command you send.

[23] We’ll mostly avoid philosophical discussions about performance optimization, but we have two suggestions for further reading. There is a white paper called Goal-Driven Performance Optimization on Percona’s website (, which is a compact quick-reference sheet. It is also very worthwhile to read Cary Millsap’s book Optimizing Oracle Performance (O’Reilly). Cary’s performance optimization method, Method R, is the gold standard in the Oracle world.

[24] Some people define performance in terms of throughput, which is okay, but it’s not the definition we use here. We think response time is more useful, although throughput is often easier to measure in benchmarks.

[25] The Performance Schema in MySQL 5.5 doesn’t provide query-level details; that is added in MySQL 5.6.

[26] With apologies to Donald Rumsfeld. His comments were actually very insightful, even if they sounded funny.

[27] Blimey! (It’s an inside joke. We can’t resist.)

[28] We’ll show examples later where we have a priori knowledge that the problem originates at a lower level, so we skip the top-down approach.

[29] Unlike PHP, many programming languages have some built-in support for profiling. For Ruby, use the -r command-line option; for Perl you can use perl -d:DProf, and so on.

[30] We’re keeping it simple here for clarity, but Percona Server’s query log will produce a much more detailed report, which could help you understand why the query is apparently spending 144 ms to examine a single row—that’s a lot!

[31] The view is too lengthy to show here, but the Sakila database is available for download from MySQL’s website.

[32] If you own the second edition of this book, you’ll notice that we’re doing an about-face on this point.

[33] Again, don’t do that without a good reason to believe that it’s the solution.

[34] We haven’t seen the woman in the red dress yet, but we’ll let you know if we do.

[35] A caveat: using GDB is intrusive. It will freeze the server momentarily, especially if you have a lot of threads (connections), and can sometimes even crash it. The benefit still sometimes outweighs the risk. If the server becomes unusable anyway during a stall, it’s not such a bad thing to double-freeze it.

[36] Sometimes symbols are omitted as an “optimization,” which really is not an optimization; it just makes diagnosing problems harder. You can use the nm tool to check if you have them, and install the debuginfo packages for MySQL to supply symbols.

[37] In theory, we need kernel symbols to understand what’s going on inside the kernel. In practice, this can be a hassle to install, and we know from looking at vmstat that the system CPU usage was low, so we’re unlikely to find much other than “sleeping” there anyway.

[38] It looks like this was a bad build of MySQL.

[39] Or whatever that phrase is. Put all your eggs in one haystack?

[40] Someone call the 1-800 hotline!

[41] Also known as the “when all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail” approach.

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