


Achilles tendon injuries. See also injuries.

Achilles paratenonitis, 177

Achilles tendonitis, 176–177

Achilles tendonosis, 177

causes of, 177–178

eccentric contractions and, 178

function of, 171, 176

introduction to, 171, 176

overpronation and, 178

pain of, 176–177, 180

PRICE protocol, 178–179, 180

rehabilitation of, 178–179, 180–181

Self-Diagnosis and Rehabilitation Matrix, 180–181

strength training and, 181

vulnerability of, 176

Walk/Run Protocol, 180, 181

“adaptation” workouts, 43

addiction, running as, 20, 23

adductor muscles

core stability and, 149

foam roller protocol and, 174

hip adduction strength training, 155

standing adductor stretch, 130

supine adductor stretch, 124

advanced glycation end products (AGEs), 95

aerobic exercise, 56–57, 60, 68–69

anaerobic threshold (AT), 70

ankle dorsiflexion exercise, 192

ankle eversion exercise, 192–193

ankle inversion exercise, 192

ankle plantar flexion exercise, 193

arm drills, 35

arm swing, 27–28, 115


barefoot running method, 26, 38

base training. See also Periodization training.

dedication to, 42–43

long-slow distance (LSD) running, 64

metabolism and, 58, 60, 63–65

nutrition and, 63, 65–66, 90

overview, 53

overtraining and, 42–43

proteins and, 63, 65

recovery and, 41–42, 65

rushing, 40

strength training and, 63

structural integrity and, 66–67

body fat

glycemic index (GI) and, 81

insulin and, 78

strength training and, 145

Bompa, Tudor, 40, 51

bone density, 62, 143, 164

Born to Run (Christopher McDougall), 5, 38

Boston Marathon, 4, 6

braking effect

cadence and, 31

heel strikes and, 26

knee lift and, 29

momentum and, 32

breakfast, 86

breathing, 116–117

butt kicks, 35



benefits of, 30–31

braking effect and, 31

form and, 37

overpronation and, 37, 38, 193

shin splints and, 183

treadmill and, 32

Walk/Run Protocol and, 166

calf range of motion test, 112

carbohydrates. See also nutrition.

bad carbohydrates, 84

carbo-loading, 85

carb-to-fat ratio, 80

carb-to-protein ratio, 47, 93

fats and, 80, 85–86

fruit as, 85

good carbohydrates, 83–84

inflammation and, 86

insulin and, 86

lactate threshold (LT) and, 68

long-slow distance (LSD) running and, 90

nutritional balance and, 80

power conversion and, 91–92

processed carbohydrates, 85

protein and, 84, 86, 92, 93

catback stretch, 126

center of gravity, 32, 36

Centinela Hospital Medical Center, 5

chin tuck stretch, 133

chin tuck test, 102

Chi Running method, 26


inflammation and, 86

protein and, 94

wheat and, 94, 95


breakdown-rebuild cycle, 143, 164, 169

connective tissues and, 61, 115, 116, 176

scar tissue and, 177

stretching and, 61, 118

competition, 18

Complete Waterpower Workout Book, The (Lynda Huey), 50

compression clothing, 46

connective tissue

adaptation, 61

collagen and, 61, 115, 116, 176

strength training and, 143, 145

Conservative Surgery (Henry Gassett Davis), 61

core stability

adductor muscles and, 149

hip abductors and, 149

hip flexor muscles and, 148

overview of, 148

spine stabilization and, 148–149

strength training and, 146, 147

cortisol, 41, 46

Cossack dance drill, 34

cross chest stretch, 134

cross-fiber massage, 199


injuries and, 14, 20

Periodization training and, 76

recovery and, 23, 54, 179


Davis, Henry Gassett, 61

Davis, William, 94, 95

Devers, Gail, 50

diaphragmatic breathing, 116–117

double knee-to-chest glute stretch test, 105

double-legged toe raises, 187


elevation protocol, 170

Endurox, 47


abdominal isometric, 154

all-fours opposite arm and leg with hamstring curls, 157

alternate arms, 151

alternate arms with knees at 90 degrees, 152

ankle dorsiflexion, 192

ankle eversion, 192–193

ankle inversion, 192

ankle plantar flexion exercise, 193

bracing maneuver, 150

front plank, 158

front plank with opposite arm and leg lift, 158

dead bug, 153

double-legged toe raises, 187

hip abduction, 156

hip adduction with shoulder internal rotation, 155

Roman calf raise, 142

rubber band ankle exercise, 192–193

single-leg balance rotation, 161

single-leg squat and reach, 162

single-legged toe raises, 187

standing squats, 160

toe curls, 183

toe raises, 187


fat-burning paradigm, 79–80

fats, 79–80, 82–83, 85–86

15-minute nutrition window, 47, 92–93

figure 4 stretch, 123

figure 4 test, 109


calf range of motion test, 112

chin tuck test, 102

definition of, 115

double knee-to-chest glute stretch test, 105

figure 4 test, 109

forward head hang test, 102

long sitting test, 111

neck rotation test, 103

Patrick’s test, 108

shoulder abduction test, 104

shoulder flexion test, 103

side-lying quad test, 110

standing forward bend test, 104

straight-leg raise test, 107

Thomas test, 106

foam-roller protocol

adductors position, 174

anterior tibilialis position, 175

calves position, 173

function of, 46

gluteus medius and minimus position, 174

hamstrings position, 173

hip flexors position, 174

introduction to, 172

IT band position, 174

latissimus dorsi position, 175

low back distraction position, 175

piriformis position, 174

quadriceps position, 174

rules, 173

teres major and infraspinatus position, 175

thoracic mobilization position, 175

food. See nutrition.

foot pronation, 36–37

form. See also posture.

arm drills, 35

butt kicks, 35

cadence and, 30–31, 37

Cossack dance drill, 34

energy and, 115

flexibility, 114, 116

high knee lifts, 35

injuries and, 4, 5–6, 19

introduction to, 17

knee lifts, 28–29, 33, 35, 37

necessity of, 26

pronation and, 36–37

shoes and, 38–39

stretching and, 114, 129

vertical arm swing, 27–28, 115

Forster Physical Therapy, 4, 168, 187, 192

forward head hang test, 102

Four Pillars of Health and Performance. See structural integrity; metabolism; nutrition; running technique.


Gladisch, Silke, 49

gluten, 94–95

glycemic index (GI), 81, 83, 84, 94


“carbo-loading” and, 85

cholesterol and, 41

long-slow distance (LSD) workouts and, 60

recovery of, 47, 92, 93

storage of, 47, 60

Griffith, Florence “Flo-Jo,” 48–50


hamstring injuries. See also injuries.

causes of, 197–198

cross-fiber massage, 199

diagnosis of, 197

Grade I strains, 198

Grade II strains, 198

Grade III strains, 198

introduction to, 196

pain of, 196–197, 200

PRICE protocol, 200

rehabilitation of, 198–199, 200–201

Self-Diagnosis and Rehabilitation Matrix, 200–201

strength training, 201

Walk/Run Protocol, 200, 201

heel strikes, 26

high knee lifts, 35

hip abductor muscles

core stability and, 149

muscles, 140

strength training and, 156

hip flexor muscles

core stability and, 148

foam roller protocol and, 174


ice protocol, 169

ice treatments, 46

iliotibial (IT) band syndrome. See also injuries.

causes of, 191

introduction to, 190

overpronation and, 191

pain of, 190, 194

popliteus muscle-tendon complex and, 190–191

PRICE protocol, 194

rehabilitation of, 191, 193, 194–195

Self-Diagnosis and Rehabilitation Matrix, 194–195

strength training, 195

Walk/Run Protocol, 194, 195


carbohydrates and, 86

cholesterol and, 86

glycemic index (GI) and, 81

inflammatory response, 22

wheat and, 94

injuries. See also Achilles tendon injuries; hamstring injuries; iliotibial (IT) band syndrome; plantar fasciitis; shin splints.

anatomy of, 163–164

barefoot running and, 38

competition and, 18

compression protocol, 169–170

cross-training and, 20

diagnosis of, 139–140, 167

elevation protocol, 170

evaluation of, 167–168

form and, 4, 5–6, 19

Four Pillars of Health and Performance and, 14–15

glycogen depletion and, 47

ice protocol, 169

ignoring, 11, 18

inflammatory response, 22

inflexibility and, 114, 115

ischial-gluteal bursitis, 197

leg-length discrepancies and, 98–100, 165, 167

“micro-trauma,” 164

overpronation and, 37

overtraining, 22–23, 165

patella tendonitis, 110, 125

percentages of, 4

physical therapist selection for, 21

protection and prevention protocol, 168

recovery time, 11, 22

rest protocol, 169

returning to running, 166–167

running addiction and, 20, 23

scar tissue and, 22

sedentary lifestyle and, 25, 114

self-reliance and, 18

shoes and, 38

soft-tissue systems, 164

work ethic and, 20

Injury Rehabilitation Matrices. See Self-Diagnosis and Rehabilitation Matrices.


carbohydrates and, 83, 85, 86

carb-to-protein ratio and, 47, 93

8-week rule and, 55

15-minute recovery window and, 93

fruit and, 85, 92

glycogen and, 46

nutrition and, 78, 79, 80, 81

2-hour rule, 87

wheat and, 94

ischial-gluteal bursitis, 197


Joyner, Florence, 48–50, 113

Joyner-Kersee, Jackie, 13, 49–50, 113, 146


Kerlan-Jobe Clinic, 5

Kersee, Bob, 5, 13, 15, 41, 48, 49, 58

knee lift

braking effect and, 29

foot strikes and, 116

form and, 28–29

High Knee Lifts, 35

pendulum swing and, 33

wind resistance and, 33

kneeling hip flexor stretch, 128

kyphosis, 97, 101


lactate threshold (LT), 68–69

lactic acid, 57

LDL cholesterol, 94

leg-length discrepancies, 98–100, 165, 167

long sitting test, 111

long-slow distance (LSD) running

base training and, 64

carbohydrates and, 60, 90

lactate threshold (LT) and, 69

nutrition and, 90

strength development and, 70


Malhotra, Aseem, 86

massage techniques, 170

Mediterranean diet, 81, 86, 88, 90


aerobic exercise and, 60

base training and, 58, 60, 63–65

bone adaptation, 62

breakfast and, 86

connective tissue adaptation, 61

glycogen storage, 60

importance of, 15

introduction to, 16, 58

meal frequency and, 79

mitochondria, 58–60

power conversion and, 71–72

speed endurance and, 73

strength development and, 70

strength endurance and, 73

structural integrity and, 58–61

vascularization, 58–60

mitochondria, 58–60

momentum, 32–33

muscle mass; strength training and, 144


natural foods, 77–78

neck rotation test, 103

New England Journal of Medicine, 88

nutrition. See also carbohydrates; proteins.

advanced glycation end products (AGEs), 95

animal proteins, 82

balance, 80–81

base training and, 63, 65–66, 90

breakfast, 86

cholesterol, 86, 94, 95

fat-burning paradigm, 79–80

fats, 79–80, 82–83, 85–86

15-minute window, 47, 92–93

fruits, 85, 92

gluten, 94–95

glycemic index (GI), 81, 83, 84, 94

glycogen recovery, 47

insulin and, 78–79, 86, 93

introduction to, 16–17

long-slow distance (LSD) running and, 90

meal frequency, 79, 87

Mediterranean diet, 81, 86, 88, 90

metabolism and, 79

natural foods, 77–78

Periodization training and, 87

polypeptides, 95

portion sizes, 81

power conversion and, 71, 72, 91–92

processed foods, 77, 85, 86

snacks, 87

speed endurance and, 73, 74, 92, 96

strategy optimization, 80

strength development and, 70, 71, 91

strength endurance and, 73, 74, 92, 96

taper and peak and, 74, 92

transition and, 76

vegetarian proteins, 82

wheat, 94–96


overhead triceps stretch, 138


Achilles tendon injuries and, 178

iliotibial (IT) band syndrome and, 191

overview of, 36–37

plantar fasciitis and, 186

posture and, 101

shin splints and, 182, 183

shoes and, 38–39

tight calves and, 112


base training and, 42–43

fatigue perception and, 43, 45

injuries and, 22–23, 165

Periodization training and, 54, 55

supercompensation, 42


Pacific Health Labs, 47

pain management, 170–171

patella tendonitis, 110, 125

Patrick’s flexibility test, 108

pectoral muscles

arm swing and, 28, 114–115

stretching, 137

pelvic rotation stretch, 121

pelvic tilt stretch, 121

pendulums, 33

penguin stretch, 136

Periodization training. See also base training.

adaptation to, 40

aerobic exercise and, 56–57

fat burning and, 56–57

Four Pillars of Health and Performance and, 57

introduction to, 6, 9, 51–53

lactate threshold (LT), 68–69

metabolic efficiency, 58–62

nutrition and, 87

origination of, 51–52

overtraining and, 54, 55

perfection of running mechanics, 62

power conversion, 54, 71–72, 91–92

recovery and, 42, 55

speed endurance, 54, 72–74, 92, 96

strength development, 54, 70–71, 91

strength endurance, 54, 72–74, 92, 96

structural adaptations, 61–62

taper and peak, 54, 74–75, 92

training intensity and, 55, 56

training variation and, 45

transition, 54, 76

Tudor Bompa and, 51

Phase IV Scientific Health & Performance Center, 5, 26, 187, 192

physical therapists

gait analysis, 166

hamstring injuries and, 197

iliotibial (IT) band syndrome and, 191

injury diagnoses, 139

pelvic alignment assessment, 100

selecting, 21

plantar fasciitis. See also injuries.

causes of, 186

introduction to, 186

overpronation and, 186

pain of, 186, 188

PRICE protocol, 188

rehabilitation of, 187, 188–189

Self-Diagnosis and Rehabilitation Matrix, 188–189

strength training, 189

Walk/Run Protocol, 188, 189

polypeptides, 95

popliteus muscle-tendon complex, 190–191

Pose method, 26

posture. See also form.

assessment of, 97–98

front view, 101

kyphosis, 97, 101

leg-length discrepancies, 98–100

photographing, 97, 100

side view, 101

potential energy, 33

prayer position stretch, 127

press-up stretch, 120

pretzel stretch, 122

PRICE protocol. See also recovery.

Achilles tendon injuries and, 178–179, 180

compression, 169–170

elevation, 170

hamstring injuries and, 198, 199, 200

ice, 46, 169

iliotibial (IT) band syndrome, 194

plantar fasciitis, 188

protection and prevention, 168

rest, 169

Self-Diagnosis and Rehab Matrix and, 9, 180, 184, 188, 194, 200

shin splints and, 184

“Primary Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease with a Mediterranean Diet” study, 88

processed foods, 77, 85, 86

proteins. See also nutrition.

base training and, 63, 65

carbohydrates and, 84, 86, 92, 93

carb-to-protein ratio, 47, 93

cholesterol and, 94

15-minute nutrition window and, 47, 92

glycogen and, 47

insulin and, 93

light exercise and, 43

metabolism and, 16

nutritional balance and, 80

sources of, 82

speed endurance and, 74

strength training and, 71, 74, 91


recovery. See also PRICE protocol.

Achilles tendon injuries, 178–179, 180–181

“adaptation” workouts and, 43

base training and, 41–42, 65

bone trauma, 164

compression clothing, 46

cortisol and, 41

cross-fiber massage, 199

fatigue and, 41

15-minute window, 47, 92–93

foam-roller protocol, 172–175

glycogen recovery, 47

hamstring injuries, 198–199, 200–201

iliotibial (IT) band syndrome, 191, 193, 194–195

introduction to, 40–41

massage techniques, 170

micro-trauma and, 164

mobility exercises, 170

pain management, 170–171

Periodization training and, 42, 55

plantar fasciitis, 187, 188–189

scheduling, 43

self-massage and, 46

shin splints, 183, 184–185

short-scheduling, 40–41

stretching and, 45

supercompensation, 164

taper and peak and, 74–75

Tudor Bompa on, 40

Walk/Run Protocol, 166–167

water running, 48–50

whole-athlete mechanics and, 13–14

workout intensity and, 42

workout variety and, 41, 45

Roman calf raise, 142

rubber band ankle exercise, 192–193

Runner’s Dozen workout

abdominal isometric, 154

all-fours opposite arm and leg with hamstring curls, 157

alternate arms, 151

alternate arms with knees at 90 degrees, 152

bracing maneuver, 150

dead bug, 153

front plank, 158

front plank with opposite arm and leg lift, 158

hip abduction, 156

hip adduction with shoulder internal rotation, 155

rules, 150

single-leg balance rotation, 161

single-leg squat and reach, 162

standing squats, 160

“runner’s knee.” See patella tendonitis.

running technique

arm drills, 35

butt kicks, 35

cadence and, 30–31, 37

Cossack dance drill, 34

energy and, 115

flexibility, 114, 116

high knee lifts, 35

injuries and, 4, 5–6, 19

introduction to, 17

knee lifts, 28–29, 33, 35, 37

necessity of, 26

pronation and, 36–37

shoes and, 38–39

stretching and, 114, 129

vertical arm swing, 27–28, 115


sedentary lifestyles, 25, 113–114, 142, 143

Self-Diagnosis and Rehabilitation Matrices

Achilles tendon injuries, 180–181

development of, 9

hamstring injuries, 200–201

iliotibial (IT) band syndrome, 194–195

importance of, 10

introduction to, 171

plantar fasciitis, 188–189

shin splints, 184–185

self-massage, 46

self-reliance, injuries and, 18

shin splints. See also injuries.

causes of, 183

introduction to, 182

overpronation and, 182, 183

pain of, 182, 183, 184

PRICE protocol, 184

rehabilitation of, 183, 184–185

Self-Diagnosis and Rehabilitation Matrix, 184–185

strength training and, 185

Walk/Run Protocol, 184, 185


body weight and, 38, 39

form and, 38–39

injuries and, 38

overpronation and, 38–39

shock absorption, 38, 39

shoulder abduction test, 104

shoulder flexion test, 103

side-lying quad stretch, 125

side-lying quad test, 110

single-legged toe raises, 187

soft-tissue systems, 164

standing adductor stretch, 130

standing calf stretch, 131

standing calf stretch with bent leg, 132

standing forward bend test, 104

standing hamstring stretch, 129

standing upper trap stretch, 135

static stretching, 45, 118

straight-leg raise test, 107

strength training

abdominal isometric, 154

abductor exercises, 140

Achilles tendon injuries and, 181

all-fours opposite arm and leg with hamstring curls, 157

alternate arms, 151

alternate arms with knees at 90 degrees, 152

base training and, 63

basic equipment for, 149

body fat and, 145

bone density and, 143–144

bracing maneuver, 150

connective tissues and, 143, 145

core stability and, 146, 147

dead bug, 153

frequency of, 141

front plank, 158

front plank with opposite arm and leg lift, 158

hip abduction, 156

hip adduction with shoulder internal rotation, 155

iliotibial (IT) band syndrome, 195

joint function and, 146

muscle mass and, 144

muscular imbalance and, 139

performance benefits of, 141–142

plantar fasciitis, 189

power conversion and, 71

protein and, 71, 74

Roman calf raise, 142

rules for, 150

shin splints and, 185

single-leg balance rotation, 161

single-leg squat and reach, 162

speed endurance and, 73, 141

standing squats, 160

strength development and, 70

strength endurance and, 73

structural integrity and, 145

taper and peak and, 74

testosterone and, 145

weak points and, 142–143


catback stretch, 126

chin tuck stretch, 133

collagen and, 61

compression clothing and, 46

connective tissues and, 115–116

cross chest stretch, 134

figure 4 stretch, 123

flexibility definition, 115

frequency of, 118, 119

holding, 119

importance of, 45, 113–114

kneeling hip flexor stretch, 128

nighttime stretching, 119

overhead triceps stretch, 138

pec stretch, 137

pectoral muscles, 114–115

pelvic rotation, 121

pelvic tilt, 121

penguin stretch, 136

position for, 117–118

post-workout stretching, 119

prayer position stretch, 127

press-ups, 120

pretzel stretch, 122

pre-workout stretching, 118

recovery and, 45

side-lying quad stretch, 125

speed and, 114

standing adductor stretch, 130

standing calf stretch, 131

standing calf stretch with bent leg, 132

standing hamstring stretch, 129

standing upper trap stretch, 135

static stretching, 118

static stretching exercises, 45

subsiding tension principle, 118

supine adductor, 124

symmetry of, 119

structural integrity

base training and, 66–67

importance of, 15

introduction to, 16

metabolism and, 58–61

strength training and, 145

subsiding tension principle, 118

supercompensation, 42, 164

supine adductor stretch, 124


talk test, 68–69

technique. See running technique.

testosterone, 145

Thomas flexibility test, 106

toe-curl exercises, 183

toe raises, 187

treadmill, 32

treatment. See recovery.

two-joint muscles, 196


vascularization, 42–43, 58–60, 68

vertical arm swing, 27–28, 115


Walk/Run Protocol

Achilles tendon injuries and, 180, 181

cadence and, 166

hamstring injuries and, 200, 201

iliotibial (IT) band syndrome, 194, 195

plantar fasciitis and, 188, 189

recovery and, 166–167

shin splints and, 184, 185

water running, 48–50


Forster Physical Therapy, 187, 192, 187, 192

weight training. See strength training.

wheat, 94–96

Wheat Belly (William Davis), 94

wind resistance, 33

Wolff, Julius, 62

work ethic, injuries and, 20

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