
A note on the digital index

A link in an index entry is displayed as the section title in which that entry appears. Because some sections have multiple index markers, it is not unusual for an entry to have several links to the same section. Clicking on any link will take you directly to the place in the text in which the marker appears.


Abstract class, All Types
AbstractBynary class, All Types
AbstractCharArray class, All Types
AbstractComponent interface, All Types
ActionBean interface, ActionBeans
writing ActionBeans, Write up an ActionBeanWrite up an ActionBean
ad-hoc reporting classes, What about…
add() method (Criteria), How do I do that?
associated records (see lifecycle associations)
addOrder() method (Criteria), How do I do that?, How do I do that?, Property-Oriented Criteria Factories
aggregate functions, HQL, Working with Aggregate ValuesWhat just happened?
aggregation with criteria queries, Criteria Queries, Projection and Aggregation with Criteria, How do I do that?How do I do that?
alias records, How do I do that?
alias() method (Projections), The Projection Factory
for projections, How do I do that?
in HQL, What about…
allEq() method (Restrictions), The Criterion Factory
and() method (Restrictions), The Criterion Factory
annotation-driven element (applicationContext.xml), Creating an Application Context, How do I activate the transactional annotation?
AnnotationConfiguration class, Does it work?
annotations, The Annotations AlternativeWhat now?
applied to model classes, Annotating Model ObjectsDoes it work?
cascading automatically, An Alternate ApproachWhat now?
importing, How do I do that?
obtaining, How do I do that?Why do I have to?
Stripes interceptors, Interceptors: a powerful way to extend stripesInterceptors: a powerful way to extend stripes
community behind, Getting Involved
deploying Tomcat, Create the Web ApplicationWhat just happened?
getting distribution of, Getting an Ant DistributionHow do I do that?
teaching to use Hibernate tools, How do I do that?
Ant configuration file (see build.xml)
Ant Tasks for Maven, Why do I care?
ANT_HOME envirionment variable, Installing the Maven Tasks for Ant
Any class, All Types
AOP (Aspect Oriented Programming), Interceptors: a powerful way to extend stripes
Apache Ant distribution, getting, Getting an Ant DistributionHow do I do that?
Apache Geronimo project, What just happened?
Apache Maven (see Maven)
Apache Tomcat environment, Prepare Tomcat
community behind, Getting Involved
deploying using Ant, Create the Web ApplicationWhat just happened?
application context, Spring, Creating an Application ContextHibernate configuration properties
loading, TestRunner: loading a Spring ApplicationContext
ApplicationContext objects, Creating an Application Context, TestRunner: loading a Spring ApplicationContext
applicationContext.xml file, Add Stripes
transactionManager bean, Using a JTA Transaction Manager
turning on Transactional annotation, How do I activate the transactional annotation?How do I activate the transactional annotation?
arbitrary mapping objects, What about…
arbitrary precision numeric types, Basic Types
Array class, All Types
artifact dependencies (see dependencies)
artifact:dependencies element (build.xml), A quick test, What just happened?
artifactId attribute, artifacts, What just happened?
artifactId element (pom.xml), A Maven Project Object Model, Parent/child Project Object Models
artifacts (Maven), What just happened?, What Is Maven?, Create the Web Application
(see also specific artifact by name)
asc() method (Order), What about…
asc() method (Projections), The Order Factory
asc() method (Property), The Property Factory
Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP), Interceptors: a powerful way to extend stripes
assemble() method, How do I do that?
assembly directory, Maven’s standard directory layout
Association interface, All Types
associations, Richer Associations
(see also collections)
augmenting associations in, Augmenting Associations in CollectionsWhat about…
bidirectional (see bidirectional associations)
cascade settings, How do I do that?
criteria with, Applying Criteria to AssociationsWhat just happened?
eager and lazy, Eager and Lazy AssociationsMy head hurts, How do I activate the transactional annotation?
lifecycle associations, Lifecycle AssociationsHow do I do that?
reflexive, Reflexive AssociationsHow do I do that?
Stripes with, Dealing with AssociationsDealing with Associations
traversing in queries, What about…
@AttributeOverrides annotation, Annotating Track
auto-commit mode (JDBC), What just happened?
auto-complete, Now what?, More Editing Support
auto-import atttribute, Writing HQL Queries
auto-import facility, Writing HQL Queries
avg() method (Projections), The Projection Factory
avg() method (Property), The Property Factory


Bag class, All Types
basedir attribute, project element, A quick test
batching, Configuring Hibernate
bean element (applicationContext.xml), Creating an Application Context
BeanUtil class, Interceptors: a powerful way to extend stripes
between() method (Property), The Property Factory
between() method (Restrictions), The Criterion Factory
bidirectional associations, How do I do that?, Using Bidirectional AssociationsUsing Bidirectional Associations
eager and lazy, Eager and Lazy AssociationsMy head hurts, How do I activate the transactional annotation?
BigDecimal class, All Types
BigInteger class, All Types
big_decimal type, Basic Types
big_integer type, Basic Types
Binary class, All Types
binary releases of Hibernate Core, How do I do that?
binary type, Basic Types
Blob class, All Types
blob type, Basic Types
books on Hibernate, Books
Boolean class, All Types
Boolean types, Basic Types
build element (pom.xml), A Maven Project Object Model
build.xml (Ant build file), A quick testA quick test
creating database tables, Cooking Up a SchemaWhat just happened?
defining dependencies in, A quick test, A quick test, What just happened?
(see also dependences)
deploying applications to Tomcat, Create the Web Application
generating classes, How do I do that?How do I do that?
Hibernate Annotations, How do I do that?Why do I have to?
pom.xml vs., A Maven Project Object Model, A Maven Project Object Model
building Maven projects, Building, Testing, and Running a ProjectBuilding, Testing, and Running a Project
built-in types, Basic Types
byte arrays, Basic Types
Byte class, All Types


Calendar class, All Types
CalendarDate class, All Types
capitalization and auto-complete, More Editing Support
cascade annotations, An Alternate ApproachWhat now?
cascade attribute, How do I do that?, An Alternate Approach
catalina-ant artifact, Create the Web Application
CDATA construct for queries, How do I do that?
Character class, All Types
CharacterArray class, All Types
CharArray class, All Types
CharBoolean class, All Types
class annotations (see annotations)
Class class, All Types
class mapping (see mapping)
class names
completion assistance for, More Editing Support
in queries, Writing HQL Queries
class path, A quick test
Eclipse variables for, Generating IDE Project Files using Maven
Hibernate Console, Creating a Hibernate Console Configuration
Maven projects, Parent/child Project Object Models
class type, Basic Types
class-description attribute, meta element, How do I do that?
class-path section (build.xml), A quick test
class.root property, A quick test
annotating, Annotating Model ObjectsDoes it work?
creating with mappings, How do I do that?How do I do that?
importing, How do I do that?
classes directory, How do I do that?
creating, How do I do that?
.classpath file (Eclipse), Generating IDE Project Files using Maven
Clob class, All Types
clob type, Basic Types
closing session factories, How do I do that?
code generation, build file, How do I do that?How do I do that?
Eclipse features for, What about…, Code GenerationCode Generation
codegen target (build.xml), How do I do that?
circular dependency with compile, Not so fast!
configuration element, Configuring Hibernate
Hibernate Tools for, Code GenerationCode Generation
prepare target and, How do I do that?
working with annotations, How do I do that?
Codehaus, Using the Maven Hibernate3 Plug-in
Collection class, All Types
@CollectionOfElements annotation, Annotating Track, Annotating Album
collections, Richer Associations
(see also associations)
augmenting associations in, Augmenting Associations in CollectionsWhat about…
mapping, Mapping CollectionsWhat just happened?, Working with Simpler CollectionsHow do I do that?
ordered, Ordered CollectionsHow do I do that?
persisting, Persisting CollectionsWhat just happened?
retrieving, Retrieving CollectionsRetrieving Collections
Collections utilities, Mapping Collections
column indexes, How do I do that?
column names, How do I do that?
mapping to (see mapping)
name completion assistance, More Editing Support
com.oreilly.hh package, How do I do that? package, How do I do that?
COMMENT as reserved word, How do I do that?
community behind Hibernate, Getting Involved
compile goal, Building, Testing, and Running a Project
compile stage (Maven Build Lifecycle), Building, Testing, and Running a Project, The Maven Build Lifecycle, The Maven Build Lifecycle
compile target, How do I do that?
compile target (build.xml)
circular dependency with codegen, Not so fast!
working with annotations, How do I do that?
compile task, for web applications, Add Stripes
custom value types, Not so fast!, Why didn’t it work?
Java source files, How do I do that?
Stripes application, Write up an ActionBean
completion assistance, Now what?, More Editing Support
Component class, All Types, All Types
component element (pom.xml), Parent/child Project Object Models
components, How do I do that?
composite keys, What just happened?
composite types, Defining a User Type, Building a Composite User TypeHow do I do that?
composite-element definitions, How do I do that?How do I do that?
CompositeCustom class, All Types
CompositeUserType interface, Using a Custom Type Mapping, Basic Types
compound criteria, Compounding CriteriaCompounding Criteria
config attribute, deploy task, Create the Web Application
Configuration class, How do I do that?
configuration elements, Configuring Hibernate
configurationfile option (Hibernate3 Maven plug-in), Configuring the Hibernate3 plug-in
configuring Hibernate, Configuring HibernateConfiguring Hibernate
editor for, Now what?, More Editing Support
for annotations, How do I do that?Why do I have to?
Hibernate Console perspective, The Hibernate Console PerspectiveWhat about…
configuring Hibernate3 Maven plug-in, Configuring the Hibernate3 plug-in
conjunction() method (Restrictions), Compounding Criteria, The Criterion Factory, The Criterion Factory
connecting to MySql, Connecting to MySQLWhat just happened?
connection pooling, Configuring Hibernate, Hibernate configuration properties
context file, for Tomcat, Create the Web Application
ContextLoaderListener class, Add Stripes
count() method (Projections), The Projection Factory
count() method (Property), The Property Factory
countDistinct() method (Projections), The Projection Factory
create option (Hibernate3 Maven plug-in), Configuring the Hibernate3 plug-in
createCriteria() method (Session), How do I do that?, How do I do that?
createQuery() method (Session), How do I do that?
createSQLQuery() method (Session), How do I do that?
Criteria API, The Criteria APIThe Property Factory
Order class, The Order Factory
Projections class, The Projection FactoryThe Projection Factory
Property class, The Property FactoryThe Property Factory
Restrictions class, The Criteria APIThe Criterion Factory
Criteria Editor view (Hibernate Console), The Hibernate Console Perspective
Criteria interface, What about…
Criteria objects, How do I do that?
criteria queries, What about…, Criteria QueriesWhat about…
applying to associations, Applying Criteria to AssociationsWhat just happened?
compound criteria, Compounding CriteriaCompounding Criteria
Hibernate Console with, The Hibernate Console Perspective
projection and aggregation with, Criteria Queries, Projection and Aggregation with CriteriaHow do I do that?
property-oriented criteria factories, Property-Oriented Criteria FactoriesWhat about…
setting up by example, Querying by ExampleHow do I do that?
ctest target, How do I do that?
Currency class, All Types
currency type, Basic Types
Custom class, All Types
custom value types, Defining a User TypeWhat about…, Custom Value Types
compiling, Not so fast!, Why didn’t it work?
completion assistance for, More Editing Support
composite types, Defining a User Type
enumerated types, Defining a User Type, Defining a Persistent Enumerated TypeWhy didn’t it work?
working with, Working with Persistent EnumerationsWhy didn’t it work?
mapping for, Using a Custom Type MappingWhat about…


DAOs (data access objects), What is a Data Access Object?
writing, Writing a Data Access ObjectWhere are the other DAOs?
data directory, How do I do that?
data models, graphical view of, Mapping DiagramsMapping Diagrams
data.dir property, Add Stripes
DataAccessException exception, What HibernateDaoSupport provides
database columns, mapping to (see mapping)
database connection settings, How do I do that?, Configuring Hibernate
database dialects, What just happened?, What about…
defining, How do I do that?, Configuring Hibernate
list of, Getting Fluent in the Local SQL
native SQL queries, Writing Native SQL QueriesWhat about…
database shutdown, How do I do that?
database stored procedures, What about…
database tables, creating with mappings, Cooking Up a SchemaWhat just happened?
database transactions
committing, How do I do that?
setting up, How do I do that?
database-driven completion, More Editing Support
Date class, How do I do that?, All Types
date type, Basic Types
DbTimestamp class, All Types
Debian-based Java distributions, Check Your Java Version
DEFAULT attribute (isolation attribute), Transaction isolation
default attribute, project element, A quick test
default-cascade attribute, How do I do that?
defining custom types (see custom value types)
definitive records, How do I do that?
delete() method (HibernateDaoSupport), Implementing the ArtistDAO interface
delete() method (HibernateTemplate), What HibernateDaoSupport provides
delete() method (Session), How do I do that?, What about…
associated records (see lifecycle associations)
persistent mapped objects, How do I do that?, What about…
adding MySQL driver to, Connecting to MySQL
adding Spring Framework as, Adding the Spring framework as a project dependency
circular, with codegen and compile targets, Not so fast!
copying into WEB-INF/lib, Add Stripes
defining in build.xml file, A quick test, What just happened?
Hibernate Annotations, How do I do that?Why do I have to?
.pom files for, What just happened?
pom.xml vs. build.xml, A Maven Project Object Model
Tomcat deployment, Create the Web Application
transitive, What just happened?
dependencies element (pom.xml), A Maven Project Object Model
dependency injection, What is inversion of control?
dependency.classpath path, A quick test
depends attribute, target element, How do I do that?
deploy stage (Maven Build Lifecycle), The Maven Build Lifecycle
deploy task, Create the Web Application
desc() method (Order), What about…
desc() method (Projections), The Order Factory
desc() method (Property), The Property Factory
detached mapped objects, How do I do that?
dialects, What just happened?, What about…
defining, How do I do that?, Configuring Hibernate
list of, Getting Fluent in the Local SQL
native SQL queries, Writing Native SQL QueriesWhat about…
directory layout for projects (Maven), Maven’s standard directory layoutMaven’s standard directory layout
disassemble() method, How do I do that?
Discriminator interface, All Types
disjunction() method (Restrictions), Compounding Criteria, The Criterion Factory, The Criterion Factory
DispatcherServlet class, DispatcherServlet
distinct() method (Projections), The Projection Factory
docbase attribute (Context), Create the Web Application
@docroot@ token, Add Stripes
documentation for Hibernate mappings, Generating Hibernate mapping documentation
documentation on Hibernate, Where to Go Next
@Documented annotation, Interceptors: a powerful way to extend stripes
doInHibernate() method (HibernateCallback), How do I do that?
Double class, All Types
Ant binaries, How do I do that?
Hibernate Core, Using Hibernate CoreHow do I do that?
Hibernate source code, Source Code
HSQLDB database engine, How do I do that?
Maven, Installing Maven
Maven Tasks for Ant, How do I do that?
drop element (pom.xml), Parent/child Project Object Models
drop option (Hibernate3 Maven plug-in), Configuring the Hibernate3 plug-in
Dynamic SQL Preview (Hibernate Console), The Hibernate Console Perspective


eager associations, Eager and Lazy AssociationsMy head hurts
code generation with Hibernate Tools, What about…, Code GenerationCode Generation
editing support, Now what?, More Editing SupportBut wait, there’s more!
Hibernate Console, The Hibernate Console PerspectiveWhat about…
creating, Creating a Hibernate Console ConfigurationCreating a Hibernate Console Configuration
installing Hibernate Tools, Installing the Hibernate Tools in EclipseNow what?
version of, How do I do that?
Eclipse configuration files, generating, Generating IDE Project Files using Maven
eclipse goal, Generating IDE Project Files using Maven
Eclipse IDE project files, What about…
editing support with Hibernate Tools, Now what?, More Editing SupportBut wait, there’s more!
ejb3 option (Hibernate3 Maven plug-in), Configuring the Hibernate3 plug-in
EJBs (Enterprise Java Beans), Preface, What Is Spring?
@Embeddable annotation, Annotating Album
@Embedded annotation, Annotating Track
EmbeddedComponent class, All Types
enableLike() method (Example), How do I do that?, How do I do that?
EnhancedUserType interface, What about…
Enterprise Java Beans (EJBs), What Is Spring?
entities, How do I do that?, Hibernate Types
Entity class, All Types
entity-level annotations, How do I do that?
EntityManager interface (JPA), Why do I have to?, How do I do that?
enum keyword, Defining a Persistent Enumerated Type
enumerated type, defined, Defining a Persistent Enumerated Type
enumerated types, persistent, Defining a User Type, Defining a Persistent Enumerated TypeWhy didn’t it work?
creating custom mapping, Using a Custom Type MappingWhat about…
working with, Working with Persistent EnumerationsWhy didn’t it work?
eq() method (Property), The Property Factory
eq() method (Restrictions), The Criterion Factory
eqProperty() method (Property), The Property Factory
eqProperty() method (Restrictions), The Criterion Factory
Europa Discovery Site, What went wrong?
event handlers, ActionBean interface, Write up an ActionBean, Write up an ActionBean
Example objects, How do I do that?
example, querying by, Querying by ExampleHow do I do that?
excludeNone() method (Example), How do I do that?
excludeProperty() method (Example), How do I do that?
excludeZeroes() method (Example), How do I do that?
execute() method (HibernateTemplate), What HibernateDaoSupport provides, How do I do that?
explicit package naming, Writing HQL Queries
extension element (pom.xml), A Maven Project Object Model
extensions element (pom.xml), Parent/child Project Object Models


F3 key (Eclipse), More Editing Support
field-description meta tag, How do I do that?
filter task, Add Stripes
find() method (HibernateTemplate), How do I do that?
findByExample() method (HibernateTemplate), How do I do that?
findByNamedParameter() method (HibernateTemplate), How do I do that?
findByNamedQuery() method (HibernateTemplate), How do I do that?
finding (see retrieving)
Float class, All Types
fork attribute, java task, A quick test
form tag (Stripes), Add Stripes, Dealing with Associations
forName() method (Property), Property-Oriented Criteria Factories
fully qualified names in queries, Writing HQL Queries


ge() method (Property), The Property Factory
ge() method (Restrictions), The Criterion Factory
generate-resources stage (Maven Build Lifecycle), The Maven Build Lifecycle
generate-sources stage (Maven Build Lifecycle), The Maven Build Lifecycle
generate-test-resources stage (Maven Build Lifecycle), The Maven Build Lifecycle
generate-test-sources stage (Maven Build Lifecycle), The Maven Build Lifecycle
generating JAR artifacts (Maven), Building, Testing, and Running a Project
generator tag, id element, How do I do that?
generics, What about…
geProperty() method (Property), The Property Factory
geProperty() method (Restrictions), The Criterion Factory
getAnnotation() method (Method), Interceptors: a powerful way to extend stripes
getContext() method (ActionBean), ActionBeans, Write up an ActionBean
getHandler() method (ExecutionContext), Interceptors: a powerful way to extend stripes
getHibernateTemplate() method (HibernateDaoSupport), What HibernateDaoSupport provides
getNamedQuery() method (Session), How do I do that?
getProperty() method (Property), The Property Factory
getPropertyType() method (BeanUtil), Interceptors: a powerful way to extend stripes
getPropertyValue() method, How do I do that?
getSupport() method (HibernateDaoSupport), What HibernateDaoSupport provides
GNU environment for Java, Check Your Java Version
goal identifier (Maven), Building, Testing, and Running a Project
group() method (Property), The Property Factory
groupId attribute, artifacts, What just happened?
groupId element (pom.xml), A Maven Project Object Model, Parent/child Project Object Models, Parent/child Project Object Models
groupProperty() method (Projections), How do I do that?, The Projection Factory
groups of things (see collections)
gt() method (Property), The Property Factory
gt() method (Restrictions), The Criterion Factory
gtProperty() method (Property), The Property Factory
gtProperty() method (Restrictions), The Criterion Factory


hashCode() method, How do I do that?
hbm2cfgxml goal (Hibernate3 Maven plug-in), Using the Maven Hibernate3 Plug-in
hbm2ddl goal (Hibernate3 Maven plug-in), Building, Testing, and Running a Project, Using the Maven Hibernate3 Plug-in
hbm2doc goal (Hibernate3 Maven plug-in), Using the Maven Hibernate3 Plug-in, Generating Hibernate mapping documentation
hbm2hbmxml goal (Hibernate3 Maven plug-in), Using the Maven Hibernate3 Plug-in
hbm2java goal (Hibernate3 Maven plug-in), Using the Maven Hibernate3 Plug-in
hbm2java tool, How do I do that?
Hibernate Annotations (see annotations)
Hibernate configuration editor, Now what?, More Editing Support
Hibernate Console, The Hibernate Console PerspectiveWhat about…
creating, Creating a Hibernate Console ConfigurationCreating a Hibernate Console Configuration
Hibernate Core, obtaining, Using Hibernate CoreHow do I do that?
Hibernate mapping editor, Now what?
Hibernate resources, Where to Go Next
Hibernate SQL dialects (see dialects)
Hibernate Tools, How do I do that?, Installing the Hibernate Tools in EclipseMapping Diagrams
code generation, Code GenerationCode Generation
creating Hibernate Console, Creating a Hibernate Console ConfigurationCreating a Hibernate Console Configuration, Creating a Hibernate Console Configuration
(see also Hibernate Console)
editing support, Now what?, More Editing SupportBut wait, there’s more!
installing in Eclipse, Installing the Hibernate Tools in EclipseNow what?
mapping diagrams, Mapping DiagramsMapping Diagrams
teaching Ant to use, How do I do that?
version of, How do I do that?
writing mapping documents, Writing a Mapping Document
Hibernate types (see custom value types; types)
Hibernate XML Configuration file, Configuring HibernateConfiguring Hibernate
hibernate-mapping tag, How do I do that?
auto-import attribute, Writing HQL Queries
hibernate.cfg.xml file, Configuring HibernateConfiguring Hibernate, A Maven Project Object Model, A Maven Project Object Model
working with annotations, How do I do that?
hibernate.configuration.driver_class configuration property, Hibernate configuration properties
hibernate.configuration.password configuration property, Hibernate configuration properties
hibernate.configuration.pool_size configuration property, Hibernate configuration properties
hibernate.configuration.url configuration property, Hibernate configuration properties
hibernate.configuration.username configuration property, Hibernate configuration properties
hibernate.connection configuration properties, What about…
hibernate.dialect configuration property, Hibernate configuration properties
hibernate.format_sql configuration property, Hibernate configuration properties file, How do I do that?
hibernate.show_sql configuration property, Hibernate configuration properties
hibernate.transaction.factory_class configuration property, Hibernate configuration properties
Hibernate3 Maven plug-in, A Maven Project Object Model, Parent/child Project Object Models, Parent/child Project Object Models, Using the Maven Hibernate3 Plug-inGenerating Hibernate mapping documentation
configuring, Configuring the Hibernate3 plug-in
generating Hibernate mapping documentation, Generating Hibernate mapping documentation
hbm2ddl goal, Building, Testing, and Running a Project
HibernateCallback interface, Implementing the ArtistDAO interface, How do I do that?
HibernateDaoSupport class, What is a Data Access Object?, Implementing the ArtistDAO interface, What HibernateDaoSupport provides
HibernateException exception, Using a Custom Type Mapping
hibernateProperties element (applicationContext.xml), Creating an Application Context, Hibernate configuration properties
HibernateTemplate class, Implementing the ArtistDAO interface, How do I do that?
HibernateTransactionManager class, How do I activate the transactional annotation?, Using a JTA Transaction Manager
hidden tag (Stripes), Add Stripes
HQL (Hibernate Query Language), What just happened?, A Look at HQLWhat about…
aggregate values, Working with Aggregate ValuesWhat just happened?
named parameters and named queries, Better Ways to Build Queries
annotations and, How do I do that?
native SQL queries, Writing Native SQL QueriesWhat about…
select clause, Selecting Properties and PiecesWhat about…, What about…What about…
sorting query output, Sorting
writing basic queries, Writing HQL QueriesWhat about…
HQL Editor view (Hibernate Console), The Hibernate Console Perspective
HSQLDB database engine, Using the HSQLDB Database Engine, A quick test
graphical interface, A quick test
schema generation, Cooking Up a SchemaWhat just happened?
Hypersonic SQL (see HSQLDB database engine)


id elements, How do I do that?, How do I do that?
ID generation, How do I do that?, What about…, How do I do that?
id() method (Projections), The Projection Factory
id property, data beans, Interceptors: a powerful way to extend stripes
IDE project files, generating (Maven), Generating IDE Project Files using MavenGenerating IDE Project Files using Maven
idea goal, Generating IDE Project Files using Maven
Idea IDE, generating projects for, Generating IDE Project Files using Maven
Identifier class, All Types
IdentifierBag class, All Types
idEq() method (Restrictions), The Criterion Factory
ignoreCase() method (Example), How do I do that?
ignoreCase() method (Order), What about…
ilike() method (Restrictions), The Criterion Factory, The Criterion Factory
Immutable class, All Types
implementation option (Hibernate3 Maven plug-in), Configuring the Hibernate3 plug-in, Configuring the Hibernate3 plug-in
import tag, Writing HQL Queries
importing annotations, How do I do that?
importing classes, How do I do that?
in() method (Property), The Property Factory
in() method (Restrictions), The Criterion Factory
in operator (HQL), How do I do that?
@Index annotation, How do I do that?
index.jsp file, Create the Web Application
@IndexColumn annotation, Annotating Album
indexing columns, How do I do that?
info messages (log4j), How do I do that?
insertable attribute (@JoinColumn), An Alternate Approach
install stage (Maven Build Lifecycle), The Maven Build Lifecycle, The Maven Build Lifecycle
Ant binary, Getting an Ant DistributionHow do I do that?
Hibernate Core, Using Hibernate CoreHow do I do that?
Hibernate Tools, in Eclipse, Installing the Hibernate Tools in EclipseNow what?
Maven, Installing Maven
Maven Tasks for Ant, Installing the Maven Tasks for Ant
Integer class, All Types
integration-test stage (Maven Build Lifecycle), The Maven Build Lifecycle
intercept() method, Interceptors: a powerful way to extend stripes, Interceptors: a powerful way to extend stripes
interceptors, Stripes, Interceptors: a powerful way to extend stripesInterceptors: a powerful way to extend stripes
@Intercepts annotation, Interceptors: a powerful way to extend stripes
inverse mapping, How do I do that?, Using Bidirectional Associations
(see also bidirectional associations)
making changes to, Using Bidirectional Associations
inversion of control (IOC), What Is Spring?, What is inversion of control?
invokeLater() method (SwingUtilities), Using Bidirectional Associations
IOC (inversion of control), What Is Spring?, What is inversion of control?
isEmpty() method (Property), The Property Factory
isEmpty() method (Restrictions), The Criterion Factory
isNotEmpty() method (Property), The Property Factory
isNotEmpty() method (Restrictions), The Criterion Factory
isNotNull() method (Property), The Property Factory
isNotNull() method (Restrictions), The Criterion Factory
isNull() method (Property), The Property Factory
isNull() method (Restrictions), The Criterion Factory
isolation attribute, Transactional annotation, Transactional annotation attributes, Transaction isolation
iterate() method (HibernateTemplate), How do I do that?


JAR artifact, generating, Building, Testing, and Running a Project
JAR packaging format, A Maven Project Object Model, Parent/child Project Object Models
jasper-compiler artifact, Create the Web Application
jasper-runtime artifact, Create the Web Application
Java annotations (see annotations)
Java classes, annotating, Annotating Model ObjectsDoes it work?
Java Generics capabilities, What about…
Java HSQLDB database engine, Using the HSQLDB Database Engine
Java Persistence API (JPA), Hibernate Annotations, How do I do that?
EntityManager interface, Why do I have to?, How do I do that?
Java projects, directory layout for, Maven’s standard directory layoutMaven’s standard directory layout
Java source files
compiling, How do I do that?
java task, A quick test
Java types, How do I do that?, Hibernate Types
Java version, Check Your Java Version
java.lang.Object, querying, How do I do that?
javac task, How do I do that?
JavaDoc tools, Hibernate Annotations
javax.persistence package, How do I do that?
JDBC auto-commit mode, What just happened?
JDBC batching, Configuring Hibernate
JDBC connection settings, How do I do that?, Configuring Hibernate
JDBC large objects, Basic Types
jdbc.batch_size property, Connecting to MySQL
jdk5 option (Hibernate3 Maven plug-in), Configuring the Hibernate3 plug-in
join tables, How do I do that?
@JoinColumn annotation, How do I do that?, Annotating Album, An Alternate Approach
joined tables, retrieving (from), What about…, How do I do that?What just happened?
JPA (Java Persistence API), Hibernate Annotations, How do I do that?
EntityManager interface, Why do I have to?, How do I do that?
JSP (Java Server Pages), Views, Add StripesAdd Stripes
JTA Transaction manager, Using a JTA Transaction Manager
JXR report, Generating Reports with Maven


key/id mapping, How do I do that?


label tag (Stripes), Add Stripes
lazy associations, Eager and Lazy AssociationsMy head hurts, How do I activate the transactional annotation?
le() method (Property), The Property Factory
le() method (Restrictions), How do I do that?, The Criterion Factory
leProperty() method (Property), The Property Factory
leProperty() method (Restrictions), The Criterion Factory
lifecycle, Maven (see Maven Build Lifecycle)
lifecycle, Stripes, Dealing with Associations
lifecycle associations, Lifecycle AssociationsHow do I do that?
lifecycle of mapped objects, How do I do that?
lightweight, Hibernate as, Introduction to Mapping
like() method (Property), The Property Factory
like() method (Restrictions), Compounding Criteria, The Criterion Factory
link tag (Stripes), Add Stripes
Linux distribution of Java, Check Your Java Version
List class, All Types
list order (see sorting)
lists of things (see collections)
Literal interface, All Types
load() method (HibernateTemplate), What HibernateDaoSupport provides, How do I do that?
loadAll() method (HibernateTemplate), How do I do that?, Write up an ActionBean
@LoadBean annotation, Interceptors: a powerful way to extend stripes
LoadObjectInterceptor class, Interceptors: a powerful way to extend stripes
local Maven repository, What just happened?
Locale class, All Types
locale type, Basic Types
localization types, Basic Types file, How do I do that?
info and warn messages, How do I do that?
Long class, All Types
lt() method (Property), The Property Factory
lt() method (Restrictions), The Criterion Factory
ltProperty() method (Property), The Property Factory
ltProperty() method (Restrictions), The Criterion Factory


M2_REPO classpath variable, Generating IDE Project Files using Maven
MANDATORY attribute (propagation attribute), Transaction propagation
manuals on Hibernate, Online Manuals
many-to-many associations, How do I do that?, What just happened?
many-to-one mappings, How do I do that?
reflexive links in, How do I do that?
@ManyToOne annotation, Annotating Album, An Alternate Approach
ManyToOne class, All Types
Map class, All Types
mapped properties, annotating, How do I do that?, How do I do that?
(see also annotations)
mapping, Introduction to MappingWhat about…
collections, Mapping CollectionsWhat just happened?
creating classes with, How do I do that?How do I do that?
creating database tables, Cooking Up a SchemaWhat just happened?
custom types, Using a Custom Type MappingWhat about…
completion assistance for, More Editing Support
for collections, Working with Simpler CollectionsHow do I do that?
generating documentation for (Hibernate3 Maven plug-in), Generating Hibernate mapping documentation
inverse mappings, How do I do that?
lifecycle of mapped objects, How do I do that?
schema creation on MySQL, Trying It Out
specifications for, embedding (see annotations)
writing mapping documents, Writing a Mapping DocumentHow do I do that?
mapping diagrams, Mapping DiagramsMapping Diagrams
mapping documents, Writing a Mapping DocumentHow do I do that?
annotations vs., Why do I care?, Why do I care?
(see also annotations)
editor for, Now what?
queries in, How do I do that?, How do I do that?
(see also queries)
MatchMode interface, How do I do that?
Maven, Maven in More DepthBecoming a Maven Maven
artifacts, A quick test, Create the Web Application
(see also specific artifact by name)
building, testing, and running projects, Building, Testing, and Running a ProjectBuilding, Testing, and Running a Project
community behind, Getting Involved
explained, What Is Maven?
generating IDE project files, Generating IDE Project Files using MavenGenerating IDE Project Files using Maven
generating reports with, Generating Reports with MavenGenerating Reports with Maven
Hibernate3 plug-in, A Maven Project Object Model, Parent/child Project Object Models, Parent/child Project Object Models, Using the Maven Hibernate3 Plug-inGenerating Hibernate mapping documentation
configuring, Configuring the Hibernate3 plug-in
generating Hibernate mapping documentation, Generating Hibernate mapping documentation
hbm2dll goal, Building, Testing, and Running a Project
installing, Installing Maven
learning to use well, Becoming a Maven MavenBecoming a Maven Maven
local repository, What just happened?
multimodule projects, Parent/child Project Object ModelsParent/child Project Object Models
pom.xml file, Maven in More Depth, Maven’s standard directory layout, A Maven Project Object ModelParent/child Project Object Models
build.xml vs., A Maven Project Object Model, A Maven Project Object Model
including Hibernate3 plug-in, Using the Maven Hibernate3 Plug-in
standard directory layout, Maven’s standard directory layoutMaven’s standard directory layout
Maven Build Lifecycle, Building, Testing, and Running a Project, The Maven Build LifecycleThe Maven Build Lifecycle
stages of (list), The Maven Build LifecycleThe Maven Build Lifecycle
Maven Tasks for Ant, Why do I care?, Getting the Maven Tasks for AntInstalling the Maven Tasks for Ant
defining dependences for, A quick test, What just happened?
max() method (Projections), How do I do that?, The Projection Factory
max() method (Property), The Property Factory
merge() method (HibernateTemplate), Implementing the ArtistDAO interface, How do I do that?
Meta class, All Types
meta element, How do I do that?
min() method (Projections), The Projection Factory
min() method (Property), The Property Factory
modules element (pom.xml), Parent/child Project Object Models
Mojo project, A Maven Project Object Model, Using the Maven Hibernate3 Plug-in, Using the Maven Hibernate3 Plug-in
multimodule Maven projects, Parent/child Project Object ModelsParent/child Project Object Models
Mutable class, All Types
mvn eclipse command, Generating IDE Project Files using Maven, Generating IDE Project Files using Maven
mvn idea command, Generating IDE Project Files using Maven
mvn package command, Building, Testing, and Running a Project
mvn site command, Generating Reports with MavenGenerating Reports with Maven
mvn test command, Building, Testing, and Running a Project
MySQL, Setting Up a MySQL DatabaseWhat about…
connecting to, Connecting to MySQLWhat just happened?
Hibernate Tools with, Creating a Hibernate Console Configuration
setting up database, Setting Up a MySQL Database
MySQL driver, Creating a Hibernate Console Configuration


named parameters, Why do I care?How do I do that?
Hibernate Console with, The Hibernate Console Perspective
named queries, Why do I care?How do I do that?
annotations and, How do I do that?
names, completion assistance for, More Editing Support
naming columns, How do I do that?
naming mapping files, How do I do that?
native SQL queries, Writing Native SQL QueriesWhat about…
naturalId() method (Restrictions), The Criterion Factory
ne() method (Property), The Property Factory
ne() method (Restrictions), The Criterion Factory
neProperty() method (Property), The Property Factory
neProperty() method (Restrictions), The Criterion Factory
NESTED attribute (propagation attribute), Transaction propagation
NEVER attribute (propagation attribute), Transaction propagation
noRollbackFor attribute, Transactional annotation, Transactional annotation attributes
noRollbackForClassName attribute, Transactional annotation, Transactional annotation attributes
not() method (Restrictions), The Criterion Factory
NOT_SUPPORTED attribute (propagation attribute), Transaction propagation
Nullable class, All Types
nullSafeGet() method, Using a Custom Type Mapping, How do I do that?
nullSafeSet() method, Using a Custom Type Mapping, How do I do that?


O/R mapping, Introduction to Mapping
object lifecycles, associations of, Lifecycle AssociationsHow do I do that?
object models, graphical view of, Mapping DiagramsMapping Diagrams
object properties (see properties)
object-oriented programming, Introduction to Mapping
annotating, Annotating Model ObjectsDoes it work?
associated with themselves (see reflexive associations)
loading data into (see queries)
loading into databases (see persistent objects, creating)
one-to-many mappings, How do I do that?
@OneToMany annotation, Annotating Album, An Alternate Approach
OneToOne class, All Types
online documentation on Hibernate, Online Manuals, Books
or() method (Restrictions), The Criterion Factory
Order class, What about…, The Order Factory
ordered collections, Ordered CollectionsHow do I do that?
OrderedMap class, All Types
OrderedSet class, All Types
ordering (see sorting)
org.hibernate.types package, Custom Value Types
outputfilename option (Hibernate3 Maven plug-in), Configuring the Hibernate3 plug-in


package names in queries, Writing HQL Queries
package stage (Maven Build Lifecycle), Building, Testing, and Running a Project, The Maven Build Lifecycle, The Maven Build Lifecycle
packaging element (pom.xml), A Maven Project Object Model, Parent/child Project Object Models, Parent/child Project Object Models
ParameterizedUserType interface, What about…
parent/child POMs (Maven), Parent/child Project Object ModelsParent/child Project Object Models
password attribute, deploy task, Create the Web Application
path attribute, deploy task, Create the Web Application
path element (build.xml), A quick test
persist() method (HibernateDaoSupport), What is a Data Access Object?, Implementing the ArtistDAO interface
persistent collections, creating, Persisting CollectionsWhat just happened?
persistent enumerated types, Defining a User Type, Defining a Persistent Enumerated TypeWhy didn’t it work?
creating custom mapping, Using a Custom Type MappingWhat about…
working with, Working with Persistent EnumerationsWhy didn’t it work?
persistent mapped objects, How do I do that?
persistent objects
creating, Creating Persistent ObjectsWhat about…
deleting, How do I do that?, What about…
retrieving, Finding Persistent ObjectsWhat about…
PersistentEnum interface, Defining a Persistent Enumerated Type
PersistentSet class, How do I activate the transactional annotation?
PlatformTransactionManager class, How do I activate the transactional annotation?
plug-in identifier (Maven), Building, Testing, and Running a Project
plugin element (pom.xml), A Maven Project Object Model
pom.xml file, Maven in More Depth, Maven’s standard directory layout, A Maven Project Object ModelParent/child Project Object Models
build.xml vs., A Maven Project Object Model
including Hibernate3 plug-in, Using the Maven Hibernate3 Plug-in
multimodule projects, Parent/child Project Object ModelsParent/child Project Object Models
POMs (Project Object Model files), What just happened?, What Is Maven?, A Maven Project Object ModelParent/child Project Object Models
including Hibernate3 plug-in, Using the Maven Hibernate3 Plug-in
multimodule projects, Parent/child Project Object ModelsParent/child Project Object Models
pool size, Hibernate connection, Hibernate configuration properties
post-integration-test stage (Maven Build Lifecycle), The Maven Build Lifecycle
pre-integration-test stage (Maven Build Lifecycle), The Maven Build Lifecycle
prepare target (build.xml), How do I do that?
codegen target and, How do I do that?
schema target and, How do I do that?
working with annotations, How do I do that?
prepare-package stage (Maven Build Lifecycle), The Maven Build Lifecycle
Primitive class, All Types
proceed() method (ExecutionContext), Interceptors: a powerful way to extend stripes, Interceptors: a powerful way to extend stripes
process-classes stage (Maven Build Lifecycle), A Maven Project Object Model, The Maven Build Lifecycle, The Maven Build Lifecycle
process-resources stage (Maven Build Lifecycle), The Maven Build Lifecycle
process-sources stage (Maven Build Lifecycle), The Maven Build Lifecycle
process-test-resources stage (Maven Build Lifecycle), The Maven Build Lifecycle
process-test-sources stage (Maven Build Lifecycle), The Maven Build Lifecycle
project dependences (see dependencies)
project directory, How do I do that?
project element (build.xml), A quick test
project element (pom.xml), A Maven Project Object Model
.project file (Eclipse), Generating IDE Project Files using Maven
project hierarchy, setting up, Setting Up a Project HierarchyWhy didn’t it work?
Project Object Model files (POMs), What just happened?, What Is Maven?, A Maven Project Object ModelParent/child Project Object Models
including Hibernate3 plug-in, Using the Maven Hibernate3 Plug-in
multimodule projects, Parent/child Project Object ModelsParent/child Project Object Models
project.class.path definition, How do I do that?
projection with criteria queries, Criteria Queries, Projection and Aggregation with CriteriaHow do I do that?
aliases with, for sorting, How do I do that?
ProjectionList objects, How do I do that?, How do I do that?
projectionList() method (Projections), How do I do that?, The Projection Factory
Projections class, How do I do that?, The Projection FactoryThe Projection Factory
projects, Maven, What Is Maven?, What Is Maven?
(see also Maven)
building, testing, and running, Building, Testing, and Running a ProjectBuilding, Testing, and Running a Project
class path resources, Parent/child Project Object Models
directory layour, Maven’s standard directory layoutMaven’s standard directory layout
generating IDE project files, Generating IDE Project Files using MavenGenerating IDE Project Files using Maven
generating reports on, Generating Reports with MavenGenerating Reports with Maven
propagation attribute, Transactional annotation, Transactional annotation attributes, Transaction propagation
completion assistance for, More Editing Support
querying in HQL, Selecting Properties and PiecesWhat about…
sorting query results by, How do I do that?
Properties view (Hibernate Console), The Hibernate Console Perspective
property accessories, ActionBean interface, Write up an ActionBean
Property class, Property-Oriented Criteria Factories, The Property FactoryThe Property Factory
property definitions, A quick test
property() method (Projections), The Projection Factory
property option (Hibernate3 Maven plug-in), Configuring the Hibernate3 plug-in
property values, mapping (see mapping)
property-oriented criteria factories, Property-Oriented Criteria FactoriesWhat about…


qtest target, How do I do that?
completion assistance for, The Hibernate Console Perspective
criteria queries, What about…, Criteria QueriesWhat about…
applying to associations, Applying Criteria to AssociationsWhat just happened?
compound criteria, Compounding CriteriaCompounding Criteria
projection and aggregation with, Criteria Queries, Projection and Aggregation with CriteriaHow do I do that?
property-oriented criteria factories, Property-Oriented Criteria FactoriesWhat about…
setting up by example, Querying by ExampleHow do I do that?
named, Why do I care?How do I do that?
annotations and, How do I do that?
native SQL, Writing Native SQL QueriesWhat about…
retrieving collections, Retrieving CollectionsRetrieving Collections
retrieving objects, Finding Persistent ObjectsWhat about…
with named parameters, Why do I care?How do I do that?
writing with HQL, Writing HQL QueriesWhat about…
aggregate functions, Working with Aggregate ValuesWhat just happened?
selecting properties and pieces, Selecting Properties and PiecesWhat about…
sorting query output, Sorting
Query interface, How do I do that?
uniqueResult() method, How do I do that?
Query Parameters view (Hibernate Console), The Hibernate Console Perspective
Query Result view (Hibernate Console), The Hibernate Console Perspective
query tag, How do I do that?


readOnly attribute, Transactional annotation, Transactional annotation attributes
READ_COMMITTED attribute (isolation attribute), Transaction isolation
READ_UNCOMMITTED attribute (isolation attribute), Transaction isolation
referencing XML configuration file, Configuring Hibernate
reflexive associations, Reflexive AssociationsHow do I do that?
refreshing Eclipse resources, Code Generation
relational databases, Introduction to Mapping
release (version)
Eclipse, How do I do that?
Hibernate, Dealing with Newer Releases
Hibernate Tools, How do I do that?
Java, Check Your Java Version
reloadable attribute (Context), Create the Web Application, Write up an ActionBean
REPEATABLE_READ attribute (isolation attribute), Transaction isolation
replace() method, How do I do that?
reporting element (pom.xml), A Maven Project Object Model
reporting, Maven, A Maven Project Object Model
reports, generating with Maven, Generating Reports with MavenGenerating Reports with Maven
REQUIRED attribute (propagation attribute), Transaction propagation
RequiredAnnotationBeanPostProcessor class, Creating an Application Context
REQUIRES_NEW attribute (propagation attribute), Transaction propagation
Resolutions, returning in Stripes, Write up an ActionBean, Write up an ActionBean
resources for Hibernate, Where to Go Next
Restrictions class, How do I do that?, Compounding Criteria, The Criteria APIThe Criterion Factory
@RetentionPolicy annotation, Interceptors: a powerful way to extend stripes
collections, Retrieving CollectionsRetrieving Collections
(from) joined tables, How do I do that?What just happened?
persistent objects, Finding Persistent ObjectsWhat about…
summary information, Working with Aggregate Values
with named parameters and named queries, Better Ways to Build Queries
return tag, How do I do that?
rollbackFor attribute, Transactional annotation, Transactional annotation attributes
rollbackForClassName attribute, Transactional annotation, Transactional annotation attributes
rowCount() method (Projections), How do I do that?, The Projection Factory
Run HQL button (Hibernate Console), The Hibernate Console Perspective
Run Schema Export option (Hibernate Console), The Hibernate Console Perspective
running Maven projects, Building, Testing, and Running a ProjectBuilding, Testing, and Running a Project


sa user, A quick test
save() method (HibernateTemplate), What HibernateDaoSupport provides, How do I do that?
save() method (Session), How do I do that?
saving transient mapped objects, How do I do that?
schema generation, Cooking Up a SchemaWhat just happened?
on MySQL, Trying It Out
using annotated classes, Does it work?Does it work?
schema target (build.xml), How do I do that?, How do I do that?
configuration element, Configuring Hibernate
prepare target and, How do I do that?
working with annotations, How do I do that?
schemas, radical changes to, What just happened?
SECOND function (HSQLDB), How do I do that?
second-level caching, turning off, Configuring Hibernate
select clause (HQL), Selecting Properties and PiecesWhat about…, What about…What about…
SERIALIZABLE attribute (isolation attribute), Transaction isolation
Serializable class, All Types
serializable type, Basic Types
servlet-api artifact, Create the Web Application
Session class, as factory for criteria, How do I do that?
session factories, How do I do that?
closing, How do I do that?
sessionFactory element (applicationContext.xml), Creating an Application Context
SessionImplementor interface, How do I do that?
sessions, How do I do that?
Set class, All Types
setContext() method (ActionBean), ActionBeans, Write up an ActionBean
setFirstResult() method (Criteria), What about…
setId() method, How do I do that?
setMaxResults() method (Criteria), What about…
setProjection() method (Criteria), How do I do that?, How do I do that?, Property-Oriented Criteria Factories
setPropertyValue() method, How do I do that?, Interceptors: a powerful way to extend stripes
setResultTransformer() method, What just happened?
setTime() method (Query), How do I do that?
Short class, All Types
show_sql property, Configuring Hibernate
shutting down database, How do I do that?
simple types, Basic Types
sizeEq() method (Restrictions), The Criterion Factory
sizeGe() method (Restrictions), The Criterion Factory
sizeGt() method (Restrictions), The Criterion Factory
sizeLe() method (Restrictions), The Criterion Factory
sizeLt() method (Restrictions), The Criterion Factory
sizeNe() method (Restrictions), The Criterion Factory
SortedMap class, All Types
SortedSet class, All Types
criteria query output, How do I do that?
HQL query output, Sorting
query results, What about…
source code, downloading, Source Code
Spring Framework, What Is Spring?It worked! Now what?
adding as dependency, Adding the Spring framework as a project dependency
application context, Creating an Application ContextHibernate configuration properties
community behind, Getting Involved
loading ApplicationContext objects, TestRunner: loading a Spring ApplicationContext
Stripes with, The Finishing Touch: Stripes with Spring and HibernateInterceptors: a powerful way to extend stripes
Transactional annotation, How do I activate the transactional annotation?How do I activate the transactional annotation?, Using the Spring Framework’s Transactional AnnotationUsing a JTA Transaction Manager
attributes, list of, Transactional annotation attributes
writing DAOs, Writing a Data Access ObjectWhere are the other DAOs?
SQL dialects (see dialects)
SQL for HQL queries, viewing, The Hibernate Console Perspective
SQL queries, Writing Native SQL QueriesWhat about…
sql-query tag, How do I do that?, What about…
sqlGroupProjection() method (Projections), The Projection Factory
sqlProjection() method (Projections), The Projection Factory
sqlRestriction() method (Restrictions), The Criterion Factory
sqlTypes() method, Using a Custom Type Mapping
src directory, How do I do that?
standard directory layout, Maven’s standard directory layout
stored procedures, What about…
String class, All Types
string conversion to uppercase, How do I do that?
string type, Basic Types
StringBean annotation (Stripes), Write up an ActionBean
Stripes, The Finishing Touch: Stripes with Spring and HibernateInterceptors: a powerful way to extend stripes
community behind, Getting Involved
compiling applications, Write up an ActionBean
dealing with associations, Dealing with AssociationsDealing with Associations
interceptors, Interceptors: a powerful way to extend stripesInterceptors: a powerful way to extend stripes
lifecycle of, Dealing with Associations
prerequisites for, Add StripesAdd Stripes
Tomcat environment, Prepare Tomcat
writing ActionBeans, Write up an ActionBeanWrite up an ActionBean
writing JSPs for, Add StripesAdd Stripes
stripes artifact, Create the Web Application
Stripes tag library, Add Stripes
StripesDispatcher class, Add Stripes
StripesFilter class, StripesFilter, Add Stripes file, Add Stripes
Struts, The Finishing Touch: Stripes with Spring and Hibernate
submit tag (Stripes), Add Stripes, Dealing with Associations
substitution syntax (Ant), A quick test
sum() method (Projections), The Projection Factory
summary information, retrieving, Working with Aggregate Values
SUPPORTS attribute (propagation attribute), Transaction propagation
SureFire plugin, Building, Testing, and Running a Project
Swing interfaces, Using Bidirectional Associations


table names, completion assistance for, More Editing Support
tables associated with themselves (see reflexive associations)
@Target annotation, Interceptors: a powerful way to extend stripes
target directory, Maven’s standard directory layout
target element (build.xml), A quick test
targets, A quick test
task definitions, How do I do that?
tasks (see targets)
@Temporal annotation, Annotating Track
test stage (Maven Build Lifecycle), Building, Testing, and Running a Project, The Maven Build Lifecycle, The Maven Build Lifecycle
test-compile stage (Maven Build Lifecycle), The Maven Build Lifecycle
testing Maven projects, Building, Testing, and Running a ProjectBuilding, Testing, and Running a Project
Text class, All Types
text tag (Stripes), Add Stripes
Time class, How do I do that?, All Types
time type, Basic Types
time-of-day annotations, Annotating Track
timeout attribute, Transactional annotation, Transactional annotation attributes
Timestamp class, All Types
timestamp type, Basic Types
TimeZone class, All Types
timezone type, Basic Types
Tomcat environment, Prepare Tomcat
community behind, Getting Involved
deploying using Ant, Create the Web ApplicationWhat just happened?
tomcat-context.xml file, Create the Web Application
tomcat-users.xml file, Prepare Tomcat
top-level POM file, Parent/child Project Object ModelsParent/child Project Object Models
Transactional annotation (Spring), How do I activate the transactional annotation?How do I activate the transactional annotation?, Using the Spring Framework’s Transactional AnnotationUsing a JTA Transaction Manager
attributes, list of, Transactional annotation attributes
transactions, How do I do that?
transient mapped objects, How do I do that?
transitive dependencies, What just happened?
TrueFalse class, All Types
tx:annotation-driven element (applicationContext.xml), Creating an Application Context, How do I activate the transactional annotation?
type attribute, artifacts, What just happened?
Type interface, All Types
type safety, What about…
TypeFactory class, All Types
types, Hibernate TypesAll Types
basic (built-in), Basic Types
composite, Defining a User Type
custom (see custom value types)
enumerated, Defining a User Type


uniqueByName() method (HibernateDaoSupport), Implementing the ArtistDAO interface
uniqueResult() method (Query), How do I do that?, How do I do that?
unit test results (Maven), Generating Reports with Maven
updatable attribute (@JoinColumn), An Alternate Approach
update() method (HibernateTemplate), How do I do that?
upper() function, How do I do that?
url attribute, deploy task, Create the Web Application
use-in-tostring meta tag, How do I do that?
useActionBean tag (Stripes), Add Stripes
user types (see custom value types)
username attribute, deploy task, Create the Web Application
UserType interface, Using a Custom Type Mapping, Basic Types
usertypes target (build.xml), Not so fast!
working with annotations, How do I do that?


validate stage (Maven Build Lifecycle), The Maven Build Lifecycle
validation annotations, Stripes, Write up an ActionBean
value types, Hibernate TypesAll Types
basic (built-in), Basic Types
value types, custom, Defining a User TypeWhat about…
compiling, Not so fast!, Why didn’t it work?
composite types, Defining a User Type, Building a Composite User TypeHow do I do that?
enumerated types, Defining a User Type, Defining a Persistent Enumerated TypeWhy didn’t it work?
working with, Working with Persistent EnumerationsWhy didn’t it work?
mapping for, Using a Custom Type MappingWhat about…
values, Hibernate Types
verify stage (Maven Build Lifecycle), The Maven Build Lifecycle
Eclipse, How do I do that?
Hibernate, Dealing with Newer Releases
Hibernate Tools, How do I do that?
Java, Check Your Java Version
version attribute, artifacts, What just happened?
version attribute, dependency element (build.xml), A quick test
version element (pom.xml), A Maven Project Object Model, Parent/child Project Object Models
Version interface, All Types


warn messages (log4j), How do I do that?
WEB-INF/lib directory, Add Stripes, Add Stripes
web.xml file, Create the Web Application
Stripes integration, Add Stripes
webapp directory, Maven’s standard directory layout
WrapperBinary class, All Types


XDoclet project, Hibernate Annotations
XML editor with Hibernate Tools, Now what?, More Editing Support
xmlns:artifact namespace definition, A quick test


YesNo class, All Types
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