Chapter 10. Connecting Hibernate to MySQL

Setting Up a MySQL Database

As nifty and self-contained as HSQLDB is, your project may not be in the market for an embedded Java database. In fact, you’re likely going to want to interface with some existing, external database server. Luckily, that’s just as easy (assuming you have the database already up and running, which is certainly beyond the scope of this walkthrough).


This example assumes you’ve already got a working MySQL instance, and can administer it.

To highlight this flexibility in database choices, let’s take a look at what we’d change in Chapter 2 if we wanted to connect Hibernate to a MySQL database.

How do I do that?

Connect to your MySQL server and set up a new database to play with, as shown in Example 10-1.

Example 10-1. Setting up the MySQL database notebook_db
% mysql -u root -p
Enter password:
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or g.
Your MySQL connection id is 3 to server version: 5.0.21

Type 'help;' or 'h' for help. Type 'c' to clear the buffer.

mysql> CREATE DATABASE notebook_db;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.03 sec)

mysql> GRANT ALL ON notebook_db.* TO 'jim'@'janus.reseune.pvt' IDENTIFIED BY 's3
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.02 sec)

mysql> quit;

Make a note of the database name you create, as well as the user and password that grant access to it. You will need to enter these into hibernate.cfg.xml, as shown later in Example 10-3. (And hopefully you’ll use a more robust password than this in your real databases!) If your database server is a different machine than where you’re running the examples, put the example machine’s hostname in the GRANT line rather than localhost (or use '%' to indicate any host is acceptable if you’re on a secure private network).

Connecting to MySQL

Next, we’ll need a JDBC driver capable of connecting to MySQL. We can get this by adding another dependency in build.xml, as shown in Example 10-2. It’s fine to have drivers for several different databases available to your code; they won’t conflict with each other, since the Hibernate configuration file specifies which driver class to use. (If you’re curious about how to get this driver “by hand,” you can download Connector/J from the MySQL site). If you want to avoid confusion on the part of future readers of the file, though, feel free to delete the hsqldb dependency, as well as the db target since data will no longer be showing up in HSQLDB to be viewed by that GUI.

Example 10-2. Adding the MySQL driver to our project dependencies in build.xml
  <artifact:dependencies pathId="dependency.class.path">
    <dependency groupId="hsqldb" artifactId="hsqldb" version=""/>
    <dependency groupId="mysql" artifactId="mysql-connector-java"
    <dependency groupId="org.hibernate" artifactId="hibernate"

Speaking of the configuration file, it’s time to edit hibernate.cfg.xml to use the new driver and database we’ve just made available. Example 10-3 shows how to set up a connection to my own MySQL instance using the database created by Example 10-1 earlier. You’ll need to tweak these values to correspond to your own server, your database, and the login credentials you chose. (If you’re using MM.MySQL, the older incarnation of the MySQL JDBC driver, the driver_class will need to be com.mysql.jdbc.Driver.)

Also, delete the jdbc.batch_size property towards the bottom of the file. The MySQL driver doesn’t have any problems reporting actual errors from inside batches, unlike the HSQLDB driver we’ve been using, and there is an even larger performance penalty from turning off batches when talking to an out-of-process database.

Example 10-3. Changes to hibernate.cfg.xml to connect to the new MySQL database
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<!DOCTYPE hibernate-configuration PUBLIC
        "-//Hibernate/Hibernate Configuration DTD 3.0//EN"
    <!-- SQL dialect -->
    <property name="dialect">org.hibernate.dialect.MySQL5Dialect</property>
    <!-- Database connection settings -->
    <property name="connection.driver_class">com.mysql.jdbc.Driver</property>
    <property name="connection.username">jim</property>
    <property name="connection.password">s3cret</property>
    <property name="connection.shutdown">true</property>



If you’re running MySQL on a different machine than on the one on which you’re testing the examples, the third property definition here will need to reflect your database server name. Also, the connection.shutdown property is no longer needed, but it won’t hurt anything if you leave it in.

Trying It Out

Once this is all set, you can rerun the schema-creation example that was set up in “Cooking Up a Schema” way back in Chapter 2. This time it will build the schema on your MySQL server rather than in the embedded HSQLDB world. You’ll see output like what’s shown in Example 10-4, although it will be longer than the example, in which we’ve cut out some of the repetitive and boring output, and highlighted a few particularly salient bits that prove our new settings have taken effect. (Note that we’re starting with a separate ant prepare invocation, since this is the first time we’re working in this chapter’s example directory, and we need the right files in the class path before Ant first starts up to run the schema target.)

Example 10-4. Schema creation when connecting to MySQL
% ant prepare
Buildfile: build.xml
Downloading: mysql/mysql-connector-java/5.0.5/mysql-connector-java-5.0.5.pom
Transferring 1K
Downloading: mysql/mysql-connector-java/5.0.5/mysql-connector-java-5.0.5.jar
Transferring 500K

    [mkdir] Created dir: /Users/jim/svn/oreilly/hibernate/current/examples/ch10/
     [copy] Copying 5 files to /Users/jim/svn/oreilly/hibernate/current/examples

Total time: 3 seconds

% ant schema
Buildfile: build.xml


    [javac] Compiling 2 source files to /Users/jim/svn/oreilly/hibernate/current

[hibernatetool] Executing Hibernate Tool with a Standard Configuration
[hibernatetool] 1. task: hbm2java (Generates a set of .java files)
[hibernatetool] 16:46:38,403  INFO Environment:514 - Hibernate 3.2.5
[hibernatetool] 16:46:38,415  INFO Environment:547 - not fo
[hibernatetool] 16:46:38,419  INFO Environment:681 - Bytecode provider name : cg
[hibernatetool] 16:46:38,434  INFO Environment:598 - using JDK 1.4 java.sql.Time
stamp handling
[hibernatetool] 16:46:38,561  INFO Configuration:1460 - configuring from file: h
[hibernatetool] 16:46:38,740  INFO Configuration:553 - Reading mappings from res
ource : com/oreilly/hh/data/Track.hbm.xml
[hibernatetool] 16:46:38,932  INFO HbmBinder:300 - Mapping class: com.oreilly.hh
.data.Track -> TRACK
[hibernatetool] 16:46:39,110  INFO HbmBinder:1422 - Mapping collection: com.orei -> TRACK_ARTISTS
[hibernatetool] 16:46:39,239  INFO Configuration:1541 - Configured SessionFactor
y: null
[hibernatetool] 16:46:39,411  INFO Version:15 - Hibernate Tools 3.2.0.b9

    [javac] Compiling 9 source files to /Users/jim/svn/oreilly/hibernate/current

[hibernatetool] Executing Hibernate Tool with a Standard Configuration
[hibernatetool] 1. task: hbm2ddl (Generates database schema)
[hibernatetool] 16:46:41,502  INFO Configuration:1460 - configuring from file: h
[hibernatetool] 16:46:41,515  INFO Configuration:553 - Reading mappings from res
ource : com/oreilly/hh/data/Track.hbm.xml
[hibernatetool] 16:46:41,629  INFO Configuration:1541 - Configured SessionFactor
y: null
[hibernatetool] 16:46:41,659  INFO Dialect:152 - Using dialect: org.hibernate.di
[hibernatetool] 16:46:41,714  INFO SchemaExport:154 - Running hbm2ddl schema exp
[hibernatetool] 16:46:41,716  INFO SchemaExport:179 - exporting generated schema
 to database
[hibernatetool] 16:46:41,725  INFO DriverManagerConnectionProvider:41 - Using Hi
bernate built-in connection pool (not for production use!)
[hibernatetool] 16:46:41,726  INFO DriverManagerConnectionProvider:42 - Hibernat
e connection pool size: 1
[hibernatetool] 16:46:41,727  INFO DriverManagerConnectionProvider:45 - autocomm
it mode: false
[hibernatetool] 16:46:41,745  INFO DriverManagerConnectionProvider:80 - using dr
iver: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver at URL: jdbc:mysql://localhost/notebook_db
[hibernatetool] 16:46:41,746  INFO DriverManagerConnectionProvider:86 - connecti
on properties: {user=jim, password=****, shutdown=true}
[hibernatetool] alter table ALBUM_ARTISTS drop foreign key FK7BA403FC76BBFFF9;
[hibernatetool] alter table TRACK_COMMENTS drop foreign key FK105B2688E424525B;
[hibernatetool] drop table if exists ALBUM;
[hibernatetool] drop table if exists ALBUM_ARTISTS;
[hibernatetool] drop table if exists ALBUM_COMMENTS;
[hibernatetool] drop table if exists ALBUM_TRACKS;
[hibernatetool] drop table if exists ARTIST;
[hibernatetool] drop table if exists TRACK;
[hibernatetool] drop table if exists TRACK_ARTISTS;
[hibernatetool] drop table if exists TRACK_COMMENTS;
[hibernatetool] create table ALBUM (ALBUM_ID integer not null auto_increment, TI
TLE varchar(255) not null, numDiscs integer, added date, primary key (ALBUM_ID))
[hibernatetool] create table ALBUM_ARTISTS (ALBUM_ID integer not null, ARTIST_ID
 integer not null, primary key (ALBUM_ID, ARTIST_ID));
[hibernatetool] create table ALBUM_COMMENTS (ALBUM_ID integer not null, COMMENT 
[hibernatetool] create table ALBUM_TRACKS (ALBUM_ID integer not null, TRACK_ID i
nteger, disc integer, positionOnDisc integer, LIST_POS integer not null, primary
[hibernatetool] create table ARTIST (ARTIST_ID integer not null auto_increment, 
NAME varchar(255) not null unique, actualArtist integer, primary key (ARTIST_ID)
[hibernatetool] create table TRACK (TRACK_ID integer not null auto_increment, TI
TLE varchar(255) not null, filePath varchar(255) not null, playTime time, added 
date, VOL_LEFT smallint, VOL_RIGHT smallint, sourceMedia varchar(255), primary k
ey (TRACK_ID));
[hibernatetool] create table TRACK_ARTISTS (TRACK_ID integer not null, ARTIST_ID
 integer not null, primary key (TRACK_ID, ARTIST_ID));
[hibernatetool] create table TRACK_COMMENTS (TRACK_ID integer not null, COMMENT 
[hibernatetool] create index ALBUM_TITLE on ALBUM (TITLE);
[hibernatetool] alter table ALBUM_ARTISTS add index FK7BA403FC76BBFFF9 (ARTIST_I
D), add constraint FK7BA403FC76BBFFF9 foreign key (ARTIST_ID) references ARTIST 
[hibernatetool] alter table ALBUM_ARTISTS add index FK7BA403FCF2AD8FDB (ALBUM_ID
), add constraint FK7BA403FCF2AD8FDB foreign key (ALBUM_ID) references ALBUM (AL
[hibernatetool] alter table ALBUM_COMMENTS add index FK1E2C21E4F2AD8FDB (ALBUM_I
D), add constraint FK1E2C21E4F2AD8FDB foreign key (ALBUM_ID) references ALBUM (A
[hibernatetool] alter table ALBUM_TRACKS add index FKD1CBBC78E424525B (TRACK_ID)
, add constraint FKD1CBBC78E424525B foreign key (TRACK_ID) references TRACK (TRA
[hibernatetool] alter table ALBUM_TRACKS add index FKD1CBBC78F2AD8FDB (ALBUM_ID)
, add constraint FKD1CBBC78F2AD8FDB foreign key (ALBUM_ID) references ALBUM (ALB
[hibernatetool] create index ARTIST_NAME on ARTIST (NAME);
[hibernatetool] alter table ARTIST add index FK7395D347A1422D3B (actualArtist), 
add constraint FK7395D347A1422D3B foreign key (actualArtist) references ARTIST (
[hibernatetool] create index TRACK_TITLE on TRACK (TITLE);
[hibernatetool] alter table TRACK_ARTISTS add index FK72EFDAD8E424525B (TRACK_ID
), add constraint FK72EFDAD8E424525B foreign key (TRACK_ID) references TRACK (TR
[hibernatetool] alter table TRACK_ARTISTS add index FK72EFDAD876BBFFF9 (ARTIST_I
D), add constraint FK72EFDAD876BBFFF9 foreign key (ARTIST_ID) references ARTIST 
[hibernatetool] alter table TRACK_COMMENTS add index FK105B2688E424525B (TRACK_I
D), add constraint FK105B2688E424525B foreign key (TRACK_ID) references TRACK (T
[hibernatetool] 16:46:42,630  INFO SchemaExport:196 - schema export complete
[hibernatetool] 16:46:42,631  INFO DriverManagerConnectionProvider:147 - cleanin
g up connection pool: jdbc:mysql://localhost/notebook_db
[hibernatetool] 9 errors occurred while performing <hbm2ddl>.
[hibernatetool] Error #1: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.MySQLSyntaxErrorException: T
able 'notebook_db.album_artists' doesn't exist
[hibernatetool] Error #1: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.MySQLSyntaxErrorException: T
able 'notebook_db.album_artists' doesn't exist
[hibernatetool] Error #1: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.MySQLSyntaxErrorException: T
able 'notebook_db.album_comments' doesn't exist
[hibernatetool] Error #1: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.MySQLSyntaxErrorException: T
able 'notebook_db.album_tracks' doesn't exist
[hibernatetool] Error #1: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.MySQLSyntaxErrorException: T
able 'notebook_db.album_tracks' doesn't exist
[hibernatetool] Error #1: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.MySQLSyntaxErrorException: T
able 'notebook_db.artist' doesn't exist
[hibernatetool] Error #1: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.MySQLSyntaxErrorException: T
able 'notebook_db.track_artists' doesn't exist
[hibernatetool] Error #1: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.MySQLSyntaxErrorException: T
able 'notebook_db.track_artists' doesn't exist
[hibernatetool] Error #1: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.MySQLSyntaxErrorException: T
able 'notebook_db.track_comments' doesn't exist

Total time: 8 seconds

What just happened?

Hibernate configured itself to work with MySQL’s specific features, examined the mapping document for our Track class, connected to the MySQL server, and executed the commands necessary to build a database schema for persisting our examples. (As before, there are several SQL exceptions reported at the end which, like Hibernate, you can ignore; they came from Hibernate’s attempts to drop foreign keys that didn’t yet exist, since this was the first time we were attempting to create the schema.)

Again, don’t worry about the errors that appear at the end; these are caused by Hibernate’s preemptive attempts to drop tables in case the schema already partially existed. Even though it reports them, it doesn’t consider them a problem either, and proceeds with the rest of the schema creation task, reporting success in the end.

It’s interesting to compare this with the HSQLDB version, Example 2-7. The output is almost the same, but there are clear differences in the SQL used to actually create the tables. This is what Hibernate means by SQL“dialects.”

Looking at the Data

Back on the server, you can fire up the MySQL client again and confirm that the Track mapping schema has been created, as shown in Example 10-5.

Example 10-5. Checking the newly created MySQL schema
% mysql -u jim -p
Enter password:
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or g.
Your MySQL connection id is 21 to server version: 5.0.27

Type 'help;' or 'h' for help. Type 'c' to clear the buffer.

mysql> use notebook_db
Reading table information for completion of table and column names
You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A
Database changed

mysql> show tables;
| Tables_in_notebook_db |
| ALBUM_ARTISTS         | 
| ALBUM_COMMENTS        | 
| ALBUM_TRACKS          | 
| ARTIST                | 
| TRACK_ARTISTS         | 
| TRACK_COMMENTS        | 
| album                 | 
| track                 | 
8 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> describe track;
| Field       | Type         | Null | Key | Default | Extra          |
| TRACK_ID    | int(11)      | NO   | PRI | NULL    | auto_increment | 
| TITLE       | varchar(255) | NO   | MUL |         |                | 
| filePath    | varchar(255) | NO   |     |         |                | 
| playTime    | time         | YES  |     | NULL    |                | 
| added       | date         | YES  |     | NULL    |                | 
| VOL_LEFT    | smallint(6)  | YES  |     | NULL    |                | 
| VOL_RIGHT   | smallint(6)  | YES  |     | NULL    |                | 
| sourceMedia | varchar(255) | YES  |     | NULL    |                | 
8 rows in set (0.03 sec)

mysql> select * from TRACK;
Empty set (0.00 sec)

mysql> describe album_tracks;
| Field          | Type    | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| ALBUM_ID       | int(11) | NO   | PRI |         |       | 
| TRACK_ID       | int(11) | YES  | MUL | NULL    |       | 
| disc           | int(11) | YES  |     | NULL    |       | 
| positionOnDisc | int(11) | YES  |     | NULL    |       | 
| LIST_POS       | int(11) | NO   | PRI |         |       | 
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> quit;

It’s not surprising to find the table empty. But if you run ant ctest from your example directory and then try the select query again, you’ll see data like that in Example 10-6. One configuration file is the only change we need to make to completely switch the database with which Hibernate is working. This has come in handy more than a few times on production projects when clients change their minds about where they want data, or if multiple developers prefer to work on different operating systems.

Example 10-6. Looking at the TRACK table after running ctest
mysql> select * from track;
| TRACK_ID | TITLE                                    | filePath                
  | playTime | added      | VOL_LEFT | VOL_RIGHT | sourceMedia |
|        1 | Russian Trance                           | vol2/album610/
3 | 00:03:30 | 2007-09-22 |      100 |       100 | CD          | 
|        2 | Video Killed the Radio Star              | vol2/album611/
3 | 00:03:49 | 2007-09-22 |      100 |       100 | VHS         | 
|        3 | Gravity's Angel                          | vol2/album175/
3 | 00:06:06 | 2007-09-22 |      100 |       100 | CD          | 
|        4 | Adagio for Strings (Ferry Corsten Remix) | vol2/album972/
3 | 00:06:35 | 2007-09-22 |      100 |       100 | CD          | 
|        5 | Adagio for Strings (ATB Remix)           | vol2/album972/
3 | 00:07:39 | 2007-09-22 |      100 |       100 | CD          | 
|        6 | The World '99                            | vol2/singles/pvw99.mp3  
  | 00:07:05 | 2007-09-22 |      100 |       100 | STREAM      | 
|        7 | Test Tone 1                              | vol2/singles/test01.mp3 
  | 00:00:10 | 2007-09-22 |       50 |        75 | NULL        | 
7 rows in set (0.00 sec)

What about…

…a graphical way to work with MySQL? If you’d rather be in an environment like the graphical interface we illustrated for HSQLDB, you’ll want to check out the MySQL GUI tools that can be downloaded at

…connecting to Oracle, or another favorite, shared, or legacy database that doesn’t happen to be MySQL or HSQLDB? You’ve probably already figured out that it’s just as easy. All you need to do is change the hibernate.dialect property in your hibernate.cfg.xml to reflect the kind of database you want to use. There are many dialects available, covering nearly every free and commercial database I can think of; the ones available at the time of writing this book are listed in Appendix C, but check the Hibernate documentation for the latest list. If you need to work with a more obscure database, you may have to write your own dialect to support it, but that seems unlikely (and check to see if anyone’s already started that effort).

Once you’ve got the dialect chosen, you’ll also need to set the hibernate.connection properties (driver, URL, username, and password) to the proper values for establishing a JDBC connection to your chosen database environment. If you’re porting an existing project to use Hibernate, you’ll be able to obtain these from the code or configuration of that project. And, naturally, you’ll need to include the database’s JDBC driver as a dependency for your project during build and runtime.

Of course, if you’re connecting to an existing or shared database, you won’t be using Hibernate to create the schema. Instead, you’ll write the mapping document to reflect the existing schema, either by hand or with the help of the Hibernate Tools (which we explore more deeply in Chapter 11), or a third-party package like Middlegen, and then start working with the data in the form of persistent objects.

You can even use Hibernate to talk to multiple different databases at the same time; you just need to create multiple SessionFactory instances with separate configurations. This goes beyond the simple, automatic configuration demonstrated here, but there are examples in the Hibernate reference documentation. Of course, a persistent object can only be associated with a single session at a time, which means it can only be linked to a single database at once. With clever, careful coding, though, you can copy or move objects between different database systems, even with a different schema to represent them. That’s way out of scope for this book, though!

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