Why generative models

In the following illustration, we can see the main difference between generative models and discriminative models. With discriminative models, we generally try to find ways of separating or "discriminating" between different classes in our data. However, with generative models, we try to find out the probability distribution of our data. In the illustration, the distributions are represented by the large blue and yellow blobs that contain smaller circles. If we learn this distribution from our data, we will be able to sample or "generate" new data points that should belong to it like the red triangle.

Trying to capture the probability distribution of a dataset has the following use cases:

  • Pretrain a model with unlabeled data
  • Augment your dataset (in theory, if you capture the probability distribution of your data, you can generate more data)
  • Compress your data (lossy)
  • Create some sort of simulator (for example, a quadcopter can be controlled with four inputs; if you capture this data and train a generative model on it, you can learn the dynamics of the drone)

The expectation when using generative models is that if we're able to create new data similar to the original input data, our model must have learned something about the distribution of our data.

Generative neural network models are trained to produce data samples that resemble the training set. As the number of model parameters is smaller than the dimensionality of the training data, the models are forced to discover efficient data representations .

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