
I often hear stories of how clay changed the lives of my friends and colleagues. For me, it’s no different. I would be a completely different person had I not encountered clay: It captivated my mind, occupied my hands, populated my senses, and set me on a path that defined who I am. Along that path there have been many twists and turns, but none so transformative as tile. I started my career as a potter, making vessels. I first “discovered” tile when I started making single tile designs as one-offs for craft shows. Little did I realize, tile would quickly come to stand shoulder to shoulder with vessels. As my career pivoted to making tile, I found it challenged my notions of surface, scale, economy, and design in ways I could not have previously imagined.

In this book, I’ll outline much of what I wish I had known when I stumbled headlong into the world of tile with only an academic knowledge of the craft. Admittedly, this book cannot do it all. It is not meant to be the bible on making tile. Tile has a rich history and it would take another book (actually, multiple books!) to cover it all. In the pages that follow, what you’ll find is a useful primer. It’s a survey of techniques, ideas, and tips that will help you move confidently from inspiration to realization. Through these chapters, you will develop an idea, put it into context, assess the viability of your project, and install the tile in a lasting and thoughtful way. It will be your guide in problem solving and act as a doorway into further exploration.

The first chapter starts with the basics, taking a quick look at the history of tile as well as the difference between tile made by industry and by hand. Moving on, we’ll go through the basics of clay and considerations to keep in mind when making tile. A variety of tutorials will help you create your first tiles, whether you’d like to use a slab roller, an extruder, or roll them by hand. The next chapter will look at the surface of tile, including techniques for glazing, image transfer, and cuerda seca. It will also cover firing considerations. Before getting into installation, we’ll take a detour to examine how tile fits in the context of a space. Finally, we will work our way through installation, including setting, grouting, and sealing.

Throughout the book, you’ll find artist features showcasing some of the innovative people making tile today. No matter where you start, or what project you’re looking to create, I hope that the information on these pages helps you on your way. Keep an open mind, find inspiration, and enjoy all the possibilities offered by tile.

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