

  1. Accountability: bureaucratic; challenging to administrative; designing governance for; direct public participation and; frameworks of; infrastructure for; issues in; monitoring contract-vendor performance; origins of; performance budgeting and; performance measurement for; principle and origins of; public participation and; in public policy areas; transparency and. See also Transparency
  2. Acquisition
  3. Acton, Lord
  4. Ad hoc program evaluations
  5. Adams, G.
  6. Adarand v. Pena
  7. “Administration without Borders” (Koppel)
  8. Administrative Dispute Resolution Act (ADRA)
  9. Administrative evil
  10. Administrative Procedure Act (APA)
  11. Administrative skills: being effective collaborators; collective leadership as; communication skills; compensating public employees; designing revenue systems; developing social media strategies; enacting collective leadership; intrapersonal skills; managing e-government; negotiating as; overview; required with grants. See also Governance
  12. Administrative State, The (Waldo)
  13. Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations
  14. Affordable Care Act
  15. Agency for International Development v. Alliance for Open Society International
  16. Agent theory of corruption
  17. Ahn, M.J.
  18. Aidt, T.S.
  19. Alford, J.
  20. Alliances. See Collaborative governance
  21. Alter, K.
  22. American Insurance Association v. Garamendi
  23. American Political Science Association
  24. American Public Relations Association
  25. American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA)
  26. American Society for Public Administration (ASPA)
  27. Americans with Disabilities Act
  28. AmericaSpeaks
  29. AMERON v. US Army Corps of Engineers
  30. Amsler, L.B.
  31. Analyzer strategies
  32. Ancona, D.
  33. Andrews, R.
  34. Ansell, C.
  35. Anti-Lobbying Act
  36. Appleby, P.
  37. Aristigueta, M.P.
  38. Armed Services Procurement Act
  39. Armenakis, A.A.
  40. Articles of Confederation
  41. Ashforth, B.E.
  42. Association of American Railroads v. US Department of Transportation
  43. Atkin, C.K.
  44. Audiences: direct appeals to; faulty assumptions about; hard-to-reach; knowing; targeting specific; using marketing concepts with
  45. Audits: of organizational finances; program evaluations following
  46. Austin, J.E.
  47. Authority: to bargain in negotiations; collective leadership and decentralized; considering limits and jurisdiction of; US executive


  1. Backman, E.
  2. Bad apples theory
  3. Balazs, K.
  4. Baldacci, E.
  5. Baldwin, J.
  6. Balfour, D.
  7. Barebis,
  8. Bargaining: on grant requirements; hard; identifying individual with authority for; integrative
  9. Bargaining zone (BZ)
  10. Barro, R.J.
  11. Basel Committee
  12. Bashir, S.
  13. BATNA (best alternatives to negotiated agreements): defined; knowing each party's
  14. Battalina, J.
  15. Bauer, A.
  16. Bauer, M.
  17. Becker, J.A.
  18. Behavior: accountability of leader's; changing with communication skills; collective leadership; identifying dynamics in negotiations; regulating government employees'; setting standards with codes of ethics; skills of effective collaborators
  19. Behn, R.D.
  20. Bélanger, F.
  21. Berger, C.R.
  22. Berman, E.
  23. Berman v. Parker
  24. Bernier, L.
  25. Berry, J.
  26. Bielefeld, W.
  27. Bingham, L.B.
  28. Blake, S.
  29. Blame avoidance
  30. Blenkinsopp, J.
  31. Block grants
  32. Boost4Kids
  33. Borins, S.
  34. Boschken, H.L.
  35. Bouckaert, G.
  36. Boundaries: erosion of administrative; managing in collaborations; public laws delineating governance; transcending with collective leadership
  37. Bovaird, T.
  38. Bovens, M.
  39. Bovey, W.H.
  40. Bowman, J.S.
  41. Boyne, G.A.
  42. Bozeman, B.
  43. Brennan, W.
  44. Bretschneider, S.
  45. Brett, J.
  46. Bretton Woods
  47. Brewer, G.
  48. Brewer, G.A.
  49. Brewer, M.B.
  50. Breyer, S.
  51. Bribes
  52. Briggs, X.
  53. Brookes, S.
  54. Brown, M.
  55. Brown, S.
  56. Brown, T.L.
  57. Brudney, J.L.
  58. Bryson, J.M.
  59. Budgeting and fiscal administration: implications for performance budgeting design; improving revenue system adequacy and stability; justifying budgets with performance measurement data; overview. See also Financial resources; Performance budgeting
  60. Buell, R.W.
  61. Bureaucracies: auditing organizational finances; corruption and patronage in; meritocratic recruitment and; professionalizing; qualities of information provided by; transparency and citizens' perception of
  62. Burke, W.W.
  63. Burnout
  64. Bush, G.W., administration of
  65. Buss, T.F.


  1. Campbell Collaboration
  2. Campos, A.
  3. Cardona, F.
  4. Career anchors
  5. Career Orientation Inventory
  6. Caron, R.
  7. Cartel organizations
  8. Carter administration
  9. Casciaro, T.
  10. Ceballus, R.
  11. Center for Creative Leadership
  12. Center for Performance Measurement (ICMA)
  13. Centers for Disease Control
  14. CGI Federal
  15. Chaleef, I.
  16. website
  17. Chandler, R.
  18. Chang, A-M.
  19. Change: based on alignment to strategic stance; communication skills needed for; dealing with; effective governance and; flux in public administration; nonprofit practices for social; psychological reaction to; seen in U.S. intergovernmental landscape; since World War II. See also Resistance to change
  20. Chevreau, F.
  21. Chevron v. National Resources Defense Council
  22. Chief Financial Officers Act
  23. Chohan, S.N.
  24. Choi,
  25. Choi, S.
  26. Choi, Y.
  27. Christensen, R.K.
  28. Chun, Y.H.
  29. Cibler, B.
  30. Citizen-driven government
  31. Citizens: effect of corruption on,; errors of attribution and assessment by; expectations of government; governmental transparency to; government's accountability for rights of; holding governments accountable; increased digital literacy of; initiating corrupt actions; involving in public administrations; participation by; protecting from government surveillance; public laws recognizing rights of; rating agency's performance effectiveness; regulatory agency contact with constituent groups; relationships with government; role in coproduction
  32. Citizen's Jury process
  33. City councils: contacting members and managers of,; good communications with; liaisons with; maintaining partisan balance with; preparing testimony for
  34. City-County Communications and Marketing Association
  35. City of Norfolk
  36. City of Ontario v. Quon
  37. City of Rancho Palos Verdes v. Abrams
  38. Civil Rights Act
  39. Civil servants. See Employees; Public service motivation
  40. Civil Service Code of Ethics (Poland)
  41. Civil Service Code (United Kingdom)
  42. Civil service reforms
  43. Clean Air Act
  44. Clinton administration
  45. Clinton v. Jones
  46. Coalition for Evidence Based-Policy
  47. Coch, L.
  48. Code of Ethics for Civil Service (Macedonia)
  49. Code of Ethics of Public Servants (Czech Republic)
  50. Codelivery of services. See Coproduction
  51. Codes of ethics: ASPA,; ICMA; implementing; measuring effectiveness of; OECD; overview; setting standards of behavior with
  52. Cognitive biases in negotiations
  53. Cognitive capacity
  54. Cognitive style
  55. Cohen, H.
  56. Collaboration: boundaries in organizational,; building knowledge base with; building stakeholder support in; CI initiatives vs.; collective leadership and; cooperation within intergovernmental systems in U.S.; coproduction vs.; defined; developing collaborative mind-set; e-government promotion of; effectively managing; on grant requirements; handling deliberations in; international uses of; need for; public-private partnerships vs.; sharing and; studies on individuals in; view of public service in shared-power world; working with constraints in. See also Effective collaborators; Managing collaborations; Negotiations
  57. Collaborative governance: applied to US intergovernmental systems,; defining terms in; difficulties in cross-sector collaborations; effect of governmental policy and structures in; environmental dynamics in; environmental implications in; governmental mandates for; illustrated; interrelated processes and structures in; nongovernmental standard-setting bodies; potential effectiveness for; preexisting relationships in; tensions within; transnational governance among nations; using windows of opportunity in. See also Collaboration
  58. Collective impact (CI)
  59. Collective leadership: activities embodying,; attributes of; capabilities needed for; collaborative practices and; decentralized authority and; defined; distributed leadership roles; emergence of; enacting inside organizations; examples of; nonprofit practices for social change in; overview; processes and structures enacting; relational practice of leadership; research studies in; shared power and; shifts in governance and
  60. Color of information
  61. Comcast v. Federal Communications Commission
  62. Communications: appealing directly to audience,; applying knowledge about media to; challenges in; changing attitudes and behavior with; communication professionals for; ethics for; faulty assumptions about audiences; for hard-to-reach audiences; marketing concepts used in; multidirectional model of; needed for collaborators; overview; responding to bad news; targeting specific audiences; understanding direction of. See also Audiences; Information and communications technologies; Social media
  63. Communities: dealing with global,; participating in multisector public benefit entrepreneurship. See also Global governance; Local governments
  64. Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)
  65. Comparative public administration (CPA)
  66. Compensating public employees: challenges in,; context for; GS system practices; merit pay reforms for; nonmonetary rewards; overview; pay adjustments recommended to Congress; pay bands; performance-based compensation; public vs. private wages; retirement benefits; strategies for managers and policymakers; US model of compensationCompetitive tendering
  67. Completeness of information
  68. Conant, J.S.
  69. Conflict management
  70. Congressional Research Service
  71. Consciousness
  72. Conservation Reserve Program (CRP)
  73. Considine, M.
  74. Consortiums. See Collaborative governance
  75. Contracts: about,; alternative service arrangements vs.; amounts spent in; carrying out federal; controversy of website; defining effective contracting; developing effective contracts; for goods and services; government and contractor relations in; implementing and executing; incentives in; institutional influences on; make-or-buy decisions preceding; market types for; monitoring vendor performance in; necessity of; overview; pricing of; protect mechanisms in; terms describing; values shaping; in variable and difficult environments
  76. Convention on the Trade in International and Endangered Species
  77. Conventional public participation
  78. Cook, F.L.
  79. Cooper, P.J.
  80. Coproduction: benefits of,; characteristics of people using; collaboration and partnerships vs.; cost of services with; defined; effective practices for; forms of; impact on user and outcomes; implementing; level of; mobilizing citizen participation in; motivations for; overview; potential for; self-organizing activities vs.; theories of
  81. Corporate social responsibility (CSR)
  82. Corporations: L3C,; laws governing structure of; social entrepreneurship used by
  83. Correctional Services Corporation v. Malesko
  84. Corruption: auditing organizational finances,; bad apples theory of; cultural norms and views on; defined; democratic theory of; extent of political; external control mechanisms and; governance and; identifying; impact of professional bureaucracies on; overview; political institutions and; preventing; principal-agent theory of; role of macroeconomic arrangements in; social constructivism; strategies for reducing; symptoms of; theories of; transparency and reducing; types of; US gift ban laws
  85. Costs: contract transaction,; evaluating program cost-effectiveness; of services with coproduction; tax collection
  86. Coursey, D.
  87. Couzens, M.
  88. Cox, T.H.
  89. Cradle to Career Network
  90. Critical thinking by public managers
  91. Crosby, B.C.
  92. Crosby, N.
  93. Cross-sector collaborations: administering with public law,; assessing potential effectiveness for; developing trust within; difficulties in; environmental dynamics in; internal dissension within; sector failures in. See also Collaborative governance
  94. Crowdsourcing
  95. Cullen, J.
  96. Cultures: context for negotiations across,; supporting governmental transparency; views on corruption. See also Diversity; Global governance
  97. Cummings, G.
  98. Customer-driven government: about


  1. D-leadership
  2. Dacin, M.T.
  3. Dacin, P.A.
  4. Daft, R.L.
  5. Dari-Mattiacci, G.
  6. Dasan Call Center (Seoul)
  7. Data: collecting performance measurement; manipulating performance budgeting; Obama administration's use of data analytics; problems measuring performance with; providing and analyzing. See also Outcomes
  8. Daugbjerg, C.
  9. Davies, T.
  10. Davis-Bacon Act
  11. Day-Brite Lighting v. Missouri
  12. D.C. Summits
  13. De Fine Licht, J.
  14. Decentralized authority
  15. Decision making: in administrative collaborations,; applying theories on to diversity; discretionary powers of public managers; within U.S. intergovernmental system
  16. Defender strategies
  17. Delbecq, A.L.
  18. Deliberative polling
  19. Deming, W.E.
  20. Democracy: democratic theory of corruption,; effect of corruption on citizens; macroeconomic factors in corruption among; manager responsiveness to
  21. Denhardt, R.B.
  22. Department of Revenue of Kentucky v. Davis
  23. Diamond, J.B.
  24. Diamond, P.A.
  25. Dickinson, J.
  26. Dickinson, L.
  27. Diefenbach, F. E.
  28. Diminished Democracy (Skocpol)
  29. Direct public participation
  30. Diversity: applying information and decision-making theory to,; collective leadership practices and; managing organizational; overview; representative bureaucracy as framework for; research on; social categorization and similarity-attraction theories of; strategic case for inclusion and; understanding organizational
  31. Documenting grant administration
  32. Doern, G.B.
  33. Doernberg, D.L.
  34. Doherty, B.
  35. Dolan v. Tigard
  36. Downs, A.
  37. Downward communications
  38. Drivers in collaboration
  39. D'Souza, A.
  40. Dubnick, M.
  41. Duke, M.


  1. e-government: developing,; evolution of; input theories for; mobile technologies for; output theories of; overview; process theories for; promoting collaborative government via; as research focus; social media facilitating; success of; theoretical approaches to
  2. e-Government Act
  3. Economic Opportunity Act
  4. Economy. See Costs; Budgeting and fiscal administration; Revenue systems; Financial resources
  5. Effective collaborators: communication and interpersonal skills,; developing collaborative mind-set; emotional competence framework for; group process skills and conflict management; overview; sharing as skill for; skill set for; strategic leadership by; studies on; substantive and technical knowledge of
  6. Effective relations with legislatures: context for developing,; developing personal relations with legislators; flexibility and sensitivity in; influence of legislative structure on; knowing organized and regulated interests; legislative service bureaus; maintaining good communications; managing inquiries and replies; overview; partisanship and; preparing testimony for legislative branches; protocols for contact; role of public managers in; technology and communications and; working with legislative staff
  7. Effectiveness: assessing program performance; of codes of ethics; for coproduction; effect of corruption on; grounding US intergovernmental systems in; maintaining; of merit pay reforms; performance indicators needed performance measurement; promoting by measuring performance; research on strategic management; research on U.S. intergovernmental; revenue systems and economic efficiency. See also Effective relations with legislatures; Managing collaborations; Performance measurement
  8. Efficiency indicators
  9. Ege, J.
  10. Eggers, W.D.
  11. Eisenhower administration
  12. Elmore, R.
  13. Emerson, K.
  14. Emotional intelligence
  15. Employees: compensating public,; employing corrupt practices; getting buy-in for performance budgeting; harnessing motivation of; immunity in privatized administrative roles; job satisfaction and perception of performance of; liabilities of contracted; motivating public sector; overcoming resistance to change; performance-based compensation for public; regulating behavior of; resistance to change in; retirement benefits for; rewards for; rights of free speech for; social media use by; US model of compensation for. See also Compensating public employees; Motivation
  16. England, R.E.
  17. English Child Support Agency and Prison Service
  18. Entrepreneurship: about,; calculating entrepreneurship orientation; concepts in; in government; implications of; overview; private sector social; theories about
  19. Environmental-level sources of resistance
  20. EO (entrepreneurial orientation). See Entrepreneurship
  21. Equal Employment Opportunity Executive Order
  22. Equity of taxes
  23. Ethics: administrative evil and,; bureaucratic accountability and; city manager's; communication; consequences of ethical climate; empowering contractors to use lethal force; facilitating; followers and embrace of; implications of consistent; importance of neutrality in; overview; public managers' impact on; reinforcing with public law. See also Codes of ethics; Corruption
  24. Ethiopian Chamber of Commerce and Sectorial Associations (ECCSA)
  25. Ethiopian Public Private Consultative Forum (EPPCF)
  26. Euclid v. Ambler
  27. Evaluations: assessing policy's fit to governance method,; assessing program effectiveness; designing; framing questions for; improving performance with; matching design to questions in; overview; reviewing contract transaction costs; 21st century practices for; types of
  28. Evans, A.M.
  29. Evans, P.
  30. Executive branch: authority in US,; distribution of grants by; need for partisan balance with legislatures; recommending pay adjustments to Congress; role of legislative liaison to; streamlining grant process; Supreme Court checks on power of; tension between legislative and
  31. Executive direct action
  32. Executives: accountability of chief,; corruption of; grand corruption of. See also Managers
  33. External communications
  34. External environment: assessing implications in governance,; defined; differing perspectives within; driving and constraining collaboration; effect of governmental policy and institutional structures in; governmental mandates for collaboration; influence on collaborative processes and structures; preexisting relationships in; prior relationships or existing networks in; sector failure within; tensions within


  1. Facebook
  2. Failures: effect of sector
  3. Farm Service Agency
  4. Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR)
  5. Federal Awardee Performance Integrity Information System
  6. Federal Communication Commission
  7. Federal Communicators Network
  8. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
  9. Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey
  10. Federal Employees' Pay Comparability Act (FEPCA)
  11. Federal Executive Institute
  12. Federal Labor Agency (Germany)
  13. Federal Property and Administrative Services Act
  14. Federalist, The (Madison, Hamilton, and Jay)
  15. Feldman, D.C.
  16. Feldstein, M.S.
  17. Fernandez, S.
  18. Fesler, J.W.
  19. Filarsky v. Delia
  20. Financial Accounting Standards Board
  21. Financial resources: administering grants,; amounts spent in contracts; auditing organizational finances; avoiding errors in performance budgeting; cost of services with coproduction; debt use by governments; economy as factor in corruption; effect of corruption on economy; establishing administrative spending reforms; evaluating transaction costs of contracts; financial accountability of officials; international interdependence of financial markets; performance measurement data for budget justifications; rising fiscal stress; setting standards for banking governance; size of grant-in-aid system; tax collection costs; using intergovernmental transfers. See also Performance budgeting
  22. Financial Stability Board
  23. Finer, H.
  24. Fisher, R.
  25. Fishkin, J.
  26. Flat taxes
  27. Fletcher, J.K.
  28. “Florida Has a Right to Know” legislation
  29. Foldy, E.G.
  30. Follett, M.P.
  31. Followership
  32. Food and Drug Administration v. Brown & Williamson Tobacco Corp.
  33. For-profit organizations: CEO compensation in,; entrepreneurship orientation of. See also Corporations; Organizations
  34. Ford Foundation
  35. Ford, J.D.
  36. Forest Stewardship Council
  37. Forester, J.
  38. Fort Gratiot Landfill v. Michigan Department of Natural Resources
  39. Fountain, J.E.
  40. FourSquare
  41. Frederickson
  42. Free exercise of religion
  43. Freedom of information acts (FOIAs)
  44. Freeman, J.
  45. French, J.R.P.
  46. Freund, E.
  47. Friedrich, C.
  48. Frontiero v. Richardson
  49. Fu, T.
  50. Fukuyama, F.
  51. Future of Public Administration Around the World, The (O'Leary, Van Slyke, and Kim)


  1. G20 meetings
  2. Gaebler, T.
  3. Game theory
  4. Garcetti v. Ceballus
  5. Gardner, W.
  6. Garnett, J.
  7. Garoupa, N.
  8. Gash, A.
  9. General Schedule (GS) system practices
  10. General Services Administration (GSA)
  11. Georges, B.
  12. Gerard, C.
  13. Gerring, J.
  14. Getha-Taylor, H.
  15. Gifts: as indication of corruption,; US laws banning
  16. Gilman, S.
  17. Gilmour, R.
  18. Global governance: administrative reforms and trends in,; CPA literature on; dealing with global community; design of existing organizations for; emergence of GGOs; examples of; GGO logic, design, and administration; international responses to globalization; logic of; organizational design for; problems requiring; voluntary regulation and
  19. Global governance organizations (GGOs)
  20. “Global Rulemaking and Institutional Forms” (Koppel)
  21. Globalization: influence on public administration,; organizational responses to; problems requiring global governance; reforms and; respecting domestic traditions in; tax design and. See also Global governance
  22. Goals: effective governance and shared,; employing rules to attain policy; of US Constitution
  23. Goldberg v. Kelly
  24. Goldman, L.
  25. Goleman, D.
  26. Gomez-Pomar, F.
  27. Gonzaga University v. Doe
  28. Goodnow, F.
  29. Google
  30. Gordon, R.H.
  31. Gortner, H.F.
  32. Gosling, J.
  33. Governance: broken branches of government,; collective action for effective; collective leadership and; defined; effective; erosion of administrative boundaries; evaluating policy's goodness of fit for method of; measuring and monitoring results of; promoting e-governance; skills of effective administrators; stewarding resources; vision of. See also Collaborative governance; Global governance; Globalization
  34. Government Accounting Standards Board
  35. Government contracting: alternative service arrangements vs.,; characteristics of; developing effective contracts; government and contractor relations in; implementing and executing contracts; as important administrative tool; incentive used in; institutional influences on; make-or-buy decisions preceding; monitoring vendor performance; necessity of; overview; stages in; terms describing; types of markets for; understanding; values shaping
  36. Government Finance Officers Association
  37. Government in the Sunshine Act
  38. Government Management Reform Act
  39. Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA)
  40. Governmental Accounting Standards Board
  41. Governments: accountability to citizens,; assessing program effectiveness for; citizen actions based on transparency; citizen errors of attribution regarding services; creating successful e-government; debt use by; defining corruption in; discouraging corruption of; entrepreneurship in; funding compensation with taxes; government enterprise; influence of legislative structure on; level of coproduction in; liability of; managing collaborative boundaries of; mandates to collaborate; procedures encouraging transparent; public-private partnerships with; reducing administrative workforce; respect for legislative role in; revenue systems for; rules and norms of transparency for; social media in; US employee compensation model; using intergovernmental transfers. See also e-government; Institutions; Intergovernmental systems in U.S.; Performance
  42. Govindarajan, V.
  43. GovLoop
  44. GPRA Modernization Act
  45. Grand corruption
  46. Granovetter, M.
  47. Grants: administrative burden of,; bargaining and collaboration by local managers; block; capacity to administer; collaborative management of; discretion of spending funds from; distribution of project; guiding management of received grants; jurisdiction-centered studies on; Medicaid; obligations incurred by; overview; politics of distribution; requirements for grant-in-aid system; size of grant-in-aid system; as tool for collective action
  48. Gratz v. Bollinger
  49. Gray, B.
  50. Gray zone
  51. Great Depression
  52. Greenwood, R.
  53. Gress, D.
  54. Grimmelikhuijsen, S.G.
  55. Grint, K.
  56. Groenendijk, N.
  57. Grönroos, C.
  58. Ground rules for negotiations
  59. Groups: associating with legislative liaisons; getting performance data from focus; maintaining contact with constituent; resistance to change in; skills for managing. See also Citizens
  60. Grutter v. Bollinger


  1. Haas, E.B.
  2. Hafsi, T.
  3. Hagebak, B.
  4. Hall, R.E.
  5. Halverson, R.
  6. Hamdi v. Rumsfeld
  7. Handbook of Globalization, Governance and Public Administration (Farazmand and Pinkowski)
  8. Hanif, A.
  9. Hannan, M.T.
  10. Hard bargaining tactics
  11. Hardin, R.
  12. Harlow v. Fitzgerald
  13. Hartman, L.
  14. Harvard Negotiation Project
  15. Hatry, H.
  16. Haugh, H.
  17. Heady, F.
  18. website
  19. Heckler v. Chaney
  20. Hede, A.
  21. Hibbert: P.
  22. Highway Trust Fund
  23. Hill, M.
  24. Hiller, J.
  25. Hine-Hughes, F.
  26. Hines, J.R., Jr.
  27. Hinings, C.R.
  28. Historical approaches: measuring performance measurement,; to program design; public service motivation
  29. Ho, A. T-K
  30. Hobbes, T.
  31. Hodel v. Virginia Surface Mining and Reclamation Association
  32. Holtzman, A.
  33. Homeland Security Act
  34. Hondeghem, A.
  35. Honoré, R.
  36. Hood, C.
  37. Hoover Commission
  38. Hoover, H.
  39. Hou, Y.
  40. How Effective Are Your Community Services (Hatry et al.)
  41. Howell, J.
  42. Howlett, M.
  43. Huberts, L.
  44. Hug, R.W.
  45. Huitink, Z.S.
  46. Hupe, P.
  47. Hurricane Katrina
  48. Huxham, C.


  1. IBM
  2. ICTs. See Information and communications technologies
  3. Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE)
  4. Im, T.
  5. In Search of Excellence (Peters and Waterman)
  6. Incentives for contract development
  7. Inclusion. See Diversity
  8. Indirect public participation
  9. Individual-level sources of resistance to change
  10. Information: ability of citizen to understand,; color and completeness of; decentralizing with social media; decision-making theory and; laws requiring freedom of; transparency and qualities of
  11. Information and communications technologies (ICTs): about,; development e-government services; theoretical perspectives effecting
  12. Ingraham, P.
  13. Innovation in public administration
  14. Insourcing
  15. Institutions: corruption of,; effects of environment on collaborations; managing grants given by; outcomes of public service motivation and; overcoming resistance to change; transparency and citizens' perception of public sector. See also Nongovernmental standard-setting bodies
  16. Instrument logic
  17. Interagency ADR Working Group
  18. Interdependence of U.S. inter-governmental systems
  19. Interest-based negotiations. See Negotiations
  20. Intergovernmental agreements (IGAs): administration involving,; declining resources and; use of
  21. Intergovernmental relations (IGR)
  22. Intergovernmental systems in U.S.: grounding effective practices for; IGAs; implications for; interdependence and complexity of; managing and measuring success; overview; research findings on; theoretical perspectives on; trust and cooperation within
  23. Internal Revenue Code
  24. Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
  25. International Accounting Standards Board
  26. International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
  27. International City/County Management Association (ICMA)
  28. International Civil Aviation Organization
  29. International Electrotechnical Commission
  30. International Initiative for Impact Evaluation
  31. International Monetary Fund
  32. International Organization for Standardization
  33. International practices: adoption of OECD ethical standards,; codes of ethics in; communicating with hard-to-reach audiences; context for intercultural negotiations; coproducing services; developing e-government services; environmental policymaking and program design in EU; EU collaboration in environmental disasters; interdependence of financial markets; international banking governance standards; merit pay reforms; mobile e-government technology; NPM reforms in Germany; performance budgeting; reforms in public administration; Russian flat tax reform; social entrepreneurism in Brazil; tax design and globalization; unfunded pension liabilities; uses of social media for public sector; using collaboration
  34. International Telecommunications Union
  35. International uses of collaboration
  36. Internet: designing social media strategies,; development of e-government; online social media tactics; policy issues dispersed via social media; tax administration and. See also e-government; Social media; Websites
  37. Interpersonal skills: communication and,; intrapersonal and; needed by effective administrators; orientation toward. See also Intrapersonal skills
  38. InterSector Partners
  39. Intrapersonal skills: advice for developing,; dealing with ambiguity and change; developing; emotional intelligence and; engaging in learning; establishing personal vision; improving sense of self; needed by effective administrators; overview; practicing resiliency; reflection for developing; types of interpersonal and; understanding personal values; value statements for
  40. Ireni-Saban, L.
  41. Issacharoff: S.


  1. Jackson, R.
  2. Jacobs, L.R.
  3. Jarry, E.M.
  4. Jellison, J.M.
  5. Jensen, P.S.
  6. Jick, T.D.
  7. Johnson administration
  8. Judicial systems: deterring corruption with,; US Court of Appeals. See also US Supreme Court rulings
  9. Judson, A.S.
  10. Jung, C.S.
  11. Justen, A.


  1. Kagan, E.
  2. Kannan, P.K.
  3. Kaptein, M.
  4. Katz, R.
  5. Katzenbach v. McClung
  6. Kaufman, H.
  7. Kaufmann, D.
  8. Keefer, P.
  9. Keirsey, D.
  10. Kellar, E.
  11. Kellerman, B.
  12. Kelley, R.
  13. Kellough, J.E.
  14. Kelly, J.M.
  15. Kelman, S.
  16. Kennedy, A.
  17. Kennedy administration
  18. Kennedy School of Government
  19. Kets de Vries, M.F.R.
  20. Kettl, D.F.
  21. Khademian, A.M.
  22. Khattak, H.R.
  23. Kim, D.
  24. Kim, G.-R.
  25. Kim, S.
  26. Kim, Y.W.
  27. King William I of England
  28. Kingdon, J.
  29. Knapp, M.
  30. Knowledge Network (ICMA)
  31. Koch, J.
  32. Kohlberg, L.
  33. Koontz v. St. John's River Water Management District
  34. Koppell, J.G.S.
  35. Kostadinova, T.
  36. Kotter, J.
  37. Kramer, M.
  38. Krastev, I.


  1. L3C (low-profit limited liability company)
  2. Lasswell, H.
  3. Lasthuizen, K.
  4. Lateral communications
  5. Law, J.
  6. Laws. See Legal liabilities; Public laws
  7. Layne, K.J.
  8. Leadbeater, C.
  9. Leadership: behavior and accountability of; collaborative; collective; corruption among; distributed roles of; ethical behavior by; ethical climate and; followership and; mission-focused shared; professionalizing bureaucratic; regulating behavior of governmental; relational practice of; required for cross-sector collaboration; responsibility of elected; revisiting notions of; support for performance budgeting by; what and when to negotiate. See also Collective leadership; Executives; Managers
  10. Lebron v. National Railroad Passenger Corporation
  11. Lee, G.
  12. Lee, H.
  13. Lee, J.
  14. Legal liabilities: civil servant immunity in privatized roles,; First Amendment and free speech liability; immunity for public managers; overview; preserving equal protection under law without increased; substantive and procedural due process rights
  15. Legislative branch. See US Congress
  16. Legislative liaisons: communicating with local governments,; coordinating with states; external groups and associations of; knowing organized and regulated interests; managing legislators inquiries and replies; preparing legislative testimony; role with executive branch; sensitivity to social media; working with Congress. See also Effective relations with legislatures
  17. Legislative service bureaus
  18. Legitimacy: boards of directors and perceived,; maintaining with public law; of public laws
  19. Leighninger, M.
  20. Levinson, H.
  21. Levitan, A.
  22. Lewin, K.
  23. Lewis, C.
  24. Lewis, D.E.
  25. Lewis, J.M.
  26. Lewis, Michael
  27. Leys, W.A.R.
  28. Light, P.C.
  29. Limitations of service quality measurement
  30. Lindblom, C.E.
  31. Linden, R.
  32. Lindstedt, C.
  33. LinkedIn
  34. Liu, C.
  35. Llorens, J.J.
  36. Lobbying
  37. Local governments: developing e-government services for,; grant administration by; legislative liaisons and; maintaining contact with constituent groups; managing administrative collaborations in; managing legislative inquiries and replies; partisanship in; performance budgeting by; role of elected officials in; social entrepreneurship in Curatiba, Brazil; social media tools of. See also City councils
  38. Locke, J.
  39. Loeffler, E.
  40. Logic: collaborations and multiple; reversible; supporting global governance
  41. Long, N.
  42. Lucas v. South Carolina Coastal Commission
  43. Lukensmeyer, C.
  44. Lyon, F.


  1. Madison, J.
  2. Mahler, J.
  3. Maintenance of effort (MOE) agreement
  4. Make-or-buy decisions: alternative service delivery arrangements vs.,; beginning contracting process with; defined
  5. Management. See New public management reforms; Managers; Strategic management
  6. Managers: applying game theory to public administration; assessing effective practices; assessing windows of opportunity; avoiding blame and transparency; communication challenges for; conceptual skills needed; critical thinking by; developing relations with legislators; discretionary powers of; emotional intelligence for; engaging in learning; establishing personal vision; ethical decisions and moral impact of; free speech liability for; governance skills of effective; harnessing employee motivation; immunity for; implementing social media; implications of intergovernmental practices for; initiating cross-sector collaborations; intrapersonal and interpersonal skills for; knowing their own bailiwick; legal liabilities of; lobbying by public; maintaining contact with constituent groups; managing legislators inquiries and replies; managing tension with legislative representatives; motivating employees; need to understand US Constitution; preparing legislative testimony; professionalism of; protocols for legislative contacts; regulating behavior of; respecting and acting on bad news; responsiveness of; strategies for compensating public sector employees; substantive and procedural due process rights for; technical skills needed; transparency of public officials; transparency's effect on; understanding personal values; using race and affirmative action programs; what and when to negotiate; working with communication professionals; working with legislative staff. See also Leadership
  7. Managing collaborations: building support of stakeholders,; choosing to collaborate; handling deliberations; interest in collaborative public management; overview; working with constraints
  8. Markets: make-or-buy decisions influenced by vendor; types of contract
  9. Marshall, T.
  10. Massachusetts v. Environmental Protection Agency
  11. Mathematica
  12. Mathews, D.
  13. Mathews v. Eldridge
  14. Maynard-Moody, S.
  15. McGuire, M.
  16. McPherson, A.
  17. Measuring Municipal Activities (Ridley & Simon)
  18. Media: employing multiple,; expanding number of communications; for hard-to-reach audiences; understanding strengths/weaknesses of. See also Social media
  19. Medicaid
  20. Medicare
  21. Meier, K.J.
  22. Meijer, A.
  23. Mendez, M.
  24. Mergel, I.
  25. Merit pay reforms
  26. Merton: R.K.
  27. MetroGIS
  28. Mettler, S.
  29. Meynhardt, T.
  30. Middlesex County Sewage Authority v. National Sea Clammers Association
  31. Mikesell, J.L.
  32. Miles, R.E.
  33. Miller, M.
  34. Miller, S.M.
  35. Miller, W.L.
  36. Milward, H.B.
  37. Mintzberg, H.
  38. Mirrlees, J.
  39. Mission: in effective governance,; mission-focused shared leadership
  40. Mobile e-government technology
  41. Moe, R.
  42. Monetary gifts
  43. Moneyball (Lewis)
  44. Monitoring: contract-vendor performance,; governance results; and measuring performance
  45. Montgomery, A.W.
  46. Moon, M.J.
  47. Morris, M.
  48. Morse, R.S.
  49. Motivation: for coproduction,; to obtain policy information; public service employee. See also Compensating public employees
  50. Moynihan, D.P.
  51. Mukherjee, I.
  52. Mulki, J.
  53. Multidirectional communication model
  54. Multisector public benefit entrepreneurship
  55. Munn v. Illinois
  56. Musheno, M.
  57. Myers-Brigg Type Indicator
  58. MySpace


  1. Nabatchi, T.
  2. Naff, K.C.
  3. Nagin, R.
  4. Naik, U.
  5. Nasi, G.
  6. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
  7. National Association of Government Communicators
  8. National Center for Charitable Statistics
  9. National Conference of State Legislators
  10. National Federation of Independent Businesses v. Sebelius
  11. National Health Service (NHS)
  12. National Science Foundation
  13. National Security Council
  14. National Training Lab
  15. Nations: public policy problems extending beyond borders of,; transnational governance among. See also International practices; Nongovernmental standard-setting bodies
  16. Naurin, D.
  17. Negotiated Rulemaking Act (NRA)
  18. Negotiations: about; analyzing needs and interests of parties,; authority to bargain in; benefits of; brainstorming possible settlements in; closure on complete agreements; creating package of mutual agreements; cultural context for; ground rules for; hard bargaining tactics in; identifying dynamics in; knowing BATNA for each party; overview; principled; recognizing cognitive biases in; reservation price, settlement range, or bargaining zone for; steps in principled; subject and scope of; what and when to negotiate
  19. Nelson, D.
  20. Neshkova, M.I.
  21. Net neutrality
  22. New Public Leadership Challenge, The (Brookes and Grint)
  23. New public management reforms: in British Commonwealth,; in Germany; public sector entrepreneurship and; trends in
  24. New public service (NPS)
  25. New York Stock Exchange
  26. New York v. United States
  27. Newbold, S.P.
  28. Newcomer, K.E.
  29. Nicholson-Crotty, J.
  30. Nicholson-Crotty, S.
  31. Nicholson, J.B.
  32. 9/11 Commission
  33. Nixon, R.M.
  34. Nixon v. Fitzgerald
  35. No Child Left Behind
  36. Nollan v. California Coastal Commission
  37. Nongovernmental standard-setting bodies: emergence of,; IAEA; powers invested in; as symbiotic GGO
  38. Nonprofit organizations: collective leadership practices for social change in,; entrepreneurship orientation of
  39. Norman, R.
  40. Normann, R.
  41. Norms influencing transparency
  42. Norms of Behavior and Professional Ethics of State Civil Servants (China)
  43. Norris, D.
  44. Norton, M.I.
  45. Nurse Family Partnership


  1. Obama administration
  2. Obligations incurred by grants
  3. O'Connor, S.D.
  4. Office for the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology
  5. Office of Homeland Security
  6. Office of Management and Budget (OMB)
  7. O'Leary, R.
  8. Ombudspersons
  9. Open government: e-government and,; reforms for; Transparency and Open Government Memo. See also Transparency
  10. Open Government Initiative
  11. Open Government Plan
  12. Operational transparency
  13. Oreg, S.
  14. Oregon Citizens' Initiative Review (CIR)
  15. Oregon Waste Systems v. Department of Environmental Quality
  16. Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)
  17. Organizations: auditing finances of,; behavioral strategies of; continuum of collaboration in; global governance; learning from existing transnational; qualities of information for; resistance to change in; responding to globalization; sources of resistance within; strategic behaviors of; strategic management of; structural influences on collaborations among; workforce diversity in
  18. Osborne, D.
  19. Osborne, S.P.
  20. Osborne, T.
  21. Ospina, S.M.
  22. Ostrom, E.
  23. Ostrom, V.
  24. O'Toole, J.J., Jr.
  25. O'Toole, L.J., Jr.
  26. Out of the Crisis (Deming)
  27. Outcome-oriented budgeting. See Performance budgeting
  28. Outcomes: assessing performance,; defined; disaggregating data on; improving indicators for improved; postservice; seeking explanations for exceptional; tracking performance using
  29. Outsourcing
  30. Owen v. City of Independence


  1. Paarlberg, L.E.
  2. Palumbo, D.
  3. Pandey, S.K.
  4. Paperwork Reduction Acts
  5. Parents Involved in Community Schools v. Seattle School District No. 1, et al.
  6. Park, H.
  7. Parrado, S.
  8. Parrot, K.
  9. Partisan politics
  10. Partnership for Public Service
  11. Partnerships: collaborative management of,; coproduction vs. collaboration and; public-private; Urban Partnership Agreements. See also Collaborative governance
  12. Passenger Rail Investment and Improvement Act
  13. Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. See Affordable Care Act
  14. Patronage and corruption
  15. Patton, M.Q.
  16. Pay bands
  17. Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES) program
  18. Pension Benefit Guarantee Corporation
  19. Performance: accountability of officials for,; aligning strategies and processes of organizations for; citizen's errors of attribution and assessment of government; considering in contract solicitation and design; diversity to improve overall; employee compensation based on; governmental over-control and poor; managing administrative programs for; measuring; mixing strategies to improve; motivation and; organizational change and; strategic management for. See also Performance budgeting; Performance measurement
  20. Performance Assessment Rating Tool (PART)
  21. Performance budgeting: accountability and,; constraints on; implications in design and practices of; international practices in; leadership support for; overview; political barriers to
  22. Performance measurement: administrative data used for,; assessing government performance effectiveness; basic data analysis of; customer surveys for; disaggregating outcome data; effective governance and; getting data from focus groups on; history and limitations of measuring; improving systems of; overview; performance indicators needed for; physical indicators for; problems in; providing timely performance data; RCTs for; reporting data from; seeking explanations for exceptional outcomes; sources and collection of data for; tracking postservice outcomes; trained observer ratings for; uses for; using program evaluations. See also Evaluations
  23. Perkins, M.
  24. Perry, J.L.
  25. Personal values
  26. Personal vision
  27. Persson, A.
  28. Pestoff, V.
  29. Peters, B.G.
  30. Peters, G.
  31. Peters, T.J.
  33. Pew Charitable Trust, The
  34. Pew Research Center
  35. Pickering balancing test
  36. Pickering v. Board of Education
  37. Piderit, K.
  38. Pierce, J.L.
  39. Piketty, T.
  40. Pinterest
  41. Pipe, G.R.
  42. Pitts, D.W.
  43. Policy. See Public policy
  44. Policy field analysis
  45. Policy managers. See Managers
  46. Policy-program linkages: degrees of freedom for policymakers; goodness of fit for governance mode; summary of elements for; used by Conservation Reserve Program. See also Program design; Public policy
  47. Political institutions. See Institutions
  49. Pollitt, C.
  50. Porter, M.
  51. Porter, M.E.
  52. Porumbescu, G.A.
  53. Potoski, M.
  54. Powell, B.G.
  55. Powell, L.
  56. Prat, A.
  57. President of US. See Executive branch
  58. Pressman, J.L.
  59. Principal-agent theory
  60. Principled negotiations
  61. Private sector organizations: civil servant immunity in privatized administrative roles,; employee compensation for; private sector social entrepreneurship; using entrepreneurship in. See also Organizations
  62. Privatization: defined; implications of liabilities and; reform agendas for
  63. Procedural due process rights
  64. Procurement
  65. Professionalism: about,; codes of ethics and; effective governance and; legal liabilities of administrators; making ethical choices; public administration and
  66. Program design: balancing policy elements for,; defined; elements within policy programs; history of and; implications of performance budgeting in; overview; policy-program linkages; program-measure linkages; purpose of; social media strategy and policy design
  67. Program for the Advancement of Research on Conflict and Collaboration (Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs)
  68. Program-measure linkages: efficiency, economy, and environmental concerns in,; employing rules to attain policy goals; maximizing complementary effects; summary of elements for; used by Conservation Reserve Program. See also Program design
  69. Program-related investments (PRIs)
  70. Programs: constraints on performance budgeting for types of,; developing effective public policy; evaluating performance of; managing for performance. See also Performance measurement; Program design
  71. Project grants
  72. Proportional tax schemes
  73. Prospector strategies
  74. Protocols for contacting legislators
  75. Public administration: administering revenue systems,; authority and jurisdiction in; citizen expectations of; constraints on performance budgeting in; corruption in; dealing with global community; declining resources and; deference vs. responsibility in; developing personal relations with legislators; effect of fiscal stress on; elected officials' and professionals' responsibilities for; entrepreneurship and innovation in; flux in; implementing codes of ethics in; influence of globalization on; integral to collective action; interest in collaborative; international reforms in; legislative structures influence on; managing boundaries in; measuring quality of; negotiations in; partisanship and relationships with legislature; post-World War II patterns in; professionalism in; public laws focusing decisions and actions in; reforms in American; research on e-government for; transparency and citizen's views of; trust in governmental and. See also Bureaucracies; Public agencies
  76. Public Administration Review (PAR)
  77. Public agencies: administrative data from; authority needed by; cooperation among; dealing personally with legislators; explaining exceptional outcomes of; influence legislative structure on; lobbying legislatures; maintaining contact with constituent groups; partisanship and relationships with legislature; reform and termination of; using performance management data from. See also Institutions
  78. Public-benefit entrepreneurship: concepts in; defined; implications of
  79. Public choice
  80. Public employees. See Employees
  81. Public laws: administering cross-sector collaborations with,; APA; applying to negotiations; delineating governance boundaries; effective practice and legitimacy of; focusing decisions and actions; governing corporate structures; maintaining legitimacy with; reinforcing responsibility; responsibilities of; upholding ethics with; US gift ban; using for citizen inclusion. See also Responsibility; US Supreme Court rulings; and specific acts
  82. Public management. See New public management reforms; Managers; Strategic management
  83. Public managers. See Managers
  84. Public participation: administrator-initiated,; ambiguity in meaning of; conventional; defining; direct; indirect; overview; thick; thin; types of accountability
  85. Public policy: developing effective programs for,; disseminating with social media; giving authority to public; influence in collaborative governance; motivation to learn about; problems extending beyond national borders; strategies for compensating public sector employees; tools used by CRP; transparency's impact on accountability in public. See also Policy-program linkages; Program design
  86. Public-private partnerships (PPNs)
  87. Public sector entrepreneurship
  88. Public service announcements (PSAs)
  89. Public Service Code of Ethics (Estonia)
  90. Public service employees. See Employees
  91. Public service motivation: antecedents of,; burnout and; harnessing power of; historical concepts of; institutional theories and; outcomes of; overview; view of service in shared-power world. See also Coproduction


  1. Quality of services. See Performance measurement
  2. Questionnaires


  1. Raadschelders, J.C.N.
  2. Rabushka, A.
  3. Race to the Top competition
  4. Racial diversity. See Diversity
  5. Radnor, Z.
  6. Raelin, J.A.
  7. Rainey, H.G.
  8. Ramamurti, R.
  9. Random control trials (RCTs)
  10. Rankin v. McPherson
  11. Rauch, J.E.
  12. Rayner, J.
  13. Reactor strategies
  14. Reagan, R.
  15. Reddin, W.J.
  16. Reflection
  17. Reforms: agendas in,; anticorruption campaigns; consequences of transparency; eastern European administrative; global nature of; grants and administrative; initiatives in America; lack of objectives for transparency; legislative mandates for public; merit pay; movements toward administrative; NPM trend; pay-banding; performance budgeting; Progressive Era civil service; tax. See also New public management reforms
  18. Regents of the University of California v. Bakke
  19. Regents v. Bakke
  21. Reinventing Government (Osborne and Gaebler)
  22. Relational practice of leadership
  23. Reporting Patient Safety Events Challenge
  24. Reservation prices (RPs)
  25. Resistance to change: group-level sources of; individual-level sources of; organizational sources of; overcoming; overview; reaction to organizational changes; structural inertia as
  26. Resources for effective government: budgeting and fiscal administration,; compensating public sector employees; e-government as; revenue systems; social media; types of
  27. Responsibility: administering cross-sector collaborations with laws,; classic concepts of in modern governance; Constitution on; deference v.; effective practice and legitimacy of public law; of elected officials and professionals; functioning in era of “broken branches”; limiting authority and its jurisdiction; maintaining effectiveness and legitimacy; of public law; reinforcing with public laws
  28. Responsiveness: accountability and,; to legislative requests; required for public managers; transparency reforms and
  29. Results-oriented budgeting. See Performance budgeting
  30. Retirement benefits for public sector employees
  31. Revenue systems: Panel on Federal Tax Reform; adequacy of; administration of; costs and technology of tax collection; declining progressivity in US; defined; designing for developing countries; economic efficiency of; equity of taxes and; feasibility of; improving compliance with taxes; improving current; overview; patterns and trends of; proportional tax scheme; reliability of; transparency in; vertical layout and temporal nature of. See also Taxes
  32. Reversible logic
  33. Rewards for public employees
  34. Rice, R.E.
  35. Richardson v. McKnight
  36. Ridley, C.E.
  37. Riggs, F.
  38. Riley v. California
  39. Risk within U.S. intergovernmental system
  40. Roberts: N.
  41. Roberts, A.S.
  42. Roberts Foundation Homeless Economic Development Fund
  43. Roberts, J.
  44. Roh, C.
  45. Rohr, J.
  46. Romzek, B.
  47. Rose-Ackerman, S.
  48. Rosenbaum, A.
  49. Rothwell, G.
  50. Rowe, L.A.
  51. Rowe v. New Hampshire Motor Transport Association
  52. Rubin, I.S.
  53. Rules: employing to attain policy goals,; influencing transparency; role in governance; setting negotiation
  54. Rumsfeld, D.
  55. Russian flat tax reform


  1. Saez, E.
  2. Safe Drinking Water
  3. Safety valves in GGOs
  4. Salamon, L.
  5. Salaries. See Compensating public employees
  6. Sandfort, J.
  7. Scalia, A.
  8. Schein, E.H.
  9. Schick, A.
  10. Schlesinger, L.
  11. Schön, D.
  12. Schuette v. Coalition to Defend Affirmative Action
  13. Schumpeter, J.
  14. Schutz, W.C.
  15. Schwartz, M.S.
  16. Schyns, B.
  17. Scroggs, S.K.
  18. SecondLife
  20. Self-determination theory
  21. Self-governance
  22. Self-organization vs. coproduction
  23. Sentencing Guidelines Manual (US Sentencing Commission)
  24. Settling negotiations: brainstorming possible settlements,; closure on complete agreements; creating package of mutual agreements
  25. Sharfman, M.P.
  26. Sharif, F.S.
  27. Sherbert v. Verner
  28. Shivalingaiah, D.
  29. Shleifer, A.
  30. SIGMA Programme
  31. Silvia, C.
  32. Similarity-attraction theory
  33. Simon, H.A.
  34. Singh, S.K.
  35. Skocpol, T.
  36. Smutco, S.
  37. Snell, T.
  38. Snow, C.C.
  39. Snyder, W.M.
  40. Social categorization
  41. Social constructivism
  42. Social enterprises
  43. Social entrepreneurship: corporate,; in Curatiba, Brazil; defined; private sector
  44. Social location
  45. Social media: challenges for implementing,; communicating Affordable Care Act via; decentralizing information with; designing strategies and policy for; e-government phases and tactics for; facilitating e-government with; overview; policy issues dispersed via; practices in public sector; reaching for hard-to-reach audiences with; tools for
  46. Social Security
  47. Social Welfare Integrated Management Network System (UN)
  48. Sønderskov, K.M.
  49. Sovacool, B.
  50. Spillane, J.P.
  51. Sponsors and champions
  52. Stanley v. Illinois
  53. Stanton, T.H.
  54. Stateless administration
  55. States: administering ARRA energy programs,; administrative burden of grants on; carrying out federal responsibilities and contracts; communicating with legislatures; developing relations with legislators; effect of legislative structure on public management; legislative service bureaus; maintaining contact with constituents; managing inquiries and replies from legislatures; obligations incurred by grants; partisanship and legislative relationships; performance budgeting by; politics of receiving grants; preparing testimony for legislative branches; protocols for contacting legislators; social media tools of; Supreme Court decisions on authority of; working with legislative staff. See also Effective relations with legislatures
  56. Statistical Yearbook of the Ministry of Public Administration and Security (Ministry of Public Administration and Security)
  57. Steinbauer, P.
  58. Steuerle, C.E.
  59. Stevens, J.P.
  60. Stevenson, H.
  61. Stewarding resources
  62. Stillman, R.J.: II
  63. Stone, M.M.
  64. Strategic actions
  65. Strategic management: aligning internal and external actions with strategic stances,; effective practice in; evidence of internal and external changes based on stance alignment; frameworks for; implications of organizational; mixing strategies for improved service; overview; performance using strategic stances; strategic organizational behaviors; successes of prospecting and defending strategies; using performance data in planning
  66. Strategic stances: aligning external actions and; change with alignment to; defined; effect on performance; implication of research on; internal actions aligned with; variation in
  67. Street: H.
  68. Street-level bureaucrats
  69. StriveTogether Partnership
  70. Study of Administration, The (Waldo)
  71. Submerged state
  72. Substantive and procedural due process rights
  73. Summers, L. H.
  74. Supreme Court. See US Supreme Court rulings
  75. Svara, J.
  76. Svolik, M.W.
  77. Swindell, D.
  78. Symbiotic organizations


  1. Targeting specific audiences
  2. Tarrant Regional Water District v. Herrmann
  3. Tavits, M.
  4. Tax Reform Act
  5. Taxes: adequacy of revenue systems to raise; costs and technology of collecting; declining progressivity in US system of; designing systems for developing countries; e-filing; economic efficiency of revenue systems and; equity of; feasibility of revenue systems; funding public employee compensation with; improving compliance with; proportional tax schemes; Russian flat tax reform; transparency in systems of; 2005 Panel on Federal Tax Reform; value-added
  6. Taylor, J.B.
  7. Technology: e-government and ICTs,; encouraging collaboration; website rollout; impact on relations with legislatures; influencing organizational transparency; mobile e-government; skills needed by public managers in; technological acceptance model; tools for social media. See also Internet
  8. Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
  9. Tensions: in collaborative governance; between legislative and executive branch
  10. Texas Governor's Interagency Health and Human Resources Council
  11. Thacker, S.C.
  12. Thatcher, M.
  13. Themudo, N.S.
  14. Theoretical research: applying to U.S. intergovernmental systems,; collective leadership; coproduction; diversity; e-government; effective intergovernmental practices unsupported by; entrepreneurship; public service motivation; results of U.S. intergovernmental system; strategic management; on U.S. intergovernmental systems
  15. Thick public participation: accountability and; characteristics of; Citizen's Jury process; deliberative polling and What's Next California?; 21st Century Town Meetings and D.C. Summits
  16. Thin public participation
  17. Thomas, J.C.
  18. Thompson, D.
  19. Thompson, V.A.
  20. Thomson, A.M.
  21. Tinbergen, J.
  22. Title I Compensatory Education funds
  23. Tjan, A.
  24. Tomlinson, M.
  25. Tools of collective action: contracting as,; effective relations with legislatures; entrepreneurship as; grants as; overview; required for effective governance; scale of coercion for
  26. Toonen, T.A.J.
  27. Total Quality Management
  28. Town and Country Planning Act (UK)
  29. Town meetings
  30. Towne, S.E.
  31. Transaction costs of contracts
  32. Transnational governance. See Global governance
  33. Transparency: accountability and,; action based policies for; citizens' perception of public sector and; consequences of reforms; encouraging governmental; initiatives increasing; overview; of public officials; qualities of information provided; required for public managers; in revenue system and taxes; rules, norms, and technology influencing
  34. Transparency and Open Government Memo (Obama)
  35. Treisman, D.
  36. Treviño, L.
  37. Trevino, L.K.
  38. Trondal, J.
  39. True North (Georges)
  40. Truman, H.S.
  41. Trust: building goodwill with legislators,; developing in cross-sector collaboration; effect of preexisting relationships on; governmental transparency and citizen's; in governments and public administration; raising public; relationship of governmental transparency and; within intergovernmental systems in U.S.
  42. 21st Century Town Meetings
  43. Twitter
  44. 2012 Digital Government Strategy


  1. UN Global e-Government Survey 2012 (United Nations)
  2. Uncertainty
  3. Unfunded pension liabilities
  4. Uniform Administrative Procedure Act
  5. United Haulers Association v. Oneida-Herkimer Solid Waste Management Authority
  6. United Nations
  7. United States of America: administrative reforms in; gift ban laws in; intergovernmental landscape in; War on Terror. See also Intergovernmental systems in U.S.; US Constitution; US Supreme Court rulings; and specific organizations
  8. United States v. Jones
  9. United States v. Morrison
  10. United States v. Wurie
  11. United Way of America
  12. Universal Postal Union
  13. Upward communications
  14. Urban Institute
  15. Urban Partnership Agreements
  16. Ury, F.
  17. US Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations (ACIR)
  18. US Agency for International Development
  19. US Army
  20. US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS)
  21. US Bureau of the Census
  22. US Civil Service Reform Act
  23. US Coast Guard
  24. US Congress: authority of,; as “broken branch”; distribution of grants by; GAO and; immunity for public administrators; maintaining good communications with; managing inquiries and replies from; pay adjustments recommended to; preparing testimony for; working with legislative staff
  25. US Constitution: on administrative responsibility,; Article 1, section 10 of; competence in understanding; due process rights and; equal protection clause of; First Amendment on free speech liability; goals of; purpose of Bill of Rights; rulings on Fifth Amendments' due process clause; using principles in administrative action. See also US Supreme Court rulings
  26. US Court of Appeals
  27. US Department of Defense
  28. US Department of Education (DOE)
  29. US Department of House and Urban Development (HUD)
  30. US Department of Labor
  31. US Department of Transportation (DOT)
  32. US Employment Service
  33. US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
  34. US Federal Medical Assistance Percentage
  35. US Food and Drug Administration
  36. US Geological Service
  37. US Government Accountability Office (GAO)
  38. US Green Building Council
  39. US Merit Systems Protection Board
  40. US Nuclear Regulatory Commission
  41. US Public Health Service
  42. US Sentencing Commission
  43. US Supreme Court rulings: Adarand v. Pena; on administrative enforcement; on affirmative action programs; Agency for International Development v. Alliance for Open Society International; Alexander v. Sandoval; American Insurance Association v. Garamendi; AMERON v. US Army Corps of Engineers; Association of American Railroads v. US Department of Transportation; on authority and jurisdiction; Berman v. Parker; checks on power of executive branch; Chevron v. National Resources Defense Council; City of Ontario v. Quon; City of Rancho Palos Verdes v. Abrams; Clinton v. Jones; Comcast v. Federal Communications Commission; Correctional Services Corporation v. Malesko; Day-Brite Lighting v. Missouri; Department of Revenue of Kentucky v. Davis; Dolan v. Tigard; Euclid v. Ambler; Filarsky v. Delia; Food and Drug Administration v. Brown & Williamson Tobacco Corp.; Fort Gratiot Landfill v. Michigan Department of Natural Resources; Frontiero v. Richardson; Garcetti v. Ceballus; Goldberg v. Kelly; Gonzaga University v. Doe; Gratz v. Bollinger; Grutter v. Bollinger; Hamdi v. Rumsfeld; Harlow v. Fitzgerald; Heckler v. Chaney; Hodel v. Virginia Surface Mining and Reclamation Association; Katzenbach v. McClung; Koontz v. St. John's River Water Management District; Lebron v. National Railroad Passenger Corporation; Lucas v. South Carolina Coastal Commission; Massachusetts v. Environmental Protection Agency; Mathews v. Eldridge; Middlesex County Sewage Authority v. National Sea Clammers Association; Munn v. Illinois; National Federation of Independent Businesses v. Sebelius; New York v. United States; Nixon v. Fitzgerald; Nollan v. California Coastal Commission; Oregon Waste Systems v. Department of Environmental Quality; Owen v. City of Independence; Parents Involved in Community Schools v. Seattle School District No., et al.; Pickering v. Board of Education; Rankin v. McPherson; Regents of the University of California v. Bakke; Regents v. Bakke; Richardson v. McKnight; Riley v. California; Rowe v. New Hampshire Motor Transport Association; Schuette v. Coalition to Defend Affirmative Action; Sherbert v. Verner; Stanley v. Illinois; Tarrant Regional Water District v. Herrmann; United Haulers Association v. Oneida-Herkimer Solid Waste Management Authority; United States v. Jones; United States v. Morrison; United States v. Wurie; Verizon v. Federal Communications Commission; West v. Atkins; West Virginia Board of Education v. Barnette; Whitman v. America Trucking Associations; Wickard v. Filburn
  44. Usability of information
  45. Utah Lake Commission
  46. Utah Water Conservancy District


  1. Value-added tax (VAT)
  2. Values: personal value statements,; shaping government contracting; structuring contracts to achieve; understanding personal
  3. Values and Ethics Code for the Public Sector (Canada)
  4. Values Inventory (Reddin)
  5. Van Dam, K.
  6. Van der Meer, F.M.
  7. Van Loon, N.M.
  8. Van Ryzin, G.
  9. Van Slyke, D.M.
  10. Vandenabeele, W.
  11. Vangen, S.
  12. Veblen, T.
  13. Verizon v. Federal Communications Commission
  14. Vicente, P.C.
  15. Victor, B.
  16. Villoria, M.
  17. Vimeo
  18. Violence Against Women Act
  19. Virginia Department of Emergency Management (VDEM)
  20. Virginia Tobacco Communities Project (VCTP)
  21. Vishny, R.W.
  22. Vision: establishing personal,; of governance
  23. Vogel, D.


  1. Waddell, S.
  2. Wages. See Compensating public employees
  3. Waldo, D.
  4. Walker, R.M.
  5. Wallace, M.
  6. Walmart
  7. Warren, M.E.
  8. Washington Institute for Public Policy
  9. Waterman, R.H., Jr.
  10. Waters, B.
  11. Waters, R.D.
  12. Watson, G.
  13. Webb, G.R.
  14. Websites: adding social media tools to,;; rollout. See also Social media; and specific sites
  15. Wei-Skillern, J.,
  16. Welch, E.W.
  17. West, J.
  18. West v. Atkins
  19. West Virginia Board of Education v. Barnette
  20. What Works Clearinghouse
  21. What's Next California?
  22. White, L.D.
  23. White, Leonard
  24. Whitman v. America Trucking Associations
  25. Whole Foods Market
  26. Wickard v. Filburn
  27. Wildavsky, A.B.
  28. Williams, A.
  29. Williams, B.N.
  30. Williams, J.M.
  31. Williams, P.
  32. Wilson, W.
  33. Windows of opportunity
  34. Wise, L.R.
  35. Wolk, A.
  36. Wollmann, H.
  37. Workforce: diversity in organizational,; reducing administrative. See also Employees
  38. Workforce Investment Act
  39. Workshop in Political Theory and Political Analysis
  40. World Bank
  41. World Customs Union
  42. World Health Organization
  43. World Intellectual Property Organization
  44. World Rule (Koppel)
  45. World Trade Organization
  46. Wright, D.
  47. Wright, D.S.


  1. Yang, K.
  2. Youngblood, S.A.
  3. YouTube


  1. Zero-sum negotiations
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