Chapter 3. Penetration for Hire

This chapter discusses the skills and requirements generally expected of a person performing security penetration services. You can use this information to help determine what skills you will need to perform penetration testing or as a general guide of what to look for when hiring a security consultant to perform these services. We discuss the contents of the consultant's tool kit, or black bag, including the software and hardware likely required. (The tool kit is discussed only briefly here; it is covered more fully in Chapter 10.) Further, we discuss the two variations of a penetration test: announced to the security team and system administrators or unannounced. In either case, management must always be fully aware and in support of your activities.

Documented support for your activities from top-level management is a key component of any penetration test. The activities associated with penetration testing are considered illegal under almost any circumstances other than at the request of the company. In the following section we discuss some of the legal issues we have encountered while performing these tests.

We also include as a requirement of being a security consultant the upholding of the professional standards and ethics that are an essential part of the position. The tester may have access to sensitive data within the organization that could be of material consequence if disclosed. The organization must be confident that this information will not end up in the wrong hands. Untrustworthy testers are also in the position to leave back doors and Trojans to allow them access after the testing is complete. In addition, the results of penetration tests must be kept confidential. Computer security today is a hot topic within the media and Wall Street. Either group could produce a substantial effect on the organization if poor test results were disclosed. Most professional security consultants are well aware of these ramifications and maintain high standards of integrity and discretion. However, background checks and references are a small safeguard to assure you are hiring a trustworthy individual.

Ramifications of Penetration Testing

Penetration testing could have very serious ramifications if not performed properly. Normally, companies continue to conduct business while the testing is being performed. This increases the impact to the company if a system goes down or is unintentionally rendered useless. For these clients, these systems should be considered “critical” and addressed with due care. The company's management is faced with maintaining a balance between making sure the testing is complete and ensuring they are still able to do business so that revenue is not lost.

Further, the machines and systems being tested are very expensive. Considering the cost of configuration and ongoing maintenance and taking into account the data and other electronic assets (such as client databases, proprietary code, documentation, and other often irreplaceable intellectual property) on these machines, the overall cost (or value) of these systems can be tremendous.

In light of this, the potential legal consequences can be quite serious as well. A request from a company employee to perform a penetration test is not necessarily a valid request. If that person does not have the authority to request such actions and indemnify you if anything goes wrong, you may incur fees related to court costs in addition to loss of fees for services. Therefore, legal agreements must be reached before the testing begins, and the tester needs to make sure he or she has a signed “Get Out of Jail Free Card” from a company officer authorized to enter the organization into a legally binding agreement. The “Get Out of Jail Free Card” generally entails a legal agreement signed by an authorized representative of the organization outlining the types of activities to be performed and indemnifying the tester against any loss or damages that may result from the testing.

During the initial discovery phase of a penetration test, identify the owners of the hardware and software affected by the test. Both need to agree to the test before it begins. Often, and this is especially true for the e-commerce initiatives of Internet startup firms, the machines that support networking capabilities are leased from an Internet/application services provider. Also, firms may have their ISP configure the router that leads to their network in some way to help them filter traffic coming into their network. When this is the case, clients can also ask the consultant to test the ISP's settings and service claims by performing various tests on the ISP's router and systems, including denial-of-service tests. In such cases, you will need to get permission from the ISP as well as your client due to the involvement of the ISP's assets. If you plan on placing any significant load on the ISP's hardware, plan the activities in advance to coordinate with the ISP.

Legal requirements are still being developed since the Internet and cyber crime are a relatively young area. Additionally, since there are no geographical boundaries on the Internet, it is difficult to identify a valid jurisdiction.

Requirements for a Freelance Consultant

There are certain requirements that you must meet in order to be an effective penetration tester in a freelance consultant role. The requirements deal with your level of security skills, your systems and network knowledge, the depth and breadth of tools at your disposal, and the OS and hardware on which you use them. Also critical is your attention to record keeping and maintaining the ethics of security. Potential employers of security consultants performing penetration services should consider the following list before hiring a consultant.

Skill Set

A security consultant must be at least at the system administrator level (tier-two hacker) in order to effectively render security advisory services. This is not to say that script kiddies do not recognize security flaws or cannot hack—as previously stated, they often do more damage than hackers at any other level. Script kiddies generally do not have a complete understanding of the tools and exploits they use, and therefore they either miss critical holes or potentially damage systems.

As a paid consultant, you are expected to definitively assert what you are doing and all the potential effects your actions may have. Specifically, you should be able to defend your choice of tool, why you use it, and what you use it for during testing. You are also expected to answer any and all questions related to a tool's configuration. Some of these security tools can cause considerable damage or downtime to networks if not used properly. At the conclusion of the test, you will be asked to articulate the method used to penetrate the systems and to deliver recommendations on how to fix the security holes identified during testing.


Successful security consultants should be familiar with several pieces of technology, such as firewalls, intrusion detection systems, sniffers, audit tools, authentication mechanisms—the list goes on. While it is certainly advisable to be an expert in as many technologies as possible, the tester must at least be familiar with how the technology works (and the products that implement the technology) in order to find ways around the security that these systems provide. The tester should be knowledgeable in all the major operating systems (Windows, UNIX, Mac OS, and possibly Novell) and an expert in one. In-depth knowledge of TCP/IP and networking protocols is required. Knowledge of application programming or past programming experience can also be helpful since many new exploits are constantly released as “working” code with occasional flaws. Such experience comes in handy when writing various attacks, such as buffer overflows.

The tester must be able to use various hacking tools, scripts, and exploits in order to test for known bugs and vulnerabilities. Further, the tester should have access to vulnerability services that can keep him or her apprised of the latest hacking tools, scripts, and exploits as well as new security bugs discovered in all the major hardware, software, and operating systems. This does not have to be a paid service, but it must be reliable and up-to-date, and it must provide information on how to exploit known bugs as well as offer a comprehensive collection of exploits and tools.

Keeping current on the latest security developments and trends is essential for any successful security consultant. The security consultant should subscribe to and participate in a collection of security e-mail lists. In addition to reading technical material, security consultants should periodically review what is being posted to “underground” Web sites. The best way to defend against or exploit threats is to understand them. In Chapter 22, we present several Web sites, e-mail lists, and other sources of information as a good starting point for learning about and keeping abreast of developments in the security industry.

Tool Kit

Consultants develop a collection of useful software, a tool kit, with tools and scripts for performing all types of security work, such as vulnerability testing, penetration testing, dial-in penetration, Internet penetration, denial of service, password cracking, buffer overflows, and risk assessments. This tool set should cover both the Windows (9x/NT/2000) and the UNIX (including the variants, Linux, HP/UX, AIX, IRIX, DG/UX, the BSDs, and so on) operating systems. We have included tools in this book that we have found useful, but by no means do they form the definitive tool kit. As your own technique is developed, you may find additional or alternative tools that work better for your style.


Penetration testing often uses a lot of CPU time and bandwidth. The more powerful the machine, the better the efficiency. We have found that a dual-boot Linux/NT laptop (with the latest CPU, the most RAM, and as fast as possible) to be an adequate configuration. A laptop is often better than a desktop because is allows for mobility. Running VMWare allows you to run both operating systems simultaneously. This adds convenience, in that tools are generally available for at least one of these environments, but it costs more in terms of processor speed and memory.

Additionally, running a keystroke capture utility is an effective way to log the test. These utilities record and time stamp all activities at the keystroke level, to some extent offloading the record-keeping burden from you to the laptop. The hardware used for testing is discussed in more detail in Chapter 10.

Record Keeping

Keeping accurate, detailed records is a critical activity for a penetration tester. We recommend your records provide enough detail to recreate the penetration test steps. In the unfortunate event that a company should claim that a consultant is responsible for damages incurred as a result of penetration testing, reviewing the records will be the first step in resolving the issue.

The record should detail everything that was performed during testing, including every tool used and every command issued and the systems or IP addresses against which they were used. A useful practice is to document your procedures as you perform them and to use the last part of the day to type up your notes and record your results.

Occasionally a system administrator might accuse a tester of being responsible for attacks that took place before or after the work was performed. In order to defend against these accusations, detailed documentation is required. Logs from a keystroke capture utility as well as your own notes provide the basis of defense.

Not only is it important to keep track of the actions performed during the penetration testing, it is also important to keep track of all the information gathered on your client. This may include information on weaknesses in the client's network, password files, the business process, and any intellectual property such as documentation on patent-pending processes. It is important to keep this information so you can present it to the client to verify you were able to access it and to stress the importance of the weaknesses that allowed you to obtain it. However, all information obtained from the client should be treated as highly confidential. If this information were to get out, to a hacker or a competing firm, it could put the client at significant competitive disadvantage, leading to a loss of capital. In addition, news of a successful penetration test may also lead to a drop in consumer confidence.


Penetration testing engagements are bound by the scope and length set forth in the rules of the engagement. These rules are specified by the client and enable the organization to feel comfortable enough to allow the testing to proceed. These rules address issues of denial of service, contact information, scope of project, and timetables. This information provides the boundaries of the engagement and cannot be misinterpreted.

At issue here is trust. One of the key things security consultants have to offer their clients is assurance and confidence that while the consultant is examining the client's security, they will not be planting back doors or compromising the client's network. Unfortunately, there is no script or tool that guarantees the consultant's integrity. Each consultant must carefully protect his or her integrity on every engagement and assignment. If your integrity is questioned, even once, you will not recover from the accusation. There is little room for error, accidents, or problems. Penetration testing requires the client to give a great deal of trust to a consultant. That trust must be protected.

Announced vs. Unannounced Penetration Testing

There are two distinct types of testing that can be performed: announced and unannounced. The distinction comes when you define what is being tested: network security devices or network security staff.


The following definitions help clarify the differences between the two types of testing.

  • Announced testing is an attempt to access and retrieve preidentified flag file(s) or to compromise systems on the client network with the full cooperation and knowledge of the IT staff. Such testing examines the existing security infrastructure and individual systems for possible vulnerabilities. Creating a team-oriented environment in which members of the organization's security staff are part of the penetration team allows for a targeted attack against the most worthwhile hosts.

  • Unannounced testing is an attempt to access and retrieve preidentified flag file(s) or to compromise systems on the client network with the awareness of only the upper levels of management. Such testing examines both the existing security infrastructure and the responsiveness of the staff. If intrusion detection and incident response plans have been created, this type of test will identify any weaknesses in their execution. Unannounced testing offers a test of the organization's security procedures in addition to the security of the infrastructure.

In both cases, the IT representative in the organization who would normally report security breaches to legal authorities should be aware of the test to prevent escalation to law enforcement organizations.

Also, management may place certain restrictions on the penetration test itself, such as the need to perform a portion of the test (for example, war dialing) after hours, to avoid certain critical servers on the network, to use only a certain subset of tools or exploits (for example, to omit denial-of-service tools), and so on. Such guidelines that come from upper management apply regardless of the type of engagement. At the conclusion of the engagement, system administrators should be able to review logs to identify the penetration test and to help them identify attacks in the future.

Pros and Cons of Both Types of Penetration Testing

Everything has its advantages and disadvantages. In this section, we discuss the pros and cons of each type of penetration testing.

Pros. Announced testing is an efficient way to check on and tweak the security controls the organization has in place. It creates a team-oriented approach to security and allows the organization's staff to experience firsthand what their network looks like to a possible intruder. Additionally, working with the IT staff allows the tester to concentrate efforts on the most critical systems.

Unannounced testing requires a more subtle approach. The tester tries to identify targets and compromise the security while staying under the radar screen of the target organization. This test may prove more valuable to the organization due to the range of items tested beyond the technology.

Cons. With announced testing, as large holes are identified on the client network, system administrators will close them quickly to avoid compromise. This can make further penetration difficult by not allowing further compromise of the vulnerability. Additionally, an announced test allows security staff time to make temporary changes to the network that add additional security. This gives management a false sense of security. The network may be secure during testing, but as soon as testing is complete and the original settings are restored, any original vulnerabilities will return as well, unbeknownst to the organization.

The risk with unannounced testing is that since the security administrators do not know that a test is being performed, they will respond as they would to a hacker and block the penetration testing efforts (drop connections, reboot machines, and so on). This would indicate a good response/detection process is in place, but it can cut a test short. The danger with this test is that occasionally security administrators have been known to contact the relevant authorities to report the penetration activities. To control this risk, the organization should have an escalation process in place with a specific individual being responsible for contacting authorities. This person should be aware the test is taking place.

Another risk during unannounced testing is that administrators may be making modifications to the environment during the testing period, which could skew the results. If the network administrator is upgrading a system, implementing a new service, or taking certain systems offline during the test, the results may not be as useful as they otherwise would. Additionally, the tester should be aware of quarterly or semi-quarterly events (such as large transfers of information from accounting) and backup schedules to avoid interfering with these operations.

Documented Compromise

At times during penetration testing, the client may be uncomfortable with allowing the tester to perform the actions that actually lead to a compromise. For example, it may be possible to access the router for network A and alter its routing table to appear as if the (attacking) network is a trusted, internal network and then route traffic from that network through the router to another trusted, internal network, network B. Then this compromised router would be able to connect the tester and the target network (B), bypassing security measures through its trust relationship with a less secure network (A).

However, the client may not want this activity to be performed. Altering the routing table may lead to additional complications for the client's network. The client may be satisfied that you can demonstrate that it can be done and describe how to fix the situation. Screen shots of documented system access may work well for this purpose. In such cases, document the possible hack along with its risk level and available countermeasures.

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