
  • 3M Company (NYSE: MMM)
  • 10-11-12 system
    • about
    • assumptions
    • benefits of
    • commissions and fees
    • development of
    • dividend calculator
    • dividend growth
    • monitoring stocks
    • mutual fund performance compared
    • payout ratio
    • portfolio examples (Oxford Income Letter)
    • returns
    • selecting stocks
    • starting yield required based on differing assumptions
    • taxes. See Tax consequences
    • when to sell
    • yield
  • 401(k) plans
  • 529 plans. See also College, saving for
  • Abbott Laboratories (NYSE: ABT)
  • AbbVie (NYSE: ABBV)
  • ABM Industries Inc. (NYSE: ABM)
  • Acquisitions
  • Activist investors
    • defined
    • demand for special dividend
    • management, conflicts with
  • Advancing markets. See also Bull markets
  • AFLAC Inc. (NYSE: AFL)
  • Air Products & Chemicals (NYSE: APD)
  • Altria Group (NYSE: MO)
  • American Depositary Receipt (ADR). See also Foreign stocks
    • and currency fluctuations
    • defined
    • and DRIPs
    • reinvesting dividends
  • American Eagle Outfitters (NYSE: AEO)
  • American States Water (NYSE: AWR)
  • Apple (Nasdaq: AAPL)
  • Aqua America (NYSE: WTR)
  • Archer Daniels Midland (NYSE: ADM)
  • Argentina
  • Ariba (Nasdaq: ARBA)
  • Asquith, Paul
  • Asset allocation. See also Diversification
  • At-the-money options
  • Atmos Energy (NYSE: ATO)
  • AT&T Inc. (NYSE: T)
  • Australia
  • Automatic Data Proc. (NYSE: ADP)
  • Baby boomers
  • Baker, Malcolm
  • BancBoston Robertson Stephens
  • BDC. See Business Development Companies (BDCs)
  • Bear markets
    • assumptions for 10-11-12 system
    • dividend stocks, performance of
    • and inflation
    • and out-of-the-money calls
    • performance of dividend stocks
    • raising dividends in. See also Raising dividends
    • reinvesting dividends in
    • and stock market performance over time
    • and time frame for investing
  • Becton Dickinson (NYSE: BDX)
  • Bemis Company (NYSE: BMS)
  • Ben-Rephael, Azi
  • Benchmarks
  • Beta
    • defined
    • high-beta companies
    • low-beta companies
    • S&P 500 Dividend Aristocrats Index
  • B&G Foods (NYSE: BGS)
  • Black Hills Corp. (NYSE: BKH)
  • Bogle, John
  • Bonds
    • dividend stocks compared
    • interest rates
    • junk bonds
    • as part of portfolio
    • performance
    • preferred stocks compared
    • risk
  • Book value per share
  • Bowl America Class A (NYSE: BWL-A)
  • Bradley, Brendan
  • Brady Corp. (NYSE: BRC)
  • Bristol-Myers Squibb (NYSE: BMY)
  • Broad Dividend Achievers Index
  • Brokers. See also Financial advisors
    • discount brokers. See Discount brokers
    • fees and commissions. See Fees and commissions
    • and financial literacy, importance of
    • reinvestment of dividends
    • services, value of
  • Brown-Forman Class B (NYSE: BF-B)
  • Buffett, Warren
  • Bull markets
    • assumptions for 10-11-12 system
    • and average stock market returns
    • call options
    • dividend stock returns versus bear markets
    • put options
  • Burt’s Bees
  • Bush, George W.
  • Bush administration tax cuts
  • Business Development Companies (BDCs)
    • about
    • payout ratios
    • return of capital
    • risk
    • tax consequences
    • volatility
    • yields
  • Buy-write funds
  • Buybacks
  • California Water Service Group (NYSE: CWT)
  • Call options. See also Put options
    • at-the-money
    • covered calls
    • defined
    • examples
    • expiration date
    • in-the-money
    • option contracts
    • option prices
    • out-of-the-money
    • risk
    • selling covered calls
    • strike price
    • time until expiration, effect of
    • volatility
  • Canada
  • Cardinal Health, Inc. (NYSE: CAH)
  • Carlisle Companies (NYSE: CSL)
  • Cash flow
    • decline in
    • defined
    • and depreciation
    • and dividends
    • earnings compared
    • free cash flow
    • growth
    • from operations
    • and payout ratios
    • and special dividends
    • statement of cash flow
  • CEFA (Closed-End Fund Association)
  • Central GoldTrust (NYSE: GTU)
  • Chevron Corp. (CVX)
  • Chief executive officers (CEOs). See also Management
    • acquisition strategies
    • and activist investors
    • dividend income
    • incentives to increase earnings
    • overconfidence
  • China
  • Chubb Corp. (NYSE: CB)
  • Cincinnati Financial (NYSE: CINF)
  • Cintas Corp. (NYSE: CTAS)
  • Clason, George S.
  • Clissold, Ed
  • Clorox (NYSE: CLX)
  • Closed-End Fund Association (CEFA)
  • Closed-end funds
    • about
    • buy-write funds
    • discounts
    • net asset value (NAV)
    • premiums
    • return of capital
    • tax consequences
    • yields
  • Coca-Cola (NYSE: KO)
  • Colgate-Palmolive Co. (NYSE: CL)
  • College, saving for
  • College tuition
  • Columbia Sportswear (Nasdaq: COLM)
  • Commerce Bancshares (Nasdaq: CBSH)
  • Commissions. See Fees and commissions
  • Community Bank System, Inc. (NYSE: CBU)
  • Community Trust Bancorp. (Nasdaq: CTBI)
  • Compound annual growth rate (CAGR)
    • of dividend raising companies versus dividend cutting
    • examples
    • and reinvestment of dividends
    • in 10-11-12 system
  • Compound Income Portfolio
  • Compounding, effect of
    • and dividend growth
    • and reinvestment of dividends. See also Compound annual growth rate (CAGR); 10-11-12 system
  • Computer Services, Inc. (Nasdaq: CVSI)
  • Connecticut Water Service (Nasdaq: CTWS)
  • Consolidated Edison (NYSE: ED)
  • CorpBanca SA (NYSE: BCA)
  • Covanta Holding Corporation (NYSE: CVA)
  • Covered calls
  • C.R. Bard Inc. (NYSE: BCR)
  • CTC Media (Nasdaq: CTCM)
  • Cumulative preferred stock. See also Preferred stock
  • Currency fluctuations
  • Cutting dividends
    • and change in dividend policy
    • and company performance
    • dividend histories
    • and earnings decrease
    • and payout ratio
    • and preferred stock
    • and stock price
    • Vulcan Materials Company example
  • Cycle analysis
  • DALBAR Quantitative Analysis of Investor Behavior (QAIB) study
  • Darden Restaurants (NYSE: DRI)
  • Declining markets. See also Bear markets
  • Deflation
  • Dendreon (Nasdaq: DNDN)
  • Depreciation
  • Deshmukh, Sanjay
  • Deutsche Municipal Income Trust (NYSE: KTF)
  • Diebold Inc. (NYSE: DBD)
  • Direct Stock Purchase Plans (DSPPs)
  • Discount brokers
    • fees and commissions
    • reinvestment of dividends
    • use of versus DRIPs and DSPPs
    • use of versus financial advisors
  • Discounts
    • closed-end funds
    • Dividend Reinvestment Plans (DRIPs)
  • Diversification
  • Dividend Achievers
  • Dividend Achievers 50 Index
  • Dividend Achievers Select index
  • Dividend Aristocrat Index
  • Dividend Aristocrats
  • Dividend capture
  • Dividend Challengers
  • Dividend Champions
  • Dividend Contenders
  • Dividend growth
    • compound annual growth rate. See Compound annual growth rate (CAGR)
    • and compounding, effect of
    • DRiP Resource Center data on
    • and earnings
    • and inflation
    • Perpetual Dividend Raisers
    • rate
    • S&P 500
    • and special dividends
    • and stock price growth
    • target range
    • and 10-11-12 system
  • Dividend Reinvestment Plans (DRIPs)
    • about
    • discounts
    • fees and commissions
    • through brokers
  • Dividend stocks. See also specific stocks
    • diversification
    • dividends. See Dividends
    • and inflation. See Inflation
    • and investor objectives
    • Perpetual Dividend Raisers. See Perpetual Dividend Raisers
    • popularity of
    • portfolio establishment. See Portfolio, establishing
    • rationale for investing in
    • reinvestment of dividends. See Reinvestment of dividends
    • returns
    • selection of. See 10-11-12 system
    • 10-11-12 system. See 10-11-12 system
  • Dividends
    • calculator
    • compound annual growth rate (CAGR). See Compound annual growth rate (CAGR)
    • compounding. See Compounding, effect of
    • cutting. See Cutting dividends
    • dividend capture strategy
    • failure to raise. See also Cutting dividends
    • foreign stocks. See Foreign stocks
    • growth. See Dividend growth
    • history, obtaining information on
    • increases in
    • and inflation. See Inflation
    • not reinvested
    • obtaining information on from investor relations
    • online dividend calculator
    • payout ratio. See Payout ratios
    • policies
    • preferred stock
    • raising. See Raising dividends
    • reinvesting. See Reinvestment of dividends
    • special dividends
    • tax rate
    • timing receipt of
    • yields. See Yields
  • Donaldson Company (NYSE: DCI)
  • Dot-com bubble
  • Dover Corp. (NYSE: DOV)
  • DRiP Resource Center
  • DRIPs. See Dividend Reinvestment Plans (DRIPs)
  • Eagle Financial Services (Nasdaq: EFSI)
  • Early-stage companies. See also Business Development Companies (BDCs)
  • Earnings
    • cash flow compared
    • decreases in
    • and dividend cuts
    • and dividend raises
    • executive compensation based on
    • growth
    • manipulation of. See also Buybacks
    • and payout ratio. See also Payout ratios
    • and stock prices
  • Earnings per share (EPS)
  • Eaton Vance (NYSE: EV)
  • eBay (Nasdaq: EBAY)
  • Economic risk
  • Emerging markets. See also Foreign stocks
  • Emerson Electric (NYSE: EMR)
  • Employee stock option plans
  • Energen Corp. (NYSE: EGN)
  • England
  • Enron
  • eToys
  • Ex-dividend date
  • Exchange-traded funds (ETFs)
    • defined
    • investing in versus individual stock purchases
    • performance
    • Powershares Dividend Achievers (NYSE: PFM)
    • PowerShares High Yield Equity Dividend Achievers Portfolio (NYSE: PEY)
    • problems with
    • ProShares S&P 500 Aristocrats (Nasdaq: NOBL)
    • SPDR S&P 500 ETF (NYSE: SPY)
    • SPDR S&P Dividend ETF (Amex: SDY)
    • Vanguard Dividend Appreciation ETF (NYSE: VIG)
  • Exit strategy
  • Expiration date
    • for call options
    • for puts
  • Exxon Mobil (NYSE: XOM)
  • Failure to raise dividends. See also Cutting dividends
  • Faust, Thomas
  • Fees and commissions
    • discount brokers
    • dividend reinvestment
    • Dividend Reinvestment Plans (DRIPs)
    • financial advisors
    • mutual funds
    • 10-11-12 system
  • Fidelity
  • Fiduciary duties
  • Financial advisors. See also Brokers; Discount brokers
  • Financial crisis of 2008–2009. See Great Recession (2008–2009)
  • Financial literacy
  • Financial sector
  • Fish, David
  • 529 plans. See also College, saving for
  • Flexible Reinvestment Program (FRIP)
  • F.N.B. Corp. (NYSE: FNB)
  • Foreign currencies
  • Foreign stocks
    • and currency fluctuations
    • diversification
    • and dividend capture, effect of
    • emerging markets
    • frequency of dividend payments
    • as part of portfolio
    • Perpetual Dividend Raisers
    • and reinvesting dividends
    • risk
    • taxes
    • yields
  • Foreign taxes
  • Form 1099-DIV
  • Form 1116
  • Form K-1
  • Formula for selecting stocks. See 10-11-12 system
  • 401(k) plans
  • Fraud
  • Free cash flow
  • Freeport McMoran Copper & Gold (NYSE: FCX)
  • Freyman, Thomas
  • FRIP. See Flexible Reinvestment Program (FRIP)
  • Fuller, Kathleen P.
  • Fundamental analysis
  • Genuine Parts (NYSE: GPC)
  • Get Rich with Dividends (Lichtenfeld)
  • Get Rich with Options (Lowell)
  • Goel, Anand M.
  • Goldstein, Michael A.
  • Google (Nasdaq: GOOG)
  • Great Depression
  • Great Recession (2008–2009)
  • Greater Fool Theory
  • Growth at a reasonable price (GARP)
  • Growth investors
  • Gula, Alan
  • Health Care REIT (NYSE: HCN)
  • Healthcare Realty Trust (NYSE: HR)
  • Hedge funds. See also Activist investors
  • Howe, Keith M.
  • Hydratec Holdings, LLC
  • Illinois Tool Works (NYSE: ITW)
  • In-the-money options
  • Index funds
  • Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs)
  • Inflation
    • abnormal rates of
    • Argentina
    • average annual rate of
    • and bear markets
    • and bond returns
    • declining markets and low inflation
    • and dividend growth
    • and dividend stocks
    • and dividend yield
    • and mutual fund investments
    • and preferred stock dividends
  • Instant Income Portfolio
  • Intel (Nasdaq: INTC)
  • Interest rates
    • bonds
    • and dividend yields
    • loans to start-ups
    • and preferred stocks
    • and REITs
  • Internal Revenue Service (IRS). See also Tax consequences
    • Form 1099-DIV
    • Form 1116
    • Form K-1
  • Investment strategies. See also Reinvestment of dividends
    • foreign stocks. See Foreign stocks
    • methodologies generally
    • options. See Call options; Put options
    • tax considerations. See Tax consequences
  • Investment U (newsletter)
  • Investor relations, obtaining information from
  • Investors
    • activists
    • growth investors
    • individual investors versus professional money managers
    • Lake Wobegon effect
    • momentum investors
    • objectives
    • overconfidence in abilities
    • and use of 10-11-12 system
    • value investors
  • Jagannathan, Murali
  • Jarden (NYSE: JAH)
  • Jobs and Growth Tax Reconciliation Relief Act
  • Johnson & Johnson (NYSE: JNJ)
  • Jones, Roy, Jr.
  • Junior Aristocrats
  • Junk bonds
  • Kimberly-Clark (NYSE: KMB)
  • Kingsley, Scott
  • Lake Wobegon effect
  • Lee, Bong-Soo
  • Liberty All Star Growth Fund (NYSE: ASG)
  • Livermore, Jesse
  • Loeb, Dan
  • Long-Term Capital Management
  • Long-term investing
  • Louis, Joe
  • Low-beta stocks
  • Lowell, Lee
  • Madoff, Bernie
  • Main Street Capital Corporation (Nasdaq: MAIN)
  • Management. See also Chief executive officers (CEOs)
    • conflicts with activist investors
    • fiduciary duties
    • mutual funds
    • perspective of on raising dividends
  • Marc Lichtenfeld’s Authentic Italian Trattoria hypothetical
  • Market timing
  • Master Limited Partnerships (MLPs)
    • about
    • Broad Dividend Achievers Index
    • and estate planning
    • as part of portfolio
    • payout ratios
    • return of capital
    • tax consequences
    • types of
    • volatility
    • yields
  • McDonald’s (NYSE: MCD)
  • Meng Rui, Oliver
  • Merck (NYSE: MRK)
  • Meredith Corp. (NYSE: MDP)
  • Mergers and acquisitions
  • MetLife Preferred B Shares (NYSE: METPrB)
  • Microsoft (Nasdaq: MSFT)
  • Miller, Merton H.
  • Miller, Mitchell
  • MLP. See Master Limited Partnerships (MLPs)
  • Modigliani, Franco
  • Money managers
  • Moody’s Investor Services
  • Mullins, David W., Jr.
  • Mutual funds. See also Exchange-traded funds (ETFs)
    • benchmarks
    • closed-end funds. See Closed-end funds
    • described
    • diversification
    • fees
    • foreign taxes. See also Foreign taxes
    • investors, behavior of
    • managers
    • performance
    • returns compared to 10-11-12 system
    • and trading advantages of individual investors
  • Naked puts
  • Nasdaq OMX
  • Nasdaq US Dividend Achievers 50 Index
  • Nasdaq US Dividend Achievers Select index
  • Net asset value (NAV)
  • Netcentives
  • New Mountain Finance (Nasdaq: NMFC)
  • Novartis (NYSE: NVS)
  • Obama, Barack
  • Oded, Jacob
  • Options. See also Call options; Put options
    • about
    • contracts
    • types of
  • Oracle (Nasdaq: ORCL)
  • Ordinary income tax rate
  • Out-of-the-money options
    • call options
    • put options
  • Overconfidence
    • chief executive officers (CEOs)
    • of investors in trading abilities
  • Oxford Club
  • Oxford Income Letter
  • Par value
  • Past performance and future results
    • dividend stocks (Perpetual Dividend Raisers)
    • mutual funds
    • stocks versus bonds
  • Payout ratios
    • Business Development Companies (BDCs)
    • calculating
    • and cash flow
    • defined
    • and dividend growth
    • and dividend history
    • and dividend rate
    • and earnings
    • Master Limited Partnerships (MLPs)
    • percentages
    • Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)
    • and special dividends
    • and stock selection
    • tracking
  • Pentair (NYSE: PNT)
  • Perpetual Dividend Raisers. See also Business Development Companies (BDCs); Master Limited Partnerships (MLPs); Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)
    • bear markets, effect of
    • bond performance compared
    • and compounding
    • described
    • Dividend Achievers
    • Dividend Aristocrats
    • Dividend Challengers
    • Dividend Champions
    • Dividend Contenders
    • foreign stocks. See also Foreign stocks
    • Junior Aristocrats
    • long-term investing
    • monitoring
    • performance of
    • record of raising dividends
    • in tax-deferred accounts
    • 10-11-12 system. See 10-11-12 system
  • Petty, Tom
  • Pitney Bowes (NYSE: PBI)
  • Political risk
  • Polycom (Nasdaq: PLCM)
  • Portfolio, establishing
    • diversification. See Diversification
    • Oxford Income Letter portfolio examples
    • purpose of portfolio
    • selection of stocks. See 10-11-12 system
    • time frame
    • yield considerations
  • Powershares Dividend Achievers (NYSE: PFM)
  • Powershares High Yield Equity Dividend Achievers (NYSE: PEY)
  • PowerShares High Yield Equity Dividend Achievers Portfolio (NYSE: PEY)
  • Preferred stock
  • Premiums
    • closed-end funds
    • options
    • return of capital
  • Price/earnings (P/E) ratio
  • Private equity firms. See also Business Development Companies (BDCs)
  • Procter & Gamble (NYSE: PG)
  • ProShares S&P 500 Aristocrats ETF (Nasdaq: NOBL)
  • Put options. See also Call options
    • defined
    • example
    • and expiration date
    • naked puts
    • and option prices
    • out-of-the-money
    • risk
    • selling covered calls compared
    • selling puts
    • strike price
  • Quaker Oats (OAT)
  • Qualified dividends
  • Quantitative Analysis of Investor Behavior (QAIB) study
  • Quantitative investing
  • Quokka
  • Raising dividends. See also Cutting dividends
    • in bear markets. See also Bear markets
    • buybacks as alternative to paying dividends
    • commitment to shareholders
    • dividend growth rate. See Dividend growth
    • failure to raise
    • investor perspective on
    • and long-term investors
    • management perspective on
    • and payout ratio. See also Payout ratios
    • during poor earnings period
    • and shareholder satisfaction
    • as sign of financial health
    • target range
    • track record of
  • Randgold Resources Limited (Nasdaq: GOLD)
  • Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)
    • about
    • Broad Dividend Achievers Index
    • as part of portfolio
    • payout ratios
    • Perpetual Dividend Raisers
    • return of capital
    • tax consequences
    • volatility
    • yields
  • Real Networks (Nasdaq: RNWK)
  • Recessions
  • Reinvestment of dividends
    • ADRs
    • in bear markets
    • and compound annual growth rate (CAGR)
    • compounding, effect of
    • in declining markets. See also Bear markets
    • Direct Stock Purchase Plans. See Direct Stock Purchase Plans (DSPPs)
    • discount brokers, use of
    • Dividend Reinvestment Plans. See Dividend Reinvestment Plans (DRIPs)
    • foreign stocks
    • long-term investing
    • low-beta stocks
    • mutual funds compared
    • preferred stock
    • returns
    • and stock price. See also Stock prices
    • through brokers
  • REITs. See Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)
  • Retirement
    • Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs)
    • saving for
  • Retirement Catch-Up/High Yield Portfolio
  • Return of capital
    • Business Development Companies (BDCs)
    • closed-end funds
    • described
    • Master Limited Partnerships (MLPs)
    • Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)
    • tax consequences
  • Return on equity (ROE)
  • The Richest Man in Babylon (Clason)
  • Risk. See also Beta; Volatility
    • bonds
    • Business Development Companies (BDCs)
    • call options
    • Dividend Aristocrats versus S&P 500
    • dividend stocks
    • and dot-com bubble
    • economic
    • foreign stocks
    • measuring
    • opportunity risk
    • options
    • political
    • put options
    • regulatory
    • and reward
    • S&P 500
  • Risk-adjusted return
  • River Aggregates, LLC
  • Rockefeller, John D.
  • Rolling Stones
  • Rubin, Harvey
  • Russia
  • Saving money. See also College, saving for; Retirement
  • Schwab
  • Schwartz, Robert Allan
  • Scottrade
  • Share repurchases. See Stock buybacks
  • Sharpe ratio
  • Sherwin-Williams (NYSE: SHW)
  • “She’s So Cold” (song)
  • Short-term income
  • Skinner, Douglas J.
  • Snapple
  • Soltes, Eugene F.
  • Songs
    • most underappreciated Rolling Stones song
    • worst song ever recorded
  • Southern Company (NYSE: SO)
  • S&P 500. See also Standard & Poor’s (S&P)
    • annual growth rate
    • beta
    • dividend growth
    • dividend yield
    • index funds
    • ProShares S&P 500 Aristocrats ETF (Nasdaq: NOBL)
    • returns
    • risk
    • SPDR S&P 500 ETF (NYSE: SPY)
    • SPDR S&P Dividend ETF (Amex: SDY)
    • stock market performance
  • Spaht, Carlos, II
  • SPDR S&P 500 ETF (NYSE: SPY)
  • SPDR S&P Dividend ETF (Amex: SDY)
  • Special dividends
    • about
    • accounting for in dividend calculations
    • accounting for in payout ratio calculations
    • and activist investors
    • and cash flow
    • reasons for
    • and tax rate increases
  • Speculative investing
  • Standard & Poor’s (S&P)
    • index list maintenance
    • S&P 500. See S&P 500
    • SPDR S&P 500 ETF (NYSE: SPY)
    • SPDR S&P Dividend ETF (Amex: SDY)
  • Standard deviation
  • Statement of cash flow. See also Cash flow
    • capital expenditures
    • depreciation (noncash items), treatment of
    • examples
    • and payout ratios. See also Payout ratios
  • Stephens, Clifford P.
  • Stock buybacks
  • Stock charts
  • Stock market performance. See also S&P 500
  • Stock options. See also Call options; Put options
    • about
    • employee stock option plans
    • executive compensation
  • Stock prices
    • declining
    • growth
  • Stocks. See also Dividend stocks
    • diversification
    • fundamental analysis
    • growth investors
    • investment strategies
    • momentum investors
    • S&P 500. See S&P 500
    • stock market performance
    • technical analysis
    • value investors
  • Strike price
  • Supply and demand
  • Tax consequences
    • Business Development Companies (BDCs)
    • closed-end funds
    • dividends, taxes on
    • foreign taxes
    • Master Limited Partnerships (MLPs)
    • qualified dividends
    • Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)
    • retirement accounts
    • return of capital
    • tax-deferred strategies. See Tax deferral
    • tax rates on dividends
  • Tax deferral
    • master limited partnership distributions
    • REITs
    • retirement accounts
    • return of capital
    • strategies
  • Tax rates on dividends. See Tax consequences
  • Taxable accounts. See also Tax consequences
  • TD Ameritrade
  • Technical analysis
  • Telefónica (NYSE: TEF)
  • Tesoro Corporation (NYSE: TSO)
  • Time frame for investing
    • bear markets and stock market performance over time
    • long-term investing
  • Tompkins Financial Corp. (NYSE: TMP)
  • Total SA (NYSE: TOT)
  • Transocean Limited (NYSE: RIG)
  • Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities (TIPS)
  • Treasury notes
  • Trend lines
  • Tuition costs
  • Tunisia
  • US Dividend Achievers 50 Index
  • US Dividend Achievers Select index
  • Value investors
  • Vanguard
  • Vanguard Dividend Appreciation ETF (NYSE: VIG)
  • Vanguard 500 Index Fund (VFNIX)
  • Volatility. See also Beta; Risk
    • Business Development Companies (BDCs)
    • call options
    • Dividend Aristocrats versus S&P 500
    • low volatility and low beta portfolios
    • Master Limited Partnerships (MLPs)
    • and option prices
    • preferred stock
    • Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)
  • Vulcan Materials Company (NYSE: VMC)
  • Wal-Mart (NYSE: WMT)
  • Wealthy Retirement (newsletter)
  • Web sites
  • Weisbach, Michael S.
  • Williams, Albert
  • Wohl, Avi
  • Wurgler, Jeffrey
  • Yahoo! (Nasdaq: YHOO)
  • “Y’all Must’ve Forgot” (song)
  • Yang, Jerry
  • Yields
    • Business Development Companies (BDCs)
    • closed-end funds
    • as criteria for buying stocks
    • defined
    • dividend calculator
    • Dividend Challengers
    • Dividend Champions
    • Dividend Contenders
    • double-digit
    • foreign stocks
    • Master Limited Partnerships (MLPs)
    • Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)
    • S&P 500 dividend yield
    • starting
  • Ziegler’s New York Pizza Department
  • Zuckerberg, Mark
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