
There are many people who contributed to the publication of Get Rich with Dividends in one way or another.

I'd like to thank Debra Englander, formerly of John Wiley & Sons, who took my call and was instantly excited about the idea. Thank you, Debra, for making this book a reality. Also from Wiley, my editor, Tula Batanchiev, for remaining a champion for the book for several years, for motivating me to write the second edition when I didn't want to be motivated, and for all your hard work in making this book a success. This second edition would not exist without you. My editor, Judy Howarth, and my former editor, Kimberly Bernard: Thanks for all of your suggestions and improvements

Julia Guth, thank you for your support on this project and all of the others over the past eight years. Alexander Green for setting such a high standard of excellence and for your support as well. It is very much appreciated. Mike Ward for helping me get this ball rolling. Karim Rahemtulla for giving me my start at the Oxford Club and becoming a trusted mentor. Louis Basenese for guiding me through the waters during the early days, for your countless votes of confidence, and for becoming a good friend. Danielle O'Dell for everything in helping me through the process. Bill Bonner and Mark Ford for creating an incredible company that allows employees to thrive.

Matt Weinschenk for your invaluable research and contributions to this book. I couldn't have done it without you. Ryan Fitzwater for all of the excellent research. Jen Ross for creating some killer charts. Mike Kapsch for being a terrific partner on the Oxford Income Letter and Wealthy Retirement. It's a great product and I'm proud of the work we've done together. Bob Williams and Alan Gula of Wall Street Daily for your help and support.

All of my fellow editors at the Oxford Club: Alexander Green, Matt Carr, Steve McDonald, Sean Brodrick, Adam Sharp, and Andy Gordon. Your work helps me become a better analyst, especially when we get together to talk about the markets.

Alex Moschina for your constant efforts to turn me into a household name. I'm really glad we work so closely together, but I appreciate your friendship even more.

Laura Cadden—marketer extraordinaire. Thanks for all you do and for helping get the word out.

I am especially grateful to my friends and colleagues at the Oxford Club. It is so easy to get out of bed and come to the office every morning when I work with such intelligent, talented, and passionate people.

David Fish of the DRiP Resource Center, not only for allowing me to use your data, but also for the great work you do on behalf of dividend investors.

Alan Nadel, one of the sharpest people I know, who always immediately responded to my e‐mails and was a vital sounding board. He's also been a great friend for over 30 years (how is that possible, Al?). Kevin Logan, a great trader and even better friend. I can't imagine how much less I would know about the markets if we didn't talk every day.

Eric Lichtenfeld, the best writer that I know. Thanks for always being there, giving me advice, and helping me write good. Marlowe Lichtenfeld for being an incredible sister‐in‐law and keeping Eric sane. Ben and Ellie Lichtenfeld for being so damn cute.

My parents, Barbara and Ed Lichtenfeld, for forcing me to stop writing “and then and then and then” in the third grade. My editor should probably thank you for that, too. Thank you for being the amazing parents that you are.

Julian and Kira. Thank you for your patience while I was writing this book. I know it stunk that I had to miss family trips and time on the weekends for a few months (again). I hope you'll think it was worth it someday.

And most of all, thank you to Holly. For everything.

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