Brief Table of Contents


Brief Table of Contents

Table of Contents




About this book

About the author

Unit 0. Getting set up

Lesson 0. Setting up Node.js and the JavaScript engine

Lesson 1. Configuring your environment

Lesson 2. Running a Node.js application

Unit 1. Getting started with Node.js

Lesson 3. Creating a Node.js module

Lesson 4. Building a simple web server in Node.js

Lesson 5. Handling incoming data

Lesson 6. Writing better routes and serving external files

Lesson 7. Capstone: Creating your first web application

Unit 2. Easier web development with Express.js

Lesson 8. Setting up an app with Express.js

Lesson 9. Routing in Express.js

Lesson 10. Connecting views with templates

Lesson 11. Configurations and error handling

Lesson 12. Capstone: Enhancing the Confetti Cuisine site with Express.js

Unit 3. Connecting to a database

Lesson 13. Setting up a MongoDB Database

Lesson 14. Building models with Mongoose

Lesson 15. Connecting Controllers and Models

Lesson 16. Capstone: Saving user subscriptions

Unit 4. Building a user model

Lesson 17. Improving Your Data Models

Lesson 18. Building the user model

Lesson 19. Creating and reading your models

Lesson 20. Updating and Deleting your Models

Lesson 21. Capstone: Adding CRUD Models to Confetti Cuisine

Unit 5. Authenticating user accounts

Lesson 22. Adding sessions and flash messages

Lesson 23. Building a user login and hashing passwords

Lesson 24. Adding User Authentication

Lesson 25. Capstone: Adding User Authentication to Confetti Cuisine

Unit 6. Building an API

Lesson 26. Adding an API to Your Application

Lesson 27. Accessing Your API from Your Application

Lesson 28. Adding API Security

Lesson 29. Capstone: Implementing an API

Unit 7. Adding chat functionality

Lesson 30. Working with Socket.Io

Lesson 31. Saving Chat Messages

Lesson 32. Adding a Chat Notification Indicator

Lesson 33. Capstone: Adding a Chat Feature to Confetti Cuisinex

Unit 8. Deploying and managing code in production

Lesson 34. Deploying your application

Lesson 35. Managing in production

Lesson 36. Testing your application

Lesson 37. Capstone: Deploying Confetti Cuisine

A. JavaScript syntax introduced in ES6

B. Logging and using Node.js global objects




List of Figures

List of Tables

List of Listings

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