• A
  • Abba, 16–17
  • Accenture, 34
  • Adaptability and flexibility, 143–152
    • adaptability quotient (AQ), 145–146
    • for collaboration, 111, 113
    • defined, 144
    • expectation for change and, 143
    • flexibility in practice, 144–145
    • gig economy and, 136
    • importance of, 146–148
    • improving, 148–151
    • See also Change
  • Addiction, digital, 50–52
  • Aggressive communication style, 122
  • Alessandra, Tony, 144
  • Always Be Connecting the Dots (ABCD), 105
  • Amazon, 14–15, 29, 33, 41, 190
  • American Psychological Association, 238
  • Anchoring bias, 68
  • Apple, 53, 82, 148
  • Arithmophobia, 30
  • Artificial intelligence (AI)
    • creativity and, 102–103
    • data literacy and, 24, 29
    • decision-making and, 84
    • definitions, 12
    • digital literacy and, 7–8, 11–15, 17–18, 20
    • emotional quotient (EQ) and, 91–92
    • ethics of, 165–166
    • interpersonal communication as unique to humans vs., 125
    • technical skills and, 42
  • Arts education, 104
  • Assertive communication style, 121–122
  • Audience, communicating to, 126
  • Augmented analytics tools, 29
  • Authenticity, 185
  • B
  • Balance. See Self-care
  • Bezos, Jeff, 190
  • Bias, types of, 67–69. See also Cultural intelligence and diversity
  • Bias in data, 32
  • Big Data in Practice (Marr), 36
  • Binary thinking, 83
  • Boohoo, 167
  • Book, organization of, 3–4
  • Bounded rationality, 81
  • Brand of “you” and networking, 189–198
    • boosting personal brand and expanding online network, 193–197
    • brand concept and, 189–191
    • brand names and, 194
    • creativity and, 105
    • importance of personal brand, 191–193
    • in-person networking and, 191
    • self-promotion, 136–137
  • Branson, Richard, 105, 190
  • Breaks, scheduling, 204
  • Business ethics, 165
  • Business Trends in Practice (Marr), 112
  • C
  • Catfishing, 57
  • Causation vs. correlation, 33
  • Change, embracing and celebrating, 221–232
  • Checkout workers, 41
  • Children
    • creativity in, 103–104
    • digital threat awareness for, 52, 56
    • judgment and decision-making by, 86
  • China, fake news by, 72
  • Cloud computing, 15
  • Coatney, Matthew, 131
  • Co-creativity, 103
  • Cognitive bias, 67–69
  • Cognitive intelligence (IQ), emotional quotient (EQ) vs., 90–91
  • Collaboration and teams, 109–117
    • barriers to, 113–114
    • collaboration vs. teamwork, 109–110
    • creativity for, 101
    • defined, 109
    • digital literacy for, 10, 13
    • in gig economy, 137
    • importance of, 111
    • improving skills for, 114–116
    • interpersonal communication in, 127–128
    • leadership and, 183–184
    • skills of good collaborators, 110–111
    • in 21st-century workplace, 112–113
  • Collins, Jim, 211–212
  • Communication. See Interpersonal communication
  • Complex decision-making. See Judgment and complex decision-making
  • Confirmation bias, 68
  • Coursera, 35
  • Coveware, 59
  • Creative AI, 14
  • The Creative Spark (Fuentes), 99
  • Creativity, 99–108
    • AI and, 102–103
    • curiosity and, 214
    • defined, 99–100
    • importance of, overview, 100
    • improving, 104–107
    • instilling, at young age, 103–104
    • interpersonal communication and, 125
    • left- vs. right-brain thinking and, 102
    • self-care for, 240
    • in workplace, 100–102
  • The Creativity Code (du Sautoy), 103
  • Critical thinking, 65–77
    • cognitive bias and, 67–69
    • creativity and, 105
    • data literacy for, 32–33
    • deepfakes and, 72–73
    • defined, 66–67
    • fake news and, 71–72
    • importance of, overview, 65, 67
    • improving, 74–75
    • increased polarization and, 69–70
    • social media filter bubbles and, 10–11, 70–71
  • Cross-sectional study, 28
  • Cultural intelligence and diversity consciousness, 153–161
    • awareness for, 154–155, 158–159
    • cultural bias, 68
    • curiosity and, 214
    • diversity, defined, 154
    • diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), 155–156
    • importance of, 153–154, 156–157
    • improving cultural intelligence, 158–160
  • Curiosity and continuous learning, 209–220
    • boosting and embracing, 215–219
    • change and, 228
    • darker side of, 213–214
    • defined, 210
    • growth mindset for, 212–213
    • as habit, 210–211
    • humility for, 211–212
    • importance of, 209, 214–215
    • lifelong learning as essential skill, 19
  • Cyberbullying, 55–57
  • Cybersecurity
    • cyber threats, defending against, 60–62
    • digital literacy and, 10, 13, 19
  • D
  • Dannemiller, Kathleen, 223–224
  • Darling, Kate, 5
  • Data breaches, 58–60
  • Data exfiltration, 59
  • Data literacy, 23–38
    • for AI, 14–15
    • communication about data, 31
    • correlation vs. causation, 33
    • critical thinking for, 32–33
    • data, defined, 27
    • data analysis, 29
    • data as most important business asset, 24
    • data privacy and ethics, 34
    • data quality, 28–29
    • data sources, 28
    • data visualization, 31
    • for decision-making, 29–30
    • defined, 23–24
    • importance of, 24–27
    • improving, 34–37
    • resistance to, 30, 34
    • terminology, 27–28
  • Data Literacy Project, 35
  • Data protection, 52–54
  • Data sets, 28
  • Daydreaming, 106
  • Decision-making. See Judgment and complex decision-making
  • Deepfakes, 72–73
  • Deep learning, defined, 12
  • Delegating, 178–179, 206
  • Dell, 1
  • Diamond, 72
  • Digital literacy, 5–21
    • defined, 6
    • emotional intelligence and coping with digital transformation, 94–95
    • emotional quotient (EQ) in, 93–94
    • essential skills for, 9–17
    • importance of, 6–8
    • improving, 18–20
    • positive mindset for, 5
  • “Digital Skills” (Open University), 18
  • Digital threat awareness, 49–64
    • cyberbullying, 55–57
    • defending against cyber threats, 60–62
    • defined, 49–50
    • digital addiction, 50–52
    • digital impersonation, 57–58
    • online privacy and data protection, 52–54
    • passwords, 54–55
    • types of, overview, 50
    • understanding key cyber threats, 58–60
  • Disinformation, 71–72
  • Distractions, 205
  • Diversity consciousness
  • Du Sautoy, Marcus, 103
  • Dweck, Carol, 212, 216
  • E
  • Edge computing, 15
  • edX, 35
  • The 8-Step Process for Leading Change methodology, 229
  • Email safety. See Digital threat awareness
  • Embracing and celebrating change. See Change
  • Emotional intelligence (EQ) and empathy, 89–98
    • change and, 227, 231
    • defined, 89–90
    • EQ and AI, 91–94
    • EQ vs. cognitive intelligence (IQ), 90–91
    • importance of, 92–95
    • improving, 95–97
  • Emotional Intelligence (Goleman), 90
  • Empathy. See Emotional intelligence (EQ) and empathy
  • Employers and organizations
    • adaptability and flexibility for, 147–148, 150–151
    • change management tips for, 229–231
    • communication tips for, 128
    • creativity needed for, 106–107
    • critical thinking skills for, 75–76
    • curiosity and continuous learning encouraged by, 215, 219
    • data literacy programs of, 35–37
    • defending against cyber threats by, 61–62
    • emotional intelligence and empathy needed for, 96–97
    • improving collaborative skills, 116
    • improving cultural intelligence in, 158–160
    • improving ethical awareness in, 169–170
    • investing in digital literacy, 18–20
    • self-care in workplace, 245–246
    • social media used for hiring by, 192
    • technical skills for, 45–46
    • time management and, 206–207
    • top-down organizational structures, 110
    • training for judgment and decision-making, 86
    • utilizing gig economy, 138–139
  • EQ. See Emotional intelligence (EQ) and empathy
  • Equity. See Cultural intelligence and diversity
  • Ethical awareness, 163–172
    • business ethics, 165
    • data privacy and, 34
    • defined, 163–164
    • importance of, 166–168
    • improving, 168–170
    • individual interpretation of ethics, 164
    • leadership and, 177
    • technology and ethics, 165–166
  • Exeter University (UK), 100
  • Extended Reality in Practice (Marr), 17, 46
  • External data, 28
  • G
  • Gig economy, 131–141
  • Gleicher, David, 223–224
  • Goal setting, 180–181, 218, 230
  • Goleman, Daniel, 90
  • Good to Great (Collins), 211–212
  • Google, 12, 106, 180
  • GPT-3 (OpenAI), 11, 13
  • Grocery store checkout workers, 41
  • Growth mindset, 212–213, 216
  • H
  • Hader, Bill, 72
  • Hairstylists, 41–42
  • Halo effect and horn effect, 68
  • “Hard” skills, 39–40. See also Technical skills
  • Headspace. See Mindfulness
  • Heraclitus, 143
  • Hindsight bias, 68
  • Hootsuite, 196
  • The Human Cloud (Mottola and Coatney), 131
  • Humility, 211–212, 215, 249
  • J
  • J-curve change model, 224–225, 230
  • Jobs, Steve, 82
  • Journaling, 105, 217
  • Judgment and complex decision-making, 79–88
    • bad decisions and mental shortcuts, 82–83
    • business ethics for, 165 (See also Ethical awareness)
    • collective decision-making (See Collaboration and teams)
    • creativity for, 101
    • data literacy for, 29–30
    • importance of, 83–84
    • improving, 84–87
    • intuition vs. slow thinking, 81–82
    • judgment, defined, 80
    • rationality, 81
    • understanding, 79
  • K
  • Kahneman, Daniel, 82, 85, 223
  • Key influencers, 231
  • Klein, Ezra, 69
  • Kotter, John, 229
  • L
  • Language modeling, 13
  • Leaders Eat Last (Sinek), 175, 185
  • Leadership skills, 173–187
    • authenticity and, 185
    • collaboration and, 113–114
    • giving/receiving feedback and, 181–182
    • goal setting and, 180–181
    • humility as, 211–212
    • improving, 185–186
    • inspiring trust with, 177–178
    • key influencers, 231
    • leadership, defined, 173–175
    • motivating others with, 176
    • positivity and, 184
    • qualities of, overview, 175
    • recognizing/fostering potential in others with, 176–177
    • responsibility and delegating, 178–179
    • strategic thinking and, 179–180
    • for strong teams, 183–184
  • Learning, continuous. See Curiosity and continuous learning
  • Learning and Work Institute, 8
  • Left- vs. right-brain thinking, 102
  • Lembke, Anna, 51
  • Letter to future self, 243
  • Likierman, Andrew, 80
  • LinkedIn, 190–191, 194–196
  • Listening, 95, 111, 114, 119, 127, 158, 216. See also Interpersonal communication
  • Longitudinal study, 28
  • Looking after yourself. See Self-care
  • Low-code AI, 13
  • P
  • Passive-aggressive communication style, 123
  • Passive communication style, 122–123
  • Passwords, 54–55
  • Perfectionism, 235, 243
  • Performance management, 114
  • Personal brand. See Brand of “you” and networking
  • Personality type, 114
  • Petabytes, 25
  • Phishing, 59, 60
  • Photographs for social media, 194, 196
  • Physical wellness, 239, 241–242. See also Self-care
  • Pichai, Sundar, 12
  • Pink, Daniel, 102
  • The Platinum Rule (Alessandra and O'Connor), 144
  • Polarization trend, 69–70
  • Portrait of Edmond de Belamy (artwork), 102
  • Positive mindset (optimism), 5, 106, 149–150, 184, 249
  • Practice, 106
  • Prioritizing, 204. See also Self-care
  • Privacy, online, 52–54, 194–195
  • Problem solving, 231
  • Procrastination, 201–202, 206
  • Productivity and productivity myth, 200, 205
  • S
  • Sarbanes-Oxley Act, 165
  • Satir system of change (J-curve), 224–225, 230
  • Saving Private Ryan (film), 184
  • Selection bias, 68
  • Self-care, 233–247
    • consistency of, 244–245
    • for creativity, 240
    • for finding balance, 234–235, 236
    • importance of, 233–234, 237–238
    • interpersonal relationships and, 239–240, 243–244
    • mental health and, 239, 242–243
    • perfectionism and, 235
    • physical wellness for, 239, 241–242
    • for reducing stress, 238–239
    • SHED (Sleep, Hydration, Exercise, Diet) Method for, 236–237, 241
    • for work performance, 240
    • in workplace, 245–246
    • See also Time management
  • Self-confidence, 249
  • Self-promotion, 136–137
  • Self-service checkouts, 41
  • Senge, Peter, 222
  • SHED (Sleep, Hydration, Exercise, Diet) Method, 236–237, 241
  • Silk, 72
  • Simon, Herbert, 81
  • Sinek, Simon, 173, 175, 185
  • Skills
  • Smartphones and smart devices. See Digital threat awareness; Interpersonal communication
  • The Social Dilemma (film), 70
  • Social media
  • “Spot on Al Pacino impression by Bill Hader” (YouTube), 72
  • Starck, Philippe, 103
  • STEM education and STEAM education, 104
  • Stereotypes, bias about, 69–70
  • Storytelling in communication, 124, 126
  • Strategic thinking, 179–180, 193
  • Stress reduction, 238–239. See also Self-care
  • Success, celebrating, 231
  • Summarizing, 127
  • Synthesia, 7
  • U
  • Uber, 135
  • Udemy, 35
  • Unilever, 200
  • United Airlines, 167
  • United Kingdom government, digital skills framework of, 9
  • University of Cambridge, 189
  • University of Oxford, 157
  • US Army, 166
  • Utilitarianism, 164
  • W
  • Wayne, Ronald, 82
  • Website domain names, 197
  • Welch, Jack, 173
  • A Whole New Mind (Pink), 102
  • Why We're Polarized (Klein), 69
  • Winfrey, Oprah, 190
  • Winning (Welch), 173
  • Work–life balance. See Self-care
  • Workplace creativity, 100–102
  • World Economic Forum, 19
  • World Health Organization, 71
  • Wozniak, Steve, 82
  • Written communication, 120, 126
  • Z
  • Zettabytes, 25
  • Zuckerberg, Mark, 15
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