
  • A
  • Abnormal return, 275–277
  • Acceptance credits, 232
  • Accrual bond, 399–402
  • Accrued interest, 144–146, 178, 214, 216, 220, 223, 254
  • Active approach, selling mutual fund shares, 436
  • Active orders, 471
  • Actual–actual convention, 142–143
  • Actual term to maturity, 187
  • Additive price adjustment, 253, 254
  • Add-on rate approach, 72
  • Adjustable-rate mortgage (ARM), 369–372, 375
  • Adjustable rate preferreds (ARPs), 96, 100
  • Advising bank, 231
  • Agency trade, 23
  • Aggressive growth funds, 446–447
  • All-in price, 416, 417
  • All-or-none (AON) orders, 466, 476
  • All-or-nothing (AON) orders, 466, 476
  • American calls option, See American option
  • American depository debenture, 39
  • American depository receipts (ADRs), 35–37, 39
  • American option, 17, 281
    • property for, 297–298
    • time value of, 290
    • valuation of, 311–312
  • American terms, 331–332
  • Amortization, 68
  • Amortization schedule, 68–70, 374–376
    • with balloon payment, 70–71
    • and Excel, 76–77
    • for GPM, 378
    • in prepayments' absence, 384–385
    • in prepayments' presence, 387
  • Amortizing swaps, 425
  • Annual operating expenses, 440–441
  • Annuities, 64–67
    • annuity due, 66, 67, 75–76
    • future value, 66, 67, 75–76
    • present value, 64–66, 75–76
    • timeline for, 64
  • Appreciating currencies, 332–333
  • Approximate Fisher relationship, 49
  • Approximate yield to maturity (AYM), 149–150
  • Arbitrage, 37–39, 98, 190, 246–248, 255, 292, 295–297, 305, 308, 314, 344–345, 347, 411, 421, 422–423
    • with ADRs, 38–39
    • in spot markets, 336–338
  • Arrangement fee, 421
  • Arrow-Debreu securities, 510–511
  • Asset-allocation funds, 449
  • Asset-backed securities, 19
  • Assigned dealer, 23
  • At the money (ATM), 285, 287, 289, 320–322
  • Auctions, types of, 211–212
  • Authorized capital, 78
  • Authorized participants (APs), 460–461
  • Automatic reinvestment plans, 451
  • Average life, 388, 392–394, 398, 399, 402, 407, 409, 410
  • B
  • Back-end loads, 437–438
  • Balanced funds, 449
  • Balance of payments (BOP), 6–8
  • Balance of trade, 8
  • Balloon payment, 70–71
  • Banker's acceptance, 229, 231–232
  • Bank guarantees, 225–226
  • Banks' role, in swap market, 421–422
  • Barter system, 11
  • Base-period capitalization, 113
  • Basis risk, 262–264, 266
  • Basis swap, 415, 427
  • Bears, 25, 268, 303
  • Bear spreads, 318–320
  • Best-efforts transaction, 226
  • Beta, 135, 272–273, 275, 277
    • definition of, 95
  • Bid–ask spread, 23, 89, 329, 337, 342, 345, 347, 367
  • Bid to cover ratio, 212
  • “Big bang,” 34
  • Big figure, 333
  • Big Mac index, 485
  • Bills, 13, 200–202, 211, 229
  • Bills of exchange, 228–232
    • banker's acceptance, 231–232
    • buying and selling bills, 230–231
    • eligible and noneligible bank bills, 230
  • Binomial model, 307–309, 361–362
    • implementation, 312
  • Black model, 327–328
  • Black-Scholes model, 313–316, 360
    • interpretation of, 314–315
    • put-call parity, 314
  • BM&F Bovespa, 247
  • Board lots, 87
  • Bond equivalent yield (BEY), 203–205, 213, 389, 392
  • Bond insurance, 156
  • Bonds, 13, 19, 26, 27, 32–33, 43, 46–48, 79, 96, 134, 203–204, 213, 214–215, 226, 247, 251, 389, 399, 403, 405–410, 417, 418, 420, 424, 428, 429
    • accrued interest, 144–146
    • actual–actual convention, 142–143
    • bond insurance, 156
    • callable bonds, 165–167
    • convertible bonds, 168
    • convexity, 172–177
    • corporate bonds, 144
    • credit risk, 154–155
    • day-count conventions, 142
    • dollar duration, 172
    • duration, 185–186, 446
    • with embedded options, 165–169
    • evolution of price, 139–140
    • inflation indexed bonds, 180–182
    • orders for, 465
    • par, premium, and discount bonds, 138–139
    • price and yield, 182–185
    • price quotes, 179
    • price volatility, 170–172
    • putable bonds, 167
    • straight value of, 168
    • STRIPS, 179–180
    • taxable-equivalent yield (TEY), 153–154
    • Treasury auctions, 177–178
    • Treasury's approach, 143–144
    • valuation, 137–138
    • valuation of, using short rates, 168–169
    • when issued (WI) trading, 179
    • yield curve and term structure, 159–165
    • yields, 146–153
    • zero-coupon bonds, 140–141, 156–159
  • Bonus share issue, 85
  • Book entry versus physical certificates, 92
  • Book value, 79–80
  • Bootstrapping, 158
  • Borrowing rate, for Eurodollar futures, 502–503
  • Bounds, of FRAs, 499
  • Bridge financing, 225
  • Broken-dated contracts, 343–345
  • Brokerage fees, 89
  • Broker call money rate, 125
  • Brokers, 21–24, 44, 127, 129–130, 190
  • Broker's loan, 121–122
  • B shares, 437
  • Budget deficit, 488–491
  • Bulldog bonds, 33
  • Bulls, 25, 268, 301, 302, 323
  • Bull spreads, 316–318
  • Butterfly spread, 320–322
  • Buy and sell-back transaction, 217
  • Buyback, 86, 217, 420
  • Buying and selling bills, 230–231
  • Buying stock on margin, 121
  • Buy side, 25
  • D
  • Day-count convention, 142, 145, 180, 218, 412, 414, 417, 424
  • Days orders, 466
  • Dealer, 22–24, 34, 125, 189, 199, 201, 213, 214, 217, 218, 226, 329, 331, 333, 338, 353, 354, 417
  • Dealer paper, 226
  • Debenture, 13, 46, 79, 96, 134
  • Debit balance, 121, 122, 125, 200
  • Debt funds, 445–446
  • Debt markets, 33, 34, 187, 423
  • Debt monetization, 488
  • Debt securities, 8, 9, 12–14, 19–22, 26, 28–30, 41, 54, 96–97, 134, 154, 163, 168, 180, 187, 189, 200, 213, 380, 399
  • Declaration date, 82
  • Deep discount bonds, See Zero-coupon bonds
  • Default risk, See Credit risk
  • Deferred callable bonds, 166
  • Deficit budget unit (DBU), 5, 9, 40, 488
  • Defined benefit plans, 462–464
  • Defined contribution plans, 463–464
  • Deflation, 47
  • Delivery price, of contract, 269–271
  • Delta, 315–316
  • Demand pull inflation, 487
  • Dematerialization, 42
  • Denomination problem, 28
  • Denomination transformation, 29
  • Depository receipts (DRs), 35, 39
  • Depository Trust and Clearing Corporation (DTCC), 92
  • Depreciating currencies, 332–333
  • Derivative contracts, 14, 247
  • Derivative exchanges, 247
  • Derivatives, 14–15, 247, 465, 478
  • Devolvement risk, 26
  • Direct market transaction, 26, 28
  • Directors, of mutual funds, 451
  • Direct paper, 226
  • Direct quotes, 331, 332, 337, 342, 344
    • to indirect quotes, converting, 333–335
  • Dirty float, 493
  • Dirty price, 144–147, 166, 178, 214, 219, 220, 223
  • Discount bonds, 138–140, 179
  • Discount brokerage, 24
  • Discount factor, 418, 419, 429
  • Discounting, 59
  • Discount rate, 59
  • Discount rates and T-bill prices, 202–212
    • auctions, types of, 211–212
    • bond equivalent yield (BEY), 203–207
    • carry, concept of, 208
    • holding period return, 207
    • money market yield, 205
    • tail, concept of, 208–209
    • value of an 01, 208
  • Discount securities, 195–196
    • yields on, 202
  • Discount technique, 73
  • Discretely callable bond, 166
  • Discriminatory price/yield auctions, 211
  • Distribution date, 83
  • Diversification:
    • and expected returns, 94–95
    • with mutual funds, 431
  • Diversified debt funds, 445
  • Dividend declaration, 82
  • Dividend discount models, 100–101
  • Dividend reinvestment option, mutual funds, 441–443
  • Dividend reinvestment plans (DRIPS), 84–85
  • Dividends, 12, 78, 82–83, 306
    • and mutual funds, 441–443
    • put-call parity with, 295–296
  • Dividends per share (DPS), 86
  • Dividend yield, 83–84
  • Divisor, 105, 107–109
    • changing, 111–112
  • Documents against acceptance (DAA), 230
  • Documents against payment (DAP), 230
  • Dollar convexity of a bond, 175
  • Dollar-cost averaging, 452–453
  • Dollar duration, 172
  • Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA), 105, 121, 247
  • Downtick price, 132–133
  • Dual listing, 35–37
  • Dual traders, 23
  • Dynamic hedging, 277
  • E
  • Early exercise of options, 298–299
  • Earnings per share (EPS), 86
  • Economic growth, 481
  • Effective annual rate, 55–57, 62
  • Effective date, 416
  • Effective rate of interest, 49, 56
  • Effective versus nominal rates of interest, 55
  • Electronic markets, 478–479
  • Eligible bank bills, 230
  • End–end rule, 192–193
  • Entry loads, 436–437
  • Equally weighted index, 113–114
  • Equally weighted tracking portfolio, 114–115
  • Equal principal repayment approach, 71
  • Equity funds, 446
  • Equity income funds, 448–449
  • Equity index funds, 448
  • Equity markets, globalization of, 34–35
  • Equity shares, 9, 12, 78, 79, 81, 92, 96, 97–98
  • Escrow accounts, 365
  • EURIBOR (Euro Inter-Bank Offered Rate), 417
  • Euroclear, 92
  • Eurocurrency deposits, 232
  • Eurocurrency market, 31–32
  • Euro depository receipts, 39
  • Eurodollar (ED) futures, 500–505
  • European options, 17, 281
  • European put options, 310–311, 313
  • European Short-Term Euro Rate (ESTER), 195
  • European terms, 331
  • European Union (EU), 333
  • Excel:
    • amortization schedules, 76–77
    • annuities and annuities due in, 75–76
    • computing bond duration, 185–186
    • computing bond price and yield, 182–185
    • T-bill related functions in, 209–211
    • time value of money-related function in, 73–75
  • Exchange margins, 339
  • Exchange rates, 363, 493–494
  • Exchanges, 465
    • call markets, 479–480
    • electronic markets versus open-outcry markets, 478–479
    • open-outcry trading systems, 477–478
    • and OTC Markets, 21–22
  • Exchange-traded foreign currency options, 359–360
  • Exchange-traded funds (ETFs), 460–461
  • Exchange-traded options, 286–301
    • American calls, 297–298
    • American options, time value of, 290
    • contract assignment, 288
    • corporate actions, adjusting for, 288–289
    • early exercise of options, 298–299
    • flex options, 287–288
    • intrinsic value and time value, 289–290
    • nonnegative option premiums, 289
    • option class and option series, 287
    • profit profiles, 299–301
    • put-call parity, 291–296
    • time value at expiration, 291
  • Ex-dividend date, 83, 84
  • Exercise price, 17, 280, 281, 306
  • Exit loads, 437, 438
  • Expected return and diversification concept, 94, 95
  • Expected shortfall, 245–246
  • Expiration date, 17, 281
  • Extendable swaps, 425
  • Extension risk, 399
  • F
  • Face value, 79, 136, 140. See also Par value
  • Far-date transaction, 350
  • Federal budget deficit, 488–491
  • Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), 27
  • Federal funds, 198–199
    • versus clearinghouse funds, 199–200
  • Federal Funds rate, 490–491
  • Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC), 213
  • Federal Reserve bank, 191, 199
  • Federal Reserve system, 32, 190–191, 213, 218
  • Fill or kill (FOK) orders, 466, 476
  • Finance, mathematics of, 46
  • Financial assets, 9–10
    • debt securities, 12–14
    • derivatives, 14–19
    • equity shares, 12
    • foreign exchange, 14
    • money, 11
    • mortgages and mortgage-backed securities, 19
    • preferred shares, 14
  • Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), 195
  • Financial markets, macroeconomics of, 481. See also Macroeconomics of financial markets
  • Financial Services Modernization Act, 35
  • Fiscal deficit, 489–490
  • Fiscal policies, 490
  • Fisher equation, 48–49
  • Fitch Ratings, 155
  • Fitch's rating scale, 228
  • Fixed–fixed currency swap, 413
  • Fixed–floating swaps, 411
  • Fixed maturity plans, 433
  • Fixed-rate loans, 506–507
  • Flexible exchange (FLEX) options, 288
  • Floaters, 163
  • Floating–floating swap, 411
  • Floating-rate bonds, 163–165
  • Floating-rate tranches, 403
  • Floorlets, 512–513
  • Floors, 512–514
  • Floortions, 513–514
  • Focused debt funds, 445–446
  • Foreign exchange, 14, 329
    • accounting principles, 7
    • American terms, 331–332
    • appreciating currencies, 332–333
    • binomial model, 361–362
    • broken-dated contracts, 343–345
    • cost, 347–349
    • and cross-border borrowing, 491–492
    • cross rates, 338–340
    • currency codes, 330–331
    • depreciating currencies, 332–333
    • direct quotes to indirect quotes, converting, 333–335
    • European terms, 331–332
    • exchange rates and competitiveness, 363
    • exchange-traded foreign currency options, 359–360
    • forward market, 340
    • futures markets, 357
    • Garman-Kohlhagen model, 360–361
    • hedging, using currency futures, 357–359
    • market rates and exchange margins, 339
    • nondeliverable forwards, 356
    • option forwards, 353–355
    • outright forward rates, 341
    • perfect market, 345–347
    • put-call parity, 361
    • range forwards, 357
    • short-date contracts, 350–353
    • spot markets, arbitrage in, 336–338
    • spreads on returns, impact of, 335–336
    • swap points, 341–343, 349–350
    • value dates, 340
  • Foreign exchange markets, 492–493
  • Foreign-exchange risk, 41, 43–44
  • Foreign-exchange swap, 346–347, 349
  • Foreign trade, 483–484
  • Forward and futures contract, 15–16, 235
    • beta, changing, 272–273
    • case of assets making payouts, 249–250
    • case of multiple deliverable grades, 253–255
    • cash-and-carry arbitrage, 247–248
    • cash settlement, 262
    • contract value, 269–271
    • delivery options, 242
    • estimation of hedge ratio and hedging effectiveness, 266
    • expected shortfall, 245–246
    • forward versus futures prices, 270–271
    • hedging and speculation, 262–265
    • hedging the rate of return on a stock portfolio, 271–272
    • importance of future, 279
    • leverage, 268–269
    • marking to market, 242
    • physical assets, 250–253
    • portfolio insurance, 277–278
    • profit diagrams, 242–243
    • profit profile, 243–244
    • program trading, 273–275
    • speculation, 266–268
    • spot futures equivalence, 246–247
    • stock picking, 275–277
    • synthetic securities, 248–249
    • trading volume and open interest, 259–262
    • value at risk, 244–246
  • Forward contracts, 281
  • Forward margin, See Swap points
  • Forward market, 340
  • Forward price, 269–271
  • Forward rate agreements (FRAs), 497–500
  • Forward rate of interest, 159, 197–198
  • Forward-to-forward swaps, 346
  • Forward versus futures prices, 270–271
  • Fractions, handling, 91–92
  • Free-floating market, 493
  • Free-floating market capitalization, 120–121
  • Free-market economies, 1
  • Front-end loading, 436–437
  • Front-end loads, 436–438
  • Full employment inflation, 487
  • Full price, 145
  • Full-service broker, 24
  • Fund of funds, 448
  • Fungibility, 37–39
  • Futures contracts, 281
  • Futures exchange, 16
  • Futures markets, 279, 357
  • Futures options, 326–327
  • Future value (FV), 58–59, 63, 66, 67, 74–76
  • Future value interest factor (FVIF), 58
  • Future value interest factor annuity (FVIFA), 66
  • G
  • Gamma, 315
  • Garman-Kohlhagen model, 360–361
  • General collateral, 214–215
    • versus special repos, 215
  • Generally accepted accounting principles (GAAPs), 36
  • General partnership, 4
  • General valuation model, 101
  • Gilt funds, 445
  • Global depository receipts (GDRs), 39
  • Globalization, 43–45
    • of equity markets, 34–35
  • Gold exchange standard, 494
  • Good this month (GTM) orders, 466
  • Good this week (GTW) orders, 466
  • Good till canceled (GTC) orders, 475
  • Good till days (GTD) orders, 466, 475
  • Good today limit orders, 466
  • Gordon growth model, See Constant growth model
  • Government insurance, 366–367
  • Government spending, 483
  • Graduated-payment mortgage, 376–379
  • Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, 35
  • Greeks, The, 315–316
  • Gross domestic product (GDP), 481–485
  • Gross national product (GNP), 481, 484
  • Growing equity mortgages (GEMs), 378–379
  • Growth funds, 447
  • Growth option, mutual funds, 441–443
  • Growth stocks, 93
  • H
  • Haircut, 216
  • Hedge ratio and hedging effectiveness, estimation of, 266
  • Hedging, 262–265, 422
    • with currency swaps, 429
    • using currency futures, 357–359
  • High yield, 211
  • High yield debt funds, 446
  • H model, 105
  • Holding period return, 207
  • Holding-period yield, 153
  • Horizon yield, See Holding-period yield
  • Household sector, 484
  • Humped yield curve, 159–161
  • Hybrid securities, 19
  • I
  • Immediately available funds, 199
  • Immediate or cancel (IOC) orders, 476
  • Immunization, 175–176
  • Implied repo rate (IRR), 248, 389
  • Implied reverse repo rate (IRRR), 248
  • Independent public accountants, 451
  • Index futures, 262, 271, 273, 277
  • Indication of portfolio value, 461
  • Indirect markets, 26–27
  • Indirect quote, 331–333
  • Individual retirement accounts (IRAs), 464
  • Inflation, 485–487
  • Inflation indexed bonds, 180–182
  • Inflation risk, 40
  • Inherent risk, 416
  • Initial margin, 239, 240
  • Interbank market, 193–197, 329
  • Intercontinental Exchange (ICE), 195
  • Interdistrict settlement account, 199
  • Interest, 46, 125–126
  • Interest computation, 71–73, 195–197
    • add-on rate approach, 72
    • discount technique, 73
    • simple interest approach, 72
  • Interest conversion period, 49
  • Interest equalization tax, 33
  • Interest-only (IO) class, 405
  • Interest rate derivatives, 497
    • callable and putable bonds, 511–512
    • caps, floors, and collars, 512–514
    • captions and floortions, 513–514
    • conversion factors for, 507–509
    • Eurodollar futures, 500–505
    • fixed-rate loans, 506–507
    • forward rate agreements, 497–500
    • interest rate options, 510
    • no-arbitrage pricing equation, 505
    • and state prices, 510–511
    • 30-year T-bond futures contracts, 507
  • Interest rate options, 510
  • Interest-rate parity condition, 345
  • Interest-rate risk, 367
  • Interest rates, 488
  • Interest-rate swap, 18, 411, 415, 429
  • Interest-sensitive stocks, 93
  • Internal rate of return (IRR), 61, 137, 389
  • Internal Revenue Service, 135
  • International bond market, 32–34
  • International Monetary Fund (IMF), 7
  • In the money (ITM), 285, 289
  • Intraday Indicative Value (IIV), 461
  • Intraday money, 194
  • Intraday NAV, 461
  • Intrinsic value, 289–290
  • Inventories, 483
  • Inverse floater, 403
  • Investment advisers, of mutual funds, 451
  • Investment banker, 25–26
  • Investment grade ratings, 155
  • Investments, nature and objectives of, 444
  • Investments advisory fees, 440
  • Investment techniques, 452–455
  • Issued capital, 72
  • K
  • Keogh Plans, 464
  • 10K report, 93
  • L
  • Lead manager, 26
  • Lending rate, for Eurodollar futures, 503–504
  • Letters of credit (LC) and bank guarantees, 225–226
  • Level annuity, 64
  • Level loads, 437
  • Leverage, 96, 124, 135, 268–269
  • LIBID, 194, 214
  • Life-boat provisions, 432
  • Limited liability, 4
  • Limited partnership, 4
  • Limit order books (LOB), 468–469
  • Limit orders, 21, 466, 467–468
    • versus market orders, 469–470
    • versus options, 474–475
  • Limit price, 468
  • Liquid asset, 11–12
  • Liquidity management, 188
  • Liquidity premium hypothesis, 160–161
  • Liquidity risk, 40–41, 367
  • Load funds, 436–437
  • Load mutual funds, 438–439
  • Loan rate, 121
  • Loans:
    • broker's loan, 121–122
    • in interbank market, 193–194
    • mortgage loan, 46, 364, 365, 379
  • Loan value, 121
  • Local traders, 478
  • London Inter-Bank Mean Rate (LIMEAN), 194
  • London interbank offer rate (LIBOR), 18, 194, 195, 214, 411, 497, 500
  • Long, 281
  • Long call option, 299, 300
  • Long put option, 299, 300
  • Losses, on Eurodollar futures, 501–502
  • M
  • Macaulay duration of a bond, 170
  • Macroeconomics of financial markets, 481
    • Big Mac index, 485
    • budget deficits and capital market, 490
    • central banks, 490–491
    • central banks and foreign exchange markets, 492–493
    • cross-border borrowing, 491–492
    • cross-border implications of central bank actions, 494–495
    • economic growth, 481
    • exchange rates, 493–494
    • federal budget deficit, 488–491
    • fiscal policies, 490
    • gross domestic product, 481–485
    • gross national product, 481, 484
    • inflation, 485–487
    • interest rates, 488
    • monetary policies, 490–491
    • quantitative easing, 495–496
    • quantitative easing versus open-market operations, 496
    • reserve currencies, 494
    • sterilized and unsterilized interventions, 493
  • Maintenance margin level, 126–127, 216, 240
  • Major currencies, symbols for, 330
  • Managed float, 493
  • Management fees, 440
  • Margin, 24, 28, 126, 128, 130, 165, 215–216, 239–241
  • Marginal convenience value, 252
  • Margin call, 126, 127, 240
  • Margin rate, 121, 124
  • Margins, 339
  • Margin trading, 123–125, 127, 128
    • and short selling, 121
  • Market(s), 1
    • bond market, 136–137
    • capital markets, 30–31, 63, 187
    • direct and indirect, 26–27
    • equity markets, 34–35
    • Eurobond market, 32–34
    • Eurocurrency market, 31–32
    • forward market, 340
    • futures markets, 357
    • interbank market, 193–197
    • international bond market, 32–34
    • money market, 30, 54, 187
    • open-market operations, 213–224
    • OTC markets, 21–22
    • participants, 364–366
    • perfect market, 345–347
    • primary, 19–21
    • secondary, 19–21
    • swap market, 421–422
    • terminology, 415–416
  • Marketable limit orders, 470–471
  • Market capitalization, 86, 88, 89, 105, 110–114, 117–119, 273, 274, 448
  • Market economy, 2–3, 30, 279
  • Market makers, 23, 214, 229
  • Market method, 419
  • Market orders, 466, 467–468
    • versus limit orders, 469–470
  • Market portfolio, 95, 110
  • Market power inflation, 487
  • Market rates, 339
  • Market risk, 40, 175, 272. See also Price risk
  • Market-segmentation hypothesis, 161
  • Market supervision, 190–193
    • cash market instruments, 191–193
    • Federal Reserve system, 190–191
  • Market to limit (MTL) orders, 474
  • Market value, 80, 121, 122–123, 130, 216, 366
  • Marking to market, 239, 240, 256–259, 262, 263, 265–270
  • Matched book, 421
  • Mathematics of finance, 46
    • amortization method, 68–70
    • amortization with balloon payment, 70–71
    • annuities, 64–67
    • compensating balance, loans with, 73
    • compound interest, 51–53
    • continuous compounding, 57
    • equal principal repayment approach, 71
    • evaluating an investment, 63
    • Fisher equation, 48–50
    • future value (FV), 58–59
    • handling series of cash flows, 60–61
    • interest computation, types of, 71–73
    • interest rates, 46
    • internal rate of return, 61
    • perpetuities, 67–68
    • present value (PV), 59–60
    • principle of equivalency, 56
    • properties, 53–55
    • real rate of interest, 46–47
    • simple interest, 50–51
    • symbolic derivation, 56
  • Maturity problem, 29
  • Maturity transformation, 29
  • Measurement period, 49–51, 54
  • Modified following business day convention, 192, 340
  • Monetary policies, 490–491
  • Money, 10
    • call money, 193
    • and capital markets, 30–31
    • intraday money, 194
    • as liquid asset, 11–12
    • as medium of exchange, 11
    • notice money, 194
    • overnight money, 193
    • as standard of value, 10–11
    • as store of value, 11
    • term money, 194
    • as unit of account, 10–11
  • Money market(s), 30, 31, 41, 43, 54, 187, 340, 424
    • acceptance credits, 232
    • bills of exchange, 228–232
    • commercial paper, 224–225
    • correspondent banks, 200
    • credit rating, 227–228
    • discount rates and T-bill prices, 202–212
    • discount securities, yields on, 202
    • Eurocurrency deposits, 232
    • federal funds, 198–200
    • forward rates, 197–198
    • interbank market, 193–197
    • interest-computation methods, 195–197
    • letters of credit and bank guarantees, 225–226
    • market supervision, 190–193
    • primary dealers and open-market operations, 213–224
    • securities, 189, 190
    • T-bill related functions in Excel, 209–211
    • term money market deposits, 197
    • treasury bills, 200–202
    • Yankee paper, 226–227
    • yield, 205–207
  • Money market funds, 444–445
  • Moneyness, 285–286
  • Money rate of interest, 40
  • Money rate of return, 47
  • Money substitute hypothesis, 161
  • Moody's Investors Service, 155
  • Moody's ratings scale, 227
  • Mortgagee, 19, 364
  • Mortgage insurance, 366
  • Mortgage insurers, 364, 366
  • Mortgage lending, risks in, 19, 367–369
    • default risk, 367
    • interest-rate risk, 367
    • liquidity risk, 367
    • prepayment risk, 368
  • Mortgage loan, 19, 46, 364–368, 376, 379, 380, 399, 406
  • Mortgage originators, 364–365
  • Mortgages and mortgage-backed securities, 19, 364
    • accrual bonds, 399–402
    • contraction risk, 399
    • extension risk, 399
    • floating-rate tranches, 403
    • government insurance and private mortgage insurance, 366–367
    • graduated-payment mortgage, 376–379
    • interest-only (IO) class, 405
    • market participants, 364–366
    • mortgage lending, risks in, 367–369
    • negative amortization, 374–376
    • notional interest only tranche, 404–405
    • PAC bonds, 405–410
    • pass-through securities, 379–398
    • principal-only (PO) class, 405
    • structures, 369–374
    • weighted-average coupon (WAC), 379
    • weighted-average maturity (WAM), 379
  • Mortgage servicer, 364–366
    • income for, 365–366
  • Mortgagor, 19, 364, 365
  • Multiple deliverable grades, 253–259
  • Multiple listing, 35–37
  • Multiplicative price adjustment, 253, 255
  • Mumbai Stock Exchange (BSE), 38
  • Mutual fund, 27–30, 44
  • Mutual funds, 430
    • alternatives to, 459–464
    • costs related to, 436–441
    • dividend options of, 441–443
    • investing in, 430–431
    • investment techniques for, 452–455
    • Net Asset Value calculations, 433–436
    • open-end versus closed-end funds, 432–433
    • price quotes, 440
    • prospectus for, 450
    • risk categories of, 450
    • services provided by, 451–452
    • shares and units, 431
    • structure of, 450–451
    • taxation of, 458–459
    • Total Return of, 455–458
    • types of, 443–449
    • unit trusts, 433
  • N
  • NASDAQ 100 index, 121
  • NASDAQ with OMX, 247
  • National Stock Exchange (NSE), 38
  • Near-date transaction, 347, 350
  • Negative amortization, 374–376, 399, 401
  • Negotiable CDs, 218–221
  • Net Asset Value (NAV), 27–28
    • calculations of, 433–436
    • mutual funds, 430, 432
  • Net domestic product (NDP), 484
  • Net foreign assets, 8–9
  • Net interest margin, 28, 32
  • Net national product (NNP), 484
  • Net present value (NPV), 86
  • New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), 20, 22, 23, 36, 39, 84, 88, 235
    • with Euronext, 247
  • Next-day value/value tomorrow, 191, 350–352
  • Nikkei, 247
  • n:m reverse split, 88, 288
  • No-arbitrage pricing equation, 505
  • No-load mutual funds, 437, 438–439
  • Nominal rate of interest, 40, 49, 56
  • Nominal rate of return, 48, 49
  • Noncallable preferred stock, 97
  • Noncumulative preferred shares, 98, 99
  • Nondeliverable forwards, 356
  • Noneligible bank bills, 230
  • Noninvestment grade ratings, See Speculative grade ratings
  • Nonnegative option premiums, 289
  • Nostro accounts, 200
  • Notes, 13, 47, 329
  • Notice money, 194
  • Notional, meaning of, 404
  • Notional interest-only securities, 404
  • Notional interest-only tranche, 404–405
  • Notional principal, 404, 411, 417, 422, 423
  • n:1 stock split, 87, 88, 128
  • O
  • Obligation, of pension plans, 463
  • Odd lot, 87
  • Off cycle, 202
  • Offsetting, meaning of, 238
  • Offshore funds, 447
  • Off-the-run securities, 202
  • On cycle, 201
  • One-point arbitrage, 336
  • On-the-run securities, 201
  • Open-end funds, 432–433
  • Open interest, 259–262
  • Open-market operations:
  • Open-outcry markets, 478–479
  • Open-outcry rule, 477
  • Open-outcry trading systems, 477–478
  • Operating expenses, 440–441
  • Option class and option series, 287
  • Option contracts, 281, 287, 316
    • bear spreads, 318–320
    • Black model, 327–328
    • bull spreads, 316–318
    • butterfly spread, 320–322
    • futures options, 326–327
    • limit orders vs., 474–475
    • put-call parity, 327
    • straddle, 323
    • strangle, 324–325
  • Option forwards, 353–355
  • Option income funds, 448
  • Option premium, 17, 281, 282, 289, 306, 310, 311, 315, 316, 319, 360–361. See also Option price
  • Option price, 17, 281, 309, 314, 315
  • Options contracts, 16–18, 280
    • American options, valuation of, 311–312
    • binomial model implementation, 312
    • Black-Scholes model, 313–315
    • European put options, valuation of, 310–311
    • exchange-traded options, 286
    • Greeks, the, 315–316
    • moneyness, 285–286
    • options contracts, 316–328
    • two-period model, 309–310
  • Option to change maturity, for ARMs, 371
  • Option writer, 281, 353
  • Oral auctions, 477, 479
  • Orders, 465–467
    • equivalence with options, 474–475
    • good till canceled orders, 475
    • good till days orders, 475
    • limit order books, 468–469
    • limit orders versus market orders, 469–470
    • limit price, 468
    • marketable limit orders, 470–471
    • market orders and limit orders, 467–468
    • market to limit orders, 474
    • order specification, 476
    • with quantity restrictions, 476
    • stop-loss and stop-limit orders, 472–473
    • trade pricing rules, 471–472
    • trailing stop-loss orders, 473–474
    • validity conditions for, 475
  • Order size, 465
  • Ordinary annuity, 64, 67
  • Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), 32
  • Original term to maturity, 30, 187–188, 230
  • Originators, 19, 364–365
    • income for, 365
  • Out of the money (OTM) options, 285, 287–290, 303, 304, 315, 320–322
  • Out-of-the-money strangle, 324–325
  • Outright forward rates, 341–343, 345
  • Outstanding capital, 78–79
  • Overnight money, 193, 350
  • Over-the-counter (OTC) market, 14, 21, 22, 236, 281, 285, 287, 288, 414, 421
  • Owner's equity, 121, 122, 126
  • P
  • PAC collars, 405–406
  • Par bonds, 138–140
  • Participating preferred shares, 100
  • Partnership, 4–5, 79
  • Par value, 87, 88, 136, 138
    • versus book value, 79–80
  • Passive approach, selling mutual fund shares, 436
  • Passive orders, 471
  • Pass-through securities, 379–398
    • average life, 388
    • cash flows for, 389–390
    • cash-flow yield, 389, 390
    • collateralized mortgage obligations, 394
    • conditional prepayment rate (CPR), 390
    • prepayment conventions, 381–382, 384–388
    • PSA prepayment benchmark, 391–393
    • sequential pay CMO, 394–398
    • single-month mortality rate (SMM), 382–385
  • Payer, 415
  • Payment caps, 372–374
  • Payment period, 64, 412
  • Payment-to-income (PTI) ratio, 367
  • Penny stock trap, 88
  • Pension plans, 462–464
  • Perfect hedge, 263
  • Perfect market, 345–347
  • Perpetuities, 67–68
  • Phillips Curve, 485
  • Physical assets, 250–253
  • Physical certificates versus book entry, 92
  • Pips, 333
  • Plain vanilla bond, 134, 140, 141, 156, 158, 165–167, 170, 172, 174, 175, 180, 399
  • Planned amortization class (PAC):
    • bonds, 405–410
  • Points, 333–334, 341
  • Portfolio insurance, 277–278
  • Preemptive rights, 89–91
  • Preferred habitat theory, 161–162
  • Preferred shares, 14, 78, 96–97, 100
  • Premium bond, 138, 140, 179
  • Prepayment conventions, 381–382
    • analysis, 384–388
  • Prepayment risk, 368, 379, 399, 405
  • Prepayments, 368, 379, 381, 383, 386, 388, 391, 393, 394, 396–397, 399, 405, 409
  • Prepayment speed, 381–382, 389–391, 405
  • Present value (PV), 59–60, 64–66, 68, 75–76, 100, 138, 141, 146, 148, 166, 170, 172, 175, 177, 221–223, 269, 291–293, 295, 314, 356, 369
    • approach for investment evaluation, 63
  • Present value interest factor (PVIF), 59
  • Present value interest factor annuity (PVIFA), 64
  • Price priority rule, 22, 468, 477
  • Price quotes, for mutual funds, 440
  • Price risk, 40, 175, 262, 264, 266, 303
  • Price volatility, 170–171
    • and duration, 171–172
  • Price-weighted index, 105–107, 109, 110–111, 114, 116, 117
  • Price-weighted portfolios, 116–117
  • Price with respect to yield, partial derivative of, 171, 180
  • Primary dealers and open-market operations, 213–224
    • CDs versus money market time deposits, 224
    • collateral, 217
    • cost of CD for issuing bank, 221
    • general collateral versus special repos, 215
    • margins, 215–216
    • negotiable CDs, 218–219
    • repos and open-market operations, 217–218
    • repurchase agreements, 213–214
    • reverse repos, 214–215
    • sale and buyback, 217
    • term CDs, 221–224
  • Primary deficit, 490
  • Primary market transaction, 19–20
  • Prime rate, 125
  • Principal-only (PO) class, 405
  • Principal value, 136, 196
  • Principle-Linkers (P-Linkers), 181
  • Principle of equivalency, 56
  • Private limited companies, 5
  • Private mortgage insurance (PMI), 366–367
  • Profit after tax (PAT), 135–136
  • Profit diagrams, 242–243
    • for long call position, 300
    • for long put position, 300
    • for short call position, 301
    • for short put position, 300–301
  • Profit profiles, 299–301
    • bear spread, 318–320
    • bull spread, 316–318
    • butterfly spread, 320–322
    • long futures, 243
    • short futures, 243, 244
    • straddle, 323
    • strangle, 324–326
  • Profit push inflation, 487
  • Profits, on Eurodollar futures, 501–502
  • Program trading, 38, 273–275
  • Proprietary trade, 23
  • Proprietorship. See also Sole proprietorship
    • corporations, 5–6
    • partnership, 4–5
  • Prospectus, for mutual funds, 450
  • Proxies, 81–82
  • 30/360 PSA, 144
  • Public debt, 488
  • Public Securities Association (PSA):
    • prepayment benchmark, 391–394
  • Pull to Par effect, 140
  • Purchasing Power Parity (PPP), 485
  • Pure expectations hypothesis, 160
  • Pure securities, 510–511
  • Putable bonds, 134, 167, 511–512
  • Putable swaps, 425
  • Put-call parity, 291–295, 314, 327, 361
    • with dividends, 295–296
  • Put options, 17, 167–169, 280–283, 306, 313, 315, 316
    • American put option, valuation of, 311–312
    • European put options, valuation of, 310–311
    • hedging with, 303
    • to protect long spot position, 304–305
  • Q
  • 10Q reports, 93
  • Quantitative easing (QE), 495–496
    • versus open-market operations, 496
  • Quasi-arbitrage strategy, 251
  • R
  • Range forwards, 357
  • Rate caps, 371–372
  • Rate of return approach, 63
  • Ratios:
    • bid to cover ratio, 212
    • conversion ratio, 168
    • hedge ratio, 266
    • interpreting, 91
    • loan-to-value (LTV) ratio, 366
    • payment-to-income (PTI) ratio, 367
    • spot–futures ratio, 253, 254
  • Real estate, in GDP, 482
  • Real estate funds, 449
  • Realized compound yield, 152
  • Real rate of interest, 46–47
  • Rebalancing tracking portfolios, 114
  • Receiver, 415
  • Record date, 82
  • Redemption baskets, 461
  • Refixing dates, 416
  • Registrar, See Share transfer agent
  • Reinvestment risk, 40, 152, 175, 399, 402
  • Rent, 46–47
  • Repo and Reverse Repo Rates, 248
  • Report cards, 93
  • Repos, 213, 214–215, 217
    • and open-market operations, 217–218
    • and reverse repo rates, 248
  • Requited transfer, 6
  • Reserve, 32, 193
  • Reserve account, 6
  • Reserve asset, 7, 8
  • Reserve currencies, 494
  • Reserve rate, 491
  • Reset date, See Refixing dates
  • Residual claimants, 21, 79
  • Retained earnings, 78
  • Revenue deficit, 489
  • Reversal, 421
  • Reverse cash-and-carry arbitrage, 247–249, 255, 258–259, 345
  • Reverse repos, 214–215, 217–218
  • Reverse splits, 88, 111
  • Rho, 315
  • Right, value of, 89
  • Right of foreclosure, 364
  • Rights issues, 90, 91, 107, 116, 117, 119–120
  • Rights record date, 90
  • Right versus obligation, 280
  • Risk, 39–41
    • basis risk, 262
    • contraction risk, 399
    • credit risk, 13, 40, 154–155
    • currency risks, 429
    • default risk, 236, 367
    • devolvement risk, 26
    • extension risk, 399
    • foreign-exchange risk, 41
    • inflation risk, 40
    • interest-rate risk, 367
    • liquidity risk, 40–41, 367
    • in mortgage lending, 367–368
    • of mutual funds, 444
    • prepayment risk, 368
    • price risk, 40, 175, 262
    • reinvestment risk, 40, 152
    • sovereign risk, 41
    • value at risk (VaR), 244–246
  • Risk arbitrage, 255, 256
  • Risk aversion, 29–30
  • Risk categories, of mutual funds, 450
  • RiskMetrics, 244
  • Risk-neutral probabilities, 308, 310, 361
  • Rolling hedge, 264
  • Roth IRAs, 464
  • Round lots, 87
  • Round-trip transaction, 23
  • S
  • Sale, 199, 329
    • and buyback transaction, 217
    • short sale, 25, 127–128, 130
  • Sales charges, 436–439
  • Same-day value/value today, 191
  • Samurai bonds, 33
  • Secondary marketing profit, 365
  • Secondary sales, 366–367
  • Sector funds, 447
  • Secured Overnight Financing Rater (SOFR), 195
  • Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), 25, 33, 93
  • Securities depositories, 92
  • Securitization, 19, 394
  • Segregated accounts, 461–462
  • Sell side, 23, 25
  • Semi–semi swaps, 414
  • Separately managed accounts, 461–462
  • Sequential pay CMO, 394–399, 404
  • Services:
    • and consumption, in economies, 482
    • provided by mutual funds, 451–452
  • Settlement, of FRAs, 499
  • Settlement cycle, 83
  • Settlement price, 240, 241
  • Shareholders, 5, 12, 14, 78–79, 81, 89–90, 96
  • Share premium, 80
  • Shares:
    • adjustable rate preferred shares, 100
    • convertible preferred shares, 97–98
    • cumulative preferred shares, 98–100
    • equity shares, 9, 12, 78, 79
    • mutual funds, 431
    • participating preferred shares, 100
    • preferred shares, 14, 96–97
    • repurchase of, 86
    • split of, 87–88
  • Share transfer agent, 33
  • Short-date contracts, 350–353
  • Short interest rebate, 130
  • Short position, 25
    • covering, 39, 128, 247, 275
    • maintenance of, 130
    • in security, 131
    • using call options to protect, 303
  • Short put option, 299, 300–301
  • Short rate of interest, 162–163
  • Short rates, 162
    • for bond valuation, 168–169
  • Short selling, 25, 127–133, 281
    • economic role of, 132
    • risk factor, 131–132
    • short position, 130, 131
    • short sales, economic role of, 132
    • uptick rule, 132–133
  • Short squeeze, 132
  • Simple interest, 50–51, 53–54
  • Simple interest approach, 72
  • Simple margin, 165
  • Simple yield to maturity, 148
  • Single-month mortality rate (SMM), 382–385
  • Small cap equity funds, 447–448
  • Sole proprietorship, 4, 5, 79
  • SONIA, 194–195
  • Sovereign risk, 41
  • S&P 500, See Standard & Poor's 500 Index
  • Special drawing rights (SDRs), 7
  • Specialist, 23
  • Specialty funds, 447
  • Speculation, 266–268, 421–422
  • Speculation, with options, 301–309
    • binomial option pricing model, 307–309
    • call options to protect short position, 303
    • foreign exchange options, 359
    • hedging with options, 303
    • put options to protect long spot position, 304–305
    • valuation, 305–306
  • Speculative grade ratings, 155
  • Speculative value, See Time value
  • Split and reverse split, 87–88, 108
  • Spot–futures equivalence, 246–247
  • Spot markets, arbitrage in, 336–338
  • Spot/next (S/N), 350
  • Spot rates, 156–157, 159, 162
  • Spot transaction, 15, 191, 235, 350
  • Spot value, 191
  • Spread, 23, 329. See also Bid–ask spread
    • bear spreads, 318–320
    • bull spreads, 316–318
    • butterfly spread, 320–322
    • impact of, on returns, 335–336
  • Spreads on returns, impact of, 335–336
  • Stagflation, 487
  • Standard and Poor's Corporation, 155
  • Standard deviation, 94
  • Standardization, 15–16
  • Standardized contracts, 15–16, 237, 281
  • Standard & Poor's 500 Index (S&P 500), 38, 121, 245, 247, 262
    • rating scale, 227–228
  • Standby LCs, 225, 226
  • Stated value, See Par value
  • State prices, 510–511
  • Statutoryversus cumulative voting, 81
  • Sterilized interventions, 493
  • Stock:
    • callable preferred stock, 97
    • cyclical stock, 93
    • growth stocks, 93
    • interest-sensitive stocks, 93
    • issue of, 80
    • orders for, 465
    • replacement of, 107
    • tracking stock, 92
    • treasury stock, 86–87
    • types of, 93
  • Stock dividend, 85–87, 89, 107, 111
    • costs associated with, 89
  • Stock exchange, 5, 38
  • Stockholders, 5
  • Stock market index, 105
  • Stock picking, 275–277
  • Stock price, 308–310
  • Stock split, 87, 111
    • costs associated with, 89
    • and reverse splits, 87–88
  • Stop-limit orders, 472–473
  • Stop loss books (SLB), 472
  • Stop-loss orders, 472–473
  • Stop orders, 472
  • Stop-out yield, 211
  • Straddle, 323
  • Strangle, 324–326
  • Strike price, 17, 280, 281. See also Exercise price
  • STRIPS program, 179–180
  • Subprime mortgages, 367
  • Support bonds, 405
  • Surplus budget unit (SBU), 5, 9, 488
  • Swap deal, 341
  • Swap market, banks' role in, 421–422
  • Swap points, 341–343
    • interpretation of, 349–350
  • Swap rate, 416–417
    • determining, 417–418
    • illustrative, 417
  • Swaps, 18–19, 411
    • comparative advantage and credit arbitrage, 423–424
    • contract terms, 413–415
    • cross-currency swaps, 427–429
    • currency risks, 429
    • currency swaps, 426–427
    • determining, 417–418
    • hedging with currency swaps, 429
    • illustrative swap rates, 417
    • inherent risk, 416
    • market method, 419
    • market terminology, 415–416
    • matched payments, 424–426
    • quotations, 424–426
    • role of banks, 421–422
    • swap rate, 416–417
    • terminating, 420–421
    • valuation of swap during its life, 419–420
  • Swaptions, 425–426
  • Swiss Average Rate Overnight (SARON), 195
  • Switching, within family of funds, 452
  • Switching fees, 441
  • Syndicated underwriting, 26
  • Synthetic ask rate, 338
  • Synthetic bid rate, 338
  • Synthetic rate, 337
  • Synthetic securities, 248–249
  • Synthetic T-bill, 248, 251
  • Systematic risk, 95
  • T
  • Tail, concept of, 208
  • Targeted stocks, See Tracking stock
  • Taxable-equivalent yield (TEY), 153–154
  • Taxation:
    • exchange-traded funds, 461
    • of mutual funds, 458–459
  • Tax-exempt funds, 449
  • T-bill prices and discount rates, See Discount rates and T-bill prices
  • T-bills, 13, 200–204, 209–211, 251
  • T-bonds, 13, 154, 507–509
  • Term CDs, 221–224
  • Term money, 194
  • Term money market deposits, 197–198
  • Term repos, 213
  • Term structure, 159
    • shapes of, 159–160
    • theories of, 160–162
  • Term to maturity, 136, 170, 187
  • Theta, 315
  • 30-year T-bond futures contracts, 507
  • Three-stage model, 103–104
  • Tick, 132
  • Time preference rule, 477–478
  • Time priority rule, 22
  • Time to maturity, 306
  • Time value, 289–290
    • of American options, 290
    • at expiration, 291
    • intrinsic value and, 289–290
    • of money-related functions in Excel, 73–75
    • put-call parity, 294–295
    • put-call parity with dividends, 296
  • T-notes, 13
  • Tokyo Overnight Average Rate (TONAR), 195
  • Tokyo Stock Exchange, 34, 132
  • Tom/next (T/M), 350
  • Total Return:
    • of mutual funds, 455–458
  • Tracking portfolios, 114–120
    • equally weighted tracking portfolio, 114–115
    • price-weighted portfolios, 116–117
    • rebalancing, 114
    • rights issues, 117, 119–120
    • value-weighted portfolios, 117–119
  • Tracking stock, 92
  • Trade, foreign, 483–484
  • Trade pricing rules, 471–472
  • Trading at a discount, 138, 340, 432
  • Trading at a premium, 138, 340, 354–355, 432
  • Trading positions, 24–25
  • Trading volume, 259–260
  • Trailing stop-loss orders, 473–474
  • Transaction date, 191, 236, 281, 415–416
  • Transfer agents, 451
  • Treasury bills, 200–202
    • reopenings, 201–202
  • Treasury's formula, 143
  • Treasury stock, 86–87
  • Triangular arbitrage, 337–338
  • Triffin paradox, 494
  • Trigger price, 473
  • T+3 settlement cycle, 84, 91
  • 12b-1 fees, 440–441
  • Two-period model, 309–310
  • Two-point arbitrage, 336–337
  • Two-stage model, 102–103
  • U
  • Unbiased expectations hypothesis, 160
  • Underwriting, 25–26
  • Undivided, meaning of, 380
  • Uniform customs and practices for documentary credits (UCPDC), 226
  • Uniform price/yield auctions, 211–212
  • Unilateral transfers, 8
  • Unit capital, 432
  • Unit investment trusts, 433
  • Units, in mutual funds, 431
  • Unit trusts, 433
  • Unlimited liability, 4
  • Unrequited transfer, 6, 8
  • Unscheduled principal, 380, 391
  • Unsterilized interventions, 493
  • Uptick price, 132–133
  • V
  • Validity conditions, for orders, 475
  • Valuation, 104, 248–249, 305–306, 427–429
    • of bond, 137–138
    • dividends, 306
    • of European put options, 310–311
    • exercise price, 306
    • price of underlying asset, 306
    • riskless interest rate, 306
    • time to maturity, 306
    • volatility, 306
  • Value at risk (VaR), 244–246
  • Value averaging, 453–454
  • Value date, 191, 193, 340, 346, 350
  • Value funds, 448
  • Value today, 350, 352, 420
  • Value tomorrow, 191, 350–352
  • Value-weighted index, 110–112, 273
  • Value-weighted portfolios, 117–119
  • Variable currency, 330–333, 339, 341
  • Variance, 94–96, 265, 306
  • Variation margins, 239, 240
  • Vega, 315, 316
  • Volatility, 244, 306, 315, 328, 361
  • Voluntary accumulation plans, 451–452
  • Voluntary withdrawal plans, 452
  • Vostro accounts, 200
  • Voting rights, 80–81, 86, 92, 96
  • W
  • Wage spiral inflation, 487
  • Wasting assets, 306, 315
  • Weekend money, 193
  • Weighted-average coupon (WAC), 379, 381, 404
    • calculation of, 379
  • Weighted-average maturity (WAM), 379, 381
    • calculation of, 379
  • When issued (WI) trading, 179
  • Wholesale Markets Brokers' Association (WMBA), 195
  • Withdrawal plans, 452
  • Y
  • Yankee bonds, 33
  • Yankee paper, 226–227
  • Yield curve, 159–161, 177
  • Yields, 47, 54, 83–84, 147–153, 160, 161, 177, 212, 337
    • approximate yield to maturity (AYM), 149
    • computing, of bonds, 182–185
    • current yield, 147
    • on discount securities, 202
    • holding-period yield, 153
    • realized compound yield, 152
    • reinvestment risk, 152
    • simple yield to maturity, 148
    • taxable-equivalent yield (TEY), 153–154
    • yield to maturity (YTM), 148–151
    • zero-coupon bonds and YTM, 150, 152
  • Yield to call (YTC), 166–167
  • Yield to maturity (YTM), 137, 140, 142, 145, 147–153, 157–159, 164, 170, 175, 177, 205, 416
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