

  • - (dash), use in switches, 198
  • -- (double dash), use in switches, 198
  • % (percent sign), 192
  • %% (double percent sign), 192
  • %%timeit magic function, 194
  • %alias magic function, 193
  • %autocall magic function, 193
  • %automagic magic function, 193
  • %autosave magic function, 193
  • %cd magic function, 193
  • %cls magic function, 193
  • %colors magic function, 193
  • %config magic function, 193
  • %dhist magic function, 193
  • %file magic function, 194
  • %hist magic function, 194
  • %install_ext magic function, 194
  • %load magic function, 194
  • %load_ext magic function, 194
  • %lsmagic magic function, 194
  • %magic magic function, 194
  • %matplotlib magic function, 194, 238
  • %paste magic function, 194
  • %pdef magic function, 194
  • %pdoc magic function, 194
  • %pinfo magic function, 194
  • %pinfo2 magic function, 194
  • %reload_ext magic function, 194
  • %source magic function, 194
  • %timeit magic function, 194
  • (>>) monad sequencing operator, 195
  • . (dot) operator, 152, 158–159
  • / (slash), use in switches, 198
  • :set command, 201
  • :t expression, 162, 167
  • :t openFile function, 190
  • :unse t command, 200
  • x0A output, 228
  • x0D output, 228
  • __getattribute() function, 267
  • ` (back quotation mark), use in Haskell, 98
  • | (OR) operator, 166–167
  • ++ operator, 189
  • <<loop>> output, 256
  • <> operator, 173
  • == (equality) operator, 179


    • α (alpha)-conversion, 85
    • abstracting
      • patterns, 112
      • simply-typed calculus, 83–84
      • untyped lambda calculus, 82–83
    • aeson library, 274
    • AI (Artificial Intelligence), 277
    • algorithms
      • human element in, 251
      • pattern matching, 118
      • types of, 280
    • alpha (α)-conversion, 85
    • Amazon Web Services. See AWS
    •, 292
    • American Mathematical Society (AMS), 273
    • Anaconda
      • add-ons for, 22
      • applications within, 26–27
      • downloading, 21–22
      • installing
        • on Linux, 22–23
        • on Mac OS, 23–24
        • on Windows, 24–26
      • version 5.1, 19
    • anchors, 115–116
    • AND operator, creating types with, 164–166
    • Apache Hadoop, 285
    • Apache Kafka, 285
    • Apache Spark, 285
    • append function, 75, 102
    • appendFile function, 191
    • appending data, 75, 102, 129–130, 173, 212
    • AppendMode argument, 212
    • applications
      • Anaconda, 26–27
      • Haskell, 56–59
      • in lambda calculus, 81–82
      • patterns in, 112
      • Python, 34–38
      • repetition in, 126–127
      • state of, 13, 74–76
    • apply operators
      • interacting with user, 189
      • lambda calculus, 81–82
      • mapping tasks, 152
    • Argparse library, 205, 206
    • args property, 266
    • arguments
      • command line
        • Haskell, 200–201
        • Python, 205–206
      • exception, 266–267
      • replacing bound variables with, 86–87
    • argv variable name, 205
    • ArithmeticError exception, 265
    • arrays
      • difference between lists and, 93
      • NumPy, 221, 236
    • Artificial Intelligence (AI), 277
    • ASCII, 220, 275
    • assert function, 258
    • attoparsec library, 275
    • automating
      • command line, 198–199
      • data patterns, 113
    • AWS (Amazon Web Services)
      • AWS Lambda, 290
      • certifications, 290–291
      • JSON and, 274
    • Azure, Microsoft, 290


      • β (beta)-reduction, 86–88
      • back quotation mark (`), use in Haskell, 98
      • base case, 131
      • base classes, Python, 265
      • Beale's function, 277
      • Bernoulli trial, 221
      • beta (β)-reduction, 86–88
      • bi-clustering, 238
      • The Big Think article, 251
      • binary data
        • defined, 219
        • format of, 222–224
        • Haskell, interacting with using, 228–229
        • overview, 219
        • textual data, comparing to, 220–221
        • using in data analysis, 221–222
      • binary library, 271–272
      • bit manipulation, 224
      • Boolean values, 221–222
      • bound variables, 86
      • BREAD (Browse, Read, Edit, Add, and Delete) acronym, 213
      • bugs, 20, 250–253, 255, 260
      • Builder module, 276
      • businesses, using functional programming methodologies, 292
      • bytearray type, 228
      • bytes, defined, 221
      • bytestring calls, 275
      • bytestring library, 275–276


      • C math library, 252
      • C# programming language, 12
      • C++ programming language
        • object-oriented, 14
        • overview, 12
        • synonyms in code, 170
        • type signatures, using, 162
      • c=Y argument, 239
      • Cabal utility, 59–60, 202–203, 209
      • calculus. See also lambda calculus
        • simply-typed, 83–84
        • untyped, 82–83
      • calls, bytestring, 275
      • carriage return (0D), 223
      • CD (Change Directory) command, 38
      • cells, 35–38
      • centers argument, 238
      • cereal library, 272
      • Change Directory (CD) command, 38
      • characters
        • character encoding, 191
        • defined, 105
        • special, 114–115
        • wildcard, 115
      • Church, Alonzo, 78–81, 83–84
      • classifying time frames, 260–261
      • Clojure language, 285, 295
      • closures, late binding, 263–264
      • Cloud, Google, 291
      • cloud device, 190
      • Cloudera Oryx package, 285
      • clustering data. See also grouping data
        • bi-clustering, 238
        • defined, 158
      • CmdArgs, 201–203
      • cmp100 function, 138–139
      • code. See also functional programming paradigm
        • comments preventing execution of, 43–44
        • errors in, 20
        • importing, 59
        • low-level, 293–294
        • monolithic, 187
        • recursion in, 129, 130
        • repository for, 28–33
        • side effects in, 65
        • spaghetti, 14
        • synonyms in, 170
        • transitioning of, 82
      • Colab (Google Colaboratory), 27, 291
      • collections
        • as method for recursive functions, 134
        • as monoids, 173–174
      • command line
        • automating, 198–200
        • error detection, creating, 197
        • Haskell, accessing, 200–205
        • overview, 197
        • Python, accessing, 205–206
        • syntax, 197
      • Command Line Option Parsers page, 201–202
      • comments in Python, 41–44
      • common datasets, 239–241
      • comparing function, 159
      • Compcert C Compiler, 293
      • compile time errors, Python, 259–260
      • compilers, 13, 161, 293
      • concatenation, 39, 101, 172
      • concrete exceptions, Python, 265
      • concurrent programming, 293
      • constructors
        • data, 167–170
        • type, 167–170
      • Continuum Analytics website, 22, 23
      • Control.Exception.catch function, 258
      • Control.Exception.try function, 258
      • Control.Monad library, 127
      • Control.Monad.Error function, 258
      • conversion. See reduction operations
      • correct base instruction, recursion, 141–142
      • count() function, 244
      • create_values(5) function, 263
      • CRUD (Create, Read, Update, and Delete), 144, 207, 212–214, 232
      • curried functions, 72, 74–76
      • Curry, Haskell, 78
      • currying, 70–71, 79, 82
      • custom data, 232, 238–239
      • cvtToTuple function, 177, 204
      • CyToolz package, 285


      • dash (-), use in switches, 198
      • data. See also datasets; lists
        • analyzing, importance of, 143
        • application state, modifying, 68–69
        • arrays, 93
        • binary
          • comparing to textual data, 220–221
          • format of, 222–224
          • interacting with in Haskell, 225–228
          • interacting with in Python, 225–228
          • overview, 219
          • reasons to use, 225
          • using in data analysis, 221–222
        • cleaning, 144
        • defined, 67
        • dicing, 146–151
        • filtering, 143
        • within functional programming paradigm, 67–69
        • immutable, 68
        • manipulating, 144–145, 191–192
        • mapping, 152–153
        • missing, 113, 178–181
        • organizing, 144, 157–160
        • passing incorrectly, 141
        • pattern matching, 112–113, 117
        • reading, 214–216
        • replacing, 180
        • searching for, 117
        • slicing, 146–151
        • transforming, 144–145
        • underlying, 221
        • updating, 216
        • verification of, 144–145
      • data analysis
        • pattern matching, 117–118
        • using binary data in, 221–222
      • data constructors, 167–170
      • data keyword, 164
      • data property, 241, 243
      • data scientists, 295
      • data types, 84, 166
      • database. See also data
      • DataBase Management System (DBMS), 284
      • Data.Binary.Builder library, 226
      • Data.Bits library, 224
      • Data.ByteString.Builder library, 226
      • Data.ByteString.Char8 library, 227
      • DataFrame, creating, 243–244
      • Data.IntMap function, 152
      • Data.List library, 102
      • Data.List.NonEmpty list, 176
      • Data.Map.Lazy function, 152
      • Data.Map.Strict function, 152
      • Data.Set library, 132
      • datasets
        • accessing specific records in, 244–245
        • choosing, 233–236
        • common, 239–241
        • controlling size of, 146–147
        • custom data, 238–239
        • Dataframe and, 243–244
        • determining content of, 241–243
        • dicing, 146–151
        • duplicate entries, deleting, 91
        • form issues, 145
        • in Haskell, 59–60
        • image, 235
        • LFW, 240
        • linnerud, multivariate regression using, 237
        • loading, 60, 236–241
        • nested dictionaries and, 133
        • numeric data, labeling within, 105
        • overview, 231–232
        • in Python, 33–34
        • randomizing, 147
        • sample code, 243
        • slicing, 146–151
        • standard, 232–233
        • SVM, 235
        • toy, 235, 237–238
      • Data.String library, 106
      • DBMS (DataBase Management System), 284
      • debugging
        • defined, 20
        • IDEs and, 20, 49
        • passing functions, 138
        • standard, 256–257
      • Debug.Trace.trace function, 258
      • decision problem (Entscheidungsproblem), 79
      • declarations
        • defined, 65
        • differences between declarations and, 66–67
      • declarative programming, 14
      • deep learning applications, 293
      • def arguments, 204
      • DESCR property, 241, 243
      • deserialization, 227
      • developers, functional programming paradigm and, 291
      • devices, I/O, 189–191
      • dicing data, 146–151
      • dict structure, 91
      • dictionaries, 103–104, 132–134
      • dir() command, 244
      • dir() function, 241, 267
      • displayData function, 216
      • doAdd function, 163
      • documentation, for Haskell, 60
      • domains, function, 83
      • doRep function, 129
      • dot (.) operator, 152, 158–159
      • double dash (--), use in switches, 198
      • double percent sign (%%), 192
      • Double type, 254
      • dual function, 173–174
      • Duck Typing, 164


      • eager (strict) bytestring call, 275
      • eager (strict) evaluation, 16
      • editing lists, 101
      • Emacs text editor, 49
      • entries, dataset, 241–245
      • Entscheidungsproblem (decision problem), 79
      • enumerations, 167–168
      • equality (==) operator, 179
      • Erlang programming language, 12
      • error function, 258
      • errors
        • exceptions versus, 258
        • in Haskell
          • bugs, 250–253
          • fixing, 256–258
          • overview, 249–250
          • sources of, 254–256
        • logical, 262
        • in Python
          • bugs, 260
          • fixing, 265–268
          • late binding closure, 263–264
          • overview, 259–260
          • sources of, 260–262
          • third-party libraries, potential problems with, 264
          • variables, using, 264
          • version difference, 263–264
        • semantic, 262
        • syntactical, 261–262
        • types of, 261–262
      • escapes, character, 114–115
      • eta (η)-conversion, 88
      • evaluations, 97
        • non-strict, 16
        • strict, 16
      • exceptions
        • built-in, 265
        • errors versus, 258
        • exception arguments, 266–267
      • exporting notebook files, 31–32
      • expressions
        • defined, 111
        • regular, 113–124
      • external load dataset, 235


      • Facebook, use of job sites, 292
      • feature_names property, 241, 243
      • fetch_20newsgroups(subset='train') dataset, 240
      • fetch_lfw_people(min_faces_per_person=70, resize=0.4) dataset, 240
      • fetch_mldata('MNIST original', data_home=custom_data_home) dataset, 240
      • fetch_olivetti_faces() dataset, 239
      • fields, RDBMS, 284
      • file handles, 188, 190, 210, 217, 252
      • file management
        • access issues, 209
        • closing files, 217
        • creating new files, 210
        • CRUD acronym, 213–214
        • general discussion, 212–213
        • locking files, 211
        • opening existing files, 211–212
        • overview, 207
        • reading data, 214–215
        • storing local files, 208
        • updating data, 215–216
      • FileNotFoundError exception, 265
      • filter function, 102
      • findKey function, 134
      • flags, defined, 221
      • Float type, 254
      • floating-point values, 220
      • for loop, 134, 151
      • forM function, 127, 149
      • format, of binary data, 222–224
      • Fractional type, 254, 268
      • France vector, 281
      • free (unbound) variables, 86–87
      • frozenset object, 104
      • fst function, 177
      • function application, defined, 79
      • functional abstraction, defined, 79
      • Functional Jobs website, 290
      • functional programming paradigm
        • basis for, 15–16
        • data within, 67–69
        • declarations, 66–67
        • languages supporting, 16–17
        • multiprocessor use and, 128
        • occupations using, 289–295
        • online resources for, 17–18
        • other paradigms and, 13–14
        • overview, 10–12
        • procedures, 66–67
      • Functional Works website, 292
      • functions. See also lambda calculus; recursive functions
        • abstraction and, 82
        • anonymous, 89
        • converting, 72
        • domain of, 83
        • first-class, 15
        • in Haskell, 69–72, 98
        • higher-order, 15
        • importing datasets into Python code with, 33–34
        • invoking, 83
        • lambda
          • defined, 85
          • multiplying list elements, 100
          • performing special sort, 160
          • in Python, 90, 136, 153, 156
          • recursion of, 131
          • shortcuts for, 89
          • simplifying, 86
        • magic, 192–194
        • for manipulating lists, 101
        • pure, 15, 17
        • in Python, 73–76
      • functools.partial() function, 264
      • funcy package, 285–286


      • GA (Genetic Algorithm), 277
      • GADT (General Algebraic Datatypes), 202
      • Gaussian blobs, 33, 238
      • GBM (Gradient Boosting Machine), 287
      • General Algebraic Datatypes (GADT), 202
      • General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), 232
      • generators, 235
      • Genetic Algorithm (GA), 277
      • Gensim library, 280–281
      • getArgs function, 200
      • getDual function, 174
      • getLine function, 188, 195
      • GHC (Glasgow Haskell Compiler), 253, 272
      • GHCi (Glasgow Haskell Compiler interpreter), 54, 57, 190
      • global data, 68–69
      • Gödel, Kurt, 78
      • Google, use of job sites, 292
      • Google Cloud, 291
      • Google Colaboratory (Colab), 27, 291
      • Gradient Boosting Machine (GBM), 287
      • Gradient Boosting Regression, 242
      • Graphical User Interface (GUI), 283
      • grave accent mark (`), use in Haskell, 98
      • Greet data type, 204
      • grouping data
        • defined, 158
        • grouping constructs, 116
        • groups, 171–172
      • GUI (Graphical User Interface), 283


        • η (eta)-conversion, 88
        • Hacker News website, 18
        • Hadoop, Apache, 285
        • handles, 188, 190, 210, 217, 252
        • Hascore library, 273
        • HashMap, 103
        • Haskell
          • accessing command line in, 200–205
          • application, compiling, 56–59
          • back question mark in, 98
          • building from source files, 50
          • data
            • dicing, 147–149
            • filtering, 155–156
            • immutable, 68
            • mapping, 152–153
            • organizing, 158–159
            • slicing, 147–149
          • errors in
            • bugs, 250–253
            • fixing, 256–258
            • general discussion, 253–256
            • overview, 249–250
            • sources of, 254–256
          • functions in, 69–72, 98
          • HackageDB, 61
          • installing
            • on Linux, 50
            • on MacOS, 50–51
            • overview, 48–49
            • on Windows, 52–54
          • interacting with binary data in, 225–228
          • interpreted information about, 55
          • lambda functions, creating in, 89
          • libraries, 59–60, 271–277
          • lists in, 94–95, 97–99, 101–102, 135–136
          • non-strict evaluation, 16
          • online resources for, 60–61
          • passing functions with, 138–139
          • pattern matching in, 118–120
          • quitting, 55
          • reading data, 215
          • receiving I/O with, 195–196
          • recursion in, 57
          • sending I/O with, 195–196
          • Software Repository, 61
          • string-related tasks in, 106
          • tuples in, 133
          • tutorials for, 61
          • use of grave accent mark in, 98
          • version 8.2.2, 48
        • Hasse diagram, 222
        • hClose function, 217
        • headings
          • comments versus, 41
          • in documentation cells, 36
        • health care industry, 294–295
        • --help command-line switch, 205
        • hexadecimal editors, 222
        • hGetChar function, 215
        • hGetContents function, 216, 227
        • hGetLine function, 215
        • hGetPosn function, 215
        • HLearn library, 236
        • hLookAhead function, 215
        • host devices, 189
        • hPutBuilder function, 226
        • hPutStrLn function, 190
        • htrace function, 257
        • HyperHaskell, 49


        • IDE (Integrated Development Environment). See also Jupyter Notebook
          • for Haskell, 49
          • intelligence of, 20
          • Spyder, 27
        • image datasets, 235
        • immutable data, 68
        • imperative programming, 13
        • implementation-specific issues, 253
        • importing
          • datasets into Python code, 33–34
          • external code, 59
          • notebook files, 32–33
          • regular expressions library, 121
        • impure languages, 12, 17, 222
        • inc function, 70, 74
        •, 290, 295
        • indentation, in Python, 39–41
        • inductive reasoning, lambda calculus, 80
        • indValue(2) function, 263
        • infinite loops, 250
        • Infinity value, 259
        • input devices, 190
        • input method, 188
        • Input/Output. See I/O
        • instance keyword, 168
        • int data type, 84
        • Int values, 135, 165
        • integers, 220
        • Integrated Development Environment. See IDE
        • interpreters, 293
        • IntMap operator, 173
        • IntSet operator, 173
        • I/O (Input/Output)
          • devices, 189–191
          • interacting with user, 188–189
          • Jupyter Notebook magic functions, 192–194
          • manipulating, 191–192
          • overview, 185–186
          • sending and receiving with Haskell, 195–196
          • side effects, 186–188
          • using monads for, 188
        • IOError function, 258
        • IPython magic functions, 192–194
        • Italy vector, 281
        • iterations, list, 101


        • JavaScript, 12
        • JavaScript Object Notation (JSON), 274
        •, 292
        • JFIF (JPEG File Information Format), 224
        • JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group), 224
        • JPEG File Information Format (JFIF), 224
        • JSON (JavaScript Object Notation), 274
        • Jupyter Notebook
          • advantages of, 21
          • booting up, 28
          • cells in, 35–36
          • closing, 44
          • coding in, 20
          • debugging capabilities of, 20
          • Haskell add-on for, 49
          • magic functions, 192–194
          • notebook files, 30–33
          • stopping server of, 28, 44
        • Just value, 174–176


        • Kafka, Apache, 285
        • key keyword, 160
        • KeyboardInterrupt exception, 265
        • keywords, 90, 160, 164, 168
        • Kleene, Stephen, 80
        • Knuth, Donald, 21


        • Labeled Faces in the Wild (LFW) dataset, 240
        • lambda calculus
          • abstraction and, 82–84
          • apply operator, 81–82
          • functions in
            • data typing and, 137
            • defined, 85
            • Haskell-related, 89
            • list elements, multiplying, 100
            • performing special sort with, 160
            • Python-related, 89–90, 153, 156
            • recursion of, 131
            • simplifying, 86
            • updating file data with, 216
          • operations of, 80–84
          • origins of, 78–80
          • overview, 77
          • principles of, 79
          • reduction operations, 85–88
          • use of colon in, 84
          • variables in, 80–81
        • LambdaCube engine, 273
        • language optimizer, 186
        • languages. See also names of specific languages; programming languages
        • late binding closures, 263–264
        • lazy (non-strict) bytestring call, 275
        • lazy (non-strict) evaluation, 16
        • lazy (non-strict) language, 251–252
        • Leksah IDE, 49
        • length function, 98, 159
        • Lex/Yacc language, 12
        • LFW (Labeled Faces in the Wild) dataset, 240
        • libraries
        • library-specific datasets, 234–236
        • libsvm dataset, 235
        • line feed (0A), 223
        • linnerud datasets, 237
        • Linux
          • installing Anaconda on, 22–23
          • installing Haskell on, 50
          • Windows operating system versus, 208
        • Lisp programming language, 12
        • list comprehensions, 133
        • list function, 156
        • list object, 153
        • lists
          • alternatives to, 103–104
          • creating, 93–96
          • differences between arrays and, 93
          • evaluating, 96–100
          • manipulating, 100–102
          • as method for recursive functions, 131–132
          • uses for, 92–93
          • using recursive functions on, 135–137
        • literate programming, 21
        • load_boston() function, 237
        • load_breast_cancer() function, 237
        • load_diabetes() function, 237
        • load_digits([n_class]) function, 237
        • load_iris() function, 237
        • load_linnerud() function, 237
        • load_wine() function, 237
        • local files, storing, 208
        • location pointer, defined, 214
        • locking files, 211
        • logical errors, 262
        • lookup function, 133
        • loops
          • defined, 250
          • infinite, 250
          • using recursive functions instead of, 127–128
        • low-level code, writing
          • compilers, 293
          • concurrent programming, 293
          • interpreters, 293
          • parallel programming, 293


        • machine code, 13
        • MacOS
          • installing Anaconda on, 23–24
          • installing Haskell on, 50–51
        • magic functions, Jupyter Notebook, 192–194
        • main function, 216
        • make_ blobs() function, 238
        • manipulating data
          • I/O data, 144–145
          • lists, 100–102
          • types of data manipulation, 144–145
        • map function, 72, 152
        • map object, 153
        • Map operator, 173
        • marks, types of, 98
        • math. See also lambda calculus
          • abstraction, 171
          • Peano arithmetic, 79
          • solving problems with, 10
        • MATLAB, 10, 21
        • Maybe value, 174–176
        • measures, statistical, 180–181
        • membership, list, 101
        • MemoryError exception, 265
        • Microsoft Azure, 290
        • Miranda programming language, 16
        • mod operator, 156
        • modularization, 11
        • modules, 55–56, 280
        • monads
          • functions, 195–196
          • handles and, 188
          • monad sequencing, 195
        • monoids, 170–174
        • monolithic code, 187
        • moo library, 277
        • multivariate regression, 237
        • music oriented libraries, 273
        • mutable variables, avoiding, 250
        • mypy static type checker, 163


        • n_samples argument, 238
        • --name argument, 204
        • name=Sam argument, 205
        • argument, 205
        • natural language processing (NLP), 280
        • Navigator, Anaconda, 26, 45–46
        • neoVim text editor, 49
        • NLP (natural language processing), 280
        • non-curried functions, 72, 74–76
        • non-strict (lazy) bytestring call, 275
        • non-strict (lazy) evaluation, 16
        • non-strict (lazy) language, 251–252
        • notebooks. See also Jupyter Notebook
          • creating new, 30–31
          • deleting, 32
          • exporting, 31–32
          • importing, 32–33
          • text editors versus, 21
        • Nothing value, 174–176
        • null values, 178–179
        • numeric values, 220
        • NumPy
          • arrays, 221, 236
          • evaluating lists with, 99
          • slicing and dicing data with, 146
        • numpy/ library, 236


        • Object-Oriented Programming (OOP), 14, 180
        • OCaml programming language, 12
        • occupations, using functional programming
          • businesses, finding, 292
          • data scientist, 295
          • deep learning applications, 293
          • developers, 289–291
          • health care industry, 294–295
          • low-level code writing, 293–294
          • overview, 289
          • researching, 295
          • sites for, 292–293
        • OOP (Object-Oriented Programming), 14, 180
        • openBinaryFile function, 226
        • operations. See also lambda calculus
        • operator module, 160
        • OR (|) operator, 166–167
        • OS exceptions, 265
        • output. See also I/O
          • comments as, 42
          • inputs and, 17
          • Int values as, 135
          • in Jupyter Notebook, 30–31
          • lines of text, multiple, 39–40
          • output devices, 190
          • procedures and, 67


        • packages
          • defined, 280
          • Haskell, 201–202
          • Python, 279–287
        • library, 235
        • paradigms, 9. See also functional programming paradigm
        • parallel programming, 293
        • parameterizing, 176–178
        • parentheses, in lambda calculus, 81
        • Paris vector, 281
        • partial file lock, 211
        • passing by reference, Python variables, 74–76
        • pattern matching
          • algorithm, 118
          • in analysis, 117–118
          • in data, patterns, 112–113
          • defined, 111
          • in Haskell, 118–120
          • in Python, 121–124
          • regular expressions, 113–124
        • Peano arithmetic, 79
        • percent sign (%) symbol, 192
        • Posix matches, 118–119
        • Post, Emil Leon, 78
        • Prelude.catch function, 258
        • PrettyTable library, 283
        • prime (`) symbol, use in Haskell, 98
        • print() call, 237
        • print() function, 13–14, 30, 34, 210
        • programming. See also functional programming paradigm
          • concurrent, 293
          • declarative, 14
          • functional, 9–18
          • imperative, 13
          • literate, 21
          • object-oriented, 14
          • parallel, 293
          • procedural, 13–14
        • programming languages
          • C#, 12
          • C++, 12, 14, 162, 170
          • functional features in, 12
          • η-conversion and, 88
          • impure, 17
          • Lisp, 12
          • Miranda, 16
          • non functional, using type signatures, 162
          • OCaml, 12
          • pure, 16–17
          • Racket, 12
          • supporting coding styles, 17
          • supporting coding styles with, 17
        • Prompt, Anaconda
          • code, running using, 38
          • description of, 27
          • Infix module, installing with, 90
          • lists, creating using, 95
        • prompts, in applications, 198–199
        • protocol, communication, 192
        • pure functions, 186, 187
        • pure languages, 11–12, 16–17
        • putCharUtf8 function, 226
        • putStringUtf8 function, 226
        • putStrLn function, 188–189, 190, 195, 227
        • PyAudio library, 281–282
        • PyGame library, 282
        • PyMonad library, 176
        • PyQtGraph library, 282–283
        • Python
          • accessing command line in, 205–206
          • Anaconda, 21–27
          • bit manipulation and, 224
          • calls, 215
          • code, 28–33, 38–39
          • comments in, 41–44
          • creating application, 34–38
          • data
            • dicing with, 150–151
            • filtering, 156
            • immutable, 68
            • mapping, 153–154
            • organizing, 159–160
          • data typing, 137
          • datasets in, 33–34
          • errors in, 259–268
          • exception arguments, 266–267
          • functions in, 73–76, 139–140
          • as impure language, 17
          • indentation in, 39–41
          • interacting with binary data in, 228–229
          • Jupyter Notebook, 20–21, 44
          • lambda functions, creating in, 89–90
          • lists in, 95–96, 99–100, 102, 136–137
          • matches for, 121–123
          • objects, mutability of, 76
          • online resources for, 45–46
          • packages, 279–287
          • parameterizing types in, 178
          • pattern matching in, 121–124
          • reading data, 215
          • slicing data, 150–151
          • sound technologies of, 282
          • string-related tasks in, 106–107
          • type signatures, 163
        • Python Package Index, 279


        • Quora website, 18


        • Racket programming language, 12
        • range, lambda calculus, 83
        • RCV1 (Reuters Corpus Volume I), 240
        • RDBMS (Relational DataBase Management System), 284
        • readFile function, 191, 216, 217
        • reading binary data, 227–229
        • readme, 277
        • ReadWriteMode argument, 210
        • records
          • accessing, 244–245
          • defined, 284
        • recursions
          • defined, 15
          • in Haskell, 57
          • as method for recursive functions, 129–131
          • overview, 250–251
        • recursive functions
          • errors in, 140–142
          • on lists, 135–137
          • loops versus, 127–128
          • methods for, 129–134
          • overview, 126–128
          • passing functions with, 137–140
        • reduction operations. See also lambda calculus
          • alpha conversion, 85
          • beta reduction, 86–88
          • eta conversion, 88
        • referential transparency, 15
        • Regex code class, 114, 118
        • regression, multivariate, 237
        • regular expressions, 113–116
        • Relational DataBase Management System (RDBMS), 284
        • rem operator, 156
        • removeFile function, 217
        • repetition, list, 101
        • replace function, 216
        • replicate function, 196
        • repository, code, 28
        • ResourceWarning exception, 265
        • Reuters Corpus Volume I (RCV1), 240
        • reverse functions, 102
        • reverse keyword, 160
        • Rome vector, 281
        • Rosser, J. B., 80
        • runtime errors, Python, 260


        • sayHello template, 204
        • scaling, 187
        • Scikitlearn library, 33, 234
        • SciPy library, 286
        • library, 236
        • library, 236
        • semantic errors, 262
        • semigroups, 172, 176
        • Sequence operator, 173
        • serialization, 226, 271–272
        • server, Jupyter Notebook, 28, 44
        • Set operator, 173
        • set structure, 91
        • sets, 104, 132–134
        • side effects, I/O, 186–188
        • simply-typed calculus, 83–84
        • simply-typed variables, 81
        • library, 236
        • sklearn.datasets, 34
        • sklearn.datasets.fetch_covtype() dataset, 240
        • sklearn.datasets.fetch_rcv1() dataset, 240
        • slash (/), use in switches, 198
        • slice function, 149
        • slicing data, 146–151
        • snd function, 159, 177
        • Sookochef, Kevin, 18
        • sortBy function, 159
        • sorted function, 159
        • sound oriented libraries, 273
        • spaghetti code, 14
        • Spark, Apache, 285
        • special characters, 114–115
        • split function, 123
        • Spotify, use of job sites, 292
        • Spyder, 27
        • SQL (Structured Query Language), 10, 12, 117, 284
        • SQLAlchemy package, 284
        • StackOverflow website, 61
        • standard datasets, 232–233
        • static type checkers, 163
        • statistical measures, 180–181
        • stderr handle, 188
        • stdin handle, 188
        • stdout handle, 188, 190
        • strict (eager) bytestring call, 275
        • strict (eager) evaluation, 16
        • String data type, 168, 216
        • strings, 105–107
        • stringsearch library, 276
        • Structured Query Language (SQL), 10, 12, 117, 284
        • sub function, 123–124
        • Sum data type, 165
        • sum functions, 98
        • Support Vector Machine (SVM) datasets, 235
        • svmlight dataset, 235
        • SymPy library, 222
        • syntactical errors, 261–262
        • System.Directory function, 217
        • System.Environment function, 200
        • System.IO.Unsafe package, 252


        • target property, 241, 243
        • tasks, performing, 66–67
        • Tcl (Tool Command Language), 283
        • TechRepublic website, 295
        • telephone numbers
        • testing
          • custom data, 232
          • defined, 187
          • Haskell installation, 54–56
          • stakeholder, 255
        • Text data type, 216
        • text editors
          • Emacs, 49
          • neoVim, 49
          • notebooks versus, 21
          • Vim text, 49
        • text library, 276–277
        • Text.Regex.Posix package, 118
        • textual data, 220–221
        • third-party libraries, 192, 264
        • tinymce website, 18
        • Tk (Toolkit), 283
        • TkInter package, 283
        • Tool Command Language (Tcl), 283
        • Toolkit (Tk), 283
        • Toolz package, 284–285
        • toy datasets, 235, 237–238
        • trace function, 257
        • trace output, 257
        • tuples
        • Turing, Alan Mathison, 78
        • Tutorials Point website, 18
        • Two Sigma, use of job sites, 292
        • type classes, 181–182
        • type constructors, 168–170
        • type function, 162
        • types
          • composing, 170–176
          • conversation between, 92–93
          • data constructors, 168–169
          • defined, 83, 161
          • enumerations, 167–168
          • functional perception of, 162
          • general discussion, 164–168
          • monoids, 170–176
          • AND operator and, 164–166
          • OR operator and, 166–167
          • parameterizing, 176–178
          • semigroups, 176
          • type constructors, 168–169
          • type signatures, 162–164


        • UCI Machine Learning Repository, 233, 234
        • unbound (free) variables, 86–87
        • Unicode Transformation Format (UTF), 191, 276
        • unpack function, 216
        • unsafe functions, 252–253
        • untyped lambda calculus, 82–83
        • untyped variables, 80–81, 87–88
        • username argument, 204
        • UTF (Unicode Transformation Format), 191, 276


        • values
          • Boolean, 221–222
          • enumerating, 167
          • floating-point, 220
          • index, 97
          • Int values, 135, 165
          • in lists, 94
          • null, 178–179
          • numeric, 220
          • types of, 220
        • variables
          • assigning anonymous functions to, 89
          • bound, 86
          • changing content of, 68
          • data constructor versus, 167
          • functions, passing to, 69
          • in lambda calculus, 80
          • mapping, 82, 89
          • overview, 264
          • renaming, 85
          • replacing, 86
          • simply-typed, 81
          • unbound, 86
          • untyped, 80–81, 87–88
        • vect library, 273
        • vector library, 274
        • --version command-line switch, 205
        • Vim text editor, 49
        • Von Neumann, John, 78


        • while statement, 141
        • wildcard characters, 115
        • Wildly Inaccurate website, 18
        • Windows
          • installing Anaconda on, 24–26
          • installing Haskell on, 52–54
          • Linux operating system versus, 207
        • WinGHCi interpreter, 54, 203, 256
        • winsound package, 282
        • Word2vec algorithm, 281
        • words, binary data, 221
        • writeFile function, 191, 216, 217
        • WriteMode argument, 210
        • writing binary data, 226–227, 228–229


        • XGBoost package, 287
        • XVI32 hexadecimal editor, 222


        • ZeroDivisionError exception, 268
        • zip functions, 102
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