Chapter 4


1 RV, 5.62.8: ā rohatho varuṇa mitra gartam ataś cakṣāthe aditiṃ ditiṃ ca / (O Varuṇa, O Mitra, you two are ascending to your throne from where you see Aditi and Diti, Infinite and Finite Consciousness).

2 RV, 5.69.2: trayas tasthur vṛṣabhāsas tisṝṇāṃ dhiṣaṇānāṃ retodhā vi dyumantaḥ/
(There stand wide three luminous Bulls and cast their seed into the three Thoughts).

3 Reference to saṃjñāna, vijnāna, ājñāna, prajñāna

4 Reference to Aṃśa Āditya

5 Taittirīya Upaniṣad, 2.10.

6 RV, 5.69.1: trī rocanā varuṇa trīn uta dyūn trīṇi mitra dhārayatho rajāṃsi
(Three worlds of the Light you two uphold, O Varuṇa, three heavens, three mid-worlds, O Mitra!’
The three luminous worlds trī rocanā, (from root ruc, to shine) are the three levels of Svar).

7 RV, 5.69.3: prātar devīm aditiṃ johavīmi madhyaṃdina uditā sūryasya /
rāye mitrāvaruṇā sarvatātā īḷe tokāya tanayāya śaṃ yoḥ
(In the Dawn I call constantly to the Divine Mother Aditi, and in the midday and in the rising of the Sun. For the shining wealth for All I seek her with adoration, O Mitra and Varuṇa, for peace and for creation and fro the birth of her Son.)
It is a culmination and the meaning of this creation, the birth of the Son of Aditi, the Supreme in the physical body of man.

8 RV, 7.52.1: ādityāso aditayaḥ syāma pūr devatrā vasavo martiyatrā /
(May we become Ādityas in their infinite qualities, which they all share in the Supreme Mother Aditi, and at the same time remain unique, stay like a Fortress among the Gods and among the Mortals, O Luminous Dwellers in the substance!)

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