Chapter 3


1 The original Sanskrit text is:

      yat sānoḥ sānum āruhat (1),

      bhūri aspaṣṭa kartvam (2),

      tad indro arthaṃ cetati (awakens) (3),

      yūthena vṛṣṇir ejati (4). (RV, 1.10.2)

2 I know not the woof, I know not the warp nor what is this web; That they weave moving to and fro in the field of this motion and labour; These are the secrets that must be told. (RV, 6.9.2)

3 The truths occult exist not for the mind of the ignorant. (RV, 7.61.5)

4 An intuition in the heart sees the Truth. (RV, 1.24.12)

5 His work is extensively quoted in the books by Kapali Sastry, (2001), Kashyap, (2006), (pp. 155–158).

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