
Accounting and Auditing Enforcement Release (AAER), 8182

sample of, 8285

Adelphia Communications Corporation, 99

Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADRs), 9495

American Accounting Association (AAA), 3, 43, 46, 68

operating manual, 3839

American Board of Forensic Accounting, 68

American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA), 33, 44, 45

Board of Examiners, 57

Code of Professional Conduct, 61, 67

nonauthoritative guidelines, 6869

American Therapeutic Corporation, 16

Analytical skill sets, 3436

Antifraud procedures, 103

Antifraud programs, 116

Appeal, 94

Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE), 3, 61

Association of Chartered Certified Forensic Accountants. See International Institute of Certified Forensic Accountants

AU-C Section 240, 68

Auditing and Attestation (AUD), 57, 58


Behavioral sciences, 117

Big Data, 35, 109. See also Analytical skill sets

Business Environment and Concepts (BEC), 57, 58

Business valuation, 3031


Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE), 3, 48, 58

Certified Government Financial Managers (CGFM), 48

Certified Internal Auditor (CIA), 48, 59

Certified management accountants (CMA), 48

Certified public accountants (CPAs), 20

Chartered accountants (CA), 48

Chartered Professional Accountants (CFA), 68

Circle of Conflict, 33

Civil litigation processes, 92

alternatives to litigation, 9495

appeal, 94

discovery, 93

pleadings, 92

trial, 9394

Code of ethics, for forensic accountant, 6973

Committee of Sponsoring Organizations (COSO), 5, 32

Confidential Information Memorandum (CIM), 32

Continuing professional education (CPE), 5960

related literature, 60

Control environment, 103

Conventional accounting, 18

Corporate culture, 103

Corporate Integrity Agreement, 98

Court systems, 66

Criminal proceedings, 95

Criminalistics, 21

Cross-examination, 9394


Data analytics. See Analytical skill sets

Daubert vs. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals, Inc., 2829

Deloitte, 7

Department of Justice (DoJ), 61, 73

Department of Labor (DOL), 61

Digital forensics. See Analytical skill sets

Digital forensics, 21

Direct examination, 93

Discovery, 93

Dispute resolution, 33

Divorce litigation, 31

Dodd-Frank Act (DFA). See also Financial Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010

provisions of, 7980

Drug offenses, 95

Due care principle, 67


Economic damage, 3132

Enron, 99

Enterprise Risk Management (ERM), 32

Ernst & Young (EY), 7, 35

Ethics, 69

Expert witnesses, 28

court cases, 29

External auditing, 19


FAR (Financial Accounting and Reporting), 57, 58

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 15

Federal courts, 67

Federal, state, and local taxing authorities, 61

Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB), 20

Financial Forensics Institute (FFI), 44, 47

Financial Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010, 7880

Financial Reporting Fraud (FRF), 97

Financial Statement Fraud (FSF), 2, 95

timeline for, 86

Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), 73

Forensic accounting

guidelines and standards

action items, 87

conclusion, 87

introduction, 6566

regulations relevant to, 7386

standards and authoritative guidance for, 6673

introduction, 12

by accounting firms, 814

action items, 22

books, 45

careers, 67

conclusion, 2122

with conversional accounting and auditing, 1721

definition of, 25

status of, 517

modules for, 121

practices, and education and research

action items, 124

best practices, 101103

conclusion, 124

education, 111123

fraud-related cases, 97101

fraud standards and practices, 9597

introduction, 91

research, 103111

structure of legal system, 9195


action items, 6263

conclusion, 62

initiatives to promote, 4447

introduction, 43

professional certifications in, 4862

services and skills, 2627

action items, 40

business valuation, 3031

conclusion, 3940

dispute resolution, 33

expert testimony and witnesses, 2829

forensic risk assessment and management, 32

fraud investigation, 2930

introduction, 25

litigation and expert consulting, 2728

other nonfraud forensic accounting services, 3132

skill sets of, 3339

topics, 122123

Forensic Accounting: Litigation Support and Expert Witnessing, 34

Forensic and investigative accounting, 17


definition of, 3

forensic accounting, 19

forensic and investigation practices, 19

investigation, 2930

Magazine CPE Service, 60

risk factors, 96

Fraud Examination and Computer Forensics and IT Auditing, 34

Fraudulent financial reporting (FSF), 31

The French Bank Societe Generale, 100


Global business, 32

Government Accountability Office (GAO), 61


Health Care Fraud and Abuse Control Program, 98

HealthSouth Corporation, 100

Hedge–Fund Fraud, 100

House Financial Services Committee Chairman Barney Frank (D-MA), 79


Information technology (IT). See Analytical skill sets

Institute for Fraud Prevention (IFP), 46

Integrity principle, 67

Internal auditing, 19

Internal control over financial reporting (ICFR), 75

Internal Revenue Service (IRS), 97

International Association of Consultants Valuators and Analysis (IACVA), 46

International Forensic Accounting Association (IFAA), 44, 46, 68

International Institute of Certified Forensic Accountants (IICFA), 45, 68

International Standard on Auditing (ISA) No. 240 entitled, 95, 96

International Trends in Forensic and Valuations Services, 35

Investigative and Forensic Accounting (IFA), 69


Journal of Accounting Research, 109

Journal of Auditing, 109



The Kumho Tire Co. vs. Carmichael decision. Daubert vs. Merrell, 29


Legal system, structure of, 9192

civil litigation processes, 92

alternatives to litigation, 9495

appeal, 94

discovery, 93

pleadings, 92

trial, 9394

criminal proceedings, 95

Litigation consultants, 27

AICPA guidelines on, 28



MC’Afee Inc., 100

Mediator, 33

Mergers and acquisitions (M&A), 32

Moore, Christopher W., 33


National Association of Certified Valuation Analysts’ (NACVA), 44, 46, 65

National Association of Forensic Accountants (NAFA), 45, 47

Nonfraud forensic and investigation practices, 19


Objectivity and Independence principle, 6768

Olympus, 101


Parmalat, 101

Pleadings, 92

PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), 7

Prisoner petitions, 92

Professional certifications

continuing professional education, 5960

education, 48, 57

examination, 5759

experience, 59

in forensic accounting, 4957

implications for, 6162

professional ethics, 61

Professional Code of Conduct, 67

Professional ethics, 61

Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB), 20, 61

Public interest principle, 67


QWEST communications international, 99


Raj Rajaratnam, 16

Reebok, 99

REG (Regulation), 57, 58

Risk of material misstatement (RMM), 96


Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (SOX), 5, 7478

fundamental objective of, 7778

primary focus of, 76

provisions of, 78

Satyam, 101

Scope and Nature of work principle, 67

Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), 3, 61

Securities Exchange Act of 1934, 8086

Semi-structured data, 35

Senate Banking Committee Chairman Christopher Dodd (D-CT), 79

Soft skill sets, 3639

State trial courts, 6667

Statement on Auditing Standards (SAS) No. 99 entitled, 95, 96

Statement on Standards for Forensic Services No. 1 (SSFS 1), 45

Structured data, 35


Technical skill sets, 3334

Tip of the iceberg, 116

Trial, 9394

TYCO International Ltd, 100


UBS, 99

Unstructured data, 35

U.S Supreme Court, 67


Violent crime, 95

Voirdire, 93


White-collar crimes, 31, 95

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