

Action safe, displaying, 235–236

alpha channels, 262, 281–282

animating using keyframes, 249–251, 268. See also keyframes

Aperture library, accessing, 89–90

append edit, performing, 34, 38, 122–125, 139

archiving. See also camera archives

versus importing, 87

long-term, 8

memory cards, 70

Projects and media, 13, 56–58

space requirements, 87

aspect ratios, 295

audio. See also volume; waveforms

adjusting, 34–35

analysis on import, 190–191

basics, 186–187

creating music videos, 194

detaching from video, 210, 228

dual-channel mono, 200

expanding from video, 189, 218

human hearing, 186

importing, 77–78

keyboard shortcuts, 206

letters F and S, 187

loudness of, 188

measuring, 188

mixing, 52, 203–206

mono, 190

moving to picks, 140

muting clips, 200–201

pitch-shifted, 20

polishing, 12

recording for video, 187

recording voice-overs, 201–202

rules for, 204

sample rates versus frequency, 187

separating from video, 189

skimming, 189

soloing clips, 200–201

sonic field, 190

stereo, 190

syncing double-system, 202–203

toggling from video, 183

toggling subframe display on/off, 210

using Inspector with, 191–192

viewing in clips, 189

volume and gain, 188

vowels versus consonants, 187

audio and video clips, syncing, 96

audio animation, displaying in Timeline, 268

audio clips

auto-enhancing, 210

collapsing, 210

expanding, 210

soloing and unsoloing, 163

audio edit points, selecting, 183

audio editing

enabling, 139

precision of, 203

audio enhancements, toggling display of, 210

audio levels

adjusting, 35

adjusting with mouse, 205–206

displaying, 35

drop by 6dB, 187

maximum, 35

relative and absolute, 35

audio meters

displaying, 206

resizing, 35

toggling display on/off, 38, 210

using, 188

audio Roles, exporting, 328

audio skimming, toggling on/off, 210

audio techniques, 192–198

audio transitions, applying, 228

audio volume, adjusting, 35

audio waveforms, displaying, 101, 103


editing, 210

transitions, 219–221


creating, 136–139

finalizing, 140

opening, 139

previewing, 140

AVCHD (Native), storage and data transfer rate, 3

AVD-Intra 100, storage and data transfer rate, 3


background colors, making transparent, 281–288

background tasks, 29–30

displaying, 22, 64, 96, 228, 268

monitoring, 54


colors, 283

removing with Luma keys, 281–282

backtime edit, performing, 129–130, 139

Blade tool, using, 153, 164

Blend Modes, using, 264–265

Broadcast Safe effect, applying, 317–318

B-roll, creating, 36–37


locating, 89–90, 224

selecting everything in, 320

Burns, Ken, 251, 255–257


camera archives. See also archiving

creating, 58, 86–88

using, 70

Camera Import window, displaying, 79

cameras. See also file-based camera; tape-based camera

(H)DSLR, 90–92

importing from, 96

types of, 78

cards. See memory cards

Chroma keys, 281–288

clip audibility, toggling, 210

clip duration, changing, 140

clip effects. See also effects

deleting and resetting, 284

processing, 318

clip names

hiding, 100

toggling display in Event Browser, 116

clip skimmer, selecting, 301

clip speed, setting to normal, 297, 301

clip visibility, toggling, 210

clip volume, raising and lowering, 210

clips. See also compound clips; connected clips

adding dissolve between, 36

adding searchable notes to, 101

arranging, 99

converting into connected storylines, 183

creating compound, 228

deleting, 142–143

deselecting, 142–143

detaching, 189

determining height of, 101

disabling, 152, 163

displaying, 98–103, 100, 116

dragging, 93, 135

enabling, 152, 163

finding, 109, 111

grouping, 99–100

marking, 33, 96

modifying duration of, 183

moving, 140, 155–156, 210

pasting effects into, 210

pasting options, 147

placement in editing process, 133

playing, 124, 140

previewing, 32–33

removing ranges of, 154

selecting, 96, 127, 139, 142–143, 301

setting vertical height of, 23

slowing down, 297

soloing, 152, 210

stacking, 262, 279, 283

synchronizing, 210

using ratings with, 104

zooming into, 103

clock icon, purpose of, 30

codecs and formats, 75

color balance, turning on/off, 320

Color Board, 313–314, 320

color cast, fixing, 305–306

color correction, 12–13

applying Looks, 304–305

Balance Color, 305

basic map, 311

borrowing Looks, 307

Broadcast Safe effect, 317–318

Enhancement menu, 305–307

hues, 314

in Inspector, 313

masks, 318–320

Match Color, 306–307

rules in, 311

video scopes, 307–310

color grade and Look, creating, 13


adjusting, 316–317

of icons, 19

matching between clips, 306–307, 320

removing, 311

Command Editor, displaying, 60, 64

Command key. See keyboard shortcuts

command set, listing, 63

compositing, 262–265

compound clips. See also clips

breaking apart, 163

creating, 148–150, 163, 228, 320

deconstructing, 151

fixed durations, 151

navigating Timeline History, 151–152

using for effects, 266–267

Compressor droplets, fixing, 18

computer monitors, using two, 26–27

connected clips. See also clips

adding transitions to, 220

editing into Timeline, 37

trimming, 180

connected edit, performing, 38, 132–135, 139

connected storylines

adding transitions to, 220

converting clips to, 183

creating, 228

trimming, 181

using, 135

connection display, toggling on/off, 23

connections, moving, 133, 140

consolidating Projects, 57–58

contextual menus, displaying, 30–31

Copy and Paste options, 146–147


Events, 42–43

versus linking, 16

media, 45, 67–68

memory cards, 70–71

Projects, 54

Crop controls, displaying, 268

Crop effect, using, 251, 253

Ctrl key. See keyboard shortcuts

cutaways, creating, 36–37

cuts, defined, 212, 166. See also trimming


date display, using with videotape, 99

Delete keys, using, 55


clip effects, 284

clips, 142–143

End (Out) of clips, 96, 139

Event render files, 46

Events, 48

folders, 55

keyframes, 207

keywords, 106–107, 116

markers, 145, 163

Project render files, 58–59

Roles, 158–159

Smart Collections, 109–112

Start (In) of clips, 96

Dialogue Role, applying, 164

disk image, making for cards, 70


adding between clips, 36

defined, 166, 212

distort effects, using, 257–258, 268

Dock, showing and hiding, 38

DPI (dots per inch) versus pixels, 93


backup, 4

bit flux, 8

boot, 4, 17

connecting, 5, 7–8

external, 5

FireWire connection protocol, 5

internal, 5

media, 4

requirements, 4

storing, 8

drop shadows, 233, 242

duplicating Projects, 53–54


edit media, described, 67

edit points, using, 183


append edit, 122–125

audio, 192–195

backtime edit, 129–130

connected edit, 132–135

creating auditions, 136–137

dragging clips from Finder, 135

insert edit, 125–127

overwrite edit, 128–129

preferences, 119–121

process, 32–36, 118

replace edit, 130–132

speeding up, 162

titles, 230

and trimming, 175

workflow, 8–13


previewing, 36

replacing, 140

effects. See also clip effects

adding, 12

adjusting in Motion 5, 275–276

alpha channels, 262

animating using keyframes, 247–251

Blend Modes, 264–265

Broadcast Safe, 317–318

compositing, 262–265

corner pinning, 257–258

Crop, 251, 253

customization in Motion 5, 276

disabling, 284

distort, 257–258

drop shadows, 242

finding customized, 276

image degradation, 254

image stabilization, 258–259

Ken Burns, 251, 255–257

Luma keys, 262, 279–281

Opacity, 263

overview, 242–243

pan, 251

pasting, 243, 268

resetting for clips, 284

Rolling Shutter, 259–260

slo-mo, 299

Spatial Conform, 260–262

tilt, 251

Transform, 243–247

Trim, 251–253

using compound clips for, 266–267

zoom, 251

Effects Browsers, 23, 320

Effects Role, applying, 164

End (Out) of clips, 34, 105

deleting, 96, 139

jumping playhead to, 96

setting, 96, 123–124, 139

trimming to skimmer, 183

Event Browser

creating compound clips in, 149–150

defined, 40

displaying clips as filmstrips, 100

displaying, 21, 64

function of, 42

hiding clip names, 116

line colors, 113

showing clip names, 116

Switch, 101

using Roles in, 159

Event folders

defined, 40

managing, 18

moving, 17

moving files into, 44

using, 17

Event Library

contents of, 42

defined, 40

displaying and hiding, 21, 38

toggling display of, 64, 116

Event Manager X utility, 41–42

Event reference, changing to share Projects, 55–56

Event render files, deleting, 46


accessing, 41

copying, 42–43

copying versus moving, 43

creating, 25–27, 38, 42, 96

defined, 17, 25, 40

deleting, 48

displaying, 98–103

grouping, 98

hiding, 48

linking Projects to, 31, 50

merging, 45

moving, 43, 46–47, 64

organizing media for, 43–44

placing in folders, 41

storing, 17, 40–41, 44

toggling display of, 21

tracking, 41

Events folder

accessing, 16

contents of, 25

exporting. See also Share menu

audio Roles, 328

high-quality master files, 323–324

hold frames, 294–295

QuickTime movies, 331

Roles, 324–329

XML files, 99, 329

Exposure panel, using pucks in, 314–315


fade handles, using to create transitions, 220

fading to black, 218


displaying, 116

filtering, 104

finding in Events, 105

marking selected areas as, 116

file-based camera, using, 81–84. See also cameras


consolidating via merging, 46

importing, 88–89

importing from, 96

moving, 44

selecting, 28

Filter window, opening, 116

Final Cut Events folder, 40

Final Cut Pro 7, round-tripping, 18

Final Cut Pro X

hidden areas, 19

hiding, 38

interface, 19–25

starting, 18

system requirement, 2

website, 66

Final Cut Studio folder, contents of, 18

Find window, opening in Timeline, 164

Finder, dragging clips from, 135. See also Timeline Index

FireWire connection protocol, 5, 7

folders. See also media folders; Project folders; Projects folder

creating, 116

deleting, 55

hiding Projects in, 55

importing, 72–74

limitations of, 112

moving, 41

moving Projects to, 55

organizing Projects with, 54–55

revealing Projects in, 55

storing projects in, 24

font settings, 233–234

frame rate, deciding, 52


converting to seconds, 214

moving between, 23

navigating, 183



creating, 155–156

inserting, 164

generators, using, 271–275. See also video clips

grayscale, adjusting, 313–315

green-screen keys, creating, 281–288

green-shoot, planning, 279


H.264, storage and data transfer rate, 3

Hand tool, using, 154, 164

handles, using, 53, 168, 212–213

hard drives. See drives

(H)DSLR cameras, 90–92, 259

hiding Projects, 55, 59

Histogram, using, 309, 320

hold frames, using 292–295, 301

Home Directory keyboard shortcut, 276


icons, colors of, 19

image degradation, 254

image stabilization, 258–259


compositing, 262–265

fitting into frames, 20

pixels versus DPI (dots per inch), 93

rotating, 246

scaling, 246

sizing and positioning, 243–247

iMovie Projects and Events, importing, 89


versus archiving, 87

dragging files from Desktop, 93

files, 38, 78, 88–89

from (H)DSLR camera, 90–92

iMovie Projects and Events, 89

layered Photoshop files, 93

process of, 71

still images, 93–95

XML, 95, 99

importing media, 27–30. See also media

audio, 77–78

changing preferences, 78

copying files, 72

creating camera archive, 86–88

from file-based camera, 78–84

folders, 72–74

keywords, 72–73

optimizing media, 75

organizing, 72

setting preferences, 71–78

from tape-based camera, 85–86

transcoding, 75–76

video, 77

In point. See Start (In) of clips

Info Inspector, using, 113–115

insert edit, performing, 125–127, 139

inserts, creating, 36–37


audio levels, 206

icon, 113

modifying keyframes in, 208–209

opening, 23

panning audio, 206

setting keyframes in, 208–209

Stabilization controls, 258

toggling display on/off, 210, 320

toggling open/closed, 116, 240, 268, 290

Transition, 223–224

using, 191–192

interlaced versus progressive, 51, 288, 294–295

iPhoto library, accessing, 89–90

iTunes library, accessing, 89–90


Ken Burns effect, using, 251, 255–257

Keyboard Highlight button, 61

keyboard shortcuts

get started editing, 38

managing events, projects, and shortcuts, 64

managing media, 96

organizing clips: ratings, keywords, and extended metadata, 116

editing, 139-140

organizing edit, 163-164

trimming edit, 183

audio, 210

transitions, 228

titles and text, 240

built-in effects, 268

keying, 290

retiming, 301

color correction, 320

sharing and export, 332

keyframes. See also animating using keyframes

adding to animations, 268

adding to transitions, 227

adjusting in Timeline, 207–208

creating in Inspector, 249

defined, 106, 247

deleting, 207

jumping to, 250, 268

modifying in Inspector, 208–209

overview, 207

setting, 207–210

using to remove noises, 208


adding masks, 288–290

Chroma, 281–288

interlaced footage, 288

Luma, 279–281

planning, 278–279

stacking clips, 279

keywords. See also Roles; Smart Collections

adding, 106–107

adding to keyboard shortcut, 116

applying to Events, 107

automatic, 106

changing, 107

deleting, 106–107, 116

displaying, 116

features, 106

finding in Timeline, 109

importing, 72

listing, 160

manual, 106

renaming, 108

storage of, 106

using to find clips, 109

viewing, 108–109


layouts, changing and returning to, 26

loop playback, toggling, 20

Luma keys, using, 262, 279–281


Magnetic Timeline, features, 147–148. See also Timeline


accessing options for, 146

adding, 144, 163

converting to To-Dos, 145

deleting, 145, 163

described, 142

in FCP X versus FCP 7, 146

listing, 160

moving, 145


adding, 288–289

versus mattes, 288

using for color correction, 318–320

master files, exporting, 323–324

match frame, explained, 193, 210

matching audio transition, applying, 217–218

media. See also importing media; proxy media

archiving, 56–58

copying, 67–68

defined, 40

file size, 45

management tips, 42

multiformat, 52

naming, 66

optimizing, 75

organizing, 43–44, 66

storing, 41, 44, 71

media folders, naming, 68–71. See also folders; Project folders; Projects folder

memory cards

archiving, 70

copying, 70–71

displaying contents of, 67

importing files from, 79

merging Events, 45–46

metadata, managing, 113–115

mixing, overview, 204–206, 209


calibrating, 27

using two, 26–27

mono clip, appearance of, 190

Motion 5

adjusting effects in, 275–276

adjusting generators in, 275–276

adjusting titles in, 275–276

Move controls, displaying, 268


exporting QuickTime, 331

sizing still images for, 256

Music Browser, using, 89–90, 194–195

Music Role, applying, 164

music videos, creating, 194


network speed, requirement, 6

networks, using, 6

noises, removing with keyframes, 208


Opacity setting, using, 263

Option key. See keyboard shortcuts

Out point. See End (Out) of clips

output process, 322

overwrite edit, performing, 128–129, 139


panning audio, 197–198, 206

Paste and Copy options, 146–147

Photos Browser, using, 89–90

pixel aspect ratios, 295

pixels versus DPI (dots per inch), 93

Placeholder utility clip, using, 272–274


inserting, 164

using with gaps, 155–156

playback preferences, 121–122


jumping to End of clip, 139

jumping to markers, 163

jumping to Start of clip, 139

locking in place, 140

position, 139

preventing from moving, 128

previewing around, 38

versus skimmer, 166

Position tool, using, 153, 163

Precision Editor

displaying and hiding, 183

jumping to frames, 172

keyboard shortcuts, 175

moving to edit points in, 173

opening, 222, 228

using, 170–174

Preferences window, opening, 64, 140, 228

progressive versus interlaced, 51

Project database, 48

Project folders, creating, 64. See also folders; Projects folder; media folders

Project Library, 23–24

contents of, 49

keyboard shortcut, 49

showing and hiding, 38

toggling between Timeline, 64

Project Properties, opening, 228


accessing, 41

archiving, 13, 56–58

consolidating, 57–58

copying, 54

creating, 30–31, 38, 49–52, 64, 96, 139

duplicates, 53–54

finding items in, 160

fitting into Timeline, 38, 163

hiding, 55, 59

linking to Events, 31, 50

making changes to, 275

moving, 54–55, 64

naming, 31

organizing with folders, 54–55

rendering, 228

revealing in folders, 55

sharing, 13, 55–56

storing, 17, 24, 44

tracking, 41

trashing, 59

Projects folder. See also folders; media folders

contents of, 17, 25

managing, 18

proxy media, accessing and creating, 75–76. See also media


QuickTime movies, exporting, 331

quitting Final Cut Pro X, 38


radio script, creating, 32–33

RAID, using, 6–7, 68

Range tool, using, 127, 164

ranges, selecting, 140, 142–143, 153, 183

ratings, using, 103–106, 108, 111

Rejected clips and ratings, managing, 104, 116

render files, deleting, 46

rendering, 121

defined, 215

options, 216

Projects, 228

selections, 228, 268

Timeline, 268

tip, 216

replace edit, performing, 130–132

Reset button, using, 109

Retime Editor, toggling display of, 301


basics, 292

hold frames, 292–295

interlacing, 294–295

pixel aspect ratios, 295

speed changes, 296–298

speed effects, 300

speed ramps, 299

speeds, 292

variable speed changes, 298–299

video quality settings, 297

RGB Parade, using, 310

ripple, defined, 166

ripple trim, performing, 171–172

Roles. See also keywords

applying, 164

applying and changing, 157–158

creating custom, 158

deleting, 158–159

exporting, 324–329

features of, 156

modifying, 158–159

using, 157, 159, 161–162

roll, defined, 166

roll edit, performing, 173

roll trim, performing, 175–176

Rolling Shutter, 259–260

round-tripping, getting to work, 18


saving changes, 32, 38


clearing, 109

text versus keywords, 112

Select tool, using, 153, 163

Selection tool, selecting, 140


making, 142

rendering, 228, 268

selects sequence, building, 150

sequences, number per Project, 31

Shapes utility clip, using, 272, 274

Share menu, options on, 329–331. See also exporting

sharing, 13, 55–56

defined, 322

monitoring, 331

Shift key. See keyboard shortcuts

shortcuts. See keyboard shortcuts


described, 19

impact on edits, 128

pitch-shifted audio, 20

versus playhead, 166

toggling on/off, 22, 38, 116, 139

using with clips, 101

skin tones, color values for, 312

slide, defined, 166

slide edit, performing, 177–178

slip, defined, 166

slip edit, performing, 177

slo-mo effect, adding, 299

Smart Collections, using, 109–112, 116. See also keywords

snapping, toggling on/off, 139

soloing clips, 210

sonic field, defined, 190

sound bites, editing, 34–35

source media, using, 67, 69

split edits, using, 178–180

Start (In) of clips, 34, 105

deleting, 96

jumping playhead to, 96

setting, 96, 123, 139

trimming to skimmer, 183

stereo, explained, 190

still images, using, 93–95, 181–182, 256

storage, considering, 2–5

stories, overview, 10–11


applying append edits to, 125

applying insert edits to, 127

applying overwrite edits to, 129

benefits, 135

breaking apart, 140

types of, 118

surround mixes

creating, 31, 209

mixing audio to, 52

Switch, function of, 23


tape-based camera, importing media from, 85–86. See also cameras

tapeless media, 68


adding, 12

adding to titles, 238

finding and replacing, 236–237

font settings, 233–234

manipulating, 232–233

styles, 234

themes, creating, 270


controlling contents of, 23

displaying for clips, 103


breaks, 86

calculation of values, 156

changing, 50

displaying in Dashboard, 22

explained, 22

overview, 102–103

preferences, 102

setting starting, 31

using to move clips, 156

utility clip, 272, 274

Timeline. See also Magnetic Timeline

audio animation, 268

controls, 23

creating Compound Clips in, 148–149

described, 19

elements, 49

finding keywords in, 109

fitting projects into, 38

keyboard shortcut, 49

modifying keyframes in, 207–208

moving vertically in, 36

navigating, 119

opening Find window in, 164

organizing with Roles, 161–162

rendering, 268

scaling, 23

selecting everything in, 320

setting keyframes in, 207–208

toggling between Project Library, 64

video animation, 268

zooming into and out of, 163

Timeline History, navigating, 151–152, 163

Timeline Index, 23–24. See also Finder

displaying, 116, 160

features of, 159

keyboard shortcut, 49, 109

toggling display of, 64, 164

using to find items, 160, 162

Title Role, applying, 164

Title safe, displaying, 235–236


adding corner locator to, 238

adding lower-third name to, 238–239

adding text to, 238

adjusting in Motion 5, 275–276

animating, 232

Assembler, 232

editing, 230

font settings, 233–234

length of display, 231

number available, 232

Push In, 237

selecting, 232

Titles Browser, using, 230–231


converting markers to, 145

described, 142

listing, 160

using, 144–145

Tool palette, options in, 153–154

toolbar, described, 19

tools, switching, 153

trackless editor, explained, 118, 156–157

transcoding files, 3, 75–76

Transform controls, displaying, 268

Transform effects, 243–247

Transition Browser, 224–228

Transition Inspector, 223–224


adding, 11–12, 36

adding keyframes to, 227

adding multiple, 217

animating, 226–227

applying default, 38

applying match audio, 217–218

audio-only, 219–221

background tasks, 214–217

changing duration of, 218

connected storylines, 220

converting frames to seconds, 214

creation of, 225

cuts, 166, 212

detaching clips, 222

dissolves, 166, 212

duplicating, 223

expanding audio from video, 218

fade handles, 220

fading to black, 218

handles, 212–213

lack of out of sync indicator, 222

multi-image, 227–228

overview, 212

Precision Editor, 222

Project Properties, 215–217

rendering, 214–217

setting preferences, 213–214

trimming clips under, 222–223

video, 217–218

video-only, 218–219

wipes, 166, 212


moving Events to, 46–47

moving items into, 64

trashing projects, 59

Trim controls, displaying, 268

Trim effect, using, 251–253

Trim tool

roll trim, 175–176

selecting, 163, 183

slide edit, 177–178

slip edit, 177

using, 153

trimming. See also cuts

beginning of clips, 174

clips under transitions, 222–223

colors of clip edges, 171

connected clips, 180

connected storylines, 181

dragging, 175

and editing, 175

endings of clips, 174

error, 170

handles, 168

keyboard shortcuts, 178

Precision Editor, 170–174

purpose of, 167–168

to range selection, 183

ripple trim, 171–172

roll edit, 173

scene and problem, 169–170

setting edit points, 172

setting preferences, 168

split edits, 178–180

stills, 181–182

stories, 11

techniques, 174–175

terminology, 166

transitions, 166

two-up display, 168, 172

two-up display, switching to, 168


Undo feature, using, 46–47

Utilities folder, opening, 38



toggling display of, 320

using, 309–310


detaching audio from, 228

handles, 212–213

importing, 77

playing full-screen, 20

separating audio from, 189

video and audio clips, syncing, 96

video animation, displaying in Timeline, 268

video clips, collapsing and expanding, 210. See also generators

video editing

enabling, 139

requirements, 2

video formats, 3

video properties, customizing, 50–51

video quality settings, 297

Video Role, applying, 164

video scopes, 307–310

video skimming, toggling on/off, 210

video transitions, applying, 217–218, 228

video-only transition, applying, 218–219

videotape, using date display with, 99


Background Tasks window, 22

Dashboard, 22

described, 19

displaying full-screen, 36, 38

displaying on two monitors, 27

Effects Browsers, 23

Event Browser, 21

Event Library, 21

features, 20–25

Fit button, 20

full-screen images, 21

Inspector, 23

moving between frames, 23

playback buttons, 20–21

Project Library, 23–24

Project Timeline, 23

Scale pop-up menu, 20

scaling images, 20

Switch, 23

Timeline controls, 23

Timeline Index, 23–24

toggling loop playback, 20

toolbar, 23

zooming images, 20

zooming in/out of, 268

voice-overs, recording, 201–202

volume, adjusting with menu, 206. See also audio


Waveform monitor, using, 308, 320

waveforms, viewing, 178–179, 187, 205. See also audio

white levels, managing, 312

wipes, defined, 166, 212


XML files

exporting, 99, 329

importing, 95, 99


YouTube example, 330–331


Zoom tool, using, 153, 164

zooming, 38, 268

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