
4G LTE 15

4G specification 233

4k resolution footage, usage 56

5G connection 233

abstraction layers 9

access: Internet access 29; restriction 196; ubiquity 2345

account, hacking process 2079

accounting, Cloud (usage) 1223

Activehours ( 126

ad-hoc integration 21516

ad-hoc review sessions 165

Adobe Capture CC 945; photograph 95

Adobe Creative Cloud 85, 95; service ( 101

Adobe Story ( 93, 100

aggregator service 181

AIGA 224

Airtable ( 132, 147

Amazon Cloud Drive ( 49

Amazon DynamoDB ( 145

Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud ( 66

Amazon Elastic Transcoder ( 667

Amazon Glacier ( 189, 191

Amazon Mechanical Turk ( 225, 227, 2301

Amazon RDS ( 146

Amazon S3 ( 50; data centers, impact 42

Amdahl’s Law 645

annotation 1623

Anomalisa 119, 221

Apple Filing Protocol 8

Apple iCloud ( 478; service 46

Apple iCloud Calendar ( 11213

Apple iCloud Numbers ( 144

Apple iMessage ( 767

Apple products 71

Apple Safari 18

Application layer 9

Application Programming Interface (API) 31, 41, 135, 214; form 234; integrations 75; offering 214; usage 73, 214

approval 160; Cloud, usage 1657; services 1715

approved scripts 140

App Transport Security (ATS) 195

archive 176; Cloud, usage 1839; services 18991

art, Cloud role 32

Asana ( 114

Aspera 177

Aspera “FASP” (IBM) 17980

asset management 33, 149; categories 152; categorisation 1512; local assets, management 1568; naming conventions 1523; organisational strategies 1506; storage capacity, increase 155; subcategories 152; systems, integration 156; tagging 1534, 154; version control 1556

asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX) 212; limitation 23

auditing 1434

Autodesk Shotgun see Shotgun

Autodesk Video Lens ( 236

automatic updates, Cloud benefit 1819

automation 211; ad-hoc integration 21516; integration 214; notifications 21213; paradox 212; push notifications 213; services 2167

Avengers, The 193

Avid Media Composer Cloud ( 96, 101

back-end provision 1312

backers, involvement 2212

backup system 42

Basecamp ( 114

benchmarking, usage 2367

BlueJeans Network ( 74, 80

Box ( 47

Brightcove Zencoder ( 678, 171

broadcasting, Cloud (usage) 1801

browsers 18; browser-based software, allowance 22; hijacking 205; third-party plugins/extensions, allowance 18

Bubbly 76

budgeting, Cloud (usage) 1212

budgets: defining 118; living budget 122

business logic 1334

business model 845

calendars 105; improvement 1056

call sheets 104

camera: Cloud role 32; motion, analysis 53; settings, wireless synchronisation 28; tests 155

Canada Film Capital scheme 120

cards, organisation 923

Carousel, Dropbox launch 45

casting 903, 216; calls 90; submissions 90

casting, Cloud role 32

CastingWords ( 230

Cast It ( 100

Cast It Talent ( 90

categories 152

categorisation 1512; tagging, usage 154

cells, grid 129

cellular Internet connections 12

cellular networks 1516

Celtx ( 11617

channels 75

chase sequence, example 151

CineSync ( 162, 172

Cisco WebEx ( 79

Cloud: access, ubiquity 2345; accountability 35; accounting 1223; approval 1657; archive 176, 1839; archive services 18991; asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX) 2122; automatic updates 1819; automation 211; benefits 1019; broadcasting 1801; browsers 18; budgeting 1212; calendars 105; calendars, improvement 1056; casting submissions 90; cellular networks 1516; challenges 23; Cloud-based calendars 105; Cloud-based digital dailies 169; Cloud-based document management 89; Cloud-based editing environment 97; Cloud-based email system, leasing 8; Cloud-based environment 14950; Cloud-based planning applications 107; Cloud-based services 17, 20, 23, 96; Cloud-based services, assumptions 194; Cloud-based services, features (addition) 18; Cloud-based services (trial), risk (absence) 30; Cloud-based system, differentiation 25; Cloud-based tracking system 154; Cloud-powered services 201; Cloud-powered spreadsheets 130; communication 6976; compatibility 31; connectedness 29; consistency, benefit 19; convenience 17; coordination 1034; cost, reduction 235; crowding 218; database 1312; data redundancy 42; data saving 1289; data storage 42, 177; defining 79; dependence, increase 245; digital compression 1868; disadvantages 1925; distribution 17683; distribution services 18991; education 345; efficiency, increase 2930; film/video production 26; finance 11821; finance services 1236; flexibility, absence 23; information access 289; innovation, impact 2367; Internet connection, problems 201; Internet Protocol Suite 9; interoperability, improvement 234; local assets, references (tracking) 157; messages, carrying 2930; mobile devices, usage 1213, 13; movie production incentives 1201; notifications 15, 15; notifications, production 213; on-boarding crew 92; Open-Source software, usage 24; planning services 11217; potential 232; power, increase 235; promise 12; review 1657; review sessions 1634, 164; roles 313; running costs 1920; saving 1289, 1846; scaling, ease 16; scheduling 10412; security, examination 25; Service Level Agreement (SLA), impact 20; sharing benefit 1011; speed, importance 2334; speed, problems 22; status reporting 87, 878; structured data 12935; transcoding 171; transcription 723; transitioning 301; turnover process, automation 158; usage 12, 94; WebSockets 23; WiFi 13

CloudBooks ( 125

Cloud Computing 8, 538, 54; assets, availability (difficulty) 601; benefits 589; best practices 656; challenges 63; compatibility problems 60; components 54; cost 623; cost effectiveness 59; drawbacks 5964; lead time 58; leveraging, purpose 61; on-demand costs 57; preparation 65; procedure 545; processing tasks 62; resources, limitation (absence) 59; security issues 634; services 668; setup difficulty 59; software licenses, impact 60; speed 589; speed, limitations 612; work progress, monitoring (difficulty) 61

CloudConvert ( 68

Cloud information: persistence 14, 14; sharing 10, 11, 1768; syncing 1112, 12; tracking 13542

Cloud production: document management 889, 89; future 2327; management 869; problems 335; services 98102; tracking services 1448; usage 2630

Cloud rendering: analysis 55; simulation 58; stereo conversion 578; transcoding 556; uses 558; visual effects studio plan 57

Cloud Services 27; adoption 23; number, increase 234; opinion 19; scalability 1617; setup, speed 278

Cloud Storage 8, 32, 368, 37; access 40; benefits 401; business models 45; capacity, problems 434; collaboration 41; components 37; cost effectiveness 41; drawbacks 434; ease 40; files, usage (enhancement) 445; long-term Cloud storage 1889; management 39; online requirement 43; password protection, breaches 46; personalisation 45; procedures 378; providers 141; security/reliability 41; services 38, 4652; space, inclusion 45; speed, problems 43; synchronisation 40; sync process 39; synergy 59; systems 20; transfer 38; trust, absence (possibility) 44; versioning 42

clutter 128

collaboration 69; Cloud storage ability 41; services 7682; tools 92, 106

communication 6976; emergency calls 72; hybrid communication 745; instant messaging 701; remote technical support 74; services 7682; social networking 756; tools 92, 106; transcription 723; video conferencing 734; Voice over IP (VoIP) 712

complexity, funneling 138

compression: digital compression 1868; lossless compression 186, 187; lossy compression 186, 187

computer-generated animations, usage 58

computing 538, 54; assets, availability (difficulty) 601; benefits 589; best practices 656; compatibility problems 60; components 54; cost 623; cost effectiveness 59; drawbacks 5964; procedure 545; resources, limitation (absence) 59; security issues 634; setup difficulty 59; software licenses, impact 60; speed 589; speed, limitations 612; work progress, monitoring (difficulty) 61

concealment 199

connectedness, Cloud ability 29

connections, security (problem) 204

consistency, Cloud benefit 19

continuity, Cloud role 32

convenience, Cloud benefit 17

coordination 1034

Cospective, CineSync 162

coworking 2245

Creative Cloud see Adobe Creative Cloud

creative development 935

crewing 903; crew on-boarding 913, 92; crew selection 91

Critique ( 166, 173

crowd, wisdom 227

crowdfunding 219, 21922; campaign, running 2223; contest approach 2234; support person, hiring 223

crowdsourcing 218; creativity 2234; services 22731

Crowd Studio ( 224, 230

crowd voting 2267

dailies (rushes): Cloud-based digital dailies 169; digital dailies 16770, 168; processing 168; video dailies, saving 43

data: analysis 534; deduplication 188; flow, management 3; mining 534; model 132; reclassification 140; redundancy 42; relational databases 1313; saving 1289; sending, API (usage) 214; structured data 12935; transfer 162

databases, hybrid approaches 1334

data storage 11, 42, 177; reduction 188

data transfer: peer-to-peer environment 183; server-client environment 182

day players 88

dependence, increase (Cloud problem) 245

DesignCrowd ( 229

digital assets: categorisation 1512; manager 150

digital clutter 1367

digital compression 1868

digital dailies 16770, 168; Cloud-based digital dailies 169

Digital Imaging Technicians (DITs) 3, 32, 170

digital information, organisation 13741

digital media, viewing devices 161

digital packages, transmission 167

digital re-creation, animation 135

Digital Rights Management (DRM) 1978

digital screeners, usage 178

digital technology, benefits 556

directing, Cloud role 31

disks, purchase 43

distribution 176; Cloud, usage 17683; services 18991

document: categorisation 128; collation 89; key documents 88; management 86, 889, 89; scanning 89

Doodle ( 113

DPX image sequence 39

draft, usage 141, 158

drama shots 56

Dropbox ( 467, 217; file sharing 8; first users, perspective 39

due date 131

editing 968; Cloud-based editing environment 97; environment, local network (usage) 97; environment, remote crew (usage) 97; real-time collaborative editing 39

editorial, Cloud role 33

efficiency: Cloud, impact 2930; degree 34; maximisation 106

encryption 1945; Wireless Encryption Protocol (WEP) 195

Entertainment Partners: Payroll Services ( 125; Scenechronize ( 89, 100

error-checking 1789

Evernote ( 115

Extended Validation Certificates, usage 1945

FaceTime ( 71, 78

FASP 17980

feedback: distribution 1656; provision 70

Fibre to the Cabinet technology 233

Fibre to the Premises technology 233

Fieldbook ( 133, 146

fields, set 131

FileMaker database, records (addition) 40

files: components (sharing), Cloud (usage) 94; retrieval 62; sharing 86; transfer 38

Filetrack ( 199

File Transfer Protocol (FTP) 38; servers, usage 161; usage 177

film-based production, delays 168

film production: Cloud usage 2630; complexities 142

Final Draft screenplay, editing 39

finance 118; Cloud, usage 11821; services 1236

financing 119; peer-to-peer loans 119, 120

Firefox see Mozilla Firefox

flexibility, absence (Cloud) 23

Flickr ( 36, 445, 512

FLIX ( 158

folder metaphor 137

Forensic Watermarks 196

formula, usage 130

Forscene ( 1012

Foundry see FLIX ( 173

Freelancer ( 223, 2289

FreshBooks ( 125

front-end provision 132

Ftrack ( 148

functionality 34

funding: crowdfunding 219, 21922; traditional model 219

Fusioo ( 147

Gantt charts 107, 108

Gantt, Henry 107

Ganttic ( 108, 114

Gmail ( 75; Google Drive, integration 214

GoCodes ( 159

Google+ ( 75

Google Calendar ( 112, 216

Google Chrome 18

Google Cloud Datastore ( 145

Google Cloud SQL ( 131, 1456

Google Cloud Storage ( 51

Google Docs 36, 110, 156

Google Drive ( 48; Gmail, integration 214

Google Hangouts ( 75, 81, 92

Google search bar, usage 22

Google Sheets ( 122, 144

Google Sites ( 111, 115

Google Spreadsheet, real-time collaborative editing 39

Google Voice ( 79

GoScreening ( 189

GoToMeeting ( 73, 80

GRC Search Space calculator 209

Groening, Matt 1

Gusto ( 1256

H.265 (High Efficiency Video Coder) 187

hacking process 2079

hardware failure 59

hashed passwords 2001

Heartbleed bug, impact 208

hierarchical systems, creation 1378

hijacking: browser hijacking 205; router hijacking 2056

HTTPS (HTTP over TLS) 194; security 204; usage 195

hybrid communication 745

Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) 9

IFTTT ( 215, 2167

Illustrator application, usage 93

images: manipulation, performing 53; referencing 177

IndieGoGo ( 221, 228

industry-standard production tracking systems 1345

industry-standard tracking systems 142

InfiniDisc ( 191

information: analysis 142; availability 29; capturing 1356; Cloud access 289; data, reclassification 140; digital clutter 1367; exchange 177; master-detail representations 138; offline viewing 34; organisation 13741; persistence 14, 15; relational information 130; sharing 10, 11, 1768; smart folders, usage 141; syncing 1112, 12; syncing, Cloud (usage) 12; tags, usage 141; tracking 13542

Information Technology (IT) 27; abstraction 7; developments 1; expertise/resources 41; remote support 74; services, contrast 12

Information Technology (IT) environment: scaling, up-front costs 16; system setup 17

Information Technology (IT) infrastructure 17, 21, 25; requirement 78

innovation, impact 2367

insecure connections 204

instant messaging 701

integrated systems, usage 156

integration 214; ad-hoc integration 21516

internal database, usage 91

Internet: access 29; cellular Internet connections 12; Cloud access problems 334; connection 86, 1612; connection, Cloud problems 201; Internet-based telephone system 71; tethering 16; transport layer protocols 17880

Internet Explorer 18

Internet Movie Database (IMDb) 91

Internet of Things 216; technology roadmap 215

Internet Protocol Suite 9

Internet Service Providers, impact 233

interoperability, improvement 234

JPEG compression 187

JPEG file, viewing 185

JPEG images: detail (removal), algorithm (usage) 187; saving 186

key documents 88

keywords 154

Kickstarter ( 221, 2278

knowledge management 11011

Labor Sync ( 98

leading zeros 1523

legal issues, navigation 60

Lending Club ( 119, 1234

LIDAR scans 177

lighting, Cloud role 32

LinkedIn 91

Livestream ( 181, 191

living budget 122

local assets: references, tracking 157; version control 158

local assets, management 1568

local network, usage 97

local storage 36

logic, inclusion 143

long-term Cloud storage 1889

LookAt ( 173

lossless compression 186, 187

lossy compression 186, 187

low-resolution, transcoding 65

Lyrics Project 227

Mac-based networks 9

macrotasking 225

malware, installation 18

management: asset management 149; Cloud-based document management 89; digital rights management 1978; document management 889, 89; knowledge management 11011; local assets, management 1568; physical assets, management 1589; production management 869; project management 10910; project portfolio management 111; storage management 39

man-in-the-middle attack 204

master-detail model 138

master-detail representations 138

Mechanical Turk see Amazon Mechanical Turk

mediaboxes 167

Media Composer Cloud ( see Avid Media Composer Cloud

media, streaming 1823

Meekan ( 106, 113

messages: encryption 701; vulnerability 203

messages, carrying 2930

metadata, usage 136

Microsoft Azure ( 67

Microsoft Azure SQL Database ( 146

Microsoft Excel Online ( 145

Microsoft OneDrive ( 4950; photo album creation 45

Microsoft OneNote ( 115

Microsoft Project Online ( 111, 116

Microsoft Sharepoint Online ( 111, 116

microtasking 2256; physical microtasking 226

Midpoint ( 121, 124

mobile devices: Cloud usage 1213, 13; usage 201

Movie Production Incentives, Cloud (relationship) 1201

Mozilla Firefox 18; browser, usage 24

MP4 files, playing 185

MPEG-compressed video, support 170

Mystery Science Theater 3000 220

naming conventions 1523

narrative, coherence 70

native desktop application 85

NDA, signing 226

NeedaJingle ( 229

Netflix ( 180

networking: peer-to-peer networking 1813; social networking 756

noise, removal 55

notifications 28, 21213; Cloud production 213; Cloud, usage 15, 15; push notifications 213

obfuscation 1989

Office 365: desktop software, launch 45; platform, subscription 8

Open-Source software, usage 24

Optical Character Recognition (OCR), usage 136

organisation strategies 1506

OwnCloud Server 45

packet loss 179

passwords: concerns 1967; control 208; hashed passwords 2001; salted passwords 2001; strength 200; time-based one-time passwords 2012

peer-to-peer environment, data transfer 183

peer-to-peer loans 119, 120

peer-to-peer networking 1813

personal assistant 236

personal hotspots 16

personal identification number (PIN), usage 202

phishing 207

Photoshop application, usage 93, 214

physical assets, management 1589

physical microtasking 226

physical rewards, offering (avoidance) 222

physical space, information (occupation) 1367

Pinewood Studios 129

PIX ( 166, 171

planning 103; Cloud services 11217; production planning 11112; project planning 1067; resource planning 108; schedules 33

platform, independence 845

Polaris 234

Polycom RealPresence 74

post-production 968, 105; editing 968; tools 33

Prediction API ( 235

pre-production 105

presentation 1602

pricing structures, complications 63

Prime Focus Technologies 178, 189

processing tasks: parallel occurrence 62; serial occurrence 62

producing, Cloud role 31

production 84; Cloud problems 335; crunch 56; financing 119; future 2327; Gantt charts 107, 108; industry-standard production tracking systems 1345; information, capturing 1356; movie production incentives, Cloud (relationship) 1201; planning 11112; post-production 968; process 155; scripted productions, breakdown 1501; services 98102; sound, Cloud role 32; tracking services 1448

Production Cloud ( 169, 1745

production management: Cloud role 32; Cloud usage 869; document management 889, 89; status reporting 87, 878; time tracking 867

Production Minds PMP ( 134, 147

progress tracking 1423

project: field 133; planning 1067; portfolio management 111

project management 10910; services 109

Project Oxford ( 235

Project Portfolio Management 236

proofs, generation 65

Prosper ( 119, 123

protocols 178

push notifications 213

push technology 213

QuickBooks ( 122, 124

Quick UDP Internet Connections (QUIC) 180

rainbow table, usage 2089

RAW files, storage 185

real-time collaborative editing 39

real-time tracking systems 87

records, sorting 1323

redundancy, concept 42

Redundant Array of Independent Disks (RAID) 42

references, tracking 157

relational databases 1313

relational information 130

re-mastering 184

remote crew, usage 97

remote technical support 74

render farms, handling 567

rendering 53; analysis 55; simulation 58; stereo conversion 578; transcoding 556; uses 558; visual effects studio plan 57

resource planning 108

review 160; ad-hoc review sessions 165; Cloud, usage 1657; presentation 1602; services 1715

review sessions 1634, 164; organisation, challenge 1634

router hijacking 2056

running Cloud costs 1920

rushes see dailies

salted passwords 2001

scaling: ease 16; up-front costs 16

Scenechronize ( 89, 100

scenes, changes 1501

scheduled downtime 25

scheduling 10412; problem 104; third-party scheduling software 106

SCRATCH Web ( 174

Screening Room system 235

Screenlight ( 166, 172

scripted productions, breakdown 1501

scripts, approved scripts 140

search space, maximisation 200

SecureScreener ( 178, 189

security 25, 41; access restriction 196; account, hacking process 2079; App Transport Security (ATS) 195; browser hijacking 205; concealment 199; connections, security (problems) 204; considerations 193; digital rights management 1978; encryption 1945; hashed passwords 2001; man-in-the-middle attack 204; measures 1949; obfuscation 1989; passwords, concerns 1967; passwords, strength 200; risks 2037; router hijacking 2056; salted passwords 2001; social engineering, usage 2067; time-based onetime passwords 2012; two-factor authentication 2023; virtual private networks (VPNs), usage 206; watermarking 198

sequences: categorisation 1534; usage 151

server-client environment, data transfer 182

server-client model 181

Server Message Block 9

Service Level Agreement (SLA) 35; impact 20

service provider, flat rate 63

services: Cloud scalability 1617; Cloud setup, speed 278; data (sending), API (usage) 214; number, increase 234; offline mode 21; prices/functionality 4

Sharepoint Online see Microsoft Sharepoint Online

sharing: Cloud benefit 1011; ease 28

Shotgun ( 134, 148, 167, 214

simulation 58; generation 53

Skype ( 71, 78

Skype for Business ( 789

Slack ( 75, 812, 92, 214

smart folders, usage 141

SMS 70; messages, vulnerability 203

social engineering, usage 2067

social media 197; services 445

social networking 756

software: licenses, impact 60; service 846

Sony Ci ( 174

sound, Cloud role 33

source code, access 24

speed: Cloud problems 22; importance 2334

spreadsheets 12931; hybrid approaches 1334; sorting, issues 1323

Sqwiggle ( 82

Stanton, Andrew 160

Star Wars: The Force Awakens 193

status reporting 87, 878

stereo conversion 578

stereoscopic 3D, resurgence 184

stereoscopic conversion 184

storage 36, 37; access 40; benefits 401; business models 45; components 37; cost considerations 186; data storage 42, 177; ease 40; files, usage (enhancement) 445; local storage 36; long-term Cloud storage 1889; management 39; online requirement 43; password protection, breaches 46; personalisation 45; procedures 378; services 4652; speed, problems 43; sync process 39; synergy 59; transfer 38; trust, absence (possibility) 44

storage capacity: increase 155; problems 434

storyboards, saving 186

streaming media 1612

structured data 12935; hybrid approaches 1334; relational databases 1313; spreadsheets 12931

Studio Binder ( 112

subcategories 152

subcategorisation 1512

subscription-based service 85

synchronisation, Cloud storage ability 40

SyncOnSet ( 156

system: integration 156; setup: setup 17; time, duration 17

tables, set 131

tagging 139, 1534, 154

tags 139, 154; usage 141

TaskRabbit ( 226

task (subtask), usage 143

taxonomies 139

technology roadmap 215

Telegram ( 70, 77

Tesco, system access 208

text-based communications 166

third-party plugins/extensions, allowance 18

third-party scheduling software 106

third-party server, information storage 85

third-party software 23

time-based one-time passwords (TOTP) 2013

time tracking 867

Toggl ( 989

Tongal ( 224, 229

tracking 127; auditing 1434; Cloud-based tracking system 154; data, reclassification 140; industry-standard production tracking systems 1345; industry-standard tracking systems 142; information analysis 142; information tracking 13542; master-detail representations 138; progress tracking 1423; real-time tracking systems 87; references, tracking 157; relational databases 1313; services 1448; smart folders, usage 141; system 1356; tags, usage 141; time tracking 867

transcoding 556, 1701; process 61; program 60; usage 59

transcription 723

translation system 140

Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) 17880

Transport Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), diagram 9

Transport layer 9

Trello ( 92, 99, 139

TripAdvisor ( 226

TSheets ( 86, 98

turnover process 157; automation 158

Twitch ( 181

Twitter ( 81; account, damage 207

two-factor authentication 46, 2023

Universal Plug-and-Play (uPNP) 206

uploads, queueing up 62

User Datagram Protocol (UDP) 17880

Ustream ( 1901

validation, inclusion 143

Veronica Mars 119, 220

version control 1556

versioning 42

video: artifacts 179; conferencing 734; dailies, saving 43; stabilisation 55; village 168

video production: Cloud usage 2630; complexities 142

Vimeo ( 1801, 190

virtual private networks (VPNs), usage 206

virtual reality (VR) 27

virtuous circle 24

visual effects: Cloud role 33; studios, rendering plan 57

Voice over IP (VoIP) 712; emergency calls 72

Voxer ( 778

WALL-E 160

watermarking 198

websites, avoidance 205

WebSockets 23

Western Digital (“My Cloud”) 45

WeSwap ( 121, 124

We Wired Web ( 217

WeWork ( 225

WhatsApp ( 70, 77

Whisper 76

WiFi: hotspots, proliferation 13; network, connection 1516; public connection, usage 204; usage 12, 38

WiFi Protected Access 2 (WPA2) scheme, security 195

WiFi Protected Setup (WPS) 206

Wikipedia 110

Wikispaces ( 11516

wiki, usage 110

Windows-based networks 9

Wipster ( 166, 172

Wireless Encryption Protocol (WEP) 195

WorkingOn ( 88, 99

World of Warcraft 193

World Wide Web, revolution 21

Wrike ( 113

Yelp ( 226

YouTube ( 56, 180, 190; monetisation options 181

Zapier ( 215, 217

Zencoder ( 678, 171

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