Security Considerations

“I steal from every movie ever made.”

—Quentin Tarantino

As a rule of thumb, the larger the production, the more security-conscious it needs to be. The bigger the production is, the more of a target it is. Film productions like World of Warcraft, The Avengers, and Star Wars: The Force Awakens all had very strict security in place just to prevent any leaks relating to the story, let alone things like concept art or still images. It also goes without saying that on practically any size production, having the final version become leaked before its intended release date can be catastrophic.

When a large amount of production assets live in the Cloud, on servers somewhere else on the planet, it is natural to develop a sense of paranoia that any of it could fall into the wrong hands, either through accidental exposure or someone determined and malicious enough to attempt to access it without authorisation. There’s probably enough to say about computer security, particularly when it comes to the Cloud to fill several books in their own right, but suffice it to say there’s no reason anything stored in the Cloud shouldn’t be at least as secure as anything stored on your own personal computer. Examples of other sectors that entrust their data to be secured in the Cloud include human resourcing, healthcare, and governments.

That’s not to say that everything stored in the Cloud is automatically safe either. Most Cloud-based services make some assumption about the security of your data (some will assume you don’t actually care about security all that much), and the best ones actually depend on establishing rules around who should have access to what.

Ultimately, security in the Cloud is defined by what your data are, how you get the data into the Cloud, what the provider does with the data once it’s there, and how (and who) can get the data out again. If you can be confident in each of those steps, you can be confident that your data are secure.

Security Measures

There are many security measures you can take when dealing with data in the Cloud, just as there are with local computer systems and hardcopy documents. None of these are specific to the Cloud, and any number of them may or may not be appropriate to your specific requirements. There may be cost implications with any of these, and it might be that some of them are simply not possible with a particular service provider. As with other security matters it’s best to consult with an expert to audit to help identify areas that are vulnerable.


The most obvious form of digital security is encryption. Put simply, it’s the process of scrambling data so the data are unreadable without decryption. In computer terms, this usually involves having some form of digital key to access something that is encrypted. It’s like someone sending a message in a locked box to someone else who already has the key to open it. There’s no guarantee that the box won’t be intercepted, but if it is, it will be extremely difficult to get at the message inside.

In terms of the Cloud, encryption performs two vital roles. First and foremost, it can ensure that data transferred between your browser and the service (or between a mobile application and the service) are encrypted. The most common example of this is browsing to a site using HTTPS (HTTP over TLS), which is typically displayed in the browser with a padlock icon (a green padlock in the case of websites with “Extended Validation Certificates”, which indicates that the connection is both encrypted and provided by a source with a verified identity). Most browsers provide additional information when clicking the padlock icon, so you can see exactly the level of protection offered.

The second role encryption performs is to protect stored data (also referred to as “at-rest” data), so that in the event that a service provider’s server gets compromised, the data on that server are still protected. This is particularly important for Cloud storage services, as a data breach could allow someone to view users’ actual files if they’re not encrypted, but it’s equally important to ensure the data stored in databases are encrypted, particularly where that data are sensitive, be it the screenplay from an unreleased film, or the contact details for the cast and crew (it’s worth pointing out that databases that form part of a service, such as an online shot-tracking database, will not typically be encrypted themselves, but any backup copies should be encrypted).

Even where data are encrypted, it’s not necessarily secure, as there are many forms of encryption, with some much more effective than others. Some are considered to be easily exploitable, for example, the Wireless Encryption Protocol (WEP) scheme for WiFi connections can be broken in a matter of minutes by someone who knows what they’re doing, whereas the more modern WiFi Protected Access 2 (WPA2) scheme is considerably more secure.


Box 14.1 App Transport Security

Sadly there’s not as much transparency when using a mobile app to connect to the Cloud as when using a browser. As of the release of iOS 9 for Apple devices, Apple has been strongly encouraging app developers to make use of its App Transport Security (ATS) layer, which ensures a minimum level of security (via the use of HTTPS) for all network communication.

However, this effort has been undermined somewhat by advertisers such as Google who are advising developers to disable this feature in order to use their advertising services. Compounding the issue is that there’s ultimately no way for the end-user to know if the app they’re using has ATS enabled or not.

Access Restriction

Another conceptually simple form of digital security is limiting access to particular data based on who requests it. A user or group may be given permission (or not) to perform some action on the data (such as a file). This might be the ability to change (or create or remove) a subset of data, or it might just be the ability to view it.

This can work at multiple levels within a Cloud service. First there’s file-system permissions, controlling which users on a server have access to which files (and the type of access they have). There might be network-level access rules (such as a firewall), dictating which type of data may be transferred in or out of the network (and limiting access based on specific IP addresses). Then there might be application-specific permissions, controlling which part of the application can be accessed by whom, as well as the possibility of having users set permissions for other users within the application itself.

Furthermore, the rules governing different kinds of access can themselves be multi-layered. An individual user might belong to a group, and so have permissions based on that group, but these be selectively overridden for the specific user (for example, a “Manager” group might not be able to see financial data, but a financial controller within the Manager group is specifically given permission to see it). In addition the rules might be conditional, so, for example, a given user might only be able to see items whose names begin with the letter B, or only if it’s a Thursday, and so on.


Box 14.2 Passwords

Everyone hates passwords. Either they are too difficult to remember or else too simple to break to be effective. Despite many attempts to try and find a better approach to providing a collection of letters (and sometimes numbers, and sometimes punctuation) to identify yourself, by and large we’re stuck with them. And in a Cloud-enabled world, they are everywhere. Everything from online shopping to checking your calendar probably requires a password (even if you’ve opted to have it stored so you don’t have to keep typing it in). It is, therefore, extremely tempting to simply use the same password for everything, so that whenever you’re asked for a password to something, the response comes easily and automatically.

Sadly, this is perhaps the worst thing you can possibly do, as far as your online security is concerned. Even if you’re very careful never to reveal your password to anyone, even if you never even write it down, and even if it’s 30 characters long with a mixture of letters, numbers, and punctuation, the chances are that eventually one of two things will happen: either you’ll unknowingly provide your password to a site designed to collect passwords from people, or one of the sites you’ve previously entered your password will get compromised, and the database containing yours (and hundreds or thousands of others) will get stolen. Either of these two possibilities typically has the same outcome— some malicious person will then attempt to use the password (likely in combination with a registered email address) to access every worthwhile Internet account you might own, from social media to banking, to that one account which opens the door to every other account—email.

For this reason, it’s essential that you try to have different passwords for every site. This might seem difficult or impractical but is actually remarkably simple if you use software such as 1Password (agilebits.com/onepassword) or KeePass (keepass. info) to track which passwords you use where (and indeed generate random passwords on your behalf if preferred) in a secure database (which itself is unlocked via a single password—but this is the only one you’ll ever need to remember).

Digital Rights Management

Digital Rights Management (DRM) is a controversial method of controlling what can be done with a given piece of (presumably) copyrighted digital media. There are many examples of its use in everyday life, from preventing DVD copies being made, to preventing e-books being printed, and preventing music being played on more than a certain number of devices. From the consumers’ standpoint there’s arguably no benefit to DRM, and as such it has a tendency to become an inconvenience, and many forms of DRM (including those used for DVD and Blu-Ray) can be bypassed, but it remains in use nonetheless.

Still, it can be an additional method for protecting content, particularly in the short-term and when the aim is to avoid pre-release leaks. Distributing a script that cannot be printed by anyone can be desirable in certain circumstances and having copies of videos that can be viewed only by people with a digital license can complement a solid security infrastructure.


A watermark is a graphic superimposed over a document (typically an image or video but can also be applied to document such as a screenplay). There are two types of watermarking commonly used, visible and invisible. With visible watermarks, the graphic can be clearly seen across the document (for example, on every page of a screenplay, or across every frame of a video) and tends to be in the form of text identifying the person it was sent to. Invisible watermarks (also referred to as “Forensic Watermarks”) usually apply only to digital video or images and cannot be seen by the eye (but can be decoded via appropriate means), but are instead tagged in some way with a digital code. Forensic watermarks may be used when it would not be appropriate to obscure the image with a visible watermark, in situations where you don’t want the recipient to know the file has been tagged, or even in combination with visible watermarks, if they carry more information than is possible to show in the visible watermark (such as the IP address of the person viewing it or the date and time the viewing was requested).

Unlike the other security measures, watermarking is not preventative. The mere presence of a watermark doesn’t stop anyone looking your content, but it does allow any dissemination of material to be traced back to an originator. In the case of visible watermarks, it can act as a deterrent, however, as someone will be far less likely to leak an image if their name is stamped all over it.

Very occasionally a watermark is used merely to convey ownership (as in the case of watermarks proclaiming “Property of …”) or when logistics prevent more individualised watermarks being used. Though this particular approach doesn’t allow leaks to be traced back to a particular source, the rationale is that at least it prevents the proliferation of counterfeit copies.


Obfuscation can be considered a “low-tech” security measure in comparison to the others mentioned and has been in use by the entertainment industry for many years, albeit with varying degrees of success. The idea is to disguise important information about a production, so that if anything is accidentally leaked (such as someone finding a lost mobile phone with emails and other information about a production) it cannot be directly attributed to a particular production.

Most often this takes the form of code names for the production itself (both for the title and the production company’s name), although in recent years these are of questionable value as the code name itself is often leaked as part of doing casting calls and so on (and because producers seem to enjoy using uniquely identifiable code names rather than more generic ones, a quick search on the Internet will usually reveal their true identities). However, this practice has also been extended to using code names for things like major character names and other identifying information associated with the production. Again, the benefits of this approach are somewhat dubious, as it can complicate and confuse matters for people who are actually working on the production, but it’s still a popular practice.


If you want to be really extreme about it, even the possibility that the stranger sitting next to you might be trying to get information about the production becomes a concern. A producer sitting on a plane may worry that other passengers will attempt to read a script over their shoulder, or a visual effects artist may take a bathroom break, allowing anyone who walks past a glimpse of some unannounced superhero on their monitor.

As paranoid as it may seem, there are ways to prevent these types of situations becoming an issue. The Filetrack (filetrack.com) document storage system, for example, runs in the Cloud but has a number of methods to limit exposure to any of the materials you might choose to store there. First of all, the browser window displaying a document or movie will “lock” itself after a certain amount of time, so if you leave your device unattended for a period of time, it’s unlikely someone will be able to come along and snoop at what you were looking at. But perhaps the headline feature is its “scope view”, whereby you can see only a small portion of the document on the screen at one time, or in the case of a mobile device, only the area you point at, as if you were reading with a flashlight in a dark room. This serves to conceal a document in its entirety (aside from the minuscule fragment you happen to be looking at).


Box 14.3 Password Strength

Spend enough time signing up with different web-based services, and you’ll become familiar with the different approaches to passwords they take. Some are content to let you choose any password you want, whilst others will impose certain restrictions (“you must use at least one number”, for example), and sometimes have some really bizarre and self-defeating rules about how your password should be composed (“the password must be exactly 8 characters and not have any two of the same characters”). Almost all of them have some notion of what makes a “strong” password, and many of them will use a “password strength” meter to indicate this to you.

But tellingly, the exact same password will produce a different strength rating on different websites. There’s much debate as to what makes a strong password, precisely because it depends on the method that is used to try and break them. A “dictionary attack”, for example, goes through every word in a dictionary (or combination of words), and as such some sites enforce the inclusion of at least one number in a password precisely to avoid these types of attacks from being viable.

However, it does seem that the vast majority of articles on the subject reach the same conclusion—in general, the longer the password is, the better, as most attacks take longer with longer passwords. Coupled with this, you should try to maximise the “search space” of the password (or maximum number of possibilities attackers must check) by including at least one number, one symbol, and one uppercase letter. Do this, and there’s a good chance your account won’t be compromised even if a hacker breaches the system.

Hashed and Salted Passwords

Just as it’s important to protect your own passwords, the sites you log on to have a measure of responsibility to protect your personal information and your password in particular. User passwords are commonly stored in a database and, ideally, the server hosting the database is secured to prevent access from attackers.

However, as countless high-profile incidents have demonstrated over the past few years, it is virtually impossible to prevent the most dedicated hackers from gaining access to a system on the Internet, and when they do, they’ll likely be headed directly for the database that stores user accounts and passwords. If you take the position that at some point, these data could fall into the wrong hands, then you must take steps to protect these data further. The most common solution is to “hash” passwords that are stored in the database. That is, when a user creates (or modifies) their password, the site doesn’t actually store the password they provide, but an encrypted (“hashed”) version of the password. Thus when the raw password data are viewed, the original password cannot be discerned.

There’s a slight caveat to this which is that in recent years it’s possible to use so-called “rainbow tables” (which list a large number of possible passwords and their equivalent hash based on the most popular hashing algorithms) to look up an original password based on its resulting hash. There’s a solution to this, however, which is for the site to also add a “salt”, or random sequence, of characters to the original password, with the aim of making the overall length of the string to be hashed sufficient to defeat rainbow tables (due to the sheer volume of data required, rainbow tables are limited to decoding hashes of strings up to a particular length). Salts can either be constant (the same string is appended to each password) or can be randomly generated and stored per account (the latter approach is considered safer as it prevents an attacker from attacking multiple accounts simultaneously).

The important part to this is that no-one else, not even the web-site owner, knows what your password is. The password is verified by repeating the operation (salting and hashing the password you provide when attempting to log in) and then comparing the result to the stored value. An exact match happens to mean you entered the correct password, but all the system really cares about is the salted and hashed end result, which, of course, bears no resemblance to the original password.

Time-based, One-time Passwords

A one-time password is a type of password that can be used to log in to a service only once, after which the password is rendered invalid. These are considered more secure than a regular password, because even if they are discovered somehow, for example, through negligence on the user’s part, or by monitoring an unsecured transmission, they cannot be used. They also tend to be randomly generated and thus more resistant to dictionary attacks and other password-cracking methods, and can be considered unique, so if another service that the same person uses gets compromised, it doesn’t affect the site using the one-time password.

However, the challenge with implementing one-time passwords for use with web-based services is distributing them. In order to get the one-time passwords to the user you’ve got to regularly send new ones in a secure way (and guarantee the user has a record of them). Even if you do this in batches of passwords (which is considerably less secure than having one at a time), it’s still difficult from a logistical point of view.

Time-based, one-time passwords (TOTP) are a way to overcome these issues whilst still getting the benefits of one-time passwords. With TOTP, one-time passwords are generated, but they are done so automatically based on an algorithm that uses a secret key (that is generated once and is generally hidden from the user) in combination with the current date and time. With this approach only the secret key needs to be secure, as the date and time (and in many cases the algorithm used to compute the codes) is public knowledge.

Two-factor Authentication

Two-factor authentication provides an additional layer of security to users by making them identify themselves by using something only they would know (as in, a password or personal identification number [PIN]), as well as something only they would have (as in a security key or credit card). Whilst this does not completely guarantee security, it provides a much greater degree of security than just using one form or the other (it’s one thing to steal someone’s credit card, or to guess or find out their PIN, but quite a feat to be able to do both) and in a way that doesn’t inconvenience users too much.

That said, the nature of the web means that the second factor of two-factor authentication tends to be in the form of a hardware key that generates a unique code that can be input into the login screen. By definition, this code must be time based, or else it becomes little better than a second password, rendering the actual hardware part of it worthless. So in reality, the devices will use some form of TOTP. And because hardware keys can be relatively costly to manufacture, and the thought of users carrying round a pocket full of hardware keys wherever they go is a little optimistic, the trend has been to have the codes generated on a mobile device which the user already owns, such as a smartphone.

Some implementations of this have a dedicated app that uses a proprietary algorithm to generate or request the codes, whilst others just have the site send an SMS message to the phone number registered for the user (this is not ideal, as SMS messages are not encrypted and vulnerable to being intercepted by a third-party). Increasingly, though, many implementations use the algorithm described by RFC 6238, which can be used in conjunction with a number of freely available mobile device apps (most notably, Google Authenticator [m.google.com/authenticator]), as this means they need to implement the service only into their own system and not have to spend resources creating corresponding apps for mobile devices.

There are some other caveats to using the RFC 6238 algorithm (which mainly boil down to the dependence of keeping clocks synchronised) that in practice mean there are fallback options to the system which can be considerably less secure (such as single-use backup codes that are not time-sensitive and which may have been saved somewhere in an insecure manner).

Additionally, although two-factor authentication methods will typically use codes generated on (or sent to) a mobile device, the use of TOTP itself does not necessarily qualify as two-factor authentication, unless the mobile device is completely separate from the service being unlocked. For example, if you use a banking app on a mobile phone, and the bank sends a TOTP code to that same phone, it is only one-factor—you just need access to the phone to unlock the account. Still none of this means using such an approach is completely worthless; just that it is not as secure as a purely two-factor one.

Security Risks

In addition to taking the proper precautions, it also pays to be aware of the risks and ways that security can be compromised. Ultimately, the Cloud does offload these concerns to the service provider, so you don’t necessarily need to worry about them, but on the other hand, you need to be confident that the service provider is both competent and can be trusted to have your best interests at heart. There are also certain circumstances where, despite the best efforts of the service provider, something can prevent security from being guaranteed.

Insecure Connections

Whilst most Internet-related security revolves around encrypting data, the reverse is true—not having data encrypted is a surefire way for others to gain access to the data. Use of public WiFi is a great example of this. When using a public WiFi connection, any other user on the same wireless network can see the data you’re sending and receiving without much effort. And if you’re sending sensitive information in a way that’s not encrypted, such as when logging into a site, sending an email, or submitting credit card details on any site that isn’t using a secure method like HTTPS (and often the only way to know for sure is to check if there’s a padlock icon in the browser’s address bar, despite what the site itself might be telling you), it’s as if you’re just speaking them out loud in a crowded room. Maybe no-one will intercept the data and it won’t matter, but either way it’s a big risk to take.


Box 14.4 Man-in-the-Middle Attack

Even if a connection is encrypted, that doesn’t guarantee it is secure. A so-called man-in-the-middle attack is one where someone silently acts as a go-between for the end-user and the web service. They intercept messages from the user and relay them to the service and do the same for messages going back from the server to the user. In this way, neither the server nor the end-user knows the messages are being intercepted. In this situation, the data would still be encrypted, however, under the right circumstances, the hacker would have the information to decrypt them.

There are ways to prevent this from happening by sites using the correct encryption protocols. Fortunately, modern browsers will provide feedback as to how secure they are (if there’s a padlock, or a green padlock, the chances are you’re protected).

Browser Hijacking

A popular way for hackers to intercept private data to and from websites is to attack the browser itself. Perhaps the most common way to do this is to fool users into installing malicious software (known as “malware”) that modifies the browser settings in a number of ways. As well as having security implications, having such malware installed can lead to having advertisements inserted into web pages that don’t normally display them, changing the user’s home page to some other site, nagging the user to buy certain “antivirus” software, and generally slowing Internet access down to a crawl (whether intentionally or not).

Perhaps worst of all is the advice given to users to avoid this happening is not particularly helpful. Microsoft, for example, previously advised users to “avoid disreputable websites” and “be careful what you download and install onto your computer”. In practice, you should make sure not to install any plugins or extensions unless you know exactly what they’re for and make sure your browser’s home page is set to a page you can trust (or just a blank page). Then if you suspect there might be an issue with your browser (such as experiencing any of the symptoms listed previously), you should check the corresponding settings in your browser, in particular what the home page is set to, and which extensions and plugins are installed. As a last resort, most browsers have a “reset” option somewhere to restore everything to working order (whilst still preserving other important information).

Router Hijacking

A tactic that has been discovered more recently involves compromising a router (a device responsible for sending and receiving data between a local network, such as a WiFi network, and the Internet). Because many routers are set up to allow them to be configured from across the network (via the Internet), strictly speaking anyone could log in to the router and change the configuration—something which can result in all traffic being routed through another server controlled by a hacker, for example (or as with browser hijacking, to insert advertisements into web pages). They have to know the router’s password for this to work, but given that a significant proportion of users don’t change the default passwords on their router this can be a simple task. Even for those who are savvy enough to change the password to something less likely to be cracked, they might still be susceptible to exploits in the router’s software.

This can be especially problematic, as many people will get their routers from their Internet service provider, who might not go to enough trouble to ensure their users’ routers are secure. Regardless, there are some steps you can take to ensure you are better protected from these types of attacks. First of all, you should ensure that the ability to administer the router from outside the network is disabled. Second, you should ensure you change the default password to something secure. Next (as with everything else), make sure your router’s firmware is kept up-to-date. Finally, where possible, disable features like uPNP (Universal Plug-and-Play) and WPS (WiFi Protected Setup) that can be used to give attackers greater access to your network.


Box 14.5 Virtual Private Networks

One reliable way to secure Internet communication is to use a virtual private network (VPN). A VPN provides a secure link to another network, typically across the Internet. It is a common way to allow access to a network at an office whilst elsewhere (or as a way to connect separate offices together). Even outside of a corporate environment, however, there are many benefits to using a VPN.

Because all communication via a VPN is secure, the act of using a VPN effectively provides greater security when using one to browse the Internet. Because of this, there are many services (such as privateinternetaccess.com) available that offer a VPN to an Internet proxy, providing a way to securely access the Internet, even when on public WiFi. Such services are relatively cheap, at around $50 per year or so, but they should be weighed on their individual merits, particularly in regards to their policy on privacy and how they might impact your bandwidth (there are numerous “free” VPN services, but for the most part these should be avoided, as there’s a tendency for people running such free services to snoop on their users).

Social Engineering

In comparison to the other approaches, social engineering is a decidedly low-tech approach. Rather than trying to break encryption or access protected systems, social engineering attacks the human element in a security system, attempting to obtain information that can then be used to gain access to a computer system or an individual’s account.

Though there are many techniques that can be used as part of a social engineering scam, the most well-known is probably “phishing”. With phishing, the target is tricked into thinking they need to access a particular account, but in attempting to do so, they inadvertently log into a fraudulent site that captures their login credentials, allowing the attacker to use them and pose as the actual user. Commonly this is done by sending a “spoof” email to random people, pretending to be a legitimate message from the service being targeted, but with links that direct the user to the fraudulent site.

Many other approaches are also used. Complex schemes use a chain of different scams to get more and more information about a person until there’s enough available to pass enough identification checks and gain access to a particular service. In one high-profile case in 2014, a much sought-after Twitter account was stolen from its owner through a series of social engineering scams (and which was notable as the hacker explained exactly how he’d done it), designed to first gain the last four digits of the victim’s credit card, information which was subsequently used to gain control of the victim’s email account. From there it would be possible to do untold amount of damage, but the attacker instead contacted the victim and offered to undo the damage in exchange for the Twitter account.

Perhaps the most worrying aspect to social engineering is that there’s not much that can be done to prevent its effectiveness. Better training, sure, and more judicious security policies (more widespread use of security measures such as two-factor authentication would help), but ultimately people are infallible, and as such make easy targets.


Box 14.6 How to Hack into Someone’s Account

The first thing to bear in mind is that unless you already know someone’s password, simply guessing it on a website’s login screen is not going to get you very far. The vast majority of websites have a multitude of measures in place to ensure you can’t just keep trying password for a particular user’s account. Even for those who have somehow managed to not have any checks in place, the nature of the Internet means it would still be a laborious process, as there’s the inherent delay between submitting a password and then getting a response back, so attempting to burn through thousands of password combinations is going to take a very long time, and (one would hope) draw attention from the website’s owners. So in order to break into someone’s account, you will actually need to know what their password is before you try logging on.

So first you’re going to have to gain access to the system that stores the passwords, and download the list of passwords so you can get at the one you’re after. To do that, you’ll have to find a way in. Commonly this is done by exploiting a known vulnerability, which is feasible if the company running the website doesn’t bother keeping their software up-to-date. One of the most widespread of these is the “Heartbleed” bug, first discovered in 2014, and estimated to have affected 17% of secure web servers at that time. As of September 2015, an estimated 200,000 devices were still vulnerable. Even if that particular exploit doesn’t work, you can make use of an “Exploit Kit” to try and identify known exploits for a particular server.

Once you’ve gained unrestricted access to a server, assuming you can’t now just add yourself as an administrator with full permissions, you can instead download databases which include (amongst other things) usernames and passwords. Maybe at this point you’ll get lucky and discover that all the passwords are stored in plain text (as is the case for the various sites tracked at plaintextoffenders.com), and you can just look up the one you want. Even though this seems implausible, this was certainly the case for UK retail giant Tesco as of 2012—gain unrestricted access to their system and you’d find yourself in possession of the passwords of potentially millions of users (perhaps worst of all, they didn’t acknowledge, at least not publicly, that this was even a cause for concern).

But assuming the site has taken proper precautions and hashed stored passwords, you’ve now got to crack the encryption. At this point you can grab a rainbow table (for example, from http://project-rainbowcrack.com/table.htm) and use that to cross-reference the password from the stored hash. In cases where the hash was also “salted”, the rainbow table approach won’t work. But if you know what the salt is for a given user account (as these are typically randomly generated per user and stored in the database alongside the username), the best chance of success is a brute force attack. According to the GRC Search Space calculator (grc.com/haystack.htm), for a randomly generated, eight-character password containing a mixture of mixed-case letters, numbers, and symbols, this could be done in under 19 hours with regular hardware, or just over a minute with dedicated equipment. Had the password have been just three digits longer, the process would take somewhere between 1 year and 10 months and 1,828 years.


Browser Hijacking: How to Help Avoid It and Undo Damage http://web.archive.org/web/20070509161151/http://www.microsoft.com/athome/security/online/browser_hijacking.mspx

Check Chrome’s Connection to a Site https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/95617?p=ui_security_indicator&rd=1

Cloud Bound: Advice from Organizations in Outsourcing Relationships http://www-01.ibm.com/common/ssi/cgi-bin/ssialias?subtype=XB&infotype=PM&appname=CHQE_SO_SO_USEN&htmlfid=SOE12347USEN&attachment=SOE12347USEN.PDF#

Clouds Are More Secure Than Traditional IT Systems—and Here’s Why http://searchcloudcomputing.techtarget.com/opinion/Clouds-are-more-secure-than-traditional-IT-systems-and-heres-why

Cracking Salted MD5 with Hashcat http://robinverton.de/blog/2012/08/26/cracking-salted-md5-with-hashcat/

DRM https://www.eff.org/issues/drm

Federal Cloud Computing Strategy https://www.whitehouse.gov/sites/default/files/omb/assets/egov_docs/federal-cloud-computing-strategy.pdf

Google Tells iOS 9 App Devs: Switch off HTTPS If You Want That Sweet Sweet Ad Money from Us http://www.theregister.co.uk/2015/08/27/google_apple_ads/

Hackers Hijack 300,000-Plus Wireless Routers, Make Malicious Changes http://arstechnica.com/security/2014/03/hackers-hijack-300000-plus-wireless-routers-make-malicious-changes/

How Big Is Your Haystack? https://www.grc.com/haystack.htm

How I Became a Password Cracker http://arstechnica.com/security/2013/03/how-i-became-a-password-cracker/

Lessons in Website Security Anti-Patterns by Tesco http://www.troyhunt.com/2012/07/lessons-in-website-security-anti.html

Rare Twitter Username ‘Stolen’ http://www.bbc.com/news/technology-25963662

Thought Heartbleed Was Dead? Nope—Hundreds of Thousands of Things Still Vulnerable to Attack http://www.theregister.co.uk/2015/09/15/still_200k_iot_heartbleed_vulns/

Three Companies That Transformed Their Businesses Using Cloud Computing http://www.forbes.com/sites/ibm/2014/11/03/three-companies-that-transformed-their-businesses-using-cloud-computing/

TOTP for 1Password Users https://blog.agilebits.com/2015/01/26/totp-for-1password-users/

Two Factor Auth List https://twofactorauth.org/

Welcome to the Internet of Compromised Things http://blog.codinghorror.com/welcome-to-the-internet-of-compromised-things/

A Year Later the Vast Majority of Large Corporations Have Not Fully Remediated the Computer Bug, a New Study Shows http://fortune.com/2015/04/07/heartbleed-anniversary-vulnerable/

Your Password Is Too Damn Short http://blog.codinghorror.com/your-password-is-too-damn-short/

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