
A book such as this one you are reading right now is never the sole effort of one single person—nobody is an island after all. Therefore I would like to thank the people who assisted in all stages of the researching, testing, writing, reviewing, and publication of this book. Fist I would like to thank the Apress team of Lead Editor Jonathan Gennick and coordinating Editor Kevin Shea for their patience, advice, and support, but also their input in getting this project started. For the technical review, I would like to thank Frits Hoogland for his time in reading, commenting, and improving the contents of the book. The technical reviewer too often does not get enough credit when you read a book as his name is not on the front cover. Frits however has been outstanding in thoroughness and dedication when it came to reviewing the contents of the book you are holding in your hands. I am very grateful for his contributions.

At this place it is time for me to thank the people who also helped with research and ideas. Steve Shaw—the lead author of Pro Oracle Database RAC 11g on Linux—has been inspirational in many ways and it was a great pleasure to have worked with him on the previous book we wrote. I tried to take his example when writing this book.

I would also like to thank the following people, and they are listed in no particular order: Kevin Closson, Chris Buckel, Matt Morris, Alex Gorbachev, Yury Velikanov, Doug Burns, The Oak Table Network, Martin Nash, Jerry Pride, Simon Haslam, Ronny Egner, Shirish Jamthe, and Kunal Vasavada. I had so many great conversations with people I worked for—and with—that cannot all be named here individually. I am sure those who remember a joint project will know who is meant. I also won’t ever forget the great atmosphere during after-work conversations with friends in London. I still remember how thrilled I was when I was first invited along. And last but certainly not at all least Kerry Osborne, Andy Colvin, Randy Johnson, Hank Tullis, Karl Arao, Tanel Poder, and everyone else at Enkitec that I don’t have space to list individually. It has been a fantastic journey.

Thinking back it has been a very long way from the humble beginning to where I am now. Invaluable support at the university was provided by Prof. Dr. Steinbuβ, who first started my enthusiasm for the Oracle Database. I can’t forget Jens Schweizer, Timo Philipps, Harald Ferber Axel Biesdorf, and Thorsten Häs for countless good hours in H105, and discussing more than just the most obvious solution to a problem. Furthermore I would also like to thank everyone at the “old” e-DBA for a lot of support during my first years in England.

It is important to me to point out that it is not only about the help of the Oracle community. I have been able to draw a lot of inspiration and passion from my supportive family. Without your help and understanding of the countless hours of research it would certainly not have been possible to finish this book at all.

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