Chapter 15. Advanced VBA Examples

In This Chapter

  • Macros to create and format

  • Macros to apply data labels to a series

  • Macros to export charts as GIF files

  • Macros to identify and modify ranges used by a chart

  • A macro to create a word cloud in a shape

  • Macros that are triggered by events

This chapter presents a wide variety of macros that manipulate charts in various ways. These examples are intended to demonstrate how to work with the objects that comprise a chart. You may be able to use some of these as written, but others may require some modification to make them more useful to you.

Creating Charts with VBA

The following sections describe how to use VBA to create an embedded chart and a chart on a chart sheet.

Creating an Embedded Chart

In Excel 2007, a ChartObject is a special type of Shape object. Therefore, it's a member of the Shapes collection. To create a new chart, use the AddChart method of the Shapes collection. The following statement creates an empty embedded chart:


The AddChart method can use five arguments (all are optional):

  • Type: The type of chart. If omitted, the default chart type is used. Constants for all the chart types are provided (for example, xlArea, xlColumnClustered, and so on).

  • Left: The left position of the chart, in points. If omitted, Excel centers the chart horizontally.

  • Top: The top position of the chart, in points. If omitted, Excel centers the chart vertically

  • Width: The width of the chart, in points. If omitted, Excel uses 354.

  • Height: The height of the chart, in points. If omitted, Excel uses 210.

In many cases, you may find it more efficient to create an object variable when the chart is created. The following procedure creates a line chart that can be referenced in code by using the MyChart object variable:

Sub CreateChart()
    Dim MyChart As Chart
    Set MyChart = ActiveSheet.Shapes.AddChart(xlLineMarkers).Chart
End Sub

A chart without data is not very useful, so you'll want to use the SetSourceData method to add data to a newly created chart. The procedure that follows demonstrates the SetSourceData method. This procedure creates the chart shown in Figure 15-1.

Sub CreateChart()
    Dim MyChart As Chart
    Dim DataRange As Range
    Set DataRange = ActiveSheet.Range("A1:C7")
    Set MyChart = ActiveSheet.Shapes.AddChart.Chart
    MyChart.SetSourceData Source:=DataRange
End Sub


The examples in this section are available on the companion CD–ROM. The filename is

create a chart.xlsm.
A few lines of VBA code created this chart.

Figure 15-1. A few lines of VBA code created this chart.

Creating a Chart on a Chart Sheet

The preceding section describes the basic procedures for creating an embedded chart. To create a chart on a chart sheet, use the Add method of the Charts collection. The Add method of the Charts collection uses several optional arguments, but these arguments specify the position of the chart sheet — not chart–related information.

The example that follows creates a chart on a chart sheet and specifies the data range and chart type:

Sub CreateChartSheet()
    Dim MyChart As Chart
    Dim DataRange As Range
    Set DataRange = ActiveSheet.Range("A1:C7")
    Set MyChart = Charts.Add
    MyChart.SetSourceData Source:=DataRange
    ActiveChart.ChartType = xlColumnClustered
End Sub

Using VBA to Apply Chart Formatting

A common type of chart macro applies formatting to one or more charts. For example, you may create a macro that applies consistent formatting to all charts in a worksheet. If you experiment with the macro recorder, you'll find that commands in the following Ribbon groups are recorded:

  • Chart Tools

    Using VBA to Apply Chart Formatting
  • Chart Tools

    Using VBA to Apply Chart Formatting
  • Chart Tools

    Using VBA to Apply Chart Formatting
  • Chart Tools

    Using VBA to Apply Chart Formatting
  • Chart Tools

    Using VBA to Apply Chart Formatting

Unfortunately, formatting any individual chart element (for example, changing the color of a chart series) is not recorded by the macro recorder. Therefore, you'll need to figure out the objects and properties on your own. The sections that follow provide lots of pointers.

Formatting a Chart

I used output from the macro recorder as the basis for the FormatChart procedure shown here, which converts the active chart to a clustered column chart (using Chart Tools

Formatting a Chart
Sub FormatChart()
    If ActiveChart Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
    With ActiveChart
        .ChartType = xlColumnClustered
        .ApplyLayout 3
        .ChartStyle = 28
        .SetElement msoElementPrimaryValueGridLinesNone
   End With
End Sub


This example, named format a chart.xlsm, is available on the companion CD–ROM. The CD also contains an example (format all charts.xlsm) that applies formatting to several charts.

Figure 15-2 shows a chart before and after executing the FormatChart macro.


After executing this macro, the actual appearance of the chart depends on the document theme that's in effect.

A chart, before and after being formatted.

Figure 15-2. A chart, before and after being formatted.

Note the following points about the FormatChart procedure:

  • VBA provides constants for the various chart types, and you can assign these constants to the ChartType property

  • The ApplyLayout method uses a number to represent the layout, and the numbers vary with the chart type. These numbers appear as ToolTips when you hover the mouse pointer over an icon in the Chart Tools

    A chart, before and after being formatted.
    .ApplyLayout 3, xlColumnClustered
  • The ChartStyle property also uses a nondescriptive number (from 1 to 48) for its argument. These numbers appear as ToolTips when you hover the mouse pointer over an icon in the Chart Tools

    A chart, before and after being formatted.
  • The SetElement method controls the visibility of just about every aspect of the chart. It accepts more than 120 descriptive constants. For example, the constant msoElementChartTitleNone hides the chart's title.

  • The ClearToMatchStyle method clears all user–applied formatting on the chart. This method is typically used in conjunction with the ChartStyle property to ensure that the applied style does not contain any formatting that's not Part of the style.

More Chart Formatting Examples

As I've noted, the macro recorder in Excel 2007 ignores many formatting commands when working with a chart. This deficiency is especially irksome if you're trying to figure out how to apply some of the new formatting options such as shadows, beveling, and gradient fills.

In this section, I provide some examples of chart formatting. I certainly don't cover all the options, but it should be sufficient to help you get started so that you can explore these features on your own. These examples assume an object variable named MyChart, created as follows:

Dim MyChart As Chart
Set MyChart = ActiveSheet.ChartObjects(1).Chart

If you apply these examples to your own charts, you need to make the necessary modifications so that MyChart points to the correct Chart object.


To delete all user–applied (or VBA–applied) formatting from a chart, use the ClearToMatchStyle method of the Chart object. For example:


Adding A Shadow

One of the most interesting formatting effects in Excel 2007 is shadows. A shadow can give a chart a three–dimensional look and make it appear as if it's floating above your worksheet.

The following statement adds a default shadow to the chart area of the chart:

MyChart.ChartArea.Format.Shadow.Visible = msoTrue

In this statement, the Format property returns a ChartFormat object, and the Shadow property returns a ShadowFormat object. Therefore, this statement sets the Visible property of the ShadowFormat object, which is contained in the ChartFormat object, which is contained in the ChartArea object, which is contained in the Chart object.

Not surprisingly, the ShadowFormat object has some properties that determine the appearance of the shadow. Here's an example of setting five properties of the ShadowFormat object, contained in a ChartArea object, and Figure 15-3 shows the effect:

With MyChart.ChartArea.Format.Shadow
    .Visible = msoTrue
    .Blur = 10
    .Transparency = 0.4
    .OffsetX = 6
    .OffsetY = 6
End With
Applying a shadow to a chart.

Figure 15-3. Applying a shadow to a chart.

The example that follows adds a subtle shadow to the plot area of the chart:

With MyChart.PlotArea.Format.Shadow
    .Visible = msoTrue
    .Blur = 3
    .Transparency = 0.6
    .OffsetX = 1
    .OffsetY = 1
End With

If an object has no fill, applying a shadow to the object has no visible effect. For example, a chart's title usually has a transparent background (no fill color). To apply a shadow to an object that has no fill, you must first add a fill color. This example applies a white fill to the chart's title and then adds a shadow:

MyChart.ChartTitle.Format.Fill.BackColor.RGB = RGB(255, 255, 255)
With MyChart.ChartTitle.Format.Shadow
    .Visible = msoTrue
    .Blur = 3
    .Transparency = 0.3
    .OffsetX = 2
    .OffsetY = 2
End With

Adding a Bevel

Adding a bevel to a chart can provide an interesting 3–D effect. Figure 15-4 shows a chart with a beveled chart area. To add the bevel, I used the ThreeD property to access the ThreeDFormat object. The code that added the bevel effect is as follows:

With MyChart.ChartArea.Format.ThreeD
    .Visible = msoTrue
    .BevelTopType = msoBevelDivot
    .BevelTopDepth = 12
    .BevelTopInset = 32
End With


Chapter 16 contains some additional charting examples that deal with color.

This chart has a bevel effect.

Figure 15-4. This chart has a bevel effect.

Applying Data Labels

As you may know, applying data labels to a chart series has a serious limitation: Excel does not allow you to specify an arbitrary range for the data label text. With a fairly simple macro, however, you can overcome this limitation and apply data labels from any range.

A Basic Data Label Macro

Figure 15-5 shows an XY chart. The goal is to label each point with the corresponding name in column A. The following macro accomplishes this goal:

Sub ApplyDataLabels()
    Dim Ser As Series, Pt As Point
    Dim Counter As Long
    Set Ser = ActiveSheet.ChartObjects(1).Chart.SeriesCollection(1) Chapter 15: Advanced VBA Examples 469 Part III 21_044001 ch15.qxp 8/24/07 9:34 PM Page 469
Ser.HasDataLabels = True
    Counter = 1
    For Each Pt In Ser.Points
        Pt.DataLabel.Text = Range("A1").Offset(Counter, 0)
        Counter = Counter + 1
    Next Pt
End Sub
Excel does not provide a direct way to use the text in column A as data labels in the chart.

Figure 15-5. Excel does not provide a direct way to use the text in column A as data labels in the chart.

The ApplyDataLabels macro creates an object variable (Ser) that represents the chart's data series. It then sets the HasDataLabels property to True. (Without this statement, the macro would end with an error.) The next statement initializes a variable (Counter) to 1. The next four statements comprise a For Each–Next loop, which loops through each Point object in the series. The code sets the Text property of the Point object's DataLabel object equal to a cell that is offset from cell A1. The offset row is specified by the Counter variable, which is incremented each time through the loop.

Figure 15-6 shows the chart after executing the ApplyDataLabels macro.

Applying Linked Data Labels

A data label can contain a simple formula that refers to a cell. In such a case, the data label is linked to that cell ‐ if the cell changes, so does the corresponding data label. It's a simple matter to modify the ApplyDataLabels macro from the previous section so that it creates links to the cells. Only one statement needs to be changed:

Pt.DataLabel.Text = "=" & Range("A1").Offset(Counter, 0) _
  .Address(True, True, xlR1C1, True)
A macro adds data labels to the chart.

Figure 15-6. A macro adds data labels to the chart.

This statement inserts an equal sign (to indicate a formula), followed by the Address property of the cell. The Address property takes four arguments. After executing the modified macro, the first data label in the series contains this formula:



The arguments for the Address property specify that the cell address be represented as an absolute reference (arguments 1 and 2), in R1C1 reference style (argument 3) and in "external" format (argument 4). Using the external format ensures that the sheet name is appended to the cell reference. The requirement to use an R1C1 reference style is an unusual quirk that's not documented.

Prompting for a Range

The preceding macros hard–code the data label range, so they are not general–purpose macros. A better approach is to specify the range interactively. The following macro uses the InputBox method to display a simple dialog box in which the user can specify a range by clicking a cell (see Figure 15-7).

The InputBox method prompts the user for a range.

Figure 15-7. The InputBox method prompts the user for a range.


This example, named data labels.xlsm, is available on the companion CD–ROM. In addition, the author's PUP v7 add–in includes a utility to apply data labels to charts. A 30– day trial version is available on the companion CD–ROM.

The DataLabelsWithPrompt macro, which follows, is similar to the preceding macros but contains additional code to display the dialog box. The cell specified by the user is assigned to a Range object variable (RngLabels). Notice that a statement checks to see whether RngLabels is Nothing. That will be the case if the user clicks the Cancel button. If so, the macro ends with no action. The On Error Resume Next statement is present because clicking Cancel causes an error. That statement simply ignores the error. Also, notice the second Set statement that uses the RngLabels object. This statement ensures that if the user selects a multicell range, only the first cell in the selected range is assigned to RngLabels.

Sub DataLabelsWithPrompt()
    Dim RngLabels As Range
    Dim Ser As Series
    Dim Counter As Long
    On Error Resume Next

    If ActiveChart Is Nothing Then
        MsgBox "Select a chart."
        Exit Sub
    End If

    Set RngLabels = Application.InputBox _
        (prompt:="Range for data labels?", Type:=8)
    If RngLabels Is Nothing Then Exit Sub 'Canceled

    On Error GoTo 0
    If RngLabels.Rows.Count > 1 And RngLabels.Columns.Count > 1 Then
        MsgBox "Select a single row or column for labels."
        Exit Sub
    End If

    Set Ser = ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(1)
    Ser.HasDataLabels = True
    For Counter = 1 To Ser.Points.Count
        Ser.Points(Counter).DataLabel.Text = _
    Next Counter
End Sub

The DataLabelsWithPrompt procedure always works with the first series in the chart. A more general macro would prompt the user for the series if the chart has more than one series.

Exporting Charts as GIF Files

Saving a chart as a GIF file is very easy: Just use the Export method of the Chart object. Here's a simple macro that saves the active chart as a GIF file named mychart.gif:

Sub ExportToGIF()
    If ActiveChart Is Nothing Then
        MsgBox "Select a chart."
        ActiveChart.Export "mychart.gif", "GIF"
    End If
End Sub

The macro first checks to ensure that a chart is active. If so, it saves the chart to the current directory.

If you prefer to be prompted for a filename and location, use the macro that follows. This macro uses the GetSaveAsFilename function to display a dialog box with a default filename (the chart's name) and directory. The user can then accept these defaults or select a different directory or filename. Figure 15-8 shows the dialog box that's displayed when this macro is executed. If the Cancel button is clicked, the function returns False. In such acase, the macro ends with no action.

Sub SaveAsGIF()
    Dim FileName As Variant
    If ActiveChart Is Nothing Then
        MsgBox "Select a chart."
        Exit Sub
    End If
'   Get the filename
    FileName = Application.GetSaveAsFilename( _
        InitialFileName:=ActiveChart.Name & ".gif", _
        FileFilter:="GIF Files (*.gif), *.gif", _
        Title:="Save chart as GIF file")
    If FileName <> False Then
        ActiveChart.Export FileName, "GIF"
    End If
End Sub


This example, named save as gif.xlsm, is available on the companion CD–ROM. In addition, the author's PUP v7 add–in includes a utility to export charts as GIF files. A 30– day trial version is available on the companion CD–ROM.

Using the GetSaveAsFilename function to prompt for a filename and directory.

Figure 15-8. Using the GetSaveAsFilename function to prompt for a filename and directory.

Creating a Scrolling Chart

Figure 15-9 shows a chart with 5, 218 data points in each series. The workbook contains these six names:

  • StartDay: A name for cell F1

  • NumDays: A name for cell F2

  • Increment: A name for cell F3 (used for automatic scrolling)

  • Date: A named formula:

    =OFFSET(Sheet1!$A$1, StartDay,0, NumDays,1)
  • ProdA: A named formula:

    =OFFSET(Sheet1!$B$1, StartDay,0, NumDays,1)
  • ProdB: A named formula:

    =OFFSET(Sheet1!$C$1, StartDay,0, NumDays,1)

Each of the SERIES formulas on the chart uses names for the category values and the data. The SERIES formula for the Product A series is as follows:

=SERIES(Sheet1!$B$1, Sheet1!Date, Sheet1!ProdA, 1)
The values in column F determine which data to display in the chart.

Figure 15-9. The values in column F determine which data to display in the chart.

The SERIES formula for the Product B series is as follows:

=SERIES(Sheet1!$C$1, Sheet1!Date, Sheet1!ProdB, 2)

Using these names enables the user to specify a value for StartDay and NumDays, and the chart will display a subset of the data.


The companion CD–ROM contains a workbook that includes this animated chart. The filename is

scrolling chart.xlsm

A relatively simply macro makes the chart scroll. The button in the worksheet executes the following macro that scrolls (or stops scrolling) the chart:

Public AnimationInProgress As Boolean

Sub AnimateChart()
    Dim StartVal As Long, r As Long
If AnimationInProgress Then
        AnimationInProgress = False
    End If
    AnimationInProgress = True
    StartVal = Range("StartDay")
    For r = StartVal To 5219 – Range("NumDays") _
       Step Range("Increment")
        Range("StartDay") = r
    Next r
    AnimationInProgress = False
End Sub

The AnimateChart procedure uses a public variable (AnimationInProgress) to keep track of the animation status. The animation results from a loop that changes the value in the StartDay cell. Because the two chart series use this value, the chart is continually updated with a new starting value. The Scroll Increment setting determines how quickly the chart scrolls.

To stop the animation, I use an End statement rather than an Exit Sub statement. For some reason, Exit Sub doesn't work reliably and may even crash Excel.

Creating a Word Cloud

The example in this section doesn't use a chart. Rather, it uses a shape object to display words that vary in font size. (The font size is proportional to a value associated with each word.) Such a display is often seen on Web sites, and is referred to as a word cloud.

Figure 15-10 shows a word cloud that depicts the population of each of the 50 states in the United States.


The macro that creates the word cloud shape is rather lengthy, so I don't show the code here. The example, named word cloud.xlsm, is available on the companion CD–ROM.

This macro can be used with any two–column list of data in which the first column is text and the second column contains values. Adjust the following statements in the WordCloud macro:

'Two column range that contains the data
Set DataRange = Range("A1:B50")

'Minimum and maximum font size
FontMin = 8
FontMax = 80
The text size of each state name is proportional to the state's population.

Figure 15-10. The text size of each state name is proportional to the state's population.

Determining the Ranges Used by a Chart

You might need a VBA macro that, as Part of its job, must first determine the ranges used by each series in chart. For example, you may want to increase the size of each series by adding a new cell. Following is a description of three properties that seem relevant to this task:

  • Formula property: Returns or sets the SERIES formula for the series. When you select a series on a chart, its SERIES formula is displayed in the formula bar. The Formula property returns this formula as a string.

  • Values property: Returns or sets a collection of all the values in the series. This can be a range in a worksheet or an array of constant values, but not a combination of both.

  • XValues property: Returns or sets an array of x values for a chart series. The XValues property can be set to a range in a worksheet or to an array of values — but it can't be a combination of both. The XValues property can also be empty.

If you create a VBA macro that needs to determine the data range used by a particular chart series, you may think that the Values property of the Series object is just the ticket. Similarly, the XValues property seems to be the way to get the range that contains the x values (or category labels). In theory, that certainly seems correct. But in practice, it doesn't work. When you set the Values property for a Series object, you can specify a Range object or an array. But when you read this property, it is always an array. Unfortunately, the object model provides no way to get a Range object used by a Series object.

One possible solution is to write code to parse the SERIES formula and extract the range addresses. This sounds simple, but it's actually a difficult task because a SERIES formula can be very complex. Following are a few examples of valid SERIES formulas.

=SERIES(Sheet1!$B$1, Sheet1!$A$2:$A$4, Sheet1!$B$2:$B$4, 1)
=SERIES(,Sheet1!$B$2:$B$4, 1)
=SERIES(,Sheet1!$A$2:$A$4, Sheet1!$B$2:$B$4, 1)
=SERIES("Sales Summary",Sheet1!$B$2:$B$4, 1)
=SERIES(,{"Jan","Feb","Mar"},Sheet1!$B$2:$B$4, 1)
=SERIES(,(Sheet1!$A$2, Sheet1!$A$4),(Sheet1!$B$2, Sheet1!$B$4),1)
=SERIES(Sheet1!$B$1, Sheet1!$A$2:$A$4, Sheet1!$B$2:$B$4, 1,Sheet1!$C$2:$C$4)

As you can see, a SERIES formula can have missing arguments, use arrays, and even use noncontiguous range addresses. And to confuse the issue even more, a bubble chart has an additional argument (for example, the last SERIES formula in the preceding list). Attempting to parse out the arguments is certainly not a trivial programming task.

I worked on this problem for several years, and I eventually arrived at a solution. The trick involves evaluating the SERIES formula by using a dummy function. This function accepts the arguments in a SERIES formula and returns a 2 × 5 element array that contains all the information in the SERIES formula.

I simplified the solution by creating four custom VBA functions, each of which accepts one argument (a reference to a Series object) and returns a two–element array. These functions are the following:

  • SERIESNAME_FROM_SERIES: The first array element contains a string that describes the data type of the first SERIES argument (Range, Empty, or String). The second array element contains a range address, an empty string, or a string.

  • XVALUES_FROM_SERIES: The first array element contains a string that describes the data type of the second SERIES argument (Range, Array, Empty, or String). The second array element contains a range address, an array, an empty string, or a string.

  • VALUES_FROM_SERIES: The first array element contains a string that describes the data type of the third SERIES argument (Range or Array). The second array element contains a range address or an array.

  • BUBBLESIZE_FROM_SERIES: The first array element contains a string that describes the data type of the fifth SERIES argument (Range, Array, or Empty). The second array element contains a range address, an array, or an empty string. This function is relevant only for bubble charts.

Note that a function to get the fourth SERIES argument (plot order) is not needed. This argument can be obtained directly by using the PlotOrder property of the Series object.

The following example demonstrates how to determine the address of the values range for the first series in the active chart.

Sub ShowValueRange()
    Dim Ser As Series
    Dim x As Variant
    Set Ser = ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(1)
    If x(1) = "Range" Then
        MsgBox Range(x(2)).Address
    End If
End Sub

The variable x is defined as a variant and will hold the two–element array that's returned by the VALUES_FROM_SERIES function. The first element of the x array contains a string that describes the data type. If the string is Range, the message box displays the address of the range contained in the second element of the x array.


The VBA code for these functions is too lengthy to be presented here, but it's available on the companion CD–ROM. It's documented such that it can be easily adapted to other situations. The filename is get series ranges.xlsm.

Event Procedure Examples

The following sections present examples of VBA event procedures. An event procedure is a macro that responds to certain events. For example, opening a workbook is an event, and you can write a macro that is executed when that particular event occurs. Excel supports many other events; several of them are described in the sections that follow.

Worksheet_Change Event Procedures

The examples in this section deal with the Worksheet_Change event, which is one of many events available at the worksheet level. This event is triggered whenever a cell is changed in a worksheet. As you'll see, these types of macros can be very useful when you want to update charts automatically.


The event macros in this section must be located in the code module for the worksheet (for example, the module named Sheet1). They do not work if they are contained in a standard VBA module.


When you activate a code module for a chart, sheet, or workbook, you can use the dropdown lists at the top to select an object and event. Figure 15-11 shows a code module for a worksheet. The object (Worksheet) is selected in the left drop–down list, and the right drop–down list displays all the events that can be monitored for the object. When you choose an item from the list, the procedure "shell" (consisting of the first and last statements) is inserted for you.

Using the drop–down lists in a code module to select an event.

Figure 15-11. Using the drop–down lists in a code module to select an event.

Hiding And Displaying Charts

The worksheet shown in Figure 15-12 contains five embedded charts, four of which are hidden. Cell B2 controls which of the five charts is visible. This cell uses data validation to display a list of values from 1 through 5, plus an additional entry: (none).


This example, named hide charts – event macro.xlsm, is available on the companion CD–ROM.

Cell B2 contains a drop–down list of chart numbers. The selected chart number is visible and the others are hidden.

Figure 15-12. Cell B2 contains a drop–down list of chart numbers. The selected chart number is visible and the others are hidden.

The worksheet uses a Worksheet_Change event procedure, which follows. The macro is executed whenever a cell is changed on the sheet. Notice that this procedure has an argument: Target. This argument is a variable that represents the cell or range that is changed. If the address of Target is $B$2, the macro performs two operations: It hides all members of the ChartObjects collection and then unhides the chart that corresponds to the value in cell B2. The On Error statement ignores the error that occurs if an invalid ChartObject number is referenced, or when the user selects (none).

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
    If Target.Address = "$B$2" Then
        ActiveSheet.ChartObjects.Visible = False
        On Error Resume Next
        ChartObjects(Target.Value).Visible = True
    End If
End Sub

The five embedded charts are stacked on top of each other, so they all appear in the same position on–screen.

Adjusting Axis Scaling

The example in this section further uses an event macro to adjust a chart's value axis. Figure 15-13 shows the worksheet. The Axis property values are entered in the cells in column D. These cells are named AxisMin, AxisMax, and MajorUnit.

An event macro, executed when any cell on the sheet is changed, modifies properties for the chart's value axis.

Figure 15-13. An event macro, executed when any cell on the sheet is changed, modifies properties for the chart's value axis.

The Worksheet_Change procedure that follows is executed whenever any cell in the sheet is changed. The first statement of the macro checks the Column property of the Target variable, which represents the cell that was changed. If the changed cell is in column D, the property values are retrieved from the sheet and applied to the chart. Otherwise, nothing happens.

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
    If Target.Column = 4 Then
        On Error Resume Next
        With ActiveSheet.ChartObjects(1).Chart.Axes(xlValue)
.MinimumScale = Range("AxisMin")
            .MaximumScale = Range("AxisMax")
            .MajorUnit = Range("MajorUnit")
       End With
   End If
End Sub

This procedure doesn't do any error handling. Rather, it uses an On Error Resume Next statement to ignore any errors that occur. For example, if the user types a non–numeric entry for the AxisMax setting, no error is generated.


This example, named axis settings – event macro.xlsm, is available on the companion CD–ROM.

Selection_Change Event Procedures

A Selection_Change event occurs whenever the user selects a different cell or range. You can use this event to create interactive charts.

Changing The Beginning Point Of A Series

Figure 15-14 shows an example. The data displayed on the chart depends on the active cell. The chart displays 12 data points, beginning with the data in the row of the active cell.

This chart uses a Selection_Change event procedure to display 12 data points beginning in the row of the active cell.

Figure 15-14. This chart uses a Selection_Change event procedure to display 12 data points beginning in the row of the active cell.


This example, named series based on active cell – event macro.xlsm, is available on the companion CD–ROM.

The event macro, located in the code module for Sheet1, is as follows:

Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
    Dim Ser As Series
    If ActiveCell.Column &gt; 2 Or ActiveCell.Row &lt; 3 Then Exit Sub

    Set Ser = ActiveSheet.ChartObjects("Chart 1").Chart.SeriesCollection(1)
'   Specify values
    Ser.Values = Range(Cells(ActiveCell.Row, 2), _
      Cells(ActiveCell.Row + 12, 2))
'   Specify category
      Ser.XValues = Range(Cells(ActiveCell.Row, 1), _
        Cells(ActiveCell.Row + 12, 1))
End Sub

Whenever the user makes a new cell or range selection, the Worksheet_SelectionChange macro is executed. This macro first checks the active cell. If the active cell is not within the two–column data range, the macro ends. Otherwise, it creates an object variable (Ser), which represents the chart's data series. It then sets the Values property and the XValues property of the Series object, based on the active cell.

Plotting Data In The Active Row

The example in this section is similar to the previous examples. It uses the Selection_Change event to display data that's determined by the active cell. Figure 15-15 shows a chart that displays the responses to a survey question. The data displayed in the chart depends on the position of the active cell.


This example, named plot data in active row– event macro.xlsm, is available on the companion CD–ROM.

The event procedure is as follows:

Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
    Dim Ser As Series
    If ActiveCell.Row &gt; 2 And ActiveCell.Row &lt; 17 Then
        ActiveSheet.ChartObjects("Chart 1").Visible = True
        Set Ser = ActiveSheet.ChartObjects("Chart 1"). _
        'Specify values
Ser.Values = Range(Cells(ActiveCell.Row, 2), _
        Cells(ActiveCell.Row, 6))
        'Specify title
        ActiveSheet.ChartObjects("Chart 1").Chart.ChartTitle.Text = _
           Cells(ActiveCell.Row, 1)
        ActiveSheet.ChartObjects("Chart 1").Visible = False
    End If
End Sub

This procedure uses an If–Then–Else construct. If the active cell is in a row that contains data, the code modifies the Values property of the Series object and also specifies the title. If the active cell is in any other row, the chart is hidden.

The chart displays the data in the row of the active cell.

Figure 15-15. The chart displays the data in the row of the active cell.

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