
List of Abbreviations and Acronyms

1D one dimensional
2D two dimensional
3D three dimensional
ACA analog computing arrays
ACK acknowledge
A/D analog–digital (converter)
ADC analog–digital converter
AdEx Adaptive exponential integrate-and-fire model
AE address event
AEB address-event bus
AER address-event representation
AEX AER extension board
AFGA autozeroing floating-gate amplifier
AGC automatic gain control
ALOHA Not actually an abbreviation, ALOHA refers to a network media access protocol originally developed at the University of Hawaii
ANN artificial neural network
ANNCORE analog neural network core
API Application Programming Interface
APS active pixel sensor
AQC automatic Q (quality factor) control
ARM Acorn RISC Machine
ASIC application-specific integrated circuit
ASIMO Advanced Step in Innovative MObility (robot)
ASP analog signal processor/processing
ATA AT Attachment (also PATA: Parallel ATA); an interface standard for connecting mass storage devices (e.g., hard disks) in computers
ATIS asynchronous time-based image sensor
ATLUM Automatic Tape-collecting Lathe Ultra-Microtome
aVLSI Analog very large scale integration
BB bias buffer
BGA ball grid array
BJT bipolar junction transistor
BM basilar membrane
BPF band-pass filter
bps bits per second
Bps bytes per second
BSI back-side illumination
C4 capacitively coupled current conveyor
CAB computational analog block
CADSP cooperative analog–digital signal processing
CAVIAR Convolution AER Vision Architecture for Real-time
CCD charge-coupled device
CCN cooperative and competitive network
CCW counter clockwise
CDS correlated double sampling
CIS CMOS image sensor
CLBT compatible lateral bipolar transistor
CMI current-mirror integrator
CMOS complementary metal oxide semiconductor
CoP center of pressure
CPG central pattern generator
CPLD complex programmable logic device
CPU central processing unit
CSMA carrier sense multiple access
CV coefficient of variation
CW clockwise
DAC digital-to-analog converter
DAEB domain address -event bus
DAVIS Dynamic and Active-Pixel Vision Sensor
DC direct current
DCT discrete cosine transform
DDS differential double sampling
DFA deterministic finite automaton
DIY do it yourself
DMA direct memory access
DNC digital network chip
DOF degree(s) of freedom
DPE dynamic parameter estimation
DPI differential pair integrator
DPRAM dual-ported RAM
DRAM dynamic random access memory
DSP digital signal processor/processing
DVS dynamic vision sensor
EEPROM electrically erasable programmable read only memory
EPSC excitatory post-synaptic current
EPSP excitatory post-synaptic potential
ESD electrostatic discharge
ETH Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule
EU European Union
FACETS Fast Analog Computing with Emergent Transient States
FE frame events
FET field effect transistor
FET also Future and Emerging Technologies
FG floating gate
FIFO First-In First-Out (memory)
fMRI functional magnetic resonance imaging
FPAA field-programmable analog array
FPGA field-programmable gate array
FPN fixed pattern noise
FPS frames per second
FSI front side illumination
FSM finite state machine
FX2LP A highly integrated USB 2.0 microcontroller from Cypress Semiconductor Corporation
GALS globally asynchronous, locally synchronous
GB gigabyte, 230 bytes
Gbps gigabits per second
Geps giga events per second
GPL general public license
GPS global positioning system
GPU graphics processing unit
GUI graphical user interface
HCO half-center oscillator
HDL Hardware Description Language
HEI hot electron injection
HH Hodgkin–Huxley
HiAER hierarchical AER
HICANN high input count analog neural network
HMAX Hierarchical Model and X
HMM Hidden Markov Model
HTML Hyper-Text Markup Language
HW hardware
HWR half-wave rectifier
hWTA hard winner-take-all
I&F integrate-and-fire
IC integrated circuit
IDC insulation displacement connector
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
IFAT integrate-and-fire array transceiver
IHC inner hair cell
IMS intramuscular stimulation
IMU inertial or intensity measurement unit
INCF International Neuroinformatics Coordinating Facility
INE Institute of Neuromorphic Engineering
I/O input/output
IP intellectual property
IPSC inhibitory post-synaptic current
ISI inter-spike interval
ISMS intraspinal micro stimulation
ITD interaural time difference
JPEG Joint Photographic Experts Group
KB kilobyte, 210 bytes
keps kilo events per second
LAEB local address-event bus
LFSR linear feedback shift register
LIF leaky integrate-and-fire
LLN log-domain LPF neuron
LMS least mean squares
LPF low-pass filter
LSM liquid-state machine
LTD long-term depression
LTI linear time-invariant
LTN linear threshold neuron
LTP long-term potentiation
LTU linear threshold unit
LUT look-up table
LVDS low voltage differential signaling
MACs multiplyand accumulate operations
MB megabyte, 220 bytes
MEMs microelectromechanical systems
Meps mega events per second
MIM metal insulator metal (capacitor)
MIPS microprocessor without interlocked pipeline stages (a microprocessor architecture)
MIPS also millions of instructions per second
MLR mesencephalic locomotor region
MMAC millions of multiply accumulate operations
MMC/SD Multimedia card/secure digital
MNC multi-neuron chip
MOSFET metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor
MUX multiplex; multiplexer
NE neuromorphic engineering
NEF neural engineering framework
nFET n-channel FET
NMDA N-Methyl-D-Aspartate
NoC Network on Chip
NSF National Science Foundation
OHC outer hair cell
OR Octopus Retina
ORISYS orientation system
OS operating system
OTA operational transconductance amplifier
PC personal computer
PCB printed circuit board
PCI Peripheral Component Interconnect
PCIe Peripheral Component Interconnect Express
PDR phase dependent response
pFET p-channel FET
PFM pulse frequency modulation
PLD programmable logic device
PRNG pseudo-random number generator
PSC post-synaptic current
PSRR power supply rejection ratio
PSTH peri-stimulus time histogram
PTAT proportional to absolute temperature
PVT process, voltage, temperature
PWM pulse width modulation
PyNN Python for Neural Networks
Q quality factor of filter
QE quantum efficiency
QIF quadratic integrate-and-fire
QVGA Quarter Video Graphics Array; 320 ×240 pixel array
RAM random access memory
REQ request
RF radio frequency
RF also receptive field
RFC Request for Comments(a publication of the Internet Engineering Task Force and the Internet Society
RISC reduced instruction set computing
RMS root mean square
RNN recurrent neural network
ROI region of interest
SAC selective attention chip
SAER serial AER
SAM spatial acuity modulation
SATA serial ATA (an interface standard for connecting mass storage devices (e.g., hard disks) to computers, designed to replace ATA)
SATD sum of absolute timestamp differences
SC spatial contrast
S-C switched-capacitor
SCX Silicon Cortex
SDRAM synchronous dynamic random access memory
SerDes serializer/deserializer
SFA spike-frequency adaptation
SiCPG silicon CPG
SIE serial interface engine
SiN silicon neuron
SNR signal-to-noise ratio
SOS second-order section
SpiNNaker spiking neural network architecture
SRAM static random access memory
SS shifted source
SSI stacked silicon interconnect
STD short-term depression
STDP spike timing-dependent plasticity
STRF spatiotemporal receptive field
SW software
sWTA soft winner-take-all
TC temporal contrast
TCAM ternary content-addressable memory
TCDS time correlated double sampling
TCP Transport Control Protocol
TN TrueNorth
TTFS time to first spike
UCSD University of California at San Diego
UDP User Datagram Protocol
USB universal serial bus
USO unit segmental oscillators
V1 primary visual cortex
VGA Video Graphics Array; 640×480 pixel array
VHDL Verilog Hardware Description Language
VISe VIsion Sensor
VLSI very large scale integration
VME VERSAbus Eurocard bus standard
VMM vector-matrix multiplication/multiplier
WABIAN-2R WAseda BIpedal humANoid No. 2 Refined (robot)
WKB Wentzel–Kramers–Brillouin
WR_OTA wide-linear range OTA
WTA winner-take-all
XML Extensible Markup Language
ZMP zero moment point
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