

Actual cost of work preformed (ACWP), 110

Agile software development process

Bank on the Verge: Case Study, 176, 183

Managing Global Software Development at FibOptia: Case Study, 332, 337

Algorithmic (model-based) estimation decision approaches for PEAK, 72

Aligning process objectives with business goals, 170

Allocating overhead, 69

ARCEP (Autorité de Régulation des Communications Électroniques des Postes), 313

Assumed risk

Bank on the Verge: Case Study, 187

California bridge problem, 12

change requests, 35

managing global development, 328

managing plans, 97

managing process, 173

managing stakeholder expectations, 288

New Technology—Is It Always the Best?: Case Study, 157

On Time, Within Budget, but Wrong: Case Study, 51

PEAK decision-making model, 6

people interactions, 255

schedules, 145

SEWeb and Russoft Technologies: Case Study, 221

To Replan or Not to Replan?: Case Study, 123

when a team runs a race, 90


Bank on the Verge: Case Study, 186

California bridge problem, 11

change requests, 34

estimating cost, 74

estimating quality, 76

estimating schedule, 76

estimating scope, 75

estimation decision approaches for PEAK, 73

managing global development, 327

managing plans, 96

managing process, 173

managing stakeholder expectations, 286

New Technology—Is It Always the Best?: Case Study, 157

PEAK decision-making model, 6

schedules, 145

SEWeb and Russoft Technologies: Case Study, 220

software test rerun problem, 9

To Be or Not to Be: A Sense of Urgency at TestBridge: Case Study, 254

To Replan or Not to Replan?: Case Study, 122

ATM (automatic teller machine), Bank on the Verge: Case Study, 177

ATRAM project, Damn the Process, Full Speed Ahead: Case Study, 191

Attributes. See Quality attributes; Software quality attributes

Automatic teller machine (ATM), Bank on the Verge: Case Study, 177

Autorité de Régulation des Communications Électroniques des Postes (ARCEP), 313


Bank on the Verge: Case Study, 175-188

BCWP (budgeted cost of work performed). See Earned value (EV)

BCWS (budgeted cost of work scheduled). See Planned value (PV)

Bias, estimation bias, 84

Bottom-up resource allocation, managing estimates, 69

Brake feedback monitor (BMF), 149

Bridge problem case study, 10


contract elements, 31

customer expectations, 272

decisions to make when establishing requirements, 25

decisions to make when managing requirements change and scope, 36

decisions to make when managing software project plans, 103

estimating, 73

guidelines when making decisions about project plans, 107

Managing Plans Is in the Details: Case Study, 133

SEWeb and Russoft Technologies: Case Study, 201-222

software project planning, 99

To Replan or Not to Replan?: Case Study, 109-125

tracking, controlling and estimating, 102

Budgeted cost of work performed (BCWP). See Earned value (EV)

Budgeted cost of work scheduled (BCWS). See Planned value (PV)

Budget planning, managing plans, 101

Business goals

aligning process objectives with, 170

decisions when establishing requirements, 24

On Time, Within Budget, but Wrong: Case Study, 54-65

Business objectives, aligning requirements with, 23

Buy-in from rank-and-file engineers, Bank on the Verge: Case Study, 175-188


Calendar synchronization, 309

California Bridge Problem: Case Study, 10

Case studies

Bank on the Verge, 175-188

California Bridge Problem, 10

Damn the Process, Full Speed Ahead, 189-193

Data-Processing Problem, 14-17

Estimation as a Tool, 78-83

Falcon Edutainment and the RiskSim Project, 223-231

Friend or Foe at Hanover-Tech, 258-264

Globally Distributed Team: FibreNet Project, 311-330

Managing Global Software Development at FibOptia, 330-341

Managing Plans Is in the Details, 125-137

New Account Project at HBC, 39-54

New Technology—Is It Always the Best?, 147-159

On Time, Within Budget, but Wrong, 54-65

SEWeb and Russoft Technologies, 201-222

Software Test Rerun Problem, 7-10

TCP enhancements at Gigaplex Systems, 275-292

To Be or Not to Be: A Sense of Urgency at TestBridge, 243-257

To Replan or Not to Replan?, 109-125

Tough Sell at Henkel Labs, 292-304

Unfamiliar Legacy Code Problem, 12

When a Team Runs a Race, 84-91

Why is This Product Wrong?, 159-165

Change management

estimates, 70

New Technology—Is It Always the Best?: Case Study, 147-159

Changes in requirements

about, 33-37

defined, 22

Changes to process midstream, 169

Changes to project plans, managing in midstream, 102

Client expectations, TCP Enhancements at Gigaplex Systems: Case Study, 275-292


Globally Distributed Team: FibreNet Project: Case Study, 311-330

global software development, 305

Managing Global Software Development at FibOptia: Case Study, 330-341


with customer stakeholder, 270

Friend or Foe at Hanover-Tech: Case Study, 258-264

Globally Distributed Team: FibreNet Project: Case Study, 311-330

importance of, 233

Managing Global Software Development at FibOptia: Case Study, 330-341

managing people interactions, 233-265

stakeholder interactions, 234

To Be or Not to Be: A Sense of Urgency at TestBridge: Case Study, 243-257

Tough Sell at Henkel Labs: Case Study, 292-304

Communications about risk, 195, 200, 223-231

Communication style, influencing people interactions, 237

Compensation, To Be or Not to Be: A Sense of Urgency at TestBridge: Case Study, 243-257

Conceptual design of a solution, managing estimates, 69

Cone of uncertainty, when a team runs a race, 70

Configuration management, activities in managing product, 142

Conflict management, interactions between project stakeholders, 236

Connectionless communication, defined, 314

Conquer (bottom-up resource allocation), managing estimates, 69

Consistency, decisions to make when eliciting and stating requirements, 27

Context situation, influencing people interactions, 237

Contingencies, contract elements, 31

Contracting requirements

about, 30-33

defined, 22


budgets, 102

quality assurance, 142

risk, 199

Conversion projects, 295, 298, 300


contract elements, 31

customer expectations, 272

decisions to make when establishing requirements, 25

decisions to make when managing requirements change and scope, 36

estimating, 73

key concepts, 144

managing process, 173

risk management, 197

stakeholders’ point of view, 3

Cost performance index (CPI)

defined, 111

To Replan or Not to Replan?: Case Study, 118

Coverage, decisions to make when eliciting and stating requirements, 27

Criteria, for verification and validation, 29, 38

Cultural challenges, Globally Distributed Team: FibreNet Project: Case Study, 311-330

Cultural differences, Globally Distributed Team: FibreNet Project: Case Study, 323

Culture, tradition and mores, influencing people interactions, 237

Customer communications

managing stakeholder expectations, 270

SEWeb and Russoft Technologies: Case Study, 201-222

Customer expectations

Falcon Edutainment and the RiskSim Project: Case Study, 223-231

managing, 223-231, 272

TCP Enhancements at Gigaplex Systems: Case Study, 275-292

Customers. See also Stakeholders

On Time, Within Budget, but Wrong: Case Study, 54-65

stakeholder expectations, 268, 271

types of, 271

Customer satisfaction, factors in, 274

Customer-user-manager entity, 268

Customer-user-team-boss entity, 268

CyCorp, TCP Enhancements at Gigaplex Systems: Case Study, 275-292


Damn the Process, Full Speed Ahead: Case Study, 189-193

Data-Processing Problem: Case Study, 14-17


managing decisions, 1-18

managing estimates, 67-92

managing global development, 305-342

managing people interactions, 233-265

managing plans, 93-138

managing process, 167-194

managing product, 139-165

managing requirements, 19-66

managing risk, 195-232

managing stakeholder expectations, 267-305

PEAK decision model, 4-7

Defecting customers, 271


process, 170

products, 142

project objectives, 100


contract elements, 31

defined, 23

validating, 37

Delivery, products, 141

Delivery schedules, When a Team Runs a Race: Case Study, 84

Department of Defense (DoD), On Time, Within Budget, but Wrong: Case Study, 54

Desirement, customer expectations, 272

Developers, stakeholder expectations, 268

Development, products, 141

Development management, activities in managing, 142

Directness, personality styles, 240

Disclaimers, contract elements, 31

Distributed software development, 306

Divide (element-wise decomposition), managing estimates, 69

DoD (Department of Defense), On Time, Within Budget, but Wrong: Case Study, 54


Earned value (EV), defined, 111

Efficiency, managing process, 172

Element-wise decomposition, managing estimates, 69

Eliciting requirements, 21, 25

Employee compensation, To Be or Not to Be: A Sense of Urgency at TestBridge: Case Study, 243-257

Employee motivation, To Be or Not to Be: A Sense of Urgency at TestBridge: Case Study, 243-257

Engineering. See Software

Environment, influencing people interactions, 237

Establishing requirements

about, 23

defined, 21

Estimates, 67-92

budget, 73, 102

case studies about, 77-91

change management, 70

construction, 70

defined, 68

global software development, 307

quality, 76

schedules, 75, 102

scope, 74

SEWeb and Russoft Technologies: Case Study, 201-222

Estimation as a Tool: Case Study, 78-83

Estimation bias, When a Team Runs a Race: Case Study, 84

EV (earned value), defined, 111


process performance, 171

process results, 169

project plans, 106

ExecSoft, Falcon Edutainment and the RiskSim Project: Case Study, 223-231

Execution, managing process, 169


Falcon Edutainment and the RiskSim Project: Case Study, 223-231

influencing people interactions, 237

stakeholders, 257, 267-305, 309

To Be or Not to Be: A Sense of Urgency at TestBridge: Case Study, 243-257


Face-to-face communications, global software development, 316

Factor influence analysis, upcoming communications, 241

Falcon Edutainment and the RiskSim Project: Case Study, 223-231

Faster-paced personalities, 240

Fault tolerance, defined, 190

Fiber-optic communications, Globally Distributed Team: FibreNet Project: Case Study, 312

FibOptia case study, 330-341

FibreNet Project case study, 311-330

Field service, activities in managing product, 143

Formats, decisions to make when eliciting and stating requirements, 28

FTTH (fiber to the home), 313, 319

Functional requirements

decisions to make when eliciting and stating requirements, 27

decisions to make when establishing requirements, 24

defined, 20


Gantt chart, To Replan or Not to Replan?: Case Study, 114

Geographical Information System (GIS), defined, 55

Geographical Navigational Satellite System (GNSS), defined, 55

Gigaplex Systems Case Study, 275-292

GIS (Geographical Information System), defined, 55

Global development projects, managing, 305-342

Globally Distributed Team: FibreNet Project: Case Study, 311-330

Global positioning system (GPS), On Time, Within Budget, but Wrong: Case Study, 54

Global software development, defined, 305

GNSS (Geographical Navigational Satellite System), defined, 55

Goals. See also Business goals; Business objectives; Project objectives

influencing people interactions, 237

Goal setting, To Be or Not to Be: A Sense of Urgency at TestBridge: Case Study, 243-257

GPS (global positioning system), On Time, Within Budget, but Wrong: Case Study, 54

Greenfield development, defined, 148

Guardedness, personality styles, 240


Hamilton Banking Corporation (HBC), new account project case study, 39-54

Henkel Labs Case Study, 292-304

Historical data, estimation decision approaches for PEAK, 72

Hostages (customer type), 271


Identifying, risks, 199

Incremental software release, defined, 313

Indirectness, personality styles, 240

Information technology (IT), New Account Project at HBC: Case Study, 40

In-person meetings, 307, 309, 318, 325, 327

Inputs to PEAK decision-making model

about, 6

California bridge problem, 11

data-processing problem, 16

software test rerun problem, 9

unfamiliar legacy code problem, 14

Installation, activities in managing, 142

Interaction size, influencing people interactions, 237

Internet communications protocols, 281

Internet protocol (IP), 313

IT (information technology)

New Account Project at HBC: Case Study, 40

To Replan or Not to Replan?: Case Study, 110

Iterative software development, defined, 313


Leadership, interactions between project stakeholders, 236

Legacy Code Problem: Case Study, 12

Legal issues, decisions to make when establishing requirements, 25

Life-cycle development, Bank on the Verge: Case Study, 175-188

Loaded cost, defined, 85

Loyal customers, 271



customer expectations, 223-231, 272

decisions, 1-18

estimates, 67-92

expectations, 258-264

global development, 305-342

people interactions, 233-265

perceptions, 271

plans, 93-138

process, 167-194

product, 139-165

requirements, 19-66, 201-222

risk, 195-232

stakeholder expectations, 267-305

stakeholder relationships, 258-264

Managing Global Software Development at FibOptia: Case Study, 330-341

Managing Plans Is in the Details: Case Study, 125-137

Managing requirements, defined, 20

MDSD (model-driven software development), verifying and validating requirements, 29

Measuring, process, 171

Mercenaries (customer type), 271

Metrics, defined, 79

Milestone planning, managing plans, 100


defined, 98

guidelines when making decisions about project plans, 106

Mitigating risk, 199

Model-based estimation decision approaches for PEAK, 72

Model-driven software development (MDSD), verifying and validating requirements, 29

Models. See also PEAK decision-making model

stakeholder expectations model, 2


influencing people interactions, 237

To Be or Not to Be: A Sense of Urgency at TestBridge: Case Study, 243-257


Negotiating requirements

about, 30-33

defined, 22


between project stakeholders, 236

To Be or Not to Be: A Sense of Urgency at TestBridge: Case Study, 243-257

Tough Sell at Henkel Labs: Case Study, 292-304

New Account Project at HBC: Case Study, 39-54

New Technology—Is It Always the Best?: Case Study, 147-159

Non-functional requirements

decisions to make when eliciting and stating requirements, 27

decisions to make when establishing requirements, 24

defined, 20

On Time, Within Budget, but Wrong: Case Study, 60


Objectives. See also Business objectives; Project objectives

influencing people interactions, 237

Object-oriented (OO)

Bank on the Verge: Case Study, 182

defined, 148

Offshore development

SEWeb and Russoft Technologies: Case Study, 201-222

Tough Sell at Henkel Labs: Case Study, 292-304

On Time, Within Budget, but Wrong: Case Study, 54-65

OO (object-oriented)

Bank on the Verge: Case Study, 182

defined, 148

Openness, personality styles, 240

Open System Interconnection (OSI) Reference Model, 313

Outputs to PEAK decision-making model

about, 6

California bridge problem, 12

data-processing problem, 16

software test rerun problem, 9

unfamiliar legacy code problem, 14

Outsourcing, 306

Overhead, allocating, 69


Packet-switched network, defined, 314

PEAK decision-making model

about, 4-7

California bridge problem, 11

change requests, 34

data-processing problem, 16

Estimation as a Tool: Case Study, 82

managing estimates, 72

managing global development, 326

managing plans, 95

managing process, 168, 173

people interactions, 253

product management, 140

risk management, 196

schedules, 145

software test rerun problem, 8

unfamiliar legacy code problem, 13

People interactions

global software development, 309

managing, 233-265

People-oriented personalities, 240


product, 142, 159-165

stakeholders, 271

When a Team Runs a Race: Case Study, 84

Personality, influencing people interactions, 237, 239

Phone Switch Customer Service (PSCS), 163

Planned value (PV), defined, 112

Plans. See also Software project plans; Software release plans

budget planning, 101

defined, 93

Globally Distributed Team: FibreNet Project: Case Study, 311-330

global software development, 308

managing, 93-138

PEAK decision-making model, 95

schedule planning, 101

SEWeb and Russoft Technologies: Case Study, 201-222

staffing and other resource planning, 101

task and milestone planning, 100

types of, 94

The Platinum Rule: Discover the Four Basic Business Personalities and How They Can Lead You to Success, 240

Policy. See Project policies

Price, customer expectations, 273

“Price is no object,” 143


estimating scope, 75

for stakeholders when negotiating or contracting requirements, 32

Process, 167-194. See also Decision-making; PEAK decision-making model

activities of process management, 169

as a necessary evil, 170

case studies about, 174-193

contract elements, 31

Damn the Process, Full Speed Ahead: Case Study, 189-193

decisions to make when eliciting and stating requirements, 28

decisions to make when establishing requirements, 25

decisions to make when managing requirements change and scope, 36

decisions to make when negotiating or contracting requirements, 33

decisions to make when validating software project deliverables, 38

decisions to make when verifying and validating requirements, 30

defined, 167

global software development, 308, 310

making decision about, 172

Managing Global Software Development at FibOptia: Case Study, 330-341

managing stakeholder expectations, 270

PEAK decision-making model, 168

product management, 143

software project planning, 99

stakeholder expectations model, 2

versus product issues, 160

Why Is This Product Wrong?: Case Study, 159-165

Process improvement, defined, 169

Process management

Bank on the Verge: Case Study, 175-188

Damn the Process, Full Speed Ahead: Case Study, 189-193


global software development, 308

Managing Global Software Development at FibOptia: Case Study, 330-341

managing stakeholder expectations, 270

Product definition, activities in managing, 142

Product delivery, 141

activities in managing, 142

process involvement with, 189

Product development, PEAK inputs, 140

Productivity numbers, defined, 79

Product-line development

activities in managing, 142

New Technology—Is It Always the Best?: Case Study, 147-159

Product management

defined, 140

New Technology—Is It Always the Best?: Case Study, 147-159

PEAK decision-making model, 140

process, 143

Why Is This Product Wrong?: Case Study, 159-165

Products. See also Software products

managing, 139-165

Product support, PEAK inputs, 141

Product versus process issues, 160

Project cost. See Cost

Project decision-making

managing decisions, 1-18

managing estimates, 67-92

managing global development, 305-342

managing people interactions, 233-265

managing plans, 93-138

managing process, 167-194

managing product, 139-165

managing requirements, 19-66

managing risk, 195-232

managing stakeholder expectations, 267-305

Project estimation. See Estimates

Project management. See also Managing; Project decision-making

global software development, 310

Tough Sell at Henkel Labs: Case Study, 292-304

Project management area, project plan information, 98

Project management data and metrics, Managing Plans Is in the Details: Case Study, 125-137

Project objectives

contract elements, 31

managing plans, 100

Project organization, decisions to make when managing software project plans, 103

Project planning, SEWeb and Russoft Technologies: Case Study, 201-222

Project plans. See also Software project plans

decisions to make when managing software project plans, 109-125

guidelines when making decisions about project plans, 105

Managing Plans Is in the Details: Case Study, 125-137

To Replan or Not to Replan?: Case Study, 109-125

Project policies, business planning, 100

Project quality. See also Quality; Software quality

decisions to make when managing software project plans, 104

Project replanning

decisions to make when managing software project plans, 105

To Replan or Not to Replan?: Case Study, 109-125

Project risks. See also Risk

decisions to make when managing software project plans, 104

PEAK decision model, 196

To Replan or Not to Replan?: Case Study, 109-125

Projects. See also Software projects

defined, 93

tracking, 105

Project schedules. See Delivery schedules; Schedules

Project scope. See also Scope

managing plans, 100

Project staffing. See Staffing

Project status, tracking, 134

Project tracking. See Tracking

Project vital signs, 106

PSCS (Phone Switch Customer Service), 163

Pulse points, projects, 106

PV (planned value), defined, 112


QoS (quality of service), Globally Distributed Team: FibreNet Project: Case Study, 312-337

Quality. See also Software quality; Software quality attributes

Bank on the Verge: Case Study, 175-188

cone of uncertainty, 71

customer expectations, 273

Damn the Process, Full Speed Ahead: Case Study, 189-193

decisions to make when managing requirements change and scope, 36

estimating, 76

issues in product management, 143

New Technology—Is It Always the Best?: Case Study, 147-159

process, 172

risk management, 197

software development process as a quality filter, 168

Quality assurance, activities in managing, 142

Quality attributes. See also Software quality attributes

defined, 139

Why Is This Product Wrong?: Case Study, 159-165

Quality of service (QoS), Globally Distributed Team: FibreNet Project: Case Study, 312-337


Radio frequency identification (RFID), On Time, Within Budget, but Wrong: Case Study, 54

Rational Unified Process (RUP), defined, 39, 332, 337

Real-time software systems, response expectations, 26

Redundancy, defined, 190

References, 343-354

Relationship management, interactions between project stakeholders, 236

Remote software development teams, 306

Renaissance Project, To Replan or Not to Replan?: Case Study, 114

Replanning projects

about, 94

decisions to make when managing software project plans, 105

To Replan or Not to Replan?: Case Study, 109-125

Requirements, 19-66

case studies about, 7-17

eliciting and stating, 21, 25

establishing, 21, 23

Falcon Edutainment and the RiskSim Project: Case Study, 223-231

global software development, 307

managing activities, 21

managing change and scope, 22, 33-37

negotiating and contracting, 22, 30-33

SEWeb and Russoft Technologies: Case Study, 208

understanding for managing estimates, 69

validating deliverables to requirements, 23, 37

verifying and validating, 22, 28

Requirements definition, defined, 20

Requirements engineering, defined, 20

Requirements management

defined, 20

SEWeb and Russoft Technologies: Case Study, 201-222

Resource allocation. See also Budget; Schedules; Shared resources; Staffing

decisions to make when managing software project plans, 103

guidelines when making decisions about project plans, 107

Managing Plans Is in the Details: Case Study, 133

tradeoffs when managing risk, 200

Resource planning, managing plans, 101

Reuse, defined, 148

RFID (radio frequency identification), On Time, Within Budget, but Wrong: Case Study, 54

Risk. See also Assumed risk

activities in managing, 198

communication about, 195, 200

decisions to make when negotiating or contracting requirements, 33

decisions to make when verifying and validating requirements, 30

Falcon Edutainment and the RiskSim Project: Case Study, 223-231

global software development, 309

identifying, 199

managing, 195-232

mitigating, tracking and controlling, 199

PEAK decision-making model, 6, 196

SEWeb and Russoft Technologies: Case Study, 201-222

software project planning, 99

RiskSim Project and Falcon Edutainment case study, 223-231

Risk statement formulation, 199

Roles, stakeholders when negotiating and contracting requirements, 32

RUP (Rational Unified Process), defined, 332

Russoft Technologies and SEWeb case study, 201-222


SA (Selective Availability), defined, 56

SAP software, To Replan or Not to Replan?: Case Study, 109

Schedule performance index (SPI)

defined, 112

To Replan or Not to Replan?: Case Study, 118

Schedule planning, managing plans, 101

Schedules. See also Delivery schedules

contract elements, 31

customer expectations, 273

decisions to make when establishing requirements, 25

decisions to make when managing requirements change and scope, 36

decisions to make when managing software project plans, 103

estimating, 75

guidelines when making decisions about project plans, 107

Managing Plans Is in the Details: Case Study, 133

process, 172

product management, 144

To Replan or Not to Replan?: Case Study, 109-125

tracking, controlling and estimating, 102

Scope. See also Project scope

cone of uncertainty, 71

customer expectations, 272

estimating, 74

of requirements, 22, 33-37

risk management, 196

Scope creep, change requests, 35

Scrum, defined, 277

Selecting, process, 170

Selective Availability (SA), defined, 56

Self management, interactions between project stakeholders, 236

Separation, of stakeholders, 30

Service. See also Field service; Software service

about, 143

SEWeb and Russoft Technologies: Case Study, 201-222

Shared resources, Managing Plans Is in the Details: Case Study, 125

Sharing information, Globally Distributed Team: FibreNet Project: Case Study, 311-330

Short time frame, SEWeb and Russoft Technologies: Case Study, 201-222

Simulation/training sector, Falcon Edutainment and the RiskSim Project: Case Study, 223-231

Slack time, defined, 112

Slower-paced personalities, 240

Small budget, SEWeb and Russoft Technologies: Case Study, 201-222

Software. See also Agile software development process

decision-making model, 5

defined, 97

global software development, 305

iterative software development, 313

V model of software development, 314

Software artifacts, defined, 97

Software development process, as a quality filter, 168

Software estimates, defined, 68

Software evolution, quality attributes, 26

Software products. See also Products

defined, 97

Software professionals, knowledge of decision-making process, 2

Software project deliverables. See also Deliverables

defined, 97

validating, 37

Software project manager, stakeholder expectations, 268

Software project plans. See also Plans

about, 98

Software projects. See also Project decision-making

defined, 98

risk, 196

Software quality

DoD definition, 56

software attributes, 20

Software quality attributes. See also Quality attributes

about, 20

DoD definition, 56

On Time, Within Budget, but Wrong: Case Study, 60

software evolution, 26

software quality, 20

Software release plans

about, 26

On Time, Within Budget, but Wrong: Case Study, 56

Software service, defined, 98

Software Test Rerun Problem; Case Study, 7-10

SPI (schedule performance index)

defined, 112

To Replan or Not to Replan?: Case Study, 118


contract elements, 31

decisions to make when establishing requirements, 25

decisions to make when managing software project plans, 103

guidelines when making decisions about project plans, 107

Managing Plans Is in the Details: Case Study, 133

planning, 101

To Replan or Not to Replan?: Case Study, 109-125


communications about risk, 200, 223-231

communication with, 233

decisions to make when managing requirements change and scope, 36

decisions to make when managing software project plans, 103

decisions to make when negotiating or contracting requirements, 32

decisions to make when validating software project deliverables, 38

decisions to make when verifying and validating requirements, 29

defined, 267

eliciting and stating requirements, 25

establishing requirements, 23

expectations, 257, 267-305, 309

Friend or Foe at Hanover-Tech: Case Study, 258-264

managing expectations, 267-305

model of expectations, 2

New Account Project at HBC: Case Study, 39-54

perceptions, 271

product management decisions, 148

separation of, 30

software project plans, 99

Storing information, Globally Distributed Team: FibreNet Project: Case Study, 311-330

Subplans, creating and working with, 134

Subprojects, guidelines when making decisions about project plans, 107

Support, products, 141


Task-oriented personalities, 240

Task planning, managing plans, 100


defined, 98

guidelines when making decisions about project plans, 106

TCP Enhancements at Gigaplex Systems: Case Study, 275-292

Teaching process, 171

Team morale, TCP Enhancements at Gigaplex Systems: Case Study, 275-292

Team organization, TCP Enhancements at Gigaplex Systems: Case Study, 275-292

Teams, remote or virtual software development, 306

Testability, decisions to make when eliciting and stating requirements, 27

TestBridge case study, 243-257

Three-Tech consulting company, 161

Threshold of success, risk management, 198


contract elements, 31

decisions to make when establishing requirements, 25

decisions to make when managing requirements change and scope, 36

estimating, 75

risk management, 197

SEWeb and Russoft Technologies: Case Study, 201-222

slack time, 112

Time separation, Globally Distributed Team: FibreNet Project: Case Study, 323

To Be or Not to Be: A Sense of Urgency at TestBridge: Case Study, 243-257

To Replan or Not to Replan?: Case Study, 109-125

Tough Sell at Henkel Labs: Case Study, 292-304


budgets and schedules, 102

project plans, 105

projects, 109-125

project status, 134

risk, 199

SEWeb and Russoft Technologies: Case Study, 201-222

Tradition, culture and mores, influencing people interactions, 237

Training, activities in managing product, 143

Training/simulation sector, Falcon Edutainment and the RiskSim Project: Case Study, 223-231

Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), 277, 281


managing global development, 309, 321, 322, 325, 336, 339

TCP Enhancements at Gigaplex Systems: Case Study, 283, 291


UDP (User Datagram Protocol), 277

Unfamiliar Legacy Code Problem: Case Study, 12

Unified Modeling Language (UML), 39, 332

Unknowns in requirements, identifying and resolving, 29

Use cases, New Account Project at HBC: Case Study, 41

User Datagram Protocol (UDP), 277

Users, stakeholder expectations, 268



deliverables to requirements, 23, 37

process, 171

requirements, 22, 28


process, 171

requirements, 22, 28

Virtual software development teams, 306

Vital signs, projects, 106

V model of software development, defined, 314, 332

VoIP (voice over packet-switched IP), 314


Wabash Project for Transport, 149

Warranties, contract elements, 31

Washington Transit Authority (WTA) project, 79

Web-based system development, SEWeb and Russoft Technologies: Case Study, 204, 207

When a Team Runs a Race: Case Study, 84-91

Why Is This Product Wrong?: Case Study, 159-165

Work planning, software project plans, 99

WTA (Washington Transit Authority) project, 79

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