

accuracy 53

action 3, 40, 150

actors 36, 80; career paths for dramaturgs 188; casebooks 115, 11617, 121; close attention to 32; clues in the text 26; content for 64, 65; meetings with 97; mode of communication 106, 107; notes to 175, 178, 180; rehearsals 52, 124; social context 24; timing 58; working with 1815

advice 18791

aesthetics 28, 50, 51, 105

All for Love (Dryden) 82

ambiguity 94, 96

anachronisms 334

Anouilh, Jean 136

Anthony and Cleopatra (Shakespeare) 82

Antigone (Anouilh) 136

attention 58, 72

audiences 8, 13152; choice of place 80, 847; choice of time 889; communication with 106, 107; content for 64, 656, 104; devised theatre 167; dramaturg as audience outreach 99100; “elephant in the room” 734, 768; engagement with 183; exercises 1512; holistic perspective 51, 53; lobby displays 13340, 151, 182; play selection 81, 82; program notes 1403; questions answered 256; questions asked 32; student 71; study guides 14951, 152; talkbacks 1438, 1512, 160; understanding 14, 93; see also outreach

auditions 128

authenticity 334, 67; authentic response 44, 512, 54

authority 175, 176

Baker, Annie 82

Ball, David 19

Banksy 73

best practices 18791

“big picture”, seeing the 379, 41, 48, 545, 89, 133; see also holistic perspective

blocking 28, 30, 38, 57, 62, 179

blogs 121, 128, 132, 151, 186

Bly, Mark 6, 11, 110, 112, 174

Brown, Leonora Inez 11


casebooks 114, 11523, 124, 129, 142; answers to questions 16, 24, 34; rehearsals 126; schedule of events 127

casting choices 77

Century Cycle (Wilson) 118

character 18, 20, 21, 27, 36, 40; casebooks 119; devised theatre 166; holistic reading of a text 45; new plays 155; script analysis 112; study guides 149, 150; timing 612; working with actors 1812, 183, 1845

character-name pronunciation 64

characterization 40, 44, 53, 60

Chemers, Michael Mark 45, 11, 19

chemistry metaphor 95

Cho, Julia 82

city settings 856

collaboration 28, 30, 34, 1534; with actors 182, 183; with directors 48, 49; dramaturg as collaborator 978; flexible thinking 434; holistic perspective 54; new plays 1567, 161, 162, 185; with playwrights 478; timing 62

Collins, Billy 6, 112

commentary 65, 6670; outreach materials 132; program notes 140; reflective 52; staying in the moment 72

communication 35, 61, 95, 1057; with audience 1323; casebooks 1213; with designers and technicians 51; devised theatre 1678; with directors 48, 1256; lobby displays 1379; new plays 154, 15962; open 174, 185; program notes 143; talkbacks 1467; see also presentation

composition 28, 38, 42; designers 51; directors 52; timing 61

concrete metaphor 95

conduit metaphor 173

conflict 47, 63, 70, 745; directors 1745, 176, 177; talkbacks 159

content 35, 124; casebooks 11921; delivery 1056; devised theatre 1678; gathering 910, 95, 1014, 107, 11921, 1357, 138, 142, 146, 1589, 1678; lobby displays 1357, 138; new plays 154, 1589; pre-production 111; program notes 142; questions answered 16, 26, 53; study guides 149; synthesis of 103, 121, 142; talkbacks 146; when to offer 636, 701; see also information; research

context 14, 20, 42, 79, 100, 185; casebooks 115, 120; devised theatre 163; “elephant in the room” 77; glossaries 119; meaning of 102; questions 1617, 26; social 24; study guides 149

continuity 52, 53, 124, 125, 129, 164

conventions 20, 22

cooking metaphor 956

costume design 38, 57, 125

creativity 7, 89, 169

criticism 601

The Crucible (Miller) 88

curation 78, 10

deadlines 589

Death of a Salesman (Miller) 83

defining the project 9, 95, 96100, 101, 107; casebooks 116, 119; devised theatre 1678; lobby displays 1345, 138; new plays 1578; program notes 1412; study guides 149; talkbacks 1446


definition of dramaturg 47

designers: casebooks 116, 121; clues in the text 26; communication to the audience 80; conversations with 61, 114; holistic perspective 501; mode of communication 107; pre-production 11314; requests for commentary 68; schedule of events 128; social context 24; timing 57, 58

detail 37, 38, 55, 184

devised theatre 146, 1639, 170, 185, 1867

digital presentation 1056, 1212, 123

directors 36, 489; artistic choices 80; career paths for dramaturgs 188; casebooks 116, 121; communication with 106, 1256; composition 52; content for 64; conversations with 114; devised theatre 168, 187; “elephant in the room” 75; holistic perspective 53; meetings with 97, 98; point of view 42; questions answered 23, 25, 26, 53; questions asked 2830, 32, 53, 61; requests for commentary 68; schedule of events 127, 128, 129; script suggestions 161; timing 57, 59; working with 1747, 179

discussion panels 131, 145

displays see lobby displays

Dramatists Guild 162

Dryden, John 82

Dubiner, Julie Felise 11, 110

educational materials 80, 135, 14951

efficacy 323, 34, 43, 48; casebooks 121; mode of communication 107; new plays 154; timing 66, 70

“elephant in the room” 738

email 126

An Enemy of the People (Ibsen) 118

Equus (Schaffer) 138

Eugene O’Neill Theatre Center 4

Eurydice (Ruhl) 82, 118

expectations 97, 103, 174; devised theatre 168; directors 176; new plays 156; rehearsals 123

experience, content as 1023

feedback 2930, 155, 187

Fences (Wilson) 401

Fletcher, Anne 11, 110

flexibility 7, 35, 434, 89, 934, 174; devised theatre 1634, 166, 169; effective collaboration 1534; research 102

The Flick (Baker) 82

flow 53, 63

forest and trees metaphor 379, 42, 47, 51, 54, 110, 161; see also holistic perspective

form 18, 20, 35, 44, 124

Fornes, Maria Irene 41

Fuchs, Elinor 112

ghost stories 103

glossaries 1012, 115, 11819, 120, 129, 150, 185

goals 49, 50, 99; devised theatre 163; new plays 157, 162; rehearsals 124; talkbacks 160


The Grapes of Wrath (Steinbeck) 139

Greek amphitheatres 86

Hamlet 31

Hedda Gabler (Ibsen) 174

holistic perspective 3755, 80, 93, 94, 174; audience needs 133; designers, technicians and management 501; devised theatre 169; directors 489; effective collaboration 1534; new plays 155, 158, 161; non-production 54; play selection 83; playwrights 468; production meetings 4950; in rehearsal 514; script reading 446

How I Learned to Drive (Vogel) 456

HowlRound 11

Ibsen, Henrik 118, 174

image 18, 27

inaccuracies 36

information: casebooks 11516; gathering 910, 14; program notes 1403; study guides 14951; see also content

Intimate Apparel (Nottage) 82

Ionesco, Eugène 136

Irelan, Scott 11, 110

“killing your darlings” 161

language 8, 18, 40, 112, 167; see also vocabulary

The Language Archive (Cho) 82

Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim 11

listening 58, 83, 114; new plays 154, 155; production meetings 50; rehearsals 523, 54; talkbacks 144, 146, 148

Literary Managers and Dramaturgs of the Americas (LMDA) 6, 171

lobby displays 76, 131, 13340, 182; exercises 151; new plays 186; questions answered 26; questions asked 32; schedule of events 128, 129

management 501

marketing 32, 1323

meaning 22, 40

media 121, 122

“meet the artists” 146

meetings 65, 97, 125; pre-production 11314; production 4950; schedule of events 127

mentors 189

metaphors 5, 124, 142, 1723; dramaturgical process 956; reading a text 27, 40, 44

method 9, 95108; communication of findings 1057; defining the project 96100; exercises 1078; gathering content 1014; tasks of a dramaturg 110

Miller, Arthur 83, 88

mindset 4, 56, 80, 8990; approach to the material 40; asking questions 14, 28, 34, 35; commentary 67; content offered 66; definition of dramaturg 7; devised theatre 165; dramaturg as practice 93, 94; holistic perspective 37, 38, 43, 46, 54; non-production 54; reading the text 1718, 21; tasks of a dramaturg 110, 115; timing 567, 58, 71, 78; understanding audiences 14

modes of communication 1067, 1223, 1379, 1423, 168


Morgan, Anne 189

movement 27

Mud (Fornes) 41

music 23, 179; authenticity 334; holistic perspective 39; working with playwrights 467

navigational metaphors 114, 172

need-based questions 24

new plays 144, 15462, 169, 1856

non-production 54

notes 53, 59, 66, 175, 178, 180; see also program notes

Nottage, Lynn 82, 145

online resources 102, 1056, 121

opinion 667, 69

Oregon Shakespeare Theatre 4

outreach 26, 76, 80, 1313; deadlines 58; dramaturg as audience outreach 99100; exercises 152; play selection 83; questions asked 32; see also lobby displays; program notes; study guides; talkbacks

pace 52, 53

panel discussions 131, 145

Parks, Suzan-Lori 82

performance dates 57

place 20, 27, 40; choice of 7980, 847, 89; holistic reading of a text 45; location information in glossaries 119, 185

play analysis 113

play selection 7980, 813, 89

playwrights: advocating for 53, 160, 162, 174; career paths for dramaturgs 188; casebooks 115, 11718; communication with 61; devised theatre 164, 166; “elephant in the room” 75; meetings with 97; new plays 154, 155, 15662, 1856; play analysis 113; pre-production 111; program notes 141; reading the text 1718; rhythm 56; study guides 149, 150; women 82; working with 30, 468, 155

politics 180

posters 139

pre-production 57, 60, 65, 11115, 124, 127

presentation 9, 10, 58, 1057, 112; casebooks 1213; devised theatre 168; lobby displays 1379; program notes 1423; study guides 150; see also communication

production history 115, 118, 141, 150

production team 36, 89; “elephant in the room” 735; meetings 4950, 97, 11314, 125, 127; questions answered 16, 225; questions asked 312; study guides 150; talkbacks 1456; see also actors; designers; directors; technicians

Proehl, Geoffrey 11

program notes 58, 131, 133, 1403; “elephant in the room” 76, 77; questions answered 26; questions asked 32; schedule of events 128

project definition see defining the project

pronunciation 64, 65, 1012, 118, 119

publicity 80, 1323, 151

questions 1335; answering 1415, 1626, 34, 35, 69, 80; asking 1315, 2635, 42, 66, 80, 94, 187; audiences 256, 32; devised theatre 165; directors 2830, 53; new plays 158, 161; production team 225, 312; rehearsals 52, 53, 126; rules for 325; talkbacks 146, 147; texts 1722, 278, 33; timing 5963, 72

read-throughs 52, 58, 65, 123

references 119

reflective commentary 52

rehearsals 26, 1237, 1778; devised theatre 163, 1689; dramaturg as audience advocate 132; “elephant in the room” 756; holistic perspective 514; questions asked 31; schedule of events 128, 129; timing 57; working with actors 182

relationships 14, 28, 58, 5960, 174, 175, 190

research 910, 1014, 11921; dramaturg as researcher 989; pre-production 111; production meetings 50; questions 25; scenarios 102; schedule of events 127; see also content


revelation, moments of 178

Rhinocéros (Ionesco) 136

rhythm 40, 41, 44, 52, 53, 56

role 3, 5, 6; active verbs 173; definition of 9, 10; dramaturg as collaborator 978; new-play dramaturg 1545; rehearsals 1234

Romanska, Magda 11

Ruhl, Sarah 82, 118

Ruined (Nottage) 145

rules: holistic reading of a text 45, 46; for life 18991; for questions 325; questions asked from the text 17, 18, 19, 22, 113

scavenger hunts 12930

schedules 579, 62, 701, 72, 78, 1279, 165

school groups 149, 150

scripts: devised theatre 163, 164, 165; directors’ suggestions 161; holistic reading of 446; new plays 155, 158; play selection 82; practice reading 170; questions answered 16, 1722; rehearsals 124; schedule of events 127, 128; script analysis 18, 19, 22, 312, 40, 11113, 114, 126; script development 47; see also texts

season planning 81

The Second Shepherds’ Play (Wakefield Cycle) 85

selection of play 7980, 813, 89

self-reflection 9

sexual scenes 745

Shaffer, Peter 138

Shakespeare, William 82, 99

Smith, Anna Deavere 85

sound design 39

space 21, 85

staged readings 156

story 18, 19, 22, 27, 133; devised theatre 163, 166; holistic reading of a text 45, 46; new plays 155

structure 18, 1920, 22; devised theatre 164; holistic reading of a text 45, 46; new plays 155; rhythm 56; transitions 184

study guides 58, 131, 133, 14951, 152

style 18, 27, 44, 45, 63, 150

synthesis of content 103, 121, 142

talkbacks 131, 133, 1438; “elephant in the room” 76, 77; exercises 1512; new plays 15960; prompts for 64; questions answered 26; schedule of events 129

tasks of a dramaturg 5, 10, 12, 10910; casebooks 11523; lobby displays 13340; pre-production 11115; program notes 1403; rehearsals 1237; study guides 14951; talkbacks 1438

technicians 24, 501, 58

texts: devised theatre 164, 168; holistic reading of 446; questions answered 1722, 33; questions asked 278, 33; see also scripts

theatres 84, 86

themes 18, 40, 124, 142, 149

time 18, 20, 21, 27, 40, 1734; casebooks 120; choice of 7980, 879; holistic reading of a text 456

timing 5678, 80, 174; asking a question 5963; devised theatre 1656, 169; “elephant in the room” 738; lobby displays 136; new plays 155, 157, 158; rehearsals 125; schedule of events 1279; sharing of content 71; staying in the moment 712; talkbacks 1478; when to offer commentary 6670; when to offer content 636, 701

Topdog/Underdog (Parks) 82


translation 967

truth 334, 40

Twilight: Los Angeles 1992 (Smith) 85

usage 43

verb, dramaturg as a 311, 934, 110

vision 44, 53; commentary 67; directors 28, 29, 489; new plays 159

visual imagery 65, 101; casebooks 115; devised theatre 163, 165, 167; program notes 143

visual landscape 42, 85, 89, 111

vocabulary 20, 113, 114; devised theatre 167; glossaries 119; new plays 159; program notes 142; script analysis 44; see also language

Vogel, Paula 45

Wakefield Cycle 85

way of seeing, dramaturgy as a 153, 172

websites 132

Williams, Tennessee 118

Wilson, August 401, 118

witnessing 17980

women playwrights 82

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